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acetaldehyde, 171

acetaminophen (Tylenol) warning, 172

Acta Biomed (journal), 244

Acta Oncologica (journal), 246

activity factor calculation, 176–77


       overview, 38, 41, 49, 243

       interleukins, 41, 57–58, 205, 308, 310–11, 320–21

       leptin, 41, 59, 240, 324–25

       TNF, 41, 57, 68, 69, 205, 308, 310–11, 321

adipose tissue, 40, 57–58, 240

adrenal function, 225, 311

adrenaline, 306, 307, 308, 310, 314–15

advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 30, 49

Advances in Breast Cancer Research (journal), 334

Advances in Nutrition (journal), 136, 168

advocating for yourself, 12

aerobic exercise, 244–49, 256–57, 268–69

AGEs (advanced glycation end products), 30, 49

alcohol, 89, 126, 170–71, 319

       acetaminophen warning, 172

allergic reactions

       overview, 307

       cortisol vs., 148, 250

       to dairy including whey protein, 102–3, 156

       food-allergy testing, 103

       to gluten, 151–52

       GMO-related, 156

       and lgE antibodies, 69–71

       mushrooms vs., 225–26, 429

       to peanuts, 181–82

       Th2 cytokines vs., 62, 63, 222–27

allicin, 134, 138–39, 421

Almond Butter Cookies, Flourless, 441

aloe vera, 200, 213

alpha-galactosidase enzyme, 181

alpha-lipoic acid, 205, 231

Alternative Therapies (journal), 44

Alzheimer’s disease, 51–52, 347

Ambrosia Fruit Salad, 440

American Academy of Pediatrics, 156

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, 60

American Heart Association, 130, 165

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 50, 97, 134–35, 144, 156, 166, 214–15

American Journal of Epidemiology, 217, 334

American Journal of Gastroenterology, 68

American Journal of Nutrition, 324–25

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 243

American Journal of Roentgenology, 345

American Journal of Surgery, 345

Ames, Bruce, 39

amino acids

       overview, 97

       aspartic acid, 332

       cysteine, 129–30, 335, 336, 375

       deficiency from protein-deficient diet, 197

       in eggs, 361, 375

       glutamate, 131, 132–33

       glutamic acid, 336

       glutamine, 73–74, 157, 200, 213, 222

       glycine, 129–30

       phenylalanine, 332

       and plant-based diets, 100–101

       in protein powders, 101–3

       and thyroid health, 129–30

       tryptophan, 326, 413, 418

       tyrosine, 129, 326

anemia, 112, 114, 124, 151

angiogenesis, 36, 116, 135–36, 310

Angiology (journal), 136, 206

Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, 223–24

Annals of Epidemiology, 48, 119–20

Annals of Surgery, 113

Annual Review of Anthropology, 98

Annual Review of Nutrition, 166

anthocyanins, 99–100, 134–36, 386–87

antibodies, 69–71, 103, 222, 224


       aloe vera, 213

       alpha-lipoic acid, 205

       butyrate, 65

       capsaicin, 394, 436

       cauliflower, 360

       curcumin, 195–96, 219–20, 224, 374

       garlic as, 139

       ginger, 139, 371, 386, 398, 409

       glutamine, 73–74, 157, 200, 213, 222

       jalapeños, 436

       omega-3 fatty acids, 3, 98–99, 137–38, 201, 205, 222, 385

       probiotic for colitis, 156–57

       for rebuilding your body, 196, 203, 221

       recipes, 383

       spinach, 421

       See also cortisol; vitamin D

antinutrients in unfermented soy, 164–65


       overview, 200–201

       alpha-lipoic acid, 205, 231

       apples, 431, 436–37

       artichoke, 378

       beta-carotene, 137, 427

       body’s built-in system, 203–4

       and cancer treatment, 211

       foods with, 134–36, 139, 367, 368, 386–87, 432

       in ginger, 139, 371, 386, 398

       glutathione, 335–36

       in grape seed, 173, 174, 200–201, 215

       in green tea, 216

       HDL, 27–28, 105–6, 115, 166, 204

       lycopene, 134–35, 137, 224, 382, 388

       OPCS, 215

       quercetin, 134–36, 139, 224, 378

       selenoproteins, 129

       vitamin C, 115–16, 137–38, 204, 213–15, 329–30

       vitamin E, 121, 196

       See also cruciferous vegetables

apoptosis, 35, 135, 215, 310

Archives of Internal Medicine (journal), 24, 229, 320–21, 323–24

Archives of Opthalmology, 137

aromatase, 46, 140, 149, 210–11

arterial inflammation biomarkers, 340

artichoke, 378

artificial flavors and colorings, 170

artificial sweeteners, 332–33

ashwagandha, 225

Asian Journal of Andrology, 133

Asian Red Slaw, 419

asparagus, 396

aspartame, 332

aspartic acid, 332

Aspergillus flavus, 182

assessing your health

       overview, 77–79, 84–85

       questions, 79–84

       See also medical tests

astragalus, 226


       overview, 27, 28, 30–31

       and autoimmune diseases, 34

       causes of, 25

       and cortisol, 312

       diseases associated with, 160

       and mercury toxicity, 330

       and vitamin D deficiency, 120–21

       See also coronary artery disease

Atherosclerosis (journal), 166

atrial fibrillation (AFib), 197–99

Australian Family Physician (journal), 246–47

autism, 68, 329

autoimmune diseases

       overview, 60–61, 222–23

       causes of, 25, 71

       celiac disease, 66, 152, 348, 349

       food triggers, 61–62, 63

       gluten reaction-related, 152

       and heart disease, 34

       leaky gut syndrome-related, 66, 67

       medical tests, 348–50

       and mercury toxicity, 331

       and overfat or obesity, 58–59

       relationship to other diseases, 22–23

       scleroderma sufferer’s story, 61–62

       and stress, 314–15

       Th1-and Th2-dominant conditions, 63

       type 1 diabetes, 48–49

       and vitamin D level, 120

       See also leaky gut syndrome

Autoimmunity Reviews (journal), 57, 59, 314

avocados, 362, 435

bacon, 361–62, 382

Banana Muffins, Gluten-Free, 442

Banana Oatmeal (var.), 365–66

basal metabolic rate (BMR), 175–76

B cells, 60, 64–65

Bean Dip, Tuscan, 439

Beef Confetti Bowl, 418

Beef Kebobs, Grilled, 402–3

Beef Shank, 391–92

berries, 135–36, 432, 443

Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology (journal), 321–22

Best Practice & Research Clinical Immunology (journal), 321

beta amyloid plaques, 51–52

beta-carotene, 137, 427

beta-casomorphin 7 (BMC-7), 103

beta-glucans, 139–40, 225

biliary cirrhosis, 349

Biochemical Journal, 214

Biochemical Pharmacology, 214

Biochemistry and Cell Biology (journal), 226

bioflavonoids, 215

Biological Psychiatry (journal), 244, 321

biomarkers, 337–38, 339–40. See also medical tests

biotin, 111, 231

Bison Burgers with Salsa, 370

Bison Meatloaf with Salsa (var.), 370

bisphenol A (BPA), 328, 333

Bland, Jeffrey, 13, 21

Blastocystis hominis parasite, 62

Bliss, David, 237

Bliss, Holly, 317

blood sugar

       overview, 94–95

       and cancer treatment, 210–11

       and carbohydrates, 148

       and cortisol, 250–51, 313

       and glycemic index, 161–64

       and insulin levels, 162–63

       problem regulating, 51

       refined grain spikes, 154

       regulating, 228–32, 394

       and sleep loss, 323–24

       and stress, 312

       supportocols for, 51

blood sugar-related tissue damage, 30, 40–41, 47, 49

Blueberry Smoothie, 432

blue corn chips, 386–87, 435

body composition

       overview, 3, 8–10

       bioelectrical body composition analyzer, 233

       body types, 241–43

       built-in antioxidant system, 203–4

       and cancer, 38, 39–40

       and exercise results, 251–54

       and functional medicine, 4, 12–14, 21, 23, 54–55, 71, 339–40

       losing fat and saving muscle, 239–41, 250, 252

       measurements of your body, 235–36, 241

       restoring your health with DIET, 10–11

       rules for health of, 141–49

       and stress, 313–14

       transforming your body, 236–41, 253

       as trigger for multiple diseases, 75–76

       See also body fat; caloric needs; functional medicine; internal terrain; overfat and obesity

body fat

       overview, 40

       body fat calipers, 177

       and body types, 241–43

       and breast cancer, 46

       and cancer, 55–57

       and death rates for cancer, 57

       and estrogen, 149, 246

       and immune system, 240

       medical tests for metabolism and, 127, 350–51

       oxidation of, 245, 246

       percentage calculation, 177–78

       weight loss vs. fat loss, 239–41

body mass index (BMI), 20, 177, 234–35, 352

body types, 241–43

bone health

       and calcium, 122–23

       and phosphorous, 128

       and vitamin D, 117, 118

BPA and BPA-free containers, 168

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (journal), 320–21

Bratislava Medical Journal, 115

breakfast, importance of, 144, 180

breast cancer, 45–48, 138, 140, 216, 322, 345

breast milk, 155

British Journal of Pharmacology, 224

British Medical Journal, 246

broccoli, 364–65, 379, 392–93, 420, 426

Broccoli, Sesame, 426

Broccoli & Kale Pasta, 392–93

Broccoli Rabe, 420

Brogan, Kelly, 244

Brussels Sprouts, Roasted, 424

butyrate, 65

B vitamins, 110–12, 110–14, 199, 207, 341–42, 368, 391, 408

Cabbage, Kale & Beans, Tuscan, 430

Cabbage & Carrot Soup, 371

cabbage recipes, 371, 379, 386, 423, 430

Cabbage Salad, Crunchy, 379

caffeic and chlorogenic acids, 434

calcitriol, 48, 117, 119–20, 215–16, 230

calcium, 122–23, 158

caloric needs

       overview, 175

       activity factor calculation, 176–77

       basal metabolic rate calculation, 175–76

       body fat percentage calculation, 177–78

       body mass index, 177, 234–35, 352

       daily caloric intake calculation, 179–80

       fat loss adjustment calculation, 178–79

calorie counting, 184, 185–88

calories, 92


       overview, 35–37, 342

       and body fat, 55–57

       breast cancer, 45–48, 138, 140, 216, 322, 345

       causes of, 25, 37–41, 46–47, 52

       from dairy products, 156

       deaths from, 23–24

       and diabetes or high insulin, 50

       and DNA mutations, 35–36, 323, 334

       and environmental toxins, 334

       foods or nutrients that prevent or control, 135, 138, 139–40, 195–96

       gluten reaction-related, 152

       and leaky gut syndrome, 67

       MALT, 202

       medical tests, 342–46

       melanoma, 118

       and melatonin, 322

       metastasis process, 36, 40, 215, 217, 310–11, 322

       oncogenic potential tests, 343

       patient experiences, 209–10

       prognosis and effectiveness of treatment tests, 344–45

       rebuilding yourself, 41–45, 196

       relationship to other diseases, 22–23

       and sleep loss, 39, 322–23

       and stress, 310–11

       survivor deals with aftermath, 114

       vitamin C vs., 116, 213–15

       vitamin D vs., 47–48, 119–20, 215–16, 218, 229

       See also chemotherapy; supplements for rebuilding during cancer care

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 217

Cancer Discovery (journal), 218

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (journal), 156, 217

Cancer Research (journal), 135, 138, 195–96, 246, 310

capsaicin, 394, 436

carbohydrates, 93–98, 148

Carcinogenesis (journal), 46, 217, 334

Cardiovascular Diabetology, 160

cardiovascular disease

       overview, 26

       blue and purple fruits and vegetables vs., 136

       and cholesterol, 28

       and endurance training, 245

       medical tests and biomarkers, 340–42

       sedentary lifestyle factor, 243

       and sleep loss, 322

       stick-and-clog theory, 27–28

       and vitamin D, 120–21

       See also coronary artery disease; heart disease

cardiovascular system, 330

carnosine, 74

carotenoids, 404

casein, 49, 101, 102, 103, 155–56, 328, 329

catechins, 134

cauliflower, 360–61, 363, 379

Cauliflower & Leek Fritters, 360–61

celebrating your transformation, 238–39

celiac disease, 66, 152, 348, 349

Cell (journal), 218

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 20–21, 124

“Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double-Edged Sword” (Cordain), 119, 150


       overview, 41–45

       exercise during, 246

       free radical damage, 214–15

       inflammation blocking effects of, 57

       secondary cancers related to, 334

       side effects, 209, 211, 221–22

       and supplements, 210, 211–12, 217–22

       and thyroid, 346

       Zembroski’s experience, 4–6

chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), 221–22


       free-range, 168

       recipes, 374, 395–99, 402–4, 407, 414–15

Chicken, Thai Curried, 414–15

Chicken Kebobs, 402–4

Chicken Sausage & Sweet Potatoes, 395–96

Chicken Stir-Fry, 396–97

chickpeas, 436

Chili, Chester’s, 394

Chinese Chicken, 398–99

Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 226

chloride (Cl), 131

chlorophyll, 137–38

chocolate, organic dark, 172

cholesterol, 26, 27–28, 105–6

choline, 395

chromium, 231

chronic diseases. See disease and diseases; individual diseases

chronic inflammation, 25

circadian rhythm, 250, 319, 323, 325

Circulation (journal), 27, 166, 205, 244, 246–47, 311–12, 342

Cleansing Ginger Cabbage Soup, 386

Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (journal), 244

cobalamin (B12), 111–12, 341–42, 391

coconut, 414

Cod, Thai Curried, 414–15

Cod Oreganato, 399–400

coffee, 172–73

colitis, 156–57

colon cancer, 50, 135

Color-Changing Shrimp Stir-Fry, 400–401

color of fruits and vegetables. See phytonutrients

condiment substitutes, 174

congestive heart failure, 123

conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 105

constipation, 213

contamination reduction, 89, 335–36, 396

copper, 123

Co Q10/Coenzyme Q10, 205–6

Cordain, Loren, 119, 150

coronary artery disease

       causes of, 25, 30

       diseases associated with, 160

       LDL particles and free radicals, 22

       and melatonin levels, 321

       and partially hydrogenated fats, 166–67

       patient’s stents experience, 31–33

       propensity for, 106–7

       red fruits and vegetables vs., 134–35

       stages of development, 28–29

       strokes compared to, 33–34

       supplements for rebuilding from, 203–8

       treatments for, 26, 29–30

       vitamin C vs., 115

       vitamin D vs., 120–21

       See also atherosclerosis


       overview, 307

       and autoimmune diseases, 314–15

       and blood sugar, 250–51, 313

       and body composition, 313

       and cancer microenvironment, 310

       and exercise, 250–51

       and leaky gut syndrome, 65–66, 68–69, 307–8

       and sleep loss, 199

       and stress, 308–9, 312

       and weight loss, 148–49

C-reactive protein (CRP), 58, 159, 204, 206

crisis care, 13

Crohn’s disease, 66, 67–68, 126

Cruciferous Salad, Crispy, 373

cruciferous vegetables

       overview, 181

       benefits of, 56

       broccoli, 364–65, 379, 392–93, 420, 426

       Brussels sprouts, 424

       cabbage, 371, 379, 386, 423, 430

       cauliflower, 360–61, 363, 379

       kale, 380–81, 392–93, 430

       nutrients in, 138

cucumbers, 385

curcumin, 195–96, 219–20, 224, 374

current state analysis, 237

Curried Chicken Salad, 374

Curried Turkey Salad (var.), 374

curry powder or paste, 361, 374, 414–15

custom-made diet. See personal food plan

cysteine, 129–30, 335, 336, 375

Cytokine (journal), 221–22


       overview, 308

       and autoimmune diseases, 314–15

       balance between lymphocytes and, 346

       and cancer, 310–11

       from sleep deprivation, 320–21, 325

       Th1/Th2 immune response, 60, 62, 63, 222–27

       See also adipocytokines

cytotoxic T (CT) cells, 310

dairy industry, 158

dairy products

       overview, 155–56, 157–58, 329

       casein in, 49, 101, 102, 103, 155–56, 328, 329

       disorders associated with, 156–57

       food substitutions, 158–59, 173, 189, 363

       in high-protein diets, 98

       milk, 155–56

       whey protein, 101–3

Danish Medical Bulletin, 202

dark green vegetables

       as calcium source, 158

       for diabetics, 229

       recipes, 368–69, 376–78, 380–81, 392–93

       spinach, 421

       zucchini noodles, 417


       from diabetes-related cardiovascular disease, 49

       mortality data, 23–24

death receptor pathway, 37

deep-vein thrombosis, 118

deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), 74, 200

depression, 244

detoxification, 89, 138, 335–36, 396. See also cruciferous vegetables

Devilicious Curried Eggs, 361–62

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 98–99, 201

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (journal), 228

Diabetes Care (journal), 30, 196, 228, 229

Diabetes (journal), 49

diabetes mellitus

       overview, 48–50, 227

       and Alzheimer’s disease, 51–52

       and breast cancer, 47

       and environmental toxins, 334

       management of, 148

       medical tests, 347

       and sleep apnea, 50

       and sleep loss, 323–25

       and stress, 312

       supplements for rebuilding from, 227–32

       supportocols, 51

       See also blood sugar

Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome (journal), 41, 196

dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 333–35


       overview, 9–10, 193–95

       during cancer treatment, 210–11

       as DIET: Decide, Indulge, Enjoy, Transform, 10–11, 236

       eat right recommendations, 180–82

       effect of eating after 6 or 7 P.M., 143–49, 252–53, 326

       effect of smoking vs., 24

       historical changes, 107–8

       portion control, 193–94

       and signals to genes, 21–22

       and sleep loss, 319

       and stress-control ability, 315–16

       See also food substitutions; whole foods

diet types

       calorie-restriction, 9–10, 142–43, 252

       gluten elimination, 72–73, 151–52

       high-calorie, low nutrient, processed foods, 68, 141, 142–43, 210–11, 242, 324–25

       high carb, 97–98

       high-nutrient, low-calorie foods frequently, 141–43, 180

       no-meat, no-fat, 98

       plant-based/vegan, 100–101, 112, 125

       Western/SAD, 69, 147, 165

       See also personal food plan

digestive enzymes, 200

Dilled Eggs (var.), 361

dinner food choices for preventing fat, 147–48, 184

disease and diseases

       overview, 19–21

       from alcohol consumption, 170–71

       causes of death, 23–24

       chronic, 19–21, 75–76, 136

       genetics and, 19, 21–24, 35–36, 37–38, 45, 342

       individual’s role in development of, 4, 7, 8–9

       relationships of multiple conditions, 21–23

       See also individual diseases Disease

Delusion, The (Bland), 13, 21

DNA mutations and cancer, 35–36, 323, 334

doctor-patient relationship

       communication challenge, 12–13

       firing non-attentive doctors, 16–17

       and supplement choices, 125, 127, 196, 199, 200, 206–7, 221, 226

       and workout plan, 247

Dr. Z’s Fast & Easy Snacks, 433

dysbiosis, 65–66, 68, 69, 70–71

dysbiosis (SIBO), 65–66, 68, 69, 70–71

eat for your genes, 88, 91. See also diet; nutrition

echinacea, 226

Egg & Avocado on Toast, 362–65

Egg & Olive Salad, 375

Eggplant Tapenade, 434

eggs, 99, 168, 360–65, 366–68, 375

egg white protein, 101, 102–3

ellagic acid, 134–36

Endocrinology (journal), 335

endothelium, 28, 120–21, 311, 321–22

endothelium damage, 30, 321–22, 341–42

endotoxins (LPS), 30–31, 68, 69, 74

endurance training, 245, 308

enteric nervous system, 64

Environmental Health Perspectives (journal), 331, 334, 335

Environmental International (journal), 331

environmental toxins, 333–35

       and cancer, 38

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 201, 205

epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), 195–96, 216–17, 218–19

epithelelium, 64–65. See also leaky gut syndrome

erythropoietin (EPO), 346

essential amino acids, 97, 100–102

essential fatty acids, 98, 99, 104

estrogen, 38, 46–47, 55–56, 149, 210–11, 246, 322, 339

estrogen receptors, 56

European Heart Journal, 123, 322

European Journal of Applied Physiology, 247

European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 228

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 107–8, 181

Excitotoxins (Blaylock), 131


       overview, 11, 232, 233, 243–44, 303

       aerobic exercise, 244–49, 256–57, 268–69

       best time for, 249–51

       and cortisol, 250–51

       and diet, 242

       eating prior to exercise, 250, 251, 303

       endurance training, 245, 308

       failure to see results, 251–54

       health benefits, 243–44, 246

       lack of, 38, 242–43

       and potassium levels, 128–29

       and protein requirements, 101, 103

       rebuild exercise log, 270–72

       recovery time, 256, 303

       schedule for, 256–57, 268–69

       sleep loss from afternoon or later exercise, 319, 325

       staying power, 254

       and stress-control ability, 315–16

       See also high-intensity interval training; strength training

Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews (journal), 243

factory-farmed foods, 99, 168

fad diets, 8–9

fats, 104–6, 165–67, 169, 174

fatty acids

       overview, 57–58

       from alcohol consumption, 171

       butyrate, 65

       from fructose consumption, 94

       in meats, 391

       omega-3, 3, 98–99, 137–38, 201, 205, 222, 385

       recipes, 378

       trans fats, 105–6

fennel, 395

fermented soy products, 164–65

fertility and zinc, 133

fiber, 96–97, 153–54. See also fruits and vegetables fibroblast protein, 40

Finland cohort study of vitamin D and diabetes, 230


       recipes, 385, 389, 399–400, 406, 408–9, 411–12, 414–15

       toxins in, 328, 330–31, 333

       wild vs. farm-raised, 168

Fish Pouches, Poached, 406

fish toxicity, 330, 331

flavonoids, 135–37, 139, 206–7

flavonol, 431

Flourless Almond Butter Cookies, 441

folate, 111, 137–38, 341–42

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 166

Food and Nutrition Sciences (journal), 155

food labels, 130, 153, 160, 167, 168–70, 417, 439

foods that damage or kill

       overview, 149–50, 329

       alcohol, 170–72

       caffeine overload, 172–73

       chocolate bars with less than 70% cacao, 172

       dairy products, 155–58

       factory-farmed meat, eggs, and fish, 168

       hydrogenated fats, 105–6, 165–67

       refined grains, 150–55

       soy, 164–65

       sugars, 159–64, 163, 169, 173–74, 329, 441

       See also gluten; processed foods

food substitutions

       overview, 173–74, 184, 189–91

       for condiments, 174

       for dairy products, 158–59, 173, 189, 363

       for oils, 174

       for sugars, 173–74, 441

       See also diet

food toxins, 329–33

free radicals

       alcohol damage, 171

       and atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease, 203–4

       chemotherapy-related damage, 214–15

       from diabetes, 49

       and disease development, 22, 29, 116

       garlic vs., 421

       lycopene vs., 134–35

       selenium vs., 129

Frontiers in Bioscience (journal), 57

fructan, 139

fructose, 94–95

Fruit & Mint Salad, 421

fruits, 189–90, 404–5, 421, 423, 431, 440, 442–43

fruits and vegetables

       overview, 109, 140

       anthocyanins, 99–100, 134–36, 386–87

       juicing, 163–64

       See also phytonutrients

functional medicine, 4, 12–14, 21, 23, 71, 339–40. See also patient examples throughout the book

furanocoumarins, 137

future state for transformation, 239

garlic, 138–39

Garlic Spinach, 421–22

gastric bypass surgery, 112–13, 114, 201

gastritis, 202

Gastroenterology (journal), 69

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 74–75, 201

gastrointestinal (GI) tract

       diseases or disorders, 61–62, 74–75, 95–96

       GALT, 64–65

       and gastric bypass surgery, 112–13, 114

       H. pylori infection, 75, 113, 201, 202

       and magnesium deficiency, 126

       supplements during cancer treatment, 212–13

       See also leaky gut syndrome

genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), 103, 165

genetic risk, testing for, 346–47

genetics and disease, 19, 21–24, 35–36, 37–38, 45, 342

Genetics and Molecular Research (journal), 218

ghrelin, 324–25

GI Effects Comprehensive Profile, 72

ginger, 139, 371, 386, 398

Ginger Cabbage Soup, Cleansing, 386

gingerol, 386

ginseng, 226

gliadin, 49

glucagon, 146–48, 247

glucose, 51, 94–95, 230, 231, 334, 386–87. See also diabetes mellitus

glucosinolates, 138

glutamate, 131, 132–33

glutamic acid, 336

glutamine, 73–74, 157, 200, 213, 222

glutathione, 335–36


       and autoimmune diseases, 155, 329

       celiac disease, 152

       cross-reactive foods, 155

       elimination diet, 72–73, 151–52

       gluten-free products warning, 153

       and leaky gut syndrome, 65, 66

       testing for diseases related to, 349

Gluten-Free Banana Muffins, 442

glycation, 30

glycemic index (GI), 161–64, 189–90

glycine, 129–30

glycogen, 145

good manufacturing practices (GMP) for supplements, 200

grains, refined, 119, 150–55, 174, 329–30

grapefruit and medications warning, 137

grape seed, 173, 174, 200–201, 215

green beans, 408–9, 428

green tea (EGCG), 195–96, 216–17, 223–24, 230–31

growth hormone (GH), 247, 320

Guacamole, 435

guided active breathing, 317

gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), 64–65, 73

H. pylori, 75, 113, 201, 202

Harvard School of Public Health, 165

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 67, 350

health, your control of your, 39–40

health assessment. See assessing your health

health care system, 13. See also doctor-patient relationship

health examinations (yearly physical exams), 31–33

Health Psychology, 309

heart attack process, 28–29

heart disease

       overview, 26

       atrial fibrillation, 197–99

       congestive heart failure, 123

       deaths from, 23–24

       and HIIT, 247

       and mercury toxicity, 330–31

       and overfat or obesity, 58

       relationship to other diseases, 22–23, 34

       and sleep loss, 321–22

       and stress, 311–12

       supplements for rebuilding from, 203–8

heart muscle damage biomarkers, 341

heavy metals, 328, 330–31, 335

hemoglobin, 124

hemoglobin A1c, 54, 230, 238, 352

herbs, spices, and other seasonings, 180, 183

hesperidin, 134–35

heterocyclic amines, 99–100, 331, 423

high-calorie, low nutrient, processed foods diet, 68, 141, 142–43, 210–11, 242, 324–25

high-density lipoprotein (HDL), 27–28, 105–6, 115, 166, 204

high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 94–95, 159

high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

       overview, 11, 88, 245

       Dr. Z’s routine, 247–48, 255–56

       as precursor to strength training, 303

       for rebuilding from diabetes, 51

       research on, 246–47

       starting out, 247, 248, 249

       with weights, 255–56, 257, 303

       Wingate protocol, 245–46

       See also aerobic exercise; strength training

homocysteine, 341–42

hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 46


       adrenaline, 306, 307, 308, 310, 314–15

       erythropoietin, 346

       estrogen, 38, 46–47, 55–56, 149, 210–11, 246, 322, 339

       ghrelin, 324–25

       growth hormone, 247, 320

       leptin, 324–25

       melatonin, 320, 321, 322, 323

       norepinephrine, 306, 307, 308, 310, 314–15, 324


       regulating, 373

       testosterone, 197–98, 339

       and thyroid, 129–30, 342

       See also cortisol

hospital errors, deaths from, 25–26

Hummus, 436, 438

hydrogenated fats/artificial trans fats

       overview, 105–6, 166

       and coronary artery disease, 166–67

hypochlorhydria, 75

hypokalemia, 128–29

hypothyroidism, 67

hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) protein, 40, 214

immune system

       overview, 222

       and body fat, 240

       and cancer cells/metastasis, 36

       and EGCG, 223–24

       function of, 60

       and inflammation run amuck, 25

       and leaky gut syndrome, 66

       and melatonin, 322

       and nervous system, 244

       stress response, 307, 308–9

       testing the immune response, 348

       and vitamin D, 120

       zinc dependence, 133

       See also autoimmune diseases

immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, 69–71, 103, 224

Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology, 213

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 48

indole-3-carbinol (I3C), 56, 138, 195–96


       overview, 25

       and Alzheimer’s disease, 52

       and atherosclerosis, 27–28

       and BMC-7, 103

       and cardiovascular disease, 34

       and dairy products, 156–57

       and depression, 244

       and diabetes, 49

       hydrogenated fats-related, 166

       from sedentary lifestyle, 243

       and sleep loss, 320–21

       and statins, 29–30

       and stress, 308

       from visceral fat, 40–41

       See also anti-inflammatories; cytokines; individual diseases


       overview, 145, 147–48

       and blood sugar, 162–63

       and cancer treatment, 210–11

       cells rejecting signals from, 159–60

       and cortisol, 312

       and exercise, 247

       and sleep loss, 324

insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), 41, 47, 48, 50, 52

insulin resistance, 40–41, 148, 228–29, 230–31, 312, 319, 324

Integrative Cancer Therapies (journal), 41, 50, 209

interferon gamma (IFN), 69

interleukins, 41, 57–58, 205, 308, 310–11, 320–21

internal terrain

       assessment of man with AFib, 197–98

       and breast cancer, 46

       detoxifying, 89, 138, 335–36, 396

       disease development due to, 21–22, 25, 49–50

       and reasons for poor health, 337–39

       reconstructing with re-act supportocols, 87–89

       and toxins, 328

       See also body composition

International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 49

International Journal of Cancer, 135

International Journal of Obesity, 247

International Journal of Oncology, 215

Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen, 72

Intestinal Permeability Assessment, 71–72

In Vivo (journal), 214

iodine, 123–24

iron, 123–24

Jalapeño-Apple Salsa, 436–37

James, John, 25–26

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 225

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (journal), 321

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 52

Journal of Applied Physiology, 246, 247, 255, 308

Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 204

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 138

Journal of Cancer, 215, 219

Journal of Cancer Prevention, 215

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 207

Journal of Chemotherapy, 214

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 208, 311

Journal of Clinical Investigation, 57, 310–11

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 47

Journal of Epidemiology Community Health, 45

Journal of Gastroenterology, 74–75

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 307

Journal of Ginseng Research, 226

Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 120–21, 208

Journal of Lipid Research, 160, 166

Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 160

Journal of Medical Microbiology, 65

Journal of Medicine and Life, 322

Journal of Nutrition, 50, 98, 140, 209

Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 33–34, 247

Journal of Oncology, 216

Journal of Patient Safety, 25–26

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 214

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinic Toxicology, 218–19

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 223–24

Journal of Pineal Research (journal), 321

Journal of Skin Cancer, 118

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 102

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 204

Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 126

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 23–24, 143

Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 165

Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 100

juicing, 163–64

kale, 380–81, 392–93, 430

Kale Salad, 380–81

Kale & White Bean Soup, 381

kebob recipes, 402–4

ketosis, 97–98

kidney disease, 98

lactase, 95

lactose, 95

lactose intolerance, 95–96

Lamb Kebobs, Grilled, 402–3

Lamb Shank, 391–92

Lancet (journal), 181, 309, 321

LDL. See low-density lipoprotein

leaky gut syndrome

       overview, 65–66

       and atherosclerosis, 30–31

       GI tract overview, 64–65

       medical tests, 71–72, 348–49

       rebuilding from, 72–75

       and stress, 65–66, 68–69, 307–8

       symptoms, 66, 72

lectins, 181–82, 329


       overview, 72–73, 181

       recipes, 375–76, 381, 394, 436–38, 439

Lemon Chicken, Quick, 407

Lemon-Fresh Quinoa with Herbs, 422

leptin, 41, 59, 240, 324–25

L-glutamine, 73–74, 157, 200, 213, 222

licorice root (DGL), 74

lifestyle and health, 39–40

lipids (fats), 27

lipopolysaccharides/endotoxins (LPS), 30–31, 68, 69, 74

lipoproteins, 27–28

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

       and alpha-lipoic acid, 205

       and avocados, 435

       and free radicals, 22

       and hydrogenated fats, 105–6, 166

       and lycopene, 134–35, 388

       role of, 27–28, 28–29

       tomatoes vs., 388

       and vitamin C, 115

       and vitamin E, 196

lutein, 135–37

lycopene, 134–35, 137, 224, 382, 388


       overview, 60–61, 64–65

       and autoimmune diseases, 62–63

       balance between cytokines and, 346

       B cells, 60, 64–65

       NK cells, 37, 57, 139–40, 246, 310

       T cells, 37, 60–63, 64–65, 120, 225


       overview, 92

       carbohydrates, 93–98, 148

       fat, 104–6, 165–67, 169, 174

       See also protein

macrophages, 29

magnesium, 125–27, 228–29, 230, 395

maitake mushrooms, 225

mammography, 345

manganese, 127

Mango & Black Bean Salsa, 437

Manhattan Clam Chowder, 382–83

mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), 342

measurements of your body, 235–36, 241

meatloaf recipes, 370, 401


       grass-fed vs. factory-farmed, 99, 168

       preparing, 99, 100, 331, 423

       recipes, 370, 383, 391–92, 401–4, 418

       salt in cured meats, 131

Mediators of Inflammation (journal), 225

medical apathy, 16

Medical Hypothesis (journal), 156

Medical Journal of Malaysia, 345

medical tests

       Alzheimer’s disease, 347

       autoimmune diseases, 348–50

       for body fat and metabolism, 127

       cancer, 342–46

       cardiovascular system, 340–42

       for celiac disease, 152

       for coronary artery disease, 29, 106–7

       diabetes, 347

       diagnosis for workaholic, 54

       food-allergy testing, 103

       general health profile, 351–52

       GI distress, 61–62

       for H. pylori, 202

       for heart disease, 106–7

       IgE food-allergy tests, 103

       for iron deficiency, 125

       for leaky gut syndrome, 71–72

       for metabolism and body fat, 127, 350–51

       patient’s diet as source of problems, 95–96

       post-cancer treatment, 6

       as reinforcement for transformation, 238

       ultrasound, 345

       for vitamin D level, 121, 208

       worksheet for tracking, 353

       See also biomarkers

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (journal), 243

meditation, 316–17

Mediterranean Salad, 378

meet recipes, 402–3

melanoma, 118

melatonin, 320, 321, 322, 323

mental health, 244

mercury contamination, 328, 330–31

metabolic syndrome, 243

Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders (journal), 246


       of glucose, 51, 230, 231, 334, 386–87

       and muscle tissue, 240–41, 250

Metabolism (journal), 181, 247

metallothionein, 331

metastasis process, 36, 40, 215, 217, 310–11, 322

methanol toxicity, 332

microbiome/gut microbiota, 65, 68, 73

micronutrients, 92. See also minerals; phytonutrients; vitamins

Middle Eastern Burger, 383

Milken Institute, 21

Mind of Your Own, A (Brogan), 244


       overview, 122

       calcium, 122–23

       copper, 123

       iodine, 123–24

       iron, 123–24

       magnesium, 125–27

       manganese, 127

       phosphorous, 128

       potassium, 128–29

       selenium, 129–30

       sodium, 130–33

       zinc, 133

Molecular Aspects of Medicine (journal), 223–24

monosodium glutamate (MSG), 131, 132–33

monounsaturated fats, 105

Monsanto, 142, 165

mortality data, 23–24

motivation for transformation, 236, 238

mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), 202

mucositis, 213

Muffin Tin Frittatas, 363–64

multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), 217, 218

multiple sclerosis (MS), 34, 349

multivitamin/mineral formula, 201

muscle tissue, 240–41, 250

Mushroom & Broccoli Frittata, 364–65

mushrooms, 139–40, 225–26

       recipes, 363, 364–65, 429

Mushroom Salad, Sweet, 429

Mutation Research (journal), 52

myelin sheath, 27

myoglobin, 124

n-acetylcysteine (NAC), 201, 204

naltrexone (LDN), 227

National Cancer Institute, 116

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 316–17

National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 330

natural killer (NK) cells/T lymphocytes, 37, 57, 139–40, 246, 310

Nature Reviews (journal), 36, 119–20, 218, 309, 310

Navy Bean Soup, Hearty, 375–76

nervous system damage, 132, 330

neurotransmitters in the GI tract, 64

New England Journal of Medicine

       on body fat and death rates for cancer, 57

       on breast cancer and genes, 45

       on cancer metastasis, 36

       on cholesterol, 27, 28

       on niacin, 207

       on vitamin C effects, 115–16

       on vitamin E and LDL, 196

niacin (B3), 111, 199, 207

nitric oxide, 136

nitrosamines in processed foods, 52

non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

       recovery from, 7–8

       treatment for, 4–6

norepinephrine, 306, 307, 308, 310, 314–15, 324

Nurses’ Health Study, 158, 229

nutraceuticals. See supplements

NutraSweet (aspartame), 332


       overview, 88, 91, 104

       antinutrients in unfermented soy, 164–65

       during cancer treatments, 44–45

       in chocolate, 172

       deficiencies in Americans, 143

       nutrient deficiency as cause of disease, 9–10, 39–40, 211

       and strokes, 33–34

       See also macronutrients; micronutrients; phytonutrients; whole foods

Nutrition and Cancer (journal), 216, 219

Nutrition Journal, 118–19

Nutrition & Metabolism, 143

Nutrition Research and Practice (journal), 224

nuts and seeds, 181–82

Oatmeal, Power, 365–66


       causes of, 25

       as chronic diseases, 20

       See also overfat and obesity

Obesity (journal), 131–32

Obesity Reviews, 148–49

oil substitutes, 174

oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCS), 215

omega-3 fatty acids, 3, 98–99, 137–38, 201, 205, 222, 385

oncogenes, 35

onions, 139

Orange-Lime Shrimp with Apricot Rice, 404–5

organotin compounds, 333

osteomalacia, 117

osteoporosis, 118

overfat and obesity

       overview, 53

       adipose tissue, 40, 57–58

       and alcohol consumption, 171

       and autoimmune diseases, 58–59

       biomarker tests, 350–51

       body fat and body types, 241–43

       burning fat and not making more fat, 143–45, 146–48

       and cancer, 55–57

       and cancer treatment, 210–11

       conditions linked to, 59

       and diabetes, 57–58

       effect of eating after 6 or 7 P.M., 143–49, 252–53, 326

       environmental toxins linked to, 334–35

       estrogen and, 149

       and heart disease, 58

       and insulin resistance, 324, 325

       lifestyle changes for overcoming, 144–45, 147–48

       medical tests, 350–51

       overweight vs. overfat, 235

       reasons for, 141

       and sleep loss, 324–25

       workaholic with erratic eating habits, 54–55

oxidation by free radicals, 22, 29

oxidative metabolism of estrogen, 56

pantothenic acid (B5), 111

Pantry Salad, 380

partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, 105–6, 165

Peanut Butter Cookies, Flourless (var.), 441

peanuts, 181–82, 330

Pediatrics (journal), 158

perceptions and stress, 315

perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), 333, 334

peripheral neuropathy, chemotherapy-induced (CIPN), 221–22

pernicious anemia, 112

persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 333–35

personal food plan

       overview, 182–84

       creating a personal plan, 194–95

       fast food choices, 192–93

       meal planning worksheet samples, 185–88

       optimal diet, 193–95

       optimal foods, 189–91

       for rebuilding from diabetes, 232

       for workaholic with fear of Parkinson’s disease, 54

Perspectives in Cancer Research (journal), 46

P-glycoprotein, 217, 218

Pharmaceutical Research (journal), 37–38


       acetaminophen warning, 172

       grapefruit warning, 137

       naltrexone, 227

       and nutraceuticals, 127, 199

       statins, 26, 29–30, 32, 206

       and vitamin depletion, 195

       and vitamin K, 122

       See also chemotherapy

Pharmacological Reports (journal), 244

phenylalanine, 332

phosphorous, 128

Phsiological Reviews (journal), 246

phthalates, 333, 334

Physiological Reviews, 66

phytates/phytic acid, 151, 164, 329


       overview, 134

       in apples, 431, 436–37

       in blue and purple fruits and veggies, 135–36, 386–87

       in green fruits and veggies, 137–38

       in orange and yellow fruits and veggies, 137

       in red fruits and veggies, 134–35

       in white and tan fruits and veggies, 138–40

pictures from before and after your transformation, 236

pine bark extract (pycnogenol), 215, 224

plaque in arteries, 29

pleasure vs. discipline and health, 77–78

PLOS ONE (journal), 49, 230–31

Poached Fish Pouches, 406

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 333–35

polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 338–39

polyphenols, 215, 231

polyunsaturated fats, 105

polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 333

portion control, 193–94

potassium, 128–29, 137–38

Power Oatmeal, 365–66

Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology (journal), 321

pregnancy, zinc during, 133

primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS), 34


       overview, 73, 200

       for balancing gut’s bacterial flora, 70, 96, 200

       for colitis, 157

       for parasite in the GI tract, 62

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 206

Processed-Food Disorder, 141–42

processed foods

       overview, 10–11

       and Alzheimer’s disease, 52

       and cancer, 38

       canned foods to avoid, 168

       and coronary artery disease, 28

       endothelium damage from, 30, 69

       environmental and health costs, 141–42

       flipping fat storing switches, 113

       gluten-free products warning, 153

       grains, 151–52

       as high-calorie, low nutrient diet, 68, 141, 142–43, 210–11, 242, 324–25

       high-sugar meal-replacement drinks, 163

       history of, 108

       meats, 331–32

       salt in, 130–31

       simple refined carbs, 93, 94–95

progesterone, 339

progress report form, 354

Prostate (journal), 215

protein, 97–100, 101–3, 113, 114, 190. See also amino acids; chicken; eggs; fish; meats; seafood; turkey

protein bars warning, 193

proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), 74–75

Psychosomatic Medicine (journal), 149, 309, 313

Public Health Reports (journal), 21

pulmonary embolism, 118

Pumpkin Oatmeal (var.), 365–66

pyridoxine (B6), 111

quercetin, 134–36, 139, 224, 378

quinoa, 154

Quinoa Tabouleh, 384–85

Quinoa with Herbs, Lemon-Fresh, 422

radiation as cancer treatment, 44

radiation/radiotherapy, 209

Raj, Madhwa, 219–20

r-alpha-lipoic acid, 205

re-act to rebuild, 86–88, 90. See also contamination reduction; eat for your genes; high-intensity interval training; sleep; stressors and stress reaction

reboot your internal clock. See sleep

rebuild records, 352–54

recipe chart, 356–59

recording your rebuild, 352–54

recovering from disease

       overview, 3, 10–12, 75–76

       five steps to, 10–12

       using DIET: Decide, Indulge, Enjoy, Transform, 10

       vision of what you want, 11–12

recovery time after exercise, 256, 303

Red Cabbage, Onions & Oranges, 423

reinforcement for transformation, 238

relaxation, 316

resistance training. See strength training

resources, 445–46

restless leg syndrome, 126–27

resveratrol, 135–36

rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 34, 63, 349–50

riboflavin (B2), 110–11

rickets, 117

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 112–13, 114


       Classic Vinaigrette, 377

       Crispy Cruciferous Salad, 373

       Crunchy Cabbage Salad, 379

       Curried Chicken Salad, 374

       Egg & Olive Salad, 375

       Healthy Heart Salad, 379

       “Just Wing It,” 376–77

       Kale Salad, 380–81

       Lemon-Fresh Quinoa with Herbs, 422

       Mediterranean Salad, 378

       Pantry Salad, 380

       Quinoa Tabouleh, 384–85

       Salmon Salad, 385

       Seasonal Salad, 425

       Sweet Mushroom Salad, 429

       Taco-less Taco Salad, 386–87

       “This Rocks,” 378

       Tuna Salad, 389

salads, fruit

       Ambrosia Fruit Salad, 440

       Fresh Fruit & Mint Salad, 421

       Summer Fruit Salad, 443

       Waldorf Salad, 431

Salmon, Summer Poached, 411–12

Salmon & Green Beans, Sauteed, 408–9

Salmon Salad, 385

Salsa & Eggs, Tangy, 368

salt, 130–33, 169, 174

saturated fats, 104

Sauteed Salmon & Green Beans, 408–9

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 243–44

Scrambled Eggs & Sun-Dried Tomatoes, 367

Scrambled Eggs & Sweet Potatoes, 366–67

Seafood Lettuce Tacos, 409–10

seafood recipes, 382, 396–97, 400–401, 404–5, 409–10

Seasonal Salad, 425

sedentary behaviors vs. exercise, 242–43

selenium, 129–30, 201

selenoproteins, 129

Sesame Broccoli, 426

Shrimp, Orange-Lime, with Apricot Rice, 404–5

shrimp stir-fries, 396–97, 400–401

Simone, Charles, 44

Slaw, Asian Red, 419


       overview, 318, 319–20, 327

       for controlling stress, 315

       cortisol vs., 199

       importance of, 11, 89, 326

       rebuilding with, 325–26

sleep apnea, 50, 54–55, 319

sleep loss and disease

       overview, 318–20

       cancer, 39, 322–23

       diabetes, 323–25

       heart disease, 321–22

       inflammation, 320–21

       obesity, 324–25

small intestine bacterial overgrowth/dysbiosis (SIBO), 65–66, 68, 69, 70–71

Smoked Salmon Eggs, Devilicious (var.), 361–62

Smoky Bacon Eggs, Devilicious (var.), 361–62

Snacks, Dr. Z’s Fast & Easy, 433

sodium/salt, 130–33, 169, 174

Sophocles, 26

soups and stews

       Chester’s Chili, 394

       Cleansing Ginger Cabbage Soup, 386

       Kale & White Bean Soup, 381

       Manhattan Clam Chowder, 382–83

       squash as a bowl, 415

       Tomato Soup, 388

       Turkey & Vegetable Stew, 415–16

soy products

       overview, 164–65

       GMO soy beans, 103, 165

       soy protein isolate, 101, 102, 103

Spanish Stuffed Peppers, 410–11

Spiced Sweet Potato Cubes, 427

spices, 180, 183

Spicy Garlic Hummus, 438

spinach, 421

Spinach, Garlic, 421–22

Splenda (sucralose), 332–33

Sports Drink, Homemade, 433

standard American diet (SAD), 69, 147, 165. See also processed foods

states of change for transformation, 237–41, 253

statins, 26, 29–30, 32, 206

stick-and-clog theory, 27

stick-and-clog theory of cholesterol, 27

stir-fry recipes, 390, 396–97, 400–401

strength training

       overview, 254–56

       Dr. Z’s routine, 255–57

       top 10 build-and-burn exercises, 258–67

       See also high-intensity interval training

strength training exercises

       abdominal oblique, 302

       back extension, 282

       barbell bench press, 273

       barbell curl, 287

       barbell lying triceps extension, 291

       barbell military press, 283

       barbell squat, 294

       barbell upright row, 286

       concentration curl, 288

       crunches, 267

       dip, 293

       dumbbell bench press, 274

       dumbbell calf raise, 266

       dumbbell front raise, 284

       dumbbell squat, 263

       dumbbell triceps extension, 292

       flat bench fly, 276

       high-knee step up, 265

       incline dumbbell bench press, 275

       lat pull-down, 277

       leg extension, 296

       leg press, 295

       lunge, 264

       lying leg curl, 297

       medicine ball crunch, 300

       one-arm dumbbell row, 259

       preacher curl, 289

       pull-up, 278

       push-ups, 258

       rear dumbbell raise, 285

       seated cable row, 279

       seated dumbbell calf raise, 299

       seated dumbbell press, 255–56, 260

       stability ball crunch, 301

       stability ball extension, 281

       standing calf raise, 298

       standing dumbbell curl, 261

       superman, 280

       triceps kickback, 262

       triceps push-down, 290

stressors and stress reaction

       overview, 305–7, 317

       and autoimmune disease, 314–15

       and blood sugar, 51

       and body composition, 313–14

       and cancer, 38

       cancer microenvironment and, 310–11

       coach for dealing with, 11

       controlling, 315–17, 326

       cortisol effect, 148–49

       and diabetes, 312

       and heart disease, 311–12

       and inflammation, 308

       and leaky gut syndrome, 65–66, 68–69, 307–8

       major illness related to, 304–5

       response controls, 89

       and sleep, 253

       and sleep loss, 324

       sustained environmental stress, 116

       symptoms, 307

       and wound healing, 309

String Beans & Tomatoes, 428

strokes, 33–34

subcutaneous fat, 40, 53, 240

substitutes. See food substitutions

sucralose, 332–33

sucrose, 94, 159

sugars, 159–64, 163, 169, 173–74, 329, 441

Summer Fruit Salad, 443

Summer Poached Salmon, 411–12

sumo-wrestler diet, 147

Super-Moist Turkey Meatballs, 413–14


       overview, 195–96, 203, 221, 232

       during cancer treatments, 44–45

       choosing, 196, 199–201

       good manufacturing practices for, 200

       OPC-3, 136

       and pharmaceuticals, 127, 199

       plant-based, for autoimmune disease, 222–23

       rebuilding from autoimmune diseases, 223–27

       rebuilding from diabetes, 227–32

       rebuilding from heart disease, 203–8

       for repairing gut lining, 72–73

       See also minerals; probiotics; vitamins

supplements for rebuilding during cancer care

       overview, 209, 220–22

       anticancer nutrients, 215–17

       antioxidants, 213–15

       enhancing chemotherapy, 217–20

       GI tract and digestion aids, 212–13

supportocols (support protocols)

       overview, 24, 87

       re-act supportocols, 87–89

       and rebuilding during cancer treatments, 44–45

       rebuilding from chronic health issues, 72–75

       See also supplements

support system, 238

Sweet Mushroom Salad, 429

sweet potatoes, 366–67, 414–15, 427

synthetic non-foods, 142. See also processed foods

systemic inflammation, 308

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 34

Taco-less Taco Salad, 386–87

tannins, 135–36

T cells, 37, 60–63, 64–65, 120, 225

testosterone, 197–98, 339

Th1/Th2 immune response, 222–27

Thai Curried Cod or Chicken, 414–15

thiamine (B1), 110

thyroid gland, 67, 123–24, 129–30, 197, 225, 346, 350

thyroid hormones, 129–30, 342

thyroxine (T4), 129–30

tomatoes, 367, 382, 428

Tomato Relish, 438–39

Tomato Soup, 388

total metabolic rate (TMR), 176–77


       overview, 11, 328–29, 336

       artificial flavors and colorings, 170

       cruciferous vegetables vs., 138

       detoxification, 89, 138, 335–36, 396

       in environment, 333–35

       flavoring syrups for coffee, 172–73

       in food, 329–33

       trans fats as, 105–6, 165–67

       See also contamination reduction

trans fats

       hydrogenated fats, 105–6, 165–67

       naturally-occurring, 105, 167–68

transition state analysis, 237–39

Trends in Molecular Medicine (journal), 57

triiodothyronine (T3), 129–30

tryptophan, 326, 413, 418

tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 41, 57, 58, 68, 69, 205, 308, 310–11, 321

tumor-suppressor genes, 35

Tuna Salad, 389

Turkey Bolognese, 417

Turkey Confetti Bowl, 418

Turkey Meatballs, Super-Moist, 413–14

turkey recipes, 374, 410–11, 413–18

Turkey & Vegetable Stew, 415–16

Tuscan Bean Dip, 439

Tuscan Cabbage, Kale & Beans, 430

Tylenol (acetaminophen) warning, 172

type 1 diabetes, 48–49

type 2 diabetes, 48, 49–50, 159–60

type 3 diabetes, 52. See also Alzheimer’s disease

tyrosine, 129, 326

ulcerative colitis, 66, 67–68

ultrasound, 345

unsaturated fats, 105

Vaccine (journal), 225

vegetables, 190–91. See also cruciferous vegetables; fruits and vegetables

Vegetable Soup, Chunky, 372

Vegetable Stir-Fry, 390

villi lining the intestine, 64–65, 66, 152

Vinaigrette, Classic, 377

visceral fat, 40, 53, 148–49, 159, 240, 313

vision of what you want, 11–12

vitamin A, 110

vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 111–12, 341–42, 391

vitamin C, 115–16, 137–38, 204, 213–15, 329–30, 360

vitamin D

       overview, 116–17, 121, 200

       as calcitriol, 48, 117, 119–20, 215–16, 230

       and cancer, 47–48, 119–20, 215–16, 218, 229

       as chemo sensitizer, 218

       deficiency of, 117–18, 229

       for healthy teeth and bones, 117, 118

       and immune response, 120

       and rebuilding from autoimmune diseases, 226–27

       for rebuilding from heart disease, 208

       for rebuilding with diabetes, 229–30

Vitamin D Council, 208

vitamin E, 121, 196

vitamin K, 121–22, 137–38

vitamins, 109–10. See also supplements; individual vitamins

vulnerable plaque in arteries, 29

Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 313

Waldorf Salad, 431

water component of the human body, 92–93, 180–81

water consumption, 180

weight loss

       and cortisol, 148–49

       losing fat, saving muscle, 239–41, 250, 252

Western diseases, source of, 8

whey protein, 101–3, 155–56

white blood cells, 60–61, 70. See also lymphocytes

whole foods, 10–11, 39–41, 154. See also individual foods

Wingate protocol, 245–46

World Gastroenterology Organisation Practice Guidelines, 152

World Health Organization (WHO), 20–21, 151

World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics (journal), 119

wound healing and stress, 309

zeaxanthin, 135–37

Zembroski, Robert “Dr. Z”

       about, ix–x

       advocating for himself, 12

       biographical info, 3–8

       cancer experience, 209–10

       contact information for, 14

       exercise routines, 247–48, 255–57

       stress leads to chest tumor, 304–5

zinc, 133, 391

zinc-carnosine, 74

zucchini noodles, 417

Zucchini Pancakes, 368–69