I have presented a lot of information in this book. I want to reiterate that you do not have to know anything in order to successfully use the Traya techniques presented here. Many years ago, when I first thought about writing a book on this topic, I thought, “How will I make an entire book out of such a simple technique?” Like the Traya process itself, over the years it grew up around me. That is the point that I would like to leave you with. Keep it simple and just let it grow up through you and around you. Take the same approach that you would take with meditation and yoga—it is the practice itself that counts, and over time it works its magic on you. You only need to show up.
Not everyone is spiritually inclined. If you have read this book, you are one of those so inclined. While it is a great privilege to be spiritually aware, this precious instinct also comes with responsibility. The responsibility to answer the question, “Why am I here?” Then you can use your influence to heal the world in your own unique way. Now that we know how truly sensitive we all are, we must put energy into cultivating our hearts and use our interactions with others in a healing way. Connecting with everyday experience right now, moment by moment, we can use that experience to feed our blooming Lotus of Full Potential. Like the lotus, our job is to produce something beautiful—our true selves reflected in the physical world.