Abhaya Chakra: Secondary chakra located about one inch above the pelvic chakra (svadhisthana). Its function is being unafraid of the power of others.
Ahimsa: Nonviolence.
Ajna Chakra: Third eye chakra. Primary chakra located between the eyebrows. Main function is clear perception.
Akasha: Subtle ethereal energy.
Anahata Chakra: Heart chakra. Primary chakra located in the center of the chest. Main function is connection to self, others, nature, life, and spirit.
Atiloka Chakra: Imagination chakra. Secondary chakra located between the root (muladhara) and pelvic (svadhisthana) chakras. Function is imagination.
Attribute Paradox: Attribute of a chakra is samskaric and contradicts the chakra’s function.
Authentic Self: Self that is readily apparent when the mind is free of the pain body.
Bijas: Seed sounds that stimulate a chakra.
Chakras: Subtle energy centers in the body determining various states of mind, the mind–body connection, and influencing the health of the body.
Dantian: Chinese term for svadhisthana, the pelvic chakra.
Deep Mind: One of the two minds (surface is the other). Resonates with the truth and actively attempts to communicate it to us.
Diagnostic Scene: Image that arises in step 5 of Traya Practice containing elements from nature that appear when concentrating attention at one of the lower five primary chakras. Can be used to determine relative health of a chakra.
Empty Opulence: There is plenty of money and status but a significant lack of the connection energy that one really needs—produces a sense of emptiness in the heart.
Hungry Ghosts: Beings with long thin necks representing the afflictive state of a grasping, greedy mind in Buddhism.
Ida Nadi: Lunar nadi originating in the root chakra and spiraling up around the central sushumna channel and coming out of the left nostril.
Inner Compass: Three chakras that help us navigate through life indicating when we are going in the right or wrong direction—heart (anahata), solar plexus (manipura), and third eye (ajna) chakras.
Inner Eye: Images appear in the mind when focus of attention is on the subtle body via the Inner Eye.
Inner Teacher: Messenger from higher mind that guides us with direction and advice in the form of insights and positive imprints in the Traya process—also while meditating.
Inner Voice: Information is given to us through words that appear in the mind when working with Traya; e.g., surfaced samskaras, positive imprints, guidance, etc.
Inside/Outside Maxim: Proposition that what is inside the mind is manifested in the outside world. Both positive and negative energy in the subtle body attracts situations that reflect it.
Introjection: The taking in of subtle energy from others and from the environment (pick-ups).
Kamadhenu: “Wish-fulfilling cow.” Hindu deity associated with the crown chakra (sahasrara).
Klesas: Destructive emotions such as anger and fear and other mind afflictions such as jealousy, distrust, greed, etc. Three klesas of ignorance, attachment, and aversion, also known as the three poisons in Buddhism.
Kundalini Shakti: Spiritual energy lying dormant in the root chakra. Meditation, pranayama, yoga, and mantras are practices designed to awaken it and have it rise up to the sahasrara or crown chakra.
Lego Effect: Samskaras resulting from actions taken due to previous samskaras that build a vasana.
Locus of Influence: Where one looks for guidance. With weak inner resources before Traya healing, one looks to others. With strong inner resources, one looks within.
Lotus Energy: Spiritual prana.
Lotus of Full Potential: The Inner Lotus in full bloom. Flowering of the authentic self. Leads to the attainment of one’s true purpose in life.
Lotus Poles: Root chakra (muladhara) facing up and crown (sahasrara) chakra facing down. Kundalini originates in root and moves up to crown while, at the same time, maintaining a strong root connection.
Mahapadma: Sanskrit for “Great Lotus” refers to the crown chakra with 1,000 petals.
Manifestation Chakras: The crown chakra (sahasrara), the heart chakra (anahata), and the root chakra (muladhara). These energies combine vision, desire, and action leading to manifestation.
Manipura Chakra: Solar plexus chakra located at the diaphragm. Function is the I-consciousness.
Manipurism: Statement or behavior indicating the domination of, and over identification with, manipura—the solar plexus chakra.
Mantra: Sanskrit term defined as a “mystical verse or charm.” Sanskrit mantras contain sounds designed to activate the chakras and stimulate latent spiritual energy.
Mudra: Specific gesture or pose that affects the flow of prana in the body.
Mukta: Secondary chakra located between the solar plexus chakra (manipura) and abhaya chakra (fearless). Function is “letting go.”
Muladhara Chakra: Root chakra located at the base of the spine. Main function is safety and security in physical environment.
Nadi(s): Subtle energy pathways throughout the human body.
Noble Eightfold Path: Fourth of the Four Noble Truths outlined by the Buddha offered as the way out of suffering: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
Om/Lam: Bija sounds of the crown chakra (sahasrara) and the root chakra (muladhara) connecting the two lotus poles. Use to assist in meditation.
Padmasana: Seated cross-legged asana. Lotus pose. Meditation mudra.
Pain Body: Collection of negative samskaras and vasanas that produce painful thoughts and feelings and move one toward unhealthy behaviors while also attracting negativity.
Pancha Mahabhutas: Five great elements—ether, air, fire, water, earth.
Patanjali: Indian compiler of the Yoga Sutras circa 200 CE.
Pick-ups: Introjection of others’ energy dynamics into our own due to repeated exposure when growing up.
Pingala Nadi: Solar nadi spiraling around the central sushumna channel that comes out the right nostril.
Positive Imprint: Positive words given by the higher mind in step 4 of the Traya technique.
Prajna: Highest form of wisdom.
Prana: Subtle life energy that flows throughout and animates the mind, body, and the entire universe. Five types govern the function of the human mind and body: prana, samana, apana, vyana, and udana.
Pranayama: Yogic breathing practices designed to move prana within the body.
Pranothana: Positive charge of new energy into the subtle body during the Traya practice stimulating the subtle body.
Rajas: One of the three gunas—active energy.
Sahasrara Chakra: Crown chakra located at the top of the head. Function is autonomy.
Samadhi: Deep meditative state.
Samskaras: Memory imprints that leave an energetic residue in one or more chakras. Negative are mind toxins—positive are mind nourishment.
Sattva: One of the three gunas—subtle, calm, and peaceful.
Satyahridaya: Asking chakra. Secondary chakra located at the collarbone between the heart (anahata) and throat (vishuddha) chakras. Function is asking for what is in the heart.
Satyamanas: True speech chakra. Secondary chakra located at the top of the neck between the throat (vishuddha) and the third eye (ajna) chakras. Function is speaking the truth.
Satyavadya: Insight chakra. Secondary chakra located at the center of the forehead. Function is insight.
Secondary Chakras: Seven small chakras located between the seven primary chakras—atiloka (imagination); abhaya (fearlessness); mukta (letting go); vajrahridaya (self-esteem); satyahridaya (asking for what is in the heart); satyamanas (speaking the truth); and satyavadya (insight).
Shakti: Spiritual feminine energy.
Subtle Body: Energy body within the physical body composed of chakras and nadis through which prana flows.
Sukhasana: Easy pose. Cross-legged alternative to full lotus pose in meditation.
Surface Mind: Conscious mind.
Sushumna Nadi: Central nadi runs from base of spine in the root chakra (muladhara) up to sahasrara the crown chakra.
Svadhisthana: Pelvic chakra. Located one inch below the navel. Main function is personal power in relationships.
Tamas: One of the three gunas—heavy, inertia.
Tantra: Indian beliefs and practices that explore the relationship between divine energy (macrocosm) and the person (microcosm).
Tao: Chinese religion or philosophy that proposes living in harmony with the Way (Tao).
Ten Directions: North, south, east, west, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast, up, and down.
Three Gunas: Sattva (light, consciousness), rajas (active), and tamas (heavy, dark); qualities in both material world and human consciousness.
True Body: Positive state with minimal or no samskaric pain body.
Truth factor: Traya concept that proposes that the human psyche is attuned to and aligned with truth.
Vajrahridaya: Self-esteem chakra. Secondary chakra located at lower sternum between the solar plexus and heart chakras. Function is self-esteem.
Vasana: String of similarly themed samskaras.
Veil of Unawareness: Allows the surface mind to operate without being overwhelmed by input from the deep mind. Barrier between what is “in the mind versus what is on the mind.”
Vishuddha Chakra: Throat chakra located in the center of the neck. Function is self-expression.
Vritti: Sanskrit term meaning waves or turbulence.
Yukta Triveni: “Three streams.” Three major nadis—sushumna, ida, and pingala.