What they represent and how they relate to fertility
Chakras are energy centers in the body. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “turning wheel.” These energy centers spin like wheels. There are many chakras throughout the body, but there are seven main ones that go from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They all represent different things, and when I’m working with my clients, if I notice that a certain chakra is closed or not spinning, it gives me an idea of where she might be blocked. Blocked energy can lead to illness, the body not functioning as it’s meant to, and feeling powerless and disconnected.
As we discuss the seven chakras and their meanings, I’ll give you some tips on how to open them up so that your energy is functioning at an optimum level.
Root Chakra
Color: Red
Represents: Grounding, family, knowing who you are, finances, etc. Location: Base of the spine
Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Represents: Sexuality, relationships, creativity, children
Location: Lower abdomen
Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Represents: Your power center, drive, ambition, confidence
Location: Upper abdomen
Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Represents: Love and inner peace, the most “you” place you can be
Location: Chest
Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Represents: Voicing your opinion, feeling like you’re being heard, expressing your feelings and truth
Location: Throat
Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Represents: Intuition, wisdom, imagination, ability to zoom out and see the bigger picture
Location: Middle of the forehead
Crown Chakra
Color: Purple
Represents: Spiritual/universe-y awareness, connection to Source
Location: Top of the head
Let’s explore how these chakras and their meanings can relate to fertility, and how you can use them to aid you in moving toward getting your little munchkin here.
Root Chakra
The root chakra can be closed for a few reasons. When dealing with infertility, we are often spending way more time in our head than in our body. If you are a super Type-A, analytical, overscheduled, cerebral person struggling with OCD, there’s a good chance your root chakra is closed. It can also be closed if you’re having a hard time with family members, if you’re worried about money, or if there’s been some chaos in your life and you’re not feeling grounded. The root chakra is about feeling safe, and on this fertility journey there are so many unknowns that it’s hard to feel safe.
I know these things may not seem related to fertility, but for us to overcome our challenges, we must feel that we are grounded and on a steady enough foundation to build this thing that we want. If the root chakra is closed, it’s also just a wonderful indicator that you need to create more space in your life, whether it’s releasing beliefs that aren’t serving you anymore or finding places to make room in your insane schedule. As I mentioned earlier, if your brain feels like you are stretched too thin, it will send the signal to your reproductive system that it’s not going to add yet another thing for you to take care of.
A good first step is to establish a daily grounding routine. It doesn’t have to be for a long time—ten to fifteen minutes per day would be fantastic. Find an activity that gets you into your body, where you don’t have to think about or analyze anything and your body feels really safe and grounded. Here are some good grounding activities:
It’s important that the root chakra is open so we feel safe to carry on with this journey that our brain is scared of, and we have a solid foundation to build our dreams on.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra can be closed for a couple of different reasons. Relationships, creativity, and children are all related to this chakra, so if you’re having or have had problems in one or more of these areas, the others will be affected as well.
Here are some of the most common things I see with my clients whose sacral chakra is closed or not spinning: endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) due to hurt or blame from past relationships that is now manifesting in the body. A lot of this is, of course, subconscious, but when there are things we haven’t processed from past hurts, it can lead to a closed sacral chakra and delay the arrival of the munchkin.
If you are a creative person but are not using these skills, this energy center can be closed. If you’re an artist working in corporate America, a chef working as an accountant, or a life coach working as a professor, this is an issue. There’s nothing wrong with any of these careers; it’s more that if you’re on the planet to be an artist and you’re not doing that, then this area can suffer. It doesn’t always have to be that you make it your career; but if you enjoy gardening, painting, or singing and you don’t make time for it, the sacral chakra can slow down or stop spinning. Just like with relationships, this can affect the baby’s timing.
There are some big things to be processed and healed here, so it’s important that you don’t try to gloss over it. What are some action steps you can take to move forward from this?
Solar Plexus Chakra
For the solar plexus chakra, our drive and ambition center, I usually find that my clients are having an issue in the work arena if this area is closed. As I mentioned earlier, career and fertility are tightly linked. We have to feel confident, capable, and in our purpose to succeed at work, and feel confident and capable in ourselves to make a baby. The solar plexus is our power center, and if we’re not feeling powerful in our lives, it makes it much more difficult to move forward and achieve the things we want most.
Most people are not being “what they want to be when they grow up.” They are in a job they feel obligated to be in versus something that really lights them up every day. Most often this is a result of being influenced by parents who direct them into what is an “acceptable” career, or they want a certain lifestyle and think that there are only certain jobs that will pay them enough money, so they sacrifice their purpose for a paycheck. This is not a judgment at all. It’s a survival mechanism. It makes sense that we would do that. I am finding, though, that there’s a big energetic shift going on in the world. More and more we are called to be in our purpose versus just a job. When we ignore our purpose, the other areas in our life are often not in alignment or we’re not able to make progress. Here are some steps you can take to open your solar plexus chakra:
If you are aligned in the career area, the fertility area (and others) will follow. Align yourself with what you want versus what you don’t want, and summon your innate strength and capability.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra represents joy, love, and peace. If this area is closed, it’s likely due to a loss (such as a miscarriage or a death in the family) or giving up on yourself.
If you’ve had a loved one pass away in the last few years, that can be affecting your ability to allow in joy and love, because your heart is still sad and processing the grief. If you’ve endured one or more miscarriages, the heart chakra can be closed because of the pain of the loss and the fear that it may never work out, and because your body doesn’t want to be hurt anymore. So this energy center shuts down to preserve the self. Also, if this has been a long journey for you, this energy center can be closed if you’ve started to lose hope. Here are some things you can do to open the heart chakra:
Often when something traumatic happens, we try to move through it as quickly as possible as a survival mechanism. We may consciously think we’ve processed these things, but we really haven’t. We don’t like feeling this stuff, so we try to hurry up and get through it. But if your heart is closed off, you’re being called to really feel this stuff, to sit in being uncomfortable, to move through it, and then to choose to let it go.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is a really important one in fertility. It represents the ability to voice your opinion, to be yourself, and to feel you’re being heard. As mentioned in chapter 3, if there’s a thyroid issue connected to this chakra, it can be the result of humiliation, not being able to speak up, or wondering “When’s it going to be my turn?” For some women this area is blocked due to poor communication with their spouse, and not being able to fully be themselves and say what they need to say. For some it’s an issue with a boss or coworkers at their job, and they’re unable to voice their opinions or feel heard. And for others it’s related to their families. If they come from a tight-knit or culturally strong family, they can feel judged by family members and communication can be compromised. So what can you do to open the throat chakra?
It may not seem like the throat is related to fertility, but when the throat chakra is closed or compromised, it can be a problem. Your body feels safer when it feels it can speak and be heard. If your brain thinks you’re not being heard, the last thing it wants to do is add another thing to your plate—another place where someone else’s voice will matter more than yours. While this is a block to fertility, don’t just work on it to get the baby. This has probably been a pattern in your life for a while, and it’s important for your overall life (and not just the baby) that you address this. You must make sure you’re being heard. No one else will.
Third Eye Chakra
The third eye (or brow) chakra is at your forehead. It represents your intuition center, clear thinking, and that “knowing” when something is true or not. It’s very common for this chakra to be blocked because most of us are in our heads so much of the time. This is especially the case if we tend to be of the Type-A persuasion. Our brain/ego runs the show most of the time, and many of us are too busy analyzing things down to a bloody stump to pay attention to our intuition. If we are anxious or in a fight-or-flight state, our brain will come up with all kinds of crazy, scary scenarios that just keep our wheels spinning. But if we can find a way to operate from our intuition, we don’t question our decisions and we are able to feel what the best course of action is. So how can we open this chakra?
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra represents your spiritual awareness—not a religious awareness necessarily, but more of a “Universe-y” awareness. It’s our connection to Source/Spirit/God. The crown chakra is where our divine inspiration comes in, and is our connection to loved ones who have passed. If this area is closed, it can result in a feeling of hopelessness and victimization when it comes to getting pregnant. When deciding to try an alternative approach to fertility, you must be open to the idea that things could change, that you’re supported by the Universe/God, and that by shifting your thoughts you can shift your circumstances. In order to manifest, we need to remember this connection. We are having a human experience, but we are still connected to Source. It can be helpful to be aware of that connection, as it can aid you in unexpected ways.
Here are some things you can do to open/strengthen your crown chakra:
It’s so easy in this day and age to be caught up in external things, like work, relationships, and responsibilities, that we rarely make the time to listen to and energize ourselves. You can take action to move yourself forward in a positive way by listening to chakra meditations and simply visualizing the color of each chakra spinning, beginning at the root chakra and working up to the crown. This is something that can affect not only your fertility but every area of your life. Again, this journey is really about taking care of you and moving yourself forward. Going inward to replenish and recharge yourself will make what has seemed a daunting journey much more doable.