Ab Crunch with Vertical Legs, 26–27

bench exercises, 42–44, 74–75, 88–89, 122–123, 134–135, 138–140

Bench Leg Raise, 42–44

Bicycle Crunch, 85

Bosu Ball Crunch, 60–63

Bosu ball variations, 56–57, 73, 90–91, 145

Bridge, 145

broomstick exercises, 88–89, 94–95

burpees, 109

Cable Crunch, 72–73

Cable Lawnmower, 120–121

Cable Push-Pull, 118–119

cable station exercises, 72–73, 96–97, 118–121

Captain’s Chair Leg Lift, 34–35

Captain’s Chair Side Leg Lift, 98–100

cardio plan, total body workout, 159

checklists, core exercise, 13–15

chin-up bar exercises, 36–37, 48–49, 92–93

core exercises

about, 103

Bridge, 145

Cable Lawnmower, 120–121

Cable Push-Pull, 118–119

checklist for, 15

Corkscrew, 136–137

Decline Medicine Ball Toss, 134–135

Dog Pointers, 110–111

Isometric V-Hold, 141

Jump Squat with Twist, 142–144

Medicine Ball Figure Eight, 128–131

Medicine Ball Wood Chopper, 132–133

Mountain Climbers, 108–109

Pike, 116–117

Plank, 104–105

Reverse Hyperextensions, 138–140

Roll-Ups, 112–113

Spidermans, 106–107

Stability Ball Knee Tuck, 114–115

Weighted Hip Raise on a Bench, 122–123

Windshield Wipers, 124–127

core stress test, 16–21

Corkscrew, 136–137

Cross Body Crunch, 86–87

Crunch and Reach, 52–53


lower ab, 26–27, 32–33, 40–41

oblique, 85–87, 90–91, 101

upper ab, 52–53, 56–63, 67–73

Dead Bug, 54–55

Decline Bench Curl Up, 74–75

Decline Medicine Ball Toss, 134–135

Dog Pointers, 110–111

Double Crunch, 58–59

exercise checklists, core, 13–15

Figure Four Leg Raise and Crunch, 32–33

Flutter Kicks, 38–39

guidelines, core workout, 11

Hanging Leg Raise, 36–37

Hanging Leg Raises with Twists, 92–93

high-intensity interval training (HIIT), 148

hip flexors, 23, 32

Hover, 46–47

hyperextension bench exercises, 138–140

intervals, timed, 20–21

Isometric V-Hold, 141

Jump Squat with Twist, 142–144

Kneeling Cable Oblique Crunch, 96–97

Kneeling Resistance Band Crunch, 70–71

Landmines, 94–95

Leg Climb, 64–66

lower ab exercises

about, 23

Ab Crunch with Vertical Legs, 26–27

Bench Leg Raise, 42–44

Captain’s Chair Leg Lift, 34–35

checklist for, 13

Figure Four Leg Raise and Crunch, 32–33

Flutter Kicks, 38–39

Hanging Leg Raise, 36–37

Hover, 46–47

Pelvic Tilt, 24–25

Reclining Leg Circles, 45

Toes to Bar Hanging Leg Raise, 48–49

U-Boat, 28–31

Vertical Leg Crunch, 40–41

Lunges, 150–151, 154, 157

Medicine Ball Figure Eight, 128–131

Medicine Ball Wood Chopper, 132–133

medicine balls

exercises with, 122–123, 128–135

variations with, 35, 43, 151

Mountain Climbers, 108–109

muscle confusion, 150

non-core workouts. See total body workouts

Oblique Crunch with Legs Up, 101

oblique exercises

about, 77

Bicycle Crunch, 85

Captain’s Chair Side Leg Lift, 98–100

checklist for, 14

Cross Body Crunch, 86–87

Hanging Leg Raises with Twists, 92–93

Kneeling Cable Oblique Crunch, 96–97

Landmines, 94–95

Oblique Crunch with Legs Up, 101

Seated Broom Twist, 88–89

Side Bend, 80–81

Side Plank, 78–79

Stability Ball Hip Rolls, 82–84

Stability Ball Oblique Crunch, 90–91

Olympic bar exercises, 94–95

partner exercises, 134–135

Pelvic Tilt, 24–25

Pike, 116–117

Plank, 16–19, 78–79, 104–105

Prone Retractions, 150, 155

Push-Ups, 150–151, 153, 157

Quick Fixes, Total Body, 160–163

Reclining Leg Circles, 45

rectus abdominis, 8, 23, 25, 51

resistance bands

exercises with, 70–71, 96–97, 120–121

variations with, 41, 93, 150

Reverse Hyperextensions, 138–140

Roll-Ups, 112–113

Seated Broom Twist, 88–89

Side Bend, 80–81

Side Plank, 19, 78–79

Single Leg Deadlifts, 151, 158

Speed Skaters, 151, 156

Spidermans, 106–107

Squats, 150, 152

Stability Ball Crunch, 56–57

Stability Ball Hip Rolls, 82–84

Stability Ball Knee Tuck, 114–115

Stability Ball Oblique Crunch, 90–91

stability ball variations, 123

Toes to Bar Hanging Leg Raise, 48–49

Total Body Quickfixes, 160–163

total body workouts

about, 147–148

cardio plan for, 159

charts for, 149–151

exercises for, 152–158

Quick Fixes, 160–163

total core exercises. See core exercises

training logs, 166–169

U-Boat, 28–31

upper ab exercises

about, 51

Bosu Ball Crunch, 60–63

Cable Crunch, 72–73

checklist for, 14

Crunch and Reach, 52–53

Dead Bug, 54–55

Decline Bench Curl Up, 74–75

Double Crunch, 58–59

Kneeling Resistance Band Crunch, 70–71

Leg Climb, 64–66

Stability Ball Crunch, 56–57

Weighted Crunch, 67–69

vacuum, abdominal, 24–25

Vertical Leg Crunch, 40–41

Weighted Crunch, 67–69

Weighted Hip Raise on a Bench, 122–123

Windshield Wipers, 124–127

workout guidelines, core, 11

workouts, total body

about, 147–148

cardio plan for, 159

charts for, 149–151

exercises for, 152–158

Quick Fixes, 160–163