
Simply put, this book wouldn’t exist without the help and collaboration of so many, and within the paragraphs that follow I want to recognize those individuals formally for their tremendous assistance in making this book an incredible reality.

To start, I’d like to thank my great friend and literary agent, Heather Jackson. Heather, your faith in me going back 13 years is the reason we got to do this book together. I’m grateful to you for your friendship and for being the best possible advocate and coach in my corner that one could ever ask for. That, and you’re brilliant at what you do. Thank you so much for playing such a huge role in the story of my life! Here’s to many more wonderful years together!

To the amazing publishing team at BenBella, you have been a joy to work with. Glenn Yeffeth, thank you for believing in this project from the very beginning; we’ve created something special because of that. Claire Schulz, our amazing editor, you took the manuscript from good to great and really made the pages sing. Thank you so much for taking the intentional time; your passion shines through your work. To the design team, inside and out, thank you for creating something beautiful that we can all be proud to hold in our hands.

I’d also like to thank Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, our collaborator, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes putting my thoughts and vision and programming into a manuscript that I couldn’t be more thrilled with. Without you, this book would have been nearly impossible for me to pull off while running and operating so many other companies full-time, plus doing the most important job of all—being a present father and husband. Thank you.

Speaking of other companies, I want to thank my brother from another mother and BioTrust cofounder, Josh Bezoni, for bringing the life-changing opportunity that was and is BioTrust to the table. That will certainly have a huge impact on the success of this book, and in turn on the continued success of our mission. I’m grateful for all we have been through, and all that is to come. Decades more of helping people all over the world—that’s where the true fulfillment is.

To my friend and creator of all the wonderful recipes and beautiful photos in this book, Diana Keuilian, thank you for being who you are. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into every single recipe, and for being dedicated to producing only the best. Thank you for your cheerful spirit and great attitude, no matter what is asked of you. This book wouldn’t be half of what it is without you, literally!

To the Transformation Insider team, thank you for being available to pull research and to help with and direct everything that was asked of you and more. I am grateful to be surrounded by the best of the best people in business and in life. Your help was invaluable.

To my beautiful, kind, patient, and loving wife, Lisa, who has supported me through every up and down that my career has brought, thank you for being the rock by my side, for being the most amazing mother to our two girls, and for always being my biggest cheerleader; you are loved more than you know. Thank you for trusting me, through all my wild projects and ideas, including this one. Thank you for being you. My life would be close to empty without you and our family.

And lastly, but in all actuality number one by leaps and bounds, thank you, Lord, for blessing me with the air in my lungs, for the ability to write, for the passion to help others, for the opportunity to learn through failures and to celebrate wins, and, most important, for salvation through your son, Jesus Christ. I am nothing without you. I don’t take this life for granted. I don’t take this opportunity for granted. Use it for your glory.

And to everyone reading, you’re the real rock stars! Without you, there is no reason to even write this book. May it help and inspire you, and ultimately help direct you down the path of the life that you were born to live—a life with purpose, a life where you’re making a difference in your family, in your relationships, in your career, and in the world around you. It all starts with you!