
Love All, Serve All.
—Slogan of the Hard Rock Café

Ernest Shackleton led an unsuccessful attempt to reach the South Pole. In 1900 he published the following advertisement in a London newspaper: “Men Wanted for Hazardous Journey: Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.” So many people responded to the ad that Shackleton later declared, “It seemed as though all the men in Great Britain were determined to accompany me, the response was so overwhelming.”1
Evangelism is not exactly like conquering Antarctica, though some may fear the task in the same way! But evangelism can motivate us to make the impact for which we were created. Any believer who takes seriously the command to share Christ will do so with some level of fear. This book recognizes that fear. Many of us have knocked on a door while witnessing, only to pray, “God, please don’t let them be at home!”
Knowing how to go about the practice of evangelism brings great confidence. We must be biblical in our witness. We must share Christ out of the depth of the spiritual resources available. But we must also be intentional. Think about the things that happen if you are not intentional. If you are not intentional in your diet, at some point in life you will get fat. If you are not intentional in watering houseplants, they will die. So much in life requires intentionality. This section examines areas where intentionality matters.

1. W. J. Bennet, The Book of Virtues (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996), 493.