Smashwords Edition
Copyright © 2016 Devorah Fox
Mike Byrnes and Associates, Inc.
355 Keewaydin Lane
Port Aransas, Texas 78373
Also by Devorah
The Bewildering Adventures of King
Bewilliam series:
The Lost King, Book One
The King’s Ransom, Book Two
The King’s Redress, Book Three
The Redoubt, Book Four
Naked Came the Sharks with Jed Donellie
Masters of Time, A Science Fiction and Fantasy Time Travel Anthology
Magic Unveiled, An Anthology
Murder by the Book, A Mystery Mini
One Bad Apple, A Mystery Mini
Detour, A Big Rig Thriller
All books except Mystery Minis are also available in print at most online retailers.
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to Mike Byrnes
This is a work of fiction. Therefore, names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of my imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.