"What if?" Those two words all too easily send Devorah Fox spinning into flights of fancy. Best-selling author of The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam epic historical fantasy series including The Redoubt, voted one of 50 Self-Published Books Worth Reading 2016, and The Lost King, awarded the All Authors Certificate of Excellence. She also wrote the historical thriller Detour, co-authored the contemporary thriller, Naked Came the Sharks, with Jed Donellie, contributed to Masters of Time: a SciFi/Fantasy Time Travel Anthology, and Magic Unveiled: An Anthology, and has several Mystery Mini Short Reads to her name. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she now lives in The Barefoot Palace on the Texas Gulf Coast with rescued tabby cats and a dragon named Inky, and writes the “Dee-Scoveries” blog at http://devorahfox.com.


Connect online:

Email: devorahfox@aol.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/DevorahFoxAuthor

Twitter: @devorah_fox

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mbapub