Amann, Max Staff sergeant in Hitler’s regiment during the First World War. He now manages the business operations for the Nazi Party office.

Bechstein, Helene Wife of a Berlin piano manufacturer and an influential society hostess.

Berchtold, Josef Cigar dealer who commands the newly formed Stosstrupp Hitler, or “Hitler Assault Squad.”

Brückner, Wilhelm Leader of the Munich regiment of Storm Troopers.

Danner, Jakob Ritter von Major general, commander of the Munich city garrison.

Ebert, Friedrich A Social Democrat Party functionary who became the first president of the German Republic.

Ehard, Hans Deputy prosecutor in the trial of Adolf Hitler and later prime minister of Bavaria.

Esser, Hermann A young journalist and rabble-rousing orator in the Nazi Party.

Feder, Gottfried Owner of a construction firm and early economic adviser to Hitler.

Frank, Hans Law student who marched with a Storm Trooper unit.

Frick, Wilhelm Head of the political intelligence office at the Munich police.

Gademann, Otto Defense lawyer for Hermann Kriebel.

Göring, Carin Swedish aristocrat who fell in love with Hermann Göring and helped him escape Munich after the putsch.

Göring, Hermann Flamboyant wartime pilot and socially prominent recruit to the Nazi Party who commands the Storm Troopers.

Götz, Georg Defense lawyer for Wilhelm Frick.

Graf, Ulrich Bodyguard to Adolf Hitler.

Gürtner, Franz Bavaria’s nationalistic minister of justice.

Hanfstaengl (“Putzi”), Ernst Harvard-educated scion of a prominent publishing family.

Hanfstaengl, Helen Niemeyer American-born wife of Ernst Hanfstaengl who hides Hitler from the police.

Hemmeter, Walther Defense lawyer for Ernst Pöhner and Robert Wagner.

Hemmrich, Franz Prison guard at Landsberg.

Hess, Rudolf Student at Munich University who already shows a fanatical loyalty to Hitler.

Himmler, Heinrich A young member of Captain Röhm’s paramilitary squad, the Reichskriegsflagge, or “Imperial Battle Flag.”

Hitler, Adolf Thirty-four-year-old Austrian-born demagogue and fanatical anti-Semite who chairs the Nazi Party.

Hoffmann, Heinrich Photographer who enjoys the exclusive right to photograph Adolf Hitler.

Holl, Alfred Defense lawyer for Friedrich Weber.

Imhoff, Sigmund Freiherr Major in the Bavarian state police.

Kahr, Gustav Ritter von Bavarian politician appointed to the newly created position of general state commissioner with expansive executive powers.

Knilling, Eugen Ritter von Bavaria’s conservative prime minister who had played an important role in appointing Gustav von Kahr as general state commissioner.

Kohl, Karl Defense lawyer for Wilhelm Brückner.

Kriebel, Hermann Lieutenant colonel (retired) who serves as military commander of the Kampfbund, or “Combat League.”

Leybold, Otto Warden at Landsberg Prison.

Lossow, Hermann von Head of Bavarian military. He works closely with the general state commissioner, Gustav von Kahr, and the head of the state police, Colonel Hans von Seisser.

Ludendorff, Erich Quartermaster general for the German Army during the First World War and idol to the far right.

Luetgebrune, Walter One of two defense counsels for General Erich Ludendorff. The other one was Willibald von Zezschwitz.

Maurice, Emil Matchmaker, chauffeur, and brawler in the Stosstrupp Hitler, or “Hitler Assault Squad.”

Mayer, Hellmuth Defense counsel for Friedrich Weber. He is joined by Alfred Holl.

Murphy, Robert Twenty-nine-year-old American vice consul who went from one beer city, Milwaukee, to another, Munich.

Neithardt, Georg Superior court director and presiding judge in the trial of Adolf Hitler.

Pacelli, Eugenio Papal nuncio in Munich and later Pope Pius XII.

Pernet, Heinz Stepson to General Erich Ludendorff.

Pöhner, Ernst Former president of Munich police who serves as a judge on the Bavarian Supreme Court.

Roder, Lorenz Defense attorney for Adolf Hitler. He also helps defend Ernst Pöhner and Wilhelm Frick.

Röhm, Ernst Captain in the Reichswehr who heads the paramilitary society Reichskriegsflagge, or “Imperial Battle Flag.”

Rosenberg, Alfred The viciously anti-Semitic German Balt editor of the Nazi newspaper, Völkischer Beobacher.

Scheubner-Richter, Max Erwin von German Balt intriguer active in Munich’s far right and Russian émigré circles.

Schramm, Christoph Chief counsel for Captain Ernst Röhm.

Schweyer, Franz Bavaria’s minister of the interior who had long been critical of Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Seeckt, Hans von Commander-in-chief of the German Reichswehr.

von Seisser, Hans Ritter Head of Bavarian state police, close ally to Gustav von Kahr and Hermann von Lossow.

Stenglein, Ludwig Chief prosecutor in the Hitler trial. His deputy was Hans Ehard.

Streicher, Julius Headmaster of a Nuremberg elementary school and publisher of the virulently anti-Semitic Der Stürmer.

Stresemann, Gustav Chancellor and then foreign minister of Germany.

Wagner, Robert Student at Munich’s infantry officer training academy.

Weber, Friedrich Veterinarian and political leader of the paramilitary society Bund Oberland.

Zezschwitz, Willibald von One of the two defense counsels for General Erich Ludendorff.