Munich, 1923–1924: Cast of Characters
Part I: The Beer Hall
1. Bürgerbräukeller
2. Starving Trillionaires
3. Four Bullets
4. German Ulysses
5. “Loud, Raw, and Screeching”
6. Sparkling Metropolis
7. Harvard’s Gift
8. The New Regime
9. “Safely Delivered”
10. Counter-Putsch
11. Initiative
12. Barbarian Hordes
13. Midnight in Munich
14. Ordinance No. 264
15. “I Am Not a Coward”
16. Hour of Decision
17. In the Courtyard
18. Hitler’s Foreign Legion
19. Blood Land
20. Flight
21. Hostage Ordeal
22. New November Criminals
23. Testament
24. Curtains
25. Trials Before the Trial
Part II: The Courtroom
26. “We Will Not Hurt Germany!”
27. Defendant Hitler
28. Confessions and Distortions
29. Behind Closed Doors
30. The Defense Attacks
31. A Masterpiece of Ignorance
32. Cup of Bitterness
33. Dr. Frick
34. First Witnesses
35. The Prosecutor’s Misfortunes
36. Priorities
37. “Peculiar Gentlemen”
38. A Dangerous Game
39. Avoiding the Rubble
40. Day Thirteen
41. A Putsch, Not a Putsch
42. Blow-Up
43. Hints
44. Hitler’s Bodyguard Takes the Stand
45. Volte-Face
46. “Good Times for Traitors”
47. From Munich to Valhalla
48. Final Words
49. Endings and Beginnings
50. Nomen Est Omen
Part III: Prison
51. Caesar in Cell 7
52. Face-to-Face
53. Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice
54. “A Perpetual Danger”
Notes and Sources
Illustration Credits