Chapter 4:

Understanding the numbers: generic top-layer interpretations

The aspects of your Soul Contract

There are different interpretations depending on the position that a given number takes:

1.  In a karmic aspect, the energies of the numbers manifest as lessons that you are trying to grow from. These will be most intense and will usually run throughout your lifetime, decreasing in intensity as your personality learns the lessons. Ultimately, the karmic aspects can become the greatest source of connection to God as the negative energy is literally transmuted into its positive form.

2.  In a talent aspect, the energies of the numbers are primarily positive. These are initially latent in your personality and need to be developed. At the beginning of your lifetime you have a small element of the karmic aspect of a given number within them that needs to be worked through in order to start manifesting their positive qualities. The talents act as the fulcrum, the key to working through the karmic aspects and achieving the goals in your life. This may not always happen depending on how the other energies in the chart are laid out.

3.  In a goal aspect, you are to come into the positive aspects of the numbers. The energies are like a detuned version of the karmic aspect. They act as an incentive, like the dream you are striving for, over your entire life – what gets you out of bed in the morning; what you hold dearest to your heart, no matter what anyone else says, even though initially it may seem unattainable. This yearning comes deep from within your soul (see the following figure).


Figure 17: Proportion of positive and negative qualities in an aspect

An open system of interpretation

The interpretations that follow are a comprehensive discourse based upon 33 years of private practice delivering readings and using the Soul Contract work in combination with other healing and consciousness-raising tools at the Center for Conscious Ascension. However, they will never be complete because they can be expanded further as this is an open system of spiritual interpretation. You may gain other insights about yourself as you go through the interpretations which are not written down. Trust these insights as it is the energies of this work communicating to you.

As you read through the interpretations in Chapters 4–8 and find the numbers in your Soul Contract, you may have some or all of these energies running for you in your chart. Some points of interpretation may really resonate strongly for you, while you may not relate to others very much or at all. This is because the soul sometimes only uses a subset of the energies available for a given number. It also depends on what stage of life you are at. Some of the aspects may not have fully activated for you yet. For the karmic patterns, you may have already worked through and transmuted much of them.

Letting go of the judgement of your karma

If you have a strong resonance with what is being said when reading the karmic patterns, it is important not to judge yourself for what the soul has put in place for you to overcome and transmute. Remember it was not you at a personality level that created this in a past life. It was the soul doing this with a completely different personality expression (Fig 3, p28). You now have the choice of whether you wish to clear the karmic pattern or not. It is the soul’s hope that you will.

This process of self-realization, of getting to the absolute truth of what has been creating the challenges in your life, is more about gradually moving to a place of acceptance of the patterns and letting go all judgement of them and any feelings of being bad for having them. This is the key to transmuting the karmic patterning. For it is only our ego personality’s judgement of them that actually holds them in place along with the associated negative emotions. If you apply conscious healing processes at the same time, eg Divine Healing (Appendix E), then it is possible to rapidly peel away the layers of this karmic programming to reveal the positive gifts underneath it that the soul has placed there for you. For example, with Michael William Sampson’s physical karmic 11-2s, in the early years of his life he struggled to discern what was his truth, lacking structure for how life worked. But as he became discerning of his truth, and only built in ideas and concepts that resonated to him into this truth, his structure of truth started to expand – to the point where it could positively manifest in the form of his innovative architectural designs that turned into physical buildings out in the world.

For each karmic pattern that I describe here, I will also present recommendations later in this book on how to overcome them.

Focusing on the essence of each number

What I would like you to do is focus on learning the key essence of each number so you can start to differentiate between the meanings of each of the 22 numbers. I have laid out the interpretations for each number in a tiered structure with numbered points to make it easier to learn. Just take your time as you read through and take a mental pause now and then at the end of each subsection to rest and collect yourself and to let the energy of it assimilate. You will need to go through this process several times; each time you do this, the transmission from the text will take you deeper into the meaning of a given number. Essential points to remember are in boxed text at the end of each number interpretation.

Top-level interpretations 1–22

1: Aleph: A




1.  This represents two interlocking elements of energy, which, when pulled apart, become stronger and more stable.

2.  These are the energies of Archangel Michael, the masculine expression of God, coming from within you.

Number category

Spiritual, communication




1.  You are analytical and a giver of wealth (philanthropist).

2.  You have the ability to see through spiritual walls.

3.  You have great power of insight and carry high master energies.

4.  You are being reborn, go to the core of things and undergo transformation and transmutation.

5.  It is deeply healing because of the transformation.

6.  Pluto represents the ending of a cycle for you and the birth of a new one. It is an evolutionary planet.


1.  You are subjected to deep compulsions, subconscious cravings and wilful manipulations of others to serve your own ends.

2.  You may be experiencing ruthlessness, avoidance of yourself and infatuation with power.

Apex of achievement


The access, the gateway to the Divine Mind



1.  This is where a young spirit learns to manoeuvre in the ethers for the first time.

2.  It is part of the individuation process as a Spirit descends into the density of the separation of 3rd dimensional, Earth-physical reality.


1.  This energy is very strong in any position.

2.  When you have access to this level of power, a lot of responsibility comes with it as you are dealing with the energies of Archangel Michael.

3.  From an esoteric viewpoint, 1 (one) is the beginning, and Archangel Michael is the Creator of our Universe.


1.  You could be greedy, avaricious or abusive of power.

2.  In avoidance of your spiritual growth, you could be unstable as a result.


1.  You can express in unity, power and stability.

2.  This is all about creating collective unity within the consciousness of humanity.

3.  Coming into mastery of your self while on Earth. This means transmuting enough of the ego separation programs within you, to allow the ego to be reabsorbed into the higher consciousness of your soul so that it no longer dominates your life.

4.  Your soul consciousness becomes the primary power guiding and driving you forth in each moment.

5.  You carry the vibrations to disseminate knowledge.

6.  You need to be careful not to misuse power in this position; otherwise, this would generate karma.

7.  You are very stable, very centred in spirit. This indicates that you are a service soul who has been to Earth many times before and has returned this time to serve humanity by bringing in a higher state of consciousness.

8.  It will take you time to get used to the power as you come into it.

9.  You are a natural healer.


Striving to become stable and using power properly


Overcoming abuse of power and avoidance of spiritual growth


Unity, power and stability

2: Beth: B




1.  Actively paternal sign, male

2.  Coiled spring, resilient, open at one end so people can come in, move around and experience power and protection




1.  Feminine, bearing fruit

2.  Sympathetic, responsiveness

3.  Adaptable sense of self, flowing, inner contentment


1.  Oversensitivity

2.  Insecurity

3.  Inaccurate and inhibiting sense of self


1.  This energy is designed to emotionally support you and others.

2.  It is like a car’s suspension, designed to smooth out life’s bumps.


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in Foolishness to Wisdom

2.  Lack of proper judgement

3.  Lack of balance and misuse of abilities

4.  Lack of emotional resiliency

5.  Hypersensitive, in shock a lot of the time


Good for teaching, law, counselling, politics, due to resiliency, as you are objective in expression


To become wise and emotionally resilient


Lack of resiliency; hypersensitive to shock; moving from Foolishness to Wisdom; learning proper judgement, balance, use of abilities


Emotional resiliency, objectivity, wisdom

3: Gimel: G




1.  Image of the canal, material covering, outer shell with energy patterns on inside

2.  Open to receive anyone who wants to come in




1.  Power of protection, initiative, leader

2.  Sexuality. Be careful here as this could throw you out of balance.

3.  Courage, willpower


1.  Impatience, wilfulness

2.  Violence, improper use of force


1.  This energy is all about communication. You are learning to communicate internal concepts that come from inside the canal and bringing them out into the world in a feeling manner.

2.  It also goes the other way: being able to hear and absorb feeling and communication from others, drawing it into the canal, allowing a two-way flow of communication.


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in Poverty to Wealth.

2.  Your ego can get away on you; insecurity and deep unworthiness lead to refusal to recognize the work of others, just in case you are wrong.

3.  You underestimate own abilities, especially the ability to teach.

4.  You are failure orientated, with a martyr syndrome.

5.  Money, where you find it difficult to charge for services. You hide in a symbolic shell away from the world. You make impulsive, unwise buying decisions and investments, as the 3 wants to spend money, especially on credit cards, to numb out the feeling of deep unworthiness. This can create a lot of debt as a result.

6.  You are extremely shy. You have to learn to come out to express your true self in a confident manner. You can literally appear invisible to people energetically: for example, you walk into a room and no one notices you. You need to learn to consciously make your self visible. You hide in the internal canal, and you hide from God due to unworthiness.

7.  You may have sexual blockages.

8.  Initially, you do not know what you feel, and when you eventually do, you may have great difficulty expressing this feeling.


1.  Ideas originating from internal actions. You have the capacity to bring concepts to reality.

2.  You are intuitive and creative.

3.  You have the vibrations of a teacher who is teaching from the soul.

4.  You can also communicate through writing and performance, especially singing.

5.  You have an above-average interest in sexuality.


1.  To strive to be a teacher of some form and the expression of the inner self

2.  To make lots of money and to awaken sexually


Unworthiness; lessons in Poverty to Wealth; underestimate abilities, shy, sexual blockages, unable to feel and express feelings


Communication, leadership, teacher, bringing concepts into reality

4: Daled: D




1.  Base structure: geometric unit

2.  Energies of duplication: you learn something, then share it in exactly the same way with someone else.




1.  Strength, light purity, perfection, radiation of spirit

2.  Creative and loving pouring forth of self, self-expression, individuality


1.  Pride, arrogance

2.  Excessive desire to be special


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in being Barren to Fruitful

2.  You can experience a lot of abundance and lack of abundance. What is your attitude in life to abundance in all areas of expression? Are you open to it? Worthy of it? Need to be in lack consciousness?

3.  You can be self-centred without regard for anyone or anything. You need to become environmentally aware and learn to take care of Mother Nature, not exploiting her for profit and becoming involved in protecting the environment.

4.  This can also relate to the conception of unplanned children, forming the primary lesson in life for you as you learn to share of your self unconditionally with the child in its upbringing, giving him or her your love, time and energy. If this occurs, each and every one of your buttons will be pressed much harder than normal for a new parent. This is especially strong if you are a man as you will find it particularly challenging taking up parental responsibilities.

5.  You have poor self-esteem due to the deep subconscious feeling of being disconnected from God’s abundance and love. You have a deep feeling that there is something bad about you.

6.  You duplicate selfishness. You can push people out of the way, resulting in isolation.

7.  You lack trust in the flow of the Universe and assume something will go wrong.


1.  Sign of nature expressing every idea born of abundance from division. You take all things that come to you unconditionally, then duplicate and share them.

2.  You could be a teacher, a minister, statistician, economist, accountant or research scientist.

3.  You have the ability for a lot of control and to absorb and duplicate.

4.  Highly intelligent mind

5.  You have very positive energies and are a real achiever. You draw power from the Sun.


1.  To share and expand all things in your life, love, knowledge, money and yourself

2.  To radiate who you are to the world


Lack of trust in the flow of the Universe; to become worthy of the flow; to learn to duplicate and share of self


Duplication and sharing, trust in the flow of the Universe

5: Heh: H, E




1.  Symbol of abstraction

Star sign



1.  Pioneer, courageous, assertive, freedom

2.  You express yourself best as a channel or medium, through automatic or creative writing.

3.  You take a firm stand on your beliefs and always put your best foot (Right Foot) forward.


1.  You can be selfish, arrogant, impulsive, impatient, reckless, foolhardy, immature and impetuous.

2.  You can jump in feet first without thinking and can have a tendency to butt in without consideration of others.

3.  You can be daring and so may take risks to the point of being a dare-devil.



1.  This is a key area of strength.


1.  This energy is very light in terms of relative power to the other numbers.

2.  The 5 is about coming into manifestation from the world of abstraction.

3.  The way to do this is by asserting yourself and using the power of ‘speech’ to bring the ‘abstraction into reality’.


1.  You need to develop positive Aries characteristics. Step out into the world and express and act upon your deepest truth.

2.  Be careful not to use your intuitive abilities improperly, as you open up to them so easily and may not value them highly enough.

3.  You can be tempted to achieve power improperly. You can be manipulative.

4.  Subject to negativity/depression due to sensitivity, inability to adjust to society

5.  Very floaty and ungrounded, very mental

6.  You have difficulty asserting yourself.

7.  You can manifest abuse in your life to experience the misuse of power that supresses your truth so as to overcome it.


1.  High spiritual, God-like energies. Your mind is very open to God, so you are open psychically and very intuitive.

2.  Aries characteristics

3.  Creative in terms of bringing forth new ideas, always changing and growing; great as innovators, visionaries

4.  Headstrong, teacher of teachers. Make good writers. When you determine something is valid for you, it stays with you.

5.  Your strength is in speech.


To completely open up the mind to the soul and become a teacher of teachers with all the Aries characteristics


Fear of speaking the truth, abuse of power


Truth, intuition, pioneer

6: Vuv: V, O, U, W




1.  Convertible knot: creates something out of nothing.

2.  Starts with a simple thought and if compatible with truth can create reality out of it.

Star sign



Practical, possessive, strong-willed


Stubborn, bloody-minded and rigid



All of creation starts with a thought.


1.  You have an inability to use your will (thought) to achieve what you want. This loss of will stems from a feeling of being disconnected from God. You can feel despondent or angry/frustrated because of this.

2.  Blocked creativity and expression of soul essence

3.  Abnormal desire to achieve power, anger

4.  Isolation

5.  You have an inability to focus on one thing. You always have too many things going on at once, and you are never able to complete them. You are easily distracted and can tire yourself out as a result from the stress this brings.

6.  Tendency towards addictions, especially smoking, alcohol, drugs and sex. You get hooked on something and have total disregard for others and everything else. You can be somewhat fanatical.

7.  Due to the inability to focus and the blocked power, you get very frustrated and angry.


1.  Extremely creative. You have the ability to take a spark of an idea that you resonate with and expand it into creating something in the reality.

2.  Excellent business people because you are creative and focused. When you decide on a course of action, you plunge ahead with all your energies. Every action is well planned. You know you can achieve the end result.

3.  The Eye, all that relates to light and spirituality. The 6 energy starts as a small spark and moves out into the Universe in many different directions, illuminating, energizing and expanding many different ideas and energies.

4.  You are very artistic, especially in the visual arts.

5.  Adaptable, can relate to anyone, light/darkness, spiritual/physical. You are a good communicator.

6.  Spiritually, your mind is always looking for expansion. Your mental powers of concentration are developed to a high degree.

7.  You are quite powerful and catalytic.


To become focused and creative


Blocked creativity, lack of focus, rigidity and anger


Creative and able to manifest

7: Zion: Z 7




1.  Take two links of chain and join them with you in the middle. Two factions can break away if they wish.

2.  You are here to guide people, not to control or own them, to act as a catalyst, a facilitator.

Star sign



Versatile, adaptable, intellectual and logical


Two-faced, manipulative and controlling



1.  Coming out into the world

2.  Connecting with and catalysing groups of people into action


1.  Difficulty knowing what is real and what isn’t which creates indecisiveness

2.  You can appear to be in dreamland.

3.  Gemini lessons: to learn to present your true self to people, not the facade/shield.

4.  You play games with people’s minds in order to maintain control of situations and prevent your true identity from being revealed. You are initially not even aware of the deep unconscious control you try to impose on people and their environment.

5.  You need to learn to communicate how you truly feel and think to people and not hide your emotions inside.

6.  You need to integrate as one person.

7.  You are really good at hiding who you really are. This can manifest as physically hiding in remote places so that no one can find you.

8.  Excellent actors. Nobody can read you.

9.  The extreme control can lead to rigidity in your body.

10.  You need to learn to accept the dark side of your self.

11.  At your core, you may have a deep fear that you are a terrible person. This is often so deeply buried that you are unaware of it. It creates the feeling that you must hide who you really are. Also, it creates mistrust in your self, leading to indecision. Your control of yourself and others is a form of protection so that you don’t feel this feeling of being bad and to prevent others from seeing it as well.


1.  You are demonstrative.

2.  You are a link that unites and serves as a catalyst, activating major change in people.

3.  You are here to finalize decisions, with the capacity to see both sides of a situation equally. Energies like Solomon; arbitrator, judge, counsellor. You can arrive at finality.

4.  You are good at networking and bringing together groups of people like yourself and each other; ability to facilitate groups, yet not lead or control them; teamwork.

5.  You are magnetic, always liked, the life and soul of the party.


To become one person and make decisions in life, to come out of hiding and really express your true self


In dreamland, indecision, control, hiding, heart closure


Heart opening, objective, action

8: Ches: CH



1.  The sign of elementary existence relating to the physical; like an amoeba, fluid

2.  Most powerful earth vibrations available, binds you here to Earth

Star sign



Sensitive, imaginative, paternal and protective


Clingy, need to be needed, overemotional



Clairvoyance, the ability to clearly see the future


1.  You are to learn to release attachments to people and things, to let go of the past.

2.  Self-sacrificing, overinvolved in the problems of others physically. You need to learn to let others get on with their life lessons rather than trying to ‘fix’ them.

3.  You need to come into your body and be emotionally grounded. You tend to run a lot of mental/intellectual body models of how emotions and feelings should be rather than experiencing them directly through your heart, which is usually closed in early life. You can be very analytical as a result. Coming into your emotional body can be quite a shock for you.

4.  You can feel trapped on the Earth plane when the emotional intensity from suppressed childhood trauma comes into consciousness at a feeling level. You can feel like you would rather die than engage with your feelings. This can be difficult to overcome.

5.  Difficulty committing to life, eg emotionally in relationships, especially for men, having a fixed address, having a job, furnishing a home properly. There is a need to get into the spiritual.

6.  Inability/reluctance to relate to society, therefore avoiding the normal trappings of modern life, such as a stable job, a stable address. This is due to the fear of taking responsibility and fear of commitment.

7.  Because you can be ungrounded, you tend to be hard on your body and on material things. This can manifest as bad hygiene, tatty clothes, forgetting to wash or change your clothes enough, keeping your house clean. You have a tendency to break things.

8.  You tend to relate better to animals than humans.

9.  The core program of this pattern is ‘I don’t want to do this’ or ’I don’t want to be here’.

10.  Unrequited love. You can have mental body models and projections of the ideal relationship, becoming attached to it, wanting it back. The reality would be quite different where you would need to learn how to become fully present and to respond fluidly to the emotional ebb, flow and change of true relating.


1.  You are usually a high-frequency soul coming into the reality and relating to the heaviness of the place. This is a big effort that requires constant work. You are home orientated and have a difficult time in business.

2.  Clairvoyant with respect to the future. You tune into a situation and know the truth of it. You have an extensive spiritual insight. You generally make less errors in spiritual judgement, but more in areas pertaining to the physical (indecisiveness).

3.  With these energies, the feminine qualities of nurturing, relating, supporting and intuition are dominant. This makes it difficult as we live in a society where masculine qualities are valued and are dominant.

4.  Right Hand extended to all


To become grounded in society and to reach out and connect to people emotionally


Ungrounded, avoiding connection, unclear boundaries


 1.    Grounded, connecting with people

9: Tes: T




Like a snake, dragon related to great power

Star sign



Power, creative, generous and organisation, warmth


Vanity, pride, dramatization



The ability to hear God clearly


1.  You have an invisible protection from God which manifests as a feeling that you are going to be OK no matter what happens.

2.  Too many 9s (more than four) in a chart can be hard on the physical body.


1.  Resistance to the acceptance and expression of your spiritual power

2.  Tendency to misuse power, control, destruction of other people or create the reality that this is ‘done’ to you, usually through a tough childhood where one or both parents actively disempowered you. Alternatively, you may manifest abusive situations at school and work. The tendency to misuse power is unconscious and stems from being traumatized.

3.  You are here to express your feelings of disempowerment and to then claim back the power you have given away. When you have regained power, this may feel scary to you at a personality level which is not used to being so powerful. The sudden realization of how powerful the 9 energies are can make you feel over-whelmed as you start to see the effect it has on other people.

4.  Blockages to creativity as you don’t trust your channel (Left Kidney). Due to this inability to trust the self there is a tendency to live by ‘rules’ that may come from a Guru, teacher or system. You are giving your power away to this.


1.  9s are the most powerful energies in this system. You can basically do anything you like and are unstoppable. You are the power of God incarnate.

2.  Extremely creative

3.  You serve as an extremely powerful catalyst, peacemaker and have strength in stability.

4.  Excellent channels and mediums, channelling chakra opens up at an early age

5.  Brilliant healers

6.  You possess great strength and belief in your self and learn to trust intuitive feelings, due to the unconscious knowing of power. When you hear your truth, you know it.

7.  The soul is so powerful that these energies can be tough on the physical body, often pushing it beyond its limits.


To claim back and express your power with great integrity


Resistance to power, victim consciousness, no boundaries


Powerful, catalytic, trusts spirit

10: Yod: I, J



1.  The symbol of potential manifestation of Spirit on the Earth plane

2.   Moves in curves which is captured in this symbol.

3.   Spirit is eternal and forever moving.

Number category


Star sign



Analytical, meticulous and discriminating


Critical, perfectionist, overly mental



You are a steady, studious worker and have to work hard to achieve in all aspects, especially in the karmic ones.


1.  This is the flow of Spirit coming into the reality.

2.  You are very connected to the Source.

3.  Masculine and feminine energies are very balanced in your expression.


Left hand

1.  You keep it in your pocket.

2.  You do not want to reach out.

3.  You do not want to take a chance or let others know who you truly are.

4.  In relationships you have a tendency to stay superficial and do not connect to the essence of others.


1.  Use both 10 and 1: blend both negative aspects together to get the full meaning.

2.  Denial of God and spirituality

3.  Overly critical, insecure and prejudiced

4.  Self-righteous and judgemental of others

5.  At some point in a past life, a real denial of God occurred, and your soul has either misused spiritual gifts or not used them at all. All came too easy.

6.  You are here to learn the responsibility of growth and power.

7.  You must work hard for what you achieve.

8.  You are always tempted to leave your path. You vacillate and change goals often. Life is one of work to maintain your spiritual path.

9.  Spirit has to make sure that a very strong mind is built before the full flow of 10-1 talents becomes available to you.

Physical Talents

1.  Highest God-like energies in numerology, yin/yang, energies of balance

2.  A vocal expression

3.  Excellent healers, inventors; creative

4.  You have trouble adjusting to physical vibrations and often feel like a misfit in society.

5.  You do not really have Physical Talents. There are no pure physical aspects. You are here to be of direct service to others, in order to get a sense of satisfaction in life.

Physical Goals

1.  You have none. Physical Goals are spiritual.

2.  You are here to learn to use the spiritual knowledge/abilities you acquire in the service of others.

3.  There is no free will as energies are so powerful, which means the expression of your service becomes your life goal.

Spiritual Talents

1.  Capacity to come into full soul consciousness

2.  You are completely connected, aware, very balanced and stable.

Spiritual Goals

To achieve conscious mastery of self in this lifetime


Overcoming denial of God and spirituality and misuse of power


Manifestation of God, service, intuition

11: Caf: C




1.  Sign of assimilation, mould which receives and creates all forms

2.  Physical energies to a great degree




1.  Love, personal values, harmony; combines with the emotional support of the 2: Beth of the 11–2, enabling you to invite people into your aura to teach, nurture and share with them.

2.  Sharing, give and take, generosity of Spirit


Self-indulgence, greed, emotional demands, inhibition of affections


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in Death to Life, physically and spiritually

2.  Inability to achieve balance in life’s experiences

3.  Tendency to avoid goals as Moon energies of 2 are cyclic, so you can misinterpret things relative to life and death.

4.  You can take on dysfunctional patterns as your own, as you are not very discerning as to what you assimilate. These are not something being imposed upon you, and can result in manic-depressive behaviour.

5.  Tendency to become dependent on others due to your need for structure in life. You have a feeling that you cannot do it on your own. This leads to immobility and underachievement.

6.  You have difficulty assimilating information, ideas and knowledge. This can create problems at school. You need to develop your own structure of truth. You may have difficulty absorbing a Soul Contract Reading.


1.  You have the ability to open your self to all ideas of concept, sort out the garbage and create a solid truth. You have a logical, analytical mind and are realistic.

2.  You can expand and bring concepts into reality. You are involved in analysis and statistical research.

3.  Highly intelligent, way above average

4.  Building energies both physically and spiritually, eg a business, a body of knowledge


To create a structure of truth, which could be a physical construct like a business or building, a philosophy of living, a system of healing and similar


Lack of structure, feeling lost, life and death


Assimilation, structure

12: Lamed: L




1.  Sign of expansion and expression

2.  Flowing, seeking growth and very symbolic spiritually

3.  Incentive to continue to expand to get more knowledge to teach

Star sign



1.  Harmony, romantic, idealistic and togetherness

2.  A coming together, balance


Unbalanced, indecisive, sitting on the fence


Strong energies in positive and negative expressions



This is the act of love. In a karmic position, this can get very excessive, eg multiple partners, or completely non-existent.


1.  Your prime lesson is to learn the balance of the physical and spiritual. There are always obstacles placed in your path to prevent this.

2.  Trying to expand, but keep being limited and restricted. This can often manifest some form of physical or emotional illness to limit you.

3.  Self-guilt, lack of self-worth resulting in a constant need for approval from others

4.  Threat of emotions and sexual desires interfere with your spiritual growth.


1.  Strong incentive to expand knowledge base. Great thirst for learning new things which are internalized and expanded before they can be shared. You like reading and can be a bookworm.

2.  You possess the ability to share great love with those who have a need for it.

3.  You always want to mother everyone.

4.  You can see beauty, even from the lowest vibrations.


To expand and achieve balance in your emotional, spiritual and sexual expression in life


Learning balanced expansion


Absorption, expansion, love

13: Mem: MS




1.  Sign of water and wisdom. The upper waters are beyond our comprehension; they are not revealed.

2.  The lower waters are the lakes, the rivers, the seas; they are revealed.




1.  Idealistic, spiritual, sensitive and creative; female expression of God, Sananda

2.  Attunement with the whole, realisation of spiritual dimension of experiences, all encompassing compassion, living an ideal


1.  Self-destructive escapism, evasion of responsibilities and your deepest needs

2.  Refusal to face one’s motives and to commit self to anything

Apex of achievement


1.  One of the major qualities of the feminine aspect of God is Wisdom. Coming into these energies requires the acquisition of Wisdom.

2.  This is acquired by delving deep into the water of your emotions so that what is hidden becomes revealed.



This is when a personality goes into the depths of their emotions, to engage with their negative context, created in order to transmute them.


1.  Even though this energy is very feminine, soft and loving, it is also very powerful.

2.  More of this energy is arriving on planet Earth, especially in Name Optimizations (Appendix C).


1.  You are self-indulgent and neglect the needs of others, especially children.

2.  You heart is really closed, and you have a kind of tough exterior.

3.  You need to learn to be soft and loving like a mother.


1.  A maternal and passive sign

2.  A fruitful and creative sign coming from a very soft vibration

3.  Sign of total love; Mother Meera type energies

4.  Make excellent teachers, leaders of spiritual movements, counsellors and ministers

5.  This is the still water that all beings come to eventually for nourishment. It just waits for them to come to it.


To become loving and wise


Heart blockage to love, self-indulgent, neglect needs of others


Unconditional Love of Divine Feminine

14: Nun: N



1.  Sign of etheric and individual existence

2.  Product of reflected being

Star sign



1.  Intense, passionate, persistent and discerning

2.  Depth, mysteries and secrecy


1.  Overly intense

2.  You can get very negative in your expression.



1.  This is the first step in the discernment/digestion process.

2.  You have the ability to decide if something is even edible.


1.  The main feature of this energy is the overriding intensity, both for you and those around you.


1.  You are heavily involved in relationships to learn self-acceptance.

2.  Stubborn, you can use people for your own benefit and refuse to acknowledge the talents of others.

3.  You cannot know who you are by yourself. You can only know who you are by having unknown parts of yourself reflected back to you in relationships; thus, you create very intense relationships with all around you. Because of this, you can get emotionally burnt out.

4.  You are ungrounded.


1.  Very psychic. However, you must learn to use it and share it with others.

2.  You are very discerning on all issues directly related to your life.

3.  You are adaptable to new situations and generally have an open mind, willing to listen to new theories and philosophies.


To discover who you truly are and accept it


Learning self-acceptance through relationships, using other people, stubborn


Reflection and intensity in relationships

15: Samech: S, X



Link reinforced and turned back upon itself

Star sign



1.  Optimistic, versatile, scrupulous; freedom

2.  Restless aspiration propelling you towards an ideal


Unscrupulous, blunt



1.  You are asleep, unconscious of the God within or the God without.

2.  The goal is to wake up, to become conscious of where God is within your life and connect to it.


1.  An insecure sign

2.  Tendency to be involved with so many things that you can lose your purpose and direction. You can latch on to other people’s ideas and aspirations and adopt them as your own as you lack your own purpose. In doing this, you lose time and go round in circles. When you wear out someone else’s aspiration, you look for the next thing to latch on to. Given a spiritual direction, you may not accept it until it has been heavily researched, often resulting in losing the whole concept. This can result in you becoming tired and burnt out.

3.  You need to learn to become the positive aspects of Sagittarius: more optimistic, versatile, less closed in.


1.  These are very high frequencies that have the ability to live with God on the inside and the outside.

2.  It relates to the inner circular movement of one’s Spirit, always searching and seeking to find more of God, both on the inside and the outside.

3.  These energies are more gentle than 9s or 10s. You are on a gentle spiritual journey.


1.  To find God within and God without

2.  To find your purpose in life


Insecure, going round in circles, trying out lots of things


Feeling the God within

16: Ayen: Y



1.  Relates to material meaning pertaining to the physical plane and society

Star sign



Prudent, reliable, ambitious and determined


You must learn to release these hard, physical vibrations for love. You can be stingy and unadventurous.



1.  If the liver is toxic, repressed anger is stored.

2.  Conversely, the energies of anger when taken to a higher form are deeply purifying.


1.  You can have a tendency to lie, be negative and refuse to accept your spirituality.

2.  Deeply involved in karma relating to the physical. This is where you are learning to relate your spiritual energies to the Earth emotional plane. This manifests as intense karmic experiences in your interactions with people.

3.  The transition to a spiritual vibration is often difficult for you due to your heavy emotional involvements.

4.  You often, rebel and fight changes within your pattern of spiritual growth.

5.  You have difficulty accepting the love vibration as love is the flow of spiritual energy.

6.  The lesson is to develop the capacity for taking spiritual energies and relating them to the emotional Earth plane.


1.  You came here to teach people in karma, not service souls. You have the ability to come across to people as a real human being.

2.  Authentic


To learn how to bring Spirit to Earth in an accessible manner


Refusing to accept spirituality coming in


Grounding spiritual energies into Earth plane in an accessible way

17: Peh: P, F




1.  Sign of speech and emphasis




1.  Good business sense, teaching, success, thirst for knowledge

2.  Creative use of skill or intelligence

3.  Ability to come to agreement through objective understanding and clear verbal expression

4.  Reason and power of discrimination used to serve higher ideals


1.  Abuse of skill or intelligence

2.  Amorality through rationalization of anything

3.  Opinionated and one-sided communication


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in Slavery to Dominion (Sovereignty)

2.  Inability to relate to others or the lack of a desire to do so

3.  Inability for self-expression due to fear of unworthiness

4.  Emotionally disturbing energies; hugely suppressed emotional expression, often in childhood

5.  You need to overcome what has been imposed to keep you quiet and in the background, eg dominant parents.

6.  This can manifest as mercury poisoning from fillings and other types of poisoning associated with the emotional armouring you develop to protect yourself.


1.  Generally on a path of spiritual initiation to prepare you for your work for God

2.  As you express yourself, you move forward to God.

3.  You really need to talk, write, express yourself.


1.  Your goal is to learn universal brotherhood, ie the connection of all beings.

2.  To teach, to be the Mouth of God


Slavery to Dominion, suppressed emotional expression, inability to relate


Expression in society

18: Tzaddi: TZ




1.  Sign of finality and solution

2.  Walking many different paths in past lifetimes which now come together and you are being asked to make a decision who are you, will you follow the path of Spirit/God or not?

Star sign



Humanitarian, independent, inventive, intellectual and eccentric.


1.  Stubborn, you don’t want to see others’ point of view.

2.  Emotionally detached, ungrounded, heady



If you are going to make hard decisions in life, you need to have swallowed a lot of experience from past and present lives.


1.  Self-sacrificing at your own expense, losing the concepts of your own growth

2.  Learn not to look back and judge past actions. Whatever other people take on is their problem; let go of the guilt of how you might have affected someone.

3.  In a place of unworthiness, you cannot decide who you really are.

4.  You are always asking other people what you should do in situations.

5.  Learn that there are no mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself.

6.  Learn to finish projects.

7.  Overall, you are learning to follow Spirit to the end or not. You are in a place of indecision.


1.  These energies are highly evolved spiritually; leading to the end, the ultimate goal.

2.  You are a very powerful being who can make the hard decisions. Therefore, you are excellent in business and as a ‘project manager’. You can hold an entire project together from beginning to end and make sure everything is delivered on time. You hold the big picture.

3.  You are always seeking new challenges.

4.  You are often here in a service incarnation, ready to teach on any occasion.

5.  You must learn to discern your reality and reject unrealistic energies.

6.  You have a very futuristic mind.

7.  As an international person, you can travel overseas a lot, so are difficult to ground as always in service to others.


1.  Procrastination: you can complete 80% of a job, then get someone else to finish it off. Learn to make decisions. Learn to finish projects.

2.  To follow Spirit to the end


Fearful of making wrong decision, ‘Shall I follow Spirit or not?’


Choosing to follow Spirit

19: Kof: K, Q



Relates to material existence giving meaning to form

Star sign



1.  Impressionable, compassionate, emotional, intuitive and receptive

2.  Men: minds run in two directions simultaneously, usually unable to cope with this

3.  Women: extremely intuitive, able to swim in two directions at once


Overemotional; Pisces men are flaky, overly sensitive, inconsistent.



Learn to laugh at the world.


1.  Overinvolvement in physical vibrations, misusing your spiritual gifts once again. Obtained power/position at expense of others. Often, you have misused your growth in past lives and are here to work it out again.

2.  A lot of self-judgement

3.  You feel you know it all, but have to learn to use it properly, not to take it for granted.

4.  You manifest many obstacles to your life dream of setting up a centre


1.  You represent a positive effort for mankind. You are here to help others reach their goals and to understand them.

2.  Service orientated. You are here to bring spiritual energies into manifest form such as a centre to hold space for others to come and grow spiritually, and understand and achieve their goals in life. You may personally hold the space for others to do this.

3.  Make excellent writers and achievers

4.  Clown energies


To set up a centre and to learn to laugh.


Overinvolvement in physical vibrations misusing spiritual energies


Creating space out of spiritual energies for others

20: Resch: R




Relates to movement; good/bad, positive/negative




1.  Law enforcer, father image, practical and constructive

2.  Disciplined effort, acceptance of duties and responsibilities, patience, organization, reliability


Self-restriction through lack of faith, rigidity, coldness, defensiveness, crippling inhibition, fearfulness, negativity


1.  Double Letter: Lessons in War to Peace

2.  By not working out the balance, you could end up as a criminal, lawbreaker and rebel.

3.  You are rigid in your beliefs and do not want to budge.

4.  Because of the great movement, you are subject to ups and downs in mood.


1.  Creative flowing energies

2.  Flexible, versatile, highly inquisitive, goal seeker relating to the physical, always searching and restless

3.  Physical and spiritual explorers, never want to retire, always keep moving. You explore areas of experience far beyond those of the cultural group from which you come.

4.  You are very easy to work with in a therapy situation as you can rapidly move to new places within yourself.


To learn to become the explorer and let go of rigid beliefs


Rigid belief systems, War and Peace



21: Shin: SH




Mother energies of the Trinity utilizing intelligence, duration, strength and durability to last, overcome and grow




Independent, inventive and humanitarian, attuned to the the whole, originality, directed experimentation, respect for freedom


1.  Wilfulness, restless impatience, constant need for excitement and purposeless change

2.  Rebellion, extremism

Apex of achievement


Shin is the flame of knowledge.



This is a big wake-up call by the soul of Solomon as he works consciously or silently with your ego personality to burn out a big layer of separation programming so you can start to follow your Spirit without hesitation. This can be quite gentle or very intense.


In a positive expression, this energy is very balanced as it contains three elements.


1.  You are caught up in your own self-importance and turn others aside.

2.  You have no incentive, no energies. You may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or may be overweight as a direct manifestation of the blocked energy.

3.  Blockage of power/creativity. You have to overcome obstacles and reach things denied to you. This can lead to a lot of anger. You have to develop endurance.

4.  You have very strong, heavy energies that are hard to move and overcome.

5.  You could have complete suppression of your being by your parents.

6.  Basically, you do everything the hardest possible way.


1.  You possess great inner strength and are goal orientated and goal achieving. You have the strength to withstand much hardship and strife.

2.  You have chosen this incarnation to serve God, and one way or the other you will.


To develop endurance and unblock your power and creativity


Does everything the hard way, blocked energy


Ability to endure and overcome big challenges and hardships

22: Tau: TA




Sign of reciprocity, completion of the cycle.




1.  Humanitarian, holder of the law, expansion, philosopher and benefactor

2.  Faith, reliance on higher power, optimism, openness to Grace


1.  Overconfidence, laziness, leaving the work to others

2.  Scattering energies, irresponsibility, promising too much


1.  Double Letter: Experiences Ugliness to Beauty in both the physical and spiritual.

2.  Learning to open to your love and spiritual power; otherwise, this leads to avarice, greed and selfishness.

3.  Complete blockage of the connection to the Creator/the Source energies within. This leads to great inner torment and inner tension.

4.  May be impotent or infertile.

5.  Severe birth trauma to create deep sense of separation from God/the Source, which you may be conscious enough to feel, which makes it even worse.


1.  Signifies the completeness, the oneness within your self. This usually relates to the last or next to last incarnation of service for God.

2.  You are able to access the multidimensional parts of yourself, from here to the Source.

3.  You are here in total service.

4.  You have all you need inside and just need to remember it.


To learn the proper use of the Creator energies within you


Complete disconnection from Source, very painful


Completion, blending mind, body and soul; reconnected to the Source