Act 1 Scene 1

List of parts:    HELEN perhaps named after Helen of Troy, reputedly the most beautiful woman in the world and the cause of a great war    LAFEW some editions modernize to “lafeu” (feu, French for “fire”)

 1.1    Location: Rossillion (now Roussillon), old province in southern France, near the Pyrenees mountains

    1    delivering sending forth (plays on the sense of “giving birth”)

    3    attend obey, heed    in ward under guardianship (as a minor who has inherited property)

    4    subjection obedience, servitude as a subject/legal obligation

    5    of in    husband i.e., protector

    6    generally universally/to everyone    hold maintain    virtue benevolence    whose i.e., the Countess and Bertram

    7    stir…wanted provoke it even in those who lacked generosity    where…abundance i.e., in the king

    9    amendment recovery

  10    practices medical treatments

  11    persecuted time tormented his days/drawn out his suffering

  14    passage turn of phrase/transition/event/death    honesty honor, integrity

  16    Would I wish

  20    Narbon Narbonne, southern French city near province of Roussillon

  22    still yet/for ever

  25    fistula ulcer

  27    notorious widely known/evident

  29    overlooking guardianship

  30    hopes …good i.e., high hopes for her    education upbringing    dispositions natural talents

  31    unclean naturally corrupted    virtuous qualities fine learned accomplishments

  32    go with pity are mingled with regret

  33    simpleness unaffected simplicity (i.e., not mixed with vice)    derives inherits

  35    season preserve/flavor

  37    livelihood animation    Go to expression of dismissal (i.e., “come, come”)

  38    affect assume/pretend to have    than to have rather than genuinely feel one

  40    of due to

  42    If …mortal i.e., if resisted, overabundant grief quickly dies

  43    holy sacred/respected

  44    How …that? What does that mean? (some editors suppose the line is displaced and that it may be a response to Helen or the Countess, not Bertram)

  46    manners good conduct    shape physical appearance    Thy may thy    blood nobility/parentage

  47    empire rule

  48    birthright inherited qualities

  49    able ready/powerful enough

  50    power ability, potential    keep…key value your friend’s life as dearly as your own

  51    checked rebuked

  52    taxed censured    What whatever    more will wishes to give you in addition

  53    pluck draw

  55    unseasoned inexperienced

  57    want lack    best i.e., best advice

  58    his love my love for him

  60    forged created, imagined

  61    comfortable comforting, supportive    make much of be attentive to

  62    hold maintain    credit reputation/honor

  64    these …him i.e., the floods of tears she is shedding because of her unrequited love for Bertram do more honor to her father’s memory than did the (fewer) tears wept at his death

  67    favour image, face (puns on the sense of “love token”)

  68    undone ruined

  69    ’Twere…That it is the same as if

  72    collateral parallel but distant

  73    sphere orbit (heavenly bodies were thought to be surrounded by hollow spheres that produced beautiful music as they rotated)

  75    hind female deer (puns on sense of “servant”)

  76    pretty pleasing

  78    hawking sharp, keen

  79    table notebook, drawing tablet    capable appreciative, sensitive

  80    trick distinguishing feature    favour face

  81    fancy love/infatuation

  82    relics i.e., memory    Parolles i.e., “words,” from French paroles

  83    his i.e., Bertram’s

  85    great way complete    solely wholly

  86    fixed certain, established    fit suitably

  87    take place take precedence/are accepted    steely i.e., hard, uncompromising

  88    Looks …wind are left out in the cold/look pale, unappealing    Withal therefore    full oft very often

  89    waiting on attending, deferring to    superfluous extravagant, overabundant

  90    Save God save    queen may play on “quean” (i.e., prostitute)

  95    stain hint/taint

  96    barricado barricade

  97    Keep ensure he stays (plays on the sense of “build a fortified tower”)

  99    Unfold reveal

100    setting…you besieging you (with sexual connotations)    undermine overthrow/dig underneath to lay mines/burrow into sexually    blow you up cause an explosion/make you pregnant

102    Bless (may God) protect

103    policy stratagem

104    be blown up gain an erection/have an orgasm    Marry by the Virgin Mary

105    blowing him down inducing his orgasm, and subsequent loss of erection    breach vagina/hole in defences    city i.e., virginity

106    politic prudent/strategic

107    rational increase logical profit-making/an increase in rational beings through reproduction    got begotten, conceived

108    That that which    mettle substance/coinage (indistinguishable from “metal” in Shakespearean usage)

109    found i.e., duplicated in reproduction (by producing ten virgins)    cold chaste

111    stand for’t defend it

112    in’t in its defense

113    part behalf (puns on the sense of “genitals”)    infallible certain

114    He…virgin i.e., like a virgin who refuses to reproduce, a crime likened to suicide

115    highways …limit traditionally suicides were buried in at crossroads, in unconsecrated ground    desperate reckless/dangerous    offendress female offender

117    paring rind    his its    stomach appetite/pride    peevish stubborn, perverse

118    inhibited prohibited    canon list of sins in the Bible

119    lose fail to profit (puns on the idea of “losing” one’s virginity)    Out with’t! Away with it!/put it out to interest    make itself two double in value (by increasing at a rate of ten percent per year)

120    principal initial investment

122    How what

123    it i.e., virginity

124    gloss freshness/shine    lying remaining unused (may play on the sense of “lying down”)

125    vendible saleable, marketable    Answer…request respond to current consumer demand

126    suited dressed    unsuitable unfashionable    toothpick ornate toothpicks were fashionable for a period

127    wear not are not in fashion    date fruit/age/penis    pie with vaginal connotations    porridge stew (with vaginal connotations)    in your cheek i.e., as sign of increasing age

129    pears with vaginal connotations    eats dryly tastes dry

132    There i.e., at court

133    mother here begins a list of names and relationships found in love poetry

134    phoenix i.e., paragon, wonder (literally, mythical Arabian bird that was consumed by fire every five hundred years, then resurrected from the ashes; only one existed at a time)

138    concord harmony    dulcet sweet

139    disaster unlucky star

140    fond affectionate/foolish    adoptious adopted    christendoms baptismal (Christian) names

141    blinking blind    gossips is godparent to

142    well fortune

147    body i.e., something tangible

149    baser stars lesser fortunes    shut…in confine us to

150    effects of them i.e., fulfilled wishes

151    alone must think must only think (not do)

152    Returns us thanks give us gratitude, reward

156    Mars Roman god of war    ay “I” in Folio, but likely to be heard by the audience as an ironic “yes” (Mars not being known for charity)

159    under down/in a lowly position

160    predominant in the ascendant, dominant

161    retrograde moving in a contrary direction, backward

163    backward i.e., in retreat, fleeing the enemy

164    advantage tactical gain (Helen shifts the sense to “personal interest”)

165    composition mixture/constitution (plays on the sense of “trace”)

166    wing ability to fly swiftly/jacket’s shoulder flap (may pun on the sense of “flank of troops”)

167    wear fashion

169    perfect (the) complete    in the which i.e., in which manner    naturalize accustom

170    capable of receptive to/have (sexual) capacity for

171    thrust with sexual connotations

172    makes thee away sees you off    leisure opportunity

173    use treat/employ sexually

176    fated fateful/with power over destiny

178    designs undertakings/plans    dull sluggish

180    feed satisfy (my longing)

181    The across the    space in fortune gap in social status/difference in fortunes

182    like likes kindred affections    native closely related/of similar rank/natural

183    strange attempts extraordinary endeavors (to be united)

184    weigh…sense evaluate their efforts according to common-sense

186    miss fail to achieve

Act 1 Scene 2

 1.2    Location: Paris    Flourish fanfare, usually accompanying a person in authority    divers various

    1    Florentines people from Florence (northern Italian city, capital of Tuscany)    Senoys people from Siena    by th’ears at odds, fighting

    3    braving defiant

    6    cousin fellow monarch of

    7    move urge, appeal to

    8    dearest friend i.e., Austria

    9    Prejudicates prejudges

  10    make denial i.e., deny aid to the Florentines

  12    Approved established, proved

  13    credence trust

  14    armed fortified (against entreaties)

  15    Florence ruler of Florence

  16    for as for    see i.e., take    part in

  17    service military service

  18    stand serve, fight    part side

  20    nursery training-ground    sick longing

  21    breathing and exploit active military employment

  26    Frank generous    rather…haste more fastidious than hasty

  27    parts qualities

  30    corporal soundess good physical health

  32    tried tested    did…service had deep knowledge of military matters

  33    was Discipled of taught/was taught by

  34    bravest boldest/finest/noblest

  35    haggish hag-like, repulsive/frosty

  36    out of act down beyond action    repairs restores, revives

  40    scorn mockery    return…unnoted goes unheeded/is visited back upon them

  41    Ere before    levity in honour light-heartedness in honorable action

  42    contempt neither contempt

  44    equal i.e., social equal    awaked provoked

  45    Clock to itself true to itself, reliable, self-governing    true exact

  46    Exception grievance/disapproval

  47    hand hand of action/hand of his honor’s clock, showing the appropriate time    Who those who

  48    used treated    another place different (higher) rank

  49    top head

  51    humbled humbled himself

  52    copy example/model

  53    them …backward men of today to be merely inferior

  57    So …epitaph his epitaph is nowhere so profoundly confirmed    approof proof, experience/approbation

  60    plausive praising

  61    scattered not did not disperse randomly    grafted cultivated deliberately

  62    bear i.e., bear fruit

  64    On …heel at the conclusion and end    pastime entertainment, leisure activity

  65    out over

  66    snuff burnt-out wick/hindrance

  67    apprehensive perceptive/quick-witted

  69    Mere …garments only capable of inventing new fashions    constancies loyalties

  71    I…too I, surviving him, also wish (plays on idea of following into death)

  72    nor neither

  73    were would be    dissolvèd released

  74    labourers productive bees

  76    lend show, give    it i.e., love    lack miss

  82    the rest i.e., other physicians

  83    several various    applications treatments

  84    Debate contend over    it i.e., his health

Act 1 Scene 3

 1.3    Location: Rossillion    Lavatch probably from the French la vache (“the cow”)

    1    gentlewoman i.e., Helen

    2    even your content please you

    3    calendar record

    4    clearness purity    deservings merits, deserts    of…them we speak openly of our own merits

    5    sirrah sir (used to a social inferior)

    9    poor wretched, humble (sense then shifts to “impoverished”)

  10    Well i.e., go on (Lavatch shifts the sense to “satisfactory”)

  12    go …world i.e., get married    Isbel typical name for a whore

  13    woman female servant/whore    do act/have sex

  14    needs of necessity

  17    case puns on the sense of “vagina”    Service employment as a servant (plays on the sense of “sex”)    heritage inheritance (for children)

  18    issue …body i.e., children    bairns children

  22    go puns on the sense of “have sex”

  23    your worship title of mock respect

  24    holy i.e., sanctioned by marriage (puns on “holey,” i.e., vaginal)

  25    world mankind, i.e., secular people

  27    repent regret marrying/atone for sex out of wedlock

  29    for …sake to keep my wife company (with suggestion of sexual activity)

  31    shallow lacking in judgment    in of    do with sexual connotations

  32    ears ploughs/has sex with/impregnates    land i.e., wife    spares my team takes the load off my sexual organs    gives me leave allows/enables

  33    in harvest/bring in    crop i.e., of children    cuckold man with an unfaithful wife    drudge slave/menial worker    comforts pleasures (sexually)

  34    cherisher nourisher/sustainer (in procreative sense)

  35    ergo “therefore” (Latin)

  36    what they are i.e., cuckolds

  37    Charbon the Puritan meat-eating puritan (from French chair bonne: “good flesh,” eaten on fast-days)    Poysam the Papist fish-eating Catholic (from French poisson: “fish,” eaten on fast-days)

  38    howsome’er howsoever/although    both one alike (in being cuckolds)

  39    jowl dash, knock

  40    ever always    calumnious slanderous

  41    next nearest/most direct

  45    kind nature, i.e., to be a cuckold (which sounds like “cuckoo”) is natural

  46    anon at another time

  50    fair face i.e., of Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world, whose abduction by Paris caused the Trojan war    she perhaps Hecuba, wife of    Priam

  51    sackèd plundered    Troy ancient city of West Turkey, besieged for ten years during the Trojan war

  52    Fond foolishly

  53    King Priam King of Troy, killed during the conflict

  56    sentence maxim, wise saying

  57    Among along with

  60    corrupt the song presumably Lavatch has inverted the words of a well-known song; it may have originally read “Among nine good if one be bad, / There’s yet nine good in ten”

  61    purifying cleansing, improving

  62    serve the world i.e., by consistently providing one good woman in ten

  63    tithe-woman tenth woman (i.e., one in ten); the tithe was the tenth of one’s farm produce able to be claimed by the parson    An if

  64    but …earthquake i.e., rarely    blazing star comet    mend…well improve the odds

  65    draw pull    one i.e., a good woman

  67    That to think that

  68    honesty truth/virtue    wear…heart i.e., conform by hiding pride beneath an outward appearance of obedience, just as Puritans wore the prescribed Anglican surplice over the more extreme Calvinist black gown

  69    forsooth in truth

  73    bequeathed left (by will)/entrusted

  74    advantage financial interest/additional personal benefits    make title lay claim

  76    late recently

  78    stranger sense other person’s or stranger’s hearing    matter subject, theme

  80    estates stations in life    no i.e., unworthy of being a

  81    only where qualities except where ranks    Dian Diana, Roman goddess of chastity, the moon, and hunting    suffer allow

  82    surprised to be captured/attacked

  83    touch feeling/expression/note

  84    withal with    sithence since

  85    loss harm    something somewhat

  86    discharged performed    likelihoods indications

  88    misdoubt disbelieve    Stall confine, lodge, hide

  92    these difficulties/pangs of love

  94    blood passion

  95    show appearance/display    seal sign/confirmation

  96    impressed imprinted, stamped

  98    or or rather/but

  99    observe see through/note

104    Methought it seemed to me

105    start flinch

107    enwombèd mine carried in my womb

108    Adoption i.e., (love for) adopted children    strives competes    nature i.e., (love for) one’s own children    choice…seeds we choose to graft a cutting from another plant onto our stock, and thus make it into our own

110    mother’s groan i.e., in labor

112    curd curdle

114    distempered distressed/unseasonal, inclement

115    Iris Greek goddess of the rainbow    rounds encircles

117    not i.e., not your daughter-in-law

122    note mark of distinction    parents ancestors

124    vassal subject/servant

128    So provided that

129    both our mothers mother of us both

130    no …than as much as

131    Can’t no other can it be no other way

134    shield ensure/forbid

136    catched caught    fondness foolishness/affection

137    loveliness many editors emend to “loneliness” (solitary melancholy)

138    head source    sense perception    gross obvious

139    Invention (your) devising of excuse

140    Against in the face of

145    kind natural way (i.e., by weeping)

147    That …suspected for fear that truth will be regarded with suspicion/to ensure that truth will not be guessed at

148    clew ball (of thread)

149    forswear’t deny it (under oath)    howe’er in any case    charge command

150    avail benefit

157    Go not about don’t be roundabout (in answering)    bond i.e., maternal bond

158    takes note recognizes

160    appeached informed against (you)

163    before more than

165    friends relatives

168    token sign, evidence, indication (plays on the sense of “love token”)    presumptuous suit unwarranted aim/expectant courtship

172    captious capacious/eager to take in/deceptive    intenible incapable of holding

173    still continually

174    lack …still yet do not run out of more to pour in and waste/do not run out of more to keep continuously pouring in and losing

175    Religious ardent/worshipful

177    no more nothing other (than to look on him)

178    encounter with contest, fight

180    cites confirms, acknowledges

183    herself i.e., chastity

185    lend …lose i.e., bestow affection where it is sure of no success

186    that what    implies involves, seeks

187    lives …dies i.e., in loving Bertram, Helen is doomed to eternal disappointment

191    Wherefore? Why?

192    grace God’s grace

193    prescriptions ancient customs/instructions/doctor’s prescriptions

195    manifest evident

196    sovereignty efficacy/healing

197    In…them to reserve them for use with the greatest care

198    notes instructions/doctor’s prescriptions    faculties inclusive comprehensive capabilities

199    in note recognized to be

200    approved tested, proven

201    desp’rate despairing, hopeless

202    rendered lost deemed incurable

206    conversation processes, reflections

207    Haply perhaps

209    tender offer

211    a mind the same opinion

212    credit believe/trust

213    schools universities, medical faculties

214    Embowelled disemboweled, emptied    doctrine learning, science    left off abandoned

218    receipt prescription/remedy

219    sanctified blessed

221    try success find out what happens    venture risk

222    well-lost i.e., lost for a good cause

223    such a a specific

225    knowingly i.e., securely, with confidence

226    leave permission

229    into unto/upon

231    miss lack

Act 2 Scene 1

 2.1    Location: Paris

    1    principles i.e., advice

    2    throw from you forget

    4    gift i.e., of advice

    7    well-entered (becoming) experienced

  10    owes owns

  13    higher Italy high-ranking Italians/northern Italy (Tuscany)

  14    Those …monarchy except those who merely inherit their places from what is left of the Holy Roman Empire/they that are cast down by having merely the remains of the Holy Roman Empire

  16    woo court, flirt with    wed i.e., own, be bound to

  17    questant seeker, one on a quest    shrinks recoils (plays on the sense of “loses his erection”)

  18    cry proclaim

  21    lack …deny i.e., cannot say no

  22    captives i.e., to the girls’ charms

  23    serve fight (plays on the sense of “have sex”)

  27    spark young man about town

  28    brave splendid

  30    here to stay here    kept a coil fussed over

  32    bravely boldly/worthily

  33    forehorse …smock lead horse in a team led by a woman

  34    masonry stonework floor (i.e., not a battlefield)

  35    bought up won by others

  36    one …with i.e., an ornamental weapon    steal sneak (the First Lord plays on the sense of “rob”)

  40    grow to become attached to    a tortured body like a body being torn apart

  43    a word in a word

  44    metals blades/spirits (“mettles”)

  45    Spurio “counterfeit” (Italian)    cicatrice scar    sinister left

  46    entrenched gashed, grooved    reports response

  48    Mars may Mars    novices recruits

  50    Stay wait on/obey (Second Folio repunctuates “Stay:” which changes the sense to “Wait: the king is coming”)

  51    spacious ceremony ample courtesy

  52    list boundary

  53    wear …time i.e., are fashionable/notable    muster true gait display correct bearing/behavior

  54    received fashionable

  55    measure stately dance    dilated extended

  57    like likely    sinewy muscular, energetic

  58    tidings news

  59    fee pay

  60    brought his pardon i.e., something to earn it

  63    broke thy pate given you a blow to the skull

  65    across i.e., a clumsy hit (in jousting, to break a lance across rather than striking directly with the point showed poor skill)

  68    will …fox in Aesop’s fable the fox declared the grapes were sour because he couldn’t reach them; the king dismisses the idea of recovery because he thinks it impossible

  69    will will eat/want    an if if

  70    medicine doctor

  72    Quicken give life to    canary a lively Spanish dance

  73    simple minimal/herbal/medicinal

  74    araise raise from the dead/sexually arouse    King Pippin eighth-century French king, father of Charlemain (Charlemagne)

  75    pen plays on the sense of “penis”

  81    light light-hearted/sexually suggestive    deliverance delivery, reporting

  82    profession claims of skill

  84    blame attribute to    weakness partiality, susceptibility

  88    admiration object of wonder

  89    spend expend    take off reduce, remove

  90    took’st conceived of, caught

  91    fit satisfy

  93    special nothing particular trifles    ever prologues always introduces    Enter Helen some editors suppose that she is disguised, since in Act 2 Scene 3 Lafew appears surprised at her identity, despite having met her in Act 1 Scene 1; this is possible, but it seems more likely that he is complicit with her plan (hence Cressid’s uncle) and that the later surprise is feigned

  94    come your ways come along

  99    Cressid’s uncle Pandarus, go-between for the lovers Troilus and Cressida

101    follow relate to

104    profess practice, make a profession of    well found of established skill

108    receipts recipes for medical cures

109    issue product

110    th’only the foremost/peerless

111    triple third

112    Safer more safely

114    cause …power disease (cause) for which the worth of my father’s gift is most effective

116    tender offer    appliance remedy/treatment

117    bound prepared/dutiful

119    credulous readily believing

121    congregated college i.e., of doctors

122    art skill/scholarship/science

123    inaidible unable to be assisted

125    prostitute submit (basely)

126    empirics quack doctors    dissever divide

127    great self kingly person    credit reputation    esteem give merit to, believe in

128    senseless foolish    sense rational hope    deem judge (it to be)

129    duty i.e., as a subject (having tried to help you)    pains efforts

130    office services, duty

132    modest one slight thought/thought that confirms my modest, seemly behavior    to…again for me to return with/to conduct me home

133    to than to

136    at full in detail    no part not at all

137    art (sufficient) medical skill

139    set …rest stake everything (derived from the card game primero)

140    He i.e., God

142    holy writ the Bible, which contains several examples of the young being wiser than their elders    babes foolish/inexperienced

143    great …sources Moses struck rock from which water flowed for the thirsty Israelites (Exodus 17)

144    simple small    great…dried Moses led the Israelites through the Red Sea, which parted, allowing them to pass on dry ground (Exodus 14)

145    great’st great persons, such as Pharaoh, who complained about God’s power

147    hits succeeds

148    shifts operates

150    by …paid be their own reward

151    Proffers offers    for as

152    Inspirèd divinely inspired (plays on the sense of “inhaled”)    breath words

154    square shape    shows appearances

156    count consider

158    experiment trial

159    impostor swindler    proclaim…aim declare my success before attempting to hit the target/claim skill that is greater than my ability

163    space period of time

165    greatest i.e., God’s

167    torcher torchbearer, the sun god, who was carried across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot    diurnal ring daily circuit

168    occidental western (i.e., sunset)

169    Hesperus the evening star (Venus)

170    pilot’s glass nautical hourglass

175    venture risk/wager

176    Tax accusation

177    strumpet’s harlot’s/whore’s

178    Traduced slandered

179    Seared branded    extended stretched on a rack

183    slay deny, extinguish

184    sense higher wisdom/natural feeling, instinct

185    rate value

186    estimate value

188    prime youth

189    Thou …hazard your willingness to risk this    needs necessarily

190    monstrous desperate unnaturally reckless

191    practicer practitioner    physic medical advice/medicine

192    ministers delivers (plays on the sense of “dispenses healing”)

193    break time miss my deadline    property any particular respect

195    Not in not

198    make it even fulfill it

201    What whatever

202    Exempted far removed

208    premises observed conditions noted/fulfilled

209    performance carrying out (of the request)

210    of in

211    resolved determined    still always

214    tended on attended

215    Unquestioned unquestionably

217    high as word amply as promised

Act 2 Scene 2

 2.2    Location: Rossillion

    1    put…height thoroughly test    breeding education/upbringing

    2    highly fed overfed    lowly inadequately

    4    make you do you think    put off dismiss

    6    put pass

    7    make a leg bow

    9    answer throughout the exchange this word seems to have phallic connotations (question thus suggests “vagina”)

  11    pin narrow/sharp    quatch probably squat/fat

  12    brawn meaty/well-rounded

  13    fit suitably

  14    groats fourpenny coins    French crown gold coin/bald head (symptom of syphilis)

  15    taffety punk finely dressed whore    Tib typical name for lower-class girl/whore (diminutive of “Isabel”)    rush ring made of reeds/vagina    Tom typical name for a rogue    forefinger with phallic connotations    pancake traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday, the feasting day before Lent

  16    morris morris dance    nail with phallic connotations    his its    hole with vaginal connotations    cuckold man with an unfaithful wife    horn traditionally cuckolds were supposed to sprout horns

  17    quean prostitute (puns on “queen”)    wrangling knave quarrelsome servant/rogue

  18    pudding sausage (perhaps with phallic connotations)    his its

  22    neither on the contrary

  25    fool in question ignorant/inexperienced in questioning (you)

  27    putting off evasion

  29    O lord, sir! a fashionable phrase among affected courtiers    Thick quickly

  30    homely meat plain food

  35    is very sequent follows logically    answer reply cleverly/respond well

  36    bound to’t obliged to reply/tied up for it

  39    noble used ironically, as she is wasting time

  43    present immediate    Commend me convey my regards

  47    fruitfully abundantly    before my legs i.e., very quickly

  48    again back again

Act 2 Scene 3

 2.3    Location: Paris

    1    philosophical persons scholars of “natural philosophy”

    2    modern everyday    things things that seem    causeless inexplicable by natural causes

    3    ensconcing ourselves into fortifying ourselves with

    4    unknown fear fear of the unknown

    5    rarest most extraordinary    argument topic, issue    shot out suddenly appeared    latter most recent

    8    relinquished of abandoned by    artists scholars, medical practitioners

    9    Galen famous second-century Greek physician    Paracelsus famous sixteenth-century Swiss physician

  10    authentic fellows accredited members of the medical profession

  12    gave him out proclaimed him to be

  17    Just exactly

  19    showing visible/printed form

  23    dolphin puns on “dauphin” (i.e., heir to the French throne)    ’Fore me before me; mild oath, like “upon my soul”

  24    brief …tedious short and the long

  25    facinerious extremely wicked

  29    debile minister feeble agent

  32    Generally universally

  34    Lustigue lusty, vigorous (from the German lustig)    Dutchman German

  35    tooth sweet tooth, i.e., appetite for pleasure    coranto lively dance

  36    Mor du vinager! pseudo-French oath, literally, “death of/by vinegar”

  40    banished sense loss of feeling

  41    repealed recalled, given a second chance

  43    attends awaits

  44    parcel group

  45    my bestowing my power to give in marriage

  47    frank election free choice

  48    forsake refuse

  51    bay …furniture my bay horse with a docked tail (curtal), and all his trappings

  52    My …boys’ to have as many teeth/to be as little broken to the bit (i.e., youthful) as these boys

  53    writ to be able to claim/exhibit    She…Lord some editors suppose that this direction is misplaced and belongs with the later line spoken to First Lord

  59    protest declare

  61    whisper whisper to

  63    white death pallor of death

  66    Who he who    his…me my love for him

  67    Dian Diana, Roman goddess of chastity

  68    Love i.e., Cupid, god of love

  71    All …mute there is no more to be said

  72    ames-ace double ace, lowest throw in dice    for my life were my life at stake

  73    honour high status/willingness to marry/admiration

  75    Love may Love

  76    Her …wishes i.e., myself, Helen

  77    No better i.e., I wish for nothing better than your humble love

  81    th’Turk i.e., non-Christian barbarian

  86    Sure surely

  87    got conceived

  88    happy fortunate

  91    grape i.e., fruit of good lineage    drunk wine i.e., to give you good blood

  92    known seen through

104    bring me down i.e., by making me marry a social inferior (with associations of bringing into the marriage bed, and, possibly, of losing one’s erection)

106    breeding upbringing    charge order/expense

108    corrupt debase/contaminate    ever forever

109    title lack of title

112    confound distinction be indistinguishable    stands off separate

117    proceed come forth

119    great …none titles puff us up rather than virtue (swell’s: “swell is,” elided for meter)

120    dropsied swollen/proud/diseased

122    property inherent quality    go i.e., be known

124    heir because the qualities are inherited from nature

125    That…sire true honor is scornful of inherited title when accompanying behavior not worthy of it

129    foregoers ancestors

130    Deboshed debauched, corrupted

131    trophy memorial

133    honoured bones indeed i.e., the remains of those who were truly honorable

136    dower dowry

137    strive attempt

138    choose assert your own choice

139    restored cured

141    at the stake tied up like a bear to be baited, under attack    which which threat

143    this of this

144    misprision scorn

145    desert right/recompense    That you who

146    We the royal plural    poising weighing    defective i.e., lighter (as she is humble)

147    weigh…beam outweigh you and tip your scale up to the crossbar

148    in us within my royal power

149    Check restrain

150    travails in labors for

151    Believe not deny    presently immediately

155    the staggers giddiness, unsteadiness (also, a horse disease affecting balance)    careless untended/reckless/irresponsible    lapse decline

157    Loosing being loosed, inflicted

158    all terms any form

160    fancy desire

161    great creation creation of greatness    dole portion

162    which late who recently

164    who i.e., Helen

168    counterpoise equal weight (i.e., in dowry)    not not equal

169    replete complete/perfect/abundant

172    whose…brief the formal accomplishment of which (i.e., marriage) shall quite properly follow the present agreement

175    more…space have to wait for a time

176    Expecting waiting for (the arrival of)    As as long as

177    religious sacred/true/dutiful    err go astray

183    succeeding consequences (i.e., a fight)

185    companion comrade/rascal

186    man manly/mankind (Lafew shifts the sense to “servant”)

188    too old i.e., for a duel    satisfy appease (in place of a duel)

189    write claim to be

190    dare…do have the courage to accomplish only too well, I dare not because of your old age

191    ordinaries standard meals

192    vent utterance    scarfs military sashes    bannerets small banners

193    vessel ship, adorned with flags

194    burden cargo    found seen through    thee i.e., your company

195    taking up arresting/calling to account

196    antiquity old age

197    trial testing of supposed courage

198    hen i.e., not a bold cock; perhaps also refers to Parolles’ “plumage”    window of lattice ale-house (whose red lattice windows signified its function)

199    casement window

200    egregious outrageous

203    dram small amount    bate lessen    scruple tiny amount

204    wiser i.e., in future

205    pull…contrary swallow a good quantity of your foolishness

207    bondage what binds you (i.e., the scarves of which he is proud)    hold maintain

208    in the default when you fail    know understand/see through

210    poor doing inadequate ability to inflict    vexation doing action (plays on the sense of “having sex”)

211    will will pass (puns on past as “passed”)    in…leave with what movement age will allow me

212    shall…me upon whom I will vent my anger for these insults    scurvy contemptible

213    fettering imprisoning

214    with any convenience on a suitable occasion    an even if

219    reservation concealment

220    wrongs insults    good lord i.e., patron (rather than employer)    Whom he whom

223    garter tie (withs carves)

224    hose stockings, usually tied up with garters    set…stands put your penis where your nose should be/smell your bottom

227    breathe exercise (through fighting)

229    measure treatment/judgment

230    Go to expression of dismissive impatience    picking…pomegranate i.e., a small offense, as an excuse

231    vagabond itinerant vagrant, traveling without license    true honest/licensed    saucy insolent

232    commission warrant, allowance

233    heraldry i.e., authority, entitlement

235    Undone ruined    cares troubles, sorrows

244    import content, sense

247    box container/vagina

248    kicky-wicky woman

249    Spending expending/wasting/ejaculating    marrow vitality/sexual energy/semen

250    curvet horse’s leap

252    jades worn-out horses

258    furnish me to equip me for    fields battlefields

260    To compared to    dark house gloomy house/lunatic asylum

261    capriccio “whim” (Italian)    Art are you

263    straight immediately

265    balls bound tennis balls bounce (i.e., are spirited, to be reckoned with; plays on the sense of “testicles”)

266    marred ruined (plays on married)

Act 2 Scene 4

    1    kindly affectionately/as a mother

    2    well i.e., at rest, dead

    3    wants lacks

  12    them i.e., your good fortune them i.e., my prayers

  14    So provided that    did may pun on “died”

  16    man’s servant’s    shakes out brings about

  18    title status as man or servant/name (“Parolles,” or “words”; also puns on “tittle”—i.e., “tiny amount”)

  20    Before in the presence of    Before me i.e., upon my soul

  22    Go to i.e., enough of that    found thee found you out, found you to be a fool

  23    me i.e., folly

  24    even to i.e., enough for

  26    well fed probably refers to “better fed than taught” (proverbial); possibly “energetic, spirited”

  29    rite of love i.e., sexual consummation of marriage

  31    to owing to

  32    Whose…delay the delay and absence of which    sweets sweet-scented flowers

  33    they i.e., want and delay curbèd restrained

  35    drown overflow

  36    else besides

  38    make represent    as as if it were    proceeding course of action/idea

  39    apology excuse

  40    probable need plausible necessity

  43    Attend await    pleasure command, will

Act 2 Scene 5

    2    approof proven quality/testimony

    3    deliverance utterance

    5    dial timepiece/compass    I…bunting i.e., I underestimated him; reversal of “to take a bunting for a lark” (proverbial; the lark was the superior bird)

    6    accordingly suitably

    9    state i.e., condition of my soul    find find it

  12    tailor refers to Parolles’ garments; “the tailor makes the man” is proverbial

  18    you’ll have you wanted

  23    something i.e., an asset, with plenty of stories to tell the guests

  24    three thirds i.e., all the time

  26    unkindness ill-will

  28    made shift contrived    him…custard the jester who traditionally jumped into custard at the Lord Mayor’s annual feast in London

  29    suffer question endure questioning

  30    residence i.e., why you are there

  31    mistaken misjudged/misidentified (Lafew shifts the sense to “been offended by him”)

  34    heavy serious/not light

  35    them tame such creatures as pets

  36    to deserve deserve

  38    idle foolish

  40    know i.e., rather than merely    think

  42    pass reputation    clog hindrance (block of wood tied to man or animal to prevent escape)

  45    present parting immediate departure

  49    colour appropriate character    time i.e., the immediate aftermath of marriage

  50    ministration…particular duty and obligation of me as husband

  55    muse wonder

  56    respects reasons

  57    appointments purposes, affairs

  66    observance dutiful service    eke out supplement, increase

  67    homely stars humble origins

  68    great fortune i.e., as your wife

  69    Hie hurry

  72    owe own

  74    fain willingly

  75    vouch affirm to be

  78    would want

  80    sunder part

  81    stay delay

  87    corragio “courage” (Italian)

Act 3 Scene 1

 3.1    Location: Florence

    1    from…point in every detail

    3    Whose great decision the deciding of which

    6    black wicked

    7    opposer enemy’s part

    8    cousin i.e., fellow sovereign

    9    bosom heart

  10    borrowing prayers entreaties for assistance

  12    yield give up, share

  13    But except as    common…man ordinary external observer

  14    figure scheme, devisings    frames constructs, guesses at

  15    self-unable motion inadequate conjectures

  19    his pleasure as he (the King of France) wishes

  20    younger …nature young men of our temperament, outlook (some editors emend “nature” to “nation”)

  21    surfeit…ease grow sick of overindulgence in leisure

  22    physic cure, perhaps by letting blood through war

  24    fly from be bestowed by

  26    better fall better places fall vacant    avails advantages (as you may fill them)

Act 3 Scene 2

 3.2    Location: Rossillion

    3    troth faith

    4    observance observation, signs

    5    mend adjust

    7    sold who sold

    9    mind to inclination for    lings salt cod, slang for “vaginas/whores” (similar play possible in country)

  10    brains plays on the sense of “semen” (thus making Cupid a personified penis and giving knocked out sexual connotations)

  12    stomach appetite

  14    E’en just, the same as

  15    recovered cured

  16    not with a pun on the marital knot

  18    hold remain at

  21    fly flee

  23    misprizing despising/undervaluing

  24    of empire even of an emperor

  25    heavy sad/serious    within inside

  32    standing to’t standing one’s ground/having an erection (both courses of action may lead to death—literally and in the sense of “orgasm”)    getting begetting, conception

  34    Save God save

  38    quirks turns

  39    face appearance    on the start at its sudden arrival

  40    woman make behave like a woman, i.e., weep

  42    thitherward on his way there    thence from there

  43    dispatch in hand settlement of business

  44    bend direct our steps

  45    passport license to travel

  48    sentence statement/judgment

  51    have…cheer bear a happier countenance/be encouraged

  52    engrossest monopolize    are that are

  53    moiety share/half

  55    all my my only

  60    convenience propriety

  67    haply perhaps

  72    rude ignorant/unkind/rough

  79    a well-derivèd his own well-descended

  80    his inducement Parolles’ bad influence

  82    deal quantity    that influence

  83    holds…have maintains and benefits him considerably

  88    Written in writing

  91    but…courtesies only insofar as I am able to repay your courtesy    change exchange

  92    draw near come along (with me)

  95    Rossillion i.e., Bertram

  98    event outcome

100    sportive playful/lighthearted/amorous

101    mark target

102    leaden messengers i.e., bullets

104    move part/stir (to pity) (sometimes emended to “cleave” or “wound”)    still-peering ever watchful (some editors emend to “still-piecing”)

105    sings i.e., whistles as a bullet pierces it/cries in pain/sings in indifference

106    set him there put him in the position

107    forward in the front line/facing the enemy

108    caitiff wretch

111    ravin ravenous

112    constraint compulsion

113    owes owns

115    Whence…scar from where honor merely earns a scar by undergoing danger

116    oft often as    all i.e., life

118    do’t i.e., keep you away    although even if

120    officed all carried out all household duties

121    pitiful compassionate

122    consolate console

123    steal creep (plays on the sense of “rob”)

Act 3 Scene 3

 3.3    Location: Florence    Drum and Trumpets i.e., a drummer and a trumpeter

    2    Great pregnant/swelling    lay wager    credence trust, faith

    7    th’extreme edge the utmost limit

    9    helm helmet

  12    file rank of soldiers

  13    like my thoughts i.e., valiant

Act 3 Scene 4

 3.4    Location: Rossillion

    1    of from

    4    ‘I…free’ this letter is cast in the form of a sonnet    Saint Jaques Saint James, whose shrine was at Compostella, in northwest Spain

    7    sainted holy/dedicated to a saint

    9    hie hasten

  12    taken undertaken

  13    despiteful cruel, malicious    Juno supreme goddess, who imposed twelve labors on Hercules

  14    camping tent-dwelling (i.e., army)

  17    Whom i.e., death

  19    advice judgment

  22    prevented forestalled

  24    at overnight last night

  29    whom i.e., both Helen and her prayers

  32    unworthy husband husband unworthy

  33    weigh heavy of emphasize

  37    When haply perhaps when

  41    sense perception

  42    Provide equip

Act 3 Scene 5

 3.5    Location: Florence    tucket trumpet fanfare    Diana significantly, given her role, the name of the goddess of chastity and hunting; the Folio entry direction calls her “Violenta,” which was perhaps Shakespeare’s first thought for the name

    1    lose all entirely miss

    3    their i.e., Siena’s

    7    suffice satisfy

    8    earl i.e., Bertram    name reputation

    9    honesty chastity

  10    solicited entreated, courted

  12    officer agent

  13    suggestions promptings toward evil/entreaties    for on behalf of

  14    engines devices/plots    go under appear to be

  16    wreck of maidenhood loss of virginity

  17    succession (others from) doing the same    that for all that    limed trapped (like birds caught in lime, a sticky substance smeared on twigs)

  18    grace virtue

  19    though even if    further…lost worse risk than the loss of virginity (i.e., pregnancy)

  20    fear fear for

  21    lie lodge

  25    palmers pilgrims

  26    Saint Francis inn with the sign of Saint Francis    port city gate

  30    tarry wait

  33    for because

  34    ample well, fully

  37    stay upon await    leisure convenience

  46    Whatsome’er whoever

  47    bravely taken highly regarded

  48    for because

  50    mere absolutely

  55    believe agree

  56    argument any issue    to in comparison with

  57    mean lowly/unworthy

  58    All her deserving her only merit

  59    reservèd honesty well-guarded chastity

  60    examined called into question

  64    write style her (some editors emend to “warrant”)

  66    shrewd malicious

  71    brokes bargains, negotiates    suit endeavor, request

  74    honestest most chaste    colours battle-flags

  75    else (that it should be) otherwise

  82    honester more honorable

  89    jackanapes monkey

  92    shrewdly sorely

  94    courtesy curtsy (i.e., bow)    ring-carrier pimp

  96    host lodge    enjoined penitents those bound by oath to undertake pilgrimage as penance for sin

100    Please it if it please

101    charge expense

102    for me mine

103    precepts of advice on

105    kindly gratefully

Act 3 Scene 6

 3.6    Location: battlefield

    1    to’t to the test

    2    hilding good-for-nothing

    3    bubble i.e., nothing/showy/easily destroyed

    6    as as if he were

    8    entertainment patronage

    9    reposing trusting, relying

  10    trusty requiring trustworthiness

  11    try test

  12    fetch off rescue/retrieve

  14    surprise ambush, attack

  15    knows not cannot distinguish    hoodwink blindfold/deceive

  16    leaguer military camp

  19    intelligence secret information

  20    oath i.e., the vow he took never to divulge the intelligence

  23    bottom extent

  24    ore precious metal    give…entertainment i.e., beat him/cast him out (proverbial)

  25    inclining partiality, liking (for Parolles)

  27    in any hand in any case

  28    sticks…disposition is really upsetting you    sticks stabs

  29    pox plague

  31    wings flanks, on either side of the main body of troops    rend tear apart, devastate

  33    in upon    command…service military orders

  40    But were it not

  41    hic jacet i.e., I shall die—literally “here lies” (Latin), phrase found on tombstones

  42    stomach appetite/courage    mystery skill

  43    his its

  44    grace honor

  45    speed fare/succeed

  46    becomes befits

  49    slumber in it i.e., delay

  50    presently immediately    pen write    dilemmas choices of action

  51    mortal preparation spiritual readiness either for my death or those of the men I kill

  55    possibility competence, capacity

  56    subscribe vouch

  60    damns himself i.e., by swearing falsely

  63    have have a true understanding of

  64    make no deed perform no part/make no attempt

  67    probable plausible    embossed hunted down/driven to exhaustion

  68    for worthy of

  69    case skin, unmask

  70    smoked smoked out, exposed

  71    sprat small fish (i.e., contemptible person)

  72    look my twigs see to my bird-trap

  73    Your…me i.e., Bertram pulls rank and orders the Second Lord to accompany him in his pursuit of Diana, leaving the First Lord to undertake the ambush on Parolles

  80    coxcomb fool (literally, fool’s cap)    have i’th’wind have scented, are tracking

Act 3 Scene 7

 3.7    Location: Florence

    1    misdoubt disbelieve, suspect

    3    But…upon without losing the foundations my plans rely on

    4    estate worldly fortune

  10    sworn counsel private hearing that you have vowed to keep secret

  11    so…word true in every word

  12    By with respect to

  15    approves proves, demonstrates

  20    found it received your    help

  21    wanton lascivious

  22    carry win    in fine in the end/to sum up

  23    bear manage

  24    important blood urgent sexual passion

  25    county count

  29    rich choice high esteem    idle fire foolish ardor

  30    will sexual desire

  33    bottom essence

  34    lawful to be lawful

  36    appoints…encounter arranges a meeting with him

  39    marry her enable her to marry

  40    is passed has been given

  42    persever proceed

  44    coherent fitting

  45    musics musicians/instruments/music

  46    unworthiness humble status/because convincing her to do an unworthy deed    steads profits

  47    chide scold, drive away

  48    lay depended

  50    assay try    speed succeed

  51    meaning intention (on Bertram’s part)    lawful deed i.e., marital sex

  53    fact i.e., Bertram’s belief that he is having sex with another woman

Act 4 Scene 1

 4.1    Location: battlefield

    1    sally burst out

    2    terrible terrifying

    3    unless except for

    8    linsey-woolsey cloth made of flax and wool (i.e., verbal mixture, nonsense)    again in response

  10    strangers foreigners    entertainment employment

  11    smack taste, smattering

  12    fancy creativity    to know knowing    so so long as

  13    know straight directly achieve    choughs jackdaws, plays on “chuff,” meaning “rustic, clown”

  14    politic cunning

  15    couch lie down, hide    beguile while away

  18    plausive plausible    it it off

  19    smoke smoke out, suspect

  21    creatures i.e., soldiers    not…tongue and I am afraid to carry out my boasts

  25    hurts wounds

  27    instance motive (for doing this)/proof (of my supposed exploits)    Tongue…mouth with sexual connotations butter-woman dairywoman/whore (i.e., chatty/lecherous)

  28    of from    Bajazet’s mule mules were proverbially silent and sometimes associated with Turks, but emperors such as Bajazet had “mute” slaves, so some editors emend accordingly; or there may be a garbled allusion to Balaam’s ass in the Bible, which only spoke at God’s command

  31    serve the turn suffice

  33    afford allow/let (you) off

  34    baring shaving    in stratagem an act of cunning, for disguise

  38    citadel presumably the enemy fortress

  40    Thirty fathom 180 feet    Alarum call to arms

  49    Muskos probably Muscovites

  51    low Dutch “low Dutch” and “high Dutch” were distinct languages

  53    discover reveal

  55    betake thee entrust thyself    poniards daggers

  60    hoodwinked blindfolded    lead thee on take you elsewhere/direct the conversation

  61    gather gain information

  70    space time/a temporary reprieve

  72    woodcock proverbially stupid bird    muffled blindfolded

  75    A he

  76    Inform on report

Act 4 Scene 2

 4.2    Location: Florence

    1    Fontybell i.e., “beautiful fountain”

    3    goddess Diana was the goddess of chastity and hunting

    4    worth worthy of    addition additional distinction

    5    frame being, shape    quality part

    6    quick lively

    7    monument statue

  11    got conceived

  12    honest chaste (i.e., married; Bertram shifts the sense to “frank, open”)

  18    vows i.e., of love for Diana/to have nothing to do with Helen

  20    constraint compulsion

  21    rights duties

  23    serve gratify sexually    roses virginities/vaginas

  24    barely in a naked state/only just    thorns…ourselves i.e., with shame (quibbles on the idea that this is in place of a man’s prick)

  25    bareness loss of the rose of virginity/defenselessness

  30    high’st i.e., God    to as our

  31    Jove supreme Roman god

  33    ill imperfectly/immorally    holding consistency (i.e., is untenable)

  34    protest profess

  36    words mere words    conditions contracts    unsealed i.e., not valid legally

  38    it i.e., your opinion

  39    holy-cruel cruel by being holy

  40    crafts skills/deceits

  42    sick i.e., needing cure

  43    Who which will    recovers recover

  45    scarre sense unclear; some editors emend to “snare”

  50    honour object of distinction

  52    obloquy disgrace

  54    honour’s virginity’s    ring with vaginal connotations

  58    proper personal

  63    bid commanded

  65    order take make arrangements

  66    band bond

  67    yet maiden still virgin

  72    proceeds comes to pass

  73    token betoken, signify

  75    wife i.e., by having sex    hope i.e., of marrying Bertram    be done ends

  81    like same

  83    braid i.e., twisted, deceitful

  84    Marry let those marry

  85    disguise deceptive role

  86    cozen trick

Act 4 Scene 3

 4.3    Location: battlefield

    2    since ago

    4    worthy deserved

    7    his bounty (the instrument of) his generosity

    8    darkly secretly

  10    perverted seduced/corrupted

  11    fleshes rewards with meat (as hounds were given a piece of the kill; sexual connotations)    will sexual desire/penis    spoil plundered loot/despoiling/meat given to hounds

  12    monumental i.e., serving as a reminder of his ancestry    made successful

  13    composition bargain (plays on the sense of “something made”)

  14    delay subdue    rebellion rebellious, lustful appetites    ourselves i.e., human

  15    Merely entirely

  16    still always    themselves i.e., their true, traitorous natures    attain to reach    ends objectives/deaths    he i.e., Bertram

  17    contrives conspires    proper stream own current of desire

  19    Is…meant does it not show (as)

  21    dieted…hour restricted to his appointed time

  22    apace quickly    company companion

  23    anatomized dissected, revealed

  24    curiously…counterfeit elaborately he has displayed this false jewel (Parolles)

  25    him i.e., Parolles    he…his i.e., Bertram

  26    the other i.e., Parolles

  28    overture opening, move toward

  30    higher further

  32    demand question    of his council in his confidence

  33    deal…act partaker in his affairs

  34    pretence purpose

  36    sanctimony holiness

  39    justified proved

  41    office role

  42    rector priest/ruler

  44    arming establishment, strengthening

  45    verity truth

  47    make…of take comfort in

  50    encountered met

  53    cherished comforted, pitied

  55    solemn formal

  56    for leave for    offered given

  58    needful necessary    if even if    more…commend stronger commendations than Bertram deserves

  62    dispatched settled    by…success quickly and successfully/here follows a summary of my success

  63    congied with taken ceremonious leave of

  64    nearest closest company

  65    entertained my convoy hired my means of transport    parcels of dispatch major items of business

  66    nicer more delicate/lascivious

  69    hear of it i.e., because Diana may be pregnant and/or may claim him as her husband

  71    module model (of a soldier)    double-meaning prophesier ambiguous, equivocal oracle

  73    stocks instrument of public punishment in which the arms, head, or legs were confined    gallant showy, ostentatious

  74    usurping laying false claim to    spurs symbols of knightly valor

  75    carry bear, conduct (the Second Lord puns on the sense of “transport”)

  77    shed spilled

  79    time…remembrance beginning of his memory    instant disaster current misfortune

  81    a he

  85    Hoodman term for the blindfolded player in the game Blind Man’s Bluff

  87    constraint force    pasty meat pie with pinched crusts

  92    note memorandum/list

  94    horse cavalry    is strong i.e., has

100    take the sacrament i.e., swear most religiously    how and which however and whichever

101    All’s one it’s all the same    past-saving beyond redemption

103    theoric theory

104    chape metal plate covering the point of the sheath

105    clean free from blood/polished

111    con i.e., give    in the nature considering the way in which

114    marvellous extremely

115    a-foot in terms of foot soldiers

117    live i.e., live only for

118    so as

121    muster-file official list of soldiers    rotten and sound (of those both) sick and healthy    poll heads, i.e., soldiers

122    cassocks soldier’s cloaks/coats

125    condition (military) character

130    well-weighing heavy/persuasive

132    particular individual points    inter’gatories questions

135    botcher mender (of clothes and shoes)    ’prentice apprentice

136    shrieve’s fool idiot girl in the sheriff’s care    innocent fool

137    him nay no to him

138    his…falls i.e., he is in danger of a sudden death

141    lousy lice-infested/contemptible

145    o’th’band of the military company

147    good sadness all seriousness

154    advertisement advice, warning    proper respectable

156    ruttish lustful    up back

157    favour permission

160    fry young fish

161    both-sides two-faced

162    drop offer, pay with

163    scores incurs a bill

164    Half…it one is halfway there if the bargain is well-made, so set out your terms clearly (or “be even”) and succeed

165    after-debts outstanding bills    it i.e., payment

167    mell mingle/have sex

168    For count on account/so be sure

169    before in advance

171    in’s on his

172    manifold linguist speaker of many languages

173    armipotent powerful in arms

175    fain obliged

177    nature my natural life

182    egg…cloister i.e., trifling thing, even from a holy place

183    Nessus centaur who tried to rape Hercules’ wife    professes not does not make a practice of

184    Hercules Greek hero famed for feats of strength

185    swine-drunk drunk as a pig (i.e., excessively drunk— and thus likely to wet his bed-clothes)

186    they i.e., the servants who put him to bed

187    conditions habits

194    led…tragedians drums announced a performance by actors    belie tell lies about

196    Mile-end field outside the city of London where citizen militia were trained

197    doubling of files simple military maneuver

203    cardecue quart d’écu, small French silver coin    fee-simple absolute possession (legal term used of land or property)

204    cut…perpetually prevent inheritance to all subsequent heirs forever

210    for as

211    lackey errand-running servant

212    coming on advancing

214    captain…horse cavalry commander

216    no more have nothing more to do with

217    beguile the supposition deceive the opinion

221    discovered revealed

222    pestiferous malicious, pestilent    held regarded

230    you you send    for bound for

231    in on

232    a very an absolute

234    undone ruined/undressed

236    but only

237    impudent shameless, immodest

239    great big/noble

243    Who he who

247    fooled made a fool of/tricked

Act 4 Scene 4

 4.4    Location: Florence

    2    One…world i.e., the French king

    3    surety guarantor

    6    which gratitude gratitude for which

    7    Through even through    Tartar inhabitant of Central Asia, considered pitiless and savage

  10    convenient convoy suitable means of transport

  11    breaking disbanding

  12    hies him hastens

  14    our welcome i.e., we are expected

  21    be i.e., provide    dower dowry

  22    motive agent/means

  25    saucy trusting lecherous acceptance    cozened deluded

  26    Defiles blackens/pollutes    pitchy dark (pitch is a tar-like substance)

  27    loathes i.e., Helen    for…away i.e., in place of Diana

  29    yet further

  31    death and honesty i.e., a chaste death

  32    Go with i.e., result from    impositions commands

  33    Upon at

  34    Yet for a while

  35    the word sense unclear; perhaps refers to the fulfilment of the plan

  38    revives will reinvigorate

  39    fine’s end’s

  40    renown i.e., important thing

Act 4 Scene 5

 4.5    Location: Rossillion

    1    with by    snipt-taffeta in slashed silk, indicative of showiness

    2    saffron orange-red dye used to color ruffs and food    unbaked uncooked/immature/impressionable    doughy dough-like/malleable

    3    Your i.e., had it not been for Parolles, your

    4    humble-bee bumble-bee

    8    dearest direst/most precious    groans…mother i.e., in labor

    9    rooted established/planted (Lafew develops this sense)

  11    light on come across

  12    sweet marjoram type of herb    herb of grace rue, herb associated with repentance (suggests Helen’s spiritual grace)

  14    herbs edible salad plants    nose-herbs scented plants for smelling

  15    Nebuchadnezzar Babylonian king, forced from his kingdom and made to eat grass    grace puns on “grass”

  16    Whether which of the two

  17    fool supposedly fools had big penises    service employment/sexual service

  19    cozen cheat    service duty, i.e., sex

  21    bauble fool’s baton with a carved head on one end/penis    do with sexual connotations

  22    subscribe vouch/answer

  27    maine mane, like that of a royal English lion/meinie, family, retinue    fisnomy physiognomy, facial features    hotter in France choleric, angry, warlike (to the French)/susceptible to the “French disease” (syphilis)

  30    black prince Edward the Black Prince of England, son of Edward III

  31    Hold thee be quiet    suggest tempt

  33    woodland rustic, i.e., simple    fire also “hellfire”

  34    prince…world another title for the devil

  35    narrow gate according to the Bible, the route to salvation (Matthew 7:13)

  36    pomp proud, showy people

  37    many majority    chill faint-hearted/sensitive to cold (thus preferring the warmth of hellfire)    tender fond of comfort

  39    Go thy ways be off    before now, before I grow truly fed up with you

  41    tricks i.e., tampering with the horse’s feed to save hay

  42    jades’ tricks mischief caused by badly behaved horses

  44    shrewd cunning, mischievous    unhappy unlucky/discontented/mischievous

  45    gone dead (i.e., her husband the count)

  47    pace restraint, obedient movement (horse-training term)

  49    lady’s i.e., Helen’s    moved urged, persuaded

  50    minority youth, when they were minors

  51    self-gracious remembrance his own thoughtfulness, without prompting    propose i.e., for marriage to Bertram

  56    post rapidly

  57    numbered was aged    him i.e., a messenger

  58    intelligence information

  62    with…admitted how I might with propriety be allowed to be present (at the meeting of Bertram and the king)

  63    but only    your honourable privilege the privilege due your honored self

  64    charter claim

  65    patch of velvet used to cover either battle scars or those resulting from syphilis treatment

  66    knows plays on    no

  67    two…half i.e., covered with thick velvet

  68    worn bare without a velvet patch/hairless (from syphilis)

  69    liv’ry badge    belike probably

  70    carbonadoed slashed (like meat for cooking)/cut in the manner of incisions made for syphilis treatment

Act 5 Scene 1

 4.4    Location: Marseilles

    1    exceeding posting exceptional haste

    2    wear wear out

    5    bold confident    my requital the reward I shall give you

    6    In happy time fortunately met    Gentle Astringer gentleman keeper of hawks

    8    spend exert

  12    fall’n less than/altered

  14    sharp urgent    occasions needs

  15    nice overscrupulous    put urge/compel

  20    petition request

  26    hence removed departed from here

  27    use custom

  28    pains efforts

  35    like likely

  36    Commend commit

  37    presume assure (you)

  40    means…means resources will enable us

  43    falls more else happens

  44    provide prepare

Act 5 Scene 2

 5.2    Location: Rossillion

    1    Lavache Parolles clarifies the name’s probable derivation (vache is French for “cow”)

    3    mood anger/temper (puns on “mud”)

    5    sluttish a whore/dirty

    6    butt’ring preparation/cooking    allow the wind i.e., stand downwind of me, so I don’t have to smell you

    8    stop block

  11    me for me

  12    paper i.e., soiled with excrement    close-stool toilet/chamber-pot enclosed in a stool

  14    purr knave, jack in a card game/cat noise/animal dung    musk-cat i.e., perfume, the musky substance obtained from the anal glands of the civet cat

  16    withal with it    carp fish bred in ponds/chatterer

  17    ingenious wily/ungenious, i.e., stupid    smiles of comfort gloating (ironic usage)

  20    pare trim

  23    cardecue small silver coin    justices magistrates, responsible for dealing with beggars under Elizabethan law

  28    ‘word’ a single word, as Parolles’ name means “words”    Cox my passion! By God’s passion! (i.e., Christ’s suffering)    Cox cock’s (i.e., God’s)

  30    me me out

  31    sooth truth    lost parted with/abandoned

  32    in into    grace favor    out of favor

  33    Out upon thee expression of frustration and condemnation

  35    inquire…me ask for me later

Act 5 Scene 3

    1    of in    our esteem my worth

    4    home fully, truly

    6    make consider

    7    Natural i.e., of the passions    i’th’blade in the greenness, immaturity (sometimes emended to “blaze” for consistency with subsequent fire imagery)

  12    high bent pulled fully taut for action (like a bow)

  13    watched awaited

  15    my pardon i.e., you to pardon me

  19    astonish stun/dazzle    survey sight, gaze

  20    richest most noble/most experienced

  25    view sight (of him)    kill All repetition put an end to going over past wrongs

  27    dead forgotten (also a reminder that Helen is supposedly dead)

  29    incensing relics anger-rousing memories

  30    stranger i.e., person whose story is unknown

  32    GENTLEMAN i.e., an attendant

  34    hath reference to is at the disposal of

  38    day of season i.e., inclined to one unchanging disposition    season time of year/weather

  41    Distracted breaking/agitated

  43    high-repented blames bitterly regretted faults

  44    to in

  45    whole mended/well

  46    consumèd used up/passed

  47    take…top tug occasion by the forelock (hair at the front of the head)

  48    quick’st most lively/urgent

  53    stuck fixed

  54    Durst dared    herald messenger

  55    Where i.e., in    my heart impression image (of Lafew’s daughter)    infixing was implanted/fastened onto

  56    perspective optical glass that produced a distorted image

  57    favour (woman’s) face

  58    fair colour beautiful appearance/pale complexion (considered attractive)    expressed deemed (it to be)    stolen i.e., falsely created with cosmetics

  59    Extended or contracted (the perspective) distorted by elongating or shortening

  60    object spectacle/sight

  61    she i.e., Helen

  65    scores debts

  66    great count large account/judgment day

  67    remorseful compassionate    pardon reprieve from death    slowly carried i.e., delivered too late

  68    turns becomes

  70    Make trivial price undervalue

  71    knowing acknowledging    know their grave i.e., lose them

  72    displeasures wrongs

  73    weep weep over, mourn    dust remains

  75    out through

  76    knell funeral bell

  77    Maudlin Magdalen, Lafew’s daughter; means “sorrowful” (may recall Mary Magdalene)

  78    main consents i.e., agreements of the most important parties

  81    they meet Bertram and Maudlin marry/the first and second marriages become similar    cesse variant form of “cease” (some editors assign the closing couplet to the countess, though with no warrant from the Folio)

  83    digested incorporated    favour love token

  85    come yield/come forth

  89    last last time    took her leave said farewell to her

  95    bade told

  96    Necessitied to in dire need of

  97    reave deprive/rob

  98    stead help, support

103    reckoned valued

104    At as highly as    rate worth

107    casement window

110    engaged pledged (to her)    subscribed To acknowledged

112    answer…overture respond honorably to her advances

114    heavy satisfaction sad resignation

116    Plutus Greek god of wealth

117    tinct tincture, elixir    multiplying med’cine alchemical formula for turning base metals into gold

118    science knowledge

123    to surety as witness

127    Upon…disaster in the event of some terrible misfortune befalling her

130    conjectural speculative

131    fain willingly

137    fore-past former    fall turn out

138    Shall…vanity will not reprove my fears for being foolish; rather my fears have foolishly not been apprehensive enough

139    vainly stupidly/wrongly

140    sift examine carefully    Gentleman [the Astringer] though no mention is made here of his status as a hawk-keeper

149    for on account of    removes stages in a royal progress (Helen kept missing the king)    short i.e., too late

150    tender offer

151    Vanquished won

152    this this time

153    looks manifests itself

154    importing visage countenance full of urgency

155    brief summary

159    honour’s paid i.e., virginity’s surrendered    taking no leave without saying good-bye

163    in at    fair i.e., where stolen or poor-quality goods were for sale; Lafew reasons that even there he would receive a better deal than in accepting Bertram for his daughter    toll for this sell Bertram at a market (where vendors paid a fee and entered their goods in the toll-book)

165    suitors petitioners

167    afeard afraid

168    foully snatched i.e., that she was murdered (on Bertram’s orders)

170    sith since

171    that since    fly…lordship flee them as soon as you promise to marry them

174    Derivèd descended

179    both shall cease i.e., she will die in dishonor

183    strange like a stranger

186    this hand i.e., Bertram’s

189    embodied yours made part of your body/united as one

194    fond foolish

198    you…friend they are not friendly toward you

199    gain them win them over again

205    impudent shamless, immodest

206    gamester sexual player, prostitute

210    validity value

211    parallel equal

212    commoner prostitute

214    ’tis hit the mark is hit, this is true

215    Of by

216    testament will    th’sequent issue the successive heir

217    owed owned

222    instrument agent, means

226    quoted for regarded as    perfidious treacherous

227    With by    spots stains, vices    taxed censured    deboshed debauched, corrupted

228    but merely

229    or…for (to be judged) one or the other according to

233    boarded accosted sexually    wanton playful/lascivious

234    knew her distance knew her inferiority of rank/knew how to tease from a distance

235    Madding maddening, provoking

236    fancy’s love’s/desire’s

238    insuite possibly “unusual” (some editors emend to “infinite”)    modern commonplace

239    Subdued me made me submit    rate price

243    turned cast

244    diet restrain (from what I deserve)

253    goes is

257    boggle shy away (like a horse)    shrewdly sharply, greatly    starts startles

262    just proceeding honest speaking

263    By about

265    Tricks lustful tendencies

271    He…not i.e., wanted to have sex with her, but didn’t want to marry her

272    companion fellow/rascal

274    drum drummer    naughty wicked/unskilled

280    Limbo region on the border of hell for unbaptized infants and those born before the time of Christ    Furies three classical goddesses of vengeance    in…them so trusted by

281    motions proposals/sexual movements

282    derive bring

285    fine subtle

297    easy loose-fitting/sexually compliant    glove plays on the sense of “vagina”    goes…on plays on the sense of “orgasms and has sex”    at pleasure at will/for sexual pleasure

299    aught anything

306    put in provide

307    customer prostitute

308    if…you i.e., my virginity is intact    knew had sex with

317    owes owns

318    surety act as guarantor    for for as for

320    quit acquit/repay

324    quick alive

327    Beguiles tricks    truer office accurate function

330    shadow ghost/image/poor reflection/illusion

333    like disguised as

339    know understand

342    Deadly divorce divorcing death

345    handkercher handkerchief

346    Wait on accompany    make sport joke

347    court’sies polite gestures/bows

349    even plain, exact

354    progress…less greater and lesser details of events

355    Resolvedly in a way that resolves all questions

356    meet fittingly

357    past being past

360    express content i.e., with applause and calls of approval

361    strife striving, endeavor    exceeding after

362    Ours…parts i.e., let us reverse roles: the actors will listen patiently while the audience applauds actively

363    Your…us i.e., applaud    hearts gratitude