Index, 128

2010 Consumer Experience Study: Customer Experience Delivers Profitability (Strativity Group), 29

acceleration, “wired” as tool for, 71

Accenture, 27

acumen, 87. See also feedback

Adams, Donald A., 99

alliance, 119, 120–121 fairness of, 104–105

Kindle, 199

as model for customer expectations, 2

monitoring of customer feedback by, 151–152

partnership philosophy of, 23

personalized selling by, 64

Zappos and, 18

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), 76, 136, 149

American Express, 12

American Girl dolls, 65

American Revolution, 4, 19

amygdala, 115–116


expectation anxiety, 40–43

trust and, 38–40

AOL, 6, 51–52

Armstrong, Heather, 56

As Good As It Gets, 94

ATMs, 15

attrition, 160

bad connections

alliance and, 120–121

brain and, 114–117

empathy and, 118–120

examples, 111–112

fixing problems vs. healing relationships, 113–114

loyalty and, 121–122

soothing and, 117–118

balance carriers. See grounding

Barbie dolls, 65

Barlow, John Perry, 123

Becerra, Erik, 95–96

Bender, Texas Bix, 178

Berger, Tom, 96

Berry, Len, 113

Berry, Leonard, 146

Best Buy, 22

Bezos, Jeff, 47, 49

birth control pill, 70

Blackshaw, Pete, 50, 71, 72

Blair Witch Project, 77

Block, Peter, 177

“blueberries,” 168

BMW, 62

brain, 114–117

Build-a-Bear workshops, 65

Burr, Suzanne, 21

Business Rule Solutions, 66

Cabela’s, 146

call centers offshore, 20

outcome metrics vs. experience measures, 7, 8

Carroll, Dave, 5–6, 125–127, 129–134, 167

castor oil, 168

cerebrum, 115–116

CGM (consumer-generated media), 71

change in service covenant, 15–16

channels, multiple, 197–198

choices, growth of, 2–3

Cisco, 128

Clinton, Bill, 69

closers, 95–96

Coca-Cola, 59–60

Columbo, 203

Comcast, 72, 135–136

command presence, 178

communication failures, 47–49

community, 53–57

complaints as gifts, 159–160

Concierge Elite, 108


consistency and, 146–148

garbage patrol and, 148–150

Miller Brothers Ltd. and, 138–140

Neuro-Linguistic Programming and, 140–141

overview, 137–138

partnership framework and, 86

scenography and, 140–146

connection. See also bad connections; wireless connections

elasticity and, 105–106

exceeding expectations and, 107–108

fairness and, 104–105

honesty and, 103–104

not taking customer for granted and, 109–110

partnership framework and, 85–86, 101–103

respect and, 106–107

“wired” as means to, 70–71

“with” approach, 99–101

consistency, 146–148

consumer-generated media (CGM), 71

Contact Center Satisfaction Index (CCSI), 20

Container Store, The Convergys

on bad customer experiences, 42

on customer attrition, 50

on customer preferences, 110

on effort and satisfaction, 148

on loyalty, 37–38

on phone support preferences, 126

on provider–customer perception differences, 27

on social media vs. word of mouth, 5

conversation, 23

Cook, Toby, 66

Cool Hand Luke, 47, 49

Counting Cows, 169–170

cover design, 10

Cracker Barrel, 208

Cranham, Tom, 141

“criticize my mama” line, 166–168

Crockett, Davy, 178

cues, early warning, 174–175

Customer Experience Report North America 2010, 50

dark, serving in the, 196–199

Decker, Sharon, 74

decoration, 208–209

Dell Computer

complaints about, 75–76

customization and, 65

trust in customers, 198

“Dell Hell: The Impact of Social Media on Corporate Communication” (Williams), 75

“Desperadoes Waiting for a Train,” 76

dinner on the ground, 53–54

Direct Connection Computer Services, 194–195

Disney, 2

Doctorow, Cory, 73

dolls, 65

Donahoe, John, 129

Don’t Squat With Yer Spurs On! (Bender), 178

Duke Energy, 74

ease, 81, 83

eBay, 61, 129

Economist, The, 5–6

Edwards, Bill, 138

Edwards, David, 58

egalitarian relationships, 179

elasticity, 105–106

Eliason, Frank, 136

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 146

emotional connections, 186–188

empathy, 118–120

empowerment, 178–179

endings, pleasant, 195

end result, 80–81, 83

engagement, 81, 83

Enlightenment, 4

equalizer, “wired” as, 73–74

Esparza, Enrique, 178

exhilaration, 81–82, 83

expectation anxiety, 40–43

experience, customer

measures of, 7, 8

value migration and, 29–30


reliance on, 21–23

serving as, 191–195

extra, 81, 83


connection and, 104–105

wireless connections and, 131–133

FedEx, 2, 145


attrition and, 160

customer complaints as gifts and, 159–160

customer forensics and, 153–154

customer intelligence and, 158–159

overview, 151–153

in real time, 154–158

Ferrar, Vincent, 51

fickleness, customer

defined, 16–17

examples of, 35–36

expectation anxiety and, 40–43

trust and, 38–40

trust cues and, 39–40

value and, 43–45

vs. loyalty, 36–38

fireflies, 96–97

firing customers, 199–203

First Watch Restaurant, 107–108

flags, 106–107

flexibility, 125–127


on giving, 93–94

on role, 91–92

on spreading joy, 94–95

focus groups, 189–191

“for” approach, 99, 101

Ford Explorer, 6

forensics, customer, 153–154, 203–206

Forrester Research, 9, 21

forum to unite, “wired” as, 72–73

Frandsen, Bob, 198

Freeman Service Center, 108

Freestyle vending machines, 59–60

French Revolution, 4, 19–20

future perfect thinking, 170

garbage patrol, 148–150

generosity, 133–134, 171, 135

gifts, complaints as, 159–160

Givhan, Fred, 194

giving, focus on, 93–94

Godin, Seth, 115, 141

Graze, Michael, 171


characteristics of, 90–91

examples, 89–90

focus on giving and, 93–94

focus on role and, 91–92

focus on spreading joy and, 94–95

partnership framework and, 84–85

Harris, David

focus on giving of, 93–94

focus on role of, 91–92

focus on spreading joy of, 94–95

initial encounter with, 89–90

Harris Interactive, 12

Harvey Hotel, 156

healing relationships. See bad connections

health of service process, diagnosing, 206–208

H-E-B, 171

hierarchy, service, 79–83

Hill’s Pet Nutrition, 145

holographic customer service agents, 145


alleviating customer pain with, 171

connection and, 103–104

wired connections and, 129–131

Hotel Monaco, 66–67

Hsieh, Tony, 10

humility, 118, 119

Hunt, Tara, 73

Hurst, Cameron, 66

In and Out Burgers, 146

inclusiveness, 127–129

instruction, “wired” as resource for, 71–72

intelligence, customer, 158–159

iPhone apps, 61

Irwig (United Airlines employee), 126, 127, 128, 135

Jarvis, Jeff, 75–76

jelly beans, 181–182

JetBlue, 6

joy, introducing, 169

joyful servers

David Harris, 94–95

types of, 95–98

Kail, Zachary, 102

Kerry, John, 166–168

KFC, 145

“Kill a Stupid Rule” program, 149–150

Kodak, 128–129

Lake Lure Inn, 109–110

lateral service, 172–176

Leggett, Kate, 66

Lewin, Kurt, 82

Lexus, 67

limited leadership, 178–179

Lincoln, Abraham, 118

live chat, 32

Longhorn Steakhouse, 35–36

Longstreet, John, 156

Louis XVI, 4


from customers, 36–38

to customers, 119, 121–122

Manchester Airport, 145

Marcus, Stanley, 159

Marie Antoinette, 4

Marriott, Bill, 130, 174

Maslow, Abraham, 80

Maytag, 56

McConnell, Ben, 62

McDonald’s, 7

militants, 166–168

Millennials, 126–127

Miller, Bob, 107–108

Mini Cooper, 62

Moen, Inc., 158

Morris, Mark, 145

Mountain Dew, 128

multi-channel response systems, 157

museum of customer service, 18–21

narcissism, 63–64

narrating the service process, 193

National Treasure, 87, 115

neighborhood watch, 156

Netflix, 23, 64

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 140–141

New Mexico Tea Company, 58

new normal customers, 2–4, 8–9

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), 140–141

noise, customer

AOL and, 51–52

communication failures and, 47–49

community and, 54–57

defined, 16–17

impact of, 49–50

reasons for, 52–54

value of, 57–58

Nordstrom, 2

norms, service, 185–186

Obama, Barack, 77

Ortega y Gasset, José, 12

Outback Steakhouse, 35–36

Outback Western Wear, 143–144

outcome metrics, 7, 8

Pacifeeder, 100–101

partnership covenants, 174

partnership framework. See also bad connections; connection; wireless connections

acumen and, 87

congruence and, 86

connection and, 85–86, 101–103

grounding and, 84–85

overview, 83–84, 85

pattern making, 42–43

Peller, Clara, 77

personalization, 62–66

Peter, Laurence J., 59

pickiness, customer defined, 16–17

examples of, 25–26

overview, 26–28

self-service and, 30–33

value and, 33–34

value migration and, 28–30

Pogrebin, Letty Cottin, 70

Popken, Ben, 51–52

problem solving. See bad connections product thinking, 6–8

professional shoppers, 7

promises, 38–39, 180–181

Rain Forest Restaurant, 208

RAMP (Real-Time Analytics Matching Platform), 66

rapport, 192–193

real-time feedback, 154–158

respect, 106–107

results, focus on, 179–180

review sites, 56–57

Richtel, Matt, 3

RightNow, 12

Ripps, John, 197

Ritz, César, 143, 145

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 143, 144, 145

Ross, Ronald, 66

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 4

Sanders, Harland, 145

Santayana, George, 18–19

satisfaction, 28–29

scenography, 140–146

Schultz, Horst, 143, 145

Science Diet, 145

Scott, Jamier, 79–80

scout reports, 155

script, scenography and, 143–144

Sears, Richard, 70

Sears Roebuck catalog, 69–70

secondary smoke phenomenon, 50


perils of, 30–33

trend toward, 19

trust cues and, 39–40

service covenant

change in, 15–16

defined, 8

features of, 13–15

partnerships and, 83–87

self-service and, 32

service hierarchy and, 79–83

service isolation, 20–21, 30–33. See also self-service

service vision, 177, 182–186

set, scenography and, 144

Shellenberger, Sue, 55

signs of change, 4–5

silos, 21, 127, 175

singers, 96

singing, 57–58

“smart adult,” speaking in, 193–194

Smith, Fred, 145

Smith, Shaun, 67

social media

community and, 57

conversation void and, 23

secondary smoke phenomenon and, 50

vs. word of mouth, 5–6

Society for New Communications Research, 3, 28–29

soothing, 117–118

Southwest Airlines, 146

specialists, reliance on, 21–23

Spector, Robert, 127

spirit, 176

standards, service, 184–185

Starbucks, 63

Stewardship (Block), 177

Stew Leonard’s Dairy Store, 66, 141

Stockdale, Jim, 54–56

story, scenography and, 144–145

Strativity Group, 29, 65

surveys, 209–210

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 166–168

taking for granted, not, 109–110

Taylor Guitars, 133

TD Bank, 149

Tebeau, Jason, 100–101, 128

time, service, 32

Toyota, 6

Tracy, Brian, 25

Trader Joe’s, 66

tranquility. See congruence


anxiety and, 38–39

cues for, 39–40

in customers, 198–199

expectation anxiety and, 40–43

two-swallow paper cups, 97–98

Tylenol, 6

unite, “wired” as forum to, 72–73

United Airlines, 5–6, 125–127, 129–134

UPS, 2

Urbanski, Robin, 129

USAA, 61

value, pickiness and, 33–34

value migration, 28–30

vanity, customer

defined, 16–17

personalization and, 62–66

service examples, 59–62

value of, 66–67

village, Internet, 134–136

viral effect, 50

Virgin Air, 146

vision, scenography and, 142–143

vocal customers. See noise, customer

Voltaire, 4, 19, 23, 130

Waters, Tina, 135

Whole Food Markets, 66

Whuffie Factor, The (Hunt), 73

Williams, Kim, 75

wired, meaning of Dell Computer and, 75–76

equalizer, 73–74

forum to unite, 72–73

impatience and, 76–78

means to connect, 70–71

resource to instruct, 71–72

tool to accelerate, 71

wireless connections

fairness and, 131–133

flexibility and, 125–127

general characteristics, 123–125

generosity and, 133–134

honesty and, 129–131

inclusiveness and, 127–129

Internet village and, 134–136

“with” approach, 99–101

word of mouth, 5–6, 74–75

Wynn Hotel, 62

YouTube, 51. See also Carroll, Dave

book endorsement and, 10

experience enhancers and, 18

fast service of, 76–77

as model for customer expectations, 2

partnership philosophy of, 23