

THIS INDEX COVERS the main narrative from the introduction to the epilogue, as well as appendix F, the family interview transcript. It does not cover any other appendices or the preface and acknowledgments, or the chronology. I index the names of authors and translators when they appear in the narrative or explanatory notes, but not when only in citations or parentheses. City and town names are identified by the state or country in which they are currently located. The title “Dr.” appears with a name when it is used in the narrative. Italicized page numbers indicate images. Finally, I index the names—often only the surnames—of people Eli Rochelson mentions in his interviews. These may be of interest to families searching for information.—MJR

131 Boys of Kovno, 130–32, 202, 203–4, 206

abortion, 150, 150n12

Aleksiun, Natalia, 59, 75

All Quiet on the Western Front (film), 67

America, life in, 2, 76, 89, 133, 164, 288–92

American Civil Liberties Union, 292

American College of Chest Physicians, 172–73, 174–75

American Jewish Committee, 2

American Joint Distribution Committee, 159, 160, 161, 174, 284

American Medical Association, 171–72

antisemitism in Lithuania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, 41–42, 54, 55, 57–59, 75, 81–82, 238, 239–40, 248, 249, 250–51, 252, 259, 290

           in the United States, 64, 172, 173, 290

Arendt, Albert, 51, 71–74, 77–79, 156

Arendt, Anna Rochelson, 51, 68, 70, 71–74, 76–77, 78, 156. See also Rochelson, Chaye

Arendt, Erich, 156

Armenians, Armenian doctor, 42, 48, 242

Assistance to Lithuanian Jews, 62, 146, 189

Atlantic City, New Jersey, 172

           Ambassador Hotel, 172

Aufbau (Reconstruction) newspaper, 107n10

Auschwitz extermination camp, 8, 119, 130, 157, 201, 203, 205, 265, 267, 278, 291n30

           Auschwitz-Birkenau, 130–31, 203–7, 207n5

           liberation of, 158

Azerbaijan, 43n23

Azov Sea, 243

Baikovich (friend escaping train from Dachau), 141, 279, 280

Baranova, Galina, 30n3

Barnard College. See New York, New York

Barter. See also Kovno Ghetto

Becker (elderly Kovno Jew), 92, 254

Beirak (couple on cart to labor camp from Kovno ghetto), 265

Belarus, 29, 41n20

           Dolginovo (Dolhinov), 183n5

Belgium, 137, 285–86

Berg, Gunnar, 160n5

Berkowits, Rabbi Laszlo, 203

Berman, Alonka, 112, 120, 265, 272

Berman, Stefa, 117n19

Berman, Dr. Zelman/Moshe, 117, 117n19, 118, 128, 133, 134, 137, 139, 144, 145, 266, 276–77, 285–87

Bermuda, 190

Bernstein, Israel, 89, 89n8

Beth David Cemetery, Elmont, New York, 195

Birkenau. See under Auschwitz extermination camp

Black Sea, 243

Blank, Mordechai (Mota), 192–93

Blank, Ruth, 192–93

Bloch, Eric M., 30n5, 32n6

Bloch, Jacob H., 185

Boder, David, 4–5, 61n2, 104

bombings, by Allies, 138, 141, 279

boxer, Jewish, 82, 252

Brandwein, Dr. Simon, 159n3, 169

Brandwein, Ruth, 159n3

Brooklyn Museum. See under Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn, New York, 8, 11, 32, 35, 62, 64, 86, 87n5, 164, 165, 173, 177, 186

           Bedford-Stuyvesant, 186, 198

           Brooklyn Museum, 189n6

           Brooklyn Navy Yard, 64

           Brooklyn Thoracic Hospital, 166, 289

           Crown Heights, 198

           Israel Zion Hospital (Maimonides Medical Center), 164, 165–66, 167, 288–89

           Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn (Interfaith Medical Center), 197, 198

           Midwood, 186

           Midwood High School, 9

           Swedish Hospital of Brooklyn, 166, 177–78, 289–90

           Williamsburg, 186

Brooklyn Thoracic Hospital. See under Brooklyn, New York

Buchenwald concentration camp, 291n30

Budnitskii, Oleg, 42

Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Europe, 155

Cerisodas, Feyge German/Herman, 36, 70, 210, 235

Chekhov[, Anton], 189

chess, 152, 157, 189, 201, 206, 278

Chicago, Illinois, 86, 171, 292n31

           University of Chicago, 19

“child of survivor” issues, 3, 9, 10n5, 19

China (as place of refuge), 260

Chinese soldiers in Lithuania, 94, 254

circumcision, 111. See also Rochelson, Eli Gershon, brit milah

Clevs, Arnold (Abraham Klavarsky), 129, 130, 203

Codikow, Ralph, 131, 206–7

Cohen, Beth B., 162n8, 181n3

Cohen, Sharon Kangisser, 6

Cold War, 169–71

Communism, 44, 237

Communist Party, 194

Communists, 45, 98, 160, 257, 284

Czech, Danuta, 205

           Auschwitz Chronicle, 206n5

Czechoslovakia (former), 90, 136, 283

           Joachimstahl, 136, 283

Dachau concentration camp, 125, 127–29, 130, 132–39, 143, 157–58, 159, 160, 169, 172, 201, 202, 204, 205, 273, 274–79, 285–87, 290, 291n30

           beatings, 135, 135n11, 143, 275–76

           camp hospital (krankenreview), 134, 169, 275–77

           first aid station, 135

           kapos, 148n7, 276, 286

           lager 1, 136, 137, 274, 283, 286

           lager 2, 136, 283

           lager 4, 136, 137, 283, 286

           lagerführer, 127, 274, 278, 282

lagerführer Kurtz, 127, 282

           lice, 276

           Moll Construction Company, 132, 134, 274–75, 277

           underground airport (labor site), 132, 275

Davis, Minna, 10n5

Der Tog (The Day) newspaper, 108–9, 175

diphtheria. See under illnesses

displaced persons camps, 4, 175. See also under names of individual camps

“Doctors’ Plot,” 22

Dresden (steamship), 65

Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital. See under Washington, DC

Eilati, Shalom, 129, 202, 203, 205

Eisenhower, General [Dwight D.], 149

Elkes, Dr. Elchanan (Elhanan), 112, 112n15, 118, 265

Ellis Island, 288, 288n27

           database, 87n5

The Enchanted Cottage (Mit den Aügen der Liebe, film), 153–54

English language, 79, 87, 116, 166–68, 19, 284, 289

Epstein, Helen, 19

Esner, Abraham, 87n5

Esner, Morris (Moishe), 87, 87n5

Esner, Sandra (Sandy), 87

Esner, Sarah Lubovsky, 87n5

Esner, William (Bill), 87, 87n5

Esner family, 49n28

Estonia, 110, 112, 113–14, 263, 265

Feldafing displaced persons camp, 148n6

Fenster, Gershon, 11, 34

Fenster, Irving, 34

Fenster, Louis, 34, 184

Fenster, Rivka (Rifke/Rifka) Sanditen, 33–34, 34

Fenster, Susan, 184

Fenster and Minsky cousins, 192

Florida, 23, 198

           Miami, 210

           Miami Beach, 35

Flossenbürg concentration camp, 136

Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, 147, 148n6

Fortunoff Video Archive, Yale University, 4, 5


           Cherbourg, 65

           Paris, 34, 65, 66n5, 88n6, 164, 190

           South of France (Grenoble, Juan les Pins), 34, 66n5

Frank, Anne, 90

Frank, Otto, 90

French language, 190

Friedman, Masha Rubin (Eli’s mother-in-law), 177–78, 183, 188, 289–90

Friedman, Max (Eli’s father-in-law), 179, 180, 182

Gay, Ruth, 148n6

Gediminas (Grand Duke of Lithuania), 30

“gefilte fish line,” 29n1

Geneva Convention, 106, 261

German branch of Rochelson family, 32–33

German/Herman, Sarah Rochelson (Tante Sarah), 36, 70, 235

German language, 41, 52, 58, 154, 236, 244

German nurse at Landsberg (unnamed), 154–55

Germans, after World War II, 141, 142, 146, 149

German soldiers, 99, 101, 107, 116, 258

           Einsatzgruppen, 102, 102n2

           Gestapo/SS, 98, 105, 107, 108, 109–11, 119–20, 123, 128, 138, 258, 262, 263, 264, 268, 277–78

           parachutists, 96, 97, 255, 256

           Wehrmacht, 98, 138, 257–58, 277–78, 286

Germany, 83, 133

           American Zone, 143–44, 152

           Berlin, 32, 65–66, 74, 77, 79, 93n5

Weissensee cemetery, 77, 78

           Bremen, 65, 163n9

           Consulate of, New York (postwar), 188

           Frankfurt, 65

           Goettingen, 156

           Munich, 65, 160, 162, 284

           Potsdam, 66

Gesner, Barry, 196–97

Gesner, Mae Friedman, 196–97

Gilbert, Martin, 123

Gillis, Mr. (English tutor), 166

Ginaite-Rubinson, Sara, 95n7

Ginstein, Paula and spouse (couple on cart to labor camp from Kovno ghetto), 265

Godin, Nesse, 132

Goethe[, Johann Wolfgang von], 52, 245

Goldstein, Betty Friedman, 178, 289

Goldstein, Esther, 135n10, 159n3

Goldstein, Dr. Lazar, 128, 135, 144, 159n3, 275

Gordon, Rachel, 132

Greenberg, Zalman. See Grinberg, Zalman

Griliches, Dr. Samuel, 117n19, 169

Griliches, Josef, 14, 40n18, 52n29, 62, 101, 117n19, 130n4, 146, 169

Grinberg, Dr. Zalman, 117, 117n20, 134, 134n9, 151, 266, 277

Grossmann, Atina, 149n9, 150n12, 154

Gutman, Ephraim, 5, 61–62n2, 104, 106n8, 120

Gutman, Rabbi G., 61, 61–62n2

Hahn [?], Dr. (Jewish doctor in Dachau), 276

Ha-Koach sport club, 51

Hebrew language, 43

Heine, Heinrich, 52, 52–53n30, 245

Heymont, Major Irving, US Army, 147–48, 149, 149nn8,9

HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), 84–85, 84n1, 160–62

           HIAS-HICEM, 88–90, 88n6


           in Kovno ghetto, 119–20, 121, 124–26, 267–69, 272–73, 273–74

           in Lithuania, 96–99, 255, 257

           in Nakhichevan, 45, 238–39, 241–81

           at the time of liberation, 141–42, 280

Hirsch, Marianne, 7

           postmemory, 7

Hitler[, Adolf], 22, 81, 83, 110, 120, 144, 160, 252, 260, 263, 268, 281, 284, 291

Hobart College, 148

Hoffman, Eva, 6


           Hanukkah, 32–33, 152

           Kol Nidrei, 177–78, 180

           and Nazi actions, 110, 201, 203, 263

           New Year (Russian), 211

           New Year’s Eve, 189

           Rosh Hashanah, 30, 201, 203

           Thanksgiving, 34

           Yom Kippur, 177–78, 180, 203, 289

Holocaust massacres, selections, actions. See under Auschwitz-Birkenau; Dachau; Kovno ghetto; Kaunas [Kovno], Lithuania; Stutthof

Holocaust testimony/testimonies, 7, 8

Hungarian Jewish prisoners, 157–58, 278

I Love Lucy, 182


           cancer, 180, 193n8, 195

           cerebral hemorrhage, 198

           cholera, 49, 243

           colitis, 134, 156n23, 277

           diarrhea, 134, 143, 146, 277, 281

           diphtheria, 35, 116–17, 233, 266

           dysentery, 146, 156, 282

           heart disease, 283

           in displaced persons camp (see Landsberg displaced persons camp)

           measles, 10, 157–58, 201, 205–7, 278, 282

           meningitis, 96, 118, 255, 267

           pleurisy, 146

           pneumonia, 40, 117, 119, 237

           pulmonary disease, 67

           pulmonary tuberculosis, 166, 246, 289

           rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease, 36, 77, 233–34

           scarlet fever, 35

           Spanish flu, 48, 242

           spirochete of Obermaier, 48, 243

           stroke, 210

           transient ischemic attacks, 196

           typhoid fever, 146

           typhus, 134, 146, 276

           typhus recurrentes (recurrent fever), 48, 242

immigration, great wave of 1880–1920, 50

Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Act), 83

immigration quotas, United States of

America, 15, 83, 84, 161, 260

International Tracing Service, 29n2, 155

Irish Free State, 83

Israel, 159–60, 160n4, 284

           Binyamina, 192

           Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum (Lochamei Ha-Ghettaot), 202–3, 204

           Hadera, 192

           Haifa, 193

           Hebron, Cave of Machpelah, 192

           Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Act)

           Jerusalem, 4–5n3, 192

Hebrew University, 192

Western Wall, 192

           Kfar Saba, 145n3

pre-state Palestine, 38, 88, 164, 192

travel to, 153, 190, 192–93

           Yad Vashem (see under Yad Vashem)

Israel Zion Hospital. See under Brooklyn, New York

Italy, 190

           Abano, 191

           Milan, 49n28, 202

           All Lithuania Database, 30–32n5

           LitvakSIG, 202

Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn (Interfaith Medical Center). See under Brooklyn, New York

Jewish partisans/underground, anti-Nazi, 123

Julian calendar, 29

Kadish, George (Zvi Kadushin), 113, 116, 116n18, 265

Kaminski, Ilse, 188

Kané-Kahan, Max, 66n5, 191

Kané-Kahan, Riva (Rivochka) Lubovsky, 34, 49, 49n28, 66n5, 104, 191, 244, 261

Kanter, Eli, 108, 262

Kanter, Grunye, 36, 125–26, 274

Kanter, Minne Rochelson (Tante Minne), 36, 38, 68, 70, 94, 108, 124, 125–26, 192, 235, 254, 262, 272, 274

Kanter, Paike, 36, 94, 125–26, 235, 254, 274

Kanter, Shlomo (Shloimke), 108, 120, 124, 125–26, 262, 272, 274

Kanter, Uri, 36, 38n16, 192, 235

Kanter, Yankele, 36, 235

Kassow, Samuel D., 95, 105, 120, 126

Kaufman, Dr. [Jacob?], 129, 130n4, 278

Kaufman, Eliezer, 130

Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania, 4, 7, 14, 15, 29, 32, 33, 40, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 79–81, 85, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 99, 132, 139, 144, 183, 189, 205, 233, 244, 247, 256–57, 260, 261, 278. See also

Kovno ghetto

           Choral Synagogue, 61, 63

           expulsion from Kovno (see World War I)

           Jewish cemeteries, 194, 196

           Kaunas Castle, 38

           Laisvės Alėja, 62, 63, 79, 95

           Lietukis Garage, 95

           Maironio Street (Maironio gatve), 62, 64, 92n2, 94, 95

           Metropole (Metropolis) Hotel, 63

           Monica restaurant, 82, 82n20, 252

           Naumiestis (New Town), 61, 72

           Nazi invasion/occupation of, 6, 53, 62, 75, 146 (see also Lithuania, Nazi invasion/occupation of)

           Ninth Fort, 108, 271

resistance in, 123, 271

           railroad station, 41, 92, 236

           Russian Gymnasium of the

Teachers’ Association (see under Rochelson, Eli Gershon: education)

           Santakos (Confluence) Park, 38, 39

           Senamiestis (Old Town), 35, 72, 73

           Slobodke (Vilijampolé), 53, 95, 99, 101, 245, 256, 258 (see also Kovno ghetto)

           Vytautas the Great War Museum, 69, 71, 72, 91, 253

           Yatkever Gass (M. Daukšos Street), 35, 36, 73, 234

           Wolf-Engelmann Brewery, 53, 53–54n31, 245

Keller, Regina, 152–53

Kobrin, Rebecca, 172

Konuichovsky, Leyb, 102

Korn, W. J. (UNRRA deputy director), 174

Koton (man at liberation), 143, 281

Kovno ghetto, 2, 14, 71, 101–26, 129, 143, 159, 202, 245, 258–74, 285, 290. See also under hiding

           airfield (labor site), 104–5, 106, 110, 114, 261, 262

           Ältestenrat (Jewish Council of Elders), 112, 265

           barter, 104–5, 110, 111, 112, 124–25, 263, 272

           becomes concentration camp, 123

           Catholic cemetery, 101, 121n24, 124, 272

           Demokratu Square, 108

           ghetto hospital, 104, 117–20, 125, 169, 266, 269, 273

burning of, 106–7

           Great Action, 107–10, 146, 175, 262–63

           Intellectuals Action, 49n28, 103–4, 260–61

           Jewish police, 103, 108, 110, 111–12, 120, 260, 262, 264–65

Nazi action against, 120, 271–72

           Kinder Action, 118–20, 267–68

           liberation of, 125–26

           liquidation of, 120–22, 121n24, 124–26, 126, 269, 272–74

           resistance in, 120, 122–23, 270–71

           “small ghetto”/klein ghetto, 107, 108

           Varniu Street, 101, 121n24

Krakinowski, Nissan, 3–4, 3n2, 62, 95, 146, 189

krankenkasse (health facility for government workers in Lithuania), 75, 83, 91–92, 185, 251, 253

Kravetz, Moshe, 130, 131, 203–7

Kristallnacht, 86

Kropotky (professor’s assistant), 58, 251

Kushner, Chana, 192, 193

Kushner, Joseph, 38, 40, 192, 193, 195

Kutnovsky, Leiye German/Herman, 36, 70, 210, 235

Lake Mahopac, New York, 190

Landsberg, subcamp of Dachau, 129, 144, 285–87

Landsberg-am-Lech, 144, 281

Landsberg displaced persons camp, 4, 6, 143–56, 161, 169

           black market activity, 148

           camp closed, 148

           clubs (sports, chess), 152

           DP Hospital 2014, 144–47, 162, 167, 169, 174, 281, 282

illnesses and epidemics, 146, 282

lice, 282

outpatient department/dispensary, 146, 147, 174, 282

“Sanitary Month” colloquium, 150, 151

sanitation/sanitary conditions, 149–51

           Eli’s relationships with women in, 152–55

           folklore survey, 152

           Hanukkah, 152

           Landsberger Lager-Cajtung (newspaper), 143, 155

           landsmanshaftn (organizations of survivors by town), 151–52

           ORT schools (see also ORT), 149

Langer, Lawrence, 25

Languages, family language use; Eli’s knowledge of. See under Rochelson, Eli G: languages

Latin language, 250

Latvia, 110, 112

           Riga, 88

Levin, Dov, 38n17, 75

Levitan, Eilat Gordon, 130

Lewin, Jacob, 131, 131n5

Liberation, at end of World War II (see also under Rochelson, Eli Gershon: liberation), 133, 141

Lichtblau, Eric, 149n9

Lichtenstein, Dr. (friend escaping train from Dachau), 141, 280

Lidor, Masha Zulzberg, 152–54, 153, 192

Liekis, Šarūnas, 59

Lithuania, 30, 32, 38, 45, 56, 58, 84, 88, 110, 160, 169–71, 193, 195–96, 201, 208, 239, 263

Aleksotas, 69, 71, 72, 105, 114, 259, 260

labor camp (also referred to as in Panemune, near Aleksotas), 71, 113–17

           author’s travel to, 23, 30, 203

           Garrison Church, 79, 80

           Jurbarkas (Jurborg), 3

           Karmelita, 99

           Kaunas (Kovno) (see Kaunas [Kovno], Lithuania)

           Kudirkos-Naumiestis (Naishtot), 33, 102

           Kulautova, 69, 247

           Nazi invasion/occupation of, 33, 62, 76, 91, 96, 102, 252–53

           Nemunas (Niemen) River, 35, 38, 69, 235

           Neris River, 53

           Palanga (Palangen), 95, 256

           Panemune, 69, 113, 114, 116, 265, 266, 269

           Plokščiai (Ploksh/Plogsh), 75, 102–3, 259n15

           Šakiai (Shaki), 33, 102, 259

           Šančiai, 75, 91, 253

           Šiauliai (Shavli), 132

           Soviet invasion/occupation of, 50, 81n19, 83, 101, 251

           Ukmerge (Vilkomir), 96, 255

           Veliuona (Velion), 32, 32n6, 33

           Vilnius (Vilna), 30n3, 49, 88, 208, 244

Saltonishkiu (Saltoniškių) Cemetery, 211

           Žiežmariai (Žežmary), 40, 235

Lithuanian antisemitic partisans/collaborators/underground, 33, 61–62n2, 76, 92, 94–95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 109, 123, 253–54, 255–56, 257, 260

Lithuanian language, 50, 52, 235, 244, 251

Lithuanian State Historical Archives, 14

           Kaunas Regional Archives, 30–32n5

Litvaks, 29. See also “gefilte fish line”

Litwak, Deborah Berkowits, 203

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 49n28

Lowe, Keith, 148n6

Lubovsky (first name unknown; Eli’s maternal grandmother), 38–40, 236–37

Lubovsky, David (Eli’s cousin, son of Mordkhel Lubovsky), 49n28, 104, 261

Lubovsky, David (Eli’s maternal grandfather), 34

Lubovsky, Genya, 34, 49, 49n28, 65–66, 66n5, 104, 156, 191, 244, 261

Lubovsky, Mordechai (Mordkhel), 34, 49n28

Lurie, Sol, 131, 204, 205

Maloney, Deana Sanditen, 33

Margolis, Rabbi (in Rostov-on-Don), 237

Marine Flasher (repurposed troopship), 162–64, 163, 288

Mayerson (early teacher), 239

Mayofski, Dr., 110–11, 263

Measles. See under illnesses

Medicina (journal), 169

Meerovich, Mariya Moiseevna (Eli’s mother-in-law), 11, 14, 15, 18, 22, 92–93, 207–11, 254, 283, 285

Meerovich, Mikhail (Misha), 12, 22, 54, 55, 92–93, 207, 210, 211, 248, 254, 283, 285

Meerovich, Polya, 12, 22, 193–94, 207, 208, 210–11

Mendelsohn, Daniel, 23–24

Mendelsohn, Matt, 23

Mengele[, Josef], 204–5

Meningitis. See under illnesses

Mesquita, Noemi Marquez, 198

Midwood High School. See Brooklyn, New York

Minsky, Greta, 34

Minsky, Rosalee Fenster, 34

Mintz, Daniel (Danny; Eli’s grandson, author’s son), 27, 197, 198–99

Mintz, Joel (Eli’s son-in-law, author’s spouse), 195–96, 199

Mintz, Serafima (Eli’s granddaughter, author’s daughter), 182–83n4

Mishell, William, 97n10, 105–6n6, 107n9, 120

Mishelski, Dr., 97, 256

Moiseyev Dancers, 189

Moll Construction Company. See under Dachau concentration camp

Molotov[, V(yalcheslav) M(ikhailovich)], 106, 261–62

           Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, 106n7

Montevideo, Uruguay, 51, 74, 156

Nabriski, Dr. Solomon (Shlomo), 144, 144, 145n3, 147, 150, 152, 164, 173–74, 281

Nahmani, Nurit Kushner, 192, 195–96, 204

Nahmani, Yakov, 195–96

National Refugee Service (USA), 161–62

Nazis, 6, 19, 53, 62, 66n5, 75, 76, 90, 91, 97, 102, 105n6, 106, 106n7, 111n13, 112n15, 120, 121, 121n24, 122, 123, 128, 131, 132, 198, 202, 209, 259, 291. See also Gestapo/SS neo-Nazis, 292

New York, New York, 85, 163–64, 208, 209, 289

           Barnard College, 9, 186, 193

           Fort Tryon Park, 190

           Lever House, 172

           Museum of Modern Art, 189

           New York Academy of Medicine, 171

           Rockefeller Center, 10

           Staten Island Ferry, 163n10, 164, 288

           Statue of Liberty, 164, 288

           Temple Emanu-El, 178, 289

New York Public Library, 2, 50

New York Times (newspaper), 32, 152, 167–68

Nietzsche[, Friedrich], 54, 248

Nuremberg trials, 107

Oklahoma Tire and Supply Company (OTASCO/Otasco). See under Tulsa, Oklahoma

Oleiski, Dr. Jacob, 4, 4–5n3, 144–45, 144, 145n3, 149

Orbach, Dr., and spouse, 119, 267

Orlinskaya, Dr. (at Landsberg DP hospital), 144

ORT, 4, 4n3, 144. See also Landsberg displaced persons camp: ORT schools

OSE, 107, 107n10

Ozhinsky, Dora Lubovsky, 49, 70, 244

Pabst, Roland, 154

Pace, Bella, 189

Pace, Dr. Leonard, 159n3

Pace, Janina, 159n3

Pakus (friend), 243

Perry, Cindy, 189

Perry, Dr. Alex (formerly Poretsky), 144, 159, 159n3, 284

Perry, Lily, 159n3

Piczelya (artist), The Discussion, 11n6

Pierce, David B., 86

Pinagel (German teacher), 54–55, 245

Pizzochero, Jenny (Eugenie) Kané-Kahan, 66n5

Pizzochero, Pierre, 49n28, 66n5

Pneumonia. See under illnesses

pogroms, 81

Poland, 50, 59, 75, 203n2

           Nazi invasion/occupation of, 88, 89, 90

           (see also Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthof concentration camp)

Porat, Dina, 122

Poretsky, Joel, 159, 284

Pravda, 46

Proskurov, Alexei (Alex), 43n23

Queens, New York, 32, 189

Rabin, Dr. Coleman B., 172–73

Red Cross, International, 155

           American Red Cross, 69

           British Red Cross, 156

rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease. See under illnesses

Rifkind, Judge Simon, 149

Robinson, David (formerly Rochelson; Eli’s brother), 7, 15, 22, 34, 35, 36, 37, 45, 62–64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76, 77–79, 84–87, 102, 159, 160, 161–62, 162n6, 164, 189, 208–9, 233, 234, 284, 288. See also under World War I

Robinson, Ida Sanditen, 34, 62, 64, 65, 69, 70, 74, 76, 77–79, 77n17, 84–86, 162, 164, 167, 172, 179, 189

Robinsons’ visit to Kovno, 62–73

           travel diary, 66, 167

Rochelson, Avraham (Eli’s brother), 35, 37, 51, 52, 62n4, 67, 68, 70–71, 71, 84–86, 88, 101, 102–4, 124, 136–37, 137n13, 233, 248–49, 258, 259, 260–61, 272

Rochelson, Bere-Mikhel (Mikhel Ber; Eli’s father), 32, 33, 36, 37, 42, 53, 67, 68, 76, 102; gravesite, 194, 196, 234, 235, 249, 261

Rochelson, Boris (Borya/Bertchik/Boretzken; Eli’s son), 10, 14–15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 61, 61n1, 62, 71, 79, 84, 93, 97, 110, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119–20, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130–31, 155, 157–58, 159, 196, 197, 201–11, 256, 265, 266, 267, 272, 273, 278, 282, 285

Rochelson, Burton (Burt; Eli’s son), 1–6, 9, 11, 14–15, 21, 44, 53, 84, 93–94, 112, 113, 116, 122, 125, 143, 146, 153, 154, 157, 165n15, 168, 178, 182, 188, 190, 190, 197, 198, 199, 207, 233, 289

Rochelson, Chaye (Eli’s sister), 27, 33, 34, 35, 37, 41, 50, 102, 233, 244. See also Anna Rochelson Arendt Rochelson, David Barry (Eli’s grandson, Burt’s son), 197

Rochelson, Devorah (Dvera; Eli’s paternal grandmother), 30, 31, 32

Rochelson, Eli Gershon (Ilija/Ilya), 13, 17, 37, 40, 52, 55, 56, 57, 68, 69, 115, 144, 145, 170, 180, 186, 187, 190, 191, 200

           arrival in the United States, 163–65, 285, 288

           birth, 29

           brit milah, 30

           childhood, 35–50, 234–35

           death, 5, 30, 182, 196–97, 199

           education, 41, 239–40, 241

certificate of candidacy in medicine, 56, 59, 249

“certificate of ripeness,” 54, 245, 248

diploma, Doctor of Medicine, 56, 75, 83, 129, 169, 171, 172, 251

graduation cum laude, 247

Russian Gymnasium of the Teachers’ Association, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 169, 244

Shershevskovo Gymnasium, 43, 50, 241

University of Vytautas the Great/Vytautas Magnus University, 55, 169, 247, 248–51 (see also University of Vytautas the Great/Vytautas Magnus University [Kaunas Institute of Medicine/Medical Faculty of Kaunas University])

           first marriage, 61

           Holocaust experience (see under Kovno ghetto, Dachau concentration camp)

           knurring, 12

           languages, knowledge of, 25, 50, 168 (see also individual language names, family use of)

           liberation, 10, 141–43, 282 (see also Landsberg displaced persons camp)

“Escape from the Train,” 141–42, 279–80

           medical internships, residencies, 75, 83, 164, 166, 171, 177, 251

           medical license, New York State, 171, 289

           military service, Lithuanian army, 55–56, 57, 247, 249

           private practice in US, 184

           reestablishing medical credentials in the US, 165–71

           religious observance, 42, 43, 188, 240

           second marriage, 178–82, 290

           “stubbornness,” 3, 94, 168, 173, 174–75, 199

Rochelson, Eliyahu Gershon (Eli’Gershon; Eli’s paternal grandfather), 30, 31, 32, 32n6

Rochelson, Gitel (Eli’s sister), 36n13

Rochelson, Henye Lubovsky (Eli’s mother), 15, 18, 33, 45, 48, 49n28, 68, 70, 74–75, 76, 86, 102–3, 249, 259, 261

Rochelson, Manfred, 32–33

Rochelson, Mordechai (Motteh/Mottel/Mottle; Eli’s brother), 35, 37, 52, 53, 68, 74–75, 102–3, 104, 233, 246, 249, 259, 260

Rochelson, Moshe (Eli’s paternal great-grandfather), 30

Rochelson, Moshe (Maishe/Misha; Eli’s brother), 35, 37, 45–46, 46, 47, 102, 193–95, 208–9, 233, 238, 285

Rochelson, Pearl Friedman (Eli’s second wife, author’s mother), 11, 15, 21, 22–23, 29, 32, 50, 62, 65, 136n12, 168, 172, 177, 178–84, 179, 180, 183, 187, 188, 189, 190, 190, 191, 197, 198, 199, 203, 289

Rochelson, Rose Kagan/Kaganov, 62n4, 68, 70–71, 71, 79, 84, 86, 88, 101, 102, 124, 131, 132, 136, 156, 258, 259, 272, 282

Rochelson, Sarah (daughter of Avraham and Rose), 62n4, 79, 85, 85–86, 88, 102, 124, 131, 132, 136, 156, 259, 272, 283

Rochelson, Serafima (Sima) Meerovich (Eli’s first wife), 12–13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 54, 55, 61, 61n1, 71, 79, 84, 92–94, 97, 103, 114, 115, 116–18, 119, 124, 127, 129, 131, 155, 156–57, 159, 161, 196, 208, 209, 210, 211, 248, 249, 254, 256, 265, 266, 267, 272, 273, 282, 284, 285

Rochelson (married name unknown), Yente (Tante Yente), 40, 235

Rochelson (unnamed wife of Moshe/Maishe/Misha), 46, 47

Rockson, George (formerly Rochelsohn), 30n5, 86

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 291, 291n30

Rosenfeld, Alvin, 25

Rosenstein, Paulina, 58n33

Rosenthal (patient in Kovno ghetto), 103, 260

Rosin, Joseph

Rostov-on-Don (Rostov-na-Donu), 40, 42, 44, 45, 46–47, 49, 52, 53, 70, 121, 236–38, 240, 241, 243, 244

Rozenblit, Marsha, 89n7, 108, 178

Rubin, Dorothy, 136, 136n12

Rubin, Marc, 136, 136n12, 283

Rudansky, Taube (Taibe/Taibke) German/Herman, 36, 70n7, 235

Russia (includes places in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union/USSR), 33, 40, 45, 49, 84, 92–94, 159–60, 193, 239, 283, 284, 285

           Königsberg/Kaliningrad, 33

           Moscow, 12, 49, 169–71, 173, 243

           Nakhichevan (Nakhichevan-on-Don/Nakhichevan-na-Donu), 42–49, 237–39, 240

           Rostov-on-Don (Rostov-na-Donu; see Rostov-on Don [Rostov-na-Donu])

           Russian Empire, 29

           Russian literature, culture, songs, 14, 135, 189, 275

           Saint Petersburg/Leningrad, 84, 260

           Siberia, 160, 284

           Simferopol (Crimea), 209

           Sochi, 194, 209

           Sokolniki, 243

           Soviet Union (USSR; see also individual place names), 21, 22, 83, 89, 171, 195

“Doctors’ Plot,” 22

NKVD (Soviet police), 260

Soviet Army, 93n5, 121, 124, 125–26, 142, 160, 269, 280, 284, 291

           Red Army, 44–45, 238–39

           Russian Civil War (1917–1922), 44

           White Guards (White Army), 44–45, 121, 238–39

Russian Gymnasium of the Teachers’ Association (Kaunas). See under Rochelson, Eli Gershon, education

Russian language, 14, 41, 43, 50, 190

Russian Revolution (1917), 29, 44, 52, 121, 237

Russian (Soviet) soldiers during the Holocaust, 94, 96, 97, 98, 254–55, 256, 257

           deserters, 121, 268–69

           prisoners of war, 105–6, 105–6n6, 139, 261, 262, 278

           Soviet army (see under Soviet Union [USSR])

Saffron, Ruth, 155

Sanditen, Dina Glike Rochelson, 33

Sanditen, Herman, 184

Sanditen, Maurice, 184

Sanditen, Max, 76n14

Sanditen, Samuel, 184

Sarajevo (former Yugoslavia), 234

scarlet fever. See under illnesses

Scheuer, Ingrid Rockson (formerly Rochelsohn), 86

Schiller[, Friedrich], 52, 245

Schiller, Rivka, 208

Schopenhauer[, Arthur], 54, 248

Seimas (Lithuanian parliament), 81, 252

Shershevskii, 43

Shershevskovo Gymnasium. See under Rochelson, Eli Gershon, education

Shoah Foundation, 4, 5, 146–47

Silber, Dr. Joseph, 93n5, 146, 159n3

Silber, Sharon, 189

Silber, Thelma, 146, 159n3

“silk stockings,” story of, 92–94, 254, 285

Skarlat, Olga, 209

Skokie, Illinois, 19, 292n31

           Mayer Kaplan Jewish Community Center, 19

Smetona, President Antonas, 81, 81n19, 251

Smith College, 9

South Dakota, 165

Spanish flu. See under illnesses

Spiegelman, Art, 8, 130n4

Spielberg, Steven, 4. See also Shoah Foundation

Srole, Dr. Lee, 148–49, 149n8

St. Ottilien hospital for displaced persons, 117n20, 154

           orchestra, 150–51, 152

St. Stephen, South Carolina, 64

starvation, 47–48, 53, 105–6, 110, 122, 133, 134–35, 156n23, 209, 241–42, 246, 282, 283

Stoop Mas, Bette, 87n5

Straus, Nathan, Jr., 90

Streim, Lt. B., 174

Stutthof concentration camp, 125, 127, 129, 131–32, 155, 202, 203, 273, 282

           forced marches, 156–57, 282

           Praust subcamp, 155

Swedish Hospital of Brooklyn. See under Brooklyn, New York Switzerland

           Interlaken, 65

           Lucerne, 65

Syracuse, New York, 161

Terezin (Theresienstadt) concentration camp, 86

Tory, Avraham, 104, 106n8, 113

Trachtenberg, Martin, 10n5

transcription, 25–27

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 11, 33, 34, 64, 86, 183–85

           Mayo Hotel, 184

           Oklahoma Tire and Supply Company (OTASCO/Otasco), 11, 184

typhus. See under illnesses

Ukraine, 41n20, 209

           Bolekhiv, 23

           Izyum, 41, 236, 239–40, 243

           Kharkov (Kharkiv), 41, 236, 243

           Khorol, 41, 236

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See under Russia: Soviet Union (USSR)

United Kingdom/Great Britain/Northern Ireland, 83

           London, 88n6

           Southampton, 65

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 148, 150, 174

United Services for New Americans (USNA), 20, 165

United States of America, 12, 15, 46, 74, 84, 88, 159–60, 195, 259, 283, 284. See also individual place names; America, life in

           American soldiers, 142 (see also Heymont, Major Irving; Poretsky, Joel; Streim, Lt. B.)

           Department of State, 169

           United States Army, 148, 201, 280–81

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 4, 5, 29n2, 104, 113

University of Chicago. See Chicago, Illinois

University of Vytautas the Great/Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas Institute of Medicine/Medical Faculty of Kaunas University), 59, 111, 113, 128. See also under Rochelson, Eli Gershon: education

Vileisis, Dr. Kazys, 169

Vilnius (Vilna), Lithuania. See under Lithuania

Volosov, Essia Lubovsky, 49n28

Vytautas (Grand Duke of Lithuania), 81

Waltzer, Kenneth, 204

Washington, DC, 166

           Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital (Specialty Hospital-Capitol Hill), 166, 289

Wichita, Kansas, 185

Wilson, Francis (Bob), 30n5

Winick (in Kovno ghetto), 126, 274

Wise, Rachel, 132

Wishnievsky, Dr., 111, 264

Wollen, Bernard, 161, 162

World Jewish Congress, 155

World War I, 38, 234

           David Robinson’s service, 64

           expulsion from Kovno, 38–41, 235–36

World War II, 45, 141. See also Auschwitz-Birkenau; Dachau; Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania; Kovno ghetto; Stutthof

Yad Vashem, 4, 5, 123

yampolke (children’s game), 44, 240

Yelinski (anatomy professor), 58, 250–51

Yellin, Chaim, 122, 270

Yellin, Meir, 122, 270

yellow star, 110–11, 263–64

Yiddish language, 50, 74, 79, 85, 115, 150, 150n11, 152, 177, 183, 188, 190, 195, 208, 284, 289

Yiddish music, 189

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 27, 88, 151, 162

Young, James, 8, 25

Zacharin, Dr. Benjamin, 111, 117n20, 118, 119, 134, 139, 264, 267–68, 276–77, 279

Zahm, Mrs. (at USNA), 165

Zalkin, Mordechai, 75n11, 81

Zangwill, Israel, 3

Zilinskas, Dr. Jurgis, 169

Zisman, Leo, 129

Zukauskas, General [Silvestras], 117n19