Aeschynanthus, 61
African violet potting mix, 15
African violets, propagating, 103
Air layering, propagating plants by, 94
Airplane plant, 24
Akadama soil, 76
Algae, marimo balls and, 40, 42
Aloe vera, 13
Alphabet tiles, on plant stakes, 62
Aquatic Garden, Marimo Ball, 40
Barbadensis (aloe vera), 13
macramé plant hanger, 48
swinging plant hanger, 70
Beaucarnea recurvata, 20
Begonias, propagating, 103
Betta fish, 43
Bonsai, 82
Bottle ponytail, 20
Brown leaf tips, 24
Burns, plant for, 13
Carnivorous plants (Venus flytrap), 26
Chlorophytum comosum, 24
Cissus plants, 61
Citrus plants, 94
Container(s). See also Pots
drilling holes for drainage in, 33
for Zen garden, 54
glass, for marimo ball aquatic garden, 40
shadow box for air plants, 86
watering plants in decorative, 32
Crassula ovata ‘Gollum,’ 22
Cryptocoryne plant, 40
Cutting back leaves, 37
Devil’s ivy, 21
Dionaea muscipula, 26
checking the need for water with, 34
for wooden plant trellis, 66
Dracaena, 94
Dracaena sanderiana, 15
Drainage holes, pots with, 32, 33, 54, 84
Drainage, pot, 37
Dwarf umbrella tree, 82
Elephant foot, 20
Epipremnum aureum, 21
ET’s fingers, 22
Fairy washboard, 14
Fertilizer, 34
about, 34
flowering and, 37
for bonsai, 85
marimo balls and, 42
meaning of numbers, 35
organic, 35
Ficus, 82
Fiddle-leaf plants, 94
Fish emulsion, 35
Flowers and flowering plants
aloe vera plant, 13
fairy washboard, 14
goldfish plant, 15
how to improve, 37
money tree, 17
peace lily, 19
Friendship plant, 18
Fruit salad plant, 25
Gesneriad family, 14
Glass containers, for marimo ball aquatic garden, 40
Goldfish plant, 15
Grafting cacti, 78
Grooming plants, 37
Haworthiopsis limifolia, 14
Haworthiopsis plant, in Zen Garden, 54
Heart leaf philodendron, 61
Hobbit’s pipe, 22
for swinging plant hanger, 70
for wooden plant trellis, 66
for money tree, 17
for Venus flytrap, 26
how to raise, 36
Hydroponic plant (lucky bamboo), 16
Jade plant, 22
Knots. See also Macramé
for kokedama, 77
for t-shirt plant hanger, 46
Kokedama, 74
Light, 30
aloe vera, 13
fairy washboard, 14
for air plants, 12
for spider plants, 24
for Zen garden, 54
friendship plant, 18
goldfish plant, 14
improving, 36
lucky bamboo, 16
marimo ball aquatic garden, 40, 42
money tree, 17
monstera plants, 25
peace lily, 19
placement of shadow boxes and, 89
plant shelves and, 40
ponytail palm, 20
pothos, 20
Shrek’s ears, 22
snake plant, 23
spider plant, 24
Venus flytrap, 26
watering and, 74
ZZ plant, 27
knots used for, 49
macramé plant hanger, 48
Macramé cord/twine, for swinging plant hanger, 70
Marimo ball aquatic garden, 40
Medicine plant (aloe vera), 13
Metal rings
macramé plant hanger, 48
swinging plant hanger, 70
Money (friendship) plant, 18
Money tree, 17
Monstera plant Monstera deliciosa, 25
Names of plants, on plant stakes, 62
Nematanthus gregarious, 14
Nitrogen, in fertilizer, 35
Organic fertilizer, 35
Pachira aquatica, 15
Pancake (friendship) plant, 18
Patented plants, propagating, 100
Peace lily, 19
Pellionia, 61
Phosphorous, in fertilizer, 35
Photosynthesis, 30
Pilea peperomioides, 18
Plant care, 8. See also Light; Watering
bonsai, 85
grafted cacti, 81
kokedama, 77
overview, 30
Zen garden, 56
Plant fertilizer, 34
Plant hangers
macramé, 48
recycled t-shirt plant hanger, 44
swinging, 70
Plant stakes, 62
Plant trellis, 66
Plants, healthy benefits of, 8
Ponytail palm, 20
Potassium, in fertilizer, 35
for Shrek’s ears, 22
gravel or pot shards in bottom of, 37
improving drainage of, 37
in a decorative container, 32
succulent plants, 22
watering and types of, 32
with a saucer, 32
Potting mix, 14
Potting soil
for aloe vera, 13
for goldfish plant, 15
for kokedama, 76
for Venus flytrap, 26
by air layering, 94
monstera plant, 25
pothos plants, 21
snake plant, 23
spider plants, 24
succulents, 102
taking leaf and stem cuttings, 98
test tube propagator project, 58
ZZ plant, 27
Purple passion vine, 61
Recycled t-shirt plant hanger, 44
Recycled table knives plant stakes, 62
Rubber plant, 94
Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation,’ 23
Schefflera arboricola, 82
Shadow boxes, 86
Sheet moss, for kokedama, 74
Shelves, plant, 90
Shrek’s ears, 22
Siamese fighting fish, 43
Spathiphyllum, 19
Stem cuttings, 21, 98, 102, 103
String. See Twine/thread
String gardens, 74
aloe vera, 13
fairy washboard, 14
for Zen garden, 54
grafting cacti and, 78
Shrek’s ears, 22
snake plant, 23
Swinging plant hanger, 70
Swiss cheese plant, 25
T-shirt plant hanger, 44
Table knives, plants stakes made from, 62
Temperature, for plants, 32
Test tube propagator project, 58
Tillandsias (air plants), 12, 86
Tradescantia, 61
Trailing peperomias, 61
Trellis, wooden plant, 66
Trumpet jade, 22
for propagating plants by air layering, 94
kokedama, 74
shadow box for air plants, 86
wooden plant trellis, 66
recycled t-shirt plant hanger, 44
recycled table knives and plant stakes, 62
t-shirts, for plant hanger, 44
Venus flytrap, 26
Vining plants
macramé plant hanger for, 48
test tube propagator for, 58
wooden plant trellis for, 66
air plants, 12
aloe vera, 13
bonsai, 85
checking your plant and, 34
fairy washboard, 14
lucky bamboo, 16
money tree, 17
monstera plants, 25
peace lily, 19
plants in a pot with a drainage hole, 32
plants in decorative containers, 32
plants with a saucer beneath the pot, 32
ponytail palm, 20
Shrek’s ears, 22
Zen garden, 57
ZZ plant, 27
White pollen, on peace lily, 19
Window screening, for pot drainage, 37
Wooden plant trellis, 66
Yellow stems, 16
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, 27
Zanzibar gem, 27
Zen Garden, 54