2.1 Mme Sklodovska, Marie Curie’s Mother
2.2 The Sklodovski Children
3.1 The House in Which Marie Curie, then Manya Sklodovska, Taught as a Governess
3.2 M. Sklodovski and His Three Daughters
7.1 The Two Positivists
7.2 The Diploma of the Second Nobel Prize Award Made to Mme Curie in 1911
7.3 A Page from Manya Sklodovska’s Private Notebook, Written in 1885
8.1 The Curie Family
8.2 Pierre Curie, as He Appeared Lecturing to His Classes in 1906
12.1 Two Views of the Shed at the School of Physics on the Rue Lhomond Where Radium Was Discovered
12.2 Pages from Marie Curie’s Work Books, 1897–1898
14.1 Henri Becquerel, the First Scientist to Observe the Phenomenon of Radioactivity
14.2 Pierre and Marie Curie with the Bicycles on Which They Roamed the Roads of France Together
16.1 Marie and Pierre Curie with Their Daughter, Irène, in 1904
16.2 Marie Curie and Her Two Daughters, Eve and Irène, in 1908
17.1 Marie Curie and Pierre Curie and Their Daughter, Irène, in the Garden of the House on Boulevard Kellermann, 1904
17.2 Marie Curie in Her Laboratory, 1912
20.1 Marie Curie with Her Two Sisters, Mme Szalay and Mme Dluska, and Her Brother M. Sklodovski, Photographed in Warsaw in 1912
20.2 Mme Curie in Her Laboratory, in 1912
21.1 Marie Curie at the Wheel of the Famous Renault Car Converted into a Radiological Unit
21.2 Marie Curie’s Favorite Portrait of Her Husband
22.1 The Radium Institute at Warsaw
22.2 The Radium Institute at Paris
22.3 Mme Curie, Irène Curie and Pupils from the American Expeditionary Corps, at the Institute of Radium in Paris
23.1 Marie Curie with Dean Pegram, Dean of the School of Engineering at Columbia University, 1921
23.2 Marie Curie Discussing a Scientific Problem at Pittsburgh During Her American Tour
24.1 Marie Curie and President Harding During Her Tour of the United States in 1921
24.2 Mme Curie in Her Office at the Radium Institute in Paris, 1925
25.1 A Group Photograph Made at the Institute of Radium in Paris
25.2 Mme Curie and Her Daughter, Irène, 1925
26.1 Marie Curie in 1931, Three Years before Her Death
26.2 The Curie Family Tomb, in the Cemetery at Sceaux