Chapter 52



You know how heroes always rise up undaunted, never giving in to their fears or giving up on their courageous quests?

Well, I’m daunted. Seriously daunted.

In fact, I’m approaching “terrified” and well on my way to “scared silly.”

I’m crammed inside the Smileys’ SUV, stuck in the backseat, between Stevie and his younger brother. The smallest Smiley, their sister, is riding in the way-back with my folded-up chair.

We’re going on a family outing to New York City to watch me die onstage in front of several hundred strangers.

Stevie couldn’t be happier.


When we pull up in front of Gotham, I see Mrs. Kanai, my ELA teacher. Wow. She came into the city on a weekend to see me. How awesome is that?

As I’m swinging into my chair, I also see the vice principal. Mr. Sour Patch. He came, too? He gives me another nod. This is major. I hope he gets a good seat. Maybe he can hang with the Smileys in the Frowning Section.


I enter the club and am completely blown away.

Just about everybody I know is here to cheer me on. Uncle Frankie. The waitresses and busboys from the diner. Mr. Burdzecki and his whole Russian family. Two cousins I didn’t even know I had.

Yes, this time I’ve got my whole entourage.