Chapter 3. Classification Walkthrough: Titanic Dataset

This chapter will walk through a common classification problem using the Titanic dataset. Later chapters will dive into and expand on the common steps performed during an analysis.

Project Layout Suggestion

An excellent tool for performing exploratory data analysis is Jupyter. Jupyter is an open-source notebook environment that supports Python and other languages. It allows you to create cells of code or Markdown content.

I tend to use Jupyter in two modes. One is for exploratory data analysis and quickly trying things out. The other is more of a deliverable style where I format a report using Markdown cells and insert code cells to illustrate important points or discoveries. If you aren’t careful, your notebooks might need some refactoring and application of software engineering practices (remove globals, use functions and classes, etc.).

The cookiecutter data science package suggests a layout to create an analysis that allows for easy reproduction and sharing code.

Terms for Data

We typically train a model with a matrix of data. (I prefer to use pandas DataFrames because it is very nice to have column labels, but numpy arrays work as well.)

For supervised learning, such as regression or classification, our intent is to have a fuction that transforms features into a label. If we were to write this as an algebra formula, it would look like this:

y = f(X)

X is a matrix. Each row represents a sample of data or information about an individual. Every column in X is a feature. The output of our function, y, is a vector that contains labels (for classification) or values (for regression) (see Figure 3-1).

Structured data layout.
Figure 3-1. Structured data layout.

This is standard naming procedure for naming the data and the output. If you read academic papers or even look at the documentation for libraries, they follow this convention. In Python, we use the variable name X to hold the sample data even though capitalization of variables is a violation of standard naming conventions (PEP 8). Don’t worry, everyone does it, and if you were to name your variable x, they might look at you funny. The variable y stores the labels or targets.

Table 3-1 shows a basic dataset with two samples and three features for each sample.

Table 3-1. Samples (rows) and features (columns)
pclass age sibsp







Gather Data

We are going to load an Excel file (make sure you have pandas and xlrd1 installed) with the Titanic features. It has many columns, including a survived column that contains the label of what happened to an individual:

>>> url = (
...     ""
...     "wiki/pub/Main/DataSets/titanic3.xls"
... )
>>> df = pd.read_excel(url)
>>> orig_df = df

The following columns are included in the dataset:

  • pclass - Passenger class (1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd)

  • survival - Survival (0 = No, 1 = Yes)

  • name - Name

  • sex - Sex

  • age - Age

  • sibsp - Number of siblings/spouses aboard

  • parch - Number of parents/children aboard

  • ticket - Ticket number

  • fare - Passenger fare

  • cabin - Cabin

  • embarked - Point of embarkation (C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton)

  • boat - Lifeboat

  • body - Body identification number

  • home.dest - Home/destination

Pandas can read this spreadsheet and convert it into a DataFrame for us. We will need to spot-check the data and ensure that it is OK for performing analysis.

Clean Data

Once we have the data, we need to ensure that it is in a format that we can use to create a model. Most scikit-learn models require that our features be numeric (integer or float). In addition, many models fail if they are passed missing values (NaN in pandas or numpy). Some models perform better if the data is standardized (given a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1). We will deal with these issues using pandas or scikit-learn. In addition, the Titanic dataset has leaky features.

Leaky features are variables that contain information about the future or target. There’s nothing bad in having data about the target, and we often have that data during model creation time. However, if those variables are not available when we perform a prediction on a new sample, we should remove them from the model as they are leaking data from the future.

Cleaning the data can take a bit of time. It helps to have access to a subject matter expert (SME) who can provide guidance on dealing with outliers or missing data.

>>> df.dtypes
pclass         int64
survived       int64
name          object
sex           object
age          float64
sibsp          int64
parch          int64
ticket        object
fare         float64
cabin         object
embarked      object
boat          object
body         float64
home.dest     object
dtype: object

We typically see int64, float64, datetime64[ns], or object. These are the types that pandas uses to store a column of data. int64 and float64 are numeric types. datetime64[ns] holds date and time data. object typically means that it is holding string data, though it could be a combination of string and other types.

When reading from CSV files, pandas will try to coerce data into the appropriate type, but will fall back to object. Reading data from spreadsheets, databases, or other systems may provide better types in the DataFrame. In any case, it is worthwhile to look through the data and ensure that the types make sense.

Integer types are typically fine. Float types might have some missing values. Date and string types will need to be converted or used to feature engineer numeric types. String types that have low cardinality are called categorical columns, and it might be worthwhile to create dummy columns from them (the pd.get_dummies function takes care of this).


Up to pandas 0.23, if the type is int64, we are guaranteed that there are no missing values. If the type is float64, the values might be all floats, but also could be integer-like numbers with missing values. The pandas library converts integer values that have missing numbers to floats, as this type supports missing values. The object typically means string types (or both string and numeric).

As of pandas 0.24, there is a new Int64 type (notice the capitalization). This is not the default integer type, but you can coerce to this type and have support for missing numbers.

The pandas-profiling library includes a profile report. You can generate this report in a notebook. It will summarize the types of the columns and allow you to view details of quantile statistics, descriptive statistics, a histogram, common values, and extreme values (see Figures 3-2 and 3-3):

>>> import pandas_profiling
>>> pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df)
Pandas-profiling summary.
Figure 3-2. Pandas-profiling summary.
Pandas-profiling variable details.
Figure 3-3. Pandas-profiling variable details.

Use the .shape attribute of the DataFrame to inspect the number of rows and columns:

>>> df.shape
(1309, 14)

Use the .describe method to get summary stats as well as see the count of nonnull data. The default behavior of this method is to only report on numeric columns. Here the output is truncated to only show the first two columns:

>>> df.describe().iloc[:, :2]
            pclass     survived
count  1309.000000  1309.000000
mean      2.294882     0.381971
std       0.837836     0.486055
min       1.000000     0.000000
25%       2.000000     0.000000
50%       3.000000     0.000000
75%       3.000000     1.000000
max       3.000000     1.000000

The count statistic only includes values that are not NaN, so it is useful for checking whether a column is missing data. It is also a good idea to spot-check the minimum and maximum values to see if there are outliers. Summary statistics are one way to do this. Plotting a histogram or a box plot is a visual representation that we will see later.

We will need to deal with missing data. Use the .isnull method to find columns or rows with missing values. Calling .isnull on a DataFrame returns a new DataFrame with every cell containing a True or False value. In Python, these values evaluate to 1 and 0, respectively. This allows us to sum them up or even calculate the percent missing (by calculating the mean).

The code indicates the count of missing data in each column:

>>> df.isnull().sum()
pclass          0
survived        0
name            0
sex             0
age           263
sibsp           0
parch           0
ticket          0
fare            1
cabin        1014
embarked        2
boat          823
body         1188
home.dest     564
dtype: int64

Replace .sum with .mean to get the percentage of null values. By default, calling these methods will apply the operation along axis 0, which is along the index. If you want to get the counts of missing features for each sample, you can apply this along axis 1 (along the columns):

>>> df.isnull().sum(axis=1).loc[:10]
0    1
1    1
2    2
3    1
4    2
5    1
6    1
7    2
8    1
9    2
dtype: int64

A SME can help in determining what to do with missing data. The age column might be useful, so keeping it and interpolating values could provide some signal to the model. Columns where most of the values are missing (cabin, boat, and body) tend to not provide value and can be dropped.

The body column (body identification number) is missing for many rows. We should drop this column at any rate because it leaks data. This column indicates that the passenger did not survive; by necessity our model could use that to cheat. We will pull it out. (If we are creating a model to predict if a passenger would die, knowing that they had a body identification number a priori would let us know they were already dead. We want our model to not know that information and make the prediction based on the other columns.) Likewise, the boat column leaks the reverse information (that a passenger survived).

Let’s look at some of the rows with missing data. We can create a boolean array (a series with True or False to indicate if the row has missing data) and use it to inspect rows that are missing data:

>>> mask = df.isnull().any(axis=1)

>>> mask.head()  # rows
0    True
1    True
2    True
3    True
4    True
dtype: bool

>>> df[mask].body.head()
0      NaN
1      NaN
2      NaN
3    135.0
4      NaN
Name: body, dtype: float64

We will impute (or derive values for) the missing values for the age column later.

Columns with type of object tend to be categorical (but they may also be high cardinality string data, or a mix of column types). For object columns that we believe to be categorical, use the .value_counts method to examine the counts of the values:

male      843
female    466
Name: sex, dtype: int64

Remember that pandas typically ignores null or NaN values. If you want to include those, use dropna=False to also show counts for NaN:

>>> df.embarked.value_counts(dropna=False)
S      914
C      270
Q      123
NaN      2
Name: embarked, dtype: int64

We have a couple of options for dealing with missing embarked values. Using S might seem logical as that is the most common value. We could dig into the data and try and determine if another option is better. We could also drop those two values. Or, because this is categorical, we can ignore them and use pandas to create dummy columns if these two samples will just have 0 entries for every option. We will use this latter choice for this feature.

Create Features

We can drop columns that have no variance or no signal. There aren’t features like that in this dataset, but if there was a column called “is human” that had 1 for every sample this column would not be providing any information.

Alternatively, unless we are using NLP or extracting data out of text columns where every value is different, a model will not be able to take advantage of this column. The name column is an example of this. Some have pulled out the title t from the name and treated it as categorical.

We also want to drop columns that leak information. Both boat and body columns leak whether a passenger survived.

The pandas .drop method can drop either rows or columns:

>>> name =
>>> name.head(3)
0      Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton
1     Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor
2       Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine
Name: name, dtype: object

>>> df = df.drop(
...     columns=[
...         "name",
...         "ticket",
...         "home.dest",
...         "boat",
...         "body",
...         "cabin",
...     ]
... )

We need to create dummy columns from string columns. This will create new columns for sex and embarked. Pandas has a convenient get_dummies function for that:

>>> df = pd.get_dummies(df)

>>> df.columns
Index(['pclass', 'survived', 'age', 'sibsp',
    'parch', 'fare', 'sex_female', 'sex_male',
    'embarked_C', 'embarked_Q', 'embarked_S'],

At this point the sex_male and sex_female columns are perfectly inverse correlated. Typically we remove any columns with perfect or very high positive or negative correlation. Multicollinearity can impact interpretation of feature importance and coefficients in some models. Here is code to remove the sex_male column:

>>> df = df.drop(columns="sex_male")

Alternatively, we can add a drop_first=True parameter to the get_dummies call:

>>> df = pd.get_dummies(df, drop_first=True)

>>> df.columns
Index(['pclass', 'survived', 'age', 'sibsp',
    'parch', 'fare', 'sex_male',
    'embarked_Q', 'embarked_S'],

Create a DataFrame (X) with the features and a series (y) with the labels. We could also use numpy arrays, but then we don’t have column names:

>>> y = df.survived
>>> X = df.drop(columns="survived")

We can use the pyjanitor library to replace the last two lines:

>>> import janitor as jn
>>> X, y = jn.get_features_targets(
...     df, target_columns="survived"
... )

Impute Data

The age column has missing values. We need to impute age from the numeric values. We only want to impute on the training set and then use that imputer to fill in the date for the test set. Otherwise we are leaking data (cheating by giving future information to the model).

Now that we have test and train data, we can impute missing values on the training set, and use the trained imputers to fill in the test dataset. The fancyimpute library has many algorithms that it implements. Sadly, most of these algorithms are not implemented in an inductive manner. This means that you cannot call .fit and then .transform, which means you cannot impute for new data based on how the model was trained.

The IterativeImputer class (which was in fancyimpute but has been migrated to scikit-learn) does support inductive mode. To use it we need to add a special experimental import (as of scikit-learn version 0.21.2):

>>> from sklearn.experimental import (
...     enable_iterative_imputer,
... )
>>> from sklearn import impute
>>> num_cols = [
...     "pclass",
...     "age",
...     "sibsp",
...     "parch",
...     "fare",
...     "sex_female",
... ]

>>> imputer = impute.IterativeImputer()
>>> imputed = imputer.fit_transform(
...     X_train[num_cols]
... )
>>> X_train.loc[:, num_cols] = imputed
>>> imputed = imputer.transform(X_test[num_cols])
>>> X_test.loc[:, num_cols] = imputed

If we wanted to impute with the median, we can use pandas to do that:

>>> meds = X_train.median()
>>> X_train = X_train.fillna(meds)
>>> X_test = X_test.fillna(meds)

Various Families

This code tries a variety of algorithm families. The “No Free Lunch” theorem states that no algorithm performs well on all data. However, for some finite set of data, there may be an algorithm that does well on that set. (A popular choice for structured learning these days is a tree-boosted algorithm such as XGBoost.)

Here we use a few different families and compare the AUC score and standard deviation using k-fold cross-validation. An algorithm that has a slightly smaller average score but tighter standard deviation might be a better choice.

Because we are using k-fold cross-validation, we will feed the model all of X and y:

>>> X = pd.concat([X_train, X_test])
>>> y = pd.concat([y_train, y_test])
>>> from sklearn import model_selection
>>> from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import (
...     LogisticRegression,
... )
>>> from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
>>> from sklearn.neighbors import (
...     KNeighborsClassifier,
... )
>>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import (
...     RandomForestClassifier,
... )
>>> import xgboost

>>> for model in [
...     DummyClassifier,
...     LogisticRegression,
...     DecisionTreeClassifier,
...     KNeighborsClassifier,
...     GaussianNB,
...     SVC,
...     RandomForestClassifier,
...     xgboost.XGBClassifier,
... ]:
...     cls = model()
...     kfold = model_selection.KFold(
...         n_splits=10, random_state=42
...     )
...     s = model_selection.cross_val_score(
...         cls, X, y, scoring="roc_auc", cv=kfold
...     )
...     print(
...         f"{model.__name__:22}  AUC: "
...         f"{s.mean():.3f} STD: {s.std():.2f}"
...     )
DummyClassifier         AUC: 0.511  STD: 0.04
LogisticRegression      AUC: 0.843  STD: 0.03
DecisionTreeClassifier  AUC: 0.761  STD: 0.03
KNeighborsClassifier    AUC: 0.829  STD: 0.05
GaussianNB              AUC: 0.818  STD: 0.04
SVC                     AUC: 0.838  STD: 0.05
RandomForestClassifier  AUC: 0.829  STD: 0.04
XGBClassifier           AUC: 0.864  STD: 0.04

Evaluate Model

Now that we have a model, we can use the test data to see how well the model generalizes to data that it hasn’t seen before. The .score method of a classifier returns the average of the prediction accuracy. We want to make sure that we call the .score method with the test data (presumably it should perform better with the training data):

>>> rf.score(X_test, y_test)

We can also look at other metrics, such as precision:

>>> metrics.precision_score(
...     y_test, rf.predict(X_test)
... )

A nice benefit of tree-based models is that you can inspect the feature importance. The feature importance tells you how much a feature contributes to the model. Note that removing a feature doesn’t mean that the score will go down accordingly, as other features might be colinear (in this case we could remove either the sex_male or sex_female column as they have a perfect negative correlation):

>>> for col, val in sorted(
...     zip(
...         X_train.columns,
...         rf.feature_importances_,
...     ),
...     key=lambda x: x[1],
...     reverse=True,
... )[:5]:
...     print(f"{col:10}{val:10.3f}")
age            0.277
fare           0.265
sex_female     0.240
pclass         0.092
sibsp          0.048

The feature importance is calculated by looking at the error increase. If removing a feature increases the error in the model, the feature is more important.

I really like the SHAP library for exploring what features a model deems important, and for explaining predictions. This library works with black-box models, and we will show it later.

Confusion Matrix

A confusion matrix allows us to see the correct classifications as well as false positives and false negatives. It may be that we want to optimize toward false positives or false negatives, and different models or parameters can alter that. We can use sklearn to get a text version, or Yellowbrick for a plot (see Figure 3-4):

>>> from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
>>> y_pred = rf5.predict(X_test)
>>> confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
array([[196,  28],
       [ 55, 114]])

>>> mapping = {0: "died", 1: "survived"}
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
>>> cm_viz = ConfusionMatrix(
...     rf5,
...     classes=["died", "survived"],
...     label_encoder=mapping,
... )
>>> cm_viz.score(X_test, y_test)
>>> cm_viz.poof()
>>> fig.savefig(
...     "images/mlpr_0304.png",
...     dpi=300,
...     bbox_inches="tight",
... )
Yellowbrick confusion matrix. This is a useful evaluation tool that presents the predicted class along the bottom and the true class along the side. A good classifier would have all of the values along the diagonal, and zeros in the other cells.
Figure 3-4. Yellowbrick confusion matrix. This is a useful evaluation tool that presents the predicted class along the bottom and the true class along the side. A good classifier would have all of the values along the diagonal, and zeros in the other cells.

ROC Curve

A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot is a common tool used to evaluate classifiers. By measuring the area under the curve (AUC), we can get a metric to compare different classifiers (see Figure 3-5). It plots the true positive rate against the false positive rate. We can use sklearn to calculate the AUC:

>>> y_pred = rf5.predict(X_test)
>>> roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred)

Or Yellowbrick to visualize the plot:

>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
>>> roc_viz = ROCAUC(rf5)
>>> roc_viz.score(X_test, y_test)
>>> roc_viz.poof()
>>> fig.savefig("images/mlpr_0305.png")
ROC curve. This shows the true positive rate against the false positive rate. In general, the further it bulges out the better. Measuring the AUC gives a single number to evaluate. Closer to one is better. Below .5 is a poor model.
Figure 3-5. ROC curve. This shows the true positive rate against the false positive rate. In general, the further it bulges out the better. Measuring the AUC gives a single number to evaluate. Closer to one is better. Below .5 is a poor model.

Learning Curve

A learning curve is used to tell us if we have enough training data. It trains the model with increasing portions of the data and measures the score (see Figure 3-6). If the cross-validation score continues to climb, then we might need to invest in gathering more data. Here is a Yellowbrick example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
>>> cv = StratifiedKFold(12)
>>> sizes = np.linspace(0.3, 1.0, 10)
>>> lc_viz = LearningCurve(
...     rf5,
...     cv=cv,
...     train_sizes=sizes,
...     scoring="f1_weighted",
...     n_jobs=4,
...     ax=ax,
... )
>>>, y)
>>> lc_viz.poof()
>>> fig.savefig("images/mlpr_0306.png")
This learning curve shows that as we add more training samples, our cross-validation (testing) scores appear to improve.
Figure 3-6. This learning curve shows that as we add more training samples, our cross-validation (testing) scores appear to improve.

1 Even though we don’t directly call this library, when we load an Excel file, pandas leverages it behind the scenes.