
Page numbers in bold indicate figures, charts, tables, and plates.

3-D printing, impact of on space settlements, 150

6U CubeSats, 56

12,000 stars in hundred light-years radius of Earth, 319

2069, Zubrin's vision for the year, 317

3000, humanity in the year, 31824

ΔV. See delta-v

Adams, John Couch, 152

Adonis (asteroid), 127

Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST), 251

aerial algae, seeding of on Venus, 220

aerobraking, 103, 133, 164, 173, 339

Aerojet, 145

aeroshell, 339

ALH84001 (SNC meteorite), 120

Allen, Paul, 2930, 177

Allison, Graham, 309

Alpha Centauri (star), 181, 182, 185

time to reach

using chemical rocket systems, 18384

using fission propulsion, 185

using fusion propulsion, 191

using laser projector light sails, 200, 211

using nuclear salt-water rockets, 188

using photon rockets, 195

using thin solar sails, 198

Altair (star), 240

Alvarez hypothesis (Walter and Luis Alvarez), 290, 298

Amazon, 34

Ambani, Mukesh, 176

American Historical Association, 272

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 244

Anderson, Eric, 138

Andrews, Dana, 202203

Ansari, Anousheh, 2930

anthropic principle, 261

antifreedom movement, 30910


for propulsion, 90, 174, 19195, 207

as a weapon, 208

antisatellite systems (ASAT), 6364

apogee, 96, 163, 339

Apollo (asteroid), 127

Apollo program (NASA), 12, 54, 74, 76, 77, 102, 104, 153, 296, 317, 343

chemical analysis of typical lunar samples, 72, 7374

impact on STEM education in US, 28586, 285

mission driven nature of, 329

Applied Fusion Systems, 180

Aquila (constellation), 240

Ariane (European rockets), 36

Ariane V (heavy-lift rocket), 107

Arrhenius, Svante, 255

artificial gravity. See gravity

artificial greenhouse gases. See terraforming

artist cruise around moon (2023 SpaceX plan), plate 9

Artsutanov, Y. N., 93, 94, 95

ASAT (antisatellite systems), 6364

Ash, Robert, 147

asteroids, 12550

claiming of, 13840

crossing orbits of Mars and Earth, 12627

and Earth, 16, plate 16, 171, 265, 28792, 29899

asteroids that disintegrated in the atmosphere (bolide events), 300

asteroid trajectories, 292

deflecting asteroids from Earth, 29297

destructive force of asteroid impacts, 290

map of known craters, 289

near misses, 127

humans on, 13031, 14243

Gaiashield mission, 13135

leading to new types of societies, 14345

status of in vision of the year 2069, 317

status of in vision of the year 3000, 321

ice used for nuclear thermal rockets, 296, 297

metal resources of, 26

mining of, 13638, 141, 150, 317

space triangle trade (Earth-Mars-asteroids), 14042

travel time to, 13334

types of, 12829, 129, 13637, 141

components of a type S, 137

water on, 130, 131, 140, 14243, 294, 297

See also iceteroids

astronomical units (AU), 181, 196

astronomy, space as place to study, 25054

Atlas systems, 35, 36, 277

Atlas V (Lockheed Martin), 107

ATLAST (Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope), 251

atmosphere, transforming. See terraforming

atmospheric pressure, 118, 120, 163, 165, 218, 339, 344

atomic bombs to propel a spaceship, 18687, 187, 190

atomic energy, 8387

Atomic Energy Commission (US), 179, 186

AU (astronomical units), defined, 181, 196

Augustine, Norm, 11

Babbage, Charles, 23334, 234, 235


capable of surviving spaceflight, 120, 236, 255, 259

finding of bacterial fossils, 260

and interstellar travel, 25860

use of to terraform, 218, 219, 23132

barcodes as a space-program spin-off, 284

BBC (TV network), 333

Beal Aerospace, 32

Bell, Jim, 332

Benford, Greg, 333

Bennu (asteroid), 13031

Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 305306, 309

Bettinger, David, 53

Bezos, Jeff, 12, 3435, 57, 176, 327

BFR (“Big F…ing Rocket”) (SpaceX), plate 7, 110, 339

also known as Starship, 110, 334, 344

Mini BFR, 11012

See also Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (SpaceX); Starship (rocket) (SpaceX)

bioengineering, 213, 219, 223, 23037

bipropellant. See propellants and propulsion

black holes, 252, 262

Bloom Energy, 147

Blue Origin, 12, 3435, 38, 40, 57, 71, 328

comparison of space launch systems, 36

and two-stage systems, 41, 45

Bode, Johann Elert, 125

Boeing, 12, 21, 22, 42, 107, 174, 202, 277, 316

United Launch Alliance, 35, 36

Boeing aircraft, 12, 21, 42, 174, 277, 316

bolide events, 300

boron, 188, 232

Borucki, William, 240

Branson, Richard, 2930, 176

Breakthrough Energy Ventures, 176

Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program (NASA), 206207

Breakthrough Starshot mission, 199200, 201, 210

Brin, David, 268

Bruckner, Adam, 148

Bruno, Giordano, 23839, 314

buffer gas, 148, 339

Bush, George H. W., 105

Bussard, Robert, and the Bussard ramjet, 180, 201202

Callisto (moon of Jupiter), 152, 16769, 223

Cantrell, Jim, 31, 37

Čapek, Karel, 212

carbon dioxide, 228

creating greenhouse effect on Venus, 220

on Earth

and climate change, 22430

map of increase in leaf area on earth because of, plate 15, 226

on Mars, 102103, 109, 11718, 14648, 218, 29697

See also Sabatier reaction

carbon monoxide, 83, 136, 146, 149, 150

carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) catalytic fusion cycle, 202, 238

carbonyls, 150

Carbotek Corporation, 92, 145

Carling, Jonathan, 17576

“carrying capacity,” 313

Case for Mars, The (Zubrin), 30, 31, 101, 141, 21718, 22223, 297

Cassini, Giovanni, 152

Cassini probe (NASA), 15556, 157, 163, 242

at Enceladus, 156

at Saturn, 155

Ceres (asteroid), 9293, 125, 130, 131, 142

CERN, 192

CF (fluorocarbon super greenhouse gases), 117

perfluoromethane (CF4), 218, 219

CFR (”Compact Fusion Reactor” project), 180

CFS (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), 17677

challenges conquered by space travel, 27186

impact on society if no space frontier, 27584

Chase, Charles, 180

Chassigny (SNC meteorite), 343

chemical propulsion systems, 18384

chemistry for space settlers, 14550

Chiron (iceteroid), 152

Chu, Ching Wu (Paul), 203

Churyumov-Gerasimenko (comet), 130

civilizations, types of, 15, 18283

human social development, 283, 304305

time needed for interstellar civilizations to spread, 26667

transforming into Type II and Type III civilizations, 183, 215, 236

Type I, 15, 67, 136, 208, 299, 315

rise of Type I civilizations, 28083

Type II, 15, 174, 207, 208, 210, 213, 221, 299, 322

as a spacefaring interplanetary civilization, 6768, 136, 183, 195, 197, 217, 223, 31516, 321

vision of for the year 3000, 32122

Type III, 15, 322

having interstellar travel, 223

vision of for the year 3000, 324

See also technological civilizations

Clarke, Arthur C., 52, 94, 197

Clementine mission, 73

climate change on Earth, ways to avert, 22430

length of growing season in US, 225

map of increase in leaf area because of carbon dioxide, plate 15, 226

Club of Rome, 311

CNN (TV network), 333

CNO (carbon-nitrogen-oxygen catalytic fusion cycle), 202, 238

CO2. See carbon dioxide


of asteroids, 13135, 14243

chemistry for space settlers of, 150

leading to new types of societies, 14345

list of what needs to be done, 32734

of Mars, plate 7, 10123

chemistry for space settlers of, 14650

commercial benefits of, 11417

“Dragon Direct” plan, 108

habitation module, plate 5

leading to a human asteroid mission, 13132

as new frontier for humanity, 27779, 316

as a public-private enterprise, 328

raising families on Mars, plate 8

use of greenhouses, 101, 113, 115, 278

of the moon, 6999

achieving long-range mobility on, 8081

chemistry for space settlers of, 14546

energy sources, 8291

phases of Moon Direct program, 75

as a public-private enterprise, 317

range and lunar accessibility of an LEV, 81

sending solar energy back to earth, 8283

use of microwaves to extract water vapor, 79

need for low cost spaceflight, 2526

Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 20914

of outer solar system

Jovian system, 16670

obstacles to settling, 17374

Saturn system, 16065, 173

reasons for pursuing

for the challenges, 27186

for the future we can create, 31525

to gain more freedom, 30125

for the knowledge gained, 24969

for survival of humanity, 28799

terraforming other worlds, 21545

time needed for interstellar civilizations to spread, 26667

vision of for the year 2069, 317

vision of for the year 3000, 31924

Columbus, Christopher, 174, 182, 208, 316, 328

comets, 129, 130, 151, 170, 171, 19596

commercial benefits of spaceflight, 6668

on asteroids, 13640

commercial energy system in space, 5760

communications and data satellites, 5156

CubeSat revolution, 5456

fast global travel on Earth, 4043

on Mars, 11417

orbital industries, 4850

orbital research labs, 4748, 50

of outer solar system, 16162

commercial development of Titan, 16265

Jovian system, 16670

in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, 17172

space business parks, 5051

space tourism, 4547

space triangle trade (Earth-Mars-asteroids), 14042

See also mining

Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS), 33031

Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), 17677

communications and data satellites, 23, 5256, 63, 64, 65, 277

CubeSat revolution, 5456

potential impact of on World War II, 6162

“Compact Fusion Reactor” (CFR) project, 180

complexity theory applied to the universe, 26263

computers, early, 23334

constants, role of in physics, 26061

Coons, Steve, 148

Coppi, Bruno, 17677

Cosmic Microwave Background Surveyor, 251

cosmic rays, 104, 132, 135, 167, 192, 253, 259, 339

cost-plus contracting, 2224, 33031

COTS (Commercial Orbital Transportation Services), 33031

Crèvecoeur, Jean de, 274

cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen, 102, 33940

CT Fusion, 180

CubeSat revolution, 5456

Curiosity rover (NASA), 13, 106

Customs and Border Protection (US), 138

Cygnus (constellation), 240

D. See deuterium (D)

Dactyl (asteroid), 130

Darwinist natural selection, 304, 305

Dawn spacecraft (Jet Propulsion Lab), 130, 130, 142

Deep Space Gateway. See Lunar Orbit Platform-Gateway (LOP-G)

Deep Space Industries, 139, 140

Deep Space Network, 182

Delage, Michael, 179

Delta systems, 35, 36

Delta IV (Boeing), 107

delta-V (ΔV), 340

and Alpha Centauri (using different propulsion systems), 184, 185

for Callisto, 168

and change of mass ratio and payload of a rocket, 4445, 44

from Earth

to asteroids, 13334, 141

to the moon, 7677

from Jupiter, 169, 169

using gravity assist, 18384

from LEO to Mars and Ceres, 9293, 107, 131

and light sails, 196

and a Lunar Excursion Vehicle, 8081, 81

and plasma sails, 206

and the skyhook, 9697, 11617

for Titan to Saturn, 16364, 164

and trips between asteroid belt and Mars, 11517

compared to Earth to the asteroids, 141

and two-stage rockets, 45

Deneb (star), 240, 244

Department of Energy (US), 177

departure velocity (hyperbolic velocity), 169, 184, 340, 341

Desert Storm as first space war, 61

Design Reference Mission (NASA), 104105

Destined for War (Allison), 309

deuterium (D)

content of asteroidal water, 14243

D-D reactions, 87

catalyzed D-D fusion, 189

D-He3 reactor (deuterium-helium-3), 87, 9091, 143, 160, 189

compared to antimatter systems, 192

D-T fusion reaction (deuterium-tritium), 8587

on Mars, 11415

Diamandis, Peter, 2829, 34, 138

Dickens, Charles, 224

Dinan, Richard, 180

Dione (moon of Saturn), 156

dipole drives and electric sails, 204206, 205

direct entry, 76, 340

direct launch, 340

dirt. See regolith

Discovery Channel (TV network), 333

Discovery program, 242. See also Kepler Space Telescope mission

distance of Earth from the sun as 1 AU, 181, 196

Doppler shift, 201, 239

Dragon capsule (SpaceX), 33, 76, 212, 330

Gaiashield mission to asteroids, 132, 134

use of for Mini BFR, 111

use of to build a moon base, 70, 71, 77, 80

“Dragon Direct” plan for Mars trip, 10810, 108

Drake, Frank and the Drake Equation, 26365, 266

Drexler, K. Eric, 233, 235, 236

D-T. See deuterium: D-T fusion reaction

Dugin, Aleksandr, 30910

Dyson, Freeman, 170, 171, 186

Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 20914


and asteroids, 16, plate 16, 171, 265, 28792, 29899

asteroids crossing orbit of, 127

asteroids that disintegrated in the atmosphere (bolide events), 300

asteroid trajectories, 292

deflecting asteroids from Earth, 29297

destructive force of asteroid impacts, 290

map of known craters, 289

near misses, 127

concerns about Martian microbes harming, 11923

distance from the sun as 1 AU, 181, 196

early Earth having thick CO2 atmosphere, 223

Earth-Mars length of trip, 109

energy usage on, 15758

environmental changes to, 21617

increase in leaf area because of carbon dioxide, plate 15, 226

ways to avert global warming, 22430

life on, 1214, 14, 255, 290, 298

and nanorobots, 23536

“panspermia” hypothesis, 236, 255

making planets more Earthlike (see terraforming)

12,000 stars in hundred light-years radius of, 319

Earth Return Vehicles (ERV), 69, 102, 103, 104, 108

eclipses as a way to discover new planets. See Kepler Space Telescope mission

Ehricke, Krafft, 72

Ehrlich, Paul, 313

Einstein, Albert, 19192, 196

electricity, generating

for Earth, 5760, 86, 88

Helion Energy, 179

for the moon, 7879, 81

Nuclear Electric Propulsion systems, 16061, 185, 296, 343

for Titan, 165

See also energy

electric sails and dipole drives, 204206, 205

electrolysis, 69, 70, 79, 92, 102, 146, 149, 340

Electron Launch vehicle (Rocket Lab), plate 4

EMCC, 180

EmDrive, 207

Enceladus (moon of Saturn), 15556, 156, 157, 165, 201

End of History, The (Fukuyama), 283

End of Science, The (Horgan), 283

endothermic reactions, 146, 147, 149, 150, 340


costs of energy to launch a spacecraft to orbit, 2026

getting to a $200 per kilogram cost, 2728

developing commercial energy system in space, 5760

entrepreneurial fusion revolution, 17480 (see also fusion)

geothermal energy, 83, 115, 153, 167, 340

human use of energy, 15758, 158

and the moon

beaming microwave power on, 7879, 79

energy sources, 8291

needed to fulfill Noah's Ark Egg project, 211

and settling in the outer solar system, 17374

in Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, 172

solar system energy resources, 159

See also electricity, generating

Engines of Creation (Drexler), 233

ENI, 176

entrepreneurship. See commercial benefits of spaceflight

environment, transforming. See terraforming

Environmental Protection Agency (US), 216

equilibrium constant, 147, 340, 343

Eros (asteroid), 126, 126, 130

ERVs (Earth Return Vehicles), 69, 102, 103, 104, 108

ETC group, 228

ethical questions

about controllable self-replicating robots, 235

related to Noah's Ark Egg project, 213

related to terraforming, 21617, 219

Europa (moon of Jupiter), 13, 107, 152, 15355, 167, 168

water on, plate 10

Europa Clipper (NASA), 15657

European space programs, 13, 105, 106, 107, 130, 148, 286

EVA (extravehicular activity), 46, 340

exhaust velocity, 340, 344

electric propulsion, 130

impact of delta-V on, 4344, 45

measured as specific impulse, 45

need for in interstellar travel, 185, 186, 188, 189

and NIFTs, 16263

and NTRs, 163, 296

of propellants, 41, 43

antimatter propulsion systems, 193, 195

chemical propulsion systems, 183, 185

fission propulsion systems, 143, 185, 188, 189

fusion propulsion systems, 160, 161, 189, 191, 194, 195

hydrogen/oxygen propellant, 76

LOX/propylene propellant, 37

methane/oxygen propellant, 4445

photon rockets, 193, 195

exothermic reactions, 146, 148, 149, 340, 343

extinctions caused by asteroids, 265, 29091, 29899

extraterrestrials, search for, 25658

Drake Equation for frequency of, 26465

estimated nearest center of in our galaxy, 266

estimating the galactic population, 26569, 268

vision of extraterrestrials in the year 3000, 32324

See also intelligence, search for; life, search for

fairing, 340

Falcon (rocket) (SpaceX), 340

comparison of space launch systems, 36

Falcon Heavy, plate 1, plate 3, 2728, 33, 35

as a heavy-lift booster, 1112, 107

refueling upper stages of, plate 6

use of for Mini BFR, 111

use of to build a Mars base, 108

use of to build a moon base, 69, 71, 75, 77, 108109

and visits to asteroids, 132, 134

Falcon 9, 2728, 33, 35

payload size, 37

reducing launch costs of, 27

successful flight of (12/21/2015), 1921, 21

use of for Mini BFR, 110

and visits to asteroids, 132, 134

Small Falcon Spaceship (SFS) (see BFR)

Far InfraRed Surveyor, 251

Farnsworth, Philo, 180

Feige, Jim, 332

Fermilab, 192

FeTiO3 (ilmenite), 91, 14546

field-reversed configuration (FRC), 17879, 178, 179, 180

Firefly, 12, 37

Firefly Alpha, 38

fission reactors, 86, 16061, 188, 193

fission propulsion systems, 18589 (see also NEP [Nuclear Electric Propulsion] systems; NTR [nuclear thermal rocket])

Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (Mars Society), plate 16

fluorocarbon super greenhouse gases (CF), 117

perfluoromethane (CF4), 218, 219

Focus Section

chemistry for space settlers, 14550

Drake Equation, mistakes in, 26365

entrepreneurial fusion revolution, 17480

Kepler Mission, 23845

microlaunchers, 3738

Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 20914

protecting planet from alien organisms, 11923

space program spin-offs, 28486

virtual reality allowing visits to space, 9899

Fountains of Paradise, The (Clarke), 94

Frankie, Brian, 147

FRC (field-reversed configuration), 17879, 178, 179, 180

freedom, space travel as way to achieve, 30125

damage caused by drive to war, 305309

invalidity of limited-resources views, 301305, 308

free return trajectory, 340

Friedman, Louis, 197, 332

frontier, importance of having a frontier to conquer, 27274

potential impact on society of no space frontier, 27584

F-type stars, 319

fuels for rockets. See propellants and propulsion

Fukuyama, Francis, 283


carbon-nitrogen-oxygen catalytic fusion cycle, 202, 238

“Compact Fusion Reactor” project, 180

as energy source, 8387

entrepreneurial fusion revolution, 17480

fusion propulsion systems, 18991

compared to antimatter systems, 19495

laser fusion, plate 11, 190

potential of use of in outer solar system, 172, 17374

SPARC fusion reactor, 177

spherical tokamak, 17576

stars as engines of nuclear fusion, 237

proton-proton fusion that powers the sun, 201202, 23738

thermonuclear fusion reactors, 73, 160, 174, 175, 177, 180, 207, 237, 278

use of magnetic fields, 159, 19091

use of water in, 14243

See also deuterium; helium-3 (He3)

future, space travel as what we can create, 31525

vision of for the year 2069, 317

vision of for the year 3000, 31824

Gaiashield mission (human asteroid mission), 13135

Galileo Galilei, 152, 312

Galileo probe (NASA), 13, 12930, 152, 154, 157, 242

gamma rays, 186, 193, 253

Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), 152, 167, 168

Garvey, Jim, 37

Gaspra (asteroid), 12930

Gates, Bill, 176

GDP per capita vs. population, 302, 303

General Fusion (GF), 179, 179

genocide, 306308

GEO (geosynchronous orbit), 52, 53, 58, 78

George, Russ, 227, 228, 229

geosynchronous orbit (GEO), 52, 53, 58, 78

geothermal energy, 83, 115, 153, 167, 340

Germany and the Next War (Bernhardi), 305306, 309

GF (General Fusion), 179, 179

Ghost (movie), 98

Global Ecology (Ehrlich and Holdren), 313

Global Positioning Systems (GPS), 54, 61, 62, 63, 65

global transportation, use of rockets for, 4043, 67, 96

development of space tourism, 46

global warming. See climate change on Earth, ways to avert

Goldin, Dan, 104, 240

Goldman Sachs, 177

Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex, 129

Google, 53, 138

GPS (Global Positioning Systems), 54, 61, 62, 63, 65

Gravitational Wave Surveyor, 251

gravity, 41, 48, 249, 254, 260, 291

artificial gravity, 103, 133, 135

on asteroids, 132, 136

gravity assists to increase speed, 153, 161, 168, 181, 18384, 341

on Jupiter, 161, 168, 170

Lagrange point (Earth and moon gravity in balance), 95

on Mars, 31, 104

and Phobos tether, 117

microgravity, 48

on the moon, 91, 95, 96

and NIFTs, 16162

on Titan, 163, 165

on Venus, 220

zero-gravity, 133

for fun and recreation, 35, 42, 43, 46, 135

impact on health, 74, 132, 135

for research and industries, 4750, 59

Graznevitch, Michael, 17576

Great Frontier, The (Webb), 271

Greeley, Horace, 327

greenhouse effect, 118, 216, 220, 223, 291

“moist greenhouse” theory, 222, 223

greenhouse gases, 11718, 218, 219, 232, 298, 318, 335

greenhouses (agricultural use of), 101, 113, 115, 278

Griffin, Mike, 104, 33031

G-type stars, 181, 259, 265, 266, 319

Gump, David, 138

Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission, 251

Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, 227

Haughton Crater, plate 16

Hayabusa and Hayabusa 2 missions, 130

heavy-lift rockets, 1112, 6970, 102, 103, 107. See also Falcon (rocket) (SpaceX); New Glenn booster (Blue Origin); Saturn V (rocket); Starship (rocket) (SpaceX)

heliocentric orbit, 341

Helion Energy, 179

helium-3 (He3), 143

moon as a source of, 8391, 317

outer solar system as a source of, 16062, 170

Titan, 16265, 168, 173

solar system energy resources, 159

solar wind containing, 87, 88

values of helium-3 on earth, 8889

See also deuterium (D), D-He3 reactor

Herschel, William, 125, 152

hibernation, rotating, 184, 188

Hildebrand, Alan, 290

Himmler, Heinrich, 306

Hitler, Adolf, 301, 308

Hoffman, Alice, 332

Hohmann transfer orbit, 341, 342

Holdren, John, 313

Holz, Brian, 53

Hopkins, Mark, 332

Horgan, James, 283

Hossack, Aaron, 180

Howard, Andrew, 244

Hubble Space Telescope (NASA), 153, 201, 250, 251, 253, 283

Hugo, Victor, 19

humanity, 265

creating a future with space travel, 14, 15, 31, 101, 207, 27476, 299, 31525, 327

what needs to be done to achieve space travel, 32734

damage caused by drive to war, 265, 305309

fundamental dignity of the human, 312

human global well-being, 302

importance of freedom, 144, 282, 301325

need for a frontier and challenges, 174, 208, 27374, 27684

survival of

climate change on Earth, 22430

space travel as way to accomplish, 28799

Western humanism requiring humans to progress and grow, 31214

in the year 3000, 31824

Huygens, Christiaan, 152

Huygens lander (part of Cassini mission), 163

hydrazine, 341

hydrogen/oxygen propellant, 45, 70, 71, 76, 77, 89, 13233, 183, 192

using ice to create, 69, 73, 80, 81, 168

hyperbolic velocity. See departure velocity (hyperbolic velocity)

hypersonic, 41, 277, 291, 341

Hyper V, 180

IAC (International Astronautical Congress), 107, 110

iceteroids, 152, 17072, 221. See also Kuiper Belt; Oort Cloud

Ida (asteroid), 130

“Ignitor,” 177

IKAROS solar sail spacecraft, plate 13, 197

Ikin, Kirby, 332

ilmenite (FeTiO3), 91, 14546

“imploding liner” concept, 179, 180

Ingersoll, Robert G., 31112

InSight Mars lander, 55

Inspiration Mars, 33

intelligence, search for, 25658. See also extraterrestrials, search for; life, search for

International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 107, 110

International Space Station (ISS), 45, 47, 51, 132, 329, 330

International Space University, 29

International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER) (Tokamak complex), 8384, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178

Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (SpaceX), plate 7, 10710

Mini BFR, 11012, 339

See also Starship (rocket) (SpaceX)

interstellar communications, 25758

use of bacteria, 25860

interstellar travel, 181214, 214

as indication of extraterrestrial intelligence, 256

list of what needs to be done to achieve, 32734

making spacecraft lighter, 199200

Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships) concept, 20914

propulsion systems for, 181207 (see also antimatter propulsion systems; chemical propulsion systems; electric sails and dipole drives; fission propulsion systems; fusion propulsion systems; light sails; magnetic sails)

reasons for pursuing

for the challenges, 27186

for the future we can create, 31525

to gain more freedom, 30125

for the knowledge gained, 24969

for survival of humanity, 28799

requiring a mature species to accomplish, 207209

Saturn Express (concept project as step toward), 200201

See also spaceflights/space travel

Io (moon of Jupiter), 152, 153, 167

ionosphere, 133, 253, 256, 341

iron, 136, 137, 145, 149, 150, 171, 226, 227, 229, 242, 294

Isp (specific impulse), 45, 143, 16061, 163, 19394, 296, 297, 341, 344

ISPP (in situ propellant production), 341, 342

ISS (International Space Station), 45, 47, 51, 132, 329, 330

ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) (Tokamak complex), 8384, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178

Itokawa (asteroid), 130

ITS. See Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (SpaceX)

Janhunen, Pekka, 204

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 197

Jarboe, Tom, 180

Jefferson, Thomas, 125, 128

Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), 99, 129, 130, 147, 153, 332

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, 130

Johnson Space Center, 104

Journal of Propulsion, 204

Jovian system. See Jupiter and the Jovian system

JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab), 99, 129, 130, 147, 153, 332

JSC (Johnson Space Center), 104

Juno (planetoid), 125

Juno probe (NASA), 167

Jupiter and the Jovian system, 181

colonization of the Jovian system, 16670

discoveries of Jupiter and its moons, 152

exploration spacecraft to, 15253

solar system energy resources of, 159


on departing at high-velocity using high-thrust rockets, 169

on getting to and back from, 162

on primary moons of, 166

use of gravity assist of to make rocket go faster, 184

water on moons, 15354, 167

See also specific moons (i.e., Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, Io, and Titan)

Kardashev, Nikolai, 15

Kasting, James, 222

Kauffmann, Stuart, 262

Kepler, Johannes, 19596, 312

Kepler Space Telescope mission, 12, 1314, 23845, 251

discovering more than 4,000 planets, 243, 243

field of view of, 241, 242

members of team, 244, 245

Kingham, David, 17576

Kito, Tomoko, 147

Klare, Michael T., 309

Klein, Naomi, 228

knowledge gained by reaching out to space travel, 24969

Komsomolskaya pravda (newspaper), 93

Kowal, Charles T., 152

Krakowski, Robert, 175

K-T event (asteroid eliminating dinosaurs), 265, 29091, 29899

K-type stars, 237, 259, 265, 266, 319

Kuiper, Gerard, 152

Kuiper Belt, 17072, 321

water in, 170, 171

Kulcinski, Jerry, 83

Laberge, Michel, 179

Lagrange point (Earth and moon gravity in balance), 95

Lambert, James, 180

Large Ultra Violet Optical InfraRed Surveyor (LUVOIR), 251

laser fusion, plate 11, 190


laser projection and light sails, 199, 200, 201, 21012

potential for fusion-powered ten-gigawatt laser stations, 213

Lassell, William, 152

Lawson parameter, 85, 87

LCROSS probe, 13, 73

Lebedev, Peter N., 196

LEM (Lunar Excursion Module), 74, 76, 77

LEO. See low Earth orbit

Lerner, Eric, 180

Letters from an American Farmer (Crèvecoeur), 274

LEV (Lunar Excursion Vehicle), 70, 71, 7981

chart of range and lunar accessibility, 81

LeVerrier, Joseph, 152

Lewicki, Chris, 138

Lewis, John, 136, 138, 150

life, search for, 1214, 25455, 297

anthropic principle, 261

See also extraterrestrials, search for; intelligence, search for

Life of the Cosmos, The (Smolin), 262

light sails, 195201

cannot thrust to the sun, 206

thin solar sails for interstellar travel, 19799, 198

use of mirror effect, 203

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963), 18687

limited-resources views, 301305, 308

“carrying capacity,” 31314

Lindbergh, Charles, 29

liquid oxygen (LOX). See LOX (liquid oxygen)

lithium, 86, 87

Livermore National Lab, 175, 190, 293

Lockheed Martin, 11, 37, 107

“Compact Fusion Reactor” project, 180

as Martin Marietta, 22

United Launch Alliance, 35, 36

LOP-G (Lunar Orbit Platform-Gateway aka Deep Space Gateway), 71, 74, 32930

LOR (Lunar Orbit Rendezvous), 74, 75

Los Alamos National Lab, 175, 186, 293

Lovelace, Ada, 23334, 234

low Earth orbit (LEO), 58, 6971, 108, 109, 111

delta-v needed to leave and go to Mars or beyond, 9293, 13132

and nonrotating tether spacecraft system, 9697

refueling rockets in, 107

LOX (liquid oxygen), 165, 342

LOX/kerosene propellant, 3738

LOX/propylene propellant, 37

Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), 74, 76, 77

Lunar Excursion Vehicle (LEV), 70, 71, 7981

building a lunar base on the moon, 81

Lunar Orbit Platform-Gateway (LOP-G) (aka Deep Space Gateway), 71, 74, 32930

Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR), 74, 75

Lunar Prospector mission, 73

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, 73

Lutetia (asteroid), 130

LUVOIR (Large Ultra Violet Optical InfraRed Surveyor), 251

Lynx X-Ray Surveyor, 251

Lyra (constellation), 240

Ma, Jack, 176

Mach drive, 207

MagLIF, 180

Magnetic Confinement Fusion Propulsion System, plate 12

magnetic fields

around asteroids, 129

around giant planets, 153

in fusion and propulsion systems, 84, 86, 159, 17678, 179, 180, 188, 19091, 344

magnetic mirrors, 84, 180

magnetic sails (magsail), 201204, 204, 210, 342

cannot thrust to the sun, 206

magnetic traps, 84, 159, 160

“MagOrion,” 203

Malthus, Thomas and Malthusian theory, 302303, 304, 305, 311

Manned Maneuvering Unit, 133

MarCO-A and MarCO-B CubeSats, 55

mariculture, 227, 22930, 277, 317

Markusic, Tom, 38

Mars, 181

asteroids crossing orbit of, 12627

chemistry for space settlers of, 14650

colonization of (Mars Direct program), plate 7, 10123

commercial benefits of, 11417

“Dragon Direct” plan, 108

habitation module, plate 5

leading to a human asteroid mission, 13132

need for low cost spaceflight, 2526

as a new frontier for humanity, 27779, 316

as a public-private enterprise, 328

raising families on Mars, plate 8

status of in vision of the year 2069, 317

status of in vision of the year 3000, 321

use of greenhouses, 101, 113, 115, 278

concerns about Martian microbes Earth, 11923

delta-V needed to leave LEO and go to, 9293, 107, 131

Earth-Mars length of trip, 109

European programs, 13

Founding Declaration of Mars Society, 33537

life on, 13, 104, 120, 255

ways to learn about origins of life on Earth, 25455

NASA's programs, 13, 14, 30, 104106, 135, 14849, 182, 257, 296

refueling NTRs, 29697

“on the road to Mars,” plate 2

and SNC meteorites, 11920, 343

and technological civilizations, 13, 25, 101, 114

terraforming of, 11719, 21719, 22223

a photo of a Mars in the future, plate 14

water on, 14, 101, 102103, 105106, 109, 11315, 117, 118, 120, 14649, 218, 222, 297

“young Mars,” 21819

Mars Desert Research Station, 30

Mars Direct. See Mars: colonization of

Mars Express Orbiter (European Space Agency), 13, 106, 148

Mars Global Surveyor (MSG) (NASA), 105

“Mars Gravity” mission, 31

Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA), 204

Mars Odyssey orbiter (NASA), 106, 148

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) (NASA), 14, 106, 148, 182, 257

Mars Sample Return (MSR), 121, 148

MSR-ISPP (Mars Sample Return employing in situ propellant production), 342

Mars Society, 3031, 32, 332, 33334

Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, plate 16

Founding Declaration, 33537

Mars Underground, 333

Martin Marietta, 22, 146. See also Lockheed Martin

mass extinctions and asteroids, 265, 29091, 29899

mass ratio, 43, 76, 77, 80, 90, 141, 162, 163, 201, 259

change of mass ratio and payload of a rocket, 44

energy-to-mass ratio, 160

NIFT mass ratios, 162, 162

Titan-based methane-propelled NTR excursions, 16364, 164, 165

McFadden, Lucy-Ann, 129

McGuire, Tom, 180

McKay, Chris, 333

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 308

meteorites, SNC, 11920

SNC meteorites, 343

methane, 102

destruction of by ultraviolet light, 106

methanation reaction (Sabatier reaction), 102, 146, 147, 342, 343

methane/oxygen propellant, 41, 4445, 102103, 106107, 109, 165

Titan as a source of, 163

Titan-based methane-propelled NTR excursions to other Saturn moons, 164

methanol, 138, 148, 308

Meyer, Tom, 333

microlaunchers, 3738

comparison of space launch systems, 36

microsailcraft, 25960

Microsoft, 29, 177

microwave power, 57, 58

use of in colonization of Mars, 113

use of in colonization of the moon, 69, 7879, 79

military uses of space power and deterring a war, 6066

Milky Way, 235, 24041, 252, 263, 264

estimating the galactic population, 26569, 268

Miller, Charles, 332

Milner, Yuri, 199200, 201


CubeSat revolution, 5456

and Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 209

rise of microlaunchers, 3738

Mini BFR (SpaceX), 11012. See also Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (SpaceX)

minimum energy trajectory, 341, 342

mining, 74

of asteroids, 93, 114, 117, 13638, 13940, 141, 142, 150, 297, 317

value of components in a type S asteroid, 137

on the moon, 8391

in the outer solar system, 162, 163, 168, 172

Mir (Russian space station), 45

MIT, 133, 176, 177

Mithril Fund, 179

“moist greenhouse” theory, 222

Mons Malapert (on the moon), 76


chemical analysis of typical Apollo lunar samples, 72, 7374

chemistry for space settlers of, 14546

colonization of (Moon Direct program), 6999

achieving long-range mobility on, 8081

chart of range and lunar accessibility of an LEV, 81

energy sources, 8291

mining helium-3, 8391

phases of, 75

as a public-private enterprise, 328

sending solar energy back to earth, 8283

status of in vision of the year 2069, 317

status of in vision of the year 3000, 321

use of microwaves to extract water vapor, 79

as a location for astronomical research, 25254, 257

lunar skyhook, 9596

NASA programs, 11, 13, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 7981, 81, 32930 (see also Apollo program [NASA])

as a refueling point for other destinations, 9193

SDIO sending space probe to, 13

solar system energy resources of, 159

SpaceX planned 2023 artists’ cruise around, plate 9

water on, 13, 55, 69, 70, 73, 7576, 79, 79, 81, 9192, 14546

Mount Palomar telescope, 239

MOXIE system, 147

MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) (NASA), 14, 106, 148, 182, 257

MSG (Mars Global Surveyor) (NASA), 105

MSR (Mars Sample Return), 121, 148

MSR-ISPP (Mars Sample Return employing in situ propellant production), 342

M-type stars, 237, 238, 319

multigeneration spaceships, 184, 198

multiverse theory, 261

Muncy, Jim, 332

Murray, Bruce, 332

Musk, Elon, 1920, 32, 39, 40, 53, 98, 175, 327

and development of SpaceX, 3037

and the Interplanetary Transport System, 10710

BFR and mini BFR, 11012, 339

personality traits, 3234

See also SpaceX

Nakhla (SNC meteorite), 343

nanotechnology, 23037

NASA, 24, 9899

asteroid missions, 13031

Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program, 206207

bureaucracy of, 47, 104

and CubeSats, 54

Discovery program, 240

on efforts to restore salmon fishery, 22728

greatest accomplishments of, 153

Mars programs, 13, 14, 55, 104106, 135, 14849, 182, 257, 296

mission driven nature of, 32829

moon programs of, 11, 13, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 7981, 81, 32930 (see also Apollo program [NASA])

near-Earth programs, 126, 130, 293

“90 Day Report,” 104105

nuclear thermal propulsion research, 185

outer solar system missions, 15455, 15657, 167

and planetary protection, 121

probes, 167 (see also Cassini probe; Galileo probe)

on rate of plant growth on Earth, plate 15, 226

SLS rocket, 36, 77, 132, 134, 157

space program spin-offs, 28486

steps toward acceptable space programs, 32931

study of electric sails and dipole drive, 204205

use of space telescopes, 25051 (see also Hubble Space Telescope; Kepler Space Telescope mission)

Viking mission, 119, 153

See also Voyager missions (NASA)

National Ignition Facility (NIF), plate 11, 190

National Space Society (NSS), 332

Nazi Germany, 305309

Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission (NASA), 126, 130

Near-Earth Object Observation Program (NEOOP) (NASA), 293

near-Earth Objects (NEOs), 129, 131

round-trips from low-Earth orbit to, 131

NEP (Nuclear Electric Propulsion) systems, 16061, 185, 296, 343

Neptune, 162, 181, 200

discoveries of, 152, 153, 239

exploration spacecraft to, 153, 181, 328

mining possibilities, 172

solar system energy resources of, 159

statistics on getting to and back from, 162

Triton (moon of Neptune), 152, 237

NERVA program, 296, 297

New Enterprise Associates, 177

New Glenn booster (Blue Origin), 12, 35, 71, 132, 134

comparison of space launch systems, 36

New Shepard launch vehicle (Blue Origin), 35

New York Times (newspaper), 228, 308, 333

NIF (National Ignition Facility), plate 11, 190

NIFT vehicle (Nuclear Indigenous Fueled Transatmospheric), 16162, 163, 164

NIMF vehicles (Nuclear rocket using indigenous Martian fuel), 297, 343

“90 Day Report” (NASA), 104105

Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 20914, 319

NSS (National Space Society), 332

NSWR (nuclear salt-water rocket), 18788, 187

NTR (nuclear thermal rocket), 163, 165, 185, 343

Titan-based methane-propelled NTR excursions to other Saturn moons, 164

use of to nudge asteroids, 29697

nuclear-bomb driven spacecraft, 18687, 187, 190

Nuclear Electric Propulsion systems (NEP), 16061, 185, 296, 343

Nuclear Indigenous Fueled Transatmospheric (NIFT) vehicle, 16162, 163, 164

nuclear reactors, 102, 111, 161, 182, 185, 202, 296

Nuclear rocket using indigenous Martian fuel (NIMF) vehicle, 297, 343

nuclear salt-water rocket (NSWR), 18788, 187

nuclear thermal rockets. See NTR (nuclear thermal rocket)

Numerex, 180

Nye, Bill, 332

Obama administration, 11, 63

observatories, gaining knowledge through use of, 250, 25253, 254, 256, 317

Olbers, Heinrich, 126

O'Neill, Gerard K., 34, 57, 60, 332

O'Neill space colonies, 128, 184

OneWeb (aka WorldVu), 53

Oort Cloud, 17072, 260

water in, 171

Opportunity rover (NASA), 106

ORBCOMM satellites, 19

orbital industries, 4850

orbital research labs, 4748, 50

organisms from Mars, potential dangers to Earth, 11923

Origins Space Telescope, 251

Orion-nuclear-bomb-driven spacecraft, 111, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 33031

“MagOrion,” 203

OSIRIS-REx mission (NASA), 13031

Ostro, Steve, 129

outer solar system, 15174

discoveries of, 152, 153

energy resources of, 16062

getting around the outer solar system, 162

obstacles to settling, 17374

solar system energy resources of, 159

See also specific celestial objects (i.e., Oort Cloud, Triton, Uranus, etc.)

oxygen, 92

CNO fusion cycle, 202, 238

cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen, 102, 33940

LOX (liquid oxygen), 165, 342

See also hydrogen/oxygen propellant; methane/oxygen propellant

Paine, Thomas, 112

Pallas (planetoid), 125

“panspermia” hypothesis on sources of life on Earth, 255, 259

Park, Jaeyoung, 180

Parsons, Timothy, 22829

Patent Office (US), 139

patents from space exploration and colonization, 48, 11516, 13940

Pathfinder lander (NASA), 105

Patte, email to, 219


of Blue Origin rockets, 41

comparison of two-stage and one-stage rockets, 42

cost of delivering to GEO vs. LEO, 58

fairing, 340

of interstellar spacecraft, 188, 196

and Mars Direct program, 102, 103, 109

mass ratio and payload as a function of delta-V, 44

and nuclear-bomb driven spacecraft, 187

and skyhooks, 9394, 95, 96

and Phobos tether, 117, 141

of SpaceX rockets, 27, 39, 41, 110, 111, 134, 212, 339, 344

Falcon rockets, 11, 19, 28, 33, 42, 69, 70, 77, 80, 107, 108, 133

of Vector-R rockets, 37

PayPal, 30

Pearson, Jerome, 94

Pegasus 51b (extrasolar planet), 239

“Penning traps,” 192

perfluoromethane (CF4), 218, 219

perigee, 96, 343

Phobos (Mars's moon), 11617

Phobos tether system, 141

photometric planet detection, 242, 244. See also Kepler Space Telescope mission

photon rockets, 19395, 194

photosynthesis, role of in atmospheres, 216, 220, 221, 223, 226, 232

photovoltaics, 78, 83, 109, 113, 132

nanophotovoltaics, 233

physics, laws of, 26061

Piazzi, Giuseppe, 125

Pickering Lecture, 244

picotechnology, 23037

Pioneer Astronautics, 37, 55, 92, 14748

Pioneer Energy, 148

Pioneer 10 and 11 missions, 152, 166

planetary protection against alien organisms, 11923

Planetary Resources, 13839, 140

Planetary Society, 197, 332

planetoids, 125

plasma, 84, 85, 202203, 208, 291

and antimatter, 193, 194

and fusion, 8586, 159, 160, 176, 178, 179, 180, 188, 344

laser fusion, plate 11, 190

thermonuclear fusion, 19091

See also tokamaks

plasma sail systems, 204206, 210

and sail devices, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 342

Plasma Physics Fusion, 180

platinum group metals, 13739, 138

Plato, 312

Pluto, 152, 239

Polyakov, Max, 38

population, estimating for the galaxy, 26569, 268

Project LINUS, 179

Project Orion, 18687, 187. See also Orion-nuclear-bomb-driven spacecraft

propellants and propulsion, plate 12

antimatter propulsion systems

antimatter annihilation, 19193

photon rockets, 19395, 194

bipropellants, 24, 103, 108, 109, 339

breakthrough physics, 206207

chemical propulsion systems, 18384

dipole drives and electric sails, 205

electric sails and dipole drives, 204206

fission propulsion systems, 18589

fusion propulsion systems, 18991

compared to antimatter systems, 19495

light sails, 195201

thin solar sails for interstellar travel, 19799, 198

Magnetic Confinement Fusion Propulsion System, plate 12

magnetic sails (magsail), 201204, 204, 210

methods for creating propellants on Mars, 14650

Nuclear Electric Propulsion systems, 16061, 296

Proton (Russian space launch system), 36, 107

Puig-Suari, Jordi, 54

pyrolyze, 343

Qualcomm, 53

Quigley, Carroll, 283

Radar Ice Satellite Explorer (RISE), 55, 56

radiation, 79, 120, 134, 156, 186, 193

radiation belts, 153, 154, 166, 167, 168

radiation doses, 74, 135, 166, 166, 167, 343

solar radiation, 104, 220, 343

radio transmissions, use of to find intelligent life, 25758

ramjet. See Bussard, Robert, and the Bussard ramjet

Ramohalli, Kumar, 147

reconnaissance satellites, 63, 64, 65

potential impact could have had on World War II, 6162

Red Planet. See Mars

regolith, 72, 7374, 79, 83, 8789, 218, 343

Resource Wars (Klare), 309

reusability of spacecraft, 2122, 2425, 27, 28, 29, 36, 42, 54, 57, 6667, 92

and Blue Origin, 35, 40, 45

and Mars, 108, 109, 115, 116

and SpaceX, 1112, 33, 40, 45, 107, 108, 111, 339, 340, 344

reverse water-gas shift reaction (RWGS), 14748, 149

Ribeiro, Silvia, 228

RISE (Radar Ice Satellite Explorer), 55, 56

Robinson, Kim Stanley, 333

robotics, 23037

Rocket Lab, plate 4, 37, 38

rocketry, fundamentals of, 4345. See also propellants and propulsion

Rosenberg, Sanders, 145

Rosetta spacecraft, 130

Rostoker, Norman, 177

Rotary Rocket, 32

Russia, current space launch capabilities, 3537

comparison of space launch systems, 36

Rutan, Burt, 29

RWGS (reverse water-gas shift reaction), 14748, 149

Sabatier reaction (methanation reaction), 102, 146, 147, 342, 343

Sagan, Carl, 22021, 223, 240, 287, 332

salmon fishery, restoring, 22729

Samsung, 53

Sandia Lab, 180

Santa Fe Institute, 262

Santarius, John, 83

satellites, 28, 38, 40, 48

antisatellite systems, 6364

CubeSat revolution, 5456

fighter satellites, 6365

microsatellites, 36, 3738

rise of microlaunchers, 3738

use of in skyhook, 9394

See also antisatellite systems (ASAT); communications and data satellites; reconnaissance satellites; solar energy, solar power satellites (SPS)

Saturn Express (concept project), 200201

Saturn system, 155, 181, 200201

discoveries of, 152

exploration spacecraft to, 153

Saturn's moons, 152, 164

Titan-based methane-propelled NTR excursions to other Saturn moons, 164

water on, 15556, 157, 163, 164, 165

See also specific moons (i.e., Dione, Enceladus, Titan)

solar system energy resources of, 159

statistics on getting to and back from, 162

tides of, 15556

Titan-Saturn ferry, 16364

Saturn V (rocket), 11, 36, 41, 102, 107, 108, 329, 343

Schiller, Friedrich, 327

Schmitt, Harrison, 83

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 235

Scientific American (journal), 283

scoops, magnetic. See magnetic sails (magsail)

SDIO (Strategic Defense Initiative Organization) (US), 13

Seager, Sara, 244, 245

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 25657, 258

SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space), 29, 34

seed spaceships (Noah's Ark Eggs), 20914

SEI (Space Exploration Initiative), 343

self-replicating complex systems, 23132, 236. See also nanotechnology

SETI, 25657, 258

SFS (Small Falcon Spaceship), 11112

Shackleton Crater (on the moon), 76

Shakespeare, William, 22, 34

SHARAD ground-penetrating radar, 14, 106

Shelley, Percy B., 334

Shergotty (SNC meteorite), 343

Sieck, Paul, 180

silicon, 72, 8283, 149, 171, 232, 285, 303304

single-stage rocket systems, 4041, 45, 344

payloads for one and two stage reusable rockets, 42

skyhook, 9397, 11517

Skylab space station, 118, 132

Slough, John, 179

SLS rocket (NASA), 36, 77, 132, 134, 157

Smallest Possible Affordable Robust Compact (SPARC), 177

Small Falcon Spaceship (SFS), 11112

Smolin, Lee, 262, 263

SNC meteorites, 11920, 343

Snyder, Timothy, 308

Socrates, 312

SoftBank Group, 53

Sojourner (Mars lander), 105

solar energy, 31, 34, 57, 73, 76, 159, 265, 304

limited availability in outer solar system, 167, 17374

sending from moon back to earth, 8283, 90

solar power satellites, 34, 5760

use of on Mars, 111

solar flare, 101, 343

solar light pressure at 1 AU, 200

solar sails, plate 13, 116, 19698, 221, 234, 235, 258, 344

use of as reflectors to increase solar flux, 22223

use of to amplify brightness of stars, 23738

See also IKAROS solar sail spacecraft; light sails

solar wind, 73, 74, 87, 88

solar-wind pushed magsail, 203, 204

Soyuz (Russian space launch system), 36

space activism, how to achieve, 32731

what individuals can do, 33134

space business parks, 5051

Space Exploration Initiative, 105

spaceflights/space travel

commercial benefits of

communications and data satellites, 5156

developing commercial energy system in space, 5760

fast global travel on Earth, 4043

going beyond Earth orbit, 6668

orbital industries, 4850

orbital research labs, 4748, 50

space business parks, 5051

space tourism, 4547

fundamentals of rocketry, 4345

change of mass ratio and payload of a rocket, 44

health effects of long-duration spaceflight, 13335

military uses and deterring a war, 6066

outer solar system

need for advanced second or third generation systems to settle, 17374

statistics on getting to and back from, 162

program of action to achieve, 32831

what individuals can do, 33134

reasons for pursuing

for the challenges, 27186

for the future we can create, 31525

to gain more freedom, 30125

for the knowledge gained, 24969

need for a frontier and challenges, 27274, 27584

for survival of humanity, 28799

spin-offs from space program, 28486

STEM graduates in US (1960–1990), 28586, 285

See also interstellar travel

Space Frontier Foundation, 33233

Space Internet, 53

space launches

comparison of space launch systems, 36

costs of, 8990

consequences of cheap space launches, 2428

for developing solar power satellite systems, 5758

getting to a $200 per kilogram cost, 2728

importance of a two-stage system to reduce costs, 3945

lower costs allowing for orbital industries, 4950

See also commercial benefits of spaceflight

Elon Musk and development of SpaceX, 3037

impact of cost-plus contracts, 2224, 33031

need for reusable spacecraft, 2123

rise of microlaunchers, 3738

skyhook as alternate means of Earth-to-orbit transit, 9394

See also propellants and propulsion

space power, use of and deterring a war, 6066

Space Resources (Lewis), 136

Spaceship One, 29

space superiority vs. space supremacy, 6263

space tourism, 4547

SpaceX, plate 6, plate 7, 12, 1921, 21, 2728, 53, 77, 84, 175, 211, 328

development of SpaceX, 3037

heavy-lift rockets, 107

Interplanetary Transport System plan, plate 7, 10710

Mini BFR, 11012, 339

See also Starship (rocket) (SpaceX)

planned 2023 artists’ cruise around, plate 9

sending Tesla Roadster past Mars, 11

size of, 3940

Starlink satellites, 53

and two-stage systems, 41, 45

See also Falcon (rocket) (SpaceX); Musk, Elon

SPARC (Smallest Possible Affordable Robust Compact) fusion reactor, 177

specific impulse (Isp), 45, 143, 16061, 163, 19394, 296, 297, 341, 344

spherical tokamak (ST), 17576, 176, 180

“spheromak,” 180

spin-offs from space program, 28486

STEM graduates in US (1960–1990), 28586, 285

Spire Lemur-2 CubeSats, plate 4

Spirit rover (NASA), 106

SPS (solar power satellites), 34, 5760

Sridhar, K. R., 147

SR-71 (Boeing), 277

ST (spherical tokamak), 17576, 176, 180

Stapledon, Olaf, 238

Starlink (SpaceX), 53

Star Maker (Stapeldon), 238

stars, travel to. See interstellar travel

Starship (rocket) (SpaceX), 11, 12, 2728, 28, 41, 77, 112, 13435, 344

originally known as BFR, 110, 334, 344

reducing launch costs of, 27

See also Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (SpaceX)

Star Trek (television series), 323

Steins (asteroid), 130

stellarators, 84

STEM graduates in US (1960–1990), 28586, 285

Stoker, Carol, 333

Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) (US), 13

Stratolaunch, 12, 2930

stromatolites (bacterial fossils), 260

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), 29, 34

“Summer Triangle,” 240

sunlight as source of propulsion. See light sails

superconductors, 177, 180, 203

Surveyor probe, 77

survival as reason for reaching out to space travel, 28799

suspended animation, 184, 188

Sutherland, Derek, 180

TAE (Tri-Alpha Energy), 17778, 177

Tang as a space-program spin-off, 284

Tarter, Jill, 240

Tau Ceti (star), 182, 257

time to reach using Noah's Ark Egg project, 211

vision of for the year 3000, 31819

Taylor, Ted, 186

technological civilizations, 267

lifetime of an average, 264, 266

and Mars, 13, 25, 101, 114

numbers of in our galaxy, 264, 26667, 269

resources as a function of technology, 303304

vision of for the year 3000, 32021

Teflon as a space-program spin-off, 284

telerobotic operations, 70, 102, 344

telescopes, gaining knowledge through use of, 25051, 253, 256. See also specific telescopes (i.e., Hubble Space Telescope, Origins Space Telescope, TESS telescope, etc.)

Terminator 2 (movie), 235

terraforming, 21545

of Callisto, 223

of Earth to avert global warming, 22430

of Mars and Mars-like worlds, plate 14, 11719, 21719, 22223

role of robotics, bioengineering, nanotechnology, and picotechnology, 23037

of Titan, 223

of worlds that are too hot, 22023

TESS telescope (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), 244, 251

thermonuclear fusion. See fusion

Thiel, Peter, 179

thrust, 38, 143, 18586, 188, 191, 193, 194, 29697, 344

dipole drive thrust, 205, 206

of fission reactor propulsion, 143

of fusion reactor propulsion, 160, 161, 168, 179

use of high thrust FRC rockets to depart Jupiter, 179

of Interplanetary Transport System (SpaceX), 108

and magnetic sails, 202, 203, 204

and Noah's Ark Eggs (seed spaceships), 210

and Nuclear Electric Propulsion systems, 343

and nuclear thermal rockets, 343

and specific impulse, 45, 344

Titan (moon of Saturn), 152, 260

commercial development of, 16265, 168

terraforming of, 223

Titan-Saturn ferry, 16364

Titius, Johann Daniel, 125

Tito, Dennis, 33

TLI (translunar injection), 107, 110, 111

TMI (Trans-Mars injection), 77, 344

Tokamak Energy, 17576, 176

tokamaks, 84, 344

defined, 17677

spherical tokamak, 17576, 176

spherical tokamak (ST), 180

See also fusion, entrepreneurial fusion revolution

Tombaugh, Clyde W., 152

Toutatis (near-Earth object), 129

Transcontinental Railroad, 97, 97

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS telescope), 244, 251

“Translife” mission, 31

translunar injection orbit (TLI), 107, 109, 110, 111

Trans-Mars injection (TMI), 77, 344

transorbital railroad, 9397

Tri-Alpha Energy (TAE), 17778, 178

Triton (moon of Neptune), 152, 237

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 316

Tumlinson, Rick, 138, 332

Turner, Frederick Jackson on importance of having a frontier to conquer, 27273

Twigg, Robert, 54

two-stage rocket systems, 3945

payloads for one and two stage reusable rockets, 42

types of civilization. See civilizations, types of

Ulam, Stanislaw, 186

United Launch Alliance (Lockheed Martin-Boeing), 35

comparison of space launch systems, 36

universe, why it is an ultimate mystery, 260

complexity theory, 26263

universes born within black holes, 262

University of Rochester/Sandia Lab project, 180

Uranus, 125, 181, 200, 239

discoveries of, 152

exploration spacecraft to, 153

moons of, 152

solar system energy resources of, 159

statistics on getting to and back from, 162

Van Allen, James, 166

Vancouver Sun (newspaper), 22829

vapor pressure, 344

Vector Launch, 12, 3738

Vector-H microsatellite launcher, 36

Vector-R microsatellite launcher, 36, 37

Vega (star), 240, 244

Velcro as a space-program spin-off, 284

Venrock, 177


IKAROS solar sail spacecraft flying to, 197

NASA and Soviet probes reaching, 220

terraforming of, 22023

water on, 22122

“young Venus,” 222, 223

Verne, Jules, 318

Vesta (asteroid), 125, 130

Viking mission (NASA), 119, 153

Virgin Group, 29, 53

Virgin Galactic, 12, 2930, 38, 42, 43

virtual reality allowing visits to space, 9899

von Braun, Wernher, 296, 332

Von Neumann, John, 231

Voyager missions (NASA), 154, 167, 168, 181, 183, 184

Voyager 1, 15253

Voyager 2, 153


belief in inevitability of, 305309, 309

use of space power to deter, 6066

War with the Newts, The (Čapek), 212


on asteroids, 130, 131, 140, 14243, 294, 297

on Jupiter's moons, plate 10, 15354, 167

Kepler mission finding, 242

in Kuiper Belt, 170, 171

on Mars, 14, 101, 102103, 105106, 109, 11315, 117, 118, 120, 14649, 218, 222, 297

on the moon, 13, 55, 69, 70, 73, 7576, 79, 79, 81, 9192, 14546

nuclear salt-water rocket, 18788, 187

in Oort cloud, 171

reverse water-gas shift reaction, 14748, 149

on Saturn's moons, 15556, 157, 163, 164, 165

use of in fusion, 14243

on Venus, 22122

water vapor, 13

on Mars, 117, 218

on the moon, 79, 79

on Venus, 222

Webb, Walter Prescott, 271

Webb space telescope, 201, 251

Wellcome Trust, 177

WFIRST (WideField InfraRed Space Telescope), 251

Whitmire, Daniel, 202

Whyte, Dennis, 177

WideField InfraRed Space Telescope (WFIRST), 251

Williams, John, 148

WorldVu (aka OneWeb), 53

World War II, 6465

impact present technology could have had on, 6162

lead-up to, 305309

Wyler, Greg, 53

XPRIZE Foundation, 29

Young, Larry, 133

zero-gravity. See gravity

Zubrin, Robert, 108, 146, 147, 154, 175, 178, 202203, 215

The Case for Mars, 30, 31, 101, 141, 21718, 22223, 297

on complexity theory applied to the universe, 26263

email on terraforming Mars, 219

and the Mars Society, 3031, 32, 332, 33334

memo on Mini BFR, 11012

on SpaceX ITS plan, 10910

vision for the year 2069, 317

vision for the year 3000, 31824