Page numbers in italics refer to photos.

Abatement Law of 1913, 4344

Abbott, Carl, 14, 26, 49, 50, 51, 93, 95, 150

Acme Amusement Company, 84

Adonis, Joe, 180n19

AFL-CIO, 14243

Akin, Frank, 93

Alderman, Jerome, 119, 128

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 75, 121, 124, 179n1

American Legion, 59, 68

American Social Hygiene Association, 53, 70

Amundson, Lowell, 141

Anastasia, Albert, 126

Arion, the, 34

Arlington Club, 3031, 35

Armstrong, Ed, 104

Atlantic Monthly, 132

Atlas Rooms, 60

Baker, Doug, 110, 113

Baker, George, 44

Ballinger, Richard, 8. See also Seattle

Baltakis, Anthony, 142, 147

Barker, Clinton, 115

Barthelmes, Albert Wesley, 14849

Bates, George, 36

Beck, Dave, 5, 76, 77, 97, 119, 123, 12627; biography of, 172n11; and Brewery Workers Union, 179n2; in Chicago, 129; conviction of, 143; and Local 174, 128; and Nathan Shefferman, 129; and Oregon Teamsters, 78; political influence in Washington State, 183n84; and Retail Clerks union, 180n23

Beck, Dave, Jr., 88

Bellinger, Charles, 35

Bellino, Carmine, 12728

Bender, George, 12425

Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan, 51

Bennett, Clifford “Slim,” 13536, 13738, 140, 146

Berner, Richard, 8

Bernstein, Carl, 106

Besser, Lucerne, 27

Big Seven, the, 103

Blum, Nat, 35

Boise, ID, 25

Bollinger, Chuck, 161, 185n56

Booth, Robert, 31

Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, 31

bootlegging: in New York, 123; in Portland, 3, 4, 10, 2627, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 4445, 5051, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 70, 100101, 115, 161, 164n1, 169n46; in Seattle, 8

Bourne, Jonathan, 30, 32, 35

Bowles, Judson, 157

Brewery Workers Union, 120, 179n2

Brewster, Frank, 7879: and Exposition-Recreation Center, 95; investigation of, 119, 12729; and Oregon politics, 8788; and organized crime, 4, 78, 80, 87, 95, 9697, 119, 132: and Teamsters union, 80, 83, 8687, 99, 108, 119, 123, 134, 143, 148, 178n46

Brill, Steven, 76

Broadmoor Hotel, 60

Brunswick, the, 34

Bryan, William Jennings, 30

Bryce, James Lord, 29

Buffalino, William, 129

Caples, John, 34

Capone, Al, 28, 181n23

Cardwell, Byron, 32

Carson, Joseph, 47, 48, 69, 87

Caruthers, Elizabeth, 29

Cecil Club, 46

Cecil Rooms, 53

Central States Teamsters’ Health and Welfare Fund, 125

Chapman, James, 27, 47

Cheyfitz, Eddie, 127

Chicago, IL, 89, 26, 67, 160, 171n87; gambling in, 8485; labor racketeering in, 97, 125, 129; law enforcement corruption in, 9, 10, 97; municipal corruption in, 28, 116; organized crime in, 8, 28, 71, 125, 153; prostitution in, 9

Childers, Jack, 115

China Lantern, 86, 13233

Chinatown, 37

Cincinnati, OH, 26, 29

City Club of Portland, 11, 47, 5260, 64, 72; creation of, 52; and “Law Enforcement in Portland and Multnomah County,” 54, 65, 70, 82, 161; and municipal reform, 149; and “Portland Public Health Enemy Number One,” 5254, 65; Public Health Committee, 52; Public Safety Committee, 54, 58, 63, 82, 161

Clark, Joseph S., 150. See also Philadelphia

Clark, Raymond, 109, 158, 159; conviction of, 152, 15556; indictment of, 111; and King Tower tapes, 89, 11012, 15556, 157

Clement, Elizabeth Alice, 54

Cleveland, OH: gambling in, 8485; labor racketeering in, 124

Coin Machine Men of Oregon, 81, 82, 83, 11314, 124

Colacurcio, Frank, 80, 96, 113, 154, 16162, 173n21, 185n56

Colacurcio, Frank, Jr., 16162, 173n21

Commercial Iron, 49

Commission government, viii, 43

Communism, 12122, 125

Communist Control Act, 122

Congested War Production Areas, 50

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 121, 122

Connell, Tom, 27

Considine, John, 8

Corbett, Henry, 31, 33, 34, 41

Costello, Frank, 10, 123

Coughlin, “Bathhouse” John, 28

Cox, A. M., 40

Cox, George, 29

Cox, John S., 122

Crick, Rolla, 110

Crisp, Carl, 6263

Crosby, Clyde, 80, 119, 131, 132, 148, 154, 174n40; and Exposition-Recreation Center, 93, 9495, 105, 114, 179n63; and gambling, 81, 82, 8384, 9697; indictment of, 100, 11314; investigation of, 12829; and King Tower tapes, 111, 112; and law enforcement corruption, 86, 92, 105, 1089; and McClellan Committee, 131, 13435; and Oregon politics, 8889, 92; and Portland politics, 1089

Crouch, Horace, 84, 114

Curtis, Carl, 130

DeLashmutt, Van, 34

DeLay, Allan, 115

Denver, CO, 26

Desert Room, 62

Detroit, MI, 7, 116; gambling in, 8485; labor racketeering in, 74, 97, 129; law enforcement corruption in, 97; organized crime in, 71; Teamsters in, 11920, 125

Devlin, Thomas, 38

Dinger, Amy, 59

Dinger, H. R., 59

Dioguardi, Johnny “Dio,” 126

Dobbins, Joe, 101, 102

Dobson, Alfred P., 112

Dolph, Cyrus, 34

Dolph, Joseph, 32, 34, 41

Donnolley, Maxwell, 69

Dorfman, Allen, 125

Eagles, the, 68

Earl, Stanley, 82, 93

Edwin Abbey (ship), 46

8212 Club, 135, 13738, 139, 14041, 146

Eisenhower, Dwight, 126

Elkins, Colleen, 158, 159

Elkins, Fred, 61, 62, 67, 82, 84

Elkins, James B., 3, 17, 22, 160; biography of, 61; and China Lantern, 86, 13233; as crime boss, 46, 7374, 153; drug addiction of, 6162; and 8212 Club, 13536, 146; Exposition-Recreation Center, 9495, 102; indictments of, 100, 11314, 115; as informant, 62, 100; and Jimmy Hoffa, 159; and King Tower tapes, 8990, 96, 99100, 102, 11011, 133, 156; and law enforcement corruption, 61, 6265, 7172, 86, 87, 90, 91, 97, 105, 1067, 108, 11517, 133, 136, 13940, 146, 148, 151, 177n30; and McClellan Committee, 4, 131138, 155, 15658, 159; and Oregonian exposé, 100102, 109, 14547, 153, 15556, 159, 161; and organized crime, 11, 6064, 7172, 74, 8081, 83, 85, 86, 96, 99, 102, 135; and Portland politics, 63, 65, 85, 86, 9293; prosecution of, 152, 15556, 15758; and Robert Kennedy, 15658; and Supreme Court, 158; and Teamsters union, 74, 8087, 9293, 9697, 99, 102, 106, 129, 132, 138, 152, 155, 15859; threats against, 15859

Elks, the, 59

Elliot, Mike, 6667

Emlou, Ray. See Enloe, Ray

Enloe, Ray, 61, 62

Ervin, Samuel, 130

Evans, Walter, 4344

Exposition-Recreation Center, 23, 9395, 102, 105, 114, 179n63

Fain, David, 156

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): and Communism, 122; and Frank Brewster, 79, 178n46; and James Elkins, 60, 61, 157, 158; and King Tower tapes, 111, 112; and organized crime, 7980, 126, 181n23; and Teamsters union, 3, 4, 1213, 116, 126, 178n46, 181n23

Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 62, 170n66

Federal Power Commission, 48

First National Bank, 41

First State Bank, 112

Foreign Operations Administration, 125

Frank, Aaron, 49

Frey, Mike, 101

Fulton, Charles, 35

Galveston Plan, 43. See also Commission government

gambling, 6; in Chicago, 8485; in Cleveland, 8485; in Detroit, 8485; in New York, 9, 8485, 123; in Portland, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 2627, 33, 3437, 3940, 42, 45, 46, 5051, 54, 5658, 5968, 74, 8082, 86, 88, 91, 92, 9697, 100, 103, 105, 1078, 11415, 124, 13337, 150, 152, 161, 164n1, 169n46; in San Francisco, 8485; in Seattle, 8, 57, 74, 78, 80, 81, 173n21. See also pinball; punchboards; slot machines

Gamrath, Murray, 159

Gearin, John, 35

General Motors, 120

General Truckers’ Local 162, 77

Gerald, Clarence, 8

Goldsmith, Bernard, 30

Goldwater, Barry, 130

Great Depression, 47, 76, 119

Grossmayer, Phil, 49

Guthman, Ed, 128

Hall, John, 31

Haller, Mark, 89

Hamilton, James, 128

Harrison, Benjamin, 33

Hartley, Fred, 121

Hazen, Ben, 51

Heat and Frost Insulators Union, 147

Heath, Sonny, 137

Heney, Francis, 31

Heywood Broun Award, 105, 154

Hildreth, Lloyd, 80, 113, 174n40

Hilton, Frank, 4849

Hobbs, Bill, 120

Hoffa, Jimmy, 79, 97, 119, 123, 143, 183n83; and James Elkins, 159; and labor racketeering, 7677, 12425, 12627, 129; and organized crime, 5, 125, 126

Hoffman, Clare, 11920, 125

Hofstadter, Richard, 7

Holtze, Harry, 58

Hoover, J. Edgar, 12122

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 121, 122

Huerth, Harry. See King, Harry

Hunt, C. H., 3334

Hutchins, Floyd, 115

Internal Security Act, 122

International Brotherhood of Teamsters. See Teamsters union

International Footprinters Association, 71

International Longshoremen's and Warehouseman's Union, 122

International Union of Operating Engineers, 126

Ives, Irving, 130

Jack & Jill's, 114

Jacobs, James, 142

James, Estelle Dinerstein, 142

James, Ralph C., 142

Jenkins, Lee, 55, 57

Johnson, Tom (mayor of Cleveland), 7. See also Cleveland

Johnson, Tom (former bootlegger), 95, 146, 175n85

Johnston, Robert, 37

Jones, Samuel “Golden Rule,” 7

Kaiser, Edgar, 50

Kaiser, Henry, 4950

Kaiser shipyard, 4951

Kalamazoo, MI, 120

K & L Distributing, 88

Kansas City, KS, 125

Kaplan, Arthur, 14, 15051, 159

Kefauver Committee, 10, 12324

Kell, Raymond, 111, 135, 140, 150

Kelley, John, 9495

Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 28

Kennedy, John F., 130, 14849

Kennedy, Robert, 153, 155, 185n47; and Dave Beck, 143; and The Enemy Within, 13; and Frank Brewster, 128; and James Elkins, 15659; and McClellan Committee investigation, 4, 14, 119, 12432; and Oregon politics, 14849; political agenda of, 147; in Portland, 12829, 14647; in Seattle, 128; and Terry Schrunk, 14647, 149; and William Langley, 134

Keystone Realty Company, 175n85

King, Harry, 60, 6162, 63, 72, 159, 171n87

King Tower apartments, 20, 89, 91, 133, 159, 165n18

King Tower tapes, 96, 152; confiscation of, 11012, 155; creation of, 8990, 133, 15556, 159, 165n15; given to the Oregonian, 99100, 102, 178n44; and grand jury investigation, 14, 9091, 110, 11213; and McClellan Committee, 13334; transcripts from, 1034, 107, 18, 13637

Kinnicutt, Mrs. Eugene, 55

Knotty Pine Tavern, 91

KPOJ, 111

labor racketeering: in Cleveland, 124; in Detroit, 74, 97, 129; and Jimmy Hoffa, 7677, 12425, 12627, 129; in Los Angeles, 12728, 129; in New York, 97, 123, 12627, 129; in Portland, 4, 11, 13, 73, 7475, 77, 8084, 85, 8690, 99100, 1045, 11314, 119, 12829, 13132, 143, 152, 16061, 162; in Seattle, 8, 74; and Teamsters union, 35, 1213, 73, 7475, 7677, 78, 79, 9798; and U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, 34, 1314, 116, 119, 130

Ladd, Charles, 35

LaFortune, Robert, 115

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 47, 168n2. See also New York

Lambert, William, 24; biography of, 176n2; and Heywood Broun Award, 105, 15354; and King Tower tapes, 96, 99100, 102, 152; and McClellan Committee, 4, 13132, 143; and the Oregonian, 3, 12, 74, 101, 1045, 109, 113, 128, 176n3; and Wayne Morse, 131

Lampert, L. J., 70

Landes, Bertha, 8, 47, 167n2. See also Seattle

Landrum-Griffin Act, 142

Lane, Harry, 7, 3739, 45

Langley, William, 19, 102, 11415, 147, 151, 15253, 156, 172n105; assault on Allan DeLay, 115; biography of, 8586; and the China Lantern, 86, 13233; conviction of, 152; and elections, 73, 85, 86, 106, 109, 129, 133, 138; indictment of, 100, 113, 114; and James Elkins, 73, 86, 90, 96, 97, 1067, 13233, 13637, 152; and James Purcell, 108, 177n30; and King Tower tapes, 14, 73, 9091, 96, 99100, 1034, 105, 110, 11112, 13334, 13637, 152, 156; and McClellan Committee, 131, 134, 14344; and Oregon Journal, 1067, 154; and Oregon Liquor Control Commission investigation, 14, 89, 9091, 92, 133, 152; and Teamsters union, 85, 8687, 99100, 105, 106, 108, 129, 133, 138

Lansing, Jewell, 1415

Lansky, Meyer, 180n19

Laundry and Dye Works Drivers Union, 77

law enforcement corruption: in Chicago, 9, 10, 97; in Detroit, 97; in New York, 10, 97, 160; in Philadelphia, 123; in Portland, 10, 12, 3234, 42, 44, 45, 4748, 51, 55, 59, 6264, 7071, 7374, 85, 8687, 91, 99100, 103, 115, 132, 13536, 13742, 145, 151, 152, 153, 161, 162

Lawrence, David, 47, 168n2

Lee, Dorothy McCullough, 17, 47, 169n45, 171n100; and Charles Pray, 66, 69; early career of, 65; and elections, 6566, 69, 93; criticism of, 68, 69; recall effort against, 69; reform efforts of, 66, 6769; 70, 72, 7374, 81, 86, 123; threats against, 68

Lee, Scott, 65, 68

Lend Lease Act, 49

Lewis, John L., 120

Lexow Commission, 9

Lezak, Sidney, 14, 139, 158, 15960, 185n47

Lichtenstein, Nelson, 7677, 121, 123, 142

Lindholm, Kenneth, 141

Lindsay, John V., 150. See also New York

Lloyd Center, 95

Lonergan, Howard, 106, 110, 111, 112, 151

Longshoremen's Strike of 1934, 48, 87

Los Angeles, CA: labor racketeering in, 12728, 129; organized crime in, 153; reform efforts in, 160; Retail Workers union in, 129; Teamsters in, 77, 78; during World War II, 50

Lotan, James, 35

Lovejoy, Asa, 25

Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 10, 123, 180n19

Luckey, Ed, 112

Luken, Jim, 124

Lundy, Herbert, 109

MacColl, E. Kimbark, 1415, 26, 41, 48, 52, 58, 169n45

Malloy, Frank, 84, 113

Maloney, Thomas, 18, 73, 7981, 83, 85, 9697, 106, 10910, 129, 132, 138; and 8212 Club, 135, 140; and election of 1954, 86, 138; and Exposition-Recreation Center, 94, 95; and Frank Colacurcio, 113, 154; and Fred Peterson, 109; and Howard Morgan, 9192; indictment of, 100, 11314; and James Purcell, 108, 114; and King Tower apartments, 89, 91, 133; and King Tower tapes, 90, 103, 104, 133, 13637; and McClellan Committee, 131, 134; and Oregon Liquor Control Commission investigation, 89, 90, 9192, 105; and Oregon politics, 9192; and William Langley, 86, 87

Mariels, Robert, 71, 172n105

Marsh, Floyd R., 44

Mason, William, 3334, 45

Mays, Franklin Pierce, 31

McCallum, John, 77

McCarthy, Eugene, 149

McCarthy, Joseph, 121, 125, 130

McClellan, John, 4, 1314, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 147, 148, 155, 15657. See also McClellan Committee

McClellan Committee, 4, 119, 150, 153, 155, 15657, 158, 159, 161, 183nn83–84; creation of, 12527, 12930; criticism of, 13, 145, 14749; hearings, 13135, 13942; impact of, 14244, 145, 14849; praise of, 147; and Wayne Morse, 131

McClendon, Bobby, 141

McClure's Magazine, 28

McCourt, John B., 6768, 86

McKinley, Joe. See McLaughlin, Joseph

McKinley, William, 3031

McLaughlin, Joseph, 18; and Acme Amusement Company, 84; and 8212 Club, 135, 140; and election of 1954, 138; and Exposition-Recreation Center, 9495; indictment of, 100, 11314; and James Purcell, 107, 108; and King Tower tapes, 1034, 105, 107, 137; and McClellan Committee, 131, 134; and Mount Hood Café, 84; and Oregon Liquor Control Commission investigation, 90, 91, 92; and organized crime in Seattle, 80; and the Teamsters union, 80, 81, 8385, 87, 9697, 109, 129, 132, 134; and William Langley, 73, 90 1035, 1068, 109, 13637

McNamara, Donald, 69

McNamara, Pat, 130

Mears, Walter, 112

Meet the Press, 126

Meier and Frank Company, 49

Memorial Coliseum. See Exposition-Recreation Center

Merrill, Fred, 36

Miami, FL, 153

Miller, James, 71, 115

Milwaukee, WI, 26. See also Zeidler, Frank

Minielly, George, 11011, 14041

Mitchell, John, 2932, 33

Mobile, AL, 4950

Mollenhoff, Clark, 127, 128, 132

Moody, Zenas, 32

Moose, Charles, 162

Moreland, Julius, 34

Morgan, Howard, 8788, 9192

Morse, Wayne, 131

Mount Hood Café, 84, 114, 174n40

Multnomah Athletic Club, 68

Mundt, Karl, 130, 139, 14344

municipal corruption, 2731, 44, 4740, 130, 16061; in Chicago, 28, 116; and Kefauver Committee, 124; and McClellan Committee, 13132, 142, 143, in New York, 10, 160; in Portland, 2731, 33, 34, 35, 36, 3940, 41, 42, 45, 4749, 5152, 54, 5759, 64, 65, 105, 13132, 143, 15253; in the Progressive Era, 67

Murder, Incorporated, 126, 129, 180n19

Murrow, Edward R., 106

Nance, David, 114

National Labor Relations Board, 121

Nemer, Norman, 83

New Deal, 47; and labor unions, 11, 119

New Hungerford Hotel, 102

New York, 116; bootlegging in, 123; and Fiorello LaGuardia, 47, 168n2; gambling in, 9, 8485, 123; and John V. Lindsay, 150; and Kefauver Committee, 910; labor racketeering in, 97, 123, 12627, 129; law enforcement corruption in, 10, 97, 160; and Lexow Commission, 9; municipal corruption in, 10, 160; organized crime in, 10, 71, 123, 125, 126, 153, 160; prostitution in, 9, 4142, 54; and Tammany Hall, 2829; and William O'Dwyer, 10, 123

New York Bureau of Municipal Research, 4243

New York Committee of Fourteen, 34, 166n26, 169n24

Nixon, Richard, 148

Norris, Beggs, and Simpson, 5152

Northern Pacific Lumber Company, 34, 39

Northwestern Electric Company, 48

Notson, Robert, 101, 156

O'Day, Patrick, 46

O'Donnell, Jack, 82

O'Dwyer, William, 10, 123. See also New York

Ohio Conference of Teamsters, 124

Olmstead, Roy, 8

Olsen, Jack, 7071, 115, 172n105

Oregonian, 15, 6667, 6971, 86; exposé, 3, 45, 12, 100102, 1047, 10910, 113, 11415, 116, 118, 126, 128, 138, 143, 145, 15356, 179n63; involvement in vice, 35, 36, 40; and James Elkins, 100, 117, 138, 15358; and Pulitzer Prize, 105

Oregon Journal, 6, 15, 39, 44, 70, 82, 106, 111, 172n105; battle with the Oregonian, 15355

Oregon Liquor Control Commission, 14, 45, 46, 8889, 90, 92, 152; creation of, 88. See also Sheridan, Thomas

Oregon State Police, 80, 82, 104, 107, 109, 112, 136, 138, 146

organized crime: in Chicago, 8, 28, 71, 125, 153; in Detroit, 71; and the FBI, 7980, 126, 181n23; and Jimmy Hoffa, 5, 125, 126; and the Kefauver Committee, 10, 12324; in Los Angeles, 153; in New York, 10, 71, 123, 125, 126, 153, 160; in Philadelphia, 71, 123; in Portland, 3, 4, 11, 13, 55, 64, 6667, 71, 73, 74, 80, 84, 98100, 105, 113, 116, 119, 126, 128, 140, 143, 145, 153, 162; in Seattle, 8, 74, 99, 102, 103, 143, 16162

Padrick, Walter, 53

Pago Pago, 170n46

Painters Union, 124

Parisi, Joe, 129

Park Avenue Hotel, 60

Patterson, Paul, 8788, 89

Pegler, Westbrook, 79

Penguin Club, 108

Perkins, Hayes, 3536

Peterson, Fred, 22, 6970, 116; as commissioner, 63, 69, 93, 171n100; and corruption, 105, 1069, 114, 118, 138; and elections, 69, 93, 116, 118, 13839, 153; and Exposition-Recreation Center, 9394; and James Elkins, 63, 9293, 105, 1067; and James Purcell, 105, 1069; and Teamsters union, 9293, 108

Pettygrove, Francis, 25

Philadelphia, 10, 160; law enforcement corruption in, 123; organized crime in, 71, 123

Phoenix, AZ, 65

pinball, 60, 8082, 8384, 86, 114, 140. See also gambling

Pingree, Hazen, 7. See also Detroit

Pittsburgh, PA, 47, 168n2

Pitzer, Paul, 67

Plotkins, Leo, 107

Polhemus, James, 93

political bossism, 6, 7, 2829, 32, 39, 43, 51; and political machines, 6, 29, 35, 97, 160

Portland, OR: anti–vice legislation in, 86, 171n100; bootlegging in, 3, 4, 10, 2627, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 4445, 5051, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 70, 100101, 115, 161, 164n1, 169n46; city charter, 27; crime statistics for, 50, 51; decentralization of, 28, 72; election of 1956, 99, 109, 116, 118, 13839; gambling in, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 2627, 33, 3437, 3940, 42, 45, 46, 5051, 54, 5658, 5968, 74, 8082, 86, 88, 91, 92, 9697, 100, 103, 105, 1078, 11415, 124, 13337, 150, 152, 161, 164n1, 169n46; labor racketeering in, 4, 11, 13, 73, 7475, 77, 8084, 85, 8690, 99100, 1045, 11314, 119, 12829, 13132, 143, 152, 16061, 162; law enforcement corruption in, 10, 12, 3234, 42, 44, 45, 4748, 51, 55, 59, 6264, 7071, 7374, 85, 8687, 91, 99100, 103, 115, 132, 13536, 13742, 145, 151, 152, 153, 161, 162; municipal corruption in, 2731, 33, 34, 35, 36, 3940, 41, 42, 45, 4749, 5152, 54, 5759, 64, 65, 105, 13132, 143, 15253; organized crime in, 3, 4, 11, 13, 55, 64, 6667, 71, 73, 74, 80, 84, 98100, 105, 113, 116, 119, 126, 128, 140, 143, 145, 153, 162; population of, 25, 50; prostitution in, ix, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 2627, 33, 34, 3639, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 5355, 5657, 59, 60, 6768, 70, 91, 96, 100, 103, 107, 115, 152, 161; public market, 4849; venereal disease in, 5253; vice laws in, 3334, 36, 37, 42, 4344

Portland Board of Police Commissioners, 3233, 34, 36

Portland Electric Power Company, 48

Portland General Electric, 93

Portland Housing Authority, 50

Portland Labor Temple, 8081, 97

Portland Municipal Association, 34, 39

Portland Police Bureau Intelligence Division, 161

Portland Savings Bank, 34

Portland Trade Union Bureau, 55

Postwar Development Committee, 52

Pray, Charles, 66, 69

Press Club, 68

Presser, William, 124

Progressive Era, viii, 58, 160; labor laws, 5; labor unions during, 75, 97; muckrakers, 106; and municipal corruption, 67; and political reform, 7; Portland during, 3645, 52; and prostitution, 5, 37, 54; and temperance movement, 6, 88

Prohibition, 4445, 47, 88

prostitution, 56, 10, 3637, 164n1;in Chicago, 9; and Immigration Act of 1875, 5; and Mann Act, 56; in New York, 9, 4142, 54; in Portland, ix, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 2627, 33, 34, 3639, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 5355, 5657, 59, 60, 6768, 70, 91, 96, 100, 103, 107, 115, 152, 161; in Progressive Era, 5, 37, 54; in Seattle, 8, 173n21

Pulitzer Prize, 153

punchboards, 67, 81, 83, 90, 171n89. See also gambling

Purcell, James, 21, 109, 118, 137, 13839, 154; indictment of, 100, 113, 115; and law enforcement corruption, 105, 1068, 115, 145, 177n30; and Penguin Club, 1078

Purcell, John Bardell, 108, 114

Puter, Stephen A. D., 3132

Radio Cab Company, 70

Raines Law, 166n26

Rankin, C. N., 36

Raymond, Charles, 134

Reed, Henry, 41

Reed, John, viii

Rehberg, F. G., 53

Reid, William, 32

Reiter, Norman, 115

Retail Clerks International Association, 180n23. See also Retail Clerks union

Retail Clerks union, 128, 129, 180n23

Richards, Thomas, 3839

Richards’ Place, 3839

Richelieu Hotel, 52, 53, 60

Riddell, A. G., 49

Riesel, Victor, 126

Riley, Earl, 1011, 16, 69; as city commissioner, 48; and elections, 4849, 6566; indictment of, 4849; and municipal corruption, 47, 4849, 5059, 65, 168n20, 169n45

Roadnight, Raymond, 115

Robinson, David, 158

Rogers, Gerry, 86

Rondhus, Francis, 115

Roosevelt, Franklin, ix

Rushlight, A. G., 40, 41, 45

San Anita, the, 51

San Antonio, TX, 65

San Diego, CA, 4950

San Francisco, CA, 25, 50, 160; gambling in, 8485; Teamsters union in, 77

Santoiana, Joseph, Jr., 13, 111, 112

Saranac, the, 53, 60

Saratoga Club, 51

Savoy, the, 53

Schrecker, Ellen, 122

Schrunk, Terry, 23, 109, 114; election of, 116, 118, 13839, 182n62; indictment of, 118, 13839, 145; and King Tower tapes, 110, 111, 112; and law enforcement corruption, 14, 116, 118, 13541, 14546, 15253;as mayor of Portland, 14546, 14950, 159; and McClellan Committee, 131, 13435, 13942, 144, 145, 14849; and Teamsters union, 138, 149, 182n64; trial of, 14547, 148, 149, 153, 182n62

Scott, Harvey, 35

Sears, Roebuck and Co., 129

Seattle, 25, 183n84; and Bertha Landes, 8, 47, 167n2; bootlegging in, 8; gambling in, 8, 57, 74, 78, 80, 81, 173n21; labor racketeering in, 8, 74; organized crime in, 8, 74, 99, 102, 103, 143, 16162 (see also Colacurcio, Frank); prostitution in, 8, 173n21; and Richard Ballinger, 8

Seegar, Robert, 114

Shefferman, Nathan, 129

Sheridan, Thomas, 8889, 90, 9192, 105, 133, 152

Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 180n19

“silver platter” doctrine, 156, 158

Simon, Joseph, 29, 3233, 34, 35, 3940, 41, 47

Simpson, David, 51

slot machines, 57, 61, 64, 67, 68. See also gambling

Smalley, Helen, 91

Smith, Billy, 30

Smith, Elmo, 104, 106, 110, 112, 178n46

Smith, William, 34

Snell, Earl, 55

Snyder, Gary, viii

Solis-Cohen, David, 36

Spada, Amil, 148

Spear, Manton, 88

Spokane, WA, 80

Sprague, Robert, 115

Stanford, Phil, 15, 62, 175n85, 182n64

Stanford Research Institute, 94

Starling, George, 124

Steffens, Lincoln, 2728

St. Louis, MO, 26, 160. See also Tucker, Raymond

Stone, Laura, 136

Subversive Activities Control Board, 122

Sutter, Dick, 136, 14041

Swarthout, John, 148

Sweeney, John: and Exposition-Recreation Center, 95; and gambling in Portland, 80, 83, 95, 132; and law enforcement corruption, 8687, 134; and Oregon politics, 89; and Portland politics, 85, 86, 1089, 138

Tacoma, WA, 25

Taft, Robert, 121

Taft-Hartley Act, 121, 12223, 127, 131, 142

Talbot, Henry, 40, 45

Talbott, Harold, 125

Tammany Hall, 28, 29

Tampa, FL, 10, 4950, 123

Tarbell, Ida, 106

Tatum, Frank, 46, 65

Teamsters union, ix, 13, 12223; and Brewery Workers Union, 179n2; creation of, 7576; and James Elkins, 8084, 114; and Joint Council of Unions, 78; and labor racketeering, 35, 1213, 73, 7475, 7677, 78, 79, 9798 (see also labor racketeering); Local 174, 77, 79, 128; and McClellan Committee, 4, 11920, 131, 134, 14243, 14748; and Oregonian strike, 10910; and Oregon Liquor Control Commission, 8889, 90, 92; and Oregon politics, 74, 8789, 92, 104, 138; organizing Portland, 77, 78; and Portland politics, 82, 8586, 93, 1089, 116, 149; and Retail Clerks union, 180n23. See also Beck, Dave; Brewster, Frank; Coin Machine Men of Oregon; Crosby, Clyde; Hoffa, Jimmy; Maloney, Thomas; Sweeney, John

Telvi, Abraham, 126

Terry, Gladys, 114

Terry, Stanley, 171n87; and James Elkins, 60, 64, 81; and Mount Hood Café, 84, 114; and Terry Schrunk, 13637, 139, 146; and Teamsters union, 83, 114

Theoharis, Athan, 122

Therkelson, Lauritz, 34, 39

Thomas, Joe, 30

Thompson, Ann, 96

Thompson, David, 34

Thornton, Robert, 161; criticism of, 15052; and King Tower tapes, 156; and law enforcement corruption, 15152; and Oregon Liquor Control Commission investigation, 89, 9192, 107; and Portland vice scandal, 100, 104, 110, 11213, 11516, 137, 150, 156, 182nn61–62

Tiedeman, Merlin, 141

Timber and Stone Act of 1878, 31

Time, 45, 101, 1056, 15354

Tin Plate law, 42

Tobin, Daniel J., 77, 78

Toledo, OH, 7

Torrio, Johnny, 28

Travelers Insurance Company, 49

Triscaro, Louis, 124

Truman, Harry, 120

Tubber, Gideon, 8

Tucker, Raymond, 47, 167n2. See also St. Louis

Turf Club, 170n46

Turner, Wallace, 24, 109, 113, 162; biography of, 176n1; and Heywood Broun Award, 105, 15354; and James Elkins, 62, 99101, 102, 132, 153, 15559, 161; and King Tower tapes, 99, 102, 103, 110, 13334, 159; and McClellan Committee, 4, 13132, 143; and Mike Elliot, 67; and Oregonian exposé, 3, 12, 74, 99100, 102, 1046, 12829, 143, 147, 153, 155, 176n3; and Robert Kennedy, 119, 128, 14647, 149, 15758; and Robert Thornton, 150; and Terry Schrunk, 139, 14647, 149; and Wayne Morse, 131; and William Langley, 115, 13334, 147

Tweed, William M., 28

Unauthorized Publication or Use of Communications Statute, 157

Union Casualty Life Insurance Agency, 125

United Auto Workers, 120, 122

United Mine Workers, 120, 122

Uris, Joseph, 15, 109, 138, 150, 177n30

U.S. Congress Joint Committee of Government Operations, 125

U.S. House Government Operations Subcommittee on Investigations, 124

U.S. Maritime Commission, 49

U.S. National Bank, 41

U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations, 125, 127, 130, 143

U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 122

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field. See McClellan Committee

U.S. Senate Special Committee on Organized Crime and Interstate Commerce. See Kefauver Committee

U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations: and Communism, 121122; and labor racketeering, 34, 1314, 116, 119, 130; and municipal corruption, 58; and organized crime in Portland, 60, 61, 116; and Portland politics, 116; and Portland vice scandal, 98, 11819

U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Labor Management Relations, 122

Vance, John, 13536

Vancouver, B.C., 78

Vanport, 5051

venereal disease, 5253

Vice Commission of 1912, viii, 4041, 45

Villard, Henry, 32

Vollmer, August, 55, 56

Vollmer Report, 5556, 64, 65

Wagner Act, 119, 12021

Walkins, W. H., 27

Wallen, Elmer, 146

Weinhard, Henry, 33, 34, 41

West, Oswald, 41

Western Conference of Teamsters, 78, 79, 80, 128, 140, 143, 179n63, 185n47

Willamette Iron and Steel, 49

Williams, Brad, 90, 110, 155

Williams, George, 38

Williamson, John, 31

Winter, Al, 58, 66, 136, 137, 169n46

Woodward, Bob, 106

Wright, Budge, 83

Wycoff, Ralph, 151

Zeidler, Frank, 47, 167n2

Zenith Rooms, 53

Zusman, Nate, 60, 62 202