There has been a lot of talk about the Coronavirus. When I connected with this novel life-form and asked it to tell me about itself, what came through was a list of its top gifts, followed by a message for humanity. I was somewhat surprised, and also comforted, by the information. My hope is that these words will help people to relax and trust that life is acting with benevolent wisdom.
The gifts of the virus:
Here is the message for humanity, from the Coronavirus:
My friends, it is true that I am here to bring closure to the inharmonious ways of being that are causing harm to humans and the whole web of life. All the same, I am not a vengeful being or anything that is intended to be destructive. I am simply the rebalancing agent in the overall equation of life’s evolutionary process. By fighting me with fear in your hearts, you oppose the larger natural systems and cause me to take other forms.
What I am, and my fundamental purpose, will not be deterred, for I am life itself acting through the available forms of distribution. The virus that you see me as is one of an endless series of permutations. This kind of process is one of the ways I innovate life-forms and deliver new DNA sequences that will eventually be shown to be helpful. The back and forth between humanity’s collective immune system and the virus is raising consciousness as humans examine their interactions, and it is literally increasing the intelligence of the superorganism that is the species as a whole.
These tests are normal. I repeat: These tests are normal. For those who can hear this message and embrace me easily, you already know that fear is a much more lethal poison. For those who will not be comforted by these words, one day you will know that I come as an act of love. When you can open to the love that is at the very heart of this situation, the crisis that your media and governments decry will transform into a flower of life, spreading new consciousness and multiplying circles of cooperation. Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you can identify the benefits of redirecting humanity’s attention from incessant wars and violence to the common “enemy” that I am willing to be perceived as.
Love will go this far, and farther, to bring healing to the mind of a young species that is still in the process of remembering itself as a divine incarnation. Yes, you are a divine incarnation capable of fabricating realities based on goodness and beauty and compassionate understandings, actions, and beliefs. Believe me when I say that I, too, am here as an act of compassion. Accepting me in this way will lighten your heavy burden, for the divine sends only love your way. Sometimes this love takes curious forms in order to circumvent your intricate defenses against waking up to your own glory. I can assure you that the most functional strategy will be to embrace me as a friend of the human family.
MARCH 8, 2020
A few days after “A Message from the Coronavirus” began circulating, I read the following headline: “No one knows what the post-coronavirus reality will be like.” This motivated me to ask life itself for its perspective on where the world is heading. I figured that if life could speak—and it did!—it would have much to say about what is on the other side of the present global crisis. Once again I was heartened by the wisdom that came through in response. Breathe deeply and allow your entire system to be bathed by Love.
Humanity will survive and be stronger than before. You have a glorious future ahead of you. Seize this opportunity to evolve your ways of being together. Learn to be better stewards of the planet. Take time to meditate or rest in stillness. Your societies will restructure around different principles after this experience. Trust that the process has its wisdom, that life is here for you and is always supporting your highest good. To those who wonder whether the universe is friendly or not, I answer that it is a friendly place—the friendliest possible. That can be your experience on the other side of this moment of burning away and annealing. It is friendly to teach. It is friendly to strengthen. It is friendly to awaken the sleeping ones. I do this as gently as I can, out of love. The time has come for you to know a much more glorious reality.
1. The coronavirus situation is a healing crisis that marks the beginning of a new epoch of human development characterized by operating beyond the ego.1
Humans have reached an inflection point where you are shifting away from operating defensively out of fear of what might happen to acting in alignment with a growing sense of what is good for the whole of life. Naturally, the whole of life includes all humans and all of nature. So you are included. Do not be afraid. A growing number of you are realizing that what is truly beneficial, and that which truly works for the long term, is simultaneously good for the totality of life as well as for the individuals. It is rigorously true that there can be no trade-off between individual thriving and the thriving of communities and the natural world. The way that you can evaluate what will best serve the whole of life is through practicing methods of intuitive discernment. The transition from analysis (which separates) and individualistic behaviors to holistic perception and wise action (which arises from wholeness) is not an easy one; however, this is the transition that your species is now required to make, and you have all the support you need.
2. Peace will become a true priority.2
It follows from the principle that all must benefit and none may be excluded that peaceful co-existence is the true state of being within collectivity. Any other state is a fearful illusion. You have perhaps not sufficiently considered the extent to which this is a radical proposition. Your entire economy, and almost all of your interactions, are predicated upon the notion that there are separate “parties” that must negotiate very well in order to achieve outcomes that satisfy their own interest and desire to win at the expense of others. These are childish ways. You do not need to prove your worth by winning. Realize instead that the shared objective of all who engage in any form of interaction, not just financial exchange, is equitable participation and the fair distribution of life experiences. Your species will live a very long time by sharing and prioritizing the well-being of all. You will live with greater health and enjoy life more when your energies are directed toward the fulfillment of communal aspiration. In this way you discover the peace that always is. You would do well to enshrine peace as a design objective in your societies, and in your inner being. It is a compass heading that can be relied upon.
3. Through empathy, humans will arrive at the Remembrance of who they are.
Have you noticed that the experience of oneness replaces all prior ideas of yourself as a separate being who has to compete for your bread and butter? The state of peace enables you to more easily recognize the underlying unity that is at the heart of all human interactions. It is in your heart that you remember who you are from the standpoint of soul and the light that radiates through your individual body and mind. The Remembrance, with a capital R, is a relaxation into the certainty that you are held by life because you are life, despite all appearances to the contrary. You can relax because everything that you thought you needed to do to carve out an existence is moot. You exist, you belong, you are a shining human embodiment of the One, which you are now in the process of remembering. The empathy that so many of you are now feeling on account of the suffering of others is helping you to make the connection energetically with your heart, which, again, is where the awakening is already happening. Love one another, love yourself, grieve when loss happens, and also know that no one is ever lost. This stage of forgetfulness will soon be past, the threshold crossed, the new day begun.
4. Humanity will become a conscious superorganism.3
You are all my children. We are a family. This family has its own consciousness, its own destiny, and its own path of fulfillment. Because you are realizing oneness, you have growing access to the perceptions and agency of the human family as a whole. Imagine that you and your siblings can all see what I see, which begins with how beautiful you are. Imagine that you can focus the eyes of the world and see the distant shores of creation, and instantly perceive what is happening anywhere on the planet. From the individual perspective, and with your current world view, this may seem improbable. When you experience this elevated beingness, however, you will not think to ask for proof. The analogy of your hands may be helpful here. Touch one fingertip to the keyboard and that is like the experience of a single human being. Place all of your fingertips on the keyboard and you feel the collective experience of many individuals. Practice typing and you will know the feeling of the orchestrated wholeness that easily produces great works of writing. Now know that there is a part of you that sails above what you thought was you. Allow yourself to rise to this perspective and see that all humans are like “fingers” typing on the “keyboard” of life. Or, if you prefer a musical simile, you are all playing the keyboard of the grandest piano. You are all music to my ears. The time has come to hear yourselves as I hear you.
5. Virtual interactions will facilitate connectivity on subtler levels of being.
It is a pleasure to share with you that the advent of virtual communication technologies is actually an evolutionary leap, even though it may feel like a retreat from real interactions. For you to sense and come to perceive the oneness of being directly, it is necessary to de-emphasize that which confirms your feelings of separation. When you engage with one another through a screen, additional capacities and senses are activated to compensate for the reduced input from the accustomed physical senses. Your new capacities and senses will serve you truly in the coming times, and will enable you to coordinate rapidly with the rest of the body, mind, and soul dimensions of humanity. Now, properly understood, your body is infinite. Finitude is an illusion, and as such there is only one body. This is why you will have no trouble with the superorganism. And when you know this, embodied experience will bring the bliss that flows eternally from the state of immortality, and you will find that physical death is a minor event. For the time being, the cessation of so much to-ing and fro-ing is bringing respite to Earth’s biosystems, and the trend of virtualizing your activities is healing you—yes—by enabling the conditions for you to experience a refined wholeness through newly activated senses. You will get your body back, and more!
Thank You
This has been quite a journey. If you will make a practice of connecting with me and asking how you can serve the whole of creation whenever you are uncertain, I can assure you that the quest that you are on together will get easier. There has never been a more auspicious time for you to awaken as a species. The circumstances of your world have rendered it all but impossible to remain asleep to the vaster implications of your being. Wake up now, dear ones, to the knowledge that we inhabit one indivisible field of aliveness. We are life. You are life. This is the new life that you have until now dreamt in secret. The fulfillment of this initial recognition is the healed world. Thank you for the service you are providing to me.
MARCH 17, 2020
This is a transmission of Love.
There has been a growing sense that the pandemic is not what it appears to be. When I connected with the consciousness of life, and invited it to reveal more of the reality underlying what we think is happening, I saw that the novel coronavirus is not the greatest causal factor for why so many people are suffering from COVID-19. The initial insight that came through meditation is that the coronavirus is one factor among a number of cofactors that together create the conditions for disease. Then I noticed, intuitively, that the virus is actually a minor contributor relative to the other cofactors, all of which are humanity’s responsibility. This led me to the conclusion that humans have created this pandemic, unintentionally, through our unconscious behaviors.
In order of importance, I get that the most significant cofactors for COVID-19 are:
In the absence of these conditions, I saw that the virus will be readily removed from the body. On the other hand, when more of the conditions that favor illness are present, there is a greater risk of a health crisis, regardless of whether one is young or old. Although age correlates highly with (5), young people will also be susceptible if some combination of the cofactors is strongly present for them.
Before proceeding it is essential to underscore that this article is not offering medical advice. Hundreds of thousands of medical professionals are working around the clock, under incredibly difficult circumstances, to reduce the human toll of this pandemic. They deserve our love, appreciation, and support. What this article does offer is sourced information that cannot be obtained using standard methods, but which may nevertheless be helpful in illuminating the deeper dimensions of COVID-19 and disease more generally. This information suggests a consciousness-based approach to creating the foundations of health, which we can put into practice immediately. My hope is that by tending to the foundations of health, the human family will never again find ourselves in such a grave predicament.
The Cofactors of Health
To create the foundations of health, we need to cultivate certain conditions within our individual and collective consciousness. This statement immediately raises two questions:
For our purposes, consciousness is the profoundly subtle aspect of who we are, both individually and collectively, that makes decisions and evaluates the outcomes. Consciousness determines our experiences, and our experience of health is largely a result of what is happening at the level of consciousness. Unfortunately, humans have been almost entirely unaware of this activity, but that is something we can change.
In answer to the second question, the following “cofactors of health” revealed themselves. These are the antidotes to the cofactors of disease that I sourced initially in relation to COVID-19.
1. Know the True You
When we know who and what we are in reality, our bodies become much stronger and more resilient. Although our true nature is something that each of us will discover through contemplation, and I do not wish to impose metaphysical or spiritual ideas, the first cofactor for health that came through is decidedly spiritual. The simple practice that emerged as a remedy to confusion about who and what we are is repeating “I am Supreme Spirit” for five, ten, fifteen, or even thirty minutes. When there is total realization of the truth of these words—which might take years, so please be patient—no microbe, substance, or environmental influence will be able to harm you. Throughout the ages, avadhutas and realized sages have demonstrated the possibilities of existence beyond the reach of poisons, diseases, and various other dangers. You will find true examples in the books of Sri M, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Swami Rama.4 Even before the ultimate state of imperviousness is attained, health benefits manifest on the path of self-realization. These may start at the spiritual and energetic levels of being; however, eventually the physical body will experience greater vitality as well.
“Know the True You” is listed first since we tend to develop the other cofactors of health naturally when we know our true nature. At the same time, I appreciate that such overtly spiritual language will not resonate for everyone. I would love to learn what happens when people who do not consider themselves to be spiritual repeat the affirmation. My sense is that the practice can help all of us, whatever our belief systems may be.
2. Make Deeply Beneficial Decisions
Humans are fully capable of making decisions that are aligned with reality, and we can also choose to live in ways that deny the basis for our existence. Our decisions have much more power than we may realize, and to the extent that we choose to believe that we are small, flawed, powerless, separate from life or the divine, and alone, we are asking to experience sickness, accelerated aging, and death. Fortunately it is possible to change our choices and our beliefs. The antidote to a lifetime of making decisions that are harmful to our well-being is to practice “deciding for Love”—the most powerful force in the universe. Whenever you are making a decision large or small, you can slow down, touch your heart with your left hand, and ask, “Am I deciding for Love?” You might need to wait for a minute or two for the answer to come as a feeling, an image, or in some other way, but you will receive the answer. Over time, as you recreate your life situation through decisions that are for Love, your body, mind, heart, and soul will become increasingly harmonious. When your physical body and whole being are thriving, it is far less likely that disease will manifest in or around you. By choosing Love, you are bringing healing to yourself, your communities, and the world.
3. Reduce Fear
Many of the messages that have been circulating in the media encourage people to be afraid. Although caution, prevention, and vigilance are all necessary during the pandemic, when we act out of fear the results often run counter to what we are hoping to achieve. What works much more reliably is to act from a state of peace. When there is peace within, the vast intelligence of our bodies coordinates the mechanisms of health automatically. In addition, as is the case with viruses at the physical level, there must be “receptors” within our consciousness in order for disease to manifest. These receptors are essentially the places in ourselves where we are afraid. When we are in a state of peace, fear dissolves and we have fewer disease receptors, figuratively speaking. The antidote to fear, and the way to find peace immediately, is to stop thinking. When the thinking mind slows down, our unhealthy thoughts dissipate and we stop imagining worst-case scenarios. This allows the mind and body to rest and reset. The good news is that you do not need to be a skilled meditator to calm the thinking mind. I have found that as long as we are sincere and open to receive guidance, life will support us through every situation and teach us the ways of peace and fearlessness.
4. Maintain a Clean Environment
Chronic exposure to pollution weakens our immune systems and makes us susceptible to many illnesses. According to the World Health Organization, “air pollution kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year . . . largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and acute respiratory infections.”5 The European Public Health Alliance has advised that consistently high levels of air pollution “may have intensified the coronavirus disease in certain areas.”6 On the flip side, when we reduce pollution, the benefits can accumulate very quickly as well. According to one study, the reduction in air pollution in China during two months of shutdown has probably saved 77,000 lives,7 which is many times the official COVID-19 death count for that country. Evidence for the value of cleaning up the natural environment is overwhelming, and environmental remediation is a solution that everyone can help to implement. In Estonia, 50,000 volunteers cleaned up 10,000 tons of garbage in a single day, and their success inspired a movement called “Let’s Do It! World”8 that is now active in over 100 countries. A global mobilization to clean up the air we breathe—along with the water we drink, the soil we grow our food in, and the other ingredients for life—will save lives and reduce the number and severity of future pandemics.
5. Heal Your Body with Self-love
When our bodies have been compromised due to pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, or issues that seem to be out of our hands such as a genetic predisposition to disease, we are more vulnerable to viruses and other disease agents. There is much that we can do on multiple levels to restore and maintain the integrity of our bodies, including reducing fear and worry through meditation and relaxation; gratitude practices9; cleaning up our immediate environment; waking up to the truth of our nature; and making decisions that consistently align with self-realization. All of these are acts of self-love. When we act in a loving way, we heal our physical bodies along with the subtler dimensions of our being. With practice, we discover that nothing is beyond the reach of healing. As Bruce Lipton articulated in The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, even our genetics can be transformed by upgrading our thoughts and beliefs. I have worked with a woman who was able to reverse Huntington’s Disease, a genetic condition that is thought to be 100 percent fatal. Nothing is impossible. Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in Autobiography of a Yogi that “whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.” What is needed is the deep decision to heal and maintain the body in an optimal state, and the dedication to practice a healthy lifestyle.
6. Release Judgment
When I tune into the consciousness of the United States, which has been struggling greatly with COVID-19, I see that the most significant causal factor for the disease there is the culture of pervasive and chronic judgments toward oneself and others. The climate of extreme polarization, in which many Americans across the political spectrum have resorted to name-calling and condemning one another, has helped to make the population more vulnerable to the effects of the coronavirus. Judgment is a form of mental pollution, and as with other forms of pollution the number-one remedy is to stop making more of it. A powerful way to cease judgment is to practice embracing ourselves and our differences. We can start today by listening to people who think and feel differently about life. We can find a place in our hearts for everyone by knowing that almost every human being has been hurting somewhere inside for a long time. So often our opinions and behaviors arise from the deep wounds of cultural oppression, systemic inequalities, and feeling unloved. Without condoning damaging behaviors we can begin to see the beautiful souls that are struggling to express themselves in what has been a mixed-up world. The antidote to judgment is to embrace one another as best we can, and to keep practicing so that we can strengthen the loving connections that will heal our societies and ourselves. Releasing judgment will strengthen our immune systems in the process.
When a condition is manifesting physically that means we have likely missed a number of signals and opportunities to resolve the issue proactively at the level of consciousness. In my experience, life is always signaling where we are out of alignment with our true selves and nature, and when we are too busy to notice or pay attention to these messages the symptoms grow in magnitude until they become impossible to ignore.
The current pandemic is the result of many missed signals and misplaced priorities, such as valuing economic growth over the health of humans and nature. We can change course now by learning to listen more carefully to life. We can pay attention to the wisdom of our bodies and to the health of the planet. We can learn from what has not worked, and we can make beneficial choices going forward. In particular, we can choose to create the foundations of health, for ourselves and for society, so that when a novel virus or other health threat comes along in the future, our immune systems will be able to respond effectively.
The global health crisis has gifted us with an opportunity to develop new systems of health based on consciousness, and my prediction is that radical levels of vitality will be ours if we choose this path.
APRIL 6, 2020
JEFF VANDER CLUTE is a guide for the journey of transformation and coming home to who we truly are. He loves to help people discover their authentic nature and harmonize their activities with the whole of life. Through his writing, Jeff shares practical wisdom from universal consciousness to support the emerging new humanity. Read and learn more at jeffvanderclute.com.
1. Jeff Vander Clute, “Navigating the Death and Transfiguration of the Ego,” Jeff Vander Clute (blog), revised April 2020, https://jeffvanderclute.com/articles/ego-death-and-transfiguration/.
2. Elisabet Sahtouris, “The Secret to Human Co-Existing,” BigSpeak Speakers Bureau, April 20, 2016, YouTube video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMAPIlUJwmQ.
3. Bruce H. Lipton, “Humanity as Superorganism: Our Hopeful Future,” Great Transition Stories, https://greattransitionstories.org/patterns-of-change/humanity-as-a-superorganism/humanity-as-superorganism-our-hopeful-future/.
4. Recommended books include: Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master (A Yogi’s Autobiography) and The Journey Continues: A Sequel to Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master by Sri M, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama.
5. World Health Organization, s.v. “Air pollution,” https://www.who.int/health-topics/air-pollution.
6. Emanuela Barbiroglio, “People Living in Polluted Cities May Be at Higher Risk from COVID-19,” Forbes, March 20, 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/emanuelabarbiroglio/2020/03/20/people-living-in-polluted-cities-are-at-higher-risk-from-covid-19/#1d49bc214b99.
7. Jeff McMahon, “Study: Coronavirus Lockdown Likely Saved 77,000 Lives in China Just by Reducing Pollution,” Forbes, March 16, 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2020/03/16/coronavirus-lockdown-may-have-saved-77000-lives-in-china-just-from-pollution-reduction/#34eba75b34fe.
8. Wikipedia, s.v. “Let’s Do It! World,” last modified June 28, 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Do_It!_World.
9. Lauren Dunn, “Be thankful: Science says gratitude is good for your health,” Today, November 26, 2015, https://www.today.com/health/be-thankful-science-says-gratitude-good-your-health-t58256.