
Of what use is diet and lifestyle book without recipes? The answer is, of course, none. None at all.

Aside from it making you feel better, helping you lose weight, lowering your risk of many chronic diseases, giving you more energy, increasing your mental clarity, and promoting longevity, the Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet is delicious. I’ll provide you with enough recipes so that you can actually make a go of it.

The recipes in this chapter are a mixture of recipes that I have created from scratch and ones that I have adapted from traditional Mediterranean dishes. They are separated into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts. I’ll also give you some bread recipes that will be utilized in a few of the other recipes.

A word about my naming structure: Because I’ve done my best to make sure all of these recipes will evoke the Mediterranean when you eat them, I am not going to be calling each one “Mediterranean this thing” or “Mediterranean that thing.” If it makes you feel better, you may mentally add the word Mediterranean before any or all of the following recipes.

And finally, unless I say otherwise, when I say salt in these recipes, I mean non-iodized sea salt. I don’t think that sea salt carries any particular health benefits; I just don’t want you to be getting too much iodine. You should be eating more salt to counter your ketosis-induced electrolyte losses, but most table salt has added iodine and you may be getting too much if you use exclusively table salt. Sea salt will also have iodine, but not as much as the iodized table salt variety.