Fat bombs are a term of endearment for food items that contain a large amount of fat per serving. The Fat Coffee (page 67) recipe would also be considered a fat bomb. In this context, it is used to describe fudge-like concoctions that I find rather difficult to eat at a reasonable pace.
YIELD: 8 (1-piece) servings
The Stuff:
½ cup virgin coconut oil
¼ cup unsweetened peanut butter
liquid stevia, to taste
salt, to taste
What to Do:
1 Put all ingredients in a blender and blend till combined.
2 Pour mixture into mold of some kind—silicone ice trays work well. Refrigerate about an hour, or until solid. Store in the refrigerator and try not to eat all of them in one sitting.
RECIPE VARIATION: There are probably thousands of variations of the fat bomb to be found on the Internet, and you can certainly create your own, as well. They have a very simple formula: two parts liquid fat, one part butter like peanut butter, coconut butter, or dairy butter, flavorings, and a tiny bit of sweetener.