Fast User Switching

The account system described so far in this chapter has its charms. It keeps everyone’s stuff separate, it keeps your files safe, and it lets you have the desktop picture of your choice.

Unfortunately, it can go from handy to hassle in one split second. That’s when you’re logged in, and somebody else wants to duck in just for a second—to check email or a calendar, for example. What are you supposed to do—log out completely, closing all your documents and quitting all your programs, just so the interloper can look something up? Then afterward, you’d have to log back in and fire up all your stuff again, praying that your inspirational muse hasn’t fled in the meantime.

Fortunately, that’s all over now. Fast user switching lets Person B log in and use the Mac for a little while. All your stuff, Person A, simply slides into the background, still open the way you had it; see Figure 15-12.

When Person B is finished working, you can bring your whole work environment back to the screen without having to reopen anything. All your windows and programs are still open, just as you left them.

Do you see your own account name, or a human silhouette, in the upper-right corner of the screen (Figure 15-12)? It lists all account holders.

(If you don’t see this Fast User Switching menu, open the Users & Groups pane of System Preferences; click the , if necessary, to unlock the pane. Click Login Options, and turn on the “Show fast user switching menu as” checkbox. And while you’re at it: You can change what this menu looks like by using the “Show fast user switching menu as” pop-up menu.)

In the Fast User Switching menu, the indicates people who are logged in. The dimmed name shows who’s logged in right now.

Figure 15-12. In the Fast User Switching menu, the indicates people who are logged in. The dimmed name shows who’s logged in right now.

Next time you need a fellow account holder to relinquish control so you can duck in to do a little work, just choose your name from the Accounts menu. Type your password, if one is required, and feel guiltless about the interruption.

And now, the finer points of fast user switching: