
One of Yosemite’s unsung new features is the ability to install extensions. These are add-on features—plug-ins—that expand what your Mac can do. Each is associated with a full-blown program you’ve installed on your Mac; they can come from Apple or anybody else. This System Preferences pane lists the ones you’ve got installed so far, and lets you turn off the ones you don’t use.

Extensions (Figure 17-13) can modify four parts of the Mac:

Once you click the category name, you can operate on the individual extensions listed within. You can hide or show them by turning their checkboxes off or on, and you can change the order in which they appear in your menus by dragging them up or down.

Figure 17-13. Once you click the category name, you can operate on the individual extensions listed within. You can hide or show them by turning their checkboxes off or on, and you can change the order in which they appear in your menus by dragging them up or down.

Each of these extension categories works in the same way, as shown in Figure 17-13.