The Hadza are hunter-gatherers: For a thorough discussion of everything Hadza, see: Frank Marlowe, The Hadza: Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania (Univ. of California Press, 2010).
37 trillion cells: E. Bianconi et al. (2013). “An estimation of the number of cells in the human body.” Ann. Hum. Biol. 40 (6): 463–71, doi: 10.3109/03014460.2013.807878.
an ounce of the Sun: A 70-kg human burns approximately 2,800 kilocalories per day, or 40 kcal/kg per day. The Sun has a mass of 1.989×1030 and produces 7.942×1027 kcal per day, or a paltry 0.004 kcal/kg per day. See Vaclav Smil, Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization (MIT Press, 1999).
Nine-year-olds burn 2,000 calories: N. F. Butte (2000). “Fat intake of children in relation to energy requirements.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 72 (suppl): 1246S–52S.
most doctors don’t, either: R. Meerman and A. J. Brown (2014). “When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go?” BMJ 349: g7257.
U.S. federal government: Chris Cilliza, “Americans know literally nothing about the Constitution,” CNN, last modified September 13, 2017,
dead by twenty-five: Author’s unpublished analyses, calculated from allometric regressions between body mass and age at maturity, maximum lifespan, and neonate size for placental mammals, using the AnAge database. R. Tacutu et al. (2018). “Human Ageing Genomic Resources: new and updated databases.” Nucl. Acids Res. 46 (D1): D1083–90. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1042.
compared to other mammals: E. L. Charnov and D. Berrigan (1993). “Why do female primates have such long lifespans and so few babies? or Life in the slow lane.” Evol. Anthro. 1 (6): 191–94.
killed early by a predator or other malefactor favor a slower pace of life: S. C. Stearns, M. Ackermann, M. Doebeli, and M. Kaiser (2000). “Experimental evolution of aging, growth, and reproduction in fruitflies.” PNAS 97 (7): 3309–13; S. K. Auer, C. A. Dick, N. B. Metcalfe, and D. N. Reznick (2018). “Metabolic rate evolves rapidly and in parallel with the pace of life history.” Nat. Commun. 9: 14.
stronger, pound for pound, than humans: M. C. O’Neill et al. (2017). “Chimpanzee super strength and human skeletal muscle evolution.” PNAS 114 (28): 7343–48; K. Bozek et al. (2014). “Exceptional evolutionary divergence of human muscle and brain metabolomes parallels human cognitive and physical uniqueness.” PLoS Biol. 12 (5): e1001871. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.
proponents of this hypothesis, like Brian McNab: Brian K. McNab (2008). “An analysis of the factors that influence the level and scaling of mammalian BMR.” Comp. Biochem. Phys. A—Mol. Integ. Phys. 151: 5–28.
faster pace of life presumably requires a faster metabolic engine: T. J. Case (1978). “On the evolution and adaptive significance of postnatal growth rates in the terrestrial vertebrates.” Quar. Rev. Biol. 53 (3): 243–82.
studies built upon these results, and a consensus developed: P. H. Harvey, M. D. Pagel, and J. A. Rees (1991). “Mammalian metabolism and life histories.” Am. Nat. 137 (4): 556–66.
Orangutans burned fewer calories each day than humans: H. Pontzer et al. (2010). “Metabolic adaptation for low energy throughput in orangutans.” PNAS 107 (32): 14048–52.
three-toed sloths and pandas: Y. Nie et al. (2015). “Exceptionally low daily energy expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda.” Science 349 (6244): 171–74.
everything we knew about orangutan ecology and biology: Serge A. Wich, S. Suci Utami Atmoko, Tatang Mitra Setia, and Carel P. van Schaik, Orangutans: Geographic Variation in Behavioral Ecology and Conservation (Oxford Univ. Press, 2008).
Primates burn only half as many calories: H. Pontzer et al. (2014). “Primate energy expenditure and life history.” PNAS 111 (4): 1433–37.
1995 paper by Leslie Aiello and Peter Wheeler: L. C. Aiello and P. Wheeler (1995). “The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis: the brain and the digestive system in human and primate evolution.” Curr. Anthropol. 36: 199–221.
“nature is forced to economise on the other side”: Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (John Murray, 1861), 147.
primates in Southeast Asia: Arthur Keith (1891). “Anatomical notes on Malay apes.” J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiatic Soc. 23: 77–94.
the first doubly labeled water study in a wild primate: K. A. Nagy and K. Milton (1979). “Energy metabolism and food consumption by howler monkeys.” Ecology 60: 475–80.
smaller brains than fruit-eating species: K. Milton (1993). “Diet and primate evolution.” Scientific American, August, 86–93.
arguing that the cost of bigger brains: K. Isler and C. P. van Schaik (2009). “The Expensive Brain: A framework for explaining evolutionary changes in brain size.” J. Hum. Evol. 57: 392–400.
had evolved distinct daily energy expenditures: H. Pontzer et al. (2016). “Metabolic acceleration and the evolution of human brain size and life history.” Nature 533: 390–92.
the combination of work done and heat gained: I’m simplifying slightly by lumping the formation energy of making molecules (which should also be included in an exhaustive accounting of energy) along with the mechanical work of moving things.
releases enough energy (730 kilocalories): J. Taylor and R. L. Hall (1947). “Determination of the heat of combustion of nitroglycerin and the thermochemical constants of nitrocellulose.” J. Phys. Chem. 51 (2): 593–611.
by one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit): The energy needed to raise a milliliter of water 1 degree Celsius depends slightly on the starting temperature of the water. The modern definition of a calorie is the energy equivalent of 4.184 joules. One joule is defined as the energy needed to lift 1 kilogram of mass upward by 1 meter (against gravity). Joules are named after the English scientist James Prescott Joule, who figured out the relationship between mechanical work and heat energy in the 1800s.
capitalize “Calories” when referring to kilocalories: J. L. Hargrove. (2006). “History of the Calorie in Nutrition.” J. Nutr. 136: 2957–61.
to convert joules on their food labels to calories: There are actually 4.18 joules per calorie, but dividing by four will be accurate to about 5 percent, which is close enough for daily use. Also, be aware that kJ is kilojoules (1,000 joules) and MJ is mega joules (1,000,000 joules).
little machine that builds baby flies: I thank Dr. Kenneth Weiss, professor at Penn State, for blowing my mind with this perspective during my formative college years.
65-million-year history of relying on them: R. W. Sussman (1991). “Primate origins and the evolution of angiosperms.” Am. J. Primatol. 23 (4): 209–23.
80 percent of the starches and sugars that you eat: R. Holmes (1971). “Carbohydrate digestion and absorption.” J. Clin. Path. 24, Suppl. (Roy. Coll. Path.) (5): 10–13.
blood flow to our guts more than doubles: P. J. Matheson, M. A. Wilson, and R. N. Garrison (2000). “Regulation of intestinal blood flow.” Jour. Surg. Res. 93: 182–96.
low glycemic index foods might be better for you: The evidence from carefully done studies on glycemic index are mixed. M. J. Franz (2003). “The glycemic index: Not the most effective nutrition therapy intervention.” Diabetes Care 26: 2466–68.
compared to a piece of orange, which does: F. S. Atkinson, K. Foster-Powell, and J. C. Brand-Miller (2008). “International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2008.” Diabetes Care 31 (12): 2281–83.
With trillions of bacteria: R. Sender, S. Fuchs, and R. Milo (2016). “Revised estimates for the number of human and bacteria cells in the body.” PLoS Biol. 14 (8): e1002533.
the microbiome is like a four-pound superorganism: I. Rowland et al. (2018). “Gut microbiota functions: Metabolism of nutrients and other food components.” Eur. J. Nutr. 57 (1): 1–24.
Carbs are energy: Sugars are also used to make some structures in the body. For example, the D in DNA is deoxyribose, which is a sugar molecule built from dietary carbohydrate.
Bile is a green juice produced by your liver: “Secretion of Bile and the Role of Bile Acids in Digestion,” Colorado State University, accessed March 13, 2020,
Bile acids (also called bile salts): M. J. Monte, J. J. Marin, A. Antelo, and J. Vazquez-Tato (2009). “Bile acids: Chemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology.” World J. Gastroenterol. 15 (7): 804–16.
obesity is a major risk factor: S. L. Friedman, B. A. Neuschwander-Tetri, M. Rinella, and A. J. Sanyal (2018). “Mechanisms of NAFLD development and therapeutic strategies.” Nat. Med. 24 (7): 908–22.
a typical alkaline battery: Wikipedia, accessed March 13, 2020,
sequence of amino acids to make a protein: I’m massively simplifying here, skipping over several steps from DNA to RNA to amino acid sequence. For a nice primer, see “Essentials of Genetics,” Nature Education,
tissues and molecules break down over time: G. E. Shambaugh III (1977). “Urea biosynthesis I. The urea cycle and relationships to the citric acid cycle.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 30 (12): 2083–87.
providing around 15 percent of our calories each day: C. E. Berryman, H. R. Lieberman, V. L. Fulgoni III, and S. M. Pasiakos (2018). “Protein intake trends and conformity with the Dietary Reference Intakes in the United States: Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001–2014.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 108 (2): 405–13.
each molecule cycles from ADP to ATP and back: Lawrence Cole, Biology of Life Biochemistry, Physiology and Philosophy (Academic Press, 2016).
the story is essentially the same for fructose and galactose: J. M. Rippe and T. J. Angelopoulos (2013). “Sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, and fructose, their metabolism and potential health effects: What do we really know?” Adv. Nutr. 4 (2): 236–45.
circular track called the Krebs cycle: Discovered by Hans A. Krebs and William A. Johnson in 1937, earning Krebs a Nobel Prize in medicine. Krebs and his student Kurt Henseleit discovered the urea cycle in 1932. Krebs was probably happy to have been known for energy production rather than pee production.
not the atoms themselves: If we converted the mass of those atoms to energy, we have to follow Einstein’s famous formula, E = mc2, and we’d need a nuclear reactor. A gram of glucose would yield 21 billion kilocalories, vaporizing everything in sight.
Dogs have evolved to prey on our emotions: Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods, The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think (Dutton, 2013).
a new recipe for photosynthesis evolved: R. M. Soo et al. (2017). “On the origins of oxygenic photosynthesis and aerobic respiration in Cyanobacteria.” Science 355 (6332): 1436–40.
struck by lightning, which are 1 in 700,000: “Flash Facts About Lightning,” National Geographic, accessed March 13, 2020,
over a million bacteria in an ounce: K. Lührig et al. (2015). “Bacterial community analysis of drinking water biofilms in southern Sweden.” Microbes Environ. 30 (1): 99–107.
about 330 million cubic miles of water: “How Much Water Is There on Earth?” USGS,
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Hadza data fell right in line with this much larger sample: H. Pontzer et al. (2012). “Hunter-gatherer energetics and human obesity.” PLoS One 7 (7): e40503.
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the effect is typically small, around 1 to 4 percent: M. I. Lambert and T. L. Burgess (2010). “Effects of training, muscle damage and fatigue on running economy.” Internat. SportMed J. 11(4): 363–79.
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about 85 kcal per day for a typical 150-pound adult with 30 percent body fat: For a review of organ costs see: ZiMian Wang et al. (2012). “Evaluation of specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues: Comparison between nonobese and obese women.” Obesity 20 (1): 95–100.
the low, low cost of about 2 calories per beat: M. Horiuchi et al. (2017). “Measuring the energy of ventilation and circulation during human walking using induced hypoxia.” Scientific Reports 7 (1): 4938. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05068-8
converting lactate, glycerol (from fat), and amino acids (from proteins): J. E. Gerich, C. Meyer, H. J. Woerle, and M. Stumvoll (2001). “Renal gluconeogenesis: Its importance in human glucose homeostasis.” Diabetes Care 24 (2): 382–91.
Like every other animal with a distinct mouth and butt: Many animals, like starfish, have only one hole, which serves for both bringing nutrients in and getting waste out. See A. Hejnol and M. Q. Martindale (2008). “Acoel development indicates the independent evolution of the bilaterian mouth and anus.” Nature 456 (7220): 382–86. doi: 10.1038/nature07309.
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increased their metabolic rates by only around 4 kcal per hour: R. W. Backs and K. A. Seljos (1994). “Metabolic and cardiorespiratory measures of mental effort: The effects of level of difficulty in a working memory task.” Int. J. Psychophysiol. 16 (1): 57–68; N. Troubat, M.-A. Fargeas-Gluck, M. Tulppo, and B. Dugué (2009). “The stress of chess players as a model to study the effects of psychological stimuli on physiological responses: An example of substrate oxidation and heart rate variability in man.” Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 105 (3): 343–49.
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thermoneutral zone is roughly between 75°F and 93°F: B. R. M. Kingma, A. J. H. Frijns, L. Schellen, and W. D. V. Lichtenbelt (2014). “Beyond the classic thermoneutral zone: Including thermal comfort.” Temperature 1 (2): 142–49.
a couple of degrees colder than adults who aren’t: R. J. Brychta et al. (2019). “Quantification of the capacity for cold-induced thermogenesis in young men with and without obesity.” J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 104 (10): 4865–78. doi: 10.1210/jc.2019-00728.
in the Arctic tend to have about 10 percent higher BMRs: W. R. Leonard et al. (2002). “Climatic influences on basal metabolic rates among circumpolar populations.” Am. J. Hum. Biol. 14 (5): 609–20.
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Shuar kids five to twelve years old have BMRs that are about 200 kcal: S. S. Urlacher et al. (2019). “Constraint and trade-offs regulate energy expenditure during childhood.” Science Advances 5 (12): eaax1065. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax1065.
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total cost of a healthy nine-month pregnancy is about 80,000 kcal: N. F. Butte and J. C. King (2005). “Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation.” Publ. Health Nutr. 8: 1010–27.
directly tied to changes in the way these animals grow and reproduce: T. J. Case (1978). “On the evolution and adaptive significance of postnatal growth rates in the terrestrial vertebrates.” Quar. Rev. Biol. 53 (3): 243–82.
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Kleiber’s law of metabolism, named for the pioneering Swiss nutritionist: Max Kleiber, The Fire of Life: An Introduction to Animal Energetics (Wiley, 1961). Samuel Brody and Francis Benedict also contributed to this discovery.
in the neighborhood of Kleiber’s 0.75, ranging from 0.45 to 0.82: Author’s unpublished analyses, calculated from allometric regressions between adult body mass and growth rate (g/yr) and reproductive output (g/yr), using the AnAge database. R. Tacutu et al. (2018). “Human Ageing Genomic Resources: New and updated databases.” Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1): D1083–90.
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Rubner observed that the total energy expended per gram: Max Rubner, Das Problem det Lebensdaur und seiner beziehunger zum Wachstum und Ernarnhung (Oldenberg, 1908).
the American biologist Raymond Pearl: Raymond Pearl, The Biology of Death (J. B. Lippincott, 1922).
the free radical theory of aging: Denham Harman (1956). “Aging: A theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry.” J. Gerontol. 11 (3): 298–300.
don’t always show the expected effects on life span: Some studies find positive effects of antioxidant intake on mortality risk (e.g., L.-G. Zhao et al. [2017]. “Dietary antioxidant vitamins intake and mortality: A report from two cohort studies of Chinese adults in Shanghai.” J. Epidem. 27 [3]: 89–97), while others find no effect at all (e.g., U. Stepaniak et al. [2016]. “Antioxidant vitamin intake and mortality in three Central and Eastern European urban populations: The HAPIEE study.” Eur. J. Nutr. 55 [2]: 547–60).
researchers lamenting whether such links exist at all: For a skeptical view, see J. R. Speakman (2005). “Body size, energy metabolism, and lifespan.” J. Exp. Biol. 208: 1717–30.
reducing how much they’re allowed to eat leads to longer life spans: J. R. Speakman and S. E. Mitchell (2011). “Caloric restriction.” Mol. Aspects Med. 32: 159–221.
Greenland sharks can live four hundred years: J. Nielsen et al. (2016). “Eye lens radiocarbon reveals centuries of longevity in the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus).” Science 353 (6300): 702–04.
heart rates (beats per minute) match the cellular metabolic rates: C. R. White and M. R. Kearney (2014). “Metabolic scaling in animals: Methods, empirical results, and theoretical explanations.” Compr. Physiol. 4 (1): 231–56. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c110049.
Frank Benedict and his colleague J. Arthur Harris had been amassing: J. A. Harris and F. G. Benedict (1918). “A biometric study of human basal metabolism.” PNAS 4 (12): 370–73. doi: 10.1073/pnas.4.12.370.
PARs are essentially the same as MET values: MET values are always 1 kcal per kg per hour, which is the average person’s BMR. PAR values are tailored to each individual’s BMR or estimated BMR.
still used by the World Health Organization: FAO Food and Nutrition Technical Report Series 1, FAO/WHO/UNU (2001). “Human energy requirements.”
adults underreported actual food intake by 29 percent on average: L. Orcholski et al. (2015). “Under-reporting of dietary energy intake in five populations of the African diaspora.” Brit. J. Nutri. 113 (3): 464–72. doi: 10.1017/S000711451400405X.
you thought that the typical American eats a 2,000-kilocalorie diet: Marion Nestle and Malden Nesheim, Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics (Univ. of California Press, 2013).
Nathan Lifson, a physiologist at the University of Minnesota: A. Prentice (1987). “Human energy on tap.” New Scientist, November: 40–44.
oxygen atoms in the body water pool have an alternative: N. Lifson, G. B. Gordon, M. B. Visscher, and A. O. Nier (1949). “The fate of utilized molecular oxygen and the source of the oxygen of respiratory carbon dioxide, studied with the aid of heavy oxygen.” J. Biol. Chem. 180 (2): 803–11.
Lifson used those isotopes to track the flow oxygen and hydrogen: N. Lifson, G. B. Gordon, R. McClintock (1955). “Measurement of total carbon dioxide production by means of D218O.” J. Appl. Physiol. 7: 704–10.
isotope needed for a 150-pound human would cost more than $250,000: J. R. Speakman (1998). “The history and theory of the doubly labeled water technique.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68 (suppl): 932S–38S.
the first doubly labeled water study in humans in 1982: D. A. Schoeller and E. van Santen (1982). “Measurement of energy expenditure in humans by doubly labeled water.” J. Appl. Physiol. 53: 955–59.
hundreds of doubly labeled water measurements of men, women, and children: L. Dugas et al. (2011). “Energy expenditure in adults living in developing compared with industrialized countries: A meta-analysis of doubly labeled water studies.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 93: 427–441; N. F. Butte (2000). “Fat intake of children in relation to energy requirements.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 72 (5 Suppl): 1246S–52S; H. Pontzer et al. (2012). “Hunter-gatherer energetics and human obesity.” PLoS One 7 (7): e40503.
Georgians reported two new skulls along with solid dates: L. Gabunia et al. (2000). “Earliest Pleistocene hominid cranial remains from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia: Taxonomy, geological setting, and age.” Science 288 (5468): 1019–25.
uncovered yet another skull, the fourth from the area: D. Lordkipanidze et al. (2005). “The earliest toothless hominin skull.” Nature 434: 717–18.
Wild plants and game are nearly all hard to chew: Like nearly all else in human evolution, the need for teeth, or for help in the absence of them, is hotly debated. Some have argued that this unlucky soul might have soldiered on without help, mashing his food with stone tools or just choking down big chunks. It’s impossible to be certain. But it’s difficult for me to see how he could have survived, particularly through the serious illness, without help—much more help than apes give one another.
early primates coevolved with flowering plants: R. W. Sussman (1991). “Primate origins and the evolution of angiosperms.” Am. J. Primatol. 23 (4): 209–23.
hominin evolution lasted from seven to four million years ago: For a more thorough account of our species’ evolution than the short overview here, see Glenn C. Conroy and Herman Pontzer, Reconstructing Human Origins, 3rd ed. (W. W. Norton, 2012).
the topic of another larger book: Conroy and Pontzer, Reconstructing Human Origins.
stone tools from a 3.3-million-year-old site in northern Kenya: S. Harmand et al. (2015). “3.3-million-year-old stone tools from Lomekwi 3, West Turkana, Kenya.” Nature 521: 310–15.
Figure 4.1. The Human Family Tree: Adapted from Herman Pontzer (2017). “Economy and endurance in human evolution.” Curr. Biol. 27 (12): R613–21. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.05.031.
animal fossils from sites in Kenya and Ethiopia show signs of butchery: M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, T. R. Pickering, S. Semaw, and M. J. Rogers (2005). “Cutmarked bones from Pliocene archaeological sites at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia: Implications for the function of the world’s oldest stone tools.” J. Hum. Evol. 48 (2): 109–21.
“to attack their prey, or otherwise to obtain food”: Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (D. Appleton, 1871).
Orangutan mothers in the wild share food: A. V. Jaeggi, M. A. van Noordwijk, and C. P. van Schaik (2008). “Begging for information: Mother-offspring food sharing among wild Bornean orangutans.” Am. J. Primatol. 70 (6): 533–41. doi: 10.1002/ajp.20525.
Gorillas have never been observed sharing food: A. V. Jaeggi and C. P. Van Schaik (2011). “The evolution of food sharing in primates.” Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65: 2125–40.
chimpanzees in the Sonso community in the Budongo Forest of Uganda: R. M. Wittig et al. (2014). “Food sharing is linked to urinary oxytocin levels and bonding in related and unrelated wild chimpanzees.” Proc. Biol. Sci. 281 (1778): 20133096. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.3096.
adult bonobos (mostly females) share a particular fruit: S. Yamamoto (2015). “Non-reciprocal but peaceful fruit sharing in wild bonobos in Wamba.” Behaviour 152: 335–57.
behaviors arise and the body adapts: A. Lister (2013). “Behavioural leads in evolution: Evidence from the fossil record.” Bio. J. Linnean Soc. 112: 315–31.
channel their maternal efforts into sharing food with their daughters: K. Hawkes et al. (1998). “Grandmothering, menopause, and the evolution of human life histories.” PNAS 95 (3): 1336–39. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.3.1336.
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Neanderthals had brains a bit larger than ours and were making cave art, : D. L. Hoffmann et al. (2018). “U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art.” Science 359 (6378): 912–15. doi: 10.1126/science.aap7778.
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Homo sapiens became hyper-social through a long process: Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods, Survival of the Friendliest (Random House, 2020); Richard W. Wrangham, The Goodness Paradox (Pantheon, 2019).
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by some accounts, human societies globally have become less violent: Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature (Penguin, 2012).
Chimpanzees and bonobos put on less than 10 percent body fat: H. Pontzer et al. (2016). “Metabolic acceleration and the evolution of human brain size and life history.” Nature 533: 390–92.
hunter-gatherers like the Hadza put on more fat than that: H. Pontzer et al. (2012). “Hunter-gatherer energetics and human obesity.” PLoS One 7 (7): e40503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040503.
life as a hunter-gatherer is tough: For descriptions and data regarding Hadza life and daily activity, see Frank W. Marlowe, The Hadza: Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania (Univ. of California Press, 2010); D. A. Raichlen et al. (2017). “Physical activity patterns and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in hunter-gatherers.” Am. J. Hum. Biol. 29: e22919. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22919.
hunter-gatherers lead lives that would make Westerners melt: H. Pontzer, B. M. Wood, and D. A. Raichlen (2018). “Hunter-gatherers as models in public health.” Obes. Rev. 19 (Suppl 1): 24–35.
Hadza data sat right on top of the measurements: H. Pontzer et al. (2012). “Hunter-gatherer energetics and human obesity.” PLoS One 7: e40503.
daily energy expenditures among five- to twelve-year-old Shuar kids: S. Urlacher et al. (2019). “Constraint and trade-offs regulate energy expenditure during childhood.” Science Advances 5 (12): eaax1065. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax1065.
daily energy expenditure in men and women among the Tsimane: M. D. Gurven et al. (2016). “High resting metabolic rate among Amazonian forager-horticulturalists experiencing high pathogen burden.” Am. J. Phys. Anth. 161 (3): 414–25. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.23040.
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same daily energy expenditures as pampered urbanites: L. R. Dugas et al. (2011). “Energy expenditure in adults living in developing compared with industrialized countries: A meta-analysis of doubly labeled water studies.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 93: 427–41.
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were running roughly 25 miles per week: The protocol was described as 60 minutes per session, 4 days a week, which would be about 25 miles per week at a 9:36 minutes/mile pace.
the rule among warm-blooded animals: H. Pontzer (2015). “Constrained total energy expenditure and the evolutionary biology of energy balance.” Exer. Sport. Sci. Rev. 43: 110–16; T. J. O’Neal et al. (2017). “Increases in physical activity result in diminishing increments in daily energy expenditure in mice.” Curr. Biol. 27 (3): 423–30.
Same goes for kangaroos and pandas: H. Pontzer et al. (2014). “Primate energy expenditure and life history.” PNAS 111 (4): 1433–37; Y. Nie et al. (2015). “Exceptionally low daily energy expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda.” Science 349 (6244): 171–74.
daily energy expenditures and the PAL ratio have stayed the same: K. R. Westerterp and J. R. Speakman (2008). “Physical activity energy expenditure has not declined since the 1980s and matches energy expenditures of wild mammals.” Internat. J. Obesity 32: 1256–63.
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two years, the average amount of weight lost is less than five pounds: D. L. Swift et al. (2014). “The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance.” Prog. Cardiov. Dis. 56 (4): 441–47. doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012.
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Obese people burn just as much energy each day: D. A. Schoeller (1999). “Recent advances from application of doubly labeled water to measurement of human energy expenditure.” J. Nutr. 129: 1765–68.
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European taxonomists named it Indicator indicator: It was originally named Cuculus indicator because honeyguides lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, cuckolding the unwitting parents. See A. Spaarman, “An account of a journey into Africa from the Cape of Good-Hope, and a description of a new species of cuckow.” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London (Royal Society of London, 1777), 38–47.
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our hominin ancestors got their start: H. Pontzer (2012). “Overview of hominin evolution.” Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10): 8, accessed March 18, 2020,
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our digestive tracts are 40 percent smaller: L. C. Aiello and P. Wheeler (1995). “The expensive tissue hypothesis: The brain and the digestive system in human and primate evolution.” Curr. Anthropol. 36: 199–221.
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happened twice, independently, among early pastoralist groups: S. A. Tishkoff et al. (2007). “Convergent adaptation of human lactase persistence in Africa and Europe.” Nature Genetics 39 (1): 31–40. doi: 10.1038/ng1946
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FADS genes have changed in these groups as well: M. Fumagalli et al. (2015). “Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation.” Science 349 (6254): 1343–47.
most people in these groups can’t go into ketosis: F. J. Clemente et al. (2014). “A selective sweep on a deleterious mutation in CPT1A in Arctic populations.” Am. J. Hum. Gen. 95 (5): 584–89. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.09.016.
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ice water won’t change the amount of energy you burn: There’s no evidence that the body burns extra energy to warm up ice water. Even if it did, the 240 ml in a glass of ice water (0°C) would only require 240 × 37 = 8,880 calories to warm up to body temp, or about 9 kcal.
caffeine in a cup of coffee: A. G. Dulloo et al. (1989). “Normal caffeine consumption: Influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean and postobese human volunteers.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49 (1): 44–50.
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