Abel, Brent Maxwell, 37–38

Abnaki, 178

Adams, A. B., 39

Adams, Francis, Jr., 188

Adcock, Roy, 112

African American pilots, 167–68, 170, 271n9

African American sailors: duties and positions open to, 1, 165–66, 168, 169–70, 182; recruitment of, 1, 169; training of, 170–74, 272n18; treatment of, 182–83; warships manned by, 1, 174–77, 178, 180–83, 272n29, 273n54. See also race relations and issues

Albany, 247, 248–50

Albany, Port of, 247, 249

Allen, Elmo, 103, 177–78, 179

Amick, 158–59

Amsbury, 151

Anderson, Charles Alfred, 167–68

Anderson, Dale, 185–86, 189

Andrews, Leonard, 220

Anuszczyk, Edmond J., 30–31

Armstrong, Daniel W., 172–73

Army, U.S.: drafted soldiers, 7–8, 255n3; internal bickering between Navy and, 51; segregation and discrimination in, 165, 167, 169, 170

Army Air Corps/Army Air Force, U.S, 1, 80, 145, 150, 167–68, 171, 211–12, 222

ash cans, 20, 21

Astor, Vincent, 53, 56

Atherton, 158–62

Avener, John W., 30

Axis Sally, 90, 101, 264–65n36

Baillargeon, Jarvis, 12

Baker, 85, 86

Bangust, 213, 216–17, 219–20

Barnhart, Theodore, 186–87, 188

Barth, Carl, 159–62

Bates, 122, 151–52, 251

Battle of the Atlantic, xv, 43, 67, 68, 69–71, 81, 85, 102, 191

Bavier, Robert M., Jr., 132–33

Beaver, Ernest, 76

Bell, William H., 187, 190

Benchley, Nathaniel G., 229–30, 276n18

Bender, Howard R., 34–35

Bermingham, 178

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 163–64, 271n2

Beyer, Erin, 197

Bismarck Sea, 237, 238–39

Blackford, William M., 176, 181

Bland, William, 183

Blessman, 151, 241–43

Block Island, 37, 38

Blue, Sam, 201, 204

Blue Jay, 175

Bobbitt, Lucas, 26, 27

Borum, 151

Bostwick, 86

Bowen, Harold G., 44, 66

Boy, John B., 146

Bradley, Russ V., 178–80

Breeman, 86

Bright, 239–40

Brinkman, John, 121

Brodie, George W,, 42–43

Bronstein, 86, 87, 88–89

Brough, 150

Browning, A. J., 121

Buckley, 36–38, 259n19, 259n22

Bulwicz, Leonard, 10

Burgun, J. Armond, 25–28

Butler. See John C. Butler

Callan, Paul L., 232

Camp, Arthur D., 54

Camp Robert Smalls, 171–74

Card, 86

Carinci, Joseph, 31

Carney, Robert B., 259n29

Carr, Henry, 201

Cayo, Howard, 202

Cecil J. Doyle, 244

Chaffee, 211–12

Chase, 177–80

Chatelain, 72, 73–74, 77–78, 79, 82, 83–84

Chickini, Alfred, 121

Churchill, Winston, xv, 46, 48, 49–50, 53, 60–61, 80, 156

Ciaccio, Thomas J., 160

Coast Guard, U.S.: boot camp, 5, 17, 25–26; DEs manned by, 17, 26, 29, 30, 32, 139, 148, 253, 258n14; landing barges, 17; picket patrol and, 55; reasons for joining, 4–5, 16, 141, 144–45; vision requirements, 16

coastal patrol ships (PC), 122. See also PC-entries

Cochrane, Edward L., 65–66, 71

Coleman, B. M., 84

collisions at sea, 37–38, 85–86, 146–49, 227–28

Combs, James A., 101

Comly, John A., 41, 42

communication systems, 133, 134

Conley, Franklyn “Jeff,” 208, 209, 210

Connolly, 248

convoys: aerial attacks on, 29–30, 31, 32, 38–39; effectiveness of DEs to protect, 24, 43; effectiveness of U-boats against, xv, xvi, 43–44, 67; waters included in escort program, 17, 25, 29, 30, 34, 38, 52, 259n22. See also merchant ships

Coolbaugh, 210, 211

Cooney, Tom, 231

Copeland, Robert, 192, 194, 200, 201, 202, 203, 206–7

Corry, 88–89

Cosgrove, John P., 232–35

Cox, Charles R., 239–40

Cox, Daniel, 62

Cozens, Roger, 83

Craig, Cassin, 182

Creech, William, 125, 128

Crosby, James R., 111

Crow. See Howard D. Crow

Crum, Rodger J., 227, 228

Currie, Robert, 222–23

Curtis, William, 195

Daniels, Josephus, 62, 261n9

David, Albert L., 74–75

David W. Taylor, 222–23

Davis, Charles, 195

Davis, Henry Eugene, 216–17, 219–20

Davis, Martin, 15–17, 132, 182, 248

Davis, Preston, 159

Dawson, George R., 245, 246

Day, 22–23, 191–92, 261n1

Day, James Edward, 95, 265n39

Deal, Harold S., 6

Decker, 38–39

DeNardo, Frank P., 77–78

Dennis, 192, 195–97

Denson, Howard Kenneth, 139, 141–42

Derwoyed, Donald, 197

destroyer escorts (DEs): accommodations aboard, 22, 23, 131–32; beginning of use of, xvi; characteristics and specifications of, 19, 66–67, 69, 106, 130–31; construction of, xv, xvi, 19, 65, 67–68, 131; cost of, 19, 131; delay in construction of, criticism of, 69–71; design of, xv, 64–67, 69, 130–31; effectiveness of, xv–xvi, xvi, 24, 28, 31, 43, 59–60, 71, 105; equipment aboard, xvi, 19, 124; food on, 108–9, 120, 214, 217; fueling at sea, 134–35, 136, 234; life aboard, 22–24, 106, 119–22, 123, 131–35, 246; medical care aboard, 119, 159–60, 161, 211; number built, xvi, 65, 68, 248; opposition to construction of, xvi, 44, 49, 50, 51, 68–70, 71; power plants, 19, 67, 69; scale models ships, 66–67; shipyards that built, 39, 67–68, 70–71, 95, 122, 151, 241, 245, 252; sinking of, 6, 25, 31–32, 36, 110–16, 135, 251; speed of, 20; support for construction of, xv, xvi, 43–44, 49–50, 51–53, 60–61, 68, 71, 259n29; transfer between ships, 94, 106–8; transport ship conversions, 240–43; watch keeping, 132, 133–34; weapons on, 20–22, 69, 147, 150, 196. See also sailors on destroyer escorts

Docalovich, Edward M., 238

Donnell, 31, 33–34, 251

Douglas L. Howard, 105

Downes, 42 draft, 5, 255n4

Duchin, Eddy, 122, 267n14

DuFau, Lorenzo A,, 180

DuFilho, 244

Dumford, J. W., 79, 80

Dunn, James, 177, 180–81

E-boats, 151

Eckholm, Greg, 121

Eddy, Tom, 151–52

Edgar G. Chase, 103–4

Edmonds, 238, 239

Eichenberger, 189

electric power supply ships, 34, 245–46, 258n16

Emery, Maynard, 195

England, 220–22, 224–25, 239, 251

Enigma machine, 76, 79

Esch, Charles, 230

European theater, 109

Eversole, 223–24, 251

Fairlee, William, 216

Farley, Daniel, 29–30

Farquhar, 43

Fechteler, 28, 34–36, 43, 251

Felt, Whitney, 193–94, 206

Fessenden, 105

Field, Charlie K., 85–86, 87–88, 90

films, 119–20, 246

fishing boat patrols, 53, 56

Fiske, 25, 28, 39–43, 251

Flaherty, 73, 82, 83, 113–14, 117

Fleischmann, Arthur C., 132

Forester, 31

Forrestal, James, 68, 70–71

Fortney, Howard W., 198, 209

Foster, Cedric, 245–46, 277n30

Fowler, 95, 143, 265n39

Fowler, Robert Ludlow, 265n39

foxer gear, 32, 33, 85

France, 18–19, 34, 48, 155, 252, 258n16

Frazer, Frank A., 101

Frazitta, Frank, 246

Frederick C. Davis, 6, 77, 99–102, 110–16, 118, 135, 158, 251

Fritz X (glide bomb), 97–102, 116

Frost, 10, 80, 89, 119, 121–30

Gallagher, Daniel R., 223

Gallery, Daniel V., 72–73, 74, 77, 78–79, 81–83

Gambier Bay, 195, 196, 197, 198

Gandy, 148–49

Gannon, James W., 227

Ganter, 132

Garrison, Benjamin, 170–71, 175, 181, 182

Geiermann, William, 43

Gendreau, 232–35

Genmeiner, Gerth, 126

George, 214, 220, 221–22

Germany: glide bombs (Fritz X), 97–102, 116; Luftwaffe, 29–30, 31, 32, 38–39; radio broadcasts from, 81, 90, 101; submarine capture by, 263n2. See also U-boats Gibbs, William Francis, 61–67, 261n9

Gibbs and Cox, 61, 62, 63, 64–65, 67–68

Gillars, Mildred (Axis Sally), 90, 101, 264–65n36

Givens, Norm, 232

Glennon, 153, 155

glide bombs (Fritz X), 97–102, 116

Goggins, Robert L., 210, 211

Gowers, Troy, 27

Gowling, George, 98–102

Graddy, William Bryant, 4

Graham, James, 1, 171, 172, 173–74, 175, 176–77

Graham, William, 28

Grater, George, 195

Graves, Richard, 225–26, 231

Graybeal, David M., 89–90, 131–32

Graziano, Fred, 195–96, 197

Great Britain: aircraft near convoys, 34; destroyers for bases deal, 44; German attacks on, 47; hedgehogs, 20–21; Lend-Lease program, 46–49, 252; mine hazards, 155–56; need for DEs, xv, 49–50, 60–61, 71; submarine capture by, 263n2; treatment of prisoners by, 38, 125

Guadalcanal, 72, 76, 78, 81–82

Guio, Joe, 218–19

Haas, 230

Halloran, 92, 226, 239, 265n37

Halsey, William “Bull,” 197, 215–16, 220–21

hammocks, 23, 132, 134, 171–72

Hammon, Jerry, 13–14, 257n30

Hancock, Levi, 111–12

hand-to-hand combat, 36–38, 259n19

Hannan, Kenneth H., 134–35

Hardwicke, Thomas L., 103

Harney, William, 237

Harrison, Melroy, 218

Hayter, 114

hedgehogs, 20–22

Heerman, 193

Heitzel, Carl, 162

Herbert C. Jones, 100–102

high-frequency direction finder, 26, 124

Hillyer, Richard B, 214

Hinckley, R. M., Jr., 20

Hinz, Edward, 241–43

Hissem, 31

Hoenshel, Robert, 148

Holder, 30–31, 251, 258n14

Holman, Robert, 9–10, 126

Holton, 145–46

Hopping, 34

Howard, 39

Howard, Thomas, 1, 174–75, 181, 183

Howard D. Crow, 139, 140, 141–42, 143–44, 253

Howard L. Gibson, 146

Hubbard, 114

Huff Duff, 26, 124

Huffman, Glenn, 205–6, 207

Hughes, Ernest, 145–46

Hughey, Fred, 115

Hull, 216, 217, 219

Huse, 122, 127

Hyades, 127–28

ice cream and ice cream machines, 57–59, 212, 229, 261n1

Ickes, Harold, 170, 271n9

Inch, 89, 125, 126–27

Indianapolis, 243–44

Ireland, 17, 25, 33, 34, 45, 148, 183

Iselin, Lewis, 158, 159, 160–62, 270n41

Iwo Jima, 236–39, 241–42

J. R. Y. Blakeley, 105

Jackson, A., Jr., 89

Jambois, Ray, 223

Janssen, 117, 118

Japan: Japanese food and U-boat crews, 105; mine hazards, 156–57; retreat from Leyte Gulf battle, 208–9; submarines, 190–91, 219–25, 227, 228, 230, 274n11. See also kaiten (midget submarines)

Jenks, 72, 73–74, 77, 79

Jennings, Gerald D., 247, 248–49

John C. Butler, 192, 193, 208, 209, 210, 239

Johnnie Huchins, 7, 127, 128

Johnson, Robert L., Jr., 198–200

Johnson, Robert W., 57, 58–59, 186

Jones, William F., 212

Joseph E. Campbell, 32–33

Joseph T. Dickman, 152

Joyce, 26, 28, 149, 253

Judson, Charles, 144

kaiten (midget submarines), 225–30

kamikaze attacks, 184, 185, 189, 209–10, 211, 212, 230–40

Karetka, Peter, 114–15

Keally, John “Bo,” 7, 128

keelhauling, 218, 275n8

Kellogg, David M., 85–86, 87

Kendall C. Campbell, 57–59, 186, 188

Kendig, Ellsworth, 238–39

Kephart, 94

Kerrigan. Warren J., 118–19, 121–23, 127–28

Kessinger, AG, 199

Kimmell, Vern, 197–98, 208

King, George, 142–43

Kinney, Sheldon, 88

Kip, Ruloff F., 112–14, 267n4

Knispel, Arthur, 75

Knox, Dudley, 73

Knox, Frank, 44, 51, 70, 165–66, 168, 259n29

Koiner, 139–40, 141, 142–43, 144

Kruse, Donald, 7–8, 227–28

Kunsak, John, Jr., 231

Kyle, Burton T., 35

LaFollette, Clarence W., 24

Lamons, 213

Lampe, John, 132

Laning, 34, 35, 36

Lansdale, 32

Larner, Jim, 22–23, 191–92, 261n1

Lawrence, Donald, 154–55

Lawson, George, 185

Lend-Lease program, 18–19, 46–49, 252

Leopold, 24–28, 39, 43, 251, 253

letters to and from home, 90–93, 94, 265n37

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 191, 192–210

liberty, 10, 22, 25, 26, 87, 233

Liberty ships, 15, 30, 146

Liddle, xviii, 4, 20, 21, 22, 24, 94, 115, 133, 134, 147, 161, 196

Lind, Alfred L., 181

Lovett, Charles, 134

Lowe, 253, 258n14

Lukosius, Zenon, 74, 75

Lundeberg, Philip K., 77, 111, 113, 116, 267n4

mail, 90–93, 94, 265n37

Maloy, 151

Marchand, 148, 253

Marine Corps, U.S., 5–6, 16, 141, 222

Marix, George, 224

Marks, James, 217

Maroukis, Manuel, 10

Marshall, Sidney, 242

mascots, 121, 204

Mason, 1, 174–77, 178, 180–83, 273n54

Maumee, 178

McClatchie, Frank, 99, 135, 137–38

McCrane, Joseph, 218–19

McDaniel, E. F., 93–95

McDermitt, Oren, 236

McElfrish, Chief, 121

McMichael, Robert, 32

McNulty, 134

McWhorter, John F., 110, 111

Mediterranean Sea, 29, 30, 38, 97–102, 116

Melvin H. Nawman, 217, 239, 277n26

Mender, 258n14

Menges, 31–32, 253, 258n14

Merchant Marines, 141, 145

merchant ships: cargo losses, 43, 52, 60, 87, 102; effectiveness of U-boats against, xv, xvi, 43–44, 45, 48, 82–83, 87, 102, 158; lights from cities to target, xvi, 45, 86–87; number sunk by U-boats, xvi, 45, 48, 52, 87, 102, 103. See also convoys

Meredith, 152

Mesher, Irving, 237

Michel, Edward, 153, 154

Mills, 30, 253

mines: destroyers sunk by, 152–55; land mines, 152; limpet mines, 102; Normandy invasion mine hazard, 152–56; Pacific theater mine hazard, 156–57; U-boat mine-laying missions, 85, 86

minesweeping operations, 153, 155, 156, 174, 175

Mission Bay, 105

Mississinewa, 225, 226

Mitchell, James, 156–57

Moberly, 158–59

Monaghan, 216, 218–19

Monarez, Carlos R., 244

Morony, John J., 103

Moscarski, Chester, 75

Mosky, Stanley, 122

Moylan, Dudley, 192, 206

musicians and musical groups, 25, 26, 121–22, 123, 166, 168, 170, 237, 267n14

Musumeci, Frank, 125, 129

Muth, Harold, 142

National Industrial Recovery Act, 44

National Youth Administration (NYA), 163–64

Navy, U.S.: boot camp, 9–10, 11–13, 34, 256n17; DEs, resistance to, xvi, 44, 49, 50, 68–70, 71; Great Lakes Naval Training Center, 3, 6, 7, 8–9, 10–11, 122, 145, 171–74, 255n3; internal bickering between Army and, 51; naval stations along coast, 50–51; reasons for joining, 1–3, 5–8, 10, 12, 114, 118–19, 122, 211–12, 222; rebuilding of, 44; recruitment standards, 2–3, 7, 145, 255n3; segregation and discrimination in, 165–66, 167, 168, 169–70; small vessel use, 50, 53–54, 55; Subchaser Training Center, 14, 35, 93–96, 114, 122, 190, 221; Tenth Fleet, 52, 105; training facilities, 3, 6, 7, 8–13, 34, 80, 145, 147, 170–74, 255n3, 272n18; V-7 program, 150; V-12 program, 7, 14, 43, 80; vision requirements, 16

Neal A. Scott, 135, 137–38

Neumann, Jack, 223

Newcomb, Robert M., 228

Newfoundland, 15, 25, 39, 44, 124

Newman, Harold, 41–42

Newton, Adolph, 171–72

Nicholson, Owen, 108–9

Nixon, John M., 143, 144

Norfolk Navy Base, 130

Normandy invasion, 151, 152–56

Novotny, Richard, 27–28

Oberrender, 239, 251

ocean liners, 45–46, 179

O’Flaherty, 232

Okinawa, 92, 187, 231–32, 234–35, 239–40, 266nn18–19

Ommaney Bay, 189

O’Toole, 178

Otter, 14–15, 112, 114

Overacker, Arthur, 79

Pacific theater, 105, 109, 156–57, 191

Paradis, Joseph A., 133

Patterson, 154

PC-597, 265n39

PC-653, 207

PC-1251, 229

PC-1264, 272n29

Pearl Harbor, xvi, 1, 4–6, 8–9, 10, 11, 16, 42, 118–19, 233–34

Pearson, William, 154, 155

Peterson, 149, 253

Peterson, Harold, 38–39

Pettit, 17, 121, 182, 248, 253

Petty, A. J., 33

Philadelphia, 97

Phillips, Kenneth, 26

Pickels, Wayne M., 72, 73–74, 75, 76–77, 78, 84–85, 263n11

picket duty, 232, 234, 235–36, 239–40

picket patrol, 53–55, 56

Pillsbury, 72, 73–74, 77, 78, 82, 84–85, 112

Pincus, Albert R., 211–12

ping line duty. See picket patrol

Piper, Robert D., 232

Plage, Lee, 213, 215, 216, 217–18

Poll, Milfred, 161

Pope, 73, 82, 83

Poulson, Harold, 249, 250

power supply ships, 34, 245–46, 258n16

Powers, 178

Powers, Evan, 101

Pride, 32–33, 253

prosthetic regiment, 255n3

Puffin, 175

Purvis, Louis, 218

Pyle, Ernie, 105–9, 266nn18–19

Quackenbush, William, 35

Quigley, Robert, 143, 144–45

Quincy, 80, 128

Raby, 220, 221–22

race relations and issues: in American industry, 166–67; executive order to ban discrimination, 166–67, 170; FDR and, 163–67, 168–70, 173–74, 271n9, 271n13; minorities in the armed forces, 164–68, 169–70; racial equality principle, 170. See also African American sailors

Rall, 225, 226, 231

Ramsden, 30, 253

Randolph, Asa Philip, 165, 166, 167

Raymond, 192, 197–99, 209

Read, Kendall E., 261n1

Reeves, 34

Reuben James, 103, 132, 259n22

Reynolds, 105–9

Rhodes, 17, 29, 253

Rich, 151, 153–55, 251

Richard S. Bull, 224

Riddle, 222–23

Riemer, William, 5–6, 101, 102

Roberge, Walter, 2–3, 214–15

Robert F. Keller, 219

Roberts. See Samuel B. Roberts

Roberts, Everett “Bob,” 200, 205, 206, 207

robot rocket bombs, 110

Roche, 156–57, 251

Rohde, Richard, 200–201, 203–4, 207

Roosevelt, Anne, 18

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 13, 18, 163, 164, 165, 167–68, 271n2

Roosevelt, Elliott, 190, 274n10

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR): antisubmarine warfare, 50–51; death of, 118, 186–87; DEs transferred to France, 18–19; destroyers for bases deal, 44; driving skills of, 49; Great Lakes Naval Training Center visit, 173–74; Indianapolis use by, 243; Lend-Lease program, 19, 46–49; letter from Churchill, 46; naval stations along coast, 50–51; Pearl Harbor visit, 233–34; polio condition, 47; race relations and issues, 163–67, 168–70, 173–74, 271n9, 271n13; rebuilding of Navy, 44; Selective Training and Service Act signing, 5; ship design interest, 62; small vessels, support for, 50, 53, 55; support for DEs, xv, xvi, 43–44, 49–50, 60–61, 71; Yalta summit, 80, 128

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 13, 57–59, 95–96, 184–91, 234

Roosevelt, James “Jimmy,” 190, 274n10

Roosevelt, John, 190

Roosevelt, Sara, 48, 163, 271n2

Roosevelt, Theodore, 8, 259n29

Roper, 103

Ross, Clarence, 153–54

Rudderow, 12

sailors on destroyer escorts: age of enlistees, 2–3, 5–6, 13; death and destruction witnessed by, 118, 244; diaries kept by, 22–23, 29, 108, 109, 151, 152, 177, 215, 237; as heroes, xv, xvii–xviii; letters from and to home, 90–93, 94, 265n37; sea experience of, 3, 6, 12

St. Lo, 195, 209–10

Sambo, John, 195

Samuel B. Roberts, 192–94, 200–208, 251

Santee, 210–11

Sarafini, Tullio J., 203, 207–8

Savage, 29–30, 253

Savannah, 97

Saylor, Sam, 248

Schmocker, Dan, 153

Sea Otter II, 55

seasickness, 132

Sederstrom, 236

Seiverling, 186–87, 188–89

Selective Training and Service Act, 5

Sellars, Jimmie J., 36–37

Sellstrom, 30, 253

Senegalais, 18–19, 32–33

Sesson, 213

Shanklin, Robert, 104

sharks, 114, 127, 128, 204–5, 210, 218, 219, 220, 221, 244

Shaw, Penny Ellis, 265n37

Shelton, 223, 251

shipbuilding, 48–49, 102

Shumate, William, 226

Sieviec, Theodore, 143–44

Sileo, Daniel, 33–34

Silverstein, 236–37

Skebe, Stanley G., 223

Slater, 80, 247–50

Sloat, 30

Smith, Joe, 17

Smith, Marvin, 108

Snowden, 89–90, 125, 127, 128, 131

Solar, 251

sonar, 19, 82, 117

Soriano, Pellegrino, 117, 118

Spalding, Ralph D., 9

Spangler, 221

Spence, 216, 219

Sprague, Clifton “Ziggy,” 194, 200

Squires, Eugene, 24

Stafford, 184–85, 189, 273n1

Stanback, William C., 148–49

Stanford, Alfred, 53

Stanton, 30, 129, 130

Stein, Milton, 150

Stevenson, Tom, 202–3, 207–8

Stimson, Henry L., 170

Stinson, Leo F., 40

Storrick, Robert, 80–81

Suckley, Margaret “Daisy,” 18, 174

Sumpter, Frank W., 242

Surdam, Robert, 219

Sutelle, Daniel, 188–89

Suwannee, 211

Swasey, 127, 128

Swearer, 3, 135, 213, 214–15, 219

Tabberer, 213–14, 215, 217–18, 219

Taylor, Norman, 146–48

Thomas, 85–89, 113

Thomas, Robert F., 240

Thomas, Terry, 4–5, 17, 29

Timberlake, Joseph H., 228

Tobin, William, 158, 159, 160, 162

Tollaksen, Leslie B., 159

Tomich, 30

torpedoes, 84–85, 111, 143

Touzell, Charles W., 196–97

Truman, Harry, 69–70, 118, 243

Trusheim, Phil, 76

Tucker, Ralph E., 216

Turner, Bob, 210

Tuskegee Institute, 167–68

U-boats: booby traps aboard, 74, 75; capture of, 72–81, 85, 263n2, 263n8, 263nn11–12, 264n17; crew on, 76, 125; effectiveness of, xv, xvi, 34, 43–44, 45, 48, 67, 82–83, 87, 102, 158; food on, 138; mine-laying mission, 85, 86; in Pacific theater, 105; periscope, 138; rebuilding force of, 104–5; resupply of, 36, 88, 123, 124, 259n19; sinking of, xviii, 28, 43, 60, 71, 81, 85, 119, 122–23; snorkels, 118, 124, 129–30; wolfpack tactics of, 52

U-boats encounters: U-26, 45; U-58, 45; U-66, 36–38, 259n19; U-85, 103; U-109, 103–4; U-154, 126–27; U-188, 36, 259n19; U-219, 105; U-233, 85–86; U-248, 114; U-255, 26–27, 28; U-371, 32–33; U-473, 33; U-488, 88, 122–23; U-490, 89–90, 124–26; U-505, 72–81, 85, 263n8, 263nn11–12, 264n17; U-515, 82–85; U-546, 110–11, 116–18, 135; U-548, 259n22; U-550, 149; U-602, 143; U-603, 88; U-709, 88; U-801, 88; U-804, 25, 40–41; U-853, 158–59; U-866, 258n14; U-869, 139–44; U-880, 129, 130; U-967, 34; U-1062, 105; U-1228, 135, 137–38; U-1235, 129–30

Ulvert M. Moore, 10, 57, 58, 59, 96, 184–86, 187, 188–91, 274n11

Underhill, 225, 226–30, 251

United States (US): friendship between France and, 19; radio broadcasts from, 81; treatment of prisoners by, 38; U-boat attacks along coast of, xvi, 32, 45, 68, 85–87, 103–4, 110, 118, 126, 128, 139–44, 158–59

Varian, 114

Villanella, Joseph, 79, 83, 84, 264n17

Virum, John A., 234

Vitsky, Maurice, 160

Warner, Richard, 57–59, 186, 188

Warrington, 127–28, 178

Waterman, 213

weather conditions, 25, 26, 34, 113, 127–28, 129–30, 131–32, 148, 175, 177, 178–81, 213–19

Weaver, 213, 226

Weber, 147–48

Weiss, William, 157

whaleboats, 13, 72, 74–75, 76, 77–78, 89, 115, 137, 140, 142, 224, 232

White, Earl Charles, Jr., 90–92, 265n37

White, Robert, 39–40

White, Walter, 164–65, 166, 167

Whitehurst, 224

Whitney, Bobby, 190

Wicks, Robert, 211

Wilcox, Robert, 28

Williamson, John A., 221–22

Wilmerding, Henry, Jr., 152, 153

Wiseman, 245–46

Woodson, 127

World War I, 8, 9, 20, 50

Worley, Percell, 195

Yarbrough, Johnny, 242

Youmans, Richard L., 101

Young, Robert D., 235–36

Young, Thomas W., 177, 182–83

Yusen, Jack, 200, 201, 205