
Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten) has remained one of the most important and influential works in modern moral philosophy since it was first published in 1785; its only possible peers are John Stuart Mill’s two masterpieces On Liberty and Utilitarianism, published eight decades later. In the second half of the twentieth century, Kant’s Groundwork has if anything been even more widely read than before, studied intensively by students in courses in moral philosophy at every level and providing the inspiration for some of the most creative work done by contemporary moral philosophers.

There are obvious reasons why the book enjoys and deserves its popularity: it provides impressive formulations of the most fundamental principle of morality; it provides concrete but controversial examples of virtuous human conduct and the application of the fundamental principle of morality that continues to supply material for fruitful discussion; and it offers a stirring image of the possibility of deriving rules for human conduct from the value of human freedom and autonomy itself that does not depend on a theological view of the world and the place of humanity in it although it is not incompatible with an enlightened theology. In this regard, the Groundwork can be regarded as the paradigmatic expression of the ideals of the European Enlightenment, ideals that many regard as having been irremediably undermined by the gloomy history of the twentieth century, but which are probably better regarded as not yet having had a real chance to prove themselves. The twentieth century’s long nightmare of fascism and totalitarianism in all its forms did not undermine the validity of the ideals of the Enlightenment, although it may have shown how hard it is to realize them.

In spite of its importance and even a kind of popularity, the Groundwork is one of the most difficult to read and understand of the great works of Western philosophy. The book is mercifully short, but its arguments are often too obscure and the transitions between them too abrupt to be clear. Kant’s formulations of the fundamental principle of morality are impressive, but it is by no means clear how they are meant to be related to each other nor exactly how they are to be applied. And while Kant clearly thought that he could make his views intuitive by including more examples than he did in his Critique of Pure Reason (1781), what he has to say about these examples—such as that a person who acts entirely out of sympathetic inclination to others displays no special moral worth in his actions and deserves no special praise—often seems thoroughly counterintuitive, thus standing in the way of comprehension and acceptance of his general principles rather than helping them gain a proper hearing.

Because of both its importance and its difficulty, Kant’s Groundwork has received careful attention from some of the best moral philosophers and historical scholars currently working, and in the last couple of decades an immense body of helpful secondary literature about the Groundwork has been published. The purpose of the present volume is to introduce students and readers of Kant’s work to some of the best of this literature, and in so doing to introduce them to some of the most important issues in the interpretation of the work and to some of the most helpful voices in its contemporary discussion. To accomplish these two goals, two principles have been adopted in the selection of the work here presented. First, following J. B. Schneewind’s initial essay (“Natural Law, Skepticism, and Methods of Ethics”), which furnishes some of the key historical background for understanding Kant’s aims in the Groundwork,1 the rest of the essays presented each focus on one of the three sections of Kant’s book and one or more issues raised in and by that section. These essays are grouped in the order of Kant’s three sections, and as far as possible the order of the essays within these sections parallels the sequence of topics in Kant’s own work. To that extent the essays can be used as a selective, collective commentary2 as the reader reads through Kant’s book. Second, to maximize readers’ exposure to leading writers on Kant’s ethics, only one article from each author represented here has been included, although many of these authors have published numerous articles and books that can be immensely helpful even to beginning students of the Groundwork. The authors’ own notes as well as this volume’s suggested readings will help readers to find further works by the authors represented here as well as valuable work by others that could not be presented here.

The essays that follow offer a great wealth of insight about Kant’s Groundwork, about both its promises and its problems. So that readers can get to those papers as quickly as possible, this introduction will be kept short. What follows will be only a brief outline of the Groundwork and suggestions about how the papers included bear on the various issues of both interpretation and assessment that it raises.

Title and Preface

The first question a reader might ask is just what Kant meant by the title Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, or, in German, Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten. The first part of the title has in the past been translated as principle or foundations.3 But German has other words for those English terms, Grundsatz and Grundlage respectively, the first of which Kant frequently uses, which therefore makes the use of another word for the translation of Grundlegung preferable. In addition, the terms principle and foundations also lack the active connotation of the participle Grundlegung, which suggests something like laying the foundation or preparing the ground for something. To capture that connotation, one recent translator used the word grounding as a noun,4 but that seems an unnecessary neologism. As do most of the authors in the collection, I have preferred the translation “Groundwork,” used by H. J. Paton in his classical translation of the book from 1948,5 which by incorporating the word “work” captures the active element of Kant’s participle without mimicking its grammar. This term has also been used by Mary J. Gregor in her monumental new translation of all of Kant’s writings in both moral and political philosophy.6

Why is it important to preserve this connotation? To answer this question already requires an interpretation of Kant’s intentions. Clearly, Kant meant this book to enunciate the fundamental principle of morality and show something about how it is applied, at least enough to show that he has correctly formulated the principle. But if that were all he meant, he could have simply called the book The Principle of Morality, without using the peculiarly active term Grundlegung—nor, for that matter, would he have had to use the mysterious phrase metaphysics of morals (Metaphysik der Sitten) instead of just morals (Sitten) or morality (Moralität). In fact, by making the tide of his book complex in just the way he did—using the participle and inserting the word metaphysics into it—Kant seems to have meant to signal two different points about his aims. First, he clearly did not mean simply to formulate the principle of morality and illustrate its application, but also to show how that principle is rooted in and can be justified by irreducible features of human thought and action, in Kant’s terms in practical reason and the freedom of the will. To provide the groundwork for a principle rather than just to state the principle is to prepare the way for the reception of the principle by grounding it in a certain conception of these most fundamental human faculties or capacities. Since a philosophical conception of these most fundamental faculties as the basis for morality can be called a “metaphysics of morals,” then one thing that Kant meant by calling his work a “groundwork of the metaphysics of morals” is that it is a groundwork for the fundamental principle of morality in a metaphysics of morals, an argument for it that roots it in a particular philosophical account of the most fundamental of human capacities and their value. Kant indicated this aspect of his intentions by his use of the phrase metaphysics of morals (Metaphysik der Sitten) at several key places in his text (for example, G, 388-89 and 426).

However, there is something else that Kant meant by the phrase metaphysics of morals. During the two decades before he published the Groundwork, Kant had often expressed his intention to write a systematic moral philosophy, that is, a systematic enumeration of our obligations and duties, under the title of a “Metaphysics of Morals.” Kant reiterated this intention in the preface to the Groundwork, making it clear that the present work was intended as a preparation for such a systematic treatise on duties. Finally, a dozen years after the publication of the Groundwork, Kant did at last publish a systematic account of what he had by then come to call our duties of right and of virtue (our duties and rights as members of polities and our duties just as human beings) under the title of the Metaphysics of Morals (1797). This work offers a systematic account of our duties and obligations based on the division of all of our duties to ourselves and to others into two classes, those that are coercively—juridically and politically—enforceable and those that are not, but can only be enforced by the application of our own consciences to our natural dispositions and inclinations. In publishing the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals in 1785, Kant clearly intended to provide the introduction to such a work, although in the dozen years between 1785 and 1797 he ended up writing two additional critiques—the Critique of Practical Reason (1788) and the Critique of Judgment (1790)—as well as his major work on morality as the only possible basis for religion—Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason (1793)—none of which were foreseen at the time of the Groundwork, and all of which in various ways also introduce the eventual Metaphysics of Morals. When Kant finally did write the Metaphysics of Morals, the relation of both its foundation and its division of duties to the earlier Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals was by no means straightforward. Nevertheless, when he wrote the Groundwork Kant clearly intended it as a preparation for a work like the later Metaphysics of Morals, and this tells us something about how it must be understood.

In the preface to the Groundwork, Kant compares a metaphysics of morals to a metaphysics of nature, suggesting that the metaphysics of morals will be the pure or exclusively rational part of ethics, contrasted to an empirical part that might be called “practical anthropology,” just as a metaphysics of nature must contain both a pure and an empirical part (G, 388). In the preface to the Metaphysics of Morals, however, Kant suggests that a work with such a title must include at least a certain amount of practical anthropology or empirical information about human beings, so that it can be seen what sorts of duties and obligations human beings applying the fundamental principle of morality in the general circumstances of human life must have, even though such a work can never amount to a complete empirical system or specification of all of our duties (MM, 6:205-6). In this second sense, a “metaphysics of morals” is not an entirely abstract foundation for moral theory, but rather a worked-out system of duties that takes account of at least some general features of the human condition as made known to us empirically rather than by reason alone (just as a metaphysics of nature turned out [in Kant’s 1786 book Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science] not to be entirely pure or a priori but rather to explicate the consequences of applying the pure principles of the understanding to the empirical concept of motion).

Thus the title of a Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals must be taken in a double sense. On the one hand, the task of such a work must be that of grounding a conception of the fundamental principle of morality in highly abstract concepts of reason and will, in abstraction from all details about the human situation except the minimal assumption that we have such a reason and such a will. In this sense, the work grounds the fundamental principle of morality in a metaphysical conception of the basis of morality, as Kant several times suggests. On the other hand, the work must also be a preparation for the metaphysics of morals in Kant’s later sense, or at least begin to show how the most general principle of morality can give rise to a concrete system of obligations and duties when it is applied to the human condition considered in at least some of its particularity, that is, considering at least very general but still empirical facts about human beings such as that the kinds of ends we can freely choose to fulfill depend upon our being not pure wills but embodied creatures, that our ability to fulfill the ends we set for ourselves depends upon our mental and physical health as well as upon the development of skills and talents that require time and education, and perhaps a few other extremely general but still empirical presuppositions of this sort.

This in turn suggests that the examples that Kant offers in the course of the Groundwork also have a dual function. On the one hand, insofar as they play a part in suggesting the analysis of the fundamental principle of morality in a metaphysics of morals, they anchor Kant’s account of the fundamental conceptions of reason and will themselves, which will in turn be used to ground the fundamental principle of morality, in intuitive and commonly accepted claims about human nature. On the other hand, as part of a preparation for a metaphysics of morals in Kant’s later sense, the examples are there to confirm his account of the fundamental principle of morality not by looking back to its foundations but by looking forward to its application. Thus Kant appeals to examples both to ground his account of the fundamental principle of morality and to confirm it by showing that it will lead to a system of duties that we will all recognize, one that may well refine commonsense conceptions of our duties but will still be recognizable by common sense. This dual function is to some extent divided, with the first role of the examples more prominent in the Groundwork’s Section I and the second more prominent in Section II, but there is a risk of serious confusion in the discussion of Kant’s examples if both of their roles are not recognized.

So much for the implications of Kant’s title. We can now consider the brief remarks about the structure and method of the book that he makes in the Preface. Kant offers two different statements of his purpose, each of which must be kept in mind in all that follows. On the one hand, Kant suggests that the purpose of the Groundwork is purely theoretical, “nothing more than the search for and establishment of the supreme principle of morality, which constitutes by itself a business that in its purpose is complete and to be kept apart from every other moral investigation” (G, 392). The phrase “search for and establishment of” suggests that even from a purely theoretical point of view, the work has a twofold aim, being intended both to discover the proper formulation—or formulations—of this supreme principle of morality and to prove its validity. On the other hand, Kant also suggests that his project has a practical as well as a theoretical motivation: “A metaphysics of morals is therefore indispensably necessary, not merely because of a motive to speculation—for investigating the source of the practical principles that lie a priori in our reason—but also because morals themselves remain subject to all sorts of corruption as long as we are without that clue and supreme norm by which to appraise them correctly” (G, 389-90). A clear account of the fundamental principle of morality and a convincing proof not only that this principle is binding upon us but also that we are capable of living up to it is not a matter of interest solely to the philosopher, but is of practical importance to every human being as a means by which to counteract the natural human tendency to find ways to lighten the demands of morality even if at some level we also naturally acknowledge them. Only with both the clearest possible understanding of the principle of morality and a convincing proof that we can really do what it demands of us can we be fortified against the natural and inevitable temptations to escape or minimize its rigorous demands.

This dual purpose complicates Kant’s arguments in the Groundwork and has profound implications for the development of his moral philosophy in his works subsequent to the Groundwork, especially the Critique of Practical Reason and Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason. Kant can appeal to common moral knowledge as the basis for the initial formulation of the fundamental principle of morality because it is part of his doctrine that no normal human being is simply unaware of this principle. However, the reality of human evil-doing is a fact, to put it mildly, but one that must be compatible with universal human knowledge of the fundamental principle of morality if Kant’s entire theory is not to be undermined. Kant will steer his way through this dilemma by assuming that human evil-doing arises not from sheer ignorance of the moral law, but rather from the temptation to make exceptions for oneself, not to reject the moral law out of hand but to find loopholes in it (see G, 424). In the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant will expand upon the theme that every human being is aware of the content and force of the moral law, by means of what he comes to call the “fact of reason,” and on some interpretations of this work he drops any attempt to give a metaphysical proof of the freedom of human beings to live up to the moral law in favor of a derivation of it directly from the fact of our awareness of our obligation under this law and the principle that “ought implies can,” that is, that it is irrational to suppose that we have an obligation we cannot fulfill.7 The Religion responds to this increased emphasis on the universality of our knowledge of the moral law by expanding upon the theme that wrong-doing always takes the form of excepting oneself from the moral law rather than either being ignorant of it or rejecting it wholesale, while also arguing that the possibility of choosing to do evil is part and parcel of the capacity to make free choices at all, thus part of the capacity to choose freely even what is right; it is in this sense that the possibility of evil is “radical” for human beings, or just as fundamental as the possibility of doing what is right. These developments may seem to lie in the future in the Groundwork but are to a considerable extent already implied by its dual assumptions that knowledge of the moral law is not only both common and natural but also subject to corruption. The argument of the book must thus find a way to build upon the first of these facts while giving us the tools to deal with the second.

This complexity of Kant’s aims in the Groundwork is by no means hinted at in the statement about the method of the work with which Kant concludes the Preface. Here Kant just says: “I have adopted in this work the method that is, I believe, most suitable if one wants to proceed analytically from common cognition to the determination of its supreme principle, and in turn synthetically from the examination of this principle and its sources back to the common cognition in which we find it used” (G, 392). This statement suggests only part of what we need to understand the theoretical argument of the Groundwork. It implies that the book will proceed by first analyzing commonsense beliefs about morality in order to arrive at a “determination” of the supreme principle of morality, that is, presumably, a formulation of this principle that is implicit in but more determinate than commonsense moral beliefs, and that it will then confirm this formulation by turning “back to the common cognition in which we find it used,” that is, presumably, by showing that the principle arrived at by the analysis of commonsense moral beliefs explains actual moral practices or particular moral judgments, which would be evidence that it is in fact the principle that underlies common moral beliefs.

This is certainly part of what Kant is up to in the Groundwork. In particular, as already suggested, this statement explains the difference between the role of Kant’s examples in Section I and in Section II: the examples of virtuous persons in Section I, such as that of a formerly sympathetic person whose love of humanity has been dulled by his own misfortunes but who nevertheless manages to continue to act virtuously out of respect for duty itself (G, 398), are intended to help us properly formulate the supreme principle of morality, while the examples of the derivation of particular duties from what turn out to be several different formulations of the supreme principle of morality in Section II, the examples of the duties to refrain from suicide and false promises and to develop our own talents and practice beneficence toward others (G, 421-23 and 429-30), are clearly meant to confirm Kant’s formulations of the principle by showing that they do give rise to commonly recognized duties and indeed to a commonly recognized classification of duties.

Nevertheless, even Kant’s purely theoretical argument in the Groundwork is not confined to an appeal to common sense first for insight and then for confirmation. The division of the book that he announces immediately after the statement about its method that we have just considered makes this clear. Kant divides the book thus:

  1. First section: Transition from common rational to philosophic moral cognition.
  2. Second section: Transition from popular moral philosophy to metaphysics of morals.
  3. Third section: Final step from metaphysics of morals to the critique of pure practical reason. (G, 392)

If the analysis of common sense for the formulation of the principle of morality and then a return to common sense for its confirmation were all that he had in mind, Kant might have described the first section as he does, but not the remaining ones. On that account there should only have been two sections, the first described as it is and a second that would constitute a transition back from “philosophic moral cognition” to “common moral practice” or something of the sort. In fact, Section II as it is written does include such a transition: returning to common moral practice to confirm the formulation of the supreme principle of morality is part of what Kant does in Section II. But it is by no means all that Kant does there. While doing this, Kant also criticizes not “common rational cognition” but, rather, “popular moral philosophy,” arguing that the latter can only lead to a misconception of the fundamental principle of philosophy (the essays by J. B. Schneewind and Christine M. Korsgaard supply some of the background and details for this critique). Kant then turns to “metaphysics of morals” to provide a derivation and formulation of the moral law that is consistent with but more refined than the formulation that is derivable from “common moral cognition” and altogether superior to what might be suggested by “popular moral philosophy.” Thus, the expression “metaphysics of morals” seems to bear both of its senses in the title of Section II: it seems to connote a derivation of the moral law itself from the concept of a rational being and the conditions of the possibility of rational willing, as well as a confirmation of the formulation of the moral law by showing that it gives rise to a recognizable system of duties, as Kant’s remark about analysis and synthesis would lead us to expect.

Given this turn to fundamental metaphysics in Section II, Kant could have used the distinction between analytical and synthetical methods, which we have already used to describe the two different roles of examples in Sections I and II, in another way to describe the relation between those two sections. In his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (1783), Kant had said that this popular exposition of his theory of knowledge used the analytical method and the original Critique of Pure Reason the synthetical method (4:263-64), suggesting by this that a derivation of general principles of human knowledge from the assumption of the validity of particular scientific and mathematical claims, which is what he offers in the Prolegomena, is analytical in method, while a derivation of those same general principles from even more fundamental assumptions about the basic faculties of human thought and the structure of consciousness itself, which is what he offers in the first Critique, is synthetical in method. But that model cannot be carried over to the Groundwork without some modification (as Dieter Henrich argues in his essay), because Kant repeatedly states that both Sections I and II of the Groundwork are analytical in method, and that only Section III is synthetical; that is, he claims that his method does not become synthetical until he makes the final transition from “metaphysics of morals” to the “critique of pure practical reason.” This is partly just misleading, since the confirmation of the correctness of Kant’s formulations of the supreme principle of morality by showing that they give rise to a recognizable classification of duties, which is included in Section II, surely is properly described as synthetical rather than analytical in method. But Kant does not seem to mean to deny this in insisting that Section II is analytical in method and only Section III is synthetical. Instead, he seems to mean that there is a difference between deriving the supreme principle of morality from an analysis of certain basic assumptions about the nature of moral law and of rational but also willing beings in general—which is what he does in Section II—and showing that this analysis really applies to and indeed binds or obligates creatures like us—which seems to be at least part of what he is doing in Section III. Several of the essays included in this volume, especially those by Henry E. Allison and Dieter Henrich in part IV, try to explicate in some detail the difference between Kant’s argumentative strategy in Sections II and III and to explain precisely what he is arguing in Section III.

But even these remarks about the complexity of Kant’s theoretical method in the Groundwork do not fully explain why he even thought it necessary to write such a book. Kant precedes the methodological remarks we have thus far been considering with a statement that the necessity of working “out for once a pure moral philosophy, completely cleansed of everything that may be only empirical and that belongs to anthropology . . . is clear of itself from the common idea of duty and of moral laws.” This is clear, he holds, because “everyone must grant that a law, if it is to hold morally, that is, as a ground of an obligation, must carry with it absolute necessity” (G, 389). Is common sense then completely nonproblematic and authoritative about the fundamental principle of morality, that is, sufficient to both lead to and confirm the formulation of such a principle? And is the role of philosophy, or of a metaphysics of morals in its first sense, then, purely theoretical? That is, is the Groundwork intended just to provide a philosophical explanation of the type Kant prefers for the unquestioned absolute necessity of moral law, an explanation tracing it back to some pure faculties of mind, which is of interest only to the philosopher? Such an interpretation would not seem to explain the importance of the Groundwork to Kant, nor its continuing interest to readers over two centuries. And it is not all that Kant has in mind.

As we have seen, Kant thinks that common sense, at least about morality, does possess great authority, and that it thus constitutes both a natural starting point for and a check on the philosophical discussion of the supreme principle of morality. But as we have also seen, Kant also thinks that the natural and common commitment to the fundamental principle of morality can easily be shaken. In the Preface, what Kant seems to have in mind is that our natural recognition of our obligation under the moral law can be corrupted by equally natural selfish temptations. In the main text, however, Kant might seem to suggest that our natural morality is liable to corruption by bad philosophy. But what Kant probably thinks is that bad moral philosophy is itself a product of our natural desire to evade moral responsibility, a form of rationalization we create in order to justify our evasions. If that is so, then his own improved moral philosophy is not meant just for our theoretical satisfaction but has the very practical aim of depriving us of the rationalization for our temptation to moral evasion that we can find in philosophy.

The first threat to our commitment to duty is reflected in popular moral philosophy’s use of a merely empirical method, which by restricting its attention to what may most often be observed about actual human behavior is likely to confuse duty with an unmitigated pursuit of individual human happiness and thereby subvert our original commitment to duty by hedonism or the crudest form of consequentialism. Kant’s fear of the threat of hedonism is part of what explains the rigidity of his distinction in the Groundwork between virtue and any concern for happiness, even though the doctrine of the “highest good” that he enunciates in each of his three Critiques recognizes that the relation between virtue and happiness is more intimate and complex than the Groundwork usually suggests.8

Second, the commonsense commitment to morality can be threatened by the common belief in determinism, the doctrine that every event, even human actions, is completely and inexorably determined by previous states of affairs, which may lead us to think that we cannot always perform our duty even if we know what it is and, thus, may weaken our commitment to what seems to be an unrealizable ideal of duty. An attempt to avert the practical rather than merely theoretical threat of determinism is a large part of Kant’s concern in Section III of the Groundwork. Indeed, the fact that Kant recognizes two different sources for the corruption of moral common sense may even explain why the Groundwork has three sections instead of two, why it contains both a “metaphysics of morals” to distinguish the content of the fundamental principle of morality from any principle of morality that could be derived merely from empirical observation of human behavior in all its weakness (Section II) and a “critique of pure practical reason” to show that human beings are, in fact, always capable of living up to the exacting demands of this supreme principle in spite of the apparent threat of determinism (Section III). (The essay by Korsgaard, although it is about Kant’s argument in Section I, prepares the way for such an interpretation of Kant’s intentions in Section II, as does Schneewind’s essay; all three essays in Part IV, that is, those by Thomas E. Hill, Jr., Allison and Henrich, focus at least in part on the issue of freedom from determinism in Section III.)

Reflection on Kant’s few methodological comments in the Preface to the Groundwork, then, already suggests how many issues are at stake in the work and why Kant’s exposition of his argument is unavoidably dense and often difficult to follow. Further discussion of methodological issues is best left to the essays in this volume. At this point, we can turn to a brief overview of Kant’s main arguments in Sections I through III of the book.

Section I

As its title, “Transition from common rational to philosophic moral cognition” (G, 393), may be taken to suggest, the primary purpose of Section I is to arrive at an initial formulation of the fundamental principle of morality by appealing to what Kant takes to be universally shared moral concepts and judgments that are supposed to show that everybody already assumes the validity of the principle he will identify, even if philosophy is needed to make the formulation of the principle more precise and rigorous as a first step toward constraining the natural tendency to evade its implications. Several of Kant’s claims and examples, especially his examples of virtuous persons supposedly motivated by the fundamental principle of morality alone, have been intensely contested almost since the publication of the Groundwork. But in reflecting upon Kant’s argument in this section, it is important to keep the role of these examples in perspective. They are supposed to lead us to accept Kant’s initial formulation of the principle of morality, but they are not his whole argument for it. While it is part of Kant’s view that the fundamental principle of morality is readily accessible to every human being, that need not be part of every moral philosophy, and it might be possible to establish Kant’s fundamental principle of morality on other grounds even if his appeal to common sense is shaky. And even if an initial appeal to “common rational cognition” is held to be an indispensable foundation for any moral theory, perhaps analyses and examples of common moral beliefs and practices different from Kant’s might still lead to the same general principle. So it is important not to get too caught up in the debates about Kant’s examples and thereby loose sight of his goal.

Kant begins with several claims about the concept of a good will. He claims that a good will is the only thing that is unconditionally good, good in itself and under all circumstances. Other goods, gifts of nature such as strength, intelligence, and character traits such as courage, as well as gifts of fortune such as wealth and power, may be put to good or evil uses and, thus, are not intrinsically or unconditionally good; but a good will itself is incapable of being put to an evil use and is, thus, always good (G, 393-94). Further, Kant argues, a good will is not good because of any “proposed end” that it “effects or accomplishes,” but solely because of the quality of the volition or intention that it expresses (G, 394). This claim raises difficult issues about the moral significance of ends or purposes that will pervade the first two sections of the work. Almost any moral theory could allow that in appraising the moral worth of particular human actions we must look to what the agent intended rather than to the state of affairs that may actually have resulted from that intention, because there’s many a slip ’twixt spoon and mouth—even our most well-intended actions do not always turn out as we plan. But it would be compatible with that commonplace to infer that we should evaluate actions by their intended rather than actual outcomes; we don’t have to immediately jump to the conclusion that the moral worth of actions and their agents have nothing to do with intended outcomes at all, as Kant seems to do. Further, while Kant may yet be able to make a case that the moral worth of actions and agents cannot depend upon what he will call material ends, goals of action the value of which depends entirely upon particular desires, it is not clear that this is the only kind of ends we can consider, thus that moral worth has nothing to do with ends at all. In fact, in the second section of the Groundwork Kant will introduce the idea of a necessary end, an object or state of affairs that is of unconditional value regardless of particular desires, and will suggest that the fundamental principle of morality is obligatory because abiding by it is the only way to attain the necessary ends of mankind or any conceivable rational agents (see Paul Guyer’s essay, “The Possibility of the Categorical Imperative”). From the outset, then, Kant’s puzzling statements that even common sense proves that morality has nothing to do with the value of human ends or purposes may have to be treated cautiously. Finally, Kant completes his initial discussion of the good will with an argument that if every natural human capability has some purpose that it is best suited for, then, since human reason does not seem to be particularly effective at producing happiness, the only alternative is that it is meant to produce nothing other than the good will (G, 395-96). This argument raises questions about the role of appeals to nature and especially to alleged purposes and intentions of nature in a moral theory that is supposed to be based on pure reason, as Kant has insisted from the outset that his theory is (G, 389).9

In the next part of Section I, Kant argues that the implications of this supposedly commonsense notion of good will can be further revealed by exploring the concept of duty, “which contains that of a good will though under certain limitations and hindrances, which, however, far from concealing it and making it unrecognizable, rather bring it out by contrast and make it shine forth all the more brightly” (G, 397). In the discussion of duty, Kant makes three claims: First, having a good will, the sole thing of unconditional moral worth, lies in acting not just in accord with but from duty (G, 397-98); second, “an action from duty has its moral worth not in the purpose to be attained by it but in the maxim in accordance with which it is decided upon” (G, 399); and third, a proposition that is supposed to follow from the previous ones, “duty is the necessity of an action from respect for law” (G, 400), or an action entirely motivated by recognition of the moral law. In other words, morally good action is action motivated by respect for duty itself, action from duty is action that regards not the ends but the lawful form of action, so morally good action is action motivated by respect for the lawful form of action. Kant’s argument is then that the fundamental principle of morality must be one that is consistent with this conception of duty, thus one that is independent of any particular purpose or end an agent may have but at the same time is still capable of motivating a human being as a rational agent to action.

The culminating argument of Section I is that this constraint on the fundamental principle of morality, derived from common views about the concept of duty, is enough to entail what that principle must be: this conception of duty has excluded the possibility that any rule for action, or what Kant calls a “maxim” (see G, 401n), could be adopted as the principle of duty because of the value placed on some particular end that it should bring about, so the only alternative is that a maxim can be adopted as a guide to duty only because it conforms to the idea of a universally valid moral law as such. In Kant’s words, “Since I have deprived the will of every impulse that could arise for it from obeying some law, nothing is left but the conformity of actions as such with universal law, which alone is to serve the will as its principle, that is, I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law” (G, 402). This principle, Kant claims, is implicit in common sense, even if common sense does not formulate it so precisely: “Thus, then, we have arrived, within the moral cognition of common human reason, at its principle, which it admittedly does not think so abstractly in a universal form, but which it actually has always before its eyes and uses as the norm for its appraisals” (G, 403-4). Kant will go on to argue in Section II that this principle actually presents itself to human beings in the form of a “categorical imperative,” a principle that is categorical because it holds unconditionally, independently of whatever particular desires or inclinations we might happen to have, but that presents itself to us as an imperative, or a constraint, precisely because we do have particular desires and inclinations that might lead us to act otherwise than as the principle requires. By the “fundamental principle of morality,” then, Kant means the most basic law of morality that would hold for any agent conceived as a rational being, no matter how abstractly that agent is conceived; by the “categorical imperative” he means this principle in the form in which it presents itself to creatures like us, who not only are rational beings but also have in our bodies and psyches sources of desire and inclination independent from pure reason and that may have to be constrained by pure reason.

Kant supports his claims that virtuous actions are those done from the motive of duty alone with several examples, some of which have proven noncontroversial but others of which have turned out to be quite controversial. Kant supports his claim that to have a good will and, thus, moral worth is to act from duty with the example of a shopkeeper who treats his customers fairly because, as we say, “honesty is the best policy” for earning a good reputation and therefore an extensive clientele; such a person is acting in conformity with duty but not from duty and therefore does nothing that is morally praiseworthy, although also nothing that is blameworthy (G, 397). This claim has not been challenged. But Kant goes on to support his further claim that to act from duty is to act out of respect for the moral law alone with several further examples: for instance, he says that a person who helps others simply out of feelings of sympathy displays no special moral worth or praiseworthiness, but that a person whose sympathy with others has been deadened by his own misfortunes but who still helps them out of his sense of duty and respect for the moral law does display moral worth in all its distinctness (G, 398). This example has proven highly controversial; indeed one can even say that it has outraged readers of Kant from the days of Friedrich Schiller and Arthur Schopenhauer, both of whom argued that sympathetic feeling plays just as large a role in our conception of the morally desirable personality as does commitment to abstract principles.10

In their essays, Nelson Potter (“The Argument of Kant’s Groundwork, Chapter 1”) and Christine M. Korsgaard (“Kant’s Analysis of Obligation: The Argument of Groundwork I”) focus on Kant’s derivation of the fundamental principle of morality from his analysis of the concept of duty and are less concerned with the question of whether Kant’s supposedly commonsense examples of virtuous and dutiful persons are consistent with a plausible moral psychology. To the extent that Kant’s examples are meant as heuristic devices to introduce a formulation of the principle of morality that will then be both grounded in and extended by more purely philosophical considerations, by what Kant calls a turn to the metaphysics of morals (G, 412, 426-27) in the first of the senses we explained above, this approach is correct. But, as we saw earlier, it is also part of Kant’s theory that moral philosophy and common sense must be consistent, because he believes that the moral law really is known by every human being, a position he would have difficulty maintaining if his conceptions of duty and moral worth were noticeably divergent from what most people believe.

In recent years, an extensive debate has grown up about just what Kant is claiming about morally praiseworthy motivation and about whether his position is plausible. Much of this discussion begins with a 1979 article by Richard Henson and a 1982 reply to it by Barbara Herman.11 Because I have not wanted to focus the discussion of the issues raised by Section I too exclusively on the plausibility of Kant’s conception of morally praiseworthy motivation, and also because these papers have been very widely cited and are readily accessible, I have chosen not to reprint these essays here, but have instead chosen to represent this debate with the less well-known essay by Tom Sorell, “Kant’s Good Will and Our Good Nature,” which gives a reliable account of this debate and stakes out an eminently reasonable position in it, namely, that the point in moral psychology that Kant is trying to make is that we should not see inclinations as motivations for action that are in competition with the principle of morality, but, rather, we should see inclinations as ineliminable elements of human psychology that are precisely what is to be regulated by our commitment to the fundamental principle of morality. In other words, these examples not only introduce the fundamental principle of morality by means of the argument cited above, which is analyzed in detail by both Potter and Korsgaard, but also prepare the way for the distinction between the fundamental principle of morality and its presentation to creatures like us as a categorical imperative that is central to the arguments of both Sections II and III of the Groundwork.

Section II

The second section of the Groundwork, entitled “Transition from popular moral philosophy to metaphysics of morals,” is the heart of the book, but it is also as complicated a stretch of argumentation as Kant ever wrote. The title might suggest that the point of the section is theoretical, that Kant simply aims to replace what is in his view theoretically inadequate moral philosophy with his own, improved moral philosophy. And certainly that is part of what he is trying to do. The final paragraph of Section I, however, begins with the striking statement that “There is something splendid about innocence, but what is bad about it, in turn, is that it cannot protect itself very well and is easily seduced” (G, 404-5). This suggests that the section that follows will also have the practical goal of showing how “innocence,” that is, the sound insights of moral common sense on which Kant has based his analysis of duty in Section I, can be saved from “seduction.” But what sort of seduction does Kant have in mind?

The professional philosopher might flatter himself that philosophy, even bad philosophy, has the power to seduce common sense; but perhaps philosophy, which, after all, cannot be pulled out of thin air but has to build on at least some assumptions of common sense, can itself be seduced by the natural inclination to try to evade what we all know to be true and right but also hard. Kant writes as if the faults of popular moral philosophy are due to empiricism, a poor choice of philosophical methodology for a moral philosophy that is to be unconditionally valid; but perhaps our natural tendency to evade the strict demands of morality invokes empiricism to try to put on a better face, to justify its own weakness precisely by limiting our belief about how we ought to behave by the inglorious facts about how we usually do behave. And if the empiricism in moral philosophy against which Kant argues is itself not the case but is, rather, only the expression of a natural human tendency to try to evade the demands of morality even though we all know what those demands are, then we should not think that saving innocence from seduction can be done once and for all just by replacing a poor philosophical foundation for morality with a better one. Rather, even armed with a sound moral philosophy, we will still face a lifelong struggle against our natural tendency to evade morality’s strict requirements, which will surely find other forms of self-justification even if it is deprived of empiricism. Such a view would certainly be compatible with Kant’s view about moral self-reform in the Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, where he writes that even “If by a single and unalterable decision a human being reverses the supreme ground of his maxims by which he was an evil human being,” still, “he is a good human being only in incessant laboring and becoming, i.e., he can hope—in view of the purity of the principle which he has adopted as the supreme maxim of his power of choice . . .—to find himself upon the good (though narrow) path of constant progress from bad to better” (Rel, 6:48).12

Kant begins the section by asserting that his appeal to the “common use of our practical reason” is not to be confused with treating morality “as a concept of experience,” or as a form of empiricism. He charges empiricism, which might seem compassionate because of its “deep regret of the frailty and impurity of human nature,” with undermining our moral idealism by denying the reality of the concept of duty and ascribing “everything to more or less refined self-love”: it “uses reason, which should serve it for giving law, only to look after the interests of the inclinations” (G, 406).

Why does Kant make this harsh charge against an approach to ethics that has been advocated not by deviants but by personally noble and blameless human beings from Epicurus to Francis Hutcheson and David Hume? The answer is that it is not just a methodological mistake to try to ground moral theory on experience “when it is absolutely impossible by means of experience to make out with complete certainty a single case in which the maxim of an action otherwise in conformity with duty rested simply on moral grounds and on the representation of one’s duty” (G, 407); rather, if you try to ground a moral theory on observation of how people actually do behave rather than on our innate knowledge of how we ought to behave, then you will end up sanctifying the hodge-podge of inclinations on which people often do act, a mixture of self-love and sympathetic feelings, or inclinations to one’s own happiness as one presently imagines it and the happiness of some other persons who just happen to be near and dear to one. One will end up with principles advocating “now perfection, now happiness, here moral feeling, there fear of God, a bit of this and also a bit of that in a marvelous mixture” (G, 410). This might be considered the subversion of moral philosophy by the natural inclination to evade the demands of morality as well as the seduction of common moral understanding by bad philosophy.

In order to avoid these dangers, Kant argues that moral philosophy must use a metaphysical rather than empirical method. Such a metaphysical method must begin by “follow[ing] and present[ing] distinctly the practical faculty of reason, from its general rules of determination to the point where the concept of duty arises from it” (G, 412). In other words, the metaphysics of morals must begin with an analysis of the concept of rational action, and the main argument of Section II would appear to be intended as such an analysis. In fact, the analysis of the section will be more complicated than that, both because the concept being analyzed will be enriched along the way and because at key points Kant will once again appeal to commonly accepted examples of duty to confirm his analysis. In his theoretical writings, Kant argues that analysis always presupposes synthesis,13 and the appeal to examples might be understood as Kant’s attempt to confirm the results of his analysis of rational action by showing that it does fit with our common understanding of morality, where such an assertion is always synthetic.

The concept of rational agency that Kant proposes to analyze is the concept of “the capacity to act in accordance with a representation of laws,” or the concept of a “will” that acts “in accordance with principles” (G, 412). A will can act in accordance with a principle that says that in order to achieve some particular end some particular means must be used. This is a “technical” principle, or a principle of “skill” (G, 415), telling us what technique has to be used to achieve a certain end. Even where the end involved is arbitrary, such a principle can seem like a constraint to us, because we may want the end but not want the means, and we may have to choose between our desire for the end and our aversion to the means; thus, even a rule of skill can present itself to us as an imperative. Such an imperative can also be called “hypothetical,” because it is an imperative for us only on the hypothesis that we do desire the end for which it specifies the means (G, 414). Second, a will can act in accordance with a more general principle that tells it that some particular action would be a means to happiness rather than to some more particular end. Here happiness is thought of as a general end, consisting in the satisfaction of all of our particular ends over our lifetimes rather than just the satisfaction of some particular end at some particular time. A prescription for happiness, or a “counsel of prudence” (G, 416), can certainly present itself to us as an imperative, because what we know is best for our happiness in the long run may well conflict with what we want in the short run. But it is still, in Kant’s view, a hypothetical imperative, not because the desire for happiness is a merely natural end that we all do seem to have but might not necessarily have—rather, Kant says that this end “can be proposed surely and a priori in the case of every human being” (G, 415)—but apparently because it is a vague object of desire, that is, we do not really always know what will bring us happiness in the long run, but can at best form conjectures or hypotheses that this or that will satisfy us in the long run (G, 417-18). In any case, Kant holds that the goal of happiness, whether our own or that of others, cannot immediately and directly give rise to any absolutely necessary and unconditional principles of action for a rational agent, although he will later argue that, once we have adopted the fundamental principle of morality that he has already identified in Section I and is about to reintroduce into the present analysis as the categorical imperative, that principle itself can make the happiness of others and even the happiness of all including ourselves into a mandatory or necessary end of morality.14

Finally, Kant argues that if it is to be possible for a rational agent to act in accordance with our conception of morality, there must be a categorical rather than hypothetical imperative, an imperative that represents “an action as objectively necessary of itself, without reference to another end” on which its validity would be contingent (G, 414), Such an imperative would have to “do not with the matter of the action and what is to result from it, but with the form and the principle from which the action itself follows” (G, 416). Because the very idea of the categorical status or universal and necessary validity of such a principle of the will excludes the possibility that its adoption can depend upon the adoption of any particular, arbitrary end,

When I think of a categorical imperative, I know at once what it contains. For, since the imperative contains, beyond the law, only the necessity that the maxim be in conformity with this law, while the law contains no condition to which it would be limited, nothing is left with which the maxim of action is to conform but the universality of a law as such. . . . There is, therefore, only a single categorical imperative and it is this: act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law. (G, 420—21)

This is Kant’s first formulation of the fundamental principle of morality as a categorical imperative in Section II of the Groundwork; the philosophical analysis of the possible kinds of principles in accordance with which a rational agent could act has brought the argument to the same place reached by the analysis of the commonsense notion of duty in Section I.

At this point, of course, numerous questions arise. The first question is about how this formulation of the fundamental principle of morality is supposed to work: How are we supposed to be able to use it to distinguish right from wrong, to determine what sorts of actions we should not do and what sorts we may or should do? This question, in turn, cannot be considered independently of a further question: How does this formulation of the categorical imperative relate to the two, three, or four formulations of the categorical imperative that Kant states in the remainder of the section? Kant himself says there are three formulations (G, 436), but some commentators count as many as five (for discussions of this issue see the essays by Thomas W. Pogge, and Paul Guyer in this volume). That question in turn divides into two more: how do the derivations and justifications of the further formulations relate to this one, and how do the applications of the subsequent formulations relate to the application of the initial one? Finally, there are methodological or procedural questions: Kant has presented this first formulation as the product of an analysis of the concept of a will that is capable of acting in accordance with a law of reason, or an unconditional law; but how can such an analysis be shown to be binding for us? How can we make the transition from a mere analysis to what Kant calls a synthetic a priori proposition (see G, 420n and 444-45) that asserts that the categorical imperative is not a mere possibility but a principle that really binds us, without appealing to mere experience?

The question about how the categorical imperative is to be applied is vexed by the fact that Kant offers several different formulations of it. Immediately following the initial formulation, he claims that “Since the universality of law in accordance with which effects take place constitutes what is properly called nature in the most general sense, . . . the universal imperative of duty can also go as follows: act as if the maxim of your action were to become by your will a universal law of nature” (G, 421). Some interpreters have thought that the reference to nature in this reformulation introduces a fundamental new consideration into Kant’s thought, a view that, in spite of what Kant says in deriving the categorical imperative, the morality of actions cannot be tested by formal considerations alone, but requires references to nature’s purposes for US.15 But most interpreters now reject that approach, arguing that Kant’s rephrasing of his initial formula does not introduce any factual assumptions about how nature actually is, let alone any assumptions about purposes nature may have for us, but simply makes explicit the test that is already required by the initial formulation: in testing whether a maxim, or a proposed principle of action that recommends pursuing a certain kind of end in a certain kind of situation, is morally legitimate, we are to see whether we could in fact act on our proposed maxim if everyone else did too, or how it would be if our maxim were to become a law of nature, that is, a principle on which everyone in fact acted. This does not mean that we have to believe that our acting on a particular maxim would itself cause other persons to act on it, but simply asks whether we could reasonably act on our maxim if everyone else also did. As Onora O’Neill puts it in her essay, the question is whether in acting on a proposed maxim we could achieve “consistency in action.”

Kant famously divides this question into two: in some cases, the necessary test is whether there is consistency in the conception of a maxim, or whether “a maxim [can] even be thought without contradiction”; in other cases, the question is not about the consistency of the conception of a particular proposed course of action, but whether it is possible “to will that [the] maxims be raised to the universality of a law of nature” (G, 424). Kant’s idea is that in the first case, a proposed maxim will be internally inconsistent—and therefore incompatible with the concept of rational agency—if actually acting on that maxim would be incompatible with the universalization of the maxim. For instance, trying to obtain a loan by making a false promise to repay it would be an internally inconsistent or self-contradictory maxim of action, because if it were universalized, that is, if everyone were to act on it (and that fact was known), then (given how we assume that human beings would respond to this fact) nobody in his right mind would ever make a loan, and one’s own initial proposal would thereby be frustrated. In other cases, a proposed course of action might not be internally incoherent—one could, for example, decide never to help other people in need without any logical contradiction—but the universalization of such a policy might nevertheless frustrate one’s rational will in a more general way: as a rational agent, one should will that adequate means to whatever permissible ends one might someday formulate should be available, and by willing a course of action the universalization of which would entail that the help that one might sometime need would not be available—because everyone has adopted the policy of not helping others in need—one might be frustrating one’s own capacity to act or will rationally.

By means of four examples (G, 421-23), Kant suggests that these two applications of the categorical imperative, giving rise to the two principles that we should avoid internal contradictions in our maxims and contradictions between our maxims and the general conditions for rational willing, are sufficient to cover all the kinds of moral duties commonly recognized. Narrow or perfect duties to ourselves and to others, for example the duty to ourselves to refrain from suicide and the duties to others to refrain from false promises, can be explained as duties to avoid internal contradictions in our maxims. Broad or imperfect duties to ourselves and others, that is, duties to adopt certain general goals and policies in our conduct, such as the duties to cultivate our talents or to help others in need, which cannot be mechanically translated into requirements to perform specific actions on specific occasions, can be explained as duties to avoid contradicting the general conditions of rational willing. (For example: it would be irrational if no human beings cultivated any talents, for then there would be all sorts of reasonable human ends that could not possibly be fulfilled; but that does not mean that I must, say, practice the violin now, because playing the violin might not be a reasonable talent for me to attempt to develop, or, even if it is, now might not be a good time to practice—there might be an emergency next door that I should be trying to remedy. Judgment is always needed in the execution of imperfect duties.) Although Kant’s classification and explanation of the specific kinds of duties to ourselves and others that we have will be considerably refined in the Metaphysics of Morals, it is important for him to introduce at least examples of the main classes of duty in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals to show that his analysis of the philosophical concept of a rational agent has given rise to a formulation of the fundamental principle of morality that is consistent with common sense or with widely shared conceptions of what sorts of duties human beings actually have. In these examples, then, Kant departs from a purely analytical method and appeals, if not to mere experience, then to widely shared prephilosophical beliefs about morality in order to confirm the correctness of his analysis.

From the time of Hegel,16 Kant’s first formulation of the categorical imperative as a principle requiring the “universalizability” of maxims has been charged with being empty: anyone can universalize any policy, it is objected, as long as he is single-minded enough.17 For instance, a Nazi who believed that he should kill any Jew, gypsy, or homosexual that he can find would certainly also have believed that everyone should kill any Jew, gypsy, or homosexual that he can find, even for example, that Jews should kill other Jews and themselves. (This is not just a hypothetical, of course; the Nazi “final solution” quite intentionally included such policies as that of co-opting the Judenrat, the traditional Jewish organization for self-government and for representation of the community to the local Christian powers, into a police force that would help the Nazis in their deadly work, and of having Jews and their other victims dig their own graves. They thereby showed a certain kind of terrible consistency in their actions.) But, as a number of interpreters have shown in recent years—for example, Onora O’Neill, in the essay “Consistency in Action” reprinted here, but also in her groundbreaking book Acting on Principle,18 and Christine M. Korsgaard, in her essay” ”Kant’s Formula of Universal Law“19—Kant does not mean that one can morally act on any policy that one would oneself be willing to see universalized but, rather, only on policies that could be truly universalized in the sense of being freely adopted by all who would be affected by them. Such a requirement obviously excludes the Nazi policy toward Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals.

In “Consistency in Action,” Onora O’Neill gives a general account of how the requirement of universalizability does give rise to real constraints on our actions, and in her essay “Mutual Aid and Respect for Persons” Barbara Herman takes up the specific question of whether what Kant calls imperfect duties, such as the duty to adopt a general policy of helping others in need, can really be derived from the categorical imperative. But as the title of Herman’s essay already suggests, it may often seem easier to see the concrete consequences of the categorical imperative by focusing on what Kant introduces as its second main formulation, the imperative “So act that you use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means” (G, 429). As Kant’s renewed discussion of his four examples of the main classes of duty suggests (G, 429-30), at least part of what is involved in treating others as ends rather than means is treating them in ways that they themselves could adopt as their own ends or purposes, that is, treating them in ways to which they could freely consent. This makes clear that the principle of universalizability has to be interpreted as a principle of universal consent: asking whether a principle can be universalized is not just asking whether I would like to see everyone acting upon it but whether everyone could agree to acting on it. (To apply this formulation of the categorical imperative to exclusively self-regarding actions, we have to ask whether proposed maxims of actions are ones that respect our own capacities to freely set and consent to the ends of our actions, not just in the circumstances at hand but over the whole course of our lives.) In his essay “Humanity As End in Itself,” Allen Wood offers an especially instructive interpretation of this formulation of the categorical imperative and shows in detail how it can be applied to concrete moral issues.

The appeal to Kant’s conception of humanity as an end in itself raises the question of how Kant’s several formulations of the categorical imperative are related to each other. This question becomes more complicated when Kant introduces what he says is a third formulation, the principle that “A rational being must always regard himself as lawgiving in a kingdom of ends” (G, 434), but that he also breaks down into two different versions: what is sometimes called the formula of autonomy, the imperative “to act only so that the will could regard itself as at the same time giving universal law through its maxim,” and the formula of the kingdom of ends, “that all maxims from one’s own lawgiving are to harmonize into a possible kingdom of ends, as with a kingdom of nature” (G, 436). Kant makes conflicting statements about all these formulations, even on the very same page: on the one hand, he says that what he counts as the “three ways of representing the principle of morality are at bottom only so many formulae of the very same law,” and on the other hand, he suggests that the formula of universality brings out only the “form” of virtuous action, the formula of humanity as an end in itself, its “matter,” its end or its object, and that only the formula of the kingdom of ends gives a “complete determination” of the principle (G, 436). This suggests that each of the main formulations of the categorical imperative makes a distinct and essential contribution to our understanding of the fundamental principle of morality and that we are not really in a position to understand and apply this principle until we have recognized all the formulations.

This vexed issue is studied in detail by Thomas W. Pogge (“The Categorical Imperative”) and Paul Guyer (“The Possibility of the Categorical Imperative”) in part III of this volume. These authors agree that each formulation makes an essential contribution to Kant’s project but do not agree on just how the differences among the principles are to be understood. One important issue they discuss is the significance of the introduction of a necessary end for rational agents in the formula of humanity. Kant argues, presumably still as part of his analysis of the concept of a rational agent, that a rational agent necessarily acts with some end in view and, thus (in spite of his initial hostility to connecting the fundamental principle of morality to any end at all), that there must be some end or ends that are in fact compatible with the categorical imperative; otherwise a rational agent bound by that imperative would simply be incapable of acting (G, 427-28). But he suggests different models for bringing ends into the picture: in the later Metaphysics of Morals, he suggests that there must be certain ends (one’s own perfection and the happiness of others) that can be seen as necessary once the categorical imperative has been adopted (6:385); in the Groundwork, however, he may mean that there must be some necessary end that makes it rational to adopt the categorical imperative in the first place, an end that would be “the ground of a possible categorical imperative.” This end would be the value of “the human being and in general every rational being . . . as an end in itself, not merely as a means to be used by this or that will at its discretion” (G, 428). In other words, the point of adopting the principle of being able to universalize one’s maxims would be that this is the only way to ensure that one will be treating both oneself and others as ends in themselves, agents who can always freely consent to how they are being treated. The question of just how these several arguments are to be understood is one of the main issues discussed in these two essays.

Another important issue discussed in these essays is how to understand the difference between the first formulation and the principle of autonomy, the principle that everyone must be treated as a legislator of universal law, when these two principles sound virtually identical. One possibility here is that Kant is introducing a motive for adopting the original principle of universalizability: by conceiving of oneself not just as subject to the requirement of universalizability but as creating that requirement by one’s own legislative act, one conceives of oneself as a free and autonomous agent, worthy of a kind of respect that nothing that is merely a subject of laws is. And by conceiving of others also as self-legislators of the same law to which one is subject, one explains the source of their dignity and thus explains why one must legislate universalizability in the first place. Kant suggests something like this toward the end of Section II, in what are among the most passionate pages of the Groundwork, where his vision of the possible dignity of human beings takes on its clearest form:

Every rational being, as an end in itself, must be able to regard himself as also giving universal laws with respect to any law whatsoever to which he may be subject; for, it is just this fitness of his maxims for giving universal law that marks him out as an end in itself; it also follows that this dignity . . . he has over all merely natural beings brings with it that he must always take his maxims from the point of view of himself, and likewise every other rational being, as lawgiving beings (who for this reason are also called persons). (G, 438)

On this account the conception of human beings as autonomous legislators who are members of a kingdom of ends or a community of such legislators would make the categorical imperative possible by introducing a conception of ourselves and our fellow human beings as objects worthy of the special kind of respect that can only be shown through adherence to the categorical imperative in either of its previous formulations. Again, this is an important issue discussed in the last two essays of part III.

There is a certain sense in which these considerations already seem to have gone beyond the mere analysis of the concept of a rational being as a source of the categorical imperative that Kant promised at the outset of Section II, by introducing a conception of human beings that would make the adoption of the categorical imperative rational and well motivated, and in that sense possible. At the same time, there is another sense in which all this discussion still seems to present that categorical imperative merely as a possibility: Kant may have presented a rich conception of rational agency and its value that would make the adoption of the categorical imperative by any such rational agent both possible and necessary; but it might still remain to be shown that we human beings really are capable of being such rational agents and thus of being both bound by and motivated to accept the categorical imperative. The task of moving beyond a mere analysis of the concept of a rational agent, whether thinly or thickly conceived, to showing that this concept applies to us, seems to be the task of Section III of the Groundwork.

Section III

This section is entitled “Transition from metaphysics of morals to the critique of pure practical reason.” By the “metaphysics of morals” with which Section II culminated, Kant first seemed to have in mind the derivation of the fundamental principle of morality from a metaphysical conception such as that of a rational agent, but then also the illustration and confirmation of the validity of that principle by showing that it gives rise to the kind of concrete system of duties for human beings later developed in more detail in the Metaphysics of Morals. By a “critique of pure practical reason,” he seems to have had in mind an investigation into the nature of human reason as practical, or governing our actions, that would show that we really are free agents capable of acting in accordance with the conception of rational agency explored in the previous section. But while the metaphysics of morals in Section II seems complex but rewarding and uplifting, the critique of pure practical reason in Section III can seem obscure and vexing.

This is partly because Kant still seems to be working on two different projects in Section III. On the one hand, in spite of his promise to turn from analysis to synthesis in Section II, he seems to continue the “analytic” project of Section II, still trying to prove that the conception of free and rational agency really does give rise to the categorical imperative, or that a free and rational agent must act in accordance with that principle. On the other hand, he also seems to embark on the different, “synthetic” rather than “analytic,” task of showing that we human beings really are free and rational agents, subject to all the conditions that being such agents entails. The second of these projects is immensely important to Kant: just as the previous project of showing that a rational agent can be moved to act out of respect for universal law rather than from a merely natural inclination toward its own (typically short-range) happiness can block one natural temptation to evade the strict demand of morality, so proving that we really do have the freedom to live in total conformity with the ideal of rational agency would deprive us of determinism as an excuse by which we can rationalize our inclination to evade the demands of moral responsibility.

Seeing Kant as still working on two distinct projects even in Section III of the Groundwork may help explain something that may otherwise appear confusing about the structure of this section. Kant seems to go over the same ground twice, once quickly and provisionally and then once at greater length and presumably conclusively. First he appears to argue that conceiving of ourselves as acting under “the idea of freedom” may be just as good as proving ourselves actually to possess freedom of the will, because any agent that even conceives of itself as free will have to adopt the same principles as one that actually is free (G, 448); but then he seems to worry that maybe this is not enough of an argument, indeed that it is a circular argument—that it derives our obligation to comply with the moral law from a freedom that we assume only because we already assume that we are obliged under the moral law (G, 450)—and to look for a more compelling way to prove our freedom. However, if we look at Kant as first trying to complete the argument of Section II by establishing one last time the analytical claim that a truly free agent can only maintain and preserve its freedom in action in accordance with the moral law, and only then as proceeding to argue for the synthetic proposition that we human beings really are free, then we can avoid this peculiar appearance of back-tracking.

Three essays on Section III of the Groundwork are included in part IV of this volume, and the difference between the first two, “Kant’s Argument for the Rationality of Moral Conduct” by Thomas E. Hill, Jr., and “Morality and Freedom: Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis” by Henry E. Allison, and the third, “The Deduction of the Moral Law: The Reasons for the Obscurity of the Final Section of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals” by Dieter Henrich (here translated into English for the first time), suggest such an approach. Both Hill and Allison are concerned to argue that a truly free being really would conform its actions to the moral law, or, in Kant’s terms, that genuine freedom has to be conceived in a positive and not merely a negative sense (G, 446), that is, as being bound by the moral law and not just free from determination by some other kind of factors. The argument is that a free being would be one that is not just impelled to act by whatever inclinations happen to occur to it but, rather, precisely one that determines which of its naturally occurring inclinations to act upon; but to attempt to decide which inclinations to act upon without a nonmaterial, formal law by means of which to do so would in fact be nothing but to allow oneself to be buffeted about by naturally occurring inclinations after all. But to argue this is still not to prove that we really are free, and thus capable of rising above the level of being buffeted about by natural inclinations, instead determining for ourselves by the use of a formal principle which inclinations we should act upon and which not. To establish this further, crucial point, Henrich argues, Kant tries to shift his ground into a “critique of pure practical reason,” or an investigation of the faculty of reason that we actually have. In particular, he shows, Kant tries to argue that the distinction that we have to make between how things appear to us and how they really are, a distinction that Kant rather sanguinely supposes all will concede is necessary in order to understand the nature of knowledge quite independently of any concerns about action, requires us also to distinguish between how we appear to ourselves and how we really are. And we can only give any content to the latter conception of ourselves by conceiving of ourselves as being governed by laws of reason, in the inmost nature of our thoughts and also our actions (G, 451–52). Thus, a conception of ourselves that has to be adopted for reasons independent of any prior assumptions about our obligations under the moral law proves that we really are free agents, who must be governed by a law of reason, which has, in turn, been shown by the opening argument of Section III and all that has gone before to be equivalent to the moral law.

Kant’s argument from the distinction between appearance and reality to the fact of our freedom has proven very controversial. Henrich sees it as foundering upon an unsubstantiated assumption that we actually have a will—what Kant suggests will be the middle term between being free and being rational (G, 454)—which smuggles the assumption of freedom back into the beginning of the argument. He thinks Kant was to some extent aware of this problem all along, and never really meant the Groundwork to provide what he calls a “strong” deduction of the moral law in the first place; rather, the Groundwork already anticipates the Critique of Practical Reason’s frank admission that we cannot deduce our obligation under the moral law from a prior, essentially theoretical, demonstration of the fact of our freedom but can only assume our freedom, as a postulate of pure practical reason, as a precondition of our sense of moral obligation that must be taken as rock-bottom—and, that, indeed, it could be argued, was the starting point of Kant’s argument in Section I. Such a reading would be consistent with the idea that the point of the Groundwork is not to prove the fundamental principle of morality without any prior presuppositions but, rather, to refine our common conception of morality and indeed our common understanding of ourselves in such a way as to preserve our sound, pretheoretical understanding of morality while blocking our natural temptations to evade it. Others have taken different positions on this issue. In an important essay not included here, Karl Ameriks has argued that Kant really did mean to provide a metaphysically persuasive proof of the existence of human freedom in the Groundwork but then realized that his attempt was a failure and radically changed his strategy in the Critique of Practical Reason.20 Henry E. Allison, on the contrary, has argued that Kant has a sound inference from the spontaneity of human reason in a theoretical context to freedom in a practical context, which he consistently maintains from the first Critique through the Groundwork and into the second Critique.21 Since these works have been more readily accessible than Henrich’s essay, and since in any case this issue remains unresolved, Henrich’s essay, with its reflections on the difficulties and obscurities of Kant’s general concept of a deduction as well as its specific discussions of the issue about the demonstrability of the freedom of the human will, has been presented here.

Aside from the question of its justifiability, Kant’s suggestion that the moral law is actually the causal law that governs our behavior as we really are, a “causality in accordance with immutable laws but of a special kind” (G, 446), raises another kind of problem. This is what is sometimes called the “Sidgwick problem,” in honor of the particularly sharp formulation given to it by the great Victorian moral philosopher Henry Sidgwick: If a free will is a will necessarily governed by the moral law, then a will that does not comply with the moral law must not be a free will at all, in which case a malefactor who acts in opposition to the moral law must not be accountable for his actions, because he must not have acted out of free will.22 Kant clearly did not want this outcome, but wanted to attribute to human beings a capacity to choose freely between good and evil that would make them accountable for their actions; only this would prevent us from evading the moral obligations that we all know we have. The kind of argument for freedom that Kant employed in the Critique of Practical Reason clearly does not give rise to the Sidgwick problem: if freedom is inferred from our fundamental knowledge of our moral obligation, by the principle “ought implies can,” all that follows is that we can live up to our moral obligations, not that we always do; thus, that we sometimes—or often—do not comply with requirements of morality throws no doubt on our initial inference that we are free and capable of doing so. Kant clearly emphasized this feature of his view about freedom in the Religion, where our capacity for evil is presented as radical in the sense that it is inseparable from our capacity to do what is right—what it is to be free is precisely to have the freedom to choose between right and wrong, even if it is only choosing rightly that can preserve our own freedom and that of others.23 Whether one thinks that Kant already held this view in the Groundwork depends on what kind of argument for the existence of human freedom one thinks Kant makes in this work.

Clearly Kant wanted to put some distance between his argument for freedom in Section III of the Groundwork and an argument for freedom drawn solely from speculative metaphysics—what he seems to have cared about most is that the reader come away from the book persuaded of the nobility of freedom as a practical ideal rather than the irrefutability of freedom as a cognitive claim. Thus the penultimate paragraph of the book ends with these stirring words, with which this introduction can also conclude:

The idea of a pure world of understanding as a whole of all intelligences, to which we ourselves belong as rational beings (though on the other side we are also members of the world of sense), remains always a useful and permitted idea for the sake of a rational belief, even if all knowledge stops at its boundary—useful and permitted for producing in us a lively interest in the moral law by means of the noble ideal of a universal kingdom of ends in themselves (rational beings) to which we can belong as members only when we carefully conduct ourselves in accordance with maxims of freedom as if they were laws of nature. (G, 462-63)

Above all, what Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals aims to do is put before us an image of the nobility of the life we can lead if we try to regulate our conduct by the fundamental principle of morality instead of acting out of self-interest and excusing our so acting by denying our own freedom.



Schneewind furnishes much more extensive historical background for understanding Kant’s ethics in two works, an anthology of sources entitled Moral Philosophy from Montaigne to Kant, 2 vol. (Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, 1990), and a monumental work of interpretation, The Invention of Autonomy (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1998).


An earlier model for such a “cooperative” commentary, containing essays in German, English, and French, one of which is reprinted in the present volume (the essay by Thomas W. Pogge), is Ottfried Höffe, ed., Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten: Ein kooperativer Kommentar (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1989).


Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics, tr. Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 6th ed. (London: Longmans, Green, 1909), and Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, tr. Lewis White Beck (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1959).


Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, James W. Ellington (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1981).


Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, tr. H. J. Paton (London: Hutchinson University Library, 1948).


Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, tr. and ed. Mary J. Gregor, with a general introduction by Allen W. Wood (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1996).


The most detailed discussion of the Critique of Practical Reason remains Lewis White Beck, A Commentary on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960). The “fact of reason” doctrine is discussed in chapter 10.


On the “highest good,” see Critique of Pure Reason, “The Canon of Pure Reason”; Critique of Practical Reason, the “Dialectic of Pure Practical Reason”; the Critique of Judgment, the “Methodology of Teleological Judgment” ; Religion within the Limits of Mere Reason,” preface to the first edition; and especially the 1793 essay ”On the common saying: That may be correct in theory, but it is of no use in practice,” Section I.


For an interpretation of Kant’s argument in the Groundwork that makes the appeal to a teleological conception of nature central to it, see H. J. Paton, The Categorical Imperative (London: Hutchinson, 1947). While Paton’s commentary (meant to accompany his translation) remains valuable in many ways, his central thesis is not widely accepted.


See the essay by Friedrich Schiller, “On Grace and Dignity” (1793), and the book by Arthur Schopenhauer, On the Basis of Morality (1841).


Richard Henson, “What Kant Might Have Said: Moral Worth and the Over-determination of Dutiful Action,” Philosophical Review 88 (1979): 39-54, and Barbara Herman, “On the Value of Acting from the Motive of Duty,” Philosophical Review 90 (1981): 359-82, reprinted in her The Practice of Moral Judgment (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), chap. 1.


Translation from Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, tr. and ed. Allen W. Wood and George Di Giovanni (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 92.


Critique of Pure Reason, B 130.


See the “Doctrine of Virtue” in the Metaphysics of Morals, 6:387-88 and especially §27, 6L450—51. In the heat of his polemic against happiness, Kant often makes it sound as if happiness cannot be an object of moral action at all. This is not what he means, as is proven by his insistence in all three of his Critiques and in the Religion that the highest good, which includes happiness in a certain relation to virtue, is the ultimate object of morality and the basis for the moral proof of the existence of God, which is in certain respects the culmination of Kant’s entire theoretical and practical philosophy. But he does not mention this doctrine in the Groundwork—even though he had already mentioned it in the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason published four years earlier—and thus the Groundwork can by no means be taken as a complete statement of Kant’s moral philosophy.


See Paton, The Categorical Imperative, pp. 146-64.


See especially his early essay Natural Law: The Scientific Ways of Treating Natural Law, Its Place in Moral Philosophy, and Its Relation to the Positive Sciences of Law (1802-3), tr. T. M. Knox (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1975).


For discussion of this charge, see Allen W. Wood, “The Emptiness of the Moral Will,” Monist 72 (1989): 454-83, and Hegel’s Ethical Thought (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1990), chap. 9.


Published under the name Onora Nell, Acting on Principle (New York: Columbia University Press, 1975).


Originally published in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 66 (1985): 24-47, reprinted in her book Creating the Kingdom of Ends (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 77-105.


Karl Ameriks, “Kant’s Deduction of Freedom and Morality,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (1981): 53-79; revised as chap. 6 of his Kant’s Theory of the Mind (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982).


Henry E. Allison, Kant’s Theory of Freedom (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1990).


See Henry Sidgwick, The Methods of Ethics, 7th ed. (London: Macmillan, 1907), appendix, “The Kantian Conception of Free Will,” pp. 511-16. This appendix is reprinted, with some omissions, from Mind 13 (1888).


Kant does not explicitly formulate the famous premise “ought implies can” in the Critique of Practical Reason although he clearly assumes it; in the Religion he clearly does formulate it, as when he says that “Duty commands that [a human being] be good, and duty commands nothing but what we can do” (6:47), and “duty commands [a person] unconditionally: he ought to remain true to his resolve; and from this he rightly concludes that he must also be able to do it, and that his power of choice is therefore free” (6:49n; both translations from Wood and Di Giovanni, pp. 92, 94). The Religion is, as it were, the dark side of the Critique of Practical Reason, reminding us that the freedom to do evil is an inescapable concomitant of the capacity to freely do what is right; both works correct any impression that the Groundwork might have made that the fact of our freedom necessarily entails that we will always act in accordance with the moral law.