
Talking about activities

This chapter shows you how to express a variety of activities while paying close attention to the time and the aspect of the action using different kinds of adverbs and verb forms. You’ll learn how to talk about activities that occur often in your life, activities you’ve done in the past, and activities you’re planning to do. You’ll also learn how to express your abilities and how to make requests.

Recurring activities

Here you’ll learn how to talk about the activities you do daily, using a variety of verbs for actions.

Words for proportional frequency

Adverbs like usually and always refer to proportional frequency:


The direct object marker image o

For many actions, you need to specify the item that the action directly affects or applies to. These items are traditionally called direct objects in grammar. A direct object can be a thing or a person. In English, we know which noun is the direct object because it immediately follows a verb, without an intervening preposition. By contrast, in Japanese, the word order can be flexible. However, a direct object is clearly marked by the particle image o. Read the following sentences and identify the direct object in each:


Haha wa yoku kimageki o tsukurimasu.

My mother often makes a cake.


Tanjimagebi ni tomodachi o go-nin shimagetai shimasu.

I’ll invite five of my friends on my birthday.

Daily routines

Certain actions are part of the daily routine for almost everyone. For example:


Specifying the location of activities with image de

To specify the location of an activity, use the particle image de. For example:


Uchi de eiga o mimasu.

I watch a movie at home.

Think of image de as marking what is being used for the action. It could be a transportation method, the location of an activity, a tool, or some means. For example:


Kuruma de ikimasu.

I go there by car.


Toshokan de benkyimage shimasu.

I study at the library.


Hashi de tabemasu.

I eat with chopsticks.


Nihon-go de hanashite kudasai.

Please speak in Japanese.

Activities on weekends

What do you do on weekends? Read manga? Watch anime? Practice karate? You can use the following phrases to express what you do on weekends:


The verb to play

The English verb to play is translated in Japanese differently depending on what is done. For playing a sport or game, use image suru (to do). For playing a musical instrument, use a verb that applies to the particular instrument—such as image hiku for string instrument and keyboard and image fuku (to blow) for wind instruments. When you’re using to play as an intransitive verb, as in Children are playing, use image asobu (to play).


Translate the following sentences into English.



Complete each of the following sentences with image ni or image o. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Depimageto ______ ikimasu.
I will go to a department store.

2. image
Kimageki ______ tsukurimasu.
I will make a cake.

3. image
Shinbun ______ yomimasu.
I will read a newspaper.
(image shinbun means newspaper)

4. image
Eiga ______ mimasu.
I will watch a movie.

5. image
Yimagefuku ______ kaimasu.
I will buy clothes.

6. image
Tenisu ______ shimasu.
I will play tennis.

7. image
Gimagemu ______ shimasu.
I will play a game.

8. image
Uchi ______ kaerimasu.
I will go home.


Complete each of the following sentences with image de or image ni. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
I will go home.
Uchi _____ kaerimasu.

2. image
Uchi _____ nemasu.
I will sleep at home.

3. image
Takushimage _____ uchi _____ kaerimasu.
I will go home by taxi.

4. image
Resutoran _____ ikimasu.
I will go to a restaurant.

5. image
Resutoran _____ tabemasu.
I will eat at a restaurant.

6. image
Eigakan _____ eiga o mimasu.
I will watch a movie at a movie theater.

7. image
Uchi _____ pasokon _____ anime o mimasu.
I will watch anime at home using a computer.


Complete each of the following sentences with image o, image de, or image ni. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Uchi _____ kimageki _____ tabemasu.
I will eat a cake at home.

2. image
Kimageki _____ uchi _____ tabemasu.
I will eat a cake at home.

3. image
Kuruma _____ Bosuton _____ ikimasu.
I will go to Boston by car.

4. image
Watashi wa fimageku to naifu _____ tabemasu.
I eat with a fork and a knife.

5. image
Haha wa hashi _____ tabemasu.
My mother eats with chopsticks.

6. image
Ani wa karate to kendimage _____ shimasu.
My older brother does karate and kendo.


Translate the following passage into English.


Shimagematsu wa taitei gozenchimage ni kaimono ni ikimasu. Depimageto ni yoku ikimasu. Sorekara, resutoran de shokuji o shimasu. Sorekara, gogo, eigakan de eiga o mimasu.

(image sorekara means then, in addition)


In Japanese, write what you do on weekends.

Identifying the action performer

In Japanese, the subject noun is marked by the particle image ga. The subject noun can be the person who performs the action. If you want to specify the person who accompanies the person for doing the same action, use the particle image to.

Specifying the action performer with the subject marker image ga

The subject is marked by image ga. For example:


Dare ga gitimage o hikimasuka.

Who will play the guitar? / Who plays the guitar?


Yamada-san ga hikimasu.

Ms. Yamada will play it. / Ms. Yamada plays it.

The subject noun can also be the topic of the sentence at the same time in many cases. Then, the topic particle image wa discussed in Chapter 2 can mark the subject, covering and hiding the particle image ga. For example:


Yamada-san wa gitimage o hikimasu.

Ms. Yamada will play the guitar. / Ms. Yamada plays the guitar.

Specifying the accompanying action performer with image to

When one does something with someone else, the latter person is marked by the particle image to. For example:


Kyimage wa Tanaka-san ga Yamada-san to uchi ni kimasu.

Mr. Tanaka will come to my house with Ms. Yamada today.

Of course, you can rephrase it like this:


Kyimage wa Tanaka-san to Yamada-san ga uchi ni kimasu.

Mr. Tanaka and Ms. Yamada will come to my house today.

See Chapter 3 for using the particle image to for listing items as in the above sentence.


Complete each of the following sentences with either image ga or image o. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Tanaka-san ga Mori-san _____ shimagetai-shimasu.
Mr. Tanaka invites Mr. Mori.
(image shimagetai-suru means to invite)

2. image
Mori-san o Tanaka-san _____ shimagetai-shimasu.
Mr. Tanaka invites Mr. Mori.

3. image
Ashita wa haha _____ tenpura _____ tsukurimasu. Sushi wa chichi _____ tsukurimasu.
Tomorrow, my mother will make tempura. My father will make sushi.

4. image
Tanaka-san wa wain _____ kaimasu.
Mr. Tanaka will buy a bottle of wine.


Complete each of the following sentences with image to or image o. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Chichi wa Chimagegokugo _____ hanashimasu.
My father speaks Chinese.

2. image
Haha wa yoku ani _____ hanashimasu.
My mother often speaks with my older brother.

3. image
Watashi wa tokidoki uchi de ane _____ utaimasu.
I sometimes sing with my older sister at home.

4. image
Watashi wa yoku kafeteria de Tanaka-san _____ Yamada-san _____ mimasu.
I often see Mr. Tanaka and Ms. Yamada at the cafeteria.

5. image
Kyimage wa haha _____ eiga _____ mi ni ikimasu.
I will go to watch a movie with my mother today.


The following was written by Mika. Read it and answer the questions that follow.


Ban-gohan wa itsumo haha ga tsukurimasu. Taitei ane ga tetsudaimasu. Shimagematsu no asa-gohan wa watashi ga tsukurimasu. Yoku pankimageki o tsukurimasu. Nichiyimagebi no hiru-gohan wa kazoku de resutoran de tabemasu.

(image ban-gohan means dinner; image tetsudau means to help; image asa-gohan means breakfast; image hiru-gohan means lunch; image kazoku de means with family)

1. Who cooks dinner? ______________________

2. When does Mika cook? ______________________

3. When do they eat at a restaurant? ______________________

Talking about the past

To describe some incidents or events in the past, use the past tense of verbs. It is also always effective to connect sentences appropriately, indicating however, then, in addition, or therefore.

image mashita and image masendeshita

To express past actions, replace image masu with image mashita and image masen with imageimage masendeshita. For example:


Kanji o kakimashita.

I wrote kanji.


Kanji o kakimasendeshita.

I did not write kanji.

The following table summarizes non-past and past forms for both affirmative and negative polite suffixes:


The colloquial substandard form of the past negative form can be create by changing image nai in the nai form with image nakatta desu, as in image kakanakatta desu. The nai form is introduced later in this chapter.

The conjunctions image sorekara, image demo, and image desukara

When talking about one’s actions, it’s useful to use a conjunction such as however, then, in addition, or therefore. Some useful conjunctions are listed in the following table:



For each of the following, choose the appropriate answer from the options in the parentheses. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Kinimage wa terebi o mimashita. Sorekara, supagettimage o (tabemasu, tabemashita).
I watched TV yesterday. Then, I ate spaghetti.

2. image
Sushi wa tabemasu. Demo, sashimi wa (tabemasu, tabemasen).
I eat sushi. However, I do not eat sashimi.

3. image
Haha wa Nihon-jin desu. Desukara, watashi wa Nihon-go o (hanashimasu, hanashimasen).
My mother is Japanese. So, I speak Japanese.

4. image
Haha wa Nihon-jin desu. Demo, watashi wa Nihon-go o (hanashimasu, hanashimasen).
My mother is Japanese. However, I don’t speak Japanese.

5. image
Kyonen wa Nihon-go o benkyimage-shimashita. Demo, kanji wa benkyimage-(shimashita, shimasendeshita).
I studied Japanese last year. However, I did not study kanji.

Expressing your plans

Here you will learn how to express your intentions and your future plans using the correct verb forms.

image tsumori desu

To say I plan to …, use a verb in the plain non-past form and add image tsumori desu. You already know the plain non-past affirmative form, which is the dictionary form, introduced in Chapter 4. For example:


Iku tsumori desu.

I plan to go.

The plain non-past negative form always ends in nai, so we call it the nai form for short. For example:


Ikanai tsumori desu.

I plan not to go.

Nai form

You make a nai form by dropping ru or u from the dictionary form and adding nai or anai. The following table lists representative ru verbs and u verbs as well as the two major irregular verbs in the dictionary form and the nai form. To conjugate a verb, find out its verb class (ru verb, u verb, or irregular verb) and check the ending of the dictionary form, and then follow the pattern of one of the verbs in the following table. Note that when a verb ends in a vowel directly followed by u, or in other words, when a verb ends in the hiragana image u, its nai form is formed by adding image wanai after dropping the final image u. For example, the nai form of image kau (buy) is image kawanai.



Conjugate the following verbs into the nai form. The verb class is specified only when it is not predictable based on the ending sound of the verb.



Rephrase the following sentences using image tsumori desu.

1. image
Rainen Nihon ni ikimasu.
I will go to Japan next year.

2. image
Daigakuin ni wa ikimasen.
I won’t to go to graduate school.

3. image
Nichiyimagebi ni simageji to sentaku to kaimono o shimasu.
I will do cleaning, laundry, and shopping on Sunday.

4. image
Konban wa nemasen.
I won’t sleep tonight.

Telling what you can do: Potential form

To say what you can do, you use a verb in the potential form. For ru verbs, drop the final ru from the dictionary form and add rareru. For example, image taberu (to eat) becomes image taberareru (to be able to eat). For u verbs, drop the final u and add eru. For example, image nomu (to drink) becomes image nomeru (to be able to drink). The potential form of the verb image kuru (to come) is image korareru (to be able to come). To express the potential form of the verb image suru (to do), use the verb image dekiru (to be able to do). To convert a verb to the potential form, look at the following table and follow the pattern of the verb in the same class and with the same ending:


A verb in the potential form can conjugate just like another ru verb. For example, the potential form of image taberu (to eat) is image taberareru (to be able to eat). It can be conjugated to image taberarenai (not to be able to eat), and image taberaremasu (to be able to eat, polite), and image taberaremasenn (not to be able to eat, polite). The direct object particle image o is usually replaced by the particle image ga when the verb is in the potential form. For example:


Katakana de namae o kakimasu.

I (will) write my name in katakana.


Katakana de namae ga kakemasu.

I can write my name in katakana.


Change the following verb phrases to mean to be able to do, by using the potential form.

1. image katakana o kaku (to write katakana)

2. image katakana de namae o kaku (to write one’s name in katakana)

3. image kanji o yomu (to read kanji)

4. image Nihongo o hanasu (to speak Japanese)

5. image Nihongo de hanasu (to speak in Japanese)

6. image tenpura o tsukuru (to make tempura)

7. image kuruma o unten-suru (to drive a car)


Answer the following questions in Japanese based on your situation. For a greater challenge, cover the English translations.

1. image
Hashi de taberaremasu ka.
Can you eat with chopsticks?

2. image
O-sake ga nomemasu ka.
Can you drink alcoholic beverages?

3. image
Katakana de namae ga kakemasu ka.
Can you write your name in katakana?

4. image
Kanji ga yomemasu ka.
Can you read kanji characters?

Making requests

There are many different ways of making a request, but the most common way is to use the verb in the te form and add image kudasai.

Te form

The te form ends in image te or image de. For example, the te form of image kaku (write) is image kaite, and the te form of image yomu (read) is image yonde. The te form of a verb means do … and. It includes the meaning and. So, for example, image kaite means write and. To create the te form from a dictionary form, follow these rules:

These rules are illustrated in the following table:


You create the negative te form of a verb by replacing nai in its nai form with nakute (e.g., image tabenakute not eat and) or by adding de to its nai form (e.g., image tabenai de not eat and). The nai form with nakute is used to express a cause-effect relationship, as in not doand so … The form with nai de is used to mean not doand then …, which actually means instead of doing … or without doing … . The negative te form you should use depends on the context. See Chapter 8 for more about the te form.

Requesting with … image te kudasai

image kudasai literally means please give it to me when it follows a noun and image o. (See Chapter 3 for … image o kudasai please give me … .)

When it follows a verb in the te form, it means Please do … . For example:


Timagekyimage ni itte kudasai.

Please go to Tokyo.

When you ask someone not to do something, use the negative te form that ends in nai de. For example:


Timagekyimage ni ikanai de kudasai.

Please do not go to Tokyo.


Give the te form of each of the following verbs.

1. image kaku (write) ________________________

2. image kau (buy) ________________________

3. image iu (say) ________________________

4. image iku (go) ________________________

5. image katsu (win) ________________________

6. image tobu (jump) ________________________

7. image yomu (read) ________________________

8. image oyogu (swim) ________________________

9. image suru (do) ________________________

10. image kuru (come) ________________________


What do you say in Japanese if you want to ask someone to do the following?

1. image hairu (to enter)

2. image suwaru (to sit down)

3. image yasumu (to rest)

4. image kono tegami o yomu (to read this letter)

5. image mata kuru (to come again)

6. image tabako o suwanai (not to smoke)

7. image shaberanai (not to chat)

8. image shizuka ni suru (to be quiet) (See Chapter 7 for the adverb + image suru to do)

Talking about “now” with … image te iru

You know that the past tense shows what one did and the non-past tense shows what one will do or what one does as a habit. So how do you show an action progressing in the present? To express an action progressing, use a verb in the te form and add the verb image iru (exist). In this case, image iru is functioning as an auxiliary verb. This construction can also express an action taking place habitually and a state that results from an action.

Progressive state

image te iru can express the state where one is doing something such as eating, drinking, dancing, or studying. It is often used with an adverb like image ima (now). For example:


Haha wa ima tenpura o tsukutte imasu.

My mother is making tempura now.

Habitual state

image te iru can also express what one does regularly. In this case, you can use an adverb for intervals like image mainichi (every day) to clarify the meaning. For example:


Haha wa mainichi yimageguruto o tabete imasu.

My mother is eating yogurt every day.

Resulting state

image te iru can also express the state that results from a completed action. For example, even if one is not drinking currently, if he is drunk because he drank one hour ago, you can express his current state by using … image te iru because the current intoxicated state resulted from the past action of drinking. For example:


Ani wa chotto hen desu. O-sake o nonde imasu ne.

My brother is weird. He is drunk, isn’t he?

Adverbs for intervals

The following adverbs express intervals:


Adverbs for the aspects of an action

The following adverbs relate to aspects of an action:



What do the following sentences mean in English?

1. image
Imimageto wa ima terebi o mite imasu.

2. image
Ani wa maiasa ichi-jikan oyoide imasu.

3. image
Tanaka-san wa mada kite imasen.

4. image
Chichi wa imagesaka ni itte imasu.

5. image
Ane wa mimage kekkon shite imasu.

    (image kekkon-suru means to get married)

6. image
Otimageto wa asa kara zutto gimagemu o shite imasu.


Describe in Japanese what your family members are doing now.


Ken and Takako are talking. Read their dialog and answer the questions that follow.


1. What does Takako do on weekends?

2. What does Ken do on weekends?

3. What is Takako’s plan for this weekend?