ABC, 163
Army-McCarthy hearings and, 142, 144, 145
March on Washington and, 155
McCarthy and, 132
Obama and, 205
Tet Offensive and, 168
ABC World News, 229
Abolition Movement, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 34, 37, 38
Abolitionists, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28–29, 31, 237
newspapers of, 18
Acheson, Dean: McCarthy and, 135
Adair, Carol, 224
Adams, Abigail, 12
Adams, John, 12
Boston Massacre and, 7
news gathering/distribution by, 3–4, 5
Advertising Age, on Obama campaign, 210–211
African Observer, 18
Alabama Christian Advocate, 101
Albany Daily State Register, women’s rights and, 35
Albany Sunday Dispatch, 28
Alexander, Allen: McCarthy and, 135–136
All the President’s Men, 189
Alley, J. C.: cartoon by, 96 (fig.), 99 (fig.)
Alton Observer, 18–19
Alton riot, described, 19–20
American Anti-Slavery Society, campaign by, 19–20
American Bar Association, 112
American Gentile, 105
American Journalism Review, 198, 202, 203
American Magazine, 89, 123, 126
American Museum, tone of, 32
American-Ranger, 105
American Revolution, xiv, 8, 12, 28, 31, 46, 235
journalism and, 13–14
passion for, 2
American Revolution of ’63 (NBC), 156, 238
American Woman Suffrage Association, 38
Anthony, Susan B., 35, 38, 43, 44, 238
illustration of, 41 (fig.)
photo of, 37
sympathy for, 40–41
Anti-Semitism, 105, 106, 110–111
Coughlin and, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116
Antislavery societies, growth of, 20
Appeal to Reason, Sinclair and, 83
Arena, The, 82
Arkansas National Guard, 149, 150
Army-McCarthy hearings, 141–144, 145
Around the World in 80 Days, 62
Associated Press, 3, 135, 136, 182
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 214, 226
Auger, Marie, 223
Bailey, Gloria, 223
Bailey, Joseph Weldon, 87
Baldwin, Tammy, 225
Baltimore Sun, on womanpower, 119
Barnett, Ross: on Television Revolution, 157
Bayley, Edwin R.: McCarthy and, 135
Bennett, James Gordon, 36
Bent, Silas: on KKK, 104
Bernard, Francis: criticism by, 6
Bernhard, Jusak, 223
Bernstein, Carl, 189
photo of, 178
Watergate and, 138, 177, 178–179, 180, 181, 184, 186
Biddle, Francis: Coughlin and, 115
Biden, Joe, 210, 213, 215, 216
Bigotry, 96, 112, 146, 160, 198
grievances of, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204
profile of, 203–204
defying power structure in, 152–155
television images of, 154–155
tension in, 153–154
Birmingham police officer, photo of, 154
Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 42
Bloody Sunday, described, 158–159
Bloomer, Amelia: organizational skills of, 34
Bly, Nellie, 62
Bork, Robert, 187
Boston Commons, massacre at, 14–15
Boston Gazette, Adams and, 3
KKK and, 93
on McCain, 214
same-sex marriage and, 223
Windsor and, 230
Boston Massacre, 2, 7–8, 14–15
Boston Tea Party, Adams and, 3
Bourke-White, Margaret, 240
photo by, 128
working women and, 127–129
British Custom House, melee at, 7
Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 146, 222
Bush, George H. W., 204
Bush, George W., 214
hate-crime laws and, 225
Iraq/9/11 and, 200–201, 202, 203
Iraq War and, 199, 201–202, 204
9/11 answers from, 191, 194–196
California Supreme Court, same-sex marriage and, 227
Calley, William: conviction of, 173
Canovas del Castillo, Prime Minister, 75
Carlson, Peter, 199
“Case of Milo Radulovich, A0589839, The”: airing of, 138
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 43
CBS, 137, 139, 141, 147, 148, 163, 165, 166, 208, 224
Army-McCarthy hearings and, 142
Coughlin and, 108
March on Washington and, 155
Chafe, William H.: public opinion and, 130
Chalmers, David M., 104
Chapin, Dwight, 180
Chautauquan magazine, 80
Cheney, Dick: Iraq/9/11 and, 200–201, 203
Chiang Kai-shek, 132
Chicago Catholic Worker, 112, 116
Chicago Inter Ocean, Tarbell and, 81
Chicago Tribune, 24, 44, 125, 233
gay men/pedophilia and, 220
9/11 reporting by, 193
Christian Century, 112
Christian Front, 110, 113, 114
Christian Science Monitor, working women and, 121
Civil liberties, 16, 20, 113, 221
Civil rights, 151, 155, 159, 160
public opinion and, 147
voting rights and, 157
Civil Rights Act (1964), 159, 160
Civil Rights Movement, 146, 152, 157, 159, 160, 161, 183, 236, 237, 238
coverage of, 156
television news and, 147, 148–150
deaths during, 24
inciting, 113–114
Clark, James, 158
Clarke, Edward Young, 92, 93, 94
Cleveland Plain-Dealer, KKK and, 93
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 207, 208, 216
Coburn, W. S., 93
photo of, 134
Cole, Thomas: photo of, 165
cover of, 84 (fig.)
Columbia Journalism Review, 189, 196, 202
Columbia University, School of Journalism at, 100
Commercial Appeal Building, 98, 100
Committee for the Re-election of the President (CREEP), 179, 180–181, 184
Common Sense (Paine)
cover of, 10 (fig.)
impact of, 2, 9, 11–12, 13, 15
Connolly, Richard B. “Slippery Dick,” 47
Connor, “Bull”: arrests by, 153
Continental Army, inspiration for, 12–13
Cook, Charlie, 207
Cook Political Report, 207
Corruption, 45, 46–47, 57, 77, 186
Coughlin, Father Charles, xvii, 238
anti-Semitism of, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116
emergence of, 106–109
FBI and, 115
on Hitler, 112–113
Hoover and, 107
photo of, 107
Couric, Katie: on McCain, 215
Cox, Archibald, 187
Cox, Edward: photo of, 188
Creelman, James, 74
CREEP. See Committee for the Reelection of the President
Crisis essays (Paine), inspiration from, 12–13
Cronkite, Walter, 174
Dache, Lilly, 121
Daily Advertiser, 53
Daily Show, The: McCain and, 214–215
Dallas Morning News, KKK and, 93
Davies, Linda, 223
Davis, Richard Harding, 66
“Death’s Laboratory” (cartoon), 84 (fig.), 85
Declaration of Independence, 1, 12, 30
Declaration of Sentiments, 34
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996), 226, 230, 231, 232
Democracy, xiii, 45, 126, 167, 243
Democratic National Committee, 176
Democratic National Convention, 206
Democratic Party, 46, 50, 131, 205
Depew, Chauncey M., 87
Des Moines Register, Obama and, 218, 219
Detroit, demonstration in, 159
Detroit Free Press, on Coughlin, 111
Detroit News, 226
Discrimination, xiv, 105, 146, 223, 227, 230, 233
DOMA. See Defense of Marriage Act
Don’t ask, don’t tell, 228, 229
Douglass, Frederick, 25, 34, 239
newspapers of, 27–28
Drugs, dangerous, 82–83, 85–86
Eckford, Elizabeth, 149
photo of, 149
Ehrlichman, John D., 186
Electronic Journalism (Wood), 147
Elkins, Stephen Benton, 87
Ellen, 222
Emancipation Proclamation, 209
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), 227, 234
Emporia Gazette, 79
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 159
Espionage Act, 115
Evergreen Courant, 101
Execution, filmed, 168–171
Faubus, Orval, 149
Felt, W. Mark, 182
See also Deep Throat
Fern, Jack: Tet Offensive and, 168
Ferren, Ann, xiii
Filler, Louis: on “Jungle,” 83
Fisher, Frederick, 143
FiveThirtyEight, same-sex marriage and, 232
Folk, Joseph: election of, 79
Foner, Eric: on Common Sense, 12
Foods, dangerous, 82–83, 85–86
Fortune, 116
Fourteenth Amendment, women’s suffrage and, 35
Francis, 20
Franklin, Benjamin, 8
Freedom riders, 151–152
McCarthy and, 140
Friends of Democracy, 113
Garner, Tyron, 221
Garrison, William Lloyd, 16–17, 29, 39, 236, 237
abolition and, 20–25
Douglass and, 28
Lovejoy and, 19
photo of, 24
Gay and lesbian rights, 23, 220, 221–222, 224, 230, 232–233, 235, 239, 240
Shepherd and, 225
setbacks for, 226–228
Gender equality, march toward, 30–31
Genius of Universal Emancipation, 20
George III, King, 9
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 231
“Girls in Uniform” (Eyerman), 122–123, 128–129
Glamour, working women and, 121
“Glory Gals” (American Magazine), 123
Goddard, Mary Katherine, 31
Good Housekeeping, 85
Gorman, Arthur Pue, 87
Grable, Betty, 121
Graham, Katharine, 183, 184, 186
Gralnick, Jeff: on Viet Cong, 168
Great Depression, 106, 108, 110
Greeley, Horace, 24
Greene, Bob, 174
photo of, 195
Halberstam, David: on Cronkite, 172
Haldeman, H. R.: Watergate and, 180, 184, 185, 186
Hall, A. Oakey “Elegant Oakey,” 47
Hall, Grover Cleveland, 100–101, 102, 103
Hampton’s, 82
Harper Brothers Publishing Company, 237
Harper’s Weekly, 52, 57, 85, 237, 238, 241
cartoon from, 51 (fig.)
legacy of, 58–59
Tweed Ring and, 55
Harris, Greg: on Viet Cong, 164
Harris, John: on Obama, 207
Harsch, Joseph: on Viet Cong, 168
Hartmann, Susan M.: on media images/women, 130
Hate crimes, protections against, 224–225
Hate speech, printing, 114–115
Havel, Vaclav, 201
Hearst, William Randolph, 66, 75, 87, 240
circulation for, 68
Laurie and, 65
New York Journal and, 63–64
San Francisco Examiner and, 63
Spanish-American War and, xv, 66, 75
US Senate and, 62–63
yellow journalism and, 60–61
Hepburn Act (1906), 81
Hersh, Seymour: My Lai massacre and, 173
news media and, xvi, xvii, 1, 2, 14, 235, 238
political insurgents and, 15
“History of the Standard Oil Company” (Tarbell), 80
Hitler, Adolf: Coughlin on, 112–113
Ho Chi Minh, 162
Hoffman, Dustin, 189
Hoffman, John: Tammany and, 48
Hogan, Frank J., 112
Holmes, Hamilton, 150–151
Holt, John, 4
Hooded Americanism (Chalmers), 104
Hoover, Herbert: Coughlin and, 107
Hoover, J. Edgar: Coughlin and, 115
House of Commons, Adams and, 3
Houston Chronicle, Obama and, 213, 218
Huffington, Arianna: on Obama, 209
Huffington Post, 236
on ENDA, 227
on hate-crime laws, 225
McCain and, 217
same-sex marriage and, 232
Hunter, Charlayne, 150–151
Hussein, Saddam, 200, 201, 202
Hutchinson, Thomas: criticism by, 6
“In Memoriam” (poem), 73
Independence, 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 30
Inglaterra Hotel, 68
Instigator, 18
International Federation of Business and Professional Women, 120
International News Service, 135, 136
Internet, xiv
growth of, 196–198
9/11 reporting and, 196, 198–199, 202
Obama and, 209–211
Iraq War, 191
building case for, 199–201
price of, 201–203
Ivy, Rosalie, 128
Jarvis, Jeff, 210
Jenkins, Blanche: photo of, 128
“Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders” (bin Laden), publication of, 197
“Jobs for Women” (radio show), 119
Joe McCarthy and the Press (Bayley), 135
Johnson, Lyndon B., 241
Cronkite and, 171
Selma march and, 159
Stanton and, 166
voting rights bill and, 159
Jones, George, 52
Jordan, Frank, 183
Journal-Examiner, 73
“Journal of Occurrences,” 3–7, 14, 235
Journalism, xiv, xvi, xvii, 11, 66, 83, 92, 137, 177, 190, 233, 237, 241
American Revolution and, 13–14
democracy and, 243
digital, 161, 210–211, 240, 242
entrepreneurs and, 60
five Ws and, 191–194
gay men and /lesbians and, 220
mouthpiece, 182–183
See also Yellow journalism
“Jungle, The” (Sinclair), 83
Kendall, Amos: Liberator and, 22
racial equality and, 150
Vietnam and, 162
Kershner, Marguerite, 128–129
King, John: Powell and, 228
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 156, 157, 206
Birmingham and, 152
voter registration campaign and, 158
KJR (radio station), women and, 119
KKK. See Ku Klux Klan
Krauthammer, Charles, 199
Ku Klux Klan in the City (Jackson), 104
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), xv, 90–91, 102, 236, 239
cartoon about, 96 (fig.), 97 (fig.), 99 (fig.)
decline of, 103–104
influence of, 91–92, 98, 101–102
Wright and, 212
Kurtz, Howard: on Obama, 217
Laba, Elizabeth, 128
Ladies Magazine, 32, 33, 126, 238
Late Show, 196
Lattimore, Owen, 136
Laurie, Annie, 65
Lawrence, John, 221
Lawrence v. Texas (2003), 221, 222, 225
League of Nations, 92
Lee, Ivy, 82
Lemke, William: Coughlin and, 109
Lesbian rights, 23, 220, 221, 224, 227, 230, 232–233, 235, 239, 240
Letterman, David, 196
Lewis, John: voting rights march and, 160
circulation of, 23
Garrison and, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29
nameplate of, 21 (fig.)
Liddy, G. Gordon, 187
Bourke-White and, 127–128
Coughlin and, 115
criticism by, 41–42
drawing from, 41 (fig.)
photo essay in, 121–122
Garrison and, 25
on Nast, 48
Little Rock, Civil Rights Movement in, 148–150, 156
Loan, Ngyuen Ngoc, 169
photo of, 170
Los Angeles Times
9/11 reporting by, 193
Obama and, 213
on same-sex marriage, 227–228
women’s strengths and, 124
Louisville Courier-Journal, Tarbell and, 81
Lyon, Phyllis, 224
news, 119
popular, 77–78
women’s, 32
Maher, Bill: Obama and, 217
Maloney, John, 193
Mandel, Lisa, 224
Manley, Jeffrey, 223
Mao Tse-tung, 132
March on Washington, 155–157
Marriage equality, 32, 229–232, 233
Martin, Del, 224
Martin, Michel: on gay/lesbian rights, 222
Matthews, Chris: Obama and, 206, 217
McCain, John, 206
Palin and, 216–217
vilifying, 214–215
McCarthy, Joseph, 139, 166, 237, 239
criticism of, 134
legacy of, 144–145
Murrow and, 132, 140, 141, 144
photo of, 134
Schine and, 142
televised hearings and, 141–144
Welch and, 142–143
McCarthyism, 131, 132–133, 138, 140
McClure’s, 79, 80, 82, 85, 236, 240
McCord, James: Watergate and, 177–178, 186
Meat Inspection Act, 86
Mechanic’s Advocate, 35
Medill, Joseph, 24
Meet the Press, Cheney on, 200
Memphis City Commission, KKK and, 98
Memphis Commercial Appeal, 103, 239
cartoon from, 97 (fig.), 98 (fig.), 99 (fig.)
Middletown Gazette, Garrison and, 22
Minneapolis Star Tribune, on hate-crime laws, 225
Missouri Republican, 18
“Mr. Obama’s Profile in Courage” (New York Times), 212
Mitchell, John N., 179, 184, 186
Monroe, Bill: Civil Rights Movement and, 147
Monroe Journal, 101
KKK and, 101–102
march to, 158
Montgomery Advertiser, KKK and, 91, 100–103
Mooney, Edward: Coughlin and, 115
Moyers, Bill: on White House press corps, 182–183
Muckraking, 78, 80, 81, 82, 86, 240
legacy of, 88–89
Mundelein, George, 112
Friendly and, 139
McCarthy and, 132, 140, 141, 144
photo of, 140
Radulovich and, 138
television news and, 137
My Lai massacre, 173 (MyBO), 210
Napoleon Bonaparte, 80
Nast, Thomas, 59
cartoons by, 51 (fig.), 56, 58 (fig.), 237, 238–239
Harper’s Weekly and, 45, 48, 54, 55
photo of, 49
politics and, 49–50
Tammany Hall and, 55–56
working class and, 50–51
Nation, The, 59
National American, 105
National American Woman Suffrage Association, 42
National Association of Broadcasters, 113
National Public Radio, Obama and, 205
National Woman Suffrage Association, 38
National Women’s Party, 43
Nazism, supporting, 111–113
NBC, 112, 151, 156, 157, 160, 163, 165, 183, 237, 238
Coughlin and, 108
execution coverage and, 169, 170
hearings and, 142
March on Washington and, 155
NBC Huntley-Brinkley Report, 169
NBC News, Vietnam War and, 164–165
NBC Nightly News, 229
New Orleans Times-Picayune, KKK and, 93
New Republic, Coughlin and, 109
New York City Department of Public Works, 46
New York County Board of Supervisors, 46
New York County Court House, 47
New York Democratic Party Central Committee, 46
New York Herald, 28, 36, 37, 47
exposé by, 53
on Seneca Falls meeting, 34
New York Herald Tribune, 101
competition for, 63–64
front page of, 69 (fig.)
Hearst and, 66
New York World and, 64
Spanish-American War and, 67, 75
war fever and, 73
New York Post, 47
New York Printing Company, 50
New York State Senate, 46
New York Sun, on women’s rights activists, 36
New York Times, xvii, 45, 53, 54, 100, 129, 139, 141, 147, 156, 182, 226, 230–231, 241
Biden and, 215
bin Laden and, 203
on Birmingham, 155
on Cronkite, 172
on Frank, 227
gay men/lesbians and, 220, 221, 223
legacy of, 58–59
on McCain, 214
on McCarthy, 143–144
muckraking by, 86
9/11 reporting by, 191, 192–193, 198
O’Brien and, 52
on Palin, 216
Pentagon Papers and, 173
same-sex marriage and, 232
on terrorists/9/11, 196
Tweed Ring and, 50–52, 54, 55, 59
working women and, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124–125, 126
Wright and, 212
New York Tribune, 23–24, 40, 53
New York World, 40, 47, 53, 63, 103
Anthony and, 238
cartoon from, 64 (fig.)
New York Journal and, 64
Tammany and, 54
Thenuz and, 73
urban laboring class and, 62
Newman, Edwin
on execution coverage, 170–171
on Vietnam War/television, 162
on voting rights protests, 160
News media, 43, 72, 74, 132, 177, 236, 238, 242
accuracy and, 61
democracy and, xiii
history and, xiv-xv, xvi, xvii, 14, 235
limitations of, 240
literary/investigative skill of, 77
paternalism of, 33
public opinion and, 130
reform and, 37–38
rights and, 232–234
role of, xiii, xiv, 59, 235, 241
triumph of, 55–57
women and, 31, 42–43, 118, 119, 121, 123, 130
yellow journalism and, 74
Newsday, Obama and, 213, 218, 219
Newspaper Crusaders: A Neglected Story (Bent), 104
public opinion and, 75
war of, 63–65
Newsweek, 110, 123, 129, 139, 141
African-American working women and, 127
on McCain, 214
Watergate and, 182
on Woodward/Bernstein, 189
working women and, 119
Nicholas, Czar, 111
Nightline, 222
casualties on, 193
Iraq and, 200–201
questions about, 190
reporting on, 191, 195, 198, 199, 204
9/11 Commission, Prague meeting and, 201
Nineteenth Amendment, 43
Nixon, Richard M., 179, 180, 183, 185
photo of, 188
resignation of, 187–188
tape recordings and, 187–188
Washington Post and, 185–186, 238
Washington Star and, 185
Nixon, Tricia: photo of, 187
North Star, 27–28
Northshield, Robert, 169
Obama, Barack
campaign of, 207–209, 210–211, 214
criticism of, 213, 217, 218, 219
don’t ask, don’t tell and, 229
gay and lesbian rights legislation and, 225
Internet and, 209–211
McCain and, 215
media favoritism for, 205–206
as modern-day messiah, 206–207
State of the Union address by, 228
unrealistic expectations and, 217–219
weakness of, 212–214
Wright and, 211–212
Obama, Malia: photo of, 216
photo of, 216
Obama, Sasha: photo of, 216
Obamacare, 218
O’Brien, James, 52
Oklahoma City Oklahoman, KKK and, 93
Olbermann, Keith: Obama and, 206, 217
O’Neill, Paul, 202
Orange County Register, on Proposition 8: 228
Ordonez, Colonel, 73
Orfield, Gary: on Birmingham, 160
Outcault, Richard, 65
Paine, Rowlett: KKK and, 97, 98
death of, 13
illustration of, 14
Jefferson and, xvii
Washington and, 13
Palin, Sarah: McCain and, 216–217
Parrington, Vernon, 88
Patent medicines, fraud with, 83, 84, 85
Paul, Alice: tactics of, 43
Pennsylvania Journal, 13
Pennsylvania Magazine, Paine and, 8
Perkins, Jack, 164
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, McCarthy and, 135
Persian Gulf War, 197, 198, 204
Peters, William, 147
Pew Research Center, 215
Philadelphia Inquirer, 228, 233
Philadelphia Ledger and Daily Transcript, 34, 238
Philadelphia Press, 53
Phillips, David Graham: series by, 86–88
Pitts, Byron, 208
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, on ENDA, 227
Pittsburgh Sun, KKK and, 93
Platt, Thomas Collier, 87
photo of, 154
Biden and, 215
on hate-crime laws, 225
Obama and, 217
Palin and, 216
pictures and, 48–50
women and, 31
Powell, Colin
don’t ask/don’t tell and, 228
Obama and, 213–214
Pride Parade, photo of, 231
Project for Excellence in Journalism, The: Obama/McCain and, 206
Propaganda, 7, 114–115, 118, 119
Proposition 8: 227, 228, 230, 231
Protestors, 154
photo of, 154
“Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” 110–111
Providence Daily Journal, 53
civil rights and, 147
Vietnam War and, 173–174
Pulitzer, Joseph, 72
circulation for, 68
competing with, 63–65
KKK and, 93
Maine and, 71
urban laboring class and, 62
war fever and, 73
Pulitzer Prize, 91, 95, 100, 103
Pulitzer Prize Story, The (Hohenberg), 104
Pure Food and Drug Act, 86, 88, 241
Radio, power of, 116
Radulovich, Margaret, 138
Radulovich, Milo, 138, 139, 145
Ramsay, David, 8
Raymond, Henry J.: death of, 52
RealClearPolitics, 216, 232, 240
Rebozo, Bebe, 185
Redford, Robert, 189
Reedy, George, 136
Regier, C. C., 88
illustration by, 67 (fig.)
Report from Vietnam by Walter Cronkite, 171–172
“Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, The,” 132, 139–140
Republican National Committee, Palin and, 216–217
Republican National Convention, McCarthy and, 135
Republican Party, 76, 213, 216
abolition and, 24
McCarthy and, 131
media favoritism and, 205–206
Richardson, Elliot: Watergate and, 187
Richmond Herald, on Anthony, 41
Rockefeller, John D., 2, 81, 88–89, 236
Rolling Stone, Wright and, 211
Romanowski, Florence, 128
Romney, George, 159
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 110, 212
Roosevelt, Theodore, 58, 78, 83
Rosenberg, Ethel, 133
Rosenberg, Julius, 133
Rosie the Riveter, 117, 123, 129, 130, 239
confidence of, 118–119
poster of, 122 (fig.)
Ross, Brian, 211
Rothenberg, Stuart, 207
Rothenberg Political Report, 207
Ruckelshaus, William, 187
Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre, 39
Rupp, Lelia J., 130
Rusk, Dean, 174
Russert, Tim: on Obama, 208
Ruth, Babe, 63
Ryan, Kay, 224
Safer, Morley: story by, 164–166
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 61, 62, 93, 226
on same-sex parents, 224
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 79
on Palin, 216
Same-sex couples, 223, 224, 226, 230, 231
Same-sex marriage, 221, 227–228, 229–232, 233, 234
San Diego Union-Tribune, on Proposition 8: 228
San Francisco Chronicle, gay men/lesbians and, 220, 223
San Francisco Examiner, circulation of, 63
San Jose Mercury, 230
Saturday Evening Post, 85
Saturday Night Massacre, 187
Sawyer, Diane, 229
Schakne, Robert: on Little Rock, 148
Schine, G. David: McCarthy and, 141–142
Seattle Times, KKK and, 93
See It Now (CBS), 137, 139, 145, 237
Segregationists, 146, 147, 148, 156, 160
freedom riders and, 151–152
protestors and, 152–153
television and, 157
Selma, 160
voting rights in, 157–158
Seneca County Courier, notice in, 34
Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention, 31, 34–35, 36–37
Sexual orientation, 220, 224, 225, 227, 228, 233, 234, 236
Shame of the Cities, The (Steffens), 79
Shepard, Matthew: death of, 224
Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 82
Simmons, William Joseph, 90, 92
Simons, Howard, 182
Sinclair, Upton, 83
Sirica, John J., 181, 186, 187
60 Minutes, 224
on DOMA, 226
Havel in, 201
9/11 reporting and, 202
same-sex marriage and, 223, 232
abolition of, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 146, 236
civil liberties and, 20
controversy surrounding, 17–18
KKK and, 93
Smith, Al: on Coughlin, 108
Social change, 17, 77, 116, 117, 129–130
Social Justice, 115
Coughlin and, 106, 109, 110–111, 114, 116
Social movements, xv, 39, 43, 130, 235
Social networking, Obama and, 210
Social revolution, 2, 9, 14, 129
television images of, 159–160
Society of Saint Tammany, 46
Sodomy laws, 221
Soldiers, gay/lesbian, 228–229
Sontag, Susan: criticism of, 199
Spanish-American War, xv, 61, 70–71
legacy of shame of, 74–75
yellow journalism and, 65–68
Spyer, Thea: death of, 230
Standard Oil, 80, 81, 86, 93, 236
fraud charges for, 82
monopoly by, 241
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 35, 36, 38, 43
depiction of, 42
illustration of, 41 (fig.)
photo of, 37
Seneca Falls and, 33–34
Stanton, Henry B., 33
Steffens, Lincoln, 78–79
Stevenson, Adlai, 139
Stewart, John: McCain and, 214–215
Stewart, Maria, 26, 27, 28, 237, 239
Strip search, illustration of, 67 (fig.)
Sumner, Charles: Garrison and, 25
Sweeny, Peter B. “Brains,” 47
Syracuse Star, 35
Tague, Peter, 91
cartoon about, 56 (fig.)
end of, 55–56
Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 80, 88, 240
photo of, 80
Rockefeller and, 82
Taylor, James B.: death of, 50
power of, 163–164
public opinion and, 171
trial by, 144–145
Civil Rights Movement and, 147, 148–150
McCarthyism and, 132
military censorship and, 163
saturation coverage by, 231
Vietnam War and, 161–162, 173–175, 239, 240
Television Revolution, 157
Temperance Movement, 34
Terrorism, 94, 195, 196, 199, 200, 204
coverage of, 166–168
Viet Cong and, 172–173
Theis, William: on McCarthy, 136
Thenuz, Reflipe W., 73
Thirteenth Amendment, 24
Thompson, Dorothy, 119
Thurmond, Strom: Stanton and, 157
gay/lesbian rights and, 221–222
Obama and, 205
working women and, 119, 123, 126
Tito, Marshall, 139
Today, March on Washington and, 155
Todd, Francis: suit by, 20–21
“Treason of the Senate, The,” 87–88
Tri-State American, KKK and, 98
Truman, Harry S., 134–135, 162
Trzcinski, Dolores, 223
Tuckner, Howard: execution coverage by, 168, 169, 170
Tweed, William Marcy, 47, 53, 85, 237, 241
cartoon about, 51 (fig.), 58 (fig.)
Harper’s Weekly and, 50, 51, 59
rise of, 49
spoils system and, 77
“Tweed Days in St. Louis” (Steffens), 78
cartoon about, 56 (fig.)
Tydings, Millard E., 134
Union Party, 109
United Press International (UPI), 182
University of Alabama, desegregation of, 151
University of Georgia, breaking barriers at, 150–151
University of Mississippi, desegregation of, 151
US Army, 141
US Army Air Force, 127
US Department of Agriculture, muckraking and, 86
US Department of Defense, review by, 229
US Embassy (Saigon), attack on, 167, 171
US House of Representatives, 43, 89
Judiciary Committee, 187
Un-American Activities Committee, 133
US Justice Department, 241
Foreign Relations Committee, 134, 215
KKK and, 90
League of Nations and, 92
treason in, 86–88
war resolution by, 72
Watergate and, 186
US Supreme Court, 82, 146, 173, 231, 241
desegregation ruling by, 150, 157
gay men/lesbians and, 220, 221, 222
Proposition 8 and, 230
segregation and, 151
Sirica and, 186
Standard Oil and, 82
USS Abraham Lincoln, 201
USS Maine, remembering, 68, 70–71, 74, 239
Utica Herald, on Anthony, 40–41
Valeriani, Richard: head wound for, 148
Verne, Jules, 62
Tet Offensive and, 167, 168, 172–173
coverage of, 161–164
news media and, 175
photo of, 165
public opinion and, 173–174
television news and, 161–162, 173, 239
US casualties in, 163
Vietnamese man, execution of, 168–171, 170 (photo)
Violence, 113, 152–153, 159, 161
Vogue, working women and, 121
Voting rights, 146, 157–159, 160
Voting Rights Act (1965), 159, 160
Wall Street Journal, 9/11 reporting by, 193
Wallace, George, 157, 158, 159
Warner Brothers, 189
Washington Post Company, 185
Washington Post, 179, 193, 199, 241
on bin Laden, 203–204
criticism of, 184–185
on DOMA, 230
on ENDA, 227
on gay/lesbian rights, 221
investigative reporting by, 180
on March on Washington, 156
Pentagon Papers and, 173
Pulitzer Prize for, 189
same-sex marriage and, 232
Watergate and, 176–177, 182–187, 189, 238
working women and, 120
news media and, xvi, xvii, 189, 241
Weapons of mass destruction, Iraq and, 200, 201
Weekly Magazine, checklist in, 33
Weinberg, Arthur: on muckraking, 88
Weinberg, Lila: on muckraking, 88
Weyler, Valeriano, 75
White House press corps, 182–183
Will & Grace, 222
Williams, Brian, 229
Williams, Edward Bennett, 186
Wilson, Henry: Garrison and, 25
Wilson, Woodrow, 92
photo of, 231
Windsor v. United States (2013), 230
Winfrey, Oprah, 206
Winkler, John, 75
Wired, Obama and, 210
Wisan, Joseph, 75
Wise, Stephen S.: on Coughlin, 111
WJR (radio station), Coughlin and, 106
WJXT-TV (television station), 185
WMCA (radio station), Coughlin and, 111–112
Woman’s Era, distribution of, 39
“Women in Steel” (Bourke-White), 128
“Women War Worker: A Case History” (New York Times), 124–125
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corps, 123
Women’s Political Union, 42
Women’s rights, 35, 38, 39, 43, 44
activism, 40–42
advocates/criticism of, 36, 41–42
Women’s Rights Movement, 31, 42, 43
discrediting, 33–38
voice for, 38–40
Women’s suffrage, 32, 34, 39, 42
Fourteenth Amendment and, 35
Wood, William, 147
photo of, 178
Watergate and, 177–179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186
Worcester Telegraph, on Seneca Falls meeting, 34
Working women, 118–120, 128–129
democracy and, 126
glamorizing, 121–123
influence of, 126–127
media images of, 130
support for, 123–124
“Working Women Win Wars Week,” 124
World Jewish Conference, 111
World Trade Center
9/11 and, 190, 191, 192, 194, 200
as watershed event, 117, 121, 129
WPLG-TV (television station), 185
Wright, Jeremiah, 211–212
Wright Aeronautical, 124
Yellow journalism, 60, 61, 65–68, 74
Ziegler, Ron, 177