
Aachen 83, 84

Aaron, Robert 162

Act of Supremacy (1535) 274

Act of Uniformity 290, 323, 327

Adam of Bremen 86

Adamites 226

adultery 329–30

Aelfmaer 67, 121, 124

Aelfric of Eynsham 109, 110

Aelfric, son of Meriet 67, 107, 114, 115, 117, 121, 123–4

Aethelbald, King of Mercia 64–5, 79

Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians 100

Aetius (consul) 41

Afghanistan 75

Africa 358, 397

Aggas, Bert 18, 28–9

Agincourt, battle of 236

Agricultural Revolution 104

Agriculture, Ministry of 130

Aikin, John 337

air raid precautions 394–5

Aki 89

Alaric I, King of the Visigoths 37

Alba 84

Alban the protomartyr 41

Alcuin 83–4

Alemanni 35

Alen family 157

Aleppo 25

Alexandria 24, 38, 75

Alfred the Great, King of Wessex 85, 87, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 113, 215

Alice (washerwoman) 168, 183, 367

Allen, Mrs 357

allotments 349

almanacs 180, 186, 187, 194, 391–2

Alot family 195

Amorgos 25

Anand 86

Andrews, Adam 174

Andrews, Will 248

Andrews family 239

Angeln 21, 44

Angeltheow 45, 50–51

Angles 35, 40, 42, 44, 51–2, 75, 121

Anglian (dialect) 44, 77, 91

Anglians 112

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 11, 48, 83, 85, 86, 87, 99, 117

Anglo-Saxons 21, 22, 41, 43–59, 80, 95–116

Angola 34

animism 71

Anna and Maud (anchoresses) 224

Annals of London 187

Anne Boleyn, Queen 274

anti-clericalism 202

Antioch 38, 75

Aponius Rogatianus 25

arable land 27, 30, 32, 92, 103, 105, 124–5, 132, 157, 163, 176, 277

decline and shift to pasture 181, 241, 263, 332, 338–9, 346, 357

see also enclosure; farming; open-field system

Arabs 75–6

Arcadius, emperor 34

Arch, Joseph 375, 382

Arden, forest of 204

Armada, Spanish 141

Armistice Day 392

Arnesby 208, 245

Arngrim 129

Aron, Agnes 195

art 369

Asceria 129

Asser, Bishop 97

Assize of Bread 187

Asten/Astin/Asteyn family 93, 157, 176

Asteyn, John 173

Aston, John 201, 204, 218, 219, 224, 229, 233

Aswan 36

Athelstan, King of England 100, 101, 114

Atica 31

Atkinson, David 368

Atlas Mountains 24

Augustine of Canterbury, St 70, 210

Augustine of Hippo, The City of God 37–8

Augustus, Emperor, mausoleum 37

Avebury 1

Avon, River 1

‘Babewynnes’ 193

‘Bagdad Blues’ 397

Bailey, Joseph 368

bailiffs 127, 179, 250, 252, 259, 261, 265–6, 270–71, 281

accounts 164, 229

at Merton College, Oxford 191, 194, 216, 230

see also Kibworth, Leicestershire, bailiff’s house

Baldon 235

Bale, Eli 390–91

Bale, Sir John 314

Bales, Lieutenant 326

Balkans 34

Ball, John 207, 216

ballads and pamphlets 201–2, 258

Baltic Sea 185

Baly, Alice 284

Band of Hope 379

Bannockburn, battle of 185

Banwell 19

Banwell Furlong 29–30, 32

Baptists 327, 379

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia 328, 332

Barham Down 140, 148, 149

Barkby 243

Barkeston 174–5

Barkestone, Plungar and Redmile 174

Barons’ Proclamation 149–50

Barons’ Revolt 143, 144–5, 154–5, 158, 162

Barrow on Soar 230, 247

Barton, Robert 291

Barun, John 234, 236

Basset, Ralph 136, 153

Basset, Thomas 156

Bath 41

Battle Abbey 117

Battle of Britain 402

battles, anniversaries 391–2

Beaker people xviii, 1, 4

Beauchamp, William 158

Beauchamp family 27, 67, 129, 208, 209, 214

Beaumont, Sir John 277, 286, 287

Becket, Thomas 144, 159, 211, 231

Sick Man’s Salve 298

Bede, Venerable 59, 73, 74, 75, 83, 95, 222

History of the English Church and People xx, 44, 48, 70–71

story of Gregorian mission 70, 222

Bedeman, Laurence 218

Beeching, Dr Richard 3, 398

Belgium 44

Benedict of Nursia, St 171

Beowulf 49, 50–51, 56, 58

Beridge, John 311

Beridge, vicar 299, 300

Beridge, William 311, 322

Beridge family 311

Berkhamstead 115

Berlin, march on 402

Bible 238

‘King’s’ 276, 289

translations of 206–7, 222

Birmingham and Derby Junction Railway 360

birth rate 258

Bittesby 203

Blaby 4

Black Death 171, 191–9

aftermath 89, 173, 200, 203, 211, 213, 214, 226, 241–9, 268, 272, 308, 331, 353

death toll 54–5, 106, 196

in Kibworth 194, 198, 199, 240, 353

records of xix

Smithfield cemetery 193

Black Hole of Calcutta 392

black people 381

black-out, wartime 395

Black Sea 189

Blackheath 214

Bladr (the Blade) 82, 89

Blake, ‘Captain’ (Home Guard) 396

Blake, William xvii, xx, 400

Blakwell, John (alias John Taylor) 234

Blaston 89

Blunt, Edward 9

Bombay 197–8

bombing, wartime 395–6

Bonde, Matilda 169

Bonde family 183

bondmen 262

Book of Common Prayer 323

book copying 205, 222, 226, 228, 230, 232, 236

books, devotional 212

boors 110

bordars see cottagers

Bosworth 63

battle of 253

Bothe (Booth), Henry 233

Boton, Adam 194

Boton, Henry 166

Boton, John 158, 166

Boton family 172, 255

Boulogne 149–50

Bowden 148

Bowden, Detective Sergeant 384

Bradmere 268

Brake, Miss 357

Breedon 74

Brees, Tom 291

brewsters 168–9

Brian, John 282, 322

Brian, Robert 297, 303

Brian family 332

Bridgenorth 152

Brighton 158

Bristol 235

Britannia Secunda 23

British (language) 95

Britons, ancient 20, 51–2

Brittany 35

Brixworth 63

brokers (brochars) 168, 172, 183, 194, 256

Bromley, Eileen 368, 390

Bromley family 368, 392

Bronze Age 1, 16

Brown, Adam (chaplain) 251

Brown, Adam (draper) 194, 210, 229, 234, 245, 247, 248–51, 251, 257, 264, 269, 272

Brown, Agnes 249, 250

Brown, Henry 242

Brown, Joanna 247, 248, 249

Brown, John 252–3, 254

Brown, Katherine 254

Brown, Nicholas 252

Brown, Robert 167, 242

Brown, Robert (cousin) 262

Brown, Robert (in Civil War) 320

Brown, Robert, jr 242–3

Brown, Robert, sr 242, 248

Brown, Thomas 250, 252

Brown, William (mercer) 254

Brown, William (preacher) 167, 224, 230–32, 233, 239, 242, 250, 269, 374–5

Brown, William (son of Adam Brown) 249–51

Brown family 107, 167, 177, 183, 221, 244–5, 247–54, 255, 260, 279

Brownists 324

Bruntingthorpe 125, 208

US airbase 395

Bryan, Richard 306

Bryan, Rob 296

Bryan, Tom 291

Buckingham, John, Bishop of Lincoln 220

Bucklebury, Berkshire 56

Burditt, Sam 370

Burgess (deaf mute) 371

Burgred, King of the Mercians 86

burhs 63, 97, 101

burial mounds 16–17

burials 17, 79–81, 87, 297–300

see also funerals

Burke, Edmund 397

Burnaby, Justice 342, 343

Burrough on the Hill 23

Burrough Walls 1, 42

Burton 89

Burton, William 156, 157

Description of Leicestershire 9–10, 11

Burton Brook (Glen) 21, 66

Burton Overy 58, 160, 329

Bushby 89

Butcher, Ann 356

Butcher, Samuel 354, 356

‘by’ names 89

by-laws 263

Byzantium 36

Cadbury Castle, Somerset 42

Calverton 73

Calvinists 312

Cambridge 100, 187, 327, 380

Jesus College 311

Camden, William, Britannia 10–11

canals 340–44, 345, 359, 360

Cancer Research 400

Canterbury 147

Archbishop of 187, 218

Cathedral 219

Canute (Cnut), King 113, 116

capitalism 178, 241, 259

Carew, Richard, The Story of Cornwall 11

Carlton 66

Carlton Curlieu 1, 138

Carter, Alice 191, 195

Carter, John 371

Carter, Margaret 195

Carter, Ralph 191

Carter, Rob 291

Carter, Thomas and Joan 229

Carter, William (1348) 191

Carter, William (1835) 354

Carter family 167, 176, 183, 213, 221, 310, 332

Cartivelos 6

Cassiodorus 53–4

Castle Donington 120

castles, Norman 16, 118–20

Cat and Mouse Act (Prisoners’ Temporary Discharge for Ill Health Act (1913)) 386

Catholic Church 200, 205, 208, 225, 310, 311, 312

liturgy 212, 213, 275–6, 278

restoration under Mary Tudor 279, 287

Catuvellauni 45

Caxton, William 171

Cayser, Edward 370

Celts 6, 53, 112

and Christianity 70

deities of 25, 28

cemeteries 45, 46

Ceolburg 58

Ceolwulf, King of the Mercians 86, 87

ceorls 110

Chad, St 71–2

chantries, abolition of 287

Chaplin, John 358

Chapman, Alice 297

Chapman, John 106, 262

Chapman, Margaret and Thomas 297

Chapman, Robert 267, 268

Chapman, Will 194

Chapman, Zachary 306

Chapman family 176, 210

charity system 339, 357

Charlemagne, Emperor 76, 83

Charles I, King 309, 310, 311, 312–18

Charles II, King 321–2, 324–6

Charnwood 4

Chaucer, Geoffrey 215, 218

Chauliac, Guy de 197

Cheddington, Surrey 163

Chedworth 19

Chessington, Surrey 161

Chettle 92

Children of the New Birth 324

China 358

cholera 394

chorography 10–11

Christiana 129

Christianity 32, 58–9, 61, 275–7

conversion to 69–74

Church, John (reeve) 106, 195, 197, 242

Church, John (sr) 195

Church, Robert 194

Church of England 323

and education 373

and temperance movement 379

Church Langton 308

Church party 373

Churchill, Winston 73, 141, 396

Cibbaeus 16

Cirencester 41

Civil War 8, 128, 137, 158, 268, 279, 310, 311, 312–21, 363

aftermath 324

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of 317

Clark, John 297

Clark, Matthew 324–5

Clark, Richard 322

Clark, Will 291

Clarke, Agnes 296–7

Clarke, Elizabeth 303

funeral 297–300

will 295–7

Clarke, Elizabeth jr 297

Clarke, Leslie 397, 400–401

Clarke, Thomas 297

Clarke family 392

class system

Anglo-Saxon 110

Tudor period 264

Clayton, Thomas 320

Clerke, Thomas 281

Clerke family 195, 199, 264

climate change 181, 184

climate and weather disruption 53–4, 61–2, 96, 112, 177, 179, 180, 185–7, 301, 368, 391

clothing 43, 114, 370

Cloudesley, Arthur 306

Cloudsley, Nicholas 291

club feasts 369

clubs and societies 370, 372, 400

coaches 360

coaching inns 331, 344, 360, 382

coal 340–41, 343–4, 362

coins 15, 17, 18–19, 33, 34, 61, 74–5, 77, 108–9

Cok, Emma 191, 195, 199

Colchester 25

cold, extreme conditions 61–2, 92, 193–4, 228

Coleman, Widow 283

Coleman, Will (nineteenth century) 332

Coleman, William 284, 285

Col(e)man family 165, 213, 266, 281, 310, 332, 392

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 328

Collins, John 371

Colman, Agnes 290, 298

Colman, Alice 284, 285

Colman, John 284

Colman, Katherine 284

Colman, Thomas 290, 295, 298

will 283–5

Colman, Wayne 284

coloni 30

Committee for Compounding 319

Committee for Plundered Ministers 318

Committee for Sequestrations 318–19

common rights 335

community of the realm 77, 105, 107, 111, 123, 126, 140–58, 156, 182, 183, 221, 225, 368

commuters 362, 399

Congregationalists 74, 239

conscientious objectors 390–91

Conservative Party 376, 379

Constantine the Great, Emperor 15, 18, 25, 32, 33, 37

Constantinople 36–7, 38, 41, 51, 53, 189

Hagia Sophia 75

Theodosian Walls 36

Constantius Chlorus 35

Conventicle Act 324

Cook, Thomas 3, 379

Corieltauvi 4, 6–7, 17, 19, 22, 26, 32, 41, 42, 45, 48, 52, 69, 112

Cornard Parva 193

Cornwall 187, 193

Corringham, John 221

Cotesbatch 304

Cotswolds 38, 193

cottage industries 345

cottagers (bordars) 77, 105, 107, 123, 126, 127, 156, 168, 182, 183, 254, 345, 368

cotton 346

Cotton, Miss 357

Counter-Reformation 295

Country Life 163

Couper family 243

court rolls 164, 169, 170, 171, 179, 180, 188, 216, 257, 270–71, 273

Courtney, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 218, 219–20, 227

Coventry 194, 230, 237, 243, 245–54, 260

Blitz (1940) 395

churches 246

Erle Street 250

Guild of Holy Trinity 249, 251

guilds 176, 231, 241, 246, 249, 352

Leet Book 252–3

Much-Parke Street 250

St Mary’s hall 249, 251

Coxon, Michael 290, 291

Coxon family 303

Crackley 91

Crete 402

cricket 369, 372, 378

crime 186, 329–30

Crimean War 358, 392

Crocker, Nellie 384

Cromwell, Henry 321

Cromwell, Oliver 317, 320–21, 368

Cromwell, Richard 321

Cromwell, Thomas 277

Croydon, Surrey 98

Crumpe, Henry 217

crusades 155

crystallization process xix

Cumbrian (language) 95

Cunobelinus, King 19

currency 95, 103

see also coins

Curtis, John 347

Cusa 65

Cuxham, Oxfordshire 163, 194

Cybba 16, 57, 63–7, 74, 82, 88

charter of xx, 65–7

Czechoslovakia 395

Dadlingworth 10

Dalbier, John 315–16

Danegeld 98, 113

Danelaw 81, 88, 94, 97, 99, 100, 103, 108, 113, 203

Danes 44, 53, 81–2, 92, 93, 95, 114

and place names 88–91

Danish (language) 91

Darfur 34

Davenport, Isaac 324

Daventry 186, 203

Davison, Emily 386–7

death pits 193, 197

Debdale Wharf 343

Deben, River 193

Decon, Nicholas 297

Defoe, Daniel 301, 346

Demetrius of Tarsus 24

Denmark 44, 85, 93

Deor 50

Derby (Northworthy) 63, 96, 100, 341, 346

Derbyshire 232

Dere, John 267

Dexter, Avice 174

Dexter, Geoffrey 174

Dexter, Roger and Alice 227, 227–8, 229, 233, 239, 251, 269, 330

Dexter, Thomas 174

Dexter family 221

dialects 44, 77, 91, 95, 109

Dickens, Charles 369, 379, 381

The Pickwick Papers 373

diet of poor 339–40, 356

‘Dig for Victory’ campaign 130

Diggers 304

Diocletian, Emperor 15

disease 61, 96, 187–8, 188, 197–8, 303, 394

Disraeli, Benjamin 376

dissenters 74, 200, 239, 310, 312, 327, 352–3, 357

ditches and hedges 16, 30, 64, 77, 79, 91, 119, 182, 193, 360

DNA 6, 22, 27, 48, 88, 92

Doddridge, Philip 327–8, 353, 363–4

‘Oh Happy Day’ 328

Dodenhall, Richard 249

Domesday Book xix, 2, 8, 10, 12–13, 15, 71, 120–27, 143, 155, 157, 165, 338

Doncaster 62

Donington, William 250

Dover 140

drinking 378–9

Droitwich (Saltwich) 61

Dudley, John 306

Dudley family 67

Dumnocoveros 6

Dumnvellaunus 6

Dunbar 185

dyers 175

dysentery 188

Eacott, Canon 395

Eadgyth 100

Earls Colne 193

East Angles 68–9, 81, 85

conversions to Christianity 70

East Anglia 22, 44–5, 48, 51, 53, 87, 193, 201, 230

East Midlands 45, 48, 51–2, 69, 87, 88, 230

Five Boroughs 96

Eastwood, James 284

Eden, Sir Frederick 346, 347

The State of the Poor 338–40

Edessa 75

Edgar, King 116

Edgehill, battle of 315

Edington, battle of 87

Edmund, King of the East Angles 85

Edmund the Martyr, St, King of the East Angles 94

education xvii, 226, 241, 262, 266–70, 272, 288, 305–9, 327–8, 332, 372–5

Board of Education 372

Education Acts

(1870) 372, 374

(1902) 374

(1944) 398

Edward I, King 158, 243, 248, 255

Edward II, King 184–5, 189, 213, 255

Edward III, King 201, 214, 215

Edward VI, King 278–9, 287, 299, 305–6

Edward, Prince (later King Edward I) 10, 146, 149, 152, 155

Edward the Confessor, King 113–14

Edward the Elder, King of the Anglo-Saxons 98, 100

Edwin, Earl of Mercia 115

Edwin of Kibworth, son of Aelferth 67, 107, 109, 114, 115, 117, 121, 124

Eilieva 138

El Alamein 402

Eleanor of Provence, Queen 149

Elizabeth I, Queen 26, 67, 258, 279, 288–9, 290, 303, 305, 307, 323, 346

Elliott, J.E. 395, 398–9

Ellis, John 360

Emma (wife of Edward the Confessor) 114

Empire Day 392

enclosure xviii, 6, 13, 29, 332–3, 334–8, 340, 345

battles over 305, 337–8

Enclosure Acts 334

(1779) 101, 104, 133, 334

(1789) 67

Enclosure Commissioners 335

Engels, Friedrich 240, 338

England, name of 44

English language, modern 109

English Place Name Society 14–15

Eomer 50, 51

epidemics 394

Ermine Street 23

eruptions 54

Essex 91, 216

Ethelred the Unready, King 108, 113, 115

ethnic identity 68–9

Euphrates, River 36

Eutropius 35

evacuees, child 395


battle of 152, 153, 161, 162

Battle Well 159–60

Evesham Abbey 159

Ewell, Surrey 158

Faber, Matilda 166

Faber, Nicholas 158, 166

Faber, Richard and Roger 166

Faber family 183

Fairfax, Thomas 317

Falconer, William 194

Familists of Love 226

famine 26, 54, 60, 61, 62, 83, 112, 177, 186, 200, 255, 303

see also Great Famine

Farley, Abraham 12–13

Farmer (husbandman) 324

farming 27, 28–30, 32, 104–7, 129–35, 262–4, 338–9, 368, 391, 392, 399

see also enclosure

farming year 132–5, 262–3

Fauconer, William 172

Faukin, John 148

Fawnt, Captain George 326

Feilding, Lord 355–6

Fenny Compton, Warwickshire 355

Fenny Drayton 239, 310, 325

Fens 69

ferdgate 2

feudal order 178, 240, 259

field names 90–91, 99

field workers 107–8

Fiennes, Celia 4

First World War (Great War) 3, 14, 268, 365, 387, 389–92, 401

Fishbourne 19

Fisseburn, Richard 148

FitzNeal, Richard 128, 143

Five Mile Act (1665) 325

Flanders 44, 390, 402

Fleckney 124, 244, 343, 356, 390

Fleet, stream 90–91

Fletcher, Joseph 354

Fletcher, William 358–9

floods 185

flower shows 369

Fobbing, Essex 214

foederati 33

folk beliefs and practices 58–9, 70–71, 78, 180

see also supernatural, interest in

food production 26, 29–30, 76, 129–30

football 377–8

forenames, boys’ and girls’ 175–6

Forest Laws 184

Fosse Way 1, 23, 73

Foster, Joseph 312, 318, 319

Fox, George 239, 310, 325

Fox, Thomas 306

Foxton 156, 343

framework knitting 344–56, 357, 367, 368

France 75, 141, 159, 402

war with 75, 159, 233, 309, 338, 341

Franks 35, 51, 75

freemen 70, 92, 99, 102, 105, 107, 110, 111, 115, 123, 126, 127, 128, 137, 143, 144, 154, 165, 183

Freer, Robert 354

French 123, 127

French (language) 138, 142

study of 328

friars 202, 213, 226

Frisby 89

Frisby, William 306

Frisia, Frisians 35, 42, 44, 51, 52–3, 72, 73, 89, 91

Frisley, Robert 284

funerals 297–300

futhorc 57–8

Galby 89

Galicia 187

Gamble, Thomas 358

Gamel 92

Garton, Ralph 250

Gartree Bush 2, 59, 101–2, 120, 121, 156

Gartree Hundred 88, 121, 123, 127, 141, 145, 156–8, 314, 326

Gartree Road 2, 137

Gascony 187

gaslight 364–5

Gaul 6, 19, 36, 39, 41

Gauti 90

gazetteers, district 357

Geoffrey of Dalby 158

Geoffrey the Fleming 166

George V, King 392

Germanic people 22, 32, 33, 35, 41, 53

languages of 36

Germanus of Auxerre 41

Germany 395

Gibbet Hill 203

Gilbert, Agnes 235

Gilbert, Emma, jr 235

Gilbert, Emma, sr 167, 169, 183, 210, 232, 234

Gilbert, John 235

Gilbert, Nicholas, jr 234–5, 237, 259, 260

Gilbert, Nicholas, sr 234–5

Gilbert, Robert, William and Alice 235

Gilbert, Thomas 351

Gilbert, Walter (Walter of Kibworth) 209, 224, 232–3, 234, 237, 239, 260, 272, 374–5

Gilbert family 221, 234, 279

Gilbert of Preston 147–8

Gilbert’s Act 351, 352

Gildas, The Fall of Britain 38–42

Gilmorton 119, 120

Glaber, Ralph 108

Glen 21, 52, 66, 162, 327

Glen Parva xx, 21

Glen, River 21, 28, 46, 52, 53, 64, 82

Glooston 88

Glooston Hill 43

Glor 88

Glorious Revolution 326–7

Gloucester 41, 121, 159

Goadby 89

Godwin 121

Godwin, John 166, 267

Godwin family 167, 176, 183

Godwine 93

Godwine, Alice 168

Godwine, John 195

Godyer, Robert 247

Godyer, Roger 247

Godyer family 167, 176, 243

The Golden Legend 171

Goodale family 357

Goode, William 306

Goths 36, 37, 48, 75

Gourde, Margery 297

Gower, John 214, 215

Grace Dieu Priory 277

grain prices 187

Grand Junction 341

Grandmesnil, Hugh 27

Grant, John 377

Grant, William 175

Gray, George 369

Great Bowden 17, 360

Great Easton 58

Great Famine xviii, 3, 106, 182–3, 184–8, 188–9, 191, 198, 212, 255, 256, 283

Great Gale 179

Great Glen 21, 40, 90, 191, 199, 317, 329, 390

Great North Road 185

Great Northern Railway 360–61, 361

Great Storm (1860) 368

Greeks, Greece 36, 402

Green, Dizzy 367

Green, Isobel 268

Green, John 268

Green, William 354

Greene, Lucy 297

Greenwich 150

Gregory I (the Great), Pope 70, 171, 222, 274

Gregory the Welshman 176

Grendel 58–9

Grendel’s Mere 78

Gretham, Walter 173

Grewcock family 362

Grey family 312

Grey Friars Chronicle 192

Gric (Crig) 22, 52

Grimston 88–9

Groby 120

Guest, Samuel 352

guilds 176, 231, 246, 249, 307

abolition of 287, 306

chapels 287

peace 104

prayer 211, 308

village 268, 278

see also Coventry, guilds; Leicester, merchants’ guilds

Gumley 64–5, 66, 76, 119, 193, 378, 391

Gumley Road 90

Gumley Wood 179

Guthlac, St 138

Guthrum 86, 87

Hadrian, Emperor 31

mausoleum 37

Hadrian’s Wall 24, 25, 35

Haesten 93, 121

Halfdan Ragnarsson 85, 86, 87

Halford, Sir Richard 313, 314, 317

Hallaton 25, 28, 118, 119, 120, 224, 225

holy well 275

market 168

treasure 6, 18, 19

Halley’s comet 96

‘ham’ names 45

Handbrough 235

Hanseatic League 248

Harald, King of Norway 114

Harborough see Market Harborough

Harcourt, Hugh 167

Harcourt, Mary and Margaret 167, 270

Harcourt family 27, 67, 129, 167, 209

Harin, William 162

Harm, Will 157

Harm family 176

Harold II (Godwinson), King of England 114–15

Harry, John 227

Harry, William 227

Harry the Hayward xx, 133, 183–4, 186, 187, 194

harvests 179, 180, 185, 186, 303, 304, 309, 377

harvest festival 368–9

poor 338

Hasting, Henry 314

Hasting, Hugh 157

Hastings, battle of 115, 117, 118, 121, 123

Hastings family 312

Hawker, James 381

Haydn, Joseph 381

Haymes, Mr (landowner and preacher) 376

Haymes, Robert 337, 355

Haymes, Robert, jr 355

Haymes family 332

haywards 133, 135, 179–80

health 357

Hearth Tax (1664) 345

Heath, Edward 11

Hebrew, study of 328

hedges see ditches and hedges

Helen, St 25, 211

Henry II, King 143

Henry III, King 137, 141, 144, 147–8, 149, 155, 164, 198, 255

Henry IV, King 232, 233, 256

Henry V, King 233, 236–7, 260

Henry VII, King 253

Henry VIII, King 9, 74, 259, 268, 274, 275, 277–8, 279, 280, 286, 294, 298, 305–6, 323

Henry of Huntingdon 139

Henry of Nottingham 158

Henry of Sheldon 158

Hereford, Nicholas 218, 220

herepath 2

heresy 200, 207, 217, 219–20, 225

see also Lollards

Hering, Robert 158

Hermogenes 24

Herrick 92

Hesilrige, Sir Arthur 310, 313–14, 320–21

Heynes, Alice and Amabil 169

Heynes, John 247

Heynes, Will 267

Heynes (village clerk) 195, 197

Heynes family 141, 165, 166, 167, 172, 210, 262, 263

Heyrick, Captain 342

Heywood, Richard 297

Higden, Ranulf 192

Hill, Rowland 363

Hill Norton 304

Hinckley 120, 327

Hippo Regius 37

Hipwood, Rev. 380

Hitchin 360, 361

Hitler, Adolf 150

Holloway prison xvii

Holme, Huntingdonshire 98

Holy Land 74, 75, 155

Holyoak, Joseph 354

Holyoak, May 397

Holyoak, Rose 244, 396

Holyoak, William 354

Holyoak family 59

Holyoak Lodge 59

Home Front 391–2, 394–8

home guard 342, 396

Homer 51

Honorius, Emperor 34, 36, 37

hosiery industry see framework knitting; Johnson & Barnes

Hoskins, W. G. xix, 14

Hothorpe 89

Houghton 89

Houghton on the Hill 156

Hound Hill 136

housing estates 398

Housman, John 338

Howell, Cicely xviii

Hrolfr 89, 99

Hubba Ragnarsson 85

Hudson, George 360

Hugh, son of Scolate (Scholastica) 171

Hugh Grandmesnil 67, 118, 119, 120, 123, 125, 128

Hugh of Kibworth 148, 162

Hull 187

Hulman, Thomas xx, 200–204, 207–8, 212, 213–17, 219–21, 227, 229, 233

Humberstone 46

Humphrey, Lebbeus 337

Hundred Rolls Survey 10, 130, 155–8, 165, 262

Hundred Years War 200

hundreds 101–2

Hungifu 104

Huns 37, 48

Hunt, William 311–20, 322

hunting 378, 391

Huntingdon 187

Husbands Bosworth 1

Hutchinson, Lucy 314

Hwen, Henry (apothecary) 367

Ibstock 315

Ibstone, Surrey 163

Ice Age 6, 53

see also mini-Ice Ages

Iceland 54

Icil, son of Eomer 45, 50, 51, 63, 69

Iliffe, Fred 369

Iliffe, John 306

Iliffe, Robert 354

Iliffe, Thomas 349, 362

Iliffe family 165, 266, 310, 392

Illston on the Hill 1, 89, 230, 234

immigration 398, 399–400

imported goods 109, 174, 392

Independents 310, 312, 324, 327

India 358–9, 368, 397

poetry 50

Indian Plague Research Commission of Bombay 197

Industrial Revolution 3, 8, 19, 27, 393

industry 398

Ingarsby 119, 120

Inkle and Yariko 369

Iolfr 89, 99

Iona 84

Ipswich 61

Ireland 35, 84, 96

poetry 51

Irish 27, 342

as farmworkers 377

Iron Age xix, 6, 11–12, 16, 22, 29, 44, 49, 55, 105, 182

forts 1, 23, 42

Isobel of Kibworth 172

Italy 36, 396, 397, 402

Ivar Ragnarsson (the Boneless; Ingwaer) 80–81, 85, 86, 87, 100

Ivo (father of Christiana) 129

Ivo (merchant) 172

‘J.D.’ 322–3

Jackson, Jeremiah 353–4

Jackson, John 354–5

Jackson, William 352

Jaggard, William and John 9

James I, King 304

James II, King 317

Jarrow 48, 75, 84

marchers 16, 119

Jennings, John 327–8, 337, 353

Jennings, John, jr 327

Jesson, Jonathan (‘Jonty’) 355–6, 371–2, 376

Jesuits 295

jewellery 43, 47, 93

Jews 161

John, King 138, 142, 143–4

John of Arundel 158

John (grandson of Scolate (Scholastica)) 171

John of Kibworth (constable) 151, 152

John of Kibworth (slater) 245

John Lydus 53

John le Payntour 183, 210

John (son of Scolate (Scholastica)) 171

John (son of Sibil) 169

Johnson & Barnes 396

hosiery factory 389, 390, 398

Johnson, Job 349, 354

Johnson, Will 324

Jordan, Will 324

Joye, John 186–7

Joye, Roger 183

Julian, Emperor 13, 15

Jurassic Way 1, 20, 32, 61

Jutland 35, 44, 91

battle of 391