Louise Hay, the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 50 million books sold worldwide. For more than 30 years, Louise has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Louise is the founder and chairman of Hay House, Inc., which disseminates books, CDs, DVDs, and other products that contribute to the healing of the planet. Visit www.LouiseHay.com
Ahlea Khadro is the founder and owner of Soulstice, a Center for Optimal Living & Rehabilitation through yoga, reformer Pilates, meditative practices, and nutrition. She specializes in: visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy, holistic and nutritive support, emotional release techniques, and electromagnetic field (EMF) remediation. At an early age Ahlea could see the stories that lie beneath the surface of people’s lives and under the layers of the human body. Coupled with a deep desire to serve others, her quest to translate these stories into healing protocols took her on a colorful, dynamic, and unconventional path to mastering the healing process. From mainstream hospital settings to the feet of yogic masters, Ahlea’s unique path has allowed her to see new ways to heal your body and life. Visit www.AhleaKhadro.com
Heather Dane is a writer, researcher, and certified professional coach specializing in resolving chronic health conditions, addictions, eating disorders, methylation challenges, and out-of-balance lifestyles. After recovering naturally from so-called incurable chronic digestive disorders, bulimia, and depression, Heather discovered how to identify and solve symptoms at the root-cause level. She believes that there is no such thing as an incurable illness–there is only an invitation to come back to loving yourself. Heather has researched and worked with many of the great minds in medicine, natural health, nutrition, and energy healing. Her expertise in designing healing nutrition protocols led her to create hundreds of easy, delicious recipes (including desserts!) to transform the experience of “health food” into healthy gourmet. Visit www.HeatherDane.com