The “Heads-Up” Program Switcher

Only one program can be in front, or active, at a time.

To switch to a different program, you could click or double-click its icon (in the Dock, the Applications folder, Launchpad, or wherever). But the fastest method is often to use the -Tab keystroke (Figure 6-7).

You can use this feature in three different ways, which are well worth learning:


Here’s a related keystroke, equally awesome. If you press -~ (the tilde key next to the number 1), you switch to the next window in the same program.

Apple calls this row of open program icons a “heads-up display,” named after the projected data screen on a Navy jet windshield that lets pilots avoid having to look down at their instruments.

Figure 6-7. Apple calls this row of open program icons a “heads-up display,” named after the projected data screen on a Navy jet windshield that lets pilots avoid having to look down at their instruments.