

I. Music of the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

1. Ancient Music and Philosophy

2. Music in the Early Church

3. The Roman Liturgy

4. The Beginnings of Polyphony (and what polyphony is)

5. Music in Fourteeth Century France and Italy

II. A Rebirth: Music of the Renaissance

6. The Musical Renaissance

7. Josquin: The Next Generation

8. The Reformation and Its Effect on Music

9. Madrigals (they aren't always accompanied by dinners) and Other Secular Songs

10. Strike Up the Band: Instrumental Music Takes the Stage

III. The Baroque Period: The Music of Bach and Vivaldi

11. The Beginnings of a New Style

12. Chamber and Church Music in the Seventeenth Century

13. Music of the World in the Seventeenth Century

14. The Late Baroque Period: Italy and France

15. The Late Baroque Period: J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel

IV. Finally! Classical “Classical Music”

16. Classical Music and Classical Style

17. Instrumental Music Takes the Stage (Again)

18. Mozart, Haydn, and Quintessential “Classical” Composition

19. Beethoven: To Be Classical or Romantic, That is the Question

V. It's Not All Lovey-Dovey: the Romantic Period

20. What is Romanticism Anyway?

21. Innovation in Vocal and Piano Music

22. The Development of Chamber, Choral, and Orchestral Music

23. The Fat Lady Sings: Innovation in Italian and German Opera

24. Late Romanticism: Brahms and the Wagnerians

VI. Bucking the Trend: Music in the Twentieth Century

25. Is it Late Romantic or Modern?

26. Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Schoenberg and Friends

27. Igor Stravinsky

28. Music and Postmodernism

29. Y2K: It's Not as Bad as They Thought It Would Be


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About the Artist