This is a classic, and I know you’ve done them before, but when done correctly, they’re an effective way to strengthen a lot of muscle groups (basically your entire core and upper body) all at once. I like exercises that involve 50 percent or more of your body’s muscles, because they’re a great use of time and super-functional. With push-ups, you’ll activate all core muscles, and your shoulders, hips, and everything else down to your shins, since you’re positioned on your toes.
For starters, you’ll increase bone density in your arms and wrist bones. Did you know that it takes approximately 1/10 of the force needed to break a bone to make it stronger? Ask yourself, if you trip while running, will the bones in your hands, wrists, and arms resist a break? Push-ups help prevent you from ever actually having to discover the answer to that question.
Lie face down on the floor with your hands directly under your shoulders, your abs engaged, your legs together and extended behind you, toes tucked under.
Press into your palms and lift your body straight up, keeping your shoulders down and trying to maintain a straight line throughout; lower back to start and repeat.
Begin with 5 to 10 reps, but do as many as possible. If you need to modify this and go down on your knees, that’s fine. Remember, just by attempting this exercise you are making progress.