“Before he enter on the Execution of his Office he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: ‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.’”
—U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 8
The Founding Fathers would be appalled by the modern presidency. Of all the things that would horrify them about the scope and reach of government today, the one that might alarm them most is the character of the modern office of president. The scale of the presidential office and the conduct of modern presidents are very different from what the Founders envisioned. In fact, the modern presidency is the exact opposite of what the Founders intended. The behavior of most modern presidents—personally ambitious politicians (or demagogues, in the Founders’ eighteenth-century vocabulary) making populist appeals, offering lavish promises, often impossible to fulfill, of what they will do for the people—is precisely what the Founders wanted to avoid when they created the institution. The modern presidency has become one of the chief ingredients in the recipe for endlessly expanding the government beyond the limits the Founders laid out for it in the Constitution.
But this is not what you will learn from the leading textbooks and histories of the presidency, or from biographies of modern presidents. Most of the leading academic textbooks and the prominent media figures who cover presidents implicitly teach that the greatest modern presidents are those who have made the government bigger and more powerful, and expanded the reach of the presidency. Thus Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt are typically ranked very high by pundits and historians alike, despite those presidents’ obvious political and policy failures, while presidents with a limited-government point of view, like Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Ronald Reagan, are ranked poorly and treated with dismissive scorn by historians and journalists.
Today the president stands at the apex of the American political system, and the presidency is the first thing most citizens think about when they turn their attention to politics. The president can truly be said to be the center of gravity in American politics today. But this is a wholly modern phenomenon. Before the twentieth century, Congress was considered the more important branch of government.
Thomas Reed, the legendary Republican Speaker of the House between 1889 and 1899, dismissed suggestions that he run for president because he considered it a lesser office than Speaker of the House.
To be sure, we want great men—in the serious, classical sense of the phrase—to serve in the office of the president. We want men of high character and ability to preside over the operation of our government. But the president is the focal point of the chief paradox of the republican form of self-government. We choose our temporary rulers from amongst the ranks of our fellow citizens. We want to be able to look up to our government officials—the president most of all—but we do not want them to look back down upon us. We want to put the president up on a pedestal, but still gaze upon him at eye-level. The most successful and popular presidents were able to manage this paradox, commanding the American people’s respect and responding to the real needs of the moment (pre-eminently defending the nation from foreign threats and securing law and order) while still connecting with citizens as their equals. It is less clear that we are well-served, or the nation improved, by presidents with ambitious “visions” of how American society should be transformed.
The Cult of the Presidency: America’s Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power by Gene Healy (The Cato Institute, 2008).
Today too many Americans believe the president is or ought to be some kind of miracle worker. For those who seek solutions to all life’s problems in politics, the “president as hero” makes perfect sense. Liberals swooned over the personality of Barack Obama, who reminded them of John F. Kennedy because of his “charisma.”
In the early 1960s it was common to see photos of John F. Kennedy on the walls of Catholic homes alongside images of the Pope. In the 2008 election a local NBC affiliate in Denver broadcast the comments of Barack Obama supporter Peggy Joseph, who said that if Obama was elected, “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage . . . . If I help him, he’s going to help me.” As the Cato Institute’s Gene Healy put it, “We still expect the ‘commander in chief’ to heal the sick, save us from hurricanes, and provide balm for our itchy souls.” Healy points to the presidents’ “acquired situational narcissism,” enabled by the American people, who have become “presidential romantics.”
The expectation that a godlike president can or should solve all of our problems reinforces the central impulse of liberalism, which is to politicize more and more of private life, ever expanding the power of government. The inflation of the presidency and the expansion of government that goes with it have inflated status, power, and egos all the way down the food chain, with senators, representatives, and senior executive branch appointees coming to believe and act as though they are a separate, privileged elite ruling class. But the reach of the modern presidency, like the reach of government itself, exceeds its grasp: there is a huge gap today between the people’s expectations and presidents’ capacity to deliver. Our soaring expectations set our presidents up for failure—especially those like Barack Obama, who overpromise in vague, grandiose terms like “hope and change.”
“The presidency is the incarnation of the American people, in a sacrament resembling that in which the wafer and the wine are seen to be the body and blood of Christ.”
Herman Finer, eminent University of Chicago political scientist in the Kennedy Era
The cause of limited government requires that we return to the Founders’ way of understanding self-government, and this involves recapturing their understanding of a limited presidency. Conservatives rightly celebrate the inspirational presidency of Ronald Reagan, who made good use of the “bully pulpit” and the other expanded powers of the modern office of president. But we should pause and consider that limiting government may require lowering the status of the president.
Modern presidential politics is slowly degrading the self-reliant character of the American citizenry. When presidents and other leading political figures advocate doing something “for the children,” their rhetoric betrays the tendency of modern government to make children out of all its citizens. (Sometimes liberals are quite forthright about their plans to infantilize the citizenry. In 1997, Gene Healy points out, “Vice President Al Gore said the federal government should act ‘like grandparents in the sense that grandparents perform a nurturing role.’”) Perhaps the worst example is the infamous moment in the final debate of the 1992 presidential campaign when a social worker named Denton Walthall asked Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Ross Perot the ultimate “what-will-you-do-for-me” question:
And I ask the three of you, how can we, as symbolically the children of the future president, expect the two of you, the three of you, to meet our needs, the needs in housing and in crime and you name it . . . . [C]ould you make a commitment to the citizens of the United States to meet our needs, and we have many . . .?
The right answer to such a ridiculous question would have been, “Grow up, dude. I’m not your father. Get a grip on yourself.” Or perhaps, “The job of the president is, as the Constitution says, to faithfully execute the laws of the nation. It is not the job of the president to meet every individual’s needs or wants. If you’re looking for help with your ‘needs,’ see a fellow social worker.” That’s the kind of answer Theodore Roosevelt might have given, or maybe even Harry Truman. But that’s not how the candidates answered, because a candidate who did give that kind of answer would have been blasted as “insensitive” by the liberal news media. Instead, Governor Bill Clinton, who famously said that he could “feel your pain,” reminded us that as governor of Arkansas he’d always worked hard “on the real problems of real people.” The patrician President Bush stammered that “caring” goes into the conduct of the presidency.
Inflating his own role at the expense of the citizenry is the wrong direction for a president to take. So what makes a truly great president? Both citizens and scholars will give you lists of attributes that sound compelling—at least on the surface.
Perhaps the worst example of liberal hypocrisy on the presidency was Arthur Schlesinger Jr.’s book, The Imperial Presidency, which appeared during the high tide of the Watergate scandal in 1973. The prolific Schlesinger had previously been giddy in his celebration of the strong use of presidential power under Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, but deplored presidential power when it was used for purposes he disliked, especially by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
Leading political scientists will point to specific leadership and character traits, including administrative ability, communication skills, decision-making, interpersonal intuition, and worldview or “vision” (“the vision thing,” as President George H. W. Bush memorably put it).
Historians will say presidential greatness depends on leadership “style,” and particularly on how a president reacts to crises.
The regular citizen, whose views are the most important since in the end it is citizens and not expert elites who select the president, will tell pollsters that the most important traits are a president’s “experience,” that he “shares my values” and “cares about people like me,” his understanding of the “needs of the country,” and his charisma.
But neither experts’ insights nor citizens’ sentiments are a reliable blueprint for presidential greatness. It has proven impossible to develop a list of traits that will predict success in office. If a collection of character traits and check-boxes of experience could predict or explain presidential performance, George H. W. Bush should have been one of the nation’s greatest presidents. Yet Americans tossed him out of office after one term. Likewise, Harry Truman should have been a colossal flop when he was in office, and indeed many Americans thought him a miserable failure at the time. Yet Truman was re-elected in 1948, and although he left office in 1953 with very low public approval ratings, his reputation subsequently rose with the passage of time and a lengthening historical perspective.
There is a large amount of subjective judgment involved in academic evaluations of presidents: liberals will always rate liberal presidents more highly than conservative presidents, and since liberals dominate academia it is no surprise that liberal Democratic presidents are usually more celebrated in the leading literature than conservative Republicans. Liberals howled that George W. Bush was abusing his power in the war on terror, yet have fallen strangely silent under President Barack Obama as he has continued and in some cases expanded the Bush administration’s understanding of executive power.
But bias is not the only reason that a “politically incorrect” perspective on modern presidents is needed. Even less ideologically skewed accounts of the presidency in modern times—both by journalists and in the leading historical literature—are inadequate. They overlook the single most important factor that should be considered in evaluating presidents and would-be presidents: Does the president take seriously his oath of office to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”?
For most modern presidents, concern for “preserving, protecting, and defending” the Constitution ends with the recitation of that clause of the Oath of Office. They may take an interest in interpreting the brief and general language of the Constitution on close calls (especially involving national security). But are they concerned with defending the Constitution from explicit and implicit attempts to undermine it, or to change its meaning into something opposite to or beyond what the Founders intended? Some modern presidents (especially Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt) have not merely failed to defend the Constitution, but have actively participated in undermining its limits on government power. Some presidents openly, and others implicitly, held the well-conceived boundaries of the Constitution in contempt, while others have simply failed to understand them in the first place.
In the nineteenth century, presidential candidates routinely talked about the Constitution in their campaigns, and most presidential inaugural addresses discussed the Constitution at some length.
In fact, the inaugural addresses of presidents from George Washington through William McKinley were typically focused on our revolutionary and constitutional heritage, and thus were strong rhetorical reinforcements of the duty of the president and all other federal officials to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution. In other words, most of our presidents used their inaugural addresses to remind us of the first principles of our nation, as Founders such as John Adams said they should do.
In most inaugural addresses through the nineteenth century, the Constitution was held up as an object of veneration—its only rival as an object of reverence being God Himself. As George Washington put it memorably in his first inaugural address in 1789:
No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency; and in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their united government the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities from which the event has resulted can not be compared with the means by which most governments have been established without some return of pious gratitude, along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage.
Today the Constitution seldom comes up in presidential campaigns, with two partial and problematic exceptions. Sometimes individual items from the Bill of Rights do come up for discussion, for example when Senator Bob Dole mentioned the Tenth Amendment, without really explaining it, in his 1996 presidential campaign against Bill Clinton. But the Bill of Rights, as important as it is, is only a part of the Constitution.
The second way the Constitution sometimes comes up in presidential campaigns is in connection with the presidential power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. Conservative or Republican candidates starting with Richard Nixon have tended to promise to appoint “strict constructionists” or “originalists” who will interpret the Constitution as the Founders intended (and then have often failed to appoint such jurists), while liberal candidates disguise the fact that they prefer judicial activists who will legislate the liberal agenda from the bench. President Obama, for example, said that he wanted Supreme Court justices with “empathy,” which was a code word for sympathy for the liberal welfare-state agenda, and for using the judiciary to “right wrongs,” even if the written law has to be twisted or ignored in the process.
The last president to refer to the Constitution in any substantive way in an inaugural address was Ronald Reagan in 1981; he was also the last president to make a sustained argument to the American people about how the Constitution should be interpreted.
But the large role the issue of judicial appointments plays in presidential politics—especially as a proportion of the total attention paid to the Constitution—is a measure of how far the modern presidency has strayed from the Founders’ intentions. Both liberal and conservative candidates do themselves and the American people a disservice in reinforcing the idea of judicial supremacy—the belief that the Constitution is what the Supreme Court says it is, rather than belonging to all three coequal branches of government and, ultimately, to the people.
The constitutionality of presidential acts is often controversial. But students and citizens will learn little about key constitutional moments in presidential history from most of the leading textbooks, let alone from the news media. Amazingly, you can read through piles of college textbooks and historical surveys of the presidency without encountering a single mention of the president’s relationship to the Constitution, or of how a president’s arguments and actions changed the way our Constitution is understood and operates. Consider James David Barber’s leading textbook, The Presidential Character, which has gone through four editions since it was first published in 1972. It is a worthy book in many ways, full of insight about presidents and the character traits that helped or hindered them in office. Yet the index to The Presidential Character does not contain a single entry for “Constitution” or its variants (such as “constitutional” or “constitutionalism”). Likewise, Richard E. Neustadt’s widely used and widely acclaimed book, Presidential Power and Modern Presidents, which has gone through three editions since its first publication in 1960, also contains no index entry for the Constitution. And the same thing is true of another acclaimed book on the modern presidency, Princeton professor Fred I. Greenstein’s The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Clinton.
The list of books omitting the Constitution in their treatment of the presidency could go on. Mentions of the Constitution in the text of these and other leading books are perfunctory and lacking in substance, as though the Constitution were irrelevant to the conduct of the office of president. This is a striking anomaly, as most books about Congress do not avoid discussing the Constitution, yet somehow the much larger literature about the presidency routinely ignores our founding document.
The American Presidency: An Intellectual History by Forrest McDonald (University Press of Kansas, 1994).
There are a few notable exceptions to this blindness, such as Marc Landy and Sidney Milkis’s book Presidential Greatness, or Forrest McDonald’s The American Presidency: An Intellectual History. (McDonald is one of the great conservative historians of our time.) And surprisingly even Arthur Schlesinger’s The Imperial Presidency argues for reining in “presidential supremacy . . . within the Constitution” [his emphasis], specifically by reviving the separation of powers between the president and Congress. But Schlesinger’s argument is disingenuous. It was liberal thinkers like Schlesinger who had argued consistently for breaking down the separation of powers in favor of a stronger presidency—when Democrats held the that office. Liberal concern about presidential power seems to manifest itself chiefly when Republicans are in the White House.
But isn’t historians’ disregard for the constitutional dimension of the presidency simply a matter of realism about the conditions of our time, now that the office of the president has “evolved” over the last century to meet the changing conditions of the modern world? After all, President William McKinley conducted the presidency with a White House staff of twenty-seven people (President Ulysses S. Grant had just six), whereas today there are several hundred people on the White House staff, not to mention the nearly 3,000 executive branch appointments that the president must make upon taking office.
But the appeal to “realism” is a subtle dodge, as it tacitly accepts the premise of modern liberalism: that it is in the nature of government to grow without restraint to meet new “needs,” regardless of any of the limits on government power stated explicitly or implicitly in the Constitution. The idea of the “living Constitution” (which in practice means the written Constitution is dead) is thoroughly embedded in most treatments of the modern presidency. Thus most leading books about the presidency ratify, without having to justify, the transformation of the modern presidency into an engine for the growth of government power, and for the broader liberal view that all human problems should come under the purview of politics.
To understand how much the modern presidency changed during the course of the twentieth century, we need to go back to the Founding and reacquaint ourselves with the original design the Founders had for our chief executive office.