col2.1 Is Any One You Know Missing?: NYJ, June 29, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

p1.1: Body diagram: NYJ, June 28, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

p2.1: Martin Thorn and Anna Held: NYW, November 12, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

p3.1: “Mrs. Nack, Murderess!”: NYEJ, June 30, 1897. Reproduced by permission of the New York Public Library.

15.1: Mrs. Nack’s letter: NYJA, October 6, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

15.2: Thorn’s letter: NYJA, October 7, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

p4.1: “Thorn Denies That He Shot Guldensuppe”: NYJ, November 30, 1897. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

p5.1: “Interior View of the Woodside Cottage”: NYEJ, November 30, 1897. Reproduced by permission of the New York Public Library.

bm1.1: “Mrs. Nack Tells Her Own Story of the Amazing Guldensuppe Tragedy”: NYEJ, July 20, 1907. Reproduced by permission of the New York Public Library.