28 Office Medical Services
Emergency health needs: whom to call first
Advisory on policy for noncritical health care in the workplace
Policy regarding workplace injuries and workers compensation
Requirement of notification of medical condition that will impact ability to perform job
Advisory on intestinal flu outbreak
Cancellation of conferences because of intestinal flu outbreak
Policy on company’s right to conduct random drug testing
Policy on disposal of syringes, other medical supplies
Reminder to update emergency notification forms
Reminder to update medical forms to indicate allergies and medications (confidential)
Policy on confidentiality of health information
Commendation to employee for handling emergency
Announcement of flu shot clinic
Announcement of blood donation clinic
Availability of confidential counseling on substance abuse
Training on emergency first response medical
Seeking volunteers for emergency response staff
Accepting volunteer for emergency response staff
Declining volunteer for emergency response staff
Deployment of automated AED devices