29 Security Office

Announcement of early shutdown because of weather

Telephone number for weather advisories, weather closings

Announcement of advance notice of closing because of weather

Announcement of early shutdown because of technical problem

Announcement of advance notice of closing because of technical problem

Policy on emergency procedures: whom to call first

Notification of fire and evacuation drill

Follow-up on fire and evacuation drill

Disaster preparedness planning

Request for appointment of departmental captains for disaster preparedness

Security training offered

Escorts offered to parking lot after hours

Policy on after-hours in the workplace

Requirement to notify security of after-hours in office

Policy prohibiting delivery of food to individuals during ordinary hours

Procedure for delivery of food to individuals after ordinary working hours

Policy on ID cards

Policy on renewal of ID cards

Requirement to notify security of lost ID cards

Policy on keys and passcards

Requirement to notify security of lost keys or passcards

Requirement of sign-in of guests

How to notify security of accidental alarms

Required notification of incidents in the office

Procedure for handling bomb threats or other threats

Reporting theft in the workplace

Policy banning weapons in workplace

Policy banning possession of drugs or alcohol in workplace

Outsourcing of parking lot and shuttle bus security staff