1 The Executive Office: Intraoffice

Notification of calendar for coming year

Announcing company-wide meeting

Soliciting suggestions for topics for company-wide meeting

Introducing Employee of Month program

Announcement of Employee of Month

Congratulations to Employee of Month

Response to widespread rumor, closing of plant

Response to widespread rumor, sale of company

Announcement of opening of new sales office

General announcement to staff of closing of sales office

Update to employee manual policy on confidential information

Invitation to anniversary reception

Announcing a special anniversary bonus to employees

Seeking greeters for open house

Announcement of foreign visitors touring company

Announcement to general staff about foreign visitors touring company

Invitation to lunch with foreign visitors

Policy on accepting gifts

Year-end statement, good year

Year-end statement, difficult year

Statement on death of former executive

Announcement of memorial for deceased employee

Announcement of memorial scholarship for deceased employee

Letters of Congratulations and Thanks

Holiday greetings to employees

Letter of thanks for community service

Letter of thanks for appearance at community function

Thanks for involvement in community campaign

Congratulations to employee on publication of book or article

Compliments to speaker and thanks for presentation

Congratulations to recipient of community service award

Congratulations to business acquaintance on publication of book or article

Thanks for speech, donation in appreciation

Thanks to employee accepting honorary or voluntary position

Personal letter of thanks and condolence to family of former employee