1.   The book Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes, also published as Detect Deceit (USA & Canada) can be purchased online from Big Sky Publishing ( ).

2.   Sixty Minutes (Australia) report dated 18 November 2011. According to the interviewee, Mr Richard Clarke (who was Counter-Terrorism Chief under both Presidents Clinton and Bush), countries such as China are stealing not only military secrets but also raiding classified corporate information. This information is then provided by the Chinese government to Chinese Corporations, who then compete commercially with the companies whose secrets have been stolen. AT:

3.   A VriJ et al (2002). ‘Characteristics of Secrets and the Frequency, Reasons and Effects of Secret Keeping and Disclosure’. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.

4.   A VriJ et al (2002). ‘Characteristics of Secrets and the Frequency, Reasons and Effects of Secret Keeping and Disclosure’. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.

5.   G Margolis (1974). The Psychology of Keeping Secrets. International Review of Psychoanalysis.

6.   Pennebaker, J.W., Colder, M.,&Sharp, L. K. (1990). Pennebaker, J.W., Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., & Glaser, R. (1988). Petrie, K. J., Booth, R. J., Pennebaker, J.W., Davison, K. P., & Thomas, M. G. (1995).

7.   For example, Schwartz, G. E. (1990) ‘Psychology of repression and health: a systems approach’. IN: J.L. Singer, Repression and disassociation: Implications for personality theory. Psychopathology and Health. Chicago. The University of Chicago. Scarf, M. (2004) Secrets, Lies, Betrayals How the Body Holds Secrets of a Life, and How to Unlock Them. Random House

8.   Description adapted from Kelly, A. E. (2002) The Psychology of Secrets. Bok. S. (1989) Secrets: On the ethics of concealment and revelation. New York.

9.   Norton, R., Feldman, C., & Tafoya, D (1974) ‘Risk Parameters across Types of Secrets’. Journal of Counselling Psychology.

10.   Schwolsky, E. (2001) ‘Keeping Secrets’. American Journal of Nursing. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Some elements of the stated example have been changed so the child cannot be identified.

11.   For example, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Japan. Seventeen-year patents exist in Canada.

12.   Hannah, D.R., (2006) ‘Keeping Trade Secrets Secret’. IN: MITSloan Management Review

13.   BBC News (2006) at

14.   Kaplan, E. (1987). Development of the sense of separateness and autonomy during middle childhood and adolescence. Mahler, M. S., Pine, F., and Bergman, A. (1975). The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. Basic Books, New York. Meares, R., & Orlay, W (1988) ‘On Self Boundary: A Study of the Development of the Concept of Secrecy’. British Journal of Medical Psychology, United Kingdom.

15.   Meares, R., & Orlay, W (1988) ‘On Self Boundary: A Study of the Development of the Concept of Secrecy’. British Journal of Medical Psychology, United Kingdom.

16.   Watson AJ, Valtin R (1997) ‘Secrecy in Middle Childhood’. International Journal of Behavioural Development.

17.   Craig, D.R. (2011). Lie Catcher: Become Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes. Big Sky Publishing, Sydney Australia.

18.   Last, U (1991) ‘Secrets and Reasons for Secrecy Among School-Aged Children: Development Trends and Gender Differences’. Journal of Genetic Psychology. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Blos, P. (1967). The second individuation process of adolescence. Psychoannual Study Child 22: 162–168.

19.   Blos, P. (1979). The AdolescentPassage. International Universities Press,New York.

20.   Craig, D.R. (2011) Lie Catcher: Become Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes. Big Sky Publishing, Sydney Australia

21.   Frij, T. (2005) Keeping Secrets; Quality, Quantity and Consequences. PhD Thesis Vu University Amsterdam.

22.   Kelly, A. E., (2011) IN: The Two Types of Secrets by Sykes, C. AT:

23.   Settle, M. (2009) BBC Radio Four, The Secrets that People Keep from their Nearest and Dearest t

24.   Norton, R., Feldman, C., & Tafoya, D (1974) ‘Risk Parameters across Types of Secrets’. Journal of Counselling Psychology.

25.   Britton, G. R. A., Brinthaupt, J., Stehle, J. M. and James, G. D. (2004), Comparison of Self-Reported Smoking and Urinary Cotinine Levels in a Rural Pregnant Population. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. United States.

26.   As reported anonymously in the study by Norton, R., Feldman, C., & Tafoya, D (1974) Risk Parameters across Types of Secrets. Journal of Counselling Psychology

27.   Caughlin, J. P et al. (2000) Intrafamily Secrets in various Family Configurations: A Communication Boundary Management Perspective. Communication Studies United States

28.   Vangelisti, A. L., (1994) Family Secrets: forms, functions and correlates. Journal of Social and personal Relationships.

29.   IrabetBlack, E. (1998) The Secret Life of Families. Bantam Books, New York

30.   Case reported to the author (2012). The names and identity of the people have been protected, and the matter was eventually reported to the police by one of the family members.

31.   An inference should not be drawn that being a paedophile was directly linked to Peter being gay. However, in the reported case, the person was both gay and a paedophile.

32.   Legal advice should be sought before any such strategy is attempted, to ensure that the elicitation of that type of information in that environment is conducted within the relevant laws. The author does not in any way support the illegal procurement of sensitive information from any source.

33.   Computerworld UK reporter (2008) Most IT staff would steal company secrets: survey AT: Survey conducted by Cyber-Ark.

34.   Hill, C. E., Thompson, B. J., Cogar, M. C., & Denman, D. W. (1993). Beneath the surface of long-term therapy: Therapist and client report of their own and each other’s covert processes. Journal of Counselling Psychology.

35.   Delaney-Black,V.,Chiodo, L.M., Hannigan,J.H., Greenwald, M.K., Patterson, G., Huestis, M.A., Ager,J. & Sokol, R.J. (2009): Just Say ‘I Don’t’: Lack of Concordance Between Teen Report and Biological Measures of Drug Use American Academy of Paediatrics. Only two categories of information could be divulged within the terms of the Agreement - child abuse or plans to hurt themselves or others.

36.   Britton, G. R. A., Brinthaupt, J., Stehle, J. M. and James, G. D. (2004), Comparison of Self-Reported Smoking and Urinary Cotinine Levels in a Rural Pregnant Population. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. United States.

37.   Kelly, A. E. (2002) The Psychology of Secrets. New York. Specifically, five clients were too afraid to express their feelings; three were too ashamed or embarrassed; three that revealing the secret would show a lack of progress to the therapist.

38.   Rettner, R (2012) 1 in 10 Smokers Keep the Habit Secret from Doctors. IN: My Health News Daily.

39.   Olsen, J. Barefoot, J.C. & Strickland, L.H. (1976) What the Shadow Knows: Person Perception in a Surveillance Situation IN Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

40.   Bellman, B. (1984) The Language of Secrecy. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.

41.   Wegner, D.M, Lane, J. D. & Dimitri, S. (1994) The Allure of Secret Relationships IN: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

42.   Jaffe, E. (2006) The Science Behind Secrets. Association for Psychological Science

43.   Research conducted by Wegner in 1987 – published results in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

44.   Ichiyama, M. A., et al (1993). Self-concealment and Correlates of Adjustment in College Students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy

45.   Saffer, J. B., Sansone, P., & Gentry, J. (1979). The Awesome Burden upon the Child who Must Keep a Family Secret. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

46.   Larson, D. G., & Chastain, R. L. (1990). Self-concealment: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Health Implications. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Guilford Press Periodicals.

47.   Cole, S.W., et al (1996). Elevated Physical Health Risk Among Gay Men who Conceal their Homosexual Identity. Psychological Association, Health Psychology.

48.   Spiegel D. Et al (1989) Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer.

49.   Some believe that Dr Pennebaker’s research is more focused upon ‘not disclosing traumatic events’ as opposed to ‘secrecy’ – however, such a proposition depends upon the description used to define secrecy itself. Dr Pennebaker’s work fits with the description used by this book.

50.   Pennebaker, J., W (2005) Writing to Heal. University of Texas at

51.   Also see Dr Pennebaker’s book ‘Writing to Heal’ for more detail

52.   Holmberg, U. & Christianson, S. A. (2002) Murders and Sexual Offenders Experiences of Police Interviews and their Inclination to Admit or Deny Crimes. In: Behavioural Sciences and the Law.

53.   Shepherd, E. (1991) Ethical Interviewing. Policing and Shepherd, E (1993) Aspects of Police Interviewing. Issues in Criminological and Legal Psychology. The British Psychological Society. Leicester England . Ord, B et al (2004) Investigative Interviewing Explained. Butterworths Australia


55.   Koehnken, G., Milne, R., Memon, A., Bull, R. (1999) The Cognitive Interview – a meta-analysis. Psychology Crime and Law.

56.   Bull, R. (1991) Police Investigative Interviewing in: Memon, A. & Bull, R. Handbook of the Psychology of Interviewing, Wiley, Chichester

57.   At the time (2000), the operative was using the recording when public speaking and teaching communications skills – as an example of what not to do!

58.   These are termed Other Focused Lies and are further explaination of this in my book ‘Lie Catcher / Detect Deceit: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’

59.   VriJ, A. et al (2002). Characteristics of Secrets and the Frequency, Reasons and Effects of Secret Keeping and Disclosure. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.

60.   Finkenauer, C., & Rime, B. (1998) Socially Shared Emotional Experience Kept Secret: Differential Characteristics and Consequences. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology

61.   VriJ, A. et al (2002). Characteristics of Secrets and the Frequency, Reasons and Effects of Secret Keeping and Disclosure. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.

62.   The number of Round One participants, in the two round study where questionnaires were filled out 4 months apart. I also doubt very much that the remaining students, didn’t have any secret information at all.

63.   Averaged Round One results interpreted from VriJ, A. et al (2002) [IBID] and other research into the proportionate disclosure of secrets.

64.   Averaged percentages of several studies reflected these proportioned results.

65.   Goldstein, J.,N., Martin, J. S., Caildini, B, R. (2008) Yes 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive. Free Press New York.

66.   Garner, R., (2005) What’s in a name? Persuasion perhaps. Journal of Consumer Psychology

67.   Maddux,W.,W., Mullen, E., & Galinsky, A.,D., (2008) Chameleons bake bigger pies and take bigger pieces: Strategic behavioural mimicry facilitates negotiation outcomes Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Tanner, R. et al (2008). Of Chameleons and Consumption: The Impact of Mimicry on Choice and Preferences Journal of Consumer Research

68.   For ways to accurately identify a real from a false smile see my first book Lie Catcher / Detect Deceit: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes.

69.   Simmel, G. (1950) The Secret and the Secret Society IN: K. W. Woiff. The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Free Press New York. Richardson, L., (1988) Secrecy and Status: The social construction of forbidden relationships. American Sociological Review.

70.   Bellman, B. (1984) The Language of Secrecy. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press

71.   Regan, D.,T., (1971) Effects of a Favour and Liking on Compliance. Journal of Experimental Psychology

72.   Finkenauer, c. (1988) Secrets: Types, Determinants, Functions and Consequences. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Louvain Belgium.

73.   Story by James Kanter of the New York Times (August 2009) is just one readily available example.

74.   A Knishinski (1982). The effects of scarcity of material and exclusivity of information on industrial buyer perceived risk in provoking a purchase decision’. In Gilbert, D. T, Fiske, S.T., Lindzey, G. (1998) The Handbook of Social Psychology McGraw-Hill New York.

75.   A Knishinski (1982). The effects of scarcity of material and exclusivity of information on industrial buyer perceived risk in provoking a purchase decision’. In DT Gilbert, ST Fiske, Lindzey, G. (1998) The Handbook of Social Psychology McGraw-Hill New York

76.   S Cameron (2010). On the Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancouver’s Missing Women. Knopf Canada

77.   A Cameron (2010). On the Farm: Robert William Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancouver’s Missing Women. Knopf Canada. See also links at CBC News at;

78.   To make the transcript easier to follow, I have added punctuation and filled in some logical blanks in the conversation. A full unedited transcript can be found at Also see A Serial Killers Own Words: The Pickton Transcript published by the Vancouver Sun on 7 August 2010. Videos of this interaction are also readily found on You Tube.

79.   CBC News 9 December 2007. AT:


81.   CTV News 16 November 2010. AT

82.   The optimum position for interviewing is 10 to 2 position. Schollum, M (2005). Investigative Interviewing: The Literature. Office of the New Zealand Police Commissioner.

83.   Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (INTP). Katherine C. Briggs & Isabel Briggs Myers Type Indicator test, Australian Council for Educational Research Limited (1999). This example is not meant to be critical of such tests, but used to highlight that at different temporal locations, individual moods can affect the way people engage with others.