

Agnew, Harold, 160, 165

Alamogordo, Trinity test, 3–4, 152, 153, 190

Alberta, Project, 95–97, 137

scientists of, 160, 165

See also Manhattan Project

Albury, Don, 52, 247

as copilot, 164–71, 207–26

on Tinean, 159, 194, 202

at Wendover, 82, 107, 110

Alvarez, Luis, 160, 165, 193

Anami, Korechika, 242

in war faction, 233, 236–37

Armstrong, Frank, 68–69

as general, 64, 65, 103–04

Arnold, “Hap”, 63, 120–21

Ashworth, Fred, 201, 209–10, 216–17, 232, 234

B-17s “flying fortress”: at Eglin, 34, 52

in Europe, 5, 121

features of, 43, 56, 64

at Wendover, 99

B-29s, problems with, 78–79

in flight, 54, 61–63, 84

B-29s “Superfortress”: bomb hooks, 89, 91–92, 112

features of, 43–44, 54, 96

gunnery tests, 43–44, 57–59

redesigned, 100–04, 126

reversible prop, 103, 226

See also named B-29s

Barnes, Philip, 201, 209–10

Battle of the Bulge, 65–66, 118–19

Beahan, Kermit, 107, 111–12

on missions, 165–71, 213–19

on Tinian, 140, 159, 194

Bock, Fred, 140, 193, 197, 199

Bock’s Car, 264–66

on Tinian, 1–2, 193, 194

See also Nagasaki mission

Britain, 9, 15, 25–26, 37

Buscher, Joseph, 150, 154

Casualties, U.S.:

in Europe, 43, 59, 66, 83

in Pacific, 94, 99–100, 123–24, 167, 235, 270

Cheshire, Leonard, 181

as observer, 152, 196, 212

Classen, Tom, 87, 130, 140, 150–51

Dehart, Pappy, 164

on missions, 169, 170, 214

Eatherlyl, Claude:

legend of, 112–13, 143–44

on missions, 147, 167–68

as pilot, 107, 112–13

Eighth Air Force, 5, 104, 227

Einstein, Albert, 83

on arms race, 55, 89, 161

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 69, 99, 118

Enola Gay, 164, 168, 265

on Tinian, 6, 148, 234

See also Hiroshima mission

Farrell, General, 170, 208, 231, 234

Fat Man, 1–3, 192

described, 190–92, 200

power of, 3–4, 105, 190

See also Nuclear weapons

Ferebee, Tom, 107, 115, 140, 232, 234, 247


of cities, 148–49, 158, 179

effect of, 121–22, 131–32

strike force, 80, 152, 196

First Ordnance Squadron, on Tinian, 128–29, 137

509th Composite Group:

activation of, 94, 103

navigation skills, 99, 119

nucleus, 82, 107–08, 110–14

on Tinian, 135–40, 152

France, 9, 15, 65, 99


in arms race, 55, 89

collapse of, 65, 99

surrender of, 133, 238

Wehrmacht, 15, 118–19

The Great Artiste, 111, 126

on missions, 163–71, 203–26

on Tinean, 159, 193, 202

Groves, Leslie, 133, 239

Guam, 12, 94, 122, 136

Hirohito, Emperor, 141, 144

and cabinet, 233, 236–37

See also Japan

Hiroshima mission, 146

nuclear drop, 4, 91, 163–71

scientists aboard, 96, 147

Hopkins, James:

on mission, 208, 211–13

on Tinian, 150–51, 198–99

Indianapolis, 144–45

Iwo Jima, 123–24

captured, 99–100, 123, 167

Japan, 187–88

cabinet, 232–33, 241–42

planned invasion of, 4–5, 76, 121, 124, 241

surrender of, 237–39, 242–46, 247, 269

See also Firebombing

Johnston, Lawrence, 160, 165

Konopacki, Hubert, 87, 118

Kuharek, John:

on mission, 164, 165, 202

in nucleus, 82, 107, 111

LeMay, Curtis, 75–80

command of, 120, 172, 240

See also Firebombing

Lewis, Bob, 41–42, 52

at Wendover, 107, 113–14

Lindbergh, Charles, 63–64

Little Boy, 6–7, 157, 197

as uranium bomb, 4, 90–91

See also Fat Man

Los Alamos, 90, 98, 105

MacArthur, Douglas, 32, 247

and airmen, 68–69, 120–21

Manhattan Project, 55, 128

target selection, 148

at Wendover, 86, 128–29

See also Alberta, Project

Marquart, George, 130, 147, 157–58, 166, 170, 201

Marshall, George, 19, 239

McCauley, Charlie, 9–11, 14–16

McClanahan, Captain, 82–86

McKnight, Charles, 147, 201

Nagasaki mission, 203–26

purpose of, 4, 176

scientists on, 160, 165

Nuclear weapon components:

assembly of, 128–29, 137

detonation system, 6, 138

fuses, 96–97, 127, 140–41, 191, 193

Nuclear weapons:

ballistics tests, 89, 95–96

drop protocol, 96, 105–06, 148

See also Little Boy

Oe, Kenzaburo, 267–68

Okinawa, 123–24

mission landing, 224–29

Parsons, “Deak”:

on mission, 157, 166, 170

on Tinian, 153–54, 234

Payette, Hazen, 150, 153, 154

Pearl Harbor, 26, 203

Penney, William, 152, 196

Philippines, 27, 32, 142

Potsdam Declaration, 142, 144, 158, 238–39

Prisoners of war, 94–95, 142–43, 158–59, 244

Ramsey, Norman, 160, 193, 231

Roosevelt, Franklin D.:

in Depression, 8, 134

and Einstein, 55, 89, 161

Saipan, 94, 99, 122, 136


on Tinian, 137–38, 152, 159

at Wendover, 82–86, 93, 97–99, 129, 130, 131

Silverplate, 86, 95

authority of, 87, 103

See also Security

Spaatz, Carl, 146, 172–73, 239, 247

Sweeney, Charles W.:

pre-military, 8–15

flight training, 17–27

at Jefferson, 29–33

at Eglin, 33–64, 70

at Grand Island, 65–80

at Wendover, 81–112, 129

on missions, 163–71, 203–26

promotions, 32, 68–69, 130, 263

testimony of, 273–86

visit to Nagasaki, 254–58

Sweeney, Dorothy (wife), 260

in Grand Island, 66–68

at Wendover, 108–10, 135

320th Transport squadron: command of, 88, 117, 130

393rd bomber squadron:

command of, 87–88, 130

navigation skills, 99

at Wendover, 93, 101–02

Tibbits, Paul:

at Eglin, 40–61

at Grand Island, 65, 68, 70, 74–75

at Wendover, 84–86, 100–08, 113–14, 117–20, 130–32

on Tinian, 140–42, 146–55, 172–74, 196–97, 230–31

on missions, 163–71, 204–05

Tinian Island, 99, 136

as airbase, 1–7, 122, 133

Truman, Harry S., 134

invasion plans, 125, 143

and nuclear weapons, 178, 244–45, 269–71

Twelve O’Clock High, 64

Twentieth Air Force, 76–77, 78, 239

See also XXI Bomber Command

United States, 88–89

on invasion of Japan, 4–5, 76, 124, 143, 241

message decoding, 125

See also Casualties, U.S.

Van de Graaf Field, 17–23, 25

Van Kirk, Dutch, 107, 194, 234, 247

Van Pelt, Jim, 203

in nucleus, 107, 111

on Tinian, 140, 159, 165

War Department, 146, 148

Waugh, John, Major, 40

at Grand Island, 68

at Jefferson, 28–29, 32, 33

Wendover Field, test drops, 95–96, 114–16, 119, 127

Women’s Auxiliary Service Pilots (WASPs), 60–63

XXI Bomber Command, 120–21, 137, 172, 240

Zeros, 100, 102, 154, 216