
Diana Moran

My thanks go to my erstwhile friend and agent Tony Fitzpatrick, who has introduced me to the wonderful team at Bloomsbury and the wisdom and understanding from my editors Charlotte Croft and Sarah Skipper. Their belief in supporting the over 70s has been inspirational and a gift to the next generations ahead. As the wise Gautama Buddha is credited as saying, ‘To keep the body in good health is a duty – otherwise we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear...’ I wish all my readers the wisdom to live a healthy old age.

Muir Gray

I would like to thank Rosemary Lees who is, like me, in the prime of life and who typed as well as ever converting my scrawl to readable text. The team at Bloomsbury has managed the project very well and Tony Fitzpatrick has edited the two authors’ work so that it flows seamlessly.