Note: Illustrations are indicated by page numbers in italic type.

Abbas, Ackbar, 137

Abd al-Malik, Caliph, 2223

Abelard, Peter, 224

Academy of Arts, Berlin, 201, 207, 220, 221

African Americans, in New York, 26768

AIG, 119, 121

Alexander, Albert, 18990

Allen, Woody, 320n74

Allenby, Edmund, 28

ambition: community vs., 26171; costs of, 264; as New York’s ethos, 16, 24977

Amichai, Yehuda, 19, 36

Andreu, Paul, National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing, 151, 152 Anglophones, 5877

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 281n24

Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, 35, 48, 283n6

Arafat, Yasser, 35

architecture: in Beijing, 15152; in Berlin, 199202, 2078; glass, 182; in Hong Kong, 114, 119, 120, 133, 137; influence of, 3, 279n8; in Jerusalem, 2324, 31; in New York, 251, 255, 26364; in Oxford, 170, 182; in Paris, 22628, 24748; psychological effects of, 200, 207; Soviet, 203

Aristomedus, 154

Aristotle, 1, 95, 173

art and culture: in Berlin, 217; in New York, 249, 260; in Paris, 23140

Ash, Timothy Garton, 21516

Asia Insurance Building, Singapore, 107, 107

associations, 108

Athens, 1, 279n1

Atzba, Yehuda, 46

Auden, W. H., 180

Avineri, Shlomo, 216

Avlon, John P., 276

AWARE (feminist NGO), 108

Bacall, Lauren, 27576

Ba-Gad, Yona, 46

Balfour, Lawrie, 193

Balladur, Edouard, 236

Bank of China, 122

Bank of China building, Hong Kong, 119

Baoding, 6

Bar-El, Yair, 4748

Barisan Socialis (BS), 84

Barlow, Julie, Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong, 246

Bashir, Bashir, 19394, 199

Bate, Philip, 17778

Bate Collection of Musical Instruments, 17778

Baudelaire, Charles, 228, 233; Le Spleen de Paris, 233

Bauer, Olivier, 290n61

Bawa, Geoffrey, Parliament Island, Columbo, 3

Beauchemin, Yves, Charles le téméraire, 289n52

beauty, and romance, 225, 229

Beauvoir, Simone de, 230, 245

Bebel, August, 205

Bebel Platz, Berlin, 2056

Becker, Jasper, 303n31

Behnisch & Partner, 207

Beijing: architecture in, 15152; attitudes in, toward foreigners, 114; civicism in, 14142; destruction of, 145, 302n15; Forbidden City, 142, 143, 145, 302n15; future of, 15660; Jerusalem compared to, 2; legislative authority of, 13; Olympics in, 14951, 303n31; patriotism in, 14142; politics as ethos of, 15, 14060, 302n23; present-day, 14856; rise to prominence of, 14245; rival city of, 12; SARS in, 13738; Shanghai compared to, 14041; Tiananmen Square, 117, 144, 148

Beijing Hotel, 152, 303n33

Belfast, 12

Bell, Arthur, 26061

Bell, Daniel, 124, 25657, 25960, 317n27, 317n28

Bell, Don, Saturday Night at the Bagel Factory, 289n55

Ben-Gurion, David, 193

Benjamin, Walter, 10, 215, 228

Bergé, Pierre, 244

Bergère, Marie-Claire, 115

Bergman, Ingrid, 230

Berlin: architecture in, 199202, 2078; art world in, 217; change in, 309n22; concern for the past in, 19294, 199210, 21421, 308n10; destruction of, 195, 220; film industry in, 311n53; humor in, 213; immigrants in, 198; indifference in, 197, 21819; and Jews, 19294, 198, 220; Olympics in, 15051; order in, 201, 202; pluralism in, 21013; tolerance as ethos of, 67, 15, 195202, 22021; transparency in, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 20710, 214; urban sociability in, 209

Berliner Schnauze (Berlin bluntness), 199200

Berlin Wall, 201, 21011

Bible, cities in, 26263

Bierce, Ambrose, 264

Bilbao, 3, 3

bilingualism, in Montreal/Quebec, 5758, 6061, 71, 73

Bill 22 (Quebec), 6465

Bill 101 (Quebec), 6566, 69, 72

Birkat Kohanim (Priestly Blessing), 2930

Bloomberg, Michael, 256

Bobart, Jacob, the elder, 174, 179

Bobart, Jacob, the younger, 174, 179

Bodleian Library, Oxford, 16567, 169

Bogart, Humphrey, 230

Bohemians, 198

Boone, Mike, 74

Bouchard, Lucien, 288n38

Bourassa, Robert, 6465

Bourdieu, Pierre, 16

bourgeois values, 231, 23335, 243, 24547, 316n76

Bové, José, 23536

branding. See city branding

Brasilia, 13

Brecht, Bertolt, 213, 217

Britain: and Hong Kong, 11218, 124, 127, 297n36; and Jerusalem, 26; and Montreal, 5861; and New York, 25152; and Singapore, 7879, 89

Bronfman, Charles, 67

Brugmann, Jeb, 16

Brûlé, Étienne, 57

Bryant, William Cullen, 275

Burke, Edmund, 147

Cable and Wireless, 124

Cadman, S. Parkes, 263

Cai, Mingchao, 245

Cairncross, Frances, 165, 18283, 186

Calatrava, Santiago, 49

Calvino, Italo, 17

Cambridge, 165

campanilismo (subnational patriotism), 280n10

Canadiens (Francophones), 5877. See also Montreal Canadiens

Canberra, 13

capitalism: as communist phase, 14748; in Hong Kong, 15, 11932

Caro, Robert A., 253, 255

Cartier, Jacques, 56, 57, 58

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 13

Cartwright, Justin, 162, 165, 177

Casablanca (film), 230

Castells, Manuel, 16

Cathay Pacific, 124

Catholics: in Jerusalem, 28; in Montreal/Quebec, 60, 63, 290n58

Cenacle, Jerusalem, 44

Central Park, New York City, 27475

Centre Pompidou, Paris, 228

Certeau, Michel de, 282n29

Chain, Ernest, 189

Champlain, Samuel, 57, 58

Chan, Joseph, 131

Chan, Ming K. 12829

Chan, Ronnie, 124

Chan, Tony, 139

Chandigarh, 13

Chang, Denis, 139

Changsha, 282n27

charter cities, 6

Chatel, marquis du, 238

cheese, 231, 232, 23536

Chee, Soon Juan, 84, 86, 96, 10910

Cheng, Anne, 237

Chenier, Andre, 232

Chen, Zhangxian, 145

Cheung Kong, 122

Child, Lydia Maria, 264

China: Confucianism in, 15253, 15860; depoliticization of, 14849; environmentalism in, 6; failure of communism in, 14648; family in, 135, 147; France and, 24142, 24445; geographic variations in, 115; and Hong Kong, 11718, 12223, 12627; income inequality in, 149; material well-being in, 81; nationalism in, 160; and Singapore, 94 (see also Singapore: Chinese in); and Tibet, 149, 151, 245; Warring States period of, 12. See also Beijing; Hong Kong

Chinatowns, 133

Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 12627, 142, 14546, 149, 270

Chinese language, 9293

Chirac, Jacques, 236, 241

Choltitz, Dietrich von, 244, 315n74

Chongqing, 6

Chords Bridge, Jerusalem, 4950

Christ Church College, Oxford, 168, 172, 180

Christianity: divisions within, 36, 38, 44; in Jerusalem, 1, 2526, 3031, 36, 38

Christian Zionism, 3940

Chrysler Building, New York City, 263

Chua, Beng Huat, 83, 93, 108

Churchill, Winston, 79

Church of St. John the Baptist, Ein Kerem, 4142

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, 23, 38, 4445

cities: environmentalism in, 279n6; environmental theory applied to, 45; evaluation of, 4, 280n19; global, 280n18; globalization and, 56; legislative authority of, 1213, 282n32; material circumstances of, 11, 282n30; methodological issues concerning, 811; morality in, 26264; and politics, 12, 4, 281n25; population of, 279n3; pride in, 4; psychological effects of, 132; rivalry between, 12; social and political achievements of, 6

city branding, 13, 250, 282n35

city ethos, 26; attachment to, 8; branding of, 13, 250, 282n35; defined, 2; evaluations of, 4; factors contributing to, 1113; immigrants and, 12, 51; methodological issues concerning, 911; open- vs. closed-minded, 67; physical expressions of, 34; pride as outgrowth of, 4; respect for, 7, 5152; valuing of, 78; various expressions of, 23

city planning: displacements caused by, 255; impact of, 3, 13; in New York, 25356, 26566; in Paris, 22628, 247, 313n18, 313n24

civicism: in Beijing, 14142; defined, 4; in Hong Kong, 13639, 299n80; in Montreal, 73; nationalism and, 280n12; in New York, 24950, 27477; in Shanghai, 141. See also patriotism

Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, 102

Civil War Draft Riots (New York), 267

class, 18190

Cohen, G. A., 157, 16667, 169, 288n46

Cohen, Leonard, 267, 271

Cole, G.D.H., 166

Cole, Michael, 178

collective memory, 199, 205

Columbo, 3

Comedia, 34

communism: capitalism as phase of, 14748; failure of, 14648; ideal of, 15657

communitarianism, 8; in Singapore, 78, 80, 8689

community: ambition vs., 26171; in New York, 27177

Confucianism: basic themes of, 97; in China, 2, 64, 15253, 15860; concern for the past in, 15758; and education, 298n55; and harmony without conformity/uniformity, 97, 152, 155, 227, 234, 312n18; in Hong Kong, 15, 126, 13031; Mao’s hostility toward, 147; and one country, two systems model, 119; and politics, 15253; revival of, 64; in Singapore, 97, 100, 101, 103; on social relationships, 136

Confucius, 1, 95, 15253, 15556; Analects of Confucius, 15253, 156

Conservative Jews, 283n1

conversation, 23740, 315n53

Cornell, Katharine, 276

cosmopolitan communitarianism, 8

Cournoyer, Yvan, 73

Cradock, Percy, 117

Crafts, Nick, 171

Craveri, Benedetta, 237

Cromwell, Oliver, 177

Cross, James, 64

Cui, Jian, 154

culture. See art and culture

Curtis, Richard, 180

Dalai Lama, 119, 24142, 245

D’Amato, Alfonse, 127

Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby, 17374

Daoism, 95, 153

data-driven research, 10

Daubeny, Charles, 164

Davies, Robertson, 167

Deffand, Madame du, 238

De Gaulle, Charles, 234, 241, 245

deliberative democracy, 199

democracy: China and, 144, 15859; deliberative, 199; in Hong Kong, 11718, 296n19, 299n80; patriotism and, 110; Singaporean opposition to, 85, 96, 9899

Deng, Lijun, 154

Deng, Xiaoping, 117, 144, 147

De Niro, Robert, 272

Derain, André, 241

despotism, 8788

Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande, 44

Diderot, Denis, Paradoxe sur le comédien, 315n53

Dimbleby, David, 180

Doisneau, Robert, 230

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 22, 35

Dormition Abbey, Jerusalem, 44

Drapeau, Jean, 13, 287n19

Dumont, Fernand, 6364

Dunbar, David S., 274

Durham, Lord, 60

Durkheim, Émile, 16

Durth, Werner, 207

Dworkin, Ronald, 167, 169

Eagleton, Terry, The Meaning of Life, 157

East Asian Institute, 105

eccentricity, 17980, 314n38

economics: of Hong Kong, 15, 11315, 11932; of Jerusalem, 20; of Montreal/Quebec, 65; of New York, 24950, 25253, 255, 26971; of Singapore, 8186, 8889, 94, 102

Edict of Potsdam (Prussia), 198

Edmund of Abingdon, 180

education: Confucianism and, 298n55; in Hong Kong, 66, 126, 298n55; in Montreal/Quebec, 6667, 6970; in Oxford, 306n31; in Singapore, 294n75. See also learning

Eiffel Tower, Paris, 228

Ein Kerem, 2728, 54

Einstein, Albert, 215

Elliot, Charles, 115

Ellis Island, 258, 259

Empire State Building, New York City, 26364

Engels, Friedrich: Dialectics of Nature, 145; The German Ideology, 148

English language, in Singapore, 9293. See also language: as Montreal’s ethos

Enlightenment, 198, 206, 209

Enright, D. J., The Mendicant Professor, 84

environmental theory, 4

Erlin, Matt, 209

Erotik Museum, 19697

Esman, Milton J., 287n24

esprit de clocher (subnational patriotism), 280n10

esteem toleration, 196

ethnicity: divisions based on, 1112; in Singapore, 8998. See also race

ethos. See city ethos

Ettinger, Yair, 50

eugenics, 101

Exeter College, Oxford, 180, 18384

external threats, 12

faith: institutionalization of, 2627, 3132, 34, 40; and nationality, 3340; and politics, 3133, 39; and power, 4045. See also religion

Falklands War, 117

Falwell, Jerry, 264

family: in China, 135, 147; in Hong Kong, 13436

Fay, Michael, 109

Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 126

feminism, 318n42

Ferdinand of Aragon, 150

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 215, 220

Fink, Heinrich, 215

First Nations, 5658

First of May (May Day), 179

First Opium War, 113, 115

Fischer, Claude, 272

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 230, 26970

flâneur, 10, 233

Flaubert, Gustave, 230

Fleming, Alexander, 189

Flint, Anthony, 255

Florey, Howard, 189

Florida, Richard, 16

Flusser, David, 47

Forster and Partners, 13

Forum des Halles, Paris, 243

Foster, Norman, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank headquarters, Hong Kong, 119

Foundation Stone, 35

France, Chinese relations with, 24142, 24445

Francophones, 5877

Fraser & Leave Limited, 102

free market. See capitalism

French language. See language: as Montreal’s ethos

French Revolution, 238, 242

Freud, Sigmund, 16

Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique, 318n42

Friedman, Milton, 121

Friedrich the Great, king of Prussia, 198, 210

Friedrich Wilhelm, elector of Brandenburg, 198

Friedrich Wilhelm II, king of Prussia, 198

Friends (television series), 272

Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ), 64

Gay Activists Alliance, 260

Gehry, Frank, 38; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 3, 3

gender: in Jerusalem, 52; in Montreal, 74; in Oxford, 163; in Singapore, 101

General Federation of Labor in Israel, 18

George, Albert Joseph, 314n40

George, Cherian, 86, 89

Gerges, Fawaz, 239

German History Museum, Berlin, 308n10

Gilbert, Cass, Woolworth Building, New York City, 263

Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 241

Giuliani, Rudolph, 249, 256, 276

Gladstone, William, 177, 180

Glaeser, Edward, 16

Glazer, Nathan, 266

Gleis 17, Gruenwald Station monument, 309n25

global cities, 280n18

globalization: benefits of, 6; cities and, 56; opposition to, 235; states and, 5; uniformity arising from, 56

Godard, Jean-Luc: La Chinoise, 312n1; Montparnasse-Levallois, 223

Goh, Chok Tong, 88

Goh, Keng Swee, 13, 7980, 82, 8687, 91, 100, 103, 105, 253, 291n15

Goldman Sachs, 270

Goodall, Howard, 180

Goodman, Benny, 276

Gopnik, Adam, 313n30

Gould, Jay, 260

Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), 102

Grahame, Kenneth, 170

Grand National Theater, Beijing, 152, 303n32

Great Canal, China, 143

Great Depression, 26364, 269

Great Hall of the People, Beijing, 145

Great Leap Forward, 147, 302n21

Great Wall, China, 143

Greenwich Village, New York City, 27374

Groulx, Lionel, 61, 72

Gu, Qingfeng, 282n27

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 3, 3

Haaretz (newspaper), 21, 38, 50

Hagia Maria Sion Abbey, Jerusalem, 44

Halak, Jaroslav, 76

Les Halles, Paris, 243

Handel, George Frideric, 178

Han dynasty, 2

Han, Feizi, 95, 97, 150

Hapoel Jerusalem, 18, 29, 50

Harlem, 26768

Harmon, Arthur Louis, 23

harmony without conformity/uniformity, 97, 152, 155, 227, 234, 312n18

Härtel, Christian, 309n22

Harvey, David, 2, 16

Häussermann, Hartmut, 310n39

Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, Baron, 13, 22628, 247, 253, 255, 265, 313n18, 313n24

Hayes, Helen, 276

Hazan, Eric, 315n64

health care, in Hong Kong, 12526

Hegel, G.W.F., 215, 220, 308n10, 311n57

Heine, Heinrich, 42, 206, 215

Hemingway, Ernest, 230, 241

Henderson Land, 122

Henry II, king of England, 162

Heritage Foundation, 121

Herod Antipas, 42

Herodias, 42

Herzog, Jacques, Olympic Stadium, Beijing, 152, 303n32

High Table, 18182

history: Berlin and, 19294, 199210, 21421, 308n10; Confucianism and, 15758; Hong Kong and, 137; in Oxford, 167; retelling, 2025; rewriting, 203. See also tradition

Hitchens, Christopher, 239

Hitler, Adolf, 213, 244

Ho, Chi Minh, 252

Ho, Ching, 102

hockey, in Montreal, 7377

Hoffman, Yaniv, 50

Hollywood films, and Paris, 230, 313n31

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 230

Holy of Holies, 34, 35

Homberger, Eric, 259

homelessness, 18586

homosexuality, 210, 26061

Hong Kong: architecture in, 114, 119, 120, 133, 137; Britain and, 11218, 124, 127, 297n36; cars in, 13334; Central Library in, 137; China and, 11718, 12223, 12627; civicism in, 13639, 299n80; collaboration with foreigners in, 115; colonial resentment lacking in, 11417; concern for the past in, 137; Confucianism in, 15, 126, 13031; domestic employees in, 125; economics of, 15, 11315, 11932; education in, 66, 126, 298n55; emigration from, 116, 117, 118; external threat to, 12; family in, 13436; government officials’ salaries in, 294n83; health care in, 12526; housing in, 122, 125, 130, 25556; immigrants in, 11516, 297n36; income inequality in, 7, 128, 281n20; Japanese occupation of, 116; land in, 12123, 127; law in, 300n88; materialism as ethos of, 15; New York compared to, 260; politics in, 110, 11719, 294n83, 296n19, 299n80; post-handover, 112, 113, 11719, 12127, 129, 131, 13637; poverty in, 128; public transportation in, 126; quality of life in, 13233; race in, 114; SARS in, 129, 13738; social welfare in, 12431, 297n41; taxes in, 121; work ethic in, 13132, 134

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank headquarters, Hong Kong, 119

Hong Kong Bank, 124

Hooke, Robert, 180

housing: in Hong Kong, 122, 125, 130, 25556; in New York, 255; in Oxford, 16263, 173, 186; in Paris, 24748; in Singapore, 9091, 25556

Huang, Zongxi, 160

Hudson, Henry, 251

Hugo, Victor, 22426, 233, 245

Huguenots, 198

hukou (household registration system), 1213

Humboldt University, Berlin, 21417

humor, 213

Hunt, Alfred, 276

Huntington, Samuel, 98

Hurva synagogue, Jerusalem, 40

al-Husayni, Amin, 39

Hutchison Whampoa, 113

Hydro-Quebec, 63

identity. See national identity

immigrants: in Berlin, 198; in Canada, 73; and city ethos, 12, 51; in Hong Kong, 11516, 297n36; integration of, 6870; in Montreal, 66, 6870, 73; in New York, 250, 25761, 258, 267; in Oxford, 18687

income inequality: in China, 149; in Hong Kong, 7, 128, 281n20; in New York, 320n88; in Singapore, 89

indifference, 197, 21819, 267

individualism, in Singapore, 80, 8689, 103, 104

Indonesia, 96

Inklings, 163

Institute of East Asian Political Economy, 82, 105

Intel, 32

Iraq, U.S. invasion of, 150, 159

Islam: in Jerusalem, 1, 2223, 3435, 38, 43, 283n6; in Paris, 24748; in Singapore, 90, 294n75

Israel: Christian Zionism and, 3940; as military model for Singapore, 91. See also Jerusalem

Israeli Basketball League, 50

Jackson, Kenneth T., 274

Jacob, Max, 24041

Jacobs, Jane, 226, 250, 256, 27374; The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 273

James, Henry, 22930

Japan, 79

Jardine, William, 113

Jardine Matheson, 113

Jefferson, Thomas, 252

Jerusalem: architecture in, 2324, 31; Beijing compared to, 2; Britain and, 26; cemeteries in and around, 20, 45; Christianity in, 1, 2526, 3031, 36, 38; description of, 1819; economics of, 20; hatred in, 19, 4344, 289n47; as an idea, 2425; Islam in, 1, 2223, 3435, 38, 43, 283n6; Judaism in, 1, 32, 3435, 38, 4952; leisure in, 2021; libraries in, 51; maps of, 24; migration from, 49; pilgrims in, 2425, 27, 37; pluralism of, 21, 28, 5354; politics in, 3133, 39, 286n50; poverty in, 20, 21; religion as ethos of, 1, 7, 12, 14, 21, 2355, 279n1; rival city of, 12; secularism in, 5152; Tel Aviv compared to, 2021, 46, 4849; tolerance in, 22; tourism in, 39; violence in, 3233, 3536; walls of, 43; YMCA in, 2324

Jerusalem syndrome, 3, 4748

Jesus, 3, 39, 43, 4748

Jewish Museum, Berlin, 211

Jews. See Conservative Jews; Judaism; modern Orthodox Jews; Reform Jews; ultra-Orthodox Jews

Jiang, Qing, 15960

Jiang, Shigong, 119

Jogues, Father, 257

John the Baptist, Saint, 4142, 48

Jones, Samuel, 177

Journal de Montreal (newspaper), 76

Joy, Greg, 149

Judaism: Berlin and, 19294, 198, 220; divisions within, 283n1; in Jerusalem, 1, 32, 3435, 38, 4952; in Montreal, 68; in Paris, 24344

Julhès Fromagerie-Cave, 232

Jurchen Jin dynasty, 143

Kahana, Meir, 43

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin, 19597

Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science, 215

Kästner, Erich, 218

Khaldun, Ibn, 13435

Khan, Kublai, 159

Khanna, Parag, 280n18

Khitan Liao dynasty, 143

kiasuism, 103

Kipling, Rudyard, 114

Koh, Buck Song, 92

Kook, Abraham Isaac, 45

Koss, Juliet, 19293, 308n11

Kotel, 2930, 35. See also Wailing Wall

Kotkin, Joel, 318n44

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 75

Kwok, Kian Woon, 8788

Kymlicka, Will, 68, 19394, 287n33

Labrenz-Weiss, Hanna, 21415

Lafleur, Guy, 73

Landry, Charles, 34, 16

Lang, Jack, 234

language: of First Nations peoples, 5758; as Montreal’s ethos, 7, 10, 14, 5677; in New York, 318n40; in Singapore, 9294

Laporte, Pierre, 64

Last Supper Room, Jerusalem, 4344

Launay, vicomte de, 225

Laurin, Camille, 65

law, in Hong Kong, 300n88

Lazarus, Emma, 259

Leacock, Stephen, 59

learning: class and, 18190; nonconformism and, 17680; as Oxford’s ethos, 15, 16190; research vs. scholarship, 16465, 170; tradition and, 177, 180; tutorial system and, 171, 177. See also education

Le Corbusier, 256, 263, 319n49

Lee, Hsien Loong, 99, 100, 102, 294n86

Lee, Hsien Yang, 102

Lee, Kuan Yew, 7981, 8386, 88, 91, 94, 9799, 1012, 106, 109, 124, 135, 291n15

Legalism, 12, 95, 97, 150, 160

legislative authority, 1213

Legislative Council building, Hong Kong, 119, 120

Leibniz, Gottfried, 215

Lemaire, Jacques, 73

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, 265

Lévesque, René, 63, 64, 66

Levi, Primo, 196, 221

Levine, Marc, 59, 62, 69

Levy, Bernard-Henri, 239

Lewis, C. S., 163

Li, Ling-hin, 122

Li, Richard, 123

Liang, Sicheng, 145

Libeskind, Daniel, Jewish Museum, Berlin, 211

Liebermann, Max, 220

Liebknecht, Karl, 202

Life (magazine), 230

Li, Ka-shing, 123

Lincoln Center, New York, 253

Lindemann, Frederick, 180

Lin, Yutang, 105

Liu, Xiang, 151

The Lives of Others (film), 216, 218

Locke, John, 180, 212

Los Angeles, 256

Louyang, 1

Lubitsch, Ernst, 313n31

Lu, Dayue, 299n78

Lukes, Steven, 266

Luxemburg, Rosa, 202

Macau, 119, 122

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 150

MacLehose, Murray, 125, 131, 296n19

MacLennan, Hugh, 58

Mailer, Norman, 73

Malaysia, 79, 81. See also Singapore: Malays in

Malraux, André, 234, 242

Manchu Qing dynasty, 143

Mandarin language, 9293

Mao’s Memorial Hall, Beijing, 145

Mao, Zedong, 119, 142, 14448, 157

Margalit, Avishai, 5253

Marx, Karl, 81, 102, 12324, 14648, 15657, 215, 296n33, 302n21, 315n72; The German Ideology, 148, 156

Marxism, 146, 147

Masdar, 13

materialism: connotations of, 11112; as Hong Kong’s ethos, 15, 13239. See also material well-being

material well-being: in cities, 11, 282n30; morality dependent on, 81; in Singapore, 8089. See also materialism

Matisse, Henri, 241

Maupassant, Guy de, 228, 230, 316n76; Bel-Ami, 244; “Ode to Adultery,” 246

Max Planck Society, 215

McCarthy, Thomas, 309n26

McDonald’s, 23536, 298n60

McEwan, Ian, 191

Mecca, 23

Meech, Anthony, 70

Mehta, Suketu, Maximum City, 283n37

Melamed, Eliezer, 33

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, 19596, 210, 221

Mencius, 1, 81, 97

Mendelssohn, Moses, 20911

mens sana in corpore sano, 169

Mercier, Philippe, 178

meritocracy, in Singapore, 80, 98103

Merman, Ethel, 276

Messiah, 28, 45, 285n34

Meuron, Pierre de, Olympic Stadium, Beijing, 152, 303n32

Mill, John Stuart, 87, 95, 112, 113, 176

Miller, David, 172

Miller, Henry, 230

Ming dynasty, 143

Mitterrand, François, 234, 241

modern Orthodox Jews, 283n1

Mongkok, 132

Mongol Yuan dynasty, 143

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de, 237

Montreal and Quebec: Anglophone dominance in, 5861; bilingualism in, 5758, 6061, 71, 73; communal identity in, 6567; economics of, 65; education in, 6667, 6970; external threat to, 12; First Nations and, 5658; Francophone dominance in, 6167; histories of, 287n23; hockey in, 7377; immigrants in, 66, 6870; language as ethos of, 7, 10, 14, 5677; modernization in, 63; multiculturalism in, 6873, 288n38; Olympics in, 63, 64, 149; racial tensions in, 72; rival cities of, 12, 59; wealth gap in, 59

Montreal Canadiens, 7377

Montreal Gazette (newspaper), 72, 75

Monument to the People’s Heroes, Beijing, 145

morality, romance vs., 24348

Morgan, J. P., 260

Morris, Jan, 180

Morris, William, 180

Moses, Robert, 13, 25356, 273, 303n31

Muhammad, 2223, 35, 283n6

Muldoon, Paul, 193

Müller, Heiner, 2089

multiculturalism, in Montreal, 6873, 288n38

multinational corporations, 83, 88

multiracialism, in Singapore, 80, 8998

Mumford, Lewis, The City in History, 265

Munich, 194, 217

Musée de la Vie Romantique, Paris, 222

Musée Guimet, Paris, 244

Museum of Chinese History and Revolution, Beijing, 145

Museum of Tolerance, Jerusalem, 38

music, 15456

Nadeau, Jean-Benoît, Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong, 246

Najovits, Simson, 240, 242

Napoleon Bonaparte, 3, 239

Napoleon III, king of France, 226

National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing, 151, 152, 303n31

national identity: Quebec’s communal identity, 6567; as Singapore’s ethos, 7, 1415, 78110

nationalism, 160, 280n12

Nationalist Party (Guomingdang, KMT), 14344

nationality, faith and, 3340

national minorities, 68

National Trade Unions Congress (NTUC), 84

Nazism, 191, 195, 206, 209, 21213, 218, 220, 241, 244

neighborhoods, 280n9

Netanyahu, Binyamin, 35

New Delhi, 6

New York: African Americans in, 26768; ambition as ethos of, 16, 24977; architecture in, 251, 255, 26364; art and culture in, 249, 260; as “capital of the world,” 16, 24961; Central Park, 27475; city planning in, 25356, 26566; civicism in, 24950, 27477; community in, 27177; economics of, 24950, 25253, 255, 26971; feminism in, 318n42; Greenwich Village, 27374; history of, 25152; Hong Kong compared to, 260; housing in, 255; immigrants in, 250, 25761, 258, 267; income inequality in, 320n88; indifference in, 267; language in, 318n40; Manhattan’s street grid, 26466; pedestrians in, 26466, 319n62; race in, 26768; single households in, 27172; Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, 275

New York Tribune (newspaper), 22930

New York Yankees, 274

Ng Keng Siang, Asia Insurance Building, Singapore, 107, 107

Nicaragua, 242

Nixon, Richard, 146

nonconformism, 17680

Nonconformism, religious, 177

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, 224, 226

Notre Dame de Sion, Ein Kerem, 54

NTUC. See National Trade Unions Congress

Nusseibeh, Sari, 283n6

Nye, David, 263

Obama, Barack, 240

October Crisis (Montreal, 1970), 64

Olmsted, Frederick, 71, 275

Olympics, 14951

Olympic Stadium (the Bird’s Nest), Beijing, 152, 303n32

one country, two systems model, 117, 119

O’Neill, Joseph, Neverland, 269

opium, 11314, 115

Opium Wars, 113, 115

Orient Overseas, 122

Ortega, Daniel, 242

Orthodox Christians, 28

Orthodox Jews. See modern Orthodox Jews; ultra-Orthodox Jews

the Other, 33, 39

Owen, David, 279n6

Oxford: architecture in, 170, 182; Cambridge compared to, 165; class in, 18190; description of, 16162; elementary and secondary education in, 171, 189, 306n31; gender in, 163; the homeless in, 18586; housing in, 16263, 173, 186; immigrants in, 18687; learning as ethos of, 15, 16190; study climate of, 17075, 18182; theory and practice in, 184; town-gown relations in, 18288

Oxford Botanic Garden, 164, 17374

Ozick, Cynthia, 266, 271

paganism, 46

Pagis, Dan, “The Eternal City,” 1920

Palestinians, 27, 33, 3536, 38, 40, 42, 43, 283n2

Palmerston, Lord, 113

PAP. See People’s Action Party

Papineau, Louis-Joseph, 60

Parfit, Derek, 169

Paris: American fascination with, 22930, 313n30; art and culture in, 23140; conversation in, 23740; food in, 231, 232, 23336, 243; Haussmann’s renovation of, 22628, 247, 265, 313n18, 313n24; history of, 22326; housing in and around, 24748; and Jews, 24344; legislative authority of, 13; morality in, 24348; nonpasteurized ethos in, 23135, 243, 244, 247, 314n38; political protests in, 24243, 24748, 315n64; romance as ethos of, 13, 1516, 22248, 314n37; and rural environs, 23536, 24547; suburbs of, 228, 24748, 313n20; and Tibet, 24142; tourism in, 23031; values in, 223, 231, 234, 243; wealth gap in, 12; in World War II, 244

Pariser Platz, Berlin, 207

Parizeau, Jacques, 69, 288n38

Parla, Rabbi, 46

Parliament building, Berlin, 204

Parti Québécois (PQ), 6465, 69, 72

pashkvilim (notices), 41

past. See history; Vergangenheitsbewältigung

Patetchouan, 57

patriotism: in Beijing, 14142; democracy and, 110; in Singapore, 103, 1048. See also civicism

Patten, Alan, 73, 287n33

Patten, Chris, 11718

PCCW, 123

Peel, Robert, 180

Peglau, Karl, 201

Pei, I. M.: Bank of China, Hong Kong, 119; Place Ville-Marie building, Montreal, 286n13

Peng, Zhen, 145

penicillin, 18990

People’s Action Party (PAP), 7980, 8385, 88, 9093, 95, 100, 103, 10910

Percival, W. P., 63

Philip II, king of France, 224, 243

Piano, Renzo, 201

Picasso, Pablo, 240

Pindrus, Yitzhak, 32

Places of Remembrance (art installation), 19293, 308n11

Place Ville-Marie building, Montreal, 286n13

planning. See city planning

Plate, Tom, 291n15

Plato, 1

pluralism: in Berlin, 21013; in Jerusalem, 21, 28, 5354; in New York, 261; tolerance and, 21213

Polese, Mario, 16

politics: as Beijing’s ethos, 15, 14060, 302n23; cities and, 12, 4, 281n25; Confucianism and, 15253; in Hong Kong, 110, 11719, 294n83, 296n19, 299n80; in Jerusalem, 3133, 39, 286n50; music and, 15456; in Quebec, 6367; in Singapore, 83, 8588, 98104, 10910; social bonds and, 15254; sports and, 15051

Pompidou, Georges, 241

Portland, 256

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, 200202

power, faith and, 4045

PQ. See Parti Québécois

prostitution, in Singapore, 1046

Protestants: and Israel, 39; in Jerusalem, 28

Prussia, 198

Prysor-Jones, Angela, 175

public transportation, 126, 256

Qian, Jiang, 200, 211, 212

Qin, 147

Qin dynasty, 97

Qing dynasty, 113, 115, 119

Qingming Festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day), 135

Quebec. See Montreal and Quebec

Quebec City, 59

Quiet Revolution, 60, 6264

Rabin, Yitzhak, 193

race: divisions based on, 1112; in Hong Kong, 114; in Montreal, 72; in New York, 26768; in Singapore, 8998. See also ethnicity

Raffarin, Jean-Pierre, 241

Raffles, Thomas Stamford, 78, 304n33

Rajaratnam, S., 88

Ratisbonne, Alphonse, 54

Rawls, John, 102, 111

Raz, Joseph, 171

realism, 12

reconciliation, 19394, 199, 205

Record of Music, 155

Reform Jews, 283n1

religion: cities and, 26264; elements of, 32; faith in contrast to, 2627, 3132, 40; as Jerusalem’s ethos, 1, 7, 12, 14, 21, 2355, 279n1; and nationality, 3340; and politics, 3133; and power, 4045; in Singapore, 90. See also faith

research, 16465, 170

respect: for city ethos, 7, 5152; for rights, 52

restorative reconciliation, 19394

Ribalta, Francisco, 42

Richler, Mordecai, 67

rights: respect for, 52; in Singapore, 295n98

rivalries, 12

Rivlin, Reuven, 40

Rodan, Garry, 295n98

Rohan, Dennis, 48

romance: beauty and, 225, 229; as ethos of Paris, 13, 1516, 22248, 314n37; morality vs., 24348; nature and, 233; nonpasteurized, 23135, 243, 244, 247, 314n38

Romanticism, 233, 314n40

Romer, Paul, 6

Roper, Hugh Trevor, 180

Rothstein, Edward, 211

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 209, 223, 231; Rêveries of the Solitary Walker, 233

Rubin, Rehav, 24

Ruppel, Wolfgang, 203

Rushdie, Salman, 51

Rybczynski, Witold, 16

Sadler, James, 183

Saint Laurent, Yves, 244

Salome, 42

salons, 23738, 315n53

Sand, George, 222

San Francisco, 6

Sardou, Victorien, 313n24

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 241, 248

SARS epidemic, 129, 13738

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 230, 245

Sassen, Saskia, 16

SATU. See Singapore Association of Trade Unions

Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 311n53

Schneider, Rolf, 211

Schoenberg, Arnold, 213

scholarship, 16465, 170

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 215, 220

Schopfer, Jean, 265

Second Opium War, 113, 115

self, 212

September 11, 2001 attacks, 249, 264, 276

Shakespeare and Company, Paris, 229

Shalev, Meir, 20

Shanghai, 12, 14041

Shek Kip Mei squatter fire, 125

Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 171

Shell Corporation, 100

Sidney, Philip, 180

Signe, Rene-Pierre, 241

Simon, Sherry, 70

Singapore: Central Provident Fund (CPF) in, 80, 83, 103; China and, 94; Chinese in, 79, 81, 90, 9294; citizenship in, 295n94; Confucianism in, 97, 100, 101, 103; description of, 7879; Economic Development Board (EDB) in, 8283; economics of, 8186, 8889, 94, 102; education in, 294n75; external threat to, 12; gender in, 101; government intervention and repression in, 8387, 90, 97, 10310; government officials’ salaries in, 1023, 294n86; Group Representation Constituency (GRC) system in, 95; Housing Development Board (HDB) in, 9091; housing in, 25556; income inequality in, 89; Indians in, 91; individualism in, 103; Islam in, 294n75; language in, 9294; legislative authority of, 12; Malays in, 81, 90, 91, 92, 101, 294n75; material well-being in, 8089; meritocracy in, 80, 98103; migration from, 8687; military of, 12, 9192; multiracialism in, 80, 8998; national identity as ethos of, 7, 1415, 78110; patriotism in, 103, 1048; politics in, 83, 8588, 98104, 10910; religion in, 90; rights in, 7, 295n98; social welfare in, 85, 94; values in, 9697

Singapore Association of Trade Unions (SATU), 8485

Singapore Democratic Party, 109

Singapore Heritage Society, 106

Singapore Technologies, 102

Singh, Davinder, 84

SingTel, 102

skyscrapers, 251, 263

slavery, 267

small and medium enterprises (SMEs), 85

Smith, Peter Cookson, 132

Social Democratic Party of Germany, 2056

socialism, 81, 209

Socialist Unity Party, 215

Socialist Workers Party of Germany, 205

social justice, 2

social mobility, 183

social welfare: in Hong Kong, 12431, 297n41; in Singapore, 85, 94

Society for Sciences, 215

Solomon, King, 53

Song, Bing, 70, 82, 111, 113, 144, 239, 244, 249, 253, 25960, 272

Sony Center, Berlin, 200202

Sorbon, Robert de, 224

Sorkin, Andrew Ross, 270

Soviet Union, 203

Sparta, 1

Spartacus League, 202

spirituality, 4547

sports, and politics, 15051

Sri Lanka, 3

Staël, Madame de, 23839

Stage Door Canteen, New York City, 27576

St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 18283

Stasi, 21416, 218

states, globalization and, 5

Statue of Liberty, 25859

Stein, Gertrude, 230

Steinbeck, John, 272

Stern, Robert A. M., 261

Stockholm, 110

Storrs, Ronald, 3132, 45

storytelling, 910

Straits Times (newspaper), 84

Strauss, Leo, 279n1

street grid, 26466

strolling, 910, 227, 228, 233, 266, 313n24, 319n62

Stuyvesant, Peter, 251, 267

Suharto, 96

Sukarno, 81

Suleiman the Magnificent, 43

Sun Hung Kai Properties, 122

Sun Life, 67

Sun, Yun-wing, 127

superstition, 4647

Swire, 113, 124

Sylvester, Pope, 27

Taiwan, 119, 137

Taj Mahal, 3

Tan, Kevin, 1067

Tang, Liang Hong, 90

Tang Ying-yen, Henry, 126

Taverner, John, 180

Taxi Driver (film), 272

Taylor, Charles, 111, 287n33

Taylor, Ronald, 311n57

Tel Aviv, 12, 2021, 46, 4849

Temasek Holdings, 102

Temple Mount, Jerusalem, 29, 3435

Thatcher, Margaret, 117

Thio, Li-Ann, 108

Thirty Years’ War, 19798

Tianjin, 13

Tibet, 119, 149, 151, 24142, 245

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 8788, 108

Tokyo, 208

tolerance: as Berlin’s ethos, 67, 15, 195202, 22021; defined, 196; identity and, 212; indifference vs., 197, 21819; in Jerusalem, 22; pluralism and, 21213

Tolkien, J.R.R., 163, 180

Tomkins, Calvin, 252

Toronto, 12, 59, 67, 73, 93, 149

Tour Maine-Montparnasse, Paris, 228

Tower of Babel, 26263

tradition, and learning, 177, 180

transformative reconciliation, 19394

transparency, in Berlin, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 20710, 214

Tremblay, Michel, 7071

Tremewan, Christopher, 92

Trocki, Carl A., 84

Trudeau, Pierre Elliot, 64

Trudel, Marcel, 57, 61

Tsang, Donald, 118, 130

Tung, Chee-hwa, 116, 123, 126

Tung Shipping Group, 12223

tutorial system, 171, 177

Twain, Mark, 2122, 2425, 38

Two International Finance Center, Hong Kong, 133

Tziper, Benny, 21

Ulbricht, Walter, 203

Ulman, Michael, 206

ultra-Orthodox Jews, 32, 38, 41, 4852, 55, 283n1

United States: diversity in, 318n44; Iraq invasion by, 150, 159; legislative authority of cities in, 13, 282n32; wealth gap in, 12

University Test Act (England), 177

urban planning. See city planning

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 260

Vaux, Calvert, 275

Vergangenheitsbewältigung (coming to terms with the past), 19294, 199210, 21421, 308n11

Verter, Yosi, 40

Vietnam War, 252

Village Voice (newspaper), 26061, 273

violence: faith and nationality and, 34; in Jerusalem, 3233, 3536; in Quebec, 64

Voltaire, 198, 313n18

Wailing Wall, 2930, 34, 4546

Wall Street, 27071

Walton, William, 180

Walzer, Michael, 196

Wang, Nina, 139

Wang, Bo, 303n32

Wang, Meng, 151

Waqf, 34, 35

War Measures Act (Canada), 64

Washington, DC, 265

Washington, George, 252

wealth gap, 1112; in Montreal, 59; in Paris, 247; in Singapore, 128

Weill, Kurt, 213

Weinstock, Daniel, 287n33

welfare. See social welfare

Wellesley, Arthur, first Duke of Wellington, 172

Wen, Jiabao, 158, 241

Wesley, John, 180

White, E. B., “Here Is New York,” 259

White, Edmund, 231

Whitman, Walt, 25758

Williams, Rowan, 180

Wolfe, Tom, Bonfire of the Vanities, 270

Wong, Benjamin, 93

Wong, Kar-wai, Chungking Express, 137

Woolworth Building, New York City, 263

World Trade Center, New York City, 264, 276

World Trade Organization, 23536

Wowereit, Klaus, 217, 311n50

Wu, Anna, 296n19

Wu, Hung, 145

Xenarkis, Iannis, 233

Xinjiang, 149

Xu, Jiatun, 122

Yad Ben Zvi Institute, 39

Yediot Ahronot (newspaper), 50

Yeo, George, 84

Yeung, Bernard, 291n15

Yick, Wai-lun, 111, 139

Yiddish, 68

York, Duke of, 251

Yosef, Eitan Bar, 26

Yu, Dan, 153

Yugoslavia, 96

Yung, Betty, 131

Zakaria, Fareed, 239

Zhang, Bo, 303n33

Zhou dynasty, 1

Zhou, Enlai, 117

Zhou, Tianyong, 158

Zhuangzi, 153

Zhu, Er, 136

Zhu, Xi, 153

Zionism, Christian, 3940

Zola, Émile, 230