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Adderley, Herb, 81, 167
African Americans, 27, 55, 57, 74, 142–43, 144–45
Agnew, Spiro, 96, 125
Aikman, Troy, 309, 316
Ali, Muhammad, 116–17
All-America Football Conference (AAFC), 26–27
Allen, Ermal, 57
Allen, George, 89, 93, 101, 124, 260, 265
as Rams head coach, 89, 93, 94, 101, 124, 126, 235–36
as Redskins head coach, 185–86, 187–92, 200, 226, 235
Alworth, Lance “Bambi,” 166–67, 169
Ameche, Alan, 46, 50, 56, 64, 65, 69, 90
American Cancer Society, 304
American Football League (AFL), 58, 87–88
Anderson, Bill, 84
Anderson, Dave, 196
Anderson, Dick, 141, 150, 153, 165, 177, 181, 182, 198, 227
Anderson, Edwin, 59
Andrews, John, 217
Archdeacon, Tom, 242
Armstrong, Trace, 325, 334
Arnsparger, Bill, xiv, xvi, 57–58, 340
as Colts assistant coach, 76, 123, 129
as Dolphins assistant coach, 139, 141, 157–58, 175, 190, 193, 198, 201, 228, 250, 271, 279
as Giants head coach, 204, 220, 224, 227–28
Atkins, Gene, 327
Atkinson, George, 213
Atlanta Falcons, 99, 101, 114, 125, 149, 153, 173, 328–29
Babb, Charlie, xv, 172, 182, 218
Ball, Larry, 172, 202
Baltimore, Maryland, 74, 96, 97
Baltimore Colts, xiv, 52, 53–54, 69, 105–6, 149, 151, 153, 156, 159, 160, 162, 198, 220–21, 227, 228, 233, 255–56, 268, 274, 282, 309, 310, 324
Ewbank as head coach of, 43–52, 61, 64–65
1958 championship of, 56
and 1962 draft, 67–68
in 1971 AFC title loss to Dolphins, 163–65
Shula as player on, 37–38, 39–52
Baltimore Colts, under Shula, 65–133, 136, 162
1963 season of, 70–72
and 1964 draft, 80
1964 season of, 75–79
1965 season of, 81–82, 84–87
1966 season of, 88–89
and 1967 draft, 91–92
1968 season of, 99–104
and 1969 draft, 122–23
1969 season of, 124–26
and 1970 draft, 128
in Super Bowl III, x, xx, 105–17
Baltimore Sun, 73, 84, 87, 95, 99, 121–22, 133
Bartish, Dorothy, see Shula, Dorothy
Bartkowski, Steve, 282
Bass, Mike, 192
Bassett, John, 205, 206, 207, 212, 219–20, 223, 265
Baughman, Howard, 10, 14–15
Baumhower, Bob, 231, 250, 252, 257, 269, 283
Beathard, Bobby, xv, 172–73, 197, 235–36, 246, 260, 273, 322, 323
Belichick, Bill, xiii, xiv, 333, 336–37, 342–43, 344
Belichick, Steve, 336
Bell, Bert, 39, 40, 48, 49, 61, 69
Bell, Bert, Jr., 126–27
Bell, Bobby, 160
Bell, Upton, 91
Benirschke, Rolf, 254
Bennett, Cornelius, 311
Bennett, Leeman, 57, 281, 284
Berry, Raymond, 44, 50, 53, 68, 74, 81, 89, 92, 98, 291, 347
Betters, Doug, 257, 269
Beverly, Randy, 113, 115
Bielski, Dick, 81
Biggs, Verlon, 106
Biletnikoff, Fred, 215
Bingaman, Les, 60
Blackledge, Todd, 266
Blackwood, Glenn, 257, 341
Blackwood, Lyle, 253, 257, 262
Blanda, George, 281
Bledsoe, Drew, 317–18, 329
Blount, Mel, 183, 199
Board, Dwaine, 287
Bokamper, Kim, 226, 250, 257–58, 262, 271, 328
Boozer, Emerson, 106, 113
Bosa, John, 297
Bowser, Charles, 255, 269
Boyd, Bobby, 45, 83, 85, 86, 102, 123, 125
Braase, Ordell, 44, 81, 113, 116, 119, 123
Bradshaw, Terry, 128, 183, 184, 198, 243, 267, 285
Brady, Tom, 343
Branch, Cliff, 214
Bratkowski, Zeke, 81, 85, 89
Braucher, Bill, 129–30, 134, 151, 152, 155, 170, 209, 213, 224, 225, 345
Brees, Drew, 282
Brettschneider, Carl, 60
Briscoe, Marlin, 175, 242
Brodie, John, 125
Brokaw, Tom, x
Brooks, Bill, 330
Brophy, Jay, 279, 283
Brown, Charlie, 260
Brown, Ed, 82–83, 84
Brown, Jim, 53, 77, 78
Brown, Larry, 185, 188, 191, 192
Brown, Mark, 283
Brown, Mike, 309, 320, 338
Brown, Paul, xii, 18–19, 23, 25–27, 41, 43, 44, 49, 66, 106, 115, 149, 155, 200, 240, 340
coaching style of, 29–30, 34–35
as Shula’s mentor, x, xiv, 33
tactical system of, 25–26, 30, 31, 32, 41, 46
Brown, Roger, 60, 93
Brown, Willie, 154
Brudzinski, Bob, 257
Bryant, Bear, 57, 59, 130
Buckley, Terrell, 325
Buffalo Bills, 151, 153, 177–78, 198, 212, 233, 248, 256, 270–71, 293–94, 296, 298, 303, 307, 310, 311, 317, 329–30
Bulaich, Norm, 128, 218, 219, 221, 225, 232
Bumgardner, Rex, 30
Buoniconti, Nick, xiii–xiv, xv, xvi, 134, 141, 143, 147, 150, 161, 165, 168–69, 175, 190–91, 192, 201, 202, 207, 217, 218, 224–25, 231, 340, 345
Butz, Dave, 260
Byars, Keith, 313, 316, 320, 325
Byner, Earnest, 290–91
Caffey, Lee Roy, 68
Campanella, Joe, 90–91
Campbell, Earl, 239
Canadian Football League, 212
Carlton, Darryl, 228–29
Carolina Panthers, xx, 347
Carroll, John, Archbishop, 16
Carson, Bud, 183
Casey, Bernie, 93
Cefalo, Jimmy, 261, 283, 334
Chambers, Rusty, 227, 250
Chandler, Don, 85, 86, 89, 162
Chandler, Wes, 252
Charles, Mike, 269
Chestnut, Louis, 98
Chicago Bears, 42, 50, 71, 73, 76, 82, 92, 102, 180, 216, 290, 297
Chicago Cardinals, 58–59
Cincinnati Bengals, xx, 106, 149, 155, 200, 254, 274, 309, 319–20, 326
Clark, Dwight, 285, 325
Clark, Gary, 325
Clark, Monte, 140, 148, 227
Clayborn, Ray, 291
Clayton, Mark, 269–71, 279, 280, 281, 283–84, 290, 296, 300, 303, 307, 311
Cleveland Browns, xiv, 19, 27, 70, 77–78, 99–100, 102, 103–4, 105–6, 151, 162, 198, 224, 227, 243, 290–91, 313, 336
Shula as player on, 29–37
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 19–20, 21, 23, 29, 31, 32, 33–34, 62
Cobbledick, Bill, 29
Cobbledick, Gordon, 62
Cogdill, Gail, 63
Cole, Terry, 102
Coleman, Marco, 311, 322
Collier, Blanton, 57, 58, 59, 67, 70, 77–78, 103–4, 140, 142, 151, 182, 340
Collins, Gary, 77, 78
Collins, Tony, 291
Colzie, Neal, 243
Commings, Bob, 57
Connor, Chuck, 250
Cooke, Jack Kent, 260
Cooper, Earl, 285
Coryell, Don, 249, 252–54, 260, 281
Cosell, Howard, 198, 206–7, 220, 249
Costello, Vince, 204, 220, 227
Cote, Greg, 333, 347
Cowher, Bill, 244, 309, 317
Cox, Bryan, 315, 321, 327, 328–29
Craig, Roger, 285
Craver, Aaron, 310
Croghan, Joe, 139
Cross, Jeff, 302, 330
Crowder, Randy, 210, 218, 229, 230, 299
Csonka, Larry, xii, xviii, 10, 141, 143, 145, 155–56, 165, 223, 224, 232, 346
defection to WFL, 205–6, 210, 211–12, 216, 219–20
Dolphins’ re-signing of, 241
dual memoir by Kiick and, 174, 196
as Giants player, 228, 240–41
1970 season of, 150–51, 153–54
in 1971 contract dispute, 158–59
1971 season of, 160, 161, 164
1972 season of, 175–76, 178, 180, 181, 184
1973 season of, 199, 200
1974 season of, 212, 213, 216
retirement of, 247
Shula’s relationship with, xv, 146, 147, 159, 174, 206, 241–42
in Super Bowl VI, 168–70
in Super Bowl VII, 189, 191
in Super Bowl VIII, 201–2
CTE (traumatic encephalopathy), 345–46
Cuozzo, Gary, 76, 82, 89, 91
Curry, Bill, 91, 99, 109, 126
Curtis, Mike, 80, 97, 98, 102, 105, 123, 164
Dale, Carroll, 85
Dallas Cowboys, xii, 87, 90, 94, 126, 156, 198, 233, 240, 260, 261, 282, 298, 300, 309–10, 311, 316–17
in Super Bowl VI, 166–70
Darden, Colgate, 55
Davidson, Cotton, 44
Davidson, Gary, 204
Davis, Al, 47–48, 58, 62, 66, 88, 123–24, 131, 137, 153–54, 195–96, 207–8, 218, 233, 235, 270, 282, 340
Davis, Clarence, 215
Davis, Gary, 227, 232, 239, 242
Davis, Willie, 89
Dawson, Len, 160, 175
DeBartolo, Ed, Jr., 237
DeBerg, Steve, 314–15, 316, 317
Del Gaizo, Jim, 173, 177
Dellenbach, Jeff, 297, 302, 316
DeMarco, Bob, 161
Democratic Convention of 1968, 97
Demoff, Marvin, 268, 289, 294
Den Herder, Vern, 157, 192, 215, 217, 243, 247
Dennis, Mark, 302
Denver Broncos, 159, 221, 233, 268, 339
Detroit Lions, 58–59, 82, 98
Shula as assistant coach of, 59–61, 63–64
Detwiler, Jim, 91
Dickerson, Eric, 274
Ditka, Mike, 167, 169, 290, 327–28
Doll, Don, 227
Domres, Marty, 178, 198
Donovan, Art, xvii, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 60, 66, 68, 119
Doornink, Dan, 275
Dorman, Larry, 257, 278
Duhe, A. J., 231, 250, 259, 283
Duncan, Jim, 125
Duncan, Walter, 265, 271
Duper, Mark, 255, 299, 303, 311, 339, 346
allegations of drug use by, 299–300
1983 season of, 270, 271, 274, 275
1984 season of, 279, 280, 283, 284
Dutton, John, 221
Eason, Tony, 266, 291, 292
East, Ron, 176
Edmunds, Ferrell, 297, 307
Edwards, Glen, 184
Ehrmann, Joe, 221
Eisele, Herb, 14–15, 17, 18–19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Elliott, John, 106
Elway, John, 266, 268, 274, 289, 302
Emtman, Steve, 325
Erhardt, Ron, 243
Esiason, Boomer, 309
Evans, Luther, 134
Evans, Norm, 176, 224
Ewbank, Wilbur “Weeb,” 98, 136, 340
as Colts head coach, 43–52, 61, 64–65
as Jets head coach, 105–7, 110–15, 151, 158
Fairbanks, Chuck, 198, 233, 239, 246, 265
Fears, Tom, 32, 35, 49, 91
Ferguson, Joe, 233, 271
Fernandez, Manny, 144, 150, 175, 190–91, 201, 215, 227
Fischer, Pat, 190
Fleming, Marv, 143, 144, 157, 161, 173
Floyd, Ray, 334, 344
Foley, Tim, 157, 191, 201, 206, 214, 216
Ford, Gerald, 211
Ford, William Clay, 59
Foreman, Chuck, 200
Foster, Roy, 255, 279, 303
Fouts, Dan, 249, 252, 253–54, 258, 281–82, 329
Francis, Russ, 285
Franklin, Andra, 252, 253, 279
free agency, 135, 210, 223, 296, 313
Fryar, Irving, 292, 313, 321, 326, 329
Gabriel, Roman, 83, 93, 94, 124
Galbreath, Harry, 297, 302
Garrett, Mike, 177
Garrison, Walt, 168
Gase, Adam, 348
Gastineau, Mark, 258
Gaubatz, Dennis, 81, 85, 113
Gent, Pete, 178
George, Bill, 60
Gibbs, Joe, 236, 260–63, 279
Giesler, Jon, 248
Gilliam, Joe, 198, 230
Gilliam, John, 200
Gillman, Sid, 58, 62, 106
Glass, Bill, 60
Glick, Allen, 195–96, 235
Goode, Tom, 141
Gordon, David, 131, 132
Gordon, Larry, 226, 269
Gowdy, Curt, 114
Graham, Otto, 27, 31, 33, 35, 49, 52
Grand River, Ohio, 2–3
Grant, Bob, 124
Grant, Bud, 200, 201
Great Depression, 6, 7
Greatest Generation, x–xi, 96
Green, Eric, 325, 327, 347
Green, Ernie, 224
Green, Hugh, 290, 300
Green Bay Packers, 61, 71, 73, 76, 81–89, 93, 100, 125, 149, 160, 307
Greene, “Mean” Joe, 183, 184, 211, 244, 306
Greenwood, L. C., 183
Gregg, Forrest, 86
Griese, Bob, xii, xiv, xv, 134, 141, 146, 148–49, 178, 196, 212, 216, 232, 233, 242, 246, 247, 269, 274, 281, 305
1970 season of, 149, 150–51, 152, 153, 154
in 1971 contract dispute, 159, 161
1971 season of, 159, 160, 164–65
1972 season of, 175–77, 180, 182, 184
1973 season of, 197, 198, 200
1975 season of, 217–18, 220
1976 season of, 227, 228
1978 season of, 238, 239
1979 season of, 243, 244
1980 season of, 248, 250
in Super Bowl VI, 168, 169
in Super Bowl VII, 186, 190, 191–92, 194
in Super Bowl VIII, 201–2
Griggs, David, 302
Grogan, Steve, 303
Hadl, John, 62, 177
Halas, George, xi, xii, xiii, 41, 42, 76, 78, 101, 102, 180, 240, 281, 314
Ham, Jack, 183
Hampton, Lorenzo, 290
Hannah, John, 212
Hanratty, Terry, 184
Hansen, Phil, 311
Hardy, Bruce, 243, 253, 297
Harper, Bruce, 259
Harris, Duriel, 227, 243, 253, 262, 270
Harris, Franco, 183, 243
Harris, Leroy, 231–32, 242
Harris, Wendell, 81–82
Hart, Harold, 218
Hauss, Lenny, 190
Hawkins, Alex, 69–70, 116
Hayes, Bob, 166–67
Hayes, Woody, 82
Heaton, Charles, 19–20, 21, 22–23, 122
Hector, Johnny, 308
Hendricks, Ted, 122–23, 124, 218
Henning, Dan, 238
Herman, Dave, 106
Heyward, Ironhead, 328–29
Higgs, Mark, 307, 308, 310, 325
Hill, Calvin, 167, 168, 169
Hill, Jerry, 70, 71, 83, 85, 103
Hill, Randal, 325
Hill, Winston, 106
Hilton, Roy, 81
Hinton, Eddie, 152
Holmes, Ernie, 229–30
Hornung, Paul, 68–69, 81, 82, 85, 86
Houston Oilers, 150, 176, 232, 239, 289
Howard, Johnette, 324, 325
Howley, Chuck, 169
Huff, Sam, 60
Huizenga, Wayne, 301, 312, 313, 325, 326, 327, 330, 331, 347
contract extensions given to Shula by, 309–10, 318–19
death of, 345
Johnson hired by, 335
Johnson secretly approached by, 319, 324
Shula’s retirement and, 331–34
Hulmes, Harry, 91
Humphrey, Bobby, 310
Humphries, Stan, 317, 322–23
Hunt, Lamar, 88, 217
Ingram, Mark, 313, 317, 321, 325, 346
Irsay, Robert, 172, 198, 237
Ivy, Pop, 58, 59
Jackson, Keith, 313, 317, 325
Jacksonville Jaguars, 339
Jacoby, Joe, 260, 262
James, Craig, 291
James, Tommy, 33, 34, 36
Jaworski, Ron, 297
Jefferson, John, 252
Jefferson, Roy, 185
Jenkins, Al, 192
Jenkins, Dan, 214, 232
Jensen, Jim, 269, 279
Jeter, Bob, 89
John Carroll University, 1, 347–48
Shula as student at, xviii, 16–24, 340
Johnson, Curtis, 141, 157, 165
Johnson, Dan, 275, 286, 291
Johnson, Gary, 287
Johnson, Jimmy, 298, 299, 300, 309–10, 317, 318–19, 324, 335, 344
as Dolphins head coach, 335, 339, 343
as possible successor to Shula, 319, 324–25, 326, 327, 331
Joiner, Charlie, 252, 281
Jones, Bert, 221
Jones, Deacon, 93, 176–77
Jones, Dub, 30, 33, 35, 36
Jones, Eddie, 302, 306, 335
Jones, Jerry, 298, 300, 309–10, 316, 318–19, 324, 336
Jones, June, 328
Josephson, Les, 93
Joyce, Don, 44, 45, 49
Judson, William, 269
Jurgensen, Sonny, 54
Kansas City Chiefs, 90, 105, 127, 160–62, 173, 175, 217, 227, 270, 301, 321, 329
Kapp, “Indian Joe,” 124
Karras, Alex, 60, 68–69, 144, 192
Keane, Tom, 42, 140, 227
Keating, Ed, 158, 205, 206, 220, 223–24, 247
Kellett, Don, 40, 43, 67, 80, 90
Kelly, Jim, 266, 268, 274, 289, 293–94, 296, 302, 303–4, 307, 310, 311, 330
Kelly, Leroy, 103, 182
Kennedy, John F., 63, 72–73
Kennedy, Robert, 96
Kensil, Jim, 258, 259, 267
Kentucky, University of, Shula as assistant coach at, 57–58
Kern, Rex, 164–65
Kidd, John, 323
Kiick, Jim, xii, xviii, 141, 143, 145, 155–56, 160, 164, 188, 223, 224, 241, 242
defection to WFL, 205–6, 210, 211–12, 216, 219–20
dementia of, 345–46
dual memoir by Csonka and, 174, 196
Morris’s rivalry with, 153, 173–74, 190
1970 season of, 149, 150–51, 152, 154
in 1971 contract dispute, 158–59
1972 season of, 176, 178, 181, 182, 185
Shula’s relationship with, xv, 146, 147, 159, 174–75
in Super Bowl VI, 169, 170
in Super Bowl VII, 191
in Super Bowl VIII, 201
Kilmer, Billy, 185, 189, 190, 191, 192
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 96
King, Peter, 338
Kirby, Terry, 320
Klosterman, Don, 127–28, 134, 135
Knox, Chuck, 57, 204, 275, 330
Kolen, Mike, 150, 218, 227
Korean War, 29, 36, 37
Kosar, Bernie, 289, 290, 314, 320, 326, 329
Kram, Mark, 138–39
Kramer, Jerry, 85
Krause, Moose, 246
Krieg, David, 275
Kropac, Roy, 15
Kuechenberg, Bob, 192, 201, 206, 207, 247, 255, 279, 306
Kuechenberg, Rudy, 206
Kuharich, Joe, 53, 54
Laakso, Eric, 248
Lambeau, Curly, xii
Lambert, Jack, 211
Lamonica, Daryle, 151, 154, 207, 210
Landry, Tom, xi, xii, 46, 50, 74, 78, 87, 90, 94, 143, 156, 166–67, 168, 171, 185, 229, 233–34, 237, 240, 244, 245, 255, 298, 300
Lane, Dick “Night Train,” 59–60, 61, 62, 63–64
Langer, Jim, xvi, 228
Lanier, Willie, 160
Lankford, Paul, 255
Lary, Yale, 60
Lauterbur, Frank, 54–55
Layne, Bobby, 36–37, 49, 59, 60
LeBaron, Eddie, 53
Le Batard, Dan, 325
LeBeau, Dick, 60
Lee, Shawn, 302–3
Lennon, John, murder of, 249
Lett, Leon, 316
Levy, Marv, 311, 329, 330, 334–35
Lilly, Bob, 167, 168
Lipsyte, Robert, 116
Little, Larry, 143, 148, 160, 184, 207, 212, 217–18, 233, 242, 247
Lofton, James, 315
Logan, Jerry, 68, 85, 94
Lomax, Neil, 282
Lombardi, Vince, xi, xiii, 50, 60, 61, 63, 77, 79, 82, 84–87, 95, 111, 117, 122, 131, 166, 203, 240
death of, 132, 149
Shula’s rivalry with, 80, 84–85, 86, 87, 88, 89–90, 93, 94, 132
Lorick, Tony, 75
Los Angeles Chargers, see San Diego Chargers
Los Angeles Raiders, 270, 274, 282, 310
see also Oakland Raiders
Los Angeles Rams, 32, 33, 35, 45, 46, 47, 72–73, 82–83, 89, 92, 93–94, 100, 101, 124, 126, 156, 185, 226, 235–36, 240, 244, 249
Lundy, Bob, 341
Lyles, Lenny, 81, 104
Lynch, Jim, 160
Mack, Kevin, 290
Mackey, Clarence, 10–12, 14
Mackey, John, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76, 81, 83, 92, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 111, 124, 125, 143
as players’ union head, 135, 141–42, 148, 210, 211, 219, 220, 223
see also Rozelle Rule lawsuit
Madden, John, 197, 214, 215
Magee, Jerry, 272–73
Maisel, Bob, 84, 87, 95, 111, 134
Malone, Benny, 210, 211, 212, 214, 220, 228, 284
Mandich, Jim, 157, 173, 176, 191, 197, 205, 206, 213
Mann, Bonnie, 1–2, 338
Manning, Archie, 158, 278
Manning, Eli, 278
Manning, Peyton, 278, 281, 282
Mara, Wellington, 246
Marchetti, Gino, 41, 45, 64–65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 78, 80–81, 90, 91, 140
Marchibroda, Ted, 220–21
Marino, Dan, xiv–xv, 278–79, 294, 340
Dolphins’ drafting of, 267–68
Hall of Fame induction of, 343
1983 season of, 268–69, 270–71, 273–76
1984 season of, 279–80, 281–82
in 1985 contract dispute, 289
1985 season of, 289–92, 298
1986 season of, 294–95
1987 season of, 296–97
1989 season of, 300
1990 season of, 302–3
1991 season of, 307–8
1992 season of, 310–11
1993 season-ending injury of, 313–14
1994 season of, 320–23
1995 season of, 326, 328–30
personality of, 266–67
post-Shula career of, 339, 343
records held by, 281, 282, 289
Shula’s overreliance on, 288
on Shula’s retirement, 334
in Super Bowl XIX, 286–87
Marshall, George Preston, 53
Martin, Don, 11–12
Martin, Tony, 303, 311, 313
Matheson, Bob, 103, 157, 191, 213, 217, 218, 277
Mathis, Bill, 113
Matte, Tom, 70, 71, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 105, 113, 114, 125, 147, 159
Maule, Tex, 104, 111, 116, 167, 169, 187, 188, 194, 201, 202
Maxwell, Tommy, 123, 124
Maynard, Don, 106, 110–11, 113
McBride, Arthur “Mickey,” 27, 31, 35
McCafferty, Don, 67, 68, 76, 137, 151–52, 156, 165, 178
McCauley, Don, 157, 164
McCord, Darris, 60
McCormack, Mike, 39
McDermott, Barry, 275
McDuffie, O. J., 317, 329
McGee, Buford, 282
McGee, Max, 81–82, 89
McLean, Scooter, 60
McNeal, Don, 248, 262, 269
McNeil, Freeman, 258
McPeak, Bill, 197, 227
McVay, John, 205, 224, 228, 241
Means, Natrone, 322
Memphis Southmen (Grizzlies), 212, 216, 219–20
Meyer, Ron, 327
Miami Dolphins, 348
Johnson as head coach of, 335, 339, 343
Shula hired as head coach by, x, 129–33
Shula’s post-retirement role with, 332, 335
Miami Dolphins, under Shula:
black players on, 142–43, 144–45
drug use by, xvii, 178–79, 199, 229–31, 255, 299, 341
“53 defense” of, 157–58, 175
miserly salaries of, 171–72
1970 season of, 149–54
and 1971 draft, 157
1971 season of, 159–62, 163–65
and 1972 draft, 172–73
1972 season of, x, xiii, xv, 175–85
1973 season of, 197–200
and 1974 draft, 210
1974 season of, 212–16
1975 season of, 217–19, 220–21
and 1976 draft, 226–27
1976 season of, 227–28
and 1977 draft, 231
1977 season of, 232
1978 season of, 238–39
1979 season of, 242–43
1980 season of, 248, 249
1981 season of, 250–54
and 1982 draft, 255
1982 season of, 255–56, 258–60
and 1983 draft, 265–66, 267–68
1983 season of, 268–71, 273–76
1984 season of, 279–80, 281–84
1985 season of, 289–92
1986 season of, 294–95
1987 season of, 296–97
1988 season of, 297–98
1989 season of, 300, 301
1990 season of, 302–3
1991 season of, 306–7
1992 season of, 310–11
1993 season of, 313–14
1994 season of, 319–24
1995 season of, 326–30
in Super Bowl VI, 165–70
in Super Bowl VII, 185–86, 187–95
in Super Bowl VIII, 200–203
in Super Bowl XVII, 260–63
in Super Bowl XIX, 286–87
Team of the Decade award of, 245
Miami Herald, 133–34, 170, 176, 194, 202, 207, 219, 229, 230, 267, 315, 325, 326, 330, 331, 333
Michaels, Lou, 80–81, 83, 86, 109, 113
Michaels, Walt, 258, 259
Miller, Fred, 81, 113, 164
Minnesota Vikings, 73, 76, 81, 92, 102, 124, 127, 139, 176, 200–201, 228, 256
Mira, George, 159, 173
Mitchell, Lydell, 221
Mitchell, Scott, 313, 317
Mitchell, Tom, 102, 113, 124, 152
Modell, Art, 66, 336
Molesworth, Keith, 41, 43
Monk, Art, 260
Monroe, Carl, 286
Montana, Joe, 273, 280, 282, 285, 286–87, 289, 294
Moon, Warren, 329
Moore, Lenny, 50, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 81, 83, 85, 88, 92, 97
Moore, Nat, 210, 211, 214, 232, 233, 238, 249, 270, 282, 290, 299, 347
Moore, Wayne, 217–18
Mora, Jim, 265
Moran, Jim, 19, 20, 21
Morin, Milt, 103
Mormile, Dan “Zip,” 19
Morrall, Earl, xv, 59, 98–99, 108, 121, 123, 125, 152, 173–74, 186, 190, 192, 221, 231, 340, 345
1968 season of, 99–104
1972 season of, 177, 181, 182–83, 184
in Super Bowl III, 109, 111, 113, 114–15, 116, 120
Morris, Eugene “Mercury,” 141, 142–43, 145, 146–47, 149, 160, 199, 242, 255
in conflicts with Shula and Dolphins management, 212–13, 214, 216, 220, 221, 225, 226
drug use and trafficking by, xviii, 179, 199, 229, 231
Kiick’s rivalry with, 153, 173–74, 190
misdiagnosed neck injury of, 199
new contract of, 206
1970 season of, 152, 153, 154
1972 season of, 175, 178, 180–81, 182, 184
1974 season of, 212–13
1975 season of, 218, 220, 221
in Super Bowl VI, 169
in Super Bowl VII, 191
in Super Bowl VIII, 201
in trade to Chargers, 226
Mortensen, Chris, 331
Moseley, Mark, 260
Motley, Marion, 26, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36
Mullins, Gerry, 184
Mumphord, Lloyd, xvii–xviii, 141, 191, 214, 221, 230–31
Muncie, Chuck, 252
Murphy, Russ, 41
Murray, Jim, 187
Mustafa, Najee, 313
Mutscheller, Jim, 51
Namath, Joe, x, 59, 97, 98, 105–17, 118, 151, 176, 258, 261, 266, 284, 348
Nash, Ogden, 114
Nathan, Tony, 249, 252, 253, 286, 290, 291, 292, 335
National Football League (NFL):
AFL merger with, 87–88
drug use in, 178–79, 199, 229–31, 255, 299, 341
merger of AAFC and, 27
1974 player strike in, 210, 211
1982 player strike in, 255–56
1987 player strike in, 296
Neely, Ralph, 81
Nelsen, Bill, 103
Nelson, Steve, 291
New England (Boston) Patriots, xiv, 150, 153, 159, 160, 197, 212, 218, 221, 228, 232–33, 238–39, 243, 248, 249, 256–57, 270, 280, 281–82, 291–92, 297, 303, 310, 316, 317, 342–43
New Jersey Generals, ix, 265, 271
Newman, Ed, 244, 255, 280, 281, 283
New Orleans Saints, 91, 92, 125, 153, 248, 270
Newsome, Ozzie, 290
Newton, Cam, xx, 347
New York Giants, xiv, xx, 33, 71, 98, 180, 204, 220, 224, 240, 295, 317
New York Jets, 65–66, 151, 153, 158, 159, 176, 178, 197, 212, 227, 255, 257, 258–59, 271, 282, 295, 298, 307–8, 310, 314, 321
in Super Bowl III, x, xx, 105–17
NFL-AFL Championship Game:
of 1966 (Super Bowl I), 88, 90
of 1968 (Super Bowl II), 94
Ninowski, Jim, 61
Nixon, Richard, xi, 96, 110, 168, 189, 194, 211
Nolan, Dick, 149, 153
Noll, Chuck, xii, xiii, xiv, 92, 123, 149, 183, 198, 211, 213, 222, 229–30, 239–40, 244, 267, 278, 284, 340
Noonan, Karl, 149, 155
North, John, 57
North Dallas Forty (Gent), 178
Notre Dame University, 246
Nottingham, Don, 164, 165, 211, 212, 218, 219, 225, 232
Nussbaumer, Bob, 59
Nutter, Buzz, 86
Oakland Raiders, 66, 88, 94, 105, 106, 151, 156, 183, 197, 200, 213–16, 218, 228, 233, 238, 243, 259
see also Los Angeles Raiders
Oberst, Gene, 17, 19, 21
O’Brien, Ken, 267–68, 307–8, 315
Odom, Cliff, 303
Offerdahl, John, 297, 300
Ohio State University, 26
Olivadotti, Tom, 297, 327, 329
Oliver, Louis, 302, 330
Olsen, Merlin, 93
Orr, Jimmy, 66, 68, 73, 81, 92, 98, 103, 111, 114, 115, 116, 124
Overstreet, David, 269
Owen, Steve, 33
Page, Alan, 202
Paige, Tony, 303
Painesville, Ohio, 2, 8, 42, 74
Parcells, Bill, 295
Pardee, Jack, 93, 185, 206, 216, 236
Parker, Buddy, 36
Parker, Jim, 66, 88
Parmalee, Bernie, 320, 322, 328
Parseghian, Ara, 26, 246
Pastorini, Dan, 239
Pederson, Doug, 315–16, 343
Pellington, Bill, 41, 45, 47, 49, 60, 64, 80, 81
Perkins, Ray, 98
Peters, Tony, 260, 261
Philadelphia Eagles, 70, 90, 125, 152, 303, 314–15
Philbin, Gerry, 106
Philbin, Joe, 348
Phipps, Mike, 182
Pittsburgh Steelers, xii, 105–6, 123, 149, 183–85, 198, 199, 211, 215, 221, 227, 228, 244, 249, 283–84, 317
Plaschke, Bill, 330–31
Plum, Milt, 63
Podolak, Ed, 161
Polian, Bill, 334
Pope, Edwin, xviii, 130, 134, 154, 170, 181, 188, 194, 200, 203, 205, 215, 216, 225, 244, 248, 254, 263, 267, 287–88, 316–17, 325, 333, 336, 345, 347
Povich, Shirley, 110
Puscas, George, 328
racism, 55, 57, 74, 142–43, 144–45
Randle, Sonny, 55–56
Reagan, Ronald, 263, 264
Reed, Oscar, 202
Reese, Don, 210, 218, 229, 230–31, 255, 299
Reilly, Rick, 302
Reynolds, Hacksaw, 285
Richardson, John, 150
Richardson, Willie, 68, 92, 98, 100, 103, 111, 113, 149
Riggins, John, 260, 261–63, 279
Riley, Jim, 150
Riley, Pat, 326–27
Robbie, Joe, xiv, xvii, 153, 156, 157, 158, 171–72, 193, 223, 224, 264, 268, 273, 274, 289, 290
Dolphins coaching job offered to Shula by, 130–32
Dolphins drug scandal and, 230
illness and death of, 300–301
penuriousness of, 172, 208, 235–36
personality of, 138–39
personal tragedies and alcoholism of, 172
Shula’s relationship with, xviii, 208–9, 236–37, 238, 245–46, 248
tax problems of, 236, 245
WFL defections and, 206–7, 219, 220
Robbie, Mike, 238, 250, 301, 306
Roberson, Vern, 231, 237
Robinson, Dave, 89
Robinson, Jackie, 27
Robiskie, Terry, 249
Roby, Reggie, 288
Rooney, Art, 82–83, 183, 268
Rose, Joe, 253, 270
Rosenbloom, Carroll, xiv, 39, 40, 43, 48, 64–65, 66, 67, 72, 82, 87, 89, 90, 91, 105, 126, 133, 152, 156–57
in Colts-Rams swap, 172
death of, 240
gambling by, 68–69, 119
and Shula’s move to Dolphins, 132, 135–36
Shula’s relationship with, xviii, 78, 111–12, 118–19, 123, 125, 127, 128–29, 135, 136, 189, 195
Rosenbloom, Steve, 127–28, 131, 132, 133, 134, 156
Ross, Bobby, 322, 323
Ross, Steven, 347
Rozelle, Pete, 68–69, 72, 136, 185, 188, 189, 193, 207, 216, 223, 257, 265, 340
Rozelle Rule lawsuit, 135, 211, 219, 220, 223
Rubin, Bob, 230
Russell, Andy, 183
Rust, Rod, 280, 291–92
Ryan, Frank, 77–78
Rypien, Mark, 329
Saban, Lou, 106
Saban, Nick, 342
Sahadi, Lou, 196
St. Louis Rams, 329
Salguero, Armando, 331, 332, 333
Salter, Bryant, 226
Sample, Johnny, 113
Sanders, Deion, 325
San Diego Chargers, 62, 176, 177, 212, 225–26, 249, 252, 257–58, 281, 307, 310, 317, 321–23
Sandusky, Alex, 44
Sandusky, John, 67, 178, 227
San Francisco 49ers, 71, 83, 84, 99, 125, 149, 166, 197, 237, 249, 254, 273, 280, 285, 294
Sauer, George, Jr., 110–11, 113, 115
Scarry, Mike, 140
Schmidt, Joe, 60, 64
Schnellenberger, Howard, 59, 64, 146, 179, 185, 224, 280, 293, 298, 340
as Colts head coach, 197, 198
as Dolphins assistant coach, xiv, 140, 148, 149, 177, 186, 194, 198, 220, 227
as Miami University head coach, 238
on Shula, 57–58, 122, 224, 304, 312–13, 333–34
Schramm, Tex, 88, 298, 340
Schupska, Charlie, 12, 13
Scott, Jake, 141, 142, 150, 153, 160, 184, 189, 190, 191, 202, 217–18, 225–26
Scott, Ronald B., 209–10
Seattle Seahawks, 224, 275, 283
Seay, Mark, 323
Seifert, George, 285
Seiple, Larry, 152, 184
Shaw, Dennis, 128
Shaw, George, 46–47, 49, 50, 51
Shell, Art, 200
Sherman, Rod, 154
Shinnick, Don, 81, 84–85, 134–35
Shula, Anne, 74
Shula, Chris, xviii, 347–48
Shula, Dan (father), 2, 3–5, 6–7, 14, 23, 97, 203, 340
death of, 256
factory job of, 8–9, 10
marriage of Mary and, see Shula, Mary Miller
in trip to Hungary, 217
Shula, Dan (grandson), 347
Shula, David, xvi, xix, 57, 162, 189, 237, 299, 304, 314, 339
coaching career of, xx, 277, 295, 299, 309, 319–20, 326, 338, 348
Shula, Donald:
Achilles tendon injury of, 321
author’s interviews with, 237–38, 348–49
black players’ negative views of, 143
as Browns player, 28–37
business ventures of, 310, 312, 338, 343, 349
and Campanella’s death, 90–91
Catholicism of, xiv, xvi, 7
character of, xv, xvii
charities of, 343
childhood of, 6–9
coaching style of, 64, 68, 70, 73, 146, 147
Coach of the Year awards of, 78, 102, 181
college career of, 15, 16–24
as Colts head coach, see Baltimore Colts, under Shula
as Colts player, 40–52
death threats received by, 209
as Dolphins coach, see Miami Dolphins
Dolphins coaching offer to, 129–32
as Dolphins part owner, 132
and Dorothy’s death, 305–6
emotional intensity of, xix
and father’s fishing business, 8
favoritism shown by, xvii–xviii, 97
as first generation American, xi
Hall of Fame induction of, 339–40
high school career of, 11–14
as Kentucky assistant coach, 57–58
lifetime wins of, xii
as Lions assistant coach, 59–61, 63–64
marriages of, see Shula, Dorothy; Shula, Mary Anne
Miami TV show of, 139
million-dollar contract of, 274
motivational books by, xx
Namath’s award presented by, 348
national guard service of, 29, 31, 35–36
net worth of, ix, 344
as 1970s Coach of the Decade, xiii
1973 contract extension of, 208
in 1980 contract negotiations, 245, 248
1986 contract extension of, 295
1992 contract extension of, 310
1993 contract extension of, 318
as 1993 Sportsman of the Year, 318
Notre Dame job considered by, 246
parents’ ban on playing football defied by, 10–11
Paul Brown system adopted by, 55, 57
players’ open challenges to, 327–28
political conservatism of, 97, 110
post-career life of, 340–41, 342–49
priesthood considered by, 9, 15, 17–18
racial discrimination opposed by, 74–75, 144–45
as Redskins player, 52, 53–54
in retirement as Dolphins coach, 331–34
in sale of Dolphins stock to Robbie, 245–46
sleep apnea of, 346
tactical system of, 145
total games coached by, xiii
in trade to Colts, 37–38, 39–40
in trip to Afghanistan, 349
in trip to Hungary, 217
as Virginia assistant coach, 54–56
and WFL defections, 205, 208
Shula, Donna, 59, 306, 320
Shula, Dorothy, 42, 55, 56, 90, 118, 122, 132, 139, 196–97, 208, 209, 217, 238, 242
cancer battle of, 278, 304
death of, xix, 304–5
Don’s courtship of, 42–43, 54
in humanizing of Don’s coaching demeanor, 73–74
pregnancies of, 57, 59, 67, 68, 74
and Super Bowl III loss, 121
at Super Bowl VII, 193, 195
at Super Bowl VIII, 203
in trip to Hungary, 217
wedding of Don and, 55
Shula, James, 7
Shula, Jane, 7
Shula, Jeanette, 7, 8–9
Shula, Joe, 5, 8, 10
Shula, Mary Anne, xix, 312–14, 325, 327, 329, 332, 334, 340, 341, 344, 346, 349
Shula, Mary Miller, 3–5, 6–7, 9, 14, 23, 203, 256, 217, 293, 340
Shula, Mike, xvi, xix–xx, 277–78, 295, 336, 342
coaching career of, xix–xx, 305, 309, 314, 347
Shula, Sharon, 68
Siemon, Jeff, 201
Sievers, Eric, 282
Simmons, Chet, 265
Simms, Phil, 282, 295
Simpson, O. J., 177, 212, 220, 237
Sims, Keith, 302, 315, 321
Skorich, Nick, 182
Small, Gerald, 243
Smith, Billy Ray, 66, 81, 83, 85, 116
Smith, Bruce, 311
Smith, Bubba, 91, 103, 143, 149, 165
Smith, Charlie, 214
Smith, Jerry, 191
Smith, Sammie, 298, 303, 307
Snead, Norm, 180
Snell, Matt, 106, 113, 115
Snow, Jack, 93, 94
Snyder, Cameron, 84, 99, 102, 125–26, 151–52
Sochia, Brian, 297
Solomon, Freddie, 218, 219, 237, 285
Southall, Terry, 91
Sports Illustrated, xix, 61, 88, 89, 104, 138–39, 166, 174, 194, 196, 214, 218, 230, 232, 242, 253, 254, 255, 258, 275, 279, 281, 284, 285–86, 299, 302, 318, 324, 327, 334
Spurrier, Steve, 91
Stabler, Ken “Snake,” 200, 208, 210, 213, 214–15, 218, 345
Stallworth, John, 211, 243, 284
Stanfill, Bill, 141, 150, 177, 178, 181, 192, 346
Starr, Bart, 61, 76, 81, 82, 84–85, 89, 100
Staubach, Roger, 166–67, 169
Steadman, John, 43, 46, 65, 86
Stenerud, Jan, 161
Stephens, Mary Anne, see Shula, Mary Anne
Stephenson, Dwight, 283, 290, 297, 340
Stevens, Gary, 298, 335
Stewart, Mike, 327
Stofa, John, 150, 159
Stonebreaker, Steve, 81
Stowe, Otto, 157
Stoyanovich, Pete, 315, 316, 317, 323
Stradford, Troy, 296–97
Stram, Hank, 106, 160, 161, 201, 217
Strock, Don, 197, 205, 220, 231, 238, 239, 246, 248, 252, 253–54, 256, 262, 269, 274, 278–79, 289, 297, 341
Stuckey, Henry, 214
Studley, Chuck, 279
Stukes, Charlie, 124
Sule, Denes, see Shula, Dan (father)
Sule, Frank, 2–3, 5, 6
Sule, Paul, 2
Sule, Rosa, 2, 5, 6
Sullivan, Dan, 72, 109
Super Bowl, 222, 228, 233, 240, 244, 254, 288–89, 304, 311, 324, 343
Super Bowl III, x, xx, 105–20, 258
Super Bowl IV, 201
Super Bowl VI, x, xiii, 165–70
Super Bowl VII, 185–86, 187–95
Super Bowl VIII, 200–203
Super Bowl XVII, 260–63
Super Bowl XIX, 286–87
Svare, Harland, 177
Swann, Lynn, 211, 213, 243
Swift, Doug, 150, 156, 182, 191, 213, 224
Szymanski, Dick, 66, 123
Tagliabue, Paul, 335
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 256, 294, 298
Tarkenton, Fran, 98, 176, 200, 201–2
Taseff, Carl, 18, 19, 20–21, 22–23, 31, 35–36, 147, 335, 340
as Browns player, 28–31, 32–33, 34, 36
as Colts player, 37, 42, 47, 49, 52
death of, 345
as Dolphins assistant coach, 140, 227
Tatum, Jack, 183, 213
Taylor, Charley, 185, 191
Taylor, Jim, 81, 82, 85
Taylor, Otis, 160
Theismann, Joe, 157, 226, 260, 261, 279
Thomas, Duane, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172
Thomas, Emmitt, 160
Thomas, Jimmy, 125
Thomas, Joe, 43, 139, 158, 171, 197, 198, 218, 228, 237, 250–52, 255, 264
Thomas, Norris, 231, 243
Thomas, Thurman, 303, 307, 310, 311, 329, 330
Thomas Harvey High School, 7, 10–11
Tillman, Andre, 210, 218
Time, 187–88
Tippett, Andre, 291
Tittle, Y. A., 71, 281
Todd, Richard, 258, 259
Towle, Steve, 218
Trump, Donald, ix, xi, 1–2, 271–73, 293
Tunney, Jim, 85, 87
Turner, T. J., 297
Twilley, Howard, 149, 150, 151, 156, 177, 190, 218, 221, 347
Tyler, Wendell, 285
Uhlenhake, Jeff, 302
Underwood, John, 167, 174, 209, 236, 248, 250–51, 253
Unitas, Johnny, xiv, xv, xviii, 50–51, 53–54, 56, 61, 65, 80, 98, 108, 121, 123, 136–37, 152, 153, 156, 178, 180, 274, 281, 340, 345
1963 season of, 70, 71–72, 73
1964 season of, 75–76, 77–78
1965 season of, 81, 82, 83–84, 85
1966 season of, 88–89
1967 season of, 91–94
1968 season of, 98, 99–102
1969 season of, 124, 125, 126
in 1971 AFC title loss to Dolphins, 164, 165
Shula and, 51, 68, 74, 75–76, 78, 100–101, 120, 143
in Super Bowl III, 114–16, 120
United States Football League (USFL), ix, 260, 264–65, 268, 269, 271, 289, 293
Upshaw, Gene, 200
Van Brocklin, Norm, 32, 35, 45, 49, 298
Vincent, Troy, 323, 326, 330
Virgin, Charles, 179, 341
Virgin, Herbert, 179, 199, 213, 225, 341
Virginia, University of, Shula as assistant coach at, 54–56
Vogel, Bob, 67–68
Volk, Charlene, 117
Volk, Rick, 91, 92, 97, 105, 106, 109–10, 112, 113, 114, 117–18, 123, 125, 126, 164, 232, 346
von Schamann, Uwe, 254, 256, 257, 271, 282
Voris, Dick, 54–55, 56
Walker, Doak, 37
Walker, Fulton, 262
Walker, Herschel, ix, 265
Walker, Wayne, 60
Wallace, George, xi
Walsh, Bill, xiii, 280, 285, 286, 287, 300
Ward, Arch, 26
Ward, Jim, 91, 98, 101
Warfield, Paul, xii, xviii, 77, 142, 144, 149, 158, 168, 169–70, 212, 223, 224, 277
in defection to WFL, 205–6, 210, 211–12, 216, 219–20
1970 season of, 151, 153–54
1971 season of, 160–61, 164–65
1972 season of, 177, 180, 182, 184
1973 season of, 197, 198
in Super Bowl VI, 169
in Super Bowl VII, 190–91, 192
in Super Bowl VIII, 202
Warren, Don, 260
Washington Redskins, 42, 53, 73, 95, 122, 125, 157, 200, 212, 225–26, 235, 238, 279
Shula as player on, 52, 53–54
in Super Bowl VII, 185–86, 187–95
in Super Bowl XVII, 260–63
Weaver, Earl, 122
Webb, Richmond, 302, 321
Webster, Larry, 315
Webster, Mike, 211, 285
Westhoff, Mike, 315, 335
White, Dwight, 183
White, Jeris, 210
White, Reggie, 271
Wicker, Tom, 117
Wilbur, John, 191
Wiley, Ralph, 284
Williams, Delvin, 237, 238, 239, 242, 248–49, 252
Williams, Edward Bennett, 185, 236
Williams, Jarvis, 302
Williams, Kevin, 316
Williams, Ronnie, 321
Willis, Bill, 26, 27
Wilson, Butch, 98
Wilson, George, 58, 59, 62, 64, 66, 130, 166, 195, 240, 340
as Dolphins head coach, 129–30, 132, 134, 140–41, 144, 145–46, 147
Wine, Steven, 327
Winner, Charley, 251
Winslow, Kellen, 252, 253, 254, 258
Winston, Roy, 176
Woodley, David, 246, 248–50, 252–53, 256–57, 259, 261–62, 268–69, 270, 274, 278–79, 283, 345
Woodruff, Dwayne, 284
Woodson, Marv, 75
World Football League (WFL), xviii, 204, 205, 210, 211, 216, 219
World Hockey Association, 205
Wright, Rayfield, 167
Wyche, Sam, 309
Yary, Ron, 200
Yepremian, Garo, 144, 152, 160, 161–62, 191–92, 193–94, 196, 214, 218, 231, 345
Young, Dick, 208
Young, George, xv, 98, 217, 246
Young, Steve, 271, 294
Zimmerman, Paul, xii–xiii, xviii–xix, 44–45, 46, 110, 114, 253, 257, 258, 259, 267, 273, 274, 281, 286, 318