Volumes of the Collected Works of Northrop Frye
and of Frye Studies
David Rampton
The Collected Works of Northrop Frye:
The Project and the Edition
Alvin Lee
“Pity the Northrop Frye Scholar”?
Anatomy of Criticism Fifty Years After
Robert Denham
The Genius of Northrop Frye
Thomas Willard
Jumping to Conclusions:
Northrop Frye on Canadian Literature
D. M. R. Bentley
History, Tradition, and the Work of Pastoral:
Frye’s “Conclusion to a Literary History of Canada”
Robert David Stacey
The Reverend H. Northrop Frye
Ian Sloan
Recovery of the Spiritual Other:
Martin Buber’s “Thou” in Northrop Frye’s Late Work
Sára Tóth
Frye’s “Pure Speech”:
Literature and the Sacred
without the Sacred
Garry Sherbert
Northrop Frye and
the Chart of Symbolism
John Ayre
The Earth’s Imagined Corners:
Frye and Utopia
Michael Dolzani
Transcending Realism:
Northrop Frye, the Victorians,
and the Anatomy of Criticism
J. Russell Perkin
Re-Valuing Value
Jean O’Grady
The Interruption of Myth in Northrop Frye:
Toward a Revision of the “Silent Beatrice”
Troni Y. Grande
Frye and Film Studies:
Anatomy of Irony
David Jarraway
Reframing Frye:
Bridging Culture and Cognition
Michael Sinding
An Access of Power:
Job, Evolution, and the Spirit of Consciousness in
Northrop Frye and Daniel C. Dennett
Jeffery Donaldson