
1. “He believes in hard war”

2. “I can make Georgia howl!”

3. “I’ll have to harden my heart”

4. “The most gigantic pleasure expedition”

5. “We never wanted to fight”

6. “Our degradation was bitter”

7. “I don’t war on women and children”

8. “Even the sun seemed to hide its face”

9. “An inhuman barbarous proceeding”

10. “I’ve got Savannah!”

11. “A Christmas gift”

12. “An almost criminal dislike of the Negro”

13. “No such army since the days of Julius Caesar”

14. “We’ll destroy no private property”

15. “The day of Jubilo has come”

16. “For the first time I am ashamed”

17. “Death to all foragers”

18. “Rebels have no rights”

19. “Kilpatrick’s shirt-tail skedaddle”

20. “I can whip Joe Johnston”

21. “He shall have no rest”

22. “They don’t drive worth a damn”

23. “Splendid legs! Splendid legs!”

24. “Who’s doing this surrendering, anyhow?”

25. “Sherman has fatally blundered”

26. “Washington is as corrupt as hell”

27. “They march like the lords of the world”

