Abeles, Martin 109n1
absolute property 76
absolute rent 112, 115–116, 166
absolute surplus value 181, 385
abstinence theory 145
abstract labor 47; alienation and 140–141; alienation and 137–139; capital and 92; concrete labor and 59–61; cross-industry extraction of 67n8; demand and 157; diachronic approaches and 165; exchange and 67n4; primitive accumulation and 151; SNLT and 161–163; social averages and 67n12; value-form approach and 67n5; wage bundles and 67n6
abstraction 5–6, 9; analytical marxism and 353–354; epistemology and 18; epistemology and 17; knowledge production and 22; master-slave narrative and 10n1; the real and 16; reproduction and 215–217
accounting 81–85, 127; business cycle and 242n9; business cycles and 234; circuit of capital and 100; demand and 105; demand determination and 107; new solution approach and 88n3; non-productive labor and 127–128; price theory and 87–88; production boundary concept and 131n7; reproduction and 220; USSR and 131n8
accumulation 203–207; agriculture and 301–304; business cycles and 235, 239; crisis theory and 402; destructive effects of 198–202, 204, 208; drive for 10; ecology and 399, 401, 403; enterprise theory and 171, 176–177; financialization and 209n4, 255–256, 258–259, 261–262; formal-informal divide and 316; labor process and 183; Marx’s absolute general law of 199; metabolic analysis and 404–405; migration and 292; monopoly capital and 381, 384–385, 387; neoliberalism and 245, 249–252; non-productive labor and 125, 129–130; Okishio theorem and 228; outsideness of capital and 149–151; primitive accumulation and 145; primitive form of 144–148; profit squeeze theory and 209n9; psychoanalytic concepts and 210n21; reproduction and 217, 220; socialism and 288; SSA theory and 370–372, 374; standard of living and 209n1; transition theory and 275. See also primitive accumulation
Accumulation of Capital (Luxemburg): peasantry and 308n4; reproduction and 220
Achebe, Chinua 270
Adaman, Fikret 205
Adorno, Theodor 15
affective labor 394
Africa 146
agent-based models 109n1
aggregate supply/aggregate demand framework 94, 98–99, 102, 107; demand and 106; growth and 105; investment-led growth and 110n7; Keynesianism and 363–366
aggregation problem 93
Aglietta, Michel 372
Agrarian Question, The (Engels) 302–303
agriculture 307–308; absolute/differential rent theory and 116; accumulation and 198; agrarian economies and 147; development and 317–319; enclosure and 146; industry and 312; Lenin and 302–303; metabolic analysis and 404–405; peasantry and 300–301; Preobrazhensky and 303–304; productivity and 117; proletarianization and 185; rent and 111, 113, 118; technology and 115; United States and 305–306
Albritton, Robert 307
Alger, Horatio 270
alienation 135–139; capitalism’s specificity to 142n31; capitalist critique and 140–141; communism and 278–279; development and 319; ecology and 400; Entfremdung and Entäuβerung translated as 141n1; financialization and 255; four aspects of 141n17; monopoly capital and 384; process of production and 177
aliquot part economy 65; abstract labor and 66
Alperovitz, Gar 40
Althusser, Louis 3, 7–10, 20, 341; accumulation and 202; alienation and 136, 141; ancient modes of production and 272–273; articulation approach and 311; dialectical materialism and 326–327; Hegel and 209n11; knowledge effects and 24; knowledge production and 22–23; overdetermination and 275n2; overdetermination’s definition and 334n4; postmodernism and 343; primitive accumulation and 148; Spinoza and 24; SSA theory and 375; transition theory and 323
“amalgamate and allocate” procedure 65
Amariglio, Jack 20, 203, 205; class process and 210n15; communism and 279
American Path 303; peasantry and 308n1
Amherst school 279. See also Resnick, Wolff
Amin, Samir 385
analytical marxism 350–354; falling rate of profit theories and 359n3; methodology of 354–358; positivism and 359n8
analytical philosophy 350; analytical marxism and 352, 354–356
anarchy 339
ancient class production: enterprise theory and 175; family farms and 308n5
ancient modes of production 269–273
Andreasson, Stefan 149
Anglo-Saxon Marxism 69
animal spirits 102
antagonism of interests 127; Empire and 210n22; globalization and 195n9; labor movement and 293; neoliberalism and 250; non-productive labor and 129; revolution and 206; structuredness of 189
anthropocentrism 16
Anti-Dühring (Engels) 15
anti-essentialism 23; ancient modes of production and 272; communism and 279, 282; essentialism and 119–120; feminism and 392, 395; postmodernism and 345; primitive accumulation and 148. See also essentialism
anti-semitism 297n11
apartheid 374
Appadurai, Arjun 16
appearance 22. See also essentialism
Apple 193
appropriability framework 193
appropriation of surplus: accumulation and 205; alienation and 141; ancient modes of production and 271–272; antagonism of interests and 195n9; circuit of capital and 98; communism and 35, 280–283; coupon stock market and 289n1; democracy and 34–35, 38; development and 313, 315, 318, 320; feminism and 392; financialization and 259; formal-informal divide and 316; globalization and 193; household surplus and 37; income and 39; mobility and 296n4; neoliberalism and 249; non-determinism and 329; postmodernism and 340, 343, 345; price theory and 80, 83; self-employment and 269; socialism and 284–288; transition theory and 273–275
Arab Spring 252
archaeology of knowledge 16–17, 340
Aristotle 131n1, 138; alienation and 141; goods and 142n26
Arthur, Chris 47
artisans. See craft labor
Asian crisis of 1997 149
Asiatic mode of production 334n2
Asimakopoulos, John 375
Association for Economic and Social Analysis (AESA) 241n1
Athenian society 138
Australia 395
Austrian school 71, 77n2, 245, 247
autonomy of migration approach 292
bailouts 251
Bakir, Erdogan 240, 242n10; business cycles and 237–2339
Balibar, Etienne 8; migration and 294
Bank for International Settlements 258
bankruptcy 261
banks 75, 258, 263, 366; accumulation and 207; Keynes on 367n14; monetary theory and 72; reproduction and 221; savings and loan crisis and 251
Baran, Paul 372, 382; accumulation and 199, 204; development and 310; ecology and 401; enterprise theory and 177; financialization and 386; monopoly capital and 379, 383–385, 387; non-productive labor and 129; profit-rate trends and 210n25; rationality and 209n5; SSA theory and 371; treadmill of production and 402
Bardhan, Pranhab 358n2
Barlow, David E. 374
Barlow, Melissa H. 374
barter 71, 363–364; Ricardo and 367n5
Baseball, Major Leagues of 177
basic income 281, 283; feminism and 394
Basole, Amit 186n1
Baumol, William 130
Bautista, Juan José 151n1
Becker, Gary 246; labor movement and 293; non-productive labor and 125–126
Bellofiore, Riccardo 220
Beneria, Lourdes 391
Benjamin, Walter 15
Bennett, Jane 16
Bentham, Jeremy 171; “freedom, equality, property and” 146, 172, 181
Bergeron, Suzanne 210n19
Bergson, Henri 202
Berle, Adolph 178n5
Bernstein, Eduard 209n3
Beyond the Wasteland: A Democratic Alternative to Economic Decline (Bowles, Gordon, Weisskopf) 373
Bhattacharya, Rajesh 152n7
Biafran Civil War 270
Bilderberg Conference 249
biodiversity 407
Birmingham model of management 186
black Marxism 18
Black Panther movement 396
Black Scholes formula 257
Blair, Tony 247
Blasi, Joseph 288
Blaug, Mark 97n9
“bloody legislations” 150
boards of directors 176, 178n5, 286; non-employees on 204
body 342
Boltanski, Luc 192
Bonefeld, Werner 151n1
Bookchin, Murray 399
Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus 83
bourgeoisie 90, 292, 328, 352; agriculture and 301–303; alienation and 138–140; feminism and 390; neoliberalism and 245; primitive accumulation and 145, 151n2; Ricardo and 112; rights and 146
Bowles, Sam 51, 55, 57n9, 194n3, 281, 358n2; job loss and 56n9; non-productive labor and 132n11; self-management and 289n6; SSA theory and 373
Boyle, James 149
Braverman, Harry 53, 180, 182–186, 188; ecology and 401; globalization and 192–193; Labor and Monopoly Capital 384–385; technology and 54, 56n5
Brennan, David 125, 177, 178n5, 220; production boundary concept and 131n8
Brenner, Robert 206–207; analytical marxism and 351; development and 311; falling rate of profit theory and 228
Bretton Woods agreement: ecology and 402; financialization and 256, 263; labor process and 192; neoliberalism and 250
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) 311
British Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestra 177
Brookfield, Harold 306
bubble economies 251–252, 262–263
Buchanan, James 246
buen vivir movement 396
Bukharin, Nikolai 106; agriculture and 304; development and 310; SSA theory and 371
Burawoy, Michael 186n2, 188–189, 191; labor process and 194
Burczak, Theodore 287; communism and 282
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 128
Bush, George W. 261
Business Cycle Dating Committee (National Bureau of Economic Research) 237
business cycles 148, 234–235, 239–241; crisis theory and 241n3, 242n7; empirical research on 236–239; falling rate of profit theory and 227; monopoly capital and 381; national accounting and 242n9; politics of 56n9; profit rate reductionism and 241n1; SSA theory and 370–371, 376
businessdictionary.com 178n4
Cambridge University 379
Cameron, Jenny 395
Campbell, Al 238, 240; finance and 242n10
capabilities theory of justice 282–283
capacity 50; excess of 381–383, 386–387; utilization of 236, 238, 240
capital 90–93, 96n2, 114; business cycles and 234–236, 239; capitalization of 100, 102–106, 108, 110n4, 110n7; circuit of 93–96; cost of 240; deskilling process and 191; ecology and 401; exploitation and 47; falling rate of profit theory and 225–226, 231; financialization and 259, 261, 263; general formula for 90, 93, 95; labor and 49, 54, 129, 189, 238, 261; metabolic analysis and 404; mobility of 159, 255–257, 296n4; money and 76–77; monopoly capital and 387; neoliberalism and 248, 251; non-capitalist class structure and 96n5; Okishio theorem and 228–229; price theory and 82–83, 87; profit’s average yield from 65; regulation and 159–160; reproduction and 216–217; resistance to 151; self-reproduction of 10; SNLT and 163; social form of 98; socialism and 288; SSA theory and 372; totality and 147; TSSI and 87; utilization of 381
Capital (Marx) 90–93, 156, 302; absolute immiseration and 209n1; abstract labor and 60, 64; accumulation and 198, 200, 202–204, 208, 209n2; alienation and 137, 139; antagonism of interests and 195n9; anti-essentialism and 120; capitalist production process in 46; circuit of capital and 93–96; class-qua-surplus concept and 31–33; commodity fetishism and 67n3; development and 195n5; diachronic approaches and 164; dialectic and 5–7; enterprise theory and 171–172, 176, 178n1; epistemology and 15, 17; exploitation rate and 68n13; falling rate of profit theory and 225; feminism and 390; financialization and 256; globalization and 193; growth and 367n4; ideology and 20; labor and 49, 180–181, 183; lean production and 190; monetary commodities and 106; monetary theory and 69, 77; monopoly capital and 384; new solution approach and 88n3; non-productive labor and 123, 125–126, 128; Okishio theorem and 229; Mr. Peel in 296n4; postmodernism and 339, 343; price theory and 82, 86; price-value deviations and 64; primitive accumulation and 145–148; proletarianization and 19; rent and 111–112, 118; reproduction and 215–216, 219–220; SNLT and 162; supervision and 54–55; value contradictions and 72
capitalism 34–36, 38–39, 285–289; abstract labor and 59, 62; advanced form of 75–76; agriculture and 302–303; alienation as specific to 142n31; alternative discourses of 307; ancient modes of production and 270–271, 273; anti-semitism and 297n11; class and 19, 21, 29, 53; class-qua-surplus concept and 31, 33, 40–41; communism and 278–280; contemporary form of 73; contradictions of 357, 386–387; corporate forms of 36; crisis theory of 241n2, 372–376; decentered totality and 10; determinism in 84; emergence of 77; epistemology and 15–17, 22; ethical critique of 122; feudalism and 270; free credit reform and 5; historical limits of 200; historic rise of 145–146; job satisfaction and 56n2; Keynesianism and 366; knowledge and 20; knowledge production and 23; labor and 49, 51–52, 56; laissez-faire form of 380; late transformation of 69; masked political character of 329; mature forms of 74; migration and 291; monetary theory and 71–72, 75; motive force of 6; neoliberalism and 54; non-capitalist structures and 36–38; non-productive labor and 127, 131; overdetermination and 9; Polanyi’s analysis of 77n3; postmodernism and 339–340, 345; price theory and 64, 81–83; production process in 46; productive class justice and 281–282; second contradiction of 402–403, 406; self-destructive aspect of 227; slavery and 55; stages of 370–372; stockholding and 283–284; surplus organization and 34; transition from 144; transition to 147; worker control and 296
Capitalism and Christianity, American Style (Connolly) 205
Capitalism Unleashed (Glyn) 202
capitalocentrism 311–314, 316–317, 319; postmodernism and 341; transition theory and 331
Carbon Democracy (Mitchell) 205
Carchedi, Guglielmo 216
Carling, Alan 356
Carlson, Susan M. 374
Carson, Rachel 399
Cartesianism 203
Castles, Stephen 296n3
centeredness 8–10. See also decenteredness
center-periphery 310–314, 317–318
Central America 374
central banks 72, 75–76, 262–263
certainty 3–5, 8; truth and 20
Chakrabarti, Anjan 151n10
change/no change dialectic 331–332
chartalism 71
Chayanov, A. V. 306
Chiapello, Eve 192
Chicago school 245, 247. See also neoliberalism
China 149, 193–194; communism and 279; Cultural Revolution in 184; determinism and 326; development and 317, 321; irregular migrants and 297n8; neoliberalism and 245; railroad workers from 297n10; reserve armies of the unemployed and 195n10; United States and 297n8
Chiricos, Theodore G. 374
Cho, Sumi 374
Christianity 205
circuit of capital: development and 311, 318, 321; transition theory and 331–333
circuit of capital 90–91, 93–96, 104–106; agent-based model of 109n1; basic model of 99–100; business cycles and 239; demand-drive growth and 105–107; expanded reproduction and 102–105, 107–109 financialization and 256, 259; lag process and 110n5; non-productive labor and 123–124, 126, 128; price theory and 84; psychoanalytic concepts and 210n21; simple reproduction and 100–102; transformation problem and 78n17; value and 98–99, 101, 103–104
circulation 49, 75, 77, 262–263; distribution and 7; Keynesianism and 363, 365; marketing and 132n10; non-productive labor and 126–129; relative autonomy of 84; reproduction and 216, 221
“Civil Peace, A” (Achebe) 270
Civil War (1861-1865) 406
Clarke, Simon 200–201; crisis theory and 209n6, 211n28
class 53, 176–178, 181–184, 194, 311–312, 334n3; abstract labor and 59; accumulation and 198, 202, 204–205, 207–208; agriculture and 300–301; alienation as feature of 142n31; analysis of 29–31; analytical marxism and 356–358; ancient modes of production and 270–271, 273; business cycles and 235, 240–241; communism and 280–282; conflict of 324, 326–327, 331–332; coupon stock market and 289n1; decenteredness and 314; determinism and 324, 327; development and 310–311, 315, 319–321; dialectical materialism and 326; ecology and 403; effects of 7; employment and 55; enterprise theory and 171–175; epistemology and 16, 18, 20–21, 24; family farms and 308n5; feminism and 390–392, 394–396; financialization and 255–256, 259, 261–263; justice and 283; Keynesianism and 366; labor movement and 294; labor process and 185–186, 189, 192, 194; Marx’s new concept of 31–33; migrant labor power and 292–294; migration and 291–292, 295–296, 296n1; monetary theory and 77; monopoly capital and 387; neoliberalism and 245–246, 248–251; non-determinism and 329–331; non-productive labor and 122, 128–131; postmodernism and 343–345; price theory and 80–81, 87–88; primitive accumulation and 145–147; property and 334n1; rent and 116; reproduction and 220; Resnick-Wolff concept of 285; self-employment and 269; socialism and 284, 287; SSA theory and 370–371, 375; structural hybridity of 273; subject of knowledge and 19; technology and 52; three dimensions of 281; totality and 9–10; transition theory and 274–275, 332; violence and 17; worker resistance and 189; working class’s creation and 147
Class and Its Others (Gibson-Graham, Resnick and Wolff) 344
classical economics: alienation and 136; capital and 92; concrete labor and 61; falling rate of profit theory and 225–226; Keynesianism and 364–365; monetary theory and 71; neoliberalism and 247; non-productive labor and 122, 125, 130; Okishio theorem and 228; primitive accumulation and 145; reproduction and 220; Say’s Law and 367n3
classical historical materialism (CHM) 323, 325; determinism and 326; dialectical materialism and 327; historical inevitability and 328–329; non-determinism and 330–331; primacy thesis of 324; property and 334n1
class-qua-surplus concept 31–33, 40–41; communism and 35–36; consumption and 41n5; democracy and 33–35; income and 38–39; non-capitalist structures and 36–38; social change and 39–40
class sets 314–316, 329–330; non-class processes and 334n3
Clinton, Bill 247
clocks 147
Club of Rome 399
Coal Question, The (Jevons) 405
Coase, Ronald 171
cognitive capitalism 23
Cogoy, Mario 200
Cohen, G. A. 46–47, 56; analytical marxism and 350, 355–356; determinism and 324–327; dialectical materialism and 327; historical inevitability and 328–329; transition theory and 323
collateralized debt obligations (CDO) 260
collective action 249, 252, 355; labor process and 195n5
collectivism 56, 314, 316, 340, 345; feminism and 396; migration and 295; non-determinism and 329. See also cooperatives
colonialism 146, 310–311; ecology and 403; feminism and 394; labor process and 185; monopoly capital and 382; SSA theory and 374
commanding heights of production 278, 287
commensurability function 47
Committee for a Workers International 232
commodification 399–401, 406; development and 317; feminism and 391; postmodernism and 340; social life and 182
commodities: abstract labor and 60, 65; alienation and 141; alienation and 137; aliquot part and 66; capital and 90, 126; circuit of capital and 93; dual nature of 59; exchange value of 199; financialization and 256; generalized commodity production and 151; Keynesianism and 363; labor content of 84; labor power and 49; labor process and 185; master-slave narrative and 10n1; means of production and 97n9; monetary theory and 75; money as 255; non-determinism and 329; non-productive labor and 124; price and 74; risk as 263; self-employment and 269; SNLT and 161; transition theory and 274; value contradictions and 72; world money and 76. See also production
commodity exchange 70–71, 73, 76, 80, 82; Keynesianism and 364; labor power and 50; SNLT and 163
commodity fetishism 7, 15–17; abstract labor and 142n31; alienation and 139–141; alienation and 137; financialization and 255; labor process and 183; postmodernism and 343; Rubin and 67n3
commodity value 61–62, 83, 85–86; general laws of 111, 113; labor process and 181; monetary theory and 73; rent and 114, 117
Commoner, Barry 399
communalism 392, 395; class process and 210n15; historical inevitability and 328; intersectionality and 396; postmodernism and 340, 344
communism 38, 278–280, 285–289; accumulation and 206; agriculture and 300; class-qua-surplus and 40; class-qua-surplus concept and 35–36; class sets and 315; democracy and 38; determinism and 325–326; formal-informal divide and 316; history and 297n11; household surplus and 37; law of value and 142n32; neoliberalism and 248; non-determinism and 329–330; non-productive labor and 127; postmodernism and 345; primitive forms of 269, 325, 390; productive class justice and 281–282; Stalin and 135; stockholding and 283–284; transition theory and 274; Type I of 286; types of 287; US and 34
communitic class sets 315, 321n2, 329–330
competency-based theory 178n2
competition 201, 204, 206–207; absolute/differential rent theory and 116; agriculture and 301–303; anti-essentialism and 120; communism and 279; demand and 114, 160; development and 318; diachronic approaches and 164–165; ecology and 401; falling rate of profit theory and 225; formal-informal divide and 316; imperfect forms of 379–381; industry and 159; labor movement and 294; labor process and 182; neoliberalism and 247, 251–252; price theory and 84; primitive accumulation and 144; rent and 112, 118; SNLT and 166n1
complex/simple issue 62–63; Hilferding and 67n2; price theory and 88; skill coefficients and 67n9
conception-execution dyad 186, 192–193
concrete-in-thought concept 23–24
concrete labor 47, 59–61; abstract labor and 61, 63–65; alienation and 138; aliquot part and 66; classical economics and 61; commodity value and 62; diachronic approaches and 165; egalitarianism and 67n7; SNLT and 161–163; value-form approach and 67n5; wage bundles and 67n6
concreteness 5–9; epistemology and 16, 18; knowledge production and 22–23; master-slave narrative and 10n1; overdetermination and 9; societal relations and 7
concrete-real 23
concrete-real concept 19
conditions of existence 172–173, 175–178, 273; ancient modes of production and 271–272; development and 319–320
confidence 252
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) 34
Conill, Joana 205
Connolly, William 205
consciousness 140, 326; false form of 15, 343; self-consciousness and 140
constant capital 91, 95–96; accumulation and 200; demand and 166; rent and 115; SNLT and 163–164; transformation problem and 97n12
constitutionality 144
consumption 216–219, 221; accumulation and 204; aggregate demand and 110n7; agriculture and 302–303; ancient modes of production and 272; business cycles and 235–236; class-qua-surplus and 41n5; demand and 105, 234; development and 318; ecology and 400; financialization and 256, 259, 262–263, 367n10; households and 183; income and 106; investment and 109, 367n13; Keynesianism and 363, 365–366; labor process and 185; lag process and 110n5; metabolic analysis and 406; monopoly capital and 383; neoliberalism and 251; non-productive labor and 124–127, 132n9; overproduction and 241n5; savings and 108; treadmill of production and 402; underconsumption theory and 150; wealth and 176
content and form 4–5; grammar of 6
Continental philosophy 17
contingency 147–148; history and 21
contraction 234, 238. See also business cycles
contracts 171, 178n2; financialization and 261; migration and 292
Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, A (Marx) 5, 65, 69; alienation and 139; primitive accumulation and 145
control of workers 296; monopoly capital and 384–385; SSA theory and 374–375. See also management; supervision
cooperatives 39–40, 56, 175, 395; communism and 279, 282; Keynesianism and 363–364; labor process and 182; manufacturing and 55; migration and 295; resistance and 296; socialism and 285–286, 288
coordinating function 54. See also management
copyright 151
corporations 239–240; capitalism and 36; limited liability and 261; monopoly capital and 382; neoliberalism and 250; non-productive labor and 129–130; primitive accumulation and 149; socialism and 283–284, 287; SSA theory and 374; Weisskopf on 242n10. See also enterprise theory
costs 94, 102, 107; ecology and 402; financialization and 255; market-price and 166n2; monopoly capital and 384–385
cotton crisis 406
countercyclical production 55–56
coupon stock market 283–284, 289n1
craft labor 53–54; alienation and 138–140; ancient modes of production and 270–271; labor intensity and 52; labor process and 186; non-productive labor and 124; transition theory and 274. See also deskilling process
credit default swaps (CDS) 260
credit system 74, 76; allocation of 109n1; circuit of capital and 106; demand determination and 109; financialization and 255–256, 259–260, 263; monetary theory and 75, 77
criminal justice system 374
crisis of 1857 5
crisis of 2007-2008. See Great Recession
crisis theory 200, 205, 260; accumulation and 198, 201, 208; business cycle and 242n7; business cycles and 235, 241n3; demand and 161; ecology and 402; enterprise theory and 171; factors in 209n6; falling rate of profit theory and 209n6, 227; feminism and 395; financialization and 255; Keynesianism and 363–364; Luxemburg and 209n3; metabolic analysis and 404; neoliberalism and 245, 249, 251–252; overproduction and 211n28; quantitative time frame for 241n2; Ricardo and 367n4; SNLT and 163; Social Structure of Accumulation and 370–372; SSA theory and 372–373, 375; stages of capitalism and 372–376
critical race theory 374
“Critique of the Gotha Program” (Marx) 319
cross-border production networks 193
Crotty, James 202
Cullenberg, Stephen 203, 228–229; communism and 280; crisis theory and 209n6; metaphysics of full presence and 151n10; profit rate and 241n1
customary rights 146
cyclical dynamics theory of Marx 55, 56n7–8
daedal extraction 22
Davis, Angela 392
Davos, Switzerland 249
de Brunhoff, Suzanne 221
Deborin, Abram 135
debt 257, 259–260; accumulation and 204; agriculture and 301, 303; business cycles and 240; circuit of capital and 106; eighties crisis in 251; enterprise theory and 175; falling rate of profit theory and 227; feminism and 396; Indian crisis of 374; primitive accumulation and 149; public form of 146; reproduction and 215, 222
decenteredness 8–10, 311–315; communism and 279; formal-informal divide and 316; non-determinism and 329–330; postmodernism and 341, 343–344; profit rate and 241n1; subjectivity and 20. See also centeredness
De Genova, Nicholas 297n8
degradation of work 182, 384–385, 387; ecology and 403, 406; labor process and 186; lean production and 190–191
Deleuze, Gilles 202, 205–206; Hegel and 209n11
demand 94, 99, 105–107; agriculture and 117; components of 234; determinism of 107–109; monetary theory and 75, 161–164; overproduction and 241n5; production conditions and 155–156, 160, 165–166; profit-rate trends and 210n25; rent and 114, 118–119; reproduction and 217–220; Rubin and 157–159; SNLT and 120; theory of effective demand and, 366
democracy 30–32, 40; communism and 36, 38, 281–282; coupon stock market and 289n1; equality and 33–35; migration and 294; monopoly capital and 387; neoliberalism and 245–247, 251–252; self-management and 289n6; socialism and 284–288
Democracy at Work (Wolff) 205, 286
democracyatwork.info 41
demystification 3, 8, 15–17, 22
depth ontology 375
Depuy, Jean-Pierre 20
Derrida, Jacques 21, 340; crypted dialectic of 331
desire 20
deskilling process 19, 53–54; accumulation and 206; dialectic and 191; labor process and 182–183, 186; lean production and 191
determinism 202, 204–205; demand and 107–109; development and 311–312, 319; dialectical materialism and 326–327; feminism and 391; historical inevitability and 327–329; labor process and 184; modernism and 341; non-deterministic theory and 329–331; postmodernism and 339, 342; price theory and 84; rent and 117; technology as 56; transition politics and 331–333; transition theory and 274, 323–326
devaluation 96
development 311–313, 320–321; accumulation and 198; agriculture and 302–303; alienation and 140–141; Capital and 195n5; developmentalism and 246, 249; ecology and 399, 401, 403; falling rate of profit theory and 227; formal-informal dualism in 314–317; globalization and 193; labor process and 194; metabolic analysis and 405; monopoly capital and 382, 386; neoliberalism and 245; primitive accumulation and 317–319; sustainability and 400; underdevelopment and 310–311. See also transition theory
Development of Capitalism in Russia, The (Engels) 302–303
development thesis (CHM) 324–325
Deweyan pragmatism 342
diachronic approach 155–156, 159, 164–166; determinism and 324; historical inevitability and 328; non-determinism and 329–330; transition theory and 273–274
dialectic 7–10, 273, 355; alienation and 140; analytical marxism and 351–352, 355; control-resistance as 189; demystification and 22; Hegel and 3–5; laws of 11n3; Marx and 5–7; monetary theory and 77; postmodernism and 359n5; scandal of the unexpected and 11n11; systematic method of 61; transition theory and 331
dialectical materialism 17, 327–328; accumulation and 204; analytical marxism and 357; critical race theory and 374; epistemology and 14, 22; knowledge and 19; knowledge production and 23; SSA theory and 375; transition stages and 323–327
Dialectics of Nature (Engels) 15
Dickens, Charles 270
differential rent 112, 115–117, 119, 166
direct producers 146–147, 149; ancient modes of production and 270; self-employment and 269; transition theory and 274
dispossession 146, 148–149; agriculture and 301–302; development and 311; migration and 292; primitive accumulation and 150. See also alienation; primitive accumulation
distribution of surplus 80–83, 85, 87–88; accumulation and 204; ancient modes of production and 272–273; business cycles and 240; circuit of capital and 101, 104; class-qua-surplus concept and 31–33; communism and 35, 281; contemporary determinants of 109n1; coupon stock market and 289n1; demand and 105, 166; demand determination and 107–108; democracy and 34–35, 38; development and 314–315, 318–320; ecology and 400–401; enterprise theory and 171, 173–176; feminism and 392; household surplus and 37; income and 39, 109; justice and 283; labor process and 184, 194; monopoly capital and 380, 387; neoliberalism and 252; non-determinism and 329, 331; non-essentialist theory of 282; non-productive labor and 126; postmodernism and 340, 343, 345; self-employment and 269; social form of 30–31; socialism and 284, 288–289; transition theory and 275
dividends 39
division of labor 180, 182, 217; feminism and 391, 395–396; non-productive labor and 289n3
Dixon, Marlene 47
Dobb, Maurice 379–380, 382, 387; determinism and 327; development and 311; empiricist methodology and 276n9; historical development and 297n12; transition theory and 274
Domar, Evsey 220
domestic labor 275, 295; feminism and 391–396
dos Santos, Paolo 110n5, 110n7
dot-com boom 258
dream interpretation 7–8; ancient modes of production and 272–273
Droucopoulus, Andreas 159
duality 8
Duménil, Gérard 206–208; accumulation and 206; falling rate of profit theory and 232; finance and 242n10; non-productive labor and 130; Okishio theorem and 230; transformation problem and 78n17
Dutt, Amitava 130
ecological value-form analysis 404
ecology 35–36, 399–402, 407; accumulation and 205; financialization and 209n4; metabolic analysis and 403–406; SSA theory and 374–375. See also environment
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (Marx) 145
economic geography 56n5. See also relocation
Edwards, Richard 54, 183, 189; SSA theory and 372–374
egalitarianism 30–34; analytical marxism and 350; concrete labor and 67n7; feminism and 390, 395–396; labor-time calculation and 62; socialism and 284, 288–289
1848 revolutions 376
1844 Manuscript (Marx) 135–137, 139; commodity fetishism and 142n31
Emilia Romagna region (Italy) 295
Empire (Hardt and Negri) 206, 210n22
empiricism 341, 355–356; methodology and 276n9
employment 49, 53, 181, 185, 204; cyclical dynamics and 55; democracy and 34; employers and 33; fallback position and 56n9; Keynesianism and 364, 366; labor intensity and 51; management and 54, 56n6; monopoly capital and 380, 383, 387; neoliberalism and 251–252; non-productive labor and 123–125, 128, 132n11; policies on 192; political aspects of 56n8; socialism and 286
enclosure movement 404
End of Capitalism (As We Knew It), The (Gibson-Graham) 340–341
endogenous theory 381
energy 402, 405–406. See also mining
Engels, Friedrich 199, 278, 282; agriculture and 300–302; business cycles and 235; dialectic and 4, 6; epistemology and 14–15; The German Ideology 18; historical inevitability and 328–329; labor power and 56n1; Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State 390; reproduction and 215; transition theory and 323
England 181–182, 328, 352; agriculture and 304; ancient modes of production and 271; cotton crisis in 406; development and 311; enclosure in 146; Irish question and 293; labor movement and 294; labor process and 188; manufacturing in 52; monopoly capital and 382; worker resistance and 189
Enlightenment discourse 22, 340–341
Enron Corporation 177
enterprise theory 171, 174; accumulation and 198, 203–204, 207; boards of directors in 178n5; co-determination in 288; competency-based theory and 178n2; conditions of existence and 172–173, 175–178; financialization and 263; globalization and 192; internationalism and 257; mutual gains and 190; non-exploitative forms of 296; Okishio theorem and 229; productive enterprises and 171, 173–176; socialism and 285–287, 289; value theory and 178n3
entrepreneurial economy 94, 270, 364
entry-point concept 12n12
environment 117, 141, 399–403; metabolic rift and 403–406. See also ecology
Epicureanism 21
epistemology 14–18, 22–23; accumulation and 204–205; alienation and 136; analytical marxism and 353; ancient modes of production and 273; communism and 280; content and form in 20–22; determinism and 324; development and 312–314; fragmentation in 279; knowledge effects and 23–24; postmodernism and 339, 341–342; primitive accumulation and 148; subject of knowledge and 18–20; transition theory and 274. See also knowledge
Epstein, Gerard 258
equality 5, 30–31; abstract labor and 60; analytical marxism and 358; class-qua-surplus concept and 32; democracy and 33–35; labor process and 181
equivalent exchange 82, 86–87, 165, 166n1
Erhard, Ludwig 246
Escobar, Arturo 314
essence 4–5; appearance and 22; contradiction and 8; dialectical materialism and 325–327; knowledge production and 23; Marx and 6; master-slave narrative and 10n1; overdetermination and 8–9; postmodernism and 342
essentialism 7–8; ancient modes of production and 271, 273; anti-essentialism and 119–120; communism and 280; development and 311; enterprise theory and 171; feminism and 392, 395; knowledge production and 23; modernism and 341; overdetermination and 10; postmodernism and 343; power and 209n8; primitive accumulation and 148; rent and 116–119; transition theory and 274–275; Wolff and Resnick and 12n13
“estranged labour”. See alienation
Euclidean logic 326
Eurocentrism 312
Eurofinance 257
Europe 30, 182, 200, 311, 376; agriculture and 300–301, 303; neoliberalism and 245; working conditions and 191
European Union 193
excess capacity 381–383, 386–387. See also capacity
exchange 75, 141, 156, 162, 165; abstract labor and 61–64, 66, 67n4; accumulation and 201; enterprise theory and 171–172; feminism and 390; financialization and 255; labor power and 49; labor process and 180; monetary theory and 70, 77; narrow means circulation and 74; postmodernism and 339–340, 343; Ricardo and 367n5; SNLT and 161; socialism and 284; value and 289n2
exchange equation 74
exchange equivalence 61, 64, 66
exchange-value 5, 7, 199; abstract labor and 59–60; alienation and 139, 141; aliquot part and 66; capitalism’s contradictions and 386; demand and 155, 157, 159–160; diachronic approaches and 165; dialectic and 6; epistemology and 16; monopoly capital and 387; postmodernism and 359n5; SNLT and 164, 166n1; use value’s contradictory unity and 72
expanded reproduction 217–218, 220–222; demand and 105; demand determination and 107–109; Say’s Law and 102–105
expansion 200, 202; business cycles and 234; falling rate of profit theory and 227; monopoly capital and 383; neoliberalism and 251; SSA theory and 372
exploitation 45–48, 306; absence of 35; agriculture and 301–303; analytical marxism and 357–358; ancient modes of production and 270–273; circuit of capital and 102–103; class-qua-surplus concept and 33; communism and 278, 280–281; conditions of existence for 174; development and 315, 321; ecology and 403; enterprise theory and 172, 174–175, 177–178; epistemology and 16, 21; feminism and 391–393, 395–396; financialization and 259; historical inevitability and 328; labor movement and 292–294; labor process and 183; migration and 291; monopoly capital and 381–383, 387; neoliberalism and 248; non-determinism and 329–331; non-productive labor and 122, 129, 131; postmodernism and 340; price theory and 80, 82–83, 88; primitive accumulation and 147; quantitative theorizing of 81; rate of 68n13, 101, 104, 176, 216, 250; rent and 116; rising rates of 204; self-employment and 270; self-exploitation and 302–303; SNLT and 162–163; socialism and 284–285, 289; SSA theory and 375; super-exploitation and 293, 296, 385, 387, 395; transition theory and 274–275, 332–333; uniform rate of 61; wage-labor and 98
expressed, dialectic of the 331
expropriation 146, 181, 260, 285, 319
falling rate of profit theories 200–201, 203, 205, 207–208, 225–228; analytical marxism and 351, 359n3; business cycles and 235, 237–238, 240; circuit of capital and 96; crisis theory and 209n6; Okishio’s theorem and 229–231; politics of 232; profit rate reductionism and 241n1; SSA theory and 371, 373, 375; wage squeeze and 242n6. See also profit
Fama, Eugene 171
family farms 305–308; class and 308n5; peasantry and 308n4. See also peasantry
Farjoun, Emmanuel 62, 67n9, 84
Farm, The (intentional community) 396
faux frais (false costs) 124
Federal Reserve of the United States 263
feminism 390–392, 395–396; epistemology and 18; labor process and 185; postmodernism and 341–342; production boundary concept and 131n8; reserve armies of the unemployed and 296n2; super-exploitation and 47–48; Wages for Housework 393–394
fertility 113–117; rent and 118–119. See also agriculture; ecology
feudalism 5, 31; capitalism and 270; class process and 210n15; class-qua-surplus concept and 33; determinism and 325; development and 311; enterprise theory and 175; family farms and 308n5; feminism and 392; household surplus and 37; intersectionality and 396; master-slave narrative and 10n1; migration and 291, 296n1; non-determinism and 329; peasantry and 308n1; postmodernism and 344; primitive accumulation and 146; rent and 112; transition theory and 274–275
Feyerabend, Paul 17
fictitious capital 249, 256, 258, 262
finance 109, 190, 259–263, 366, 384–385; accumulation and 208, 209n4; consumption and 367n10; corporate sector and 242n10; falling rate of profit theory and 231–232; fragility of 215, 222; hegemony and 211n26; historical antecedents of 256–258; investment and 367n13; monetary theory and 69, 76–77; monopoly capital and 379–380, 386–387; neoliberalism and 245, 248–252; non-productive labor and 126, 128; primitive accumulation and 144, 147, 149; reproduction and 220–221; SSA theory and 371, 374–375; theoretical antecedents of 255–256
Finance Capital (Hilferding) 256
financial instability hypothesis 221, 260
Fine, Ben 118, 201–202, 205; crisis theory and 209n7; revolution and 210n17
Five Year Plans 308n3
fixed rates 257
flows of value 99–103, 105–107; stock ratios to 109n4
Folbre, Nancy 391
Foley, Duncan 78n17, 162, 164, 375; circuit of capital and 99; distributed-lag framework and 109n2; Okishio theorem and 230; transformation problem and 78n17
food stamps 186
food system 307
forces of production (FOP) 199, 206–207; determinism and 325–327; development and 311; non-determinism and 329, 331; transition theory and 324
Fordism 182, 184, 192; enterprise theory and 177; SSA theory and 372–373
foreign exchange 257
forest economies 319
formal-informal divide 312, 314–318
formalism 359n5; analytical marxism and 352–354
form-and-content relationship 6
Foster, John Bellamy 209n4, 384, 403
Foucault, Michel 16–17, 194n4; accumulation and 206; postmodernism and 340; responsibilization and 261
Fraad, Harriet 47, 392; communism and 282; feminism and 395
France 31, 300, 382; coal mine strikes in 297n10; Regulation School in 372–373
freedom 181, 292; alienation and 140; class-qua-surplus concept and 32; communism and 282; master-slave narrative and 10n1; neoliberalism and 251–252
free markets 192, 289, 371; ancient modes of production and 271; communism and 280–281; monopoly capital and 385
French Revolution 31
Freud, Sigmund 7–8, 20; ancient modes of production and 272–273; postmodernism and 341
Fried, Gabriel 274
Friedman, Andrew 189
Froud, J. J. 263
functional explanation (FE) 324–327
fundamental class process 262, 271–273, 275
futures trading 257
Galbraith, John Kenneth 401
Galeano, Eduardo 152n6
game laws 146
gender 147, 261, 293–295; reserve armies of the unemployed and 296n2. See also feminism
genealogy 16
General Electric 263
general equilibrium analysis 71
Generality I-III (Althusser) 23
generalized commodity production 151
General Motors 184
General Theory, The (Keynes) 362
German Historical School 71–72
German Idealism 3
German Ideology, The (Marx and Engels) 18; de-specialized labor patterns and 282
German model of management 186
German Ordoliberalism 245, 247
Germany 288, 294; agriculture and 300, 302, 304; anti-semitism and 297n11; immigration and 297n5
Gerstein, I. 161
Gibson, Katherine. See Gibson-Graham
Gibson-Graham, J. K. 205, 313, 331, 344; agriculture and 305, 307; feminism and 395; location politics and 210n19; psychoanalytic concepts and 210n21
gift economies 395
Gillman, Joseph 128
global North 403
global South 312–313, 323, 394, 403
globalization 41, 120, 208, 328; antagonism of interests and 195n9; development and 310–311, 314, 317–319; feminism and 210n19, 393–395; financialization and 255, 257; labor process and 180, 192–194; monopoly capital and 385, 387; neoliberalism and 54, 246, 248–251; primitive accumulation and 144, 149; SSA theory and 371, 374–375
gold 72, 220, 255; gold standard and 76; primitive accumulation and 146
Goldfinch, The (Tartt) 270
goods 92–93, 97n9, 258; Aristotle and 142n26; reproduction and 216–217, 221; socialism and 287; social relations and 283
Goodwin, Richard 56n7
Gordon, David M. 54; non-productive labor and 129; SSA theory and 372–374
Gough, Ian 131n3
gradualism 333
Graeber, David 260
Graham, Julie. See Gibson-Graham
Gramsci, Antonio 11n10, 19, 135, 189; enterprise theory and 177; hegemony and 20; labor process and 182; transition theory and 323
gravitation 86
Great Acceleration 399
Great Expectations (Dickens) 270
Great Recession 29, 255, 259–262; accumulation and 208; business cycles and 234; class-qua-surplus and 40; enterprise theory and 175; falling rate of profit theory and 231–232; monopoly capital and 386; neoliberalism and 252; Okishio theorem and 231; reproduction and 221; SSA theory and 376
Great Stagflation 370–371, 373, 375
Great Transformation, The (Polanyi) 400
Greece 29–30, 373; ancient modes of production and 271
Green Bay Packers 177
Greenberg, Edward 55
ground-rent 112, 115, 117, 150
growth 130, 215, 220, 248, 386; accumulation and 199, 201, 205; business cycles and 234–235, 238; Capital and 367n4; circuit of capital and 98, 101–104; demand and 105–109; development and 317–319, 321; ecology and 399–403; falling rate of profit theory and 226; investment and 367n13; Keynesianism and 363, 365–366; Keynes on 367n14; metabolic analysis and 404; non-productive labor and 122, 128–129; real wages and 239; SSA theory and 370–371. See also accumulation; output; production
Grundrisse (Marx) 17; accumulation and 200, 204; alienation and 136, 139; capital and 90; epistemology and 15; knowledge production and 22; labor power and 49; monetary theory and 69–70, 77; non-productive labor and 122; outside of capital and 151n10; political economy in 5; primitive accumulation and 145; reproduction and 215; surplus-value and 96n3
Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Encarnación 395
Halevi, Joseph 385
Hansen, Alvin 381
Hardt, Michael 194, 206, 262, 314, 394; antagonism of interests and 210n22
Harris, Laurence 201
Harriss-White, Barbara 374
Harvey, David 185–186; accumulation and 202; circuit of capital and 96; lean production and 190–191; postmodernism and 340; primitive accumulation and 148, 150
Hawthorne experiments 184
Hayek, Friedrich 246–247, 279, 288
healthcare 127
Healy, Stephen 395
Hegel, G. W. F. 3–5; accumulation and 202, 204; alienation and 135–136; Althusser and 8, 209n11; commodity fetishism and 15; contradiction and 11n2; demystification and 22; determinism and 325; dialectical materialism and 326; dialectic and 6; Marx and 7; master-slave narrative and 10n1; monopoly capital and 387; Spirit and 9; unfolding of time in 14
Hegelianism 6, 202–203, 326–327; alienation and 136, 140–141; assemblage and 210n20; contradiction and 7, 11n9; demystification and 22; epistemology and 15; overdetermination and 9–10; primitive accumulation and 147; SNLT and 161–162; Stalinism and 135; transition theory and 273–274
hegemony 189–191; accumulation and 208; financialization and 211n26; Gramscian analytic of 20; labor process and 182
high frequency trading 258
Hilferding, Rudolf 77n2, 256, 263, 371; complex/simple labor and 67n2
historical inevitability 327–329
historical materialism 3, 147, 350, 355–357; communism and 297n11, 279; contingency and 21; end of 10n1; epistemology and 18; master-slave narrative and 10n1; metabolic analysis and 403; pre-capitalism and 151n2; primitive accumulation and 150; process of 8; subject of 19; teleological view of 147; transition theory and 323, 333. See also classical historical materialism (CHM); progress
historicism 326–329. See also teleology
Hitler, Adolf 222
hoarding 70, 74–75; Keynesianism and 365; primitive accumulation and 145; reproduction and 220
Hochschild, Arlie 185
Hodgson, Geoffrey 178n2
homo oeconomicus 46
Hong Kong, China 295
hooks, bell 392
Horkheimer, Max 15
household labor 37, 185, 259–261, 263; alienation and 140; communism and 282; consumption and 41n5, 183; exploitation and 47–48; feminism and 390, 395; non-productive labor and 124; SSA theory and 374; transition theory and 275
Housman, A. E. 351
human capital theory 192
human nature 282–283, 342; ecology and 400
human resources 190
Hunt, E. K. 131n2
hybridity 273
IBM Corporation 193
Idea 14
idealism 3–4; demystification and 22; determinism and 325; epistemology and 15; Marx’s critique of 17; overdetermination and 8
identity politics 190
ideology 7–8; knowledge production and 23; science versus 20
Ilyenkov, Evald 135
immanence 206
immaterial labor 394
imperialism 310–311, 313; ecology and 403; expanded reproduction and 105–106; financialization and 256; labor process and 185, 194; Lenin’s theory of 150; monopoly capital and 382, 385; neoliberalism and 246, 250; SSA theory and 371
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (Lenin) 371
income 101, 104, 109; abstract labor and 66; accounting relations and 81; class-qua-surplus and 38–39; consumption in excess of 106; demand determination and 107–108; distribution of 109n1; Keynesianism and 363; monetary theory and 77; neoliberalism and 250–252; non-productive labor and 124, 127, 129; price theory and 82–83, 87; reproduction and 221; social net of 85; variable capital and 97n8
incommensurability problem 47
independent contracting 286
indeterminacy 208
India 321, 374; formal-informal divide and 317; post-1991 reforms in 318; primitive accumulation and 146
India Working (Harriss-White) 374
individualism 140, 247, 318, 356–357; ancient modes of production and 269, 272; enterprise theory and 171; financialization and 263; labor and 314; MI and 356; neoliberalism and 246, 251
industrialization 146–147, 149, 250–251; agriculture and 301, 304–305, 312; ancient modes of production and 271; competition among 159, 204; design and 53; development and 317; diachronic approaches and 164–165; equilibrium among 157; financialization and 256, 259, 263; globalization and 193; historical inevitability and 328–329; Keynesianism and 366; labor process and 194; market concentration and 199; migration and 291–292; monopoly capital and 382; National Economic Plans and 308n3; single-product types of 88n1; SNLT and 166n1
Industrial Revolution 291
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) 294
inflation 107, 240, 248, 371. See also Great Stagflation
informal economy 374
information and communications technology (ICT) 193
information economies 186, 191
inheritance 284
input-output analysis 217–218, 220
institutionalism 372–373, 375–376; monopoly capital and 379; neoliberalism and 247; postmodernism and 342
insurance 263
Intel 193
intellectual property 23, 147, 149, 151
intensity of labor 50–51; enterprise theory and 172; exploitation and 45–46; job satisfaction and 56n2; labor power and 49, 52–56; labor process and 185; lean production and 190; neoliberalism and 249; non-productive labor and 127; working conditions and 191
interest 256–259, 263; business cycles and 240; capital and 96n2; circuit of capital and 106; enterprise theory and 175; falling rate of profit theory and 225; income and 39; labor process and 181; monetary theory and 76; non-productive labor and 128; surplus value and 11n6
interest-bearing capital (IBC) 249–250
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions 315
International Labor Organization (ILO) 315; formal-informal divide and 316–317
International Labor Process Conference 188
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 149
interpenetration 4, 9; dialectical materialism and 326. See also essence
inventory stocks 98–100, 102, 106–107; demand determination and 108; profit and 110n4
investment 219–221, 381–383, 385–386; aggregate demand and 110n7; business cycles and 238; consumption and 109, 367n13; demand components and 234; demand determination and 108; financialization and 259; Kalecki and 367n15; Keynesianism and 365–366; neoliberalism and 252; offshore lending and 257; primitive accumulation and 148; SSA theory and 370
investment banks 257–258, 260, 263
invisible hand 247. See also neoliberalism; Smith
Iranian revolution 250
Irish question 293
Itoh, Makoto 118, 159–160; market-price and 166n2
Jameson, Fredric 340; scandal of the unexpected and 11n11
Jayadev, Arjun 281
Jevons, William Stanley 125, 405
just transfer 280
justice 281–282, 287–288, 321, 331; capabilities theory of 282–283; coupon stock market and 289n1; criteria for 330; three dimensions of 281
Kahn, R. F. 367n15
Kalecki, Michal 55, 365–366, 380; accumulation and 202; circuit of capital and 99; Kalecki principle and 219; Luxemburg and 222; monopoly capital and 381–382; reproduction and 215, 223; savings and 367n15; unemployment politics and 56n8
Kalecki principle 219–220, 222; Keynesianism and 362, 365–366; monopoly capital and 387; reproduction and 221
Kant, Immanuel 3–4, 16; master-slave narrative and 10n1
Kapp, K. William 402
Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence (Cohen) 350
Keynes, John Maynard 215, 223, 362–366; aggregate demand and 105; banks and 367n14; circuit of capital and 94; labor process and 192; Say’s Law and 367n3
Keynesianism 362–366; accumulation and 202; circuit of capital and 99; crisis theory and 242n7; demand determination and 108; financialization and 260; monopoly capital and 380; multiplier analysis of 218–219; neoliberalism and 245–247, 249–250; postmodernism and 342; reproduction and 220, 222; Robinson on 367n1; self-employment and 269; SSA theory and 371–373
Kim, Deok-Min 230
Kirzner, Israel 289n2
Klein, Naomi 185
Kliman, Andrew 201, 230–232; TSSI and 96n7
Klitgaard, Kent A. 374
Knapp, George Friedrich 71
knowing and being 3–5, 7, 9; master-slave narrative and 10n1
knowledge 14–18; communism and 279; fragmentation of 387; monopolization of 53–54; postmodernism and 342; production of 20–24, 48; subject of 18–20. See also epistemology; knowing
Knowledge and Class (Resnick and Wolff) 275n1, 275n5, 340–341
Kolko, Gabriel 401
Korsch, Karl 135
Kowalik, Tadeusz 222
Kozel, Philip 152n17
Kraemer, Kenneth 193
Kristjanson-Gural, David 78n17, 88n5, 119, 165, 289n4, 343
Krugman, Paul 191
Kruse, Douglas 288
Kuhn, Thomas 17
Kymlicka, Will 56
labor 137, 180–183; capital’s power relationship to 238, 261; centrality of 84; class-qua-surplus concept and 32–33; de-specialization of 282; ecology and 400; enterprise theory and 172; epistemology and 18–19; epistemology and 17; everyday types of 314; exploitation and 47; extraction problem and 49–51, 54–56; falling rate of profit theory and 226; family farms and 308n5; feminism and 391, 394; job satisfaction and 56n2; knowledge production and 23; labor power and 51–54; material/immaterial distinction of 123; monopoly capital and 183–186, 387; neoliberalism and 248; non-productive labor and 123; past and current forms of 46; primitive accumulation and 145, 148, 150; two-fold character of 62, 66n1; value derived from 61; wage differences among 38–39. See also abstract labor
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in Twentieth Century (Braverman) 177, 180, 182, 186, 188, 384
labor movements 239, 292–296. See also resistance; unionization
labor power 11n6, 51–54, 180–183, 198, 200; agriculture and 302; capital and 90–94; circuit of capital and 98; concrete labor and 61; development and 317; exploitation and 45; extraction problem and 49–51, 54–56; feminism and 391, 394; financialization and 260; labor movement and 292–294; labor process and 188; Marx’s early writings on 56n1; migration and 297n9, 292; mobility of 296n4; monetary theory and 76–77; monopoly capital and 183–186, 385; price theory and 85; primitive accumulation and 151; reproduction and 219; socially necessary labor time and 63
labor process 180–183, 190–192; collective action and 195n5; core theory of 188–189, 195n9; globalization and 192–194; metabolic analysis and 405; monopoly capital and 183–186, 384–385; neoliberalism and 250
labor theory of property 284
labor theory of value 46, 48, 339, 351, 359n5. See also value
labor time 6, 46–48, 51; abstract labor and 60–61; aliquot part and 66; ancient modes of production and 270; bourgeois system and 112; capital and 91–92; circuit of capital and 101; egalitarian calculation of 62; labor process and 181–182; monopoly capital and 385; price theory and 82–84, 86–88; redistribution of 85; rent and 114; socialism and 285–286; transformation problem and 96n4, 97n12
Laboral Kutxa 175
Lacan, Jacques 20
lacking other 312–314, 318. See also otherness
Laclau, Ernesto 20, 206, 210n22
Lager, Christian 231
lag process 98–99, 104, 108; circuit of capital and 110n5
Laibman, David 230
laissez-faire capitalism 380
Lapavitsas, Costas 132n12, 209n4, 386
Laruelle, François 14
Lassalle, Ferdinand 6, 11n7, 145
Late Capitalism (Mandel) 372
Lear, Jonathan 319
Lebowitz, Michael A. 40
lending 171, 173, 175; collateral for 287; offshore investment and 257; predatory practices of 259–260; reproduction and 221
Lenin, V. I. 7, 11n3, 302–304, 306, 310; financialization and 256; imperialism theory of 150; primitive accumulation and 148; SSA theory and 372; transition theory and 323
Leontief, Wassily 215, 218, 220
Leontief equation 218
Let Them Eat Junk (Albritton) 307
Levin, Kenneth 273
Lewontin, Richard 306
liberalization 317
linear production theory 159, 163, 165–166
Locke, John 284
Logic (Hegel) 4–7, 204; surplus value and 11n6
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) 263
London Symphony Orchestra 177
Long Depression (nineteenth century) 371
long-run value 160
Lordon, Frederic 210n18
Lordstown Strike 184
Lowell strike (1912) 294
Lucretius 21
lumpenproletariat 186
Luxemburg, Rosa: accumulation and 199, 208; crisis theory and 209n3; expanded reproduction and 105–106; financialization and 256; Kowalik on 222; peasantry and 308n4; primitive accumulation and 148, 151n13; reproduction and 215, 220, 223; transition theory and 323; underconsumption theory of 150
Lyotard, Jean-François 340
Lysenkoism 19
Machung, Anne 185
Macro-Monetary interpretation 87
Magdoff, Harry 386, 401; financialization and 209n4
management 55, 188; accumulation and 207–208; Bowles and 194n3; bureaucratization and 56; employment conflicts with 54, 56n6; labor process and 182–184, 186, 189; lean production and 190; monopoly capital and 384–385; non-productive labor and 129; surveillance and 194n4; technology and 53
Manchester model of management 186
Mandel, Ernest 199–201, 209n1; postmodernism and 340; rent and 117–118; SSA theory and 371–373
Manifesto of the Communist Party (Marx and Engels) 199, 207, 278; historical inevitability and 328–329
manufacturing 52–53, 55; relocation and 56n5. See also industrialization; production
Manufacturing Consent (Burawoy) 189
Manuscript of 1861-1863 (Marx) 91, 96n3
Marglin, Stephen 53
market-price 155–158, 160, 166; diachronic approaches and 164–165; monetary theory and 73; price theory and 82; SNLT and 162–163, 166n1; supply and 159
markets 77, 86, 127, 199, 396; agriculture and 304; anarchy of 278; ancient modes of production and 271; communism and 279–280; dependence on 151n17; despotism of 189; development and 310, 318, 321; ecology and 399–400, 402, 406; equilibrium of 102; feminism and 390, 393, 395; financialization and 256–257, 261; labor movement and 293; labor process and 185; migration and 292; monetary theory and 71, 75; monopoly capital and 379; neoliberalism and 246–248, 251; postmodernism and 339; price theory and 88; primitive accumulation and 144, 151; processes of 70; self-management and 289n6; socialism and 286, 288
market-value: absolute/differential rent theory and 115; anti-essentialism and 120; demand and 156–159; diachronic approaches and 164–165; formation of 116; rent and 112–114, 117–119; SNLT and 163
Marshallian tradition 362
Marshall Plan 402
Martin, Randy 261
Marx, Hayek and Utopia (Sciabarra) 279
Marx, Karl. See Capital; Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy; Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts; Grundrisse; Manuscript of 1861-1863; Theories of Surplus Value; individual works
Marx and Keynes (Mattick Sr.) 199
Marx on Money (de Brunhoff) 221
master-slave narrative 4; Marcuse and 10n1. See also slavery
“master spinner, the” (Marx) 21
materialism 8, 14–17, 141; nascent form of 21. See also dialectical materialism; historical materialism
Matthews, Peter 353
Mattick Jr., Paul 201
Mattick Sr., Paul 199–200, 204
Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism (Steindl) 381
McDonough, Terrence 375
McGlone, Ted 62–63, 67n8; complex/simple issue and 67n9; SNLT and 163
McIntyre, Richard 211n27
McKay, D. 395
M-C-M’ relation 6, 94, 363; ecology and 401; Keynesianism and 364
means of production 90–93; circuit of capital and 93–96, 98; communism and 278; development and 317; exploitation and 45; labor process and 181; market dependence and 151n17; monetary theory and 76–77; monopoly capital and 383; Okishio theorem and 230; price theory and 80, 83; primitive accumulation and 151; separation of direct producers from 147, 149; socialism and 286–287
means of subsistence 91, 95, 317
mechanization. See technology
“Mehrwert” (“more worth”) 51
Meillassoux, Quentin 150
Menger, Carl 71
mental production 48
merchant firms 171, 173–175, 181
metaphysics of full presence 151n10
methodological individualism (MI) 356
Michalowski, Raymond J. 374
micro-foundations 260
Microsoft 193
middle class 29–30. See also bourgeoisie; class
“Migrant Savings for Alternative Investment” program 295
migration 291–292, 295–296; expansion of value and 297n9; feminism and 394; Germany and 297n5; irregular migrants and 297n8; labor power and 292–294; labor process and 186; post-capitalism and 294–296; pre-capitalism and 296n1; US-Mexico border militarization and 297n7
Mikhailovskii, Nikolai 328
Mill, James 136
mining 114, 297n10, 405; French strikes in 297n10; primitive accumulation and 146; rent and 116–118
Minsky, Hyman 215, 221–222, 260
mirror of nature 280
Mitchell, Timothy 205
mobility 374, 385; labor power and 296n4
Mode of Production and Social Formation (MPSF) 323
modernism 20, 312–314, 318–321; accumulation and 203; determinism and 341; economic laws and 229; formal-informal divide and 316; postmodernism and 339, 342–343, 345; transition theory and 331
modes of production 291, 311, 327, 395; ancient forms of 269–273; Asiatic form of 334n2
Mondragon Corporation 175
Monetary Expression of Labour Time (MELT) 78n17, 85–86
money 69; abstract labor and 60–61, 63, 65; alienation and 138; Aristotle and 131n1; capital and 76–77, 90–93; circuit of 220–222; circuit of capital and 93–96; commensurability function and 47; demand and 106, 155–156, 159, 161–164; demand determination and 107, 109; diachronic approaches and 165; ecology and 400; economic role of 69–71; emergence of 71–73; equilibrium and 102; exploitation and 48; falling rate of profit theory and 231; financialization and 255–256; floating currencies and 256; forms of 6, 73–76; free credit reform and 5; growth and 105; Keynesianism and 363–365; labor power and 45–46, 52; labor process and 180; markets for 257; neoliberalism and 248; non-productive labor and 126; Okishio theorem and 230; price theory and 85–87; primitive accumulation and 151; reproduction and 215, 220–222; Ricardo and 367n5; SNLT and 163, 166n1; society’s organization and 77n3; stable measurement of 263; substance of 255; supply of 247; transformation problem and 78n17
money value added (MVA) 85
monopoly capital 379–380, 383–387; accumulation and 205, 207; development and 310; falling rate of profit theory and 226; financialization and 209n4, 256; labor process and 182–186; neo-Marxist school of 256; non-productive labor and 129; prices and 113, 166; SSA theory and 370–373; stagnation and 381–382; treadmill of production and 402
Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order (Baran and Sweezy) 177, 383–384, 387
Monopoly Capital School 372
Mont Pelerin Society 245–246, 249
Moroccan workers 297n10
mortgage-backed securities 260
Moseley, Fred 67n5, 78n17, 128, 201
Mouffe, Chantal 20
Mujeres Embasadoras de Nopales de Ayoquezco (worker’s cooperative) 295
Mulder, Catherine 41n8, 174, 345177
Murray, Patrick 11n6
mutual constitutivity 9
mutual gains enterprises 190
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 193
narrow means circulation 74. See also exchange
nascent materialism 21
National Economic Plans 308n3
National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) 85, 128, 240
nationalism 296n2
natural resources 399–400, 402–403
nature 80, 112; epistemology and 14–15; metabolic analysis and 403–404
necessary labor 80–81, 85; ancient modes of production and 272; labor process and, 181–182; migration and 297n9; socialism and 285
negation of negation 4, 325–326
Negri, Antonio 5, 11n4. See also Hardt
Nell, Edward 221
neoclassical economics 92–93, 99, 203; agriculture and 307; enterprise theory and 177, 178n3; exploitation and 46; Keynesianism and 362; labor movement and 293; market-price and 166n2; monetary theory and 71–72; neoliberalism and 246–247; non-productive labor and 130; postmodernism and 342; reproduction and 220; Say’s Law and 367n3; self-employment and 269
neoliberalism 238–241, 245–249; accumulation and 207–208; class-qua-surplus and 40; contradictions of 251–252; development and 318; falling rate of profit theory and 231–232; feminism and 393–394, 396; financialization and 249–251, 257, 262; globalization and 54; labor power and 56; labor process and 192; primitive accumulation and 147, 149; SSA theory and 371, 373, 375–376
neo-Ricardianism (NR) 46–47; abstract labor and 62–63; new solution approach and 88n3; price theory and 83–86, 88
New Deal 183, 189; accumulation and 208
New Economic Policy (NEP) 304. See also Lenin
New Economics, The (Preobrazhensky) 304
New Labor 296
New Left 135
New Solution approach 84–86, 88n3, 88n6
non-capitalist class structures 40–41; agriculture and 305–308; capital and 96n5; class-qua-surplus and 36–38; development and 311–312, 314, 318; enterprise theory and 175; exploitation and 48; formal-informal divide and 316; metaphysics of full presence and 151n10; migration and 295; modes of production and 150; monetary theory and 69; non-determinism and 329; postmodernism and 341, 344; primitive accumulation and 148; social change and 39
non-class processes 171, 175–177; accumulation and 204; analytical marxism and 353; ancient modes of production and 271; class sets and 334n3; conditions of existence for 174; development and 311; feminism and 392; non-determinism and 330; struggle within 331
non-determinism 329–331, 339, 341
non-exploitative forms of production 175, 288–289; agriculture and 307; ancient modes of production and 273; enterprise theory and 171, 178; migration and 296; non-determinism and 330; postmodernism and 340
non-governmental organizations (NGOs): migration and 295; neoliberalism and 245
non-productive labor 122, 126–127, 130–131; class-qua-surplus concept and 39; communism and 281–282; consumption and 132n9; development and 314; division of labor and 289n3; empirical estimates of 128–129; employment and 123–125; enterprise theory and 173; financialization and 262; formal-informal divide and 316; globalization and 192; monopoly capital and 387; occupational survey of 131n4; socialism and 285–287; surplus value and 132n16; technology and 54
North American Industrial Classification (NAICS) 128
North Korea 279
Norton, Bruce 229
Nowak, Leszek 358n1
Nozick, Robert 280
objective idealism 3
object-oriented ontology 16
O’Doherty, Damian 194n4
O’Hara Philip Anthony 374
Olgin, D.S. 219
oligopoly. See monopoly capital
Ollman, Bertell 141n17
Olsen, Erik 54, 88n5, 128, 130, 132n15–16, 195n8; Capital and 178n1; modes of production theory and 152n8; transition theory and 323, 326; Tsuru and 367n7; unproductive expenditures and 216
Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan) 307
operaismo tradition 206, 292, 296
optimality crises 325
options trading 257
organic composition of capital 207, 235–236, 238, 240; accumulation and 201; rent and 115–116
Orientalism 312–314, 316–319, 331
Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (Engels) 390
Original Design Manufacturers (ODM) 193
original sin 151n2
otherness 150, 312–314, 318; reserve armies of the unemployed and 296n2; transition theory and 331; Western hostility to 329. See also outside of capital
output 80–81, 83, 235–238, 241; social production and 81; wage squeeze and 241n6. See also growth; production
outside of capital 148–151; agriculture and 305; development and 312–314, 318; Luxemburg and 151n13; metaphysics of full presence and 151n10; transition theory and 331–333
overdetermination 3, 7–10; accumulation and 204; ancient modes of production and 272–273; definition of 334n4; epistemology and 18; nature of identity and 12n12; non-determinism and 330–331; Okishio theorem and 229; postmodernism and 341–342; profit rate and 241n1; Resnick and Wolff on 275n2; social formation and 275n3; transition theory and 323, 332; underdetermination and 11n11, 21
overproduction 200, 363–364; capitalism’s contradiction of 403; crisis theory and 211n28; SSA theory and 371; underconsumption and 235–236, 241n5
ownership 287–288; enterprise theory and 178n5; financialization and 259; society of 261
Özselçuk, Ceren 12n12
packaging 402
Paitardis, Dimitris 128
palace economies 70
paradox of thrift 108
Pasinetti, Luigi 218
passions 20
Pax Americana 373
payment 75–76, 81–82, 85–87; balance of 251
Peasant Question in France and Germany, The (Engels) 301
peasantry 124, 269, 311–312; agriculture and 300–303, 305–307; family farms and 308n4; Prussian Path and 308n1; worker alliance with 304
Mr. Peel (Capital) 296n4
Peet, Richard 54
Perelman, Michael 146
Peru 405
petty producers 150, 271, 274, 384; agriculture and 302, 304
phases of the unchanged 331–332
Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel) 10n1
Philip, Bruce 356
planned economies 223, 339, 345, 382; agriculture and 304; communism and 278–280, 282, 288; development and 310, 321
Plato 138
Polish School of Analytical Marxism 358n1
Political Economy of Global Warming, The (Weston) 405
Political Economy of Growth, The (Baran) 382
Politics of Production, The (Burawoy) 188
Pollan, Michael 307
Poor Laws (England) 291
population 113, 117, 120, 198; disposable segments of 394–395; ecology and 399
Porta, Rafael La 316
positivism 20; analytical marxism and 355–356, 359n8
post-capitalism 297n12, 395–396; development and 321; historical inevitability and 328; migration and 294–296; transition theory and 332. See also transition theory
postcolonialism 319, 321; monopoly capital and 382; neoliberalism and 252; postmodernism and 342; SSA theory and 374
post-communist societies 275
post-developmentalist school 313–314
post-Keynesianism 222, 365–366, 371
Postmodern Moments in Modern Economics (Ruccio and Amariglio) 341
postmodernism 21, 339–340, 342–343, 345; analytical marxism and 353; communism and 279–280; dialectic and 359n5; Gibson-Graham and 341, 344; socialism and 284
post-revolutionary conjunctures 295
post-structuralism 78n17, 339, 341
potentiality 45
poverty 317–319; communism and 279; feminism and 394; monopoly capital and 387; neoliberalism and 249; relocation and 192; socialism and 284
power 30–33, 40; dialectical materialism and 326; feminism and 392; postmodernism and 342; property and 334n1
pragmatism 342
pre-capitalist societies 300–301, 305; development and 311–314, 317–318; formal-informal divide and 316; historical materialism and 151n2; migration and 291, 296n1; monetary theory and 77; primitive accumulation and 147, 149–150; transition theory and 273–274
Prechel, Harland 374
“Preface to a Critique of the Contribution to Political Economy” (Marx) 323–324
preference shares 259. See also shareholders
Preobrazhensky, Evgenii 147, 303–304
price determination theory 161, 163
prices 80–82, 85–88; abstract labor and 62, 66; accounting relations and 82–85, 88n3; agriculture and 304; business cycles and 238; capital and 91; circuit of capital and 93, 95–96; demand and 159–160; diachronic approaches and 165; falling rate of profit theory and 226; monetary theory and 73–76; monopoly capital and 380, 386–387; neo-Ricardianism and 62; Okishio theorem and 230–231; outputs and 241; production and 112, 114–115, 117, 119; rent and 114; single-product industries and 88n1; SNLT and 161–164; value deviations and 64; value’s proportionality to 67n11
primacy thesis 324–325. See also classical historical materialism (CHM)
primitive accumulation 144–148; agriculture and 304; bourgeois society and 151n2; class process and 210n15; development and 312, 317–319, 321; German translation of 151n1; Luxemburg and 151n13; migration and 291; outsideness of capital and 149–151; transition theory and 331–333. See also accumulation
Prison Notebooks, The (Gramsci) 182
prisons 186
privatization 149, 245, 249. See also neoliberalism
privilege 318
probabilistic approaches 62–63, 84
procedural fairness 281
product cycle theory 56n5, 193
production 46, 49, 112, 155–156, 160, 165–166; absolute/differential rent theory and 115–116; abstract labor and 62, 64, 66, 67n4; accumulation and 198, 204–205; agrarian problematic of 302; agriculture and 301, 305–308; alienation and 138, 140–141; anti-essentialism and 120; business cycles and 235–236; capitalism’s contradictions and 386; circuit of capital and 93–94, 98–102, 105–109, 123–124, 126, 128; class justice and 281–282; class-qua-surplus concept and 31, 33; commanding heights of 278; communism and 35, 281; cyclical trends in 55–56; destructiveness of 202; development and 319–320; dispossession of 146; division of labor and 289n3; ecology and 399–401; enterprise theory and 172; expanded reproduction and 102–105; feminism and 391–392, 394–396; financialization and 255–256, 258–259; forms of 178; geography of 144; globalization and 192; global supply chains and 186; home vs. factory bases of 53; households and 183; inventory stocks and 110n4; Keynesianism and 364, 366; labor process and 181, 184–185, 194; lean forms of 190–191; materialism and 15; by means of commodities 97n9; metabolic analysis and 404, 406; migration and 297n9; mobility and 296n4; monetary theory and 76, 161–164; monopoly capital and 385; neoliberalism and 250–251; non-market forms of 390; non-productive labor and 122–125, 127–131; overproduction and 200; politics of 189; postmodernism and 339–340, 343; price of 87, 114–115, 117, 119, 159–160, 165; process of 177, 183, 280, 284–287, 363, 365; productionism and 200–201; relocation and 192; rent and 111–112, 117; Rubin and 157–159; SNLT and 161–162; socialism and 289; social sites of 37; speculation and 262–263; transition theory and 274; treadmill of 401–403, 406; underconsumption and 241n5; worst conditions of 118. See also growth; output
production boundary concept 125–126, 131n7–131n8
productivity 239; absolute/differential rent theory and 115; agriculture and 117; business cycles and 234, 240–241; determinism and 327; falling rate of profit theory and 225–227; financialization and 259; formal-informal divide and 316; marginal form of 46; monopoly capital and 383–385; neoliberalism and 250; Okishio theorem and 228–230; productivism and 400; wage squeeze and 242n6
profit 6, 199–201, 203, 205, 208; accumulation and 207; agriculture and 306; business cycles and 234, 236–237, 240; capital and 96n2; capital’s average yield of 65; circuit of capital and 94, 96, 98–102, 106–109; communism and 279, 283; crisis theory and 211n28, 242n7; demand and 158–160, 166; ecology and 399, 401–402; enterprise theory and 171, 175–176; equalization of 162–163; expanded reproduction and 104–105; falling rate of profit theory and 227; feminism and 392; financialization and 258–259, 262; investment and 367n13; job satisfaction and 56n2; Kalecki principle and 219; Keynesianism and 363, 365–366; labor intensity and 51; labor power and 51, 56; labor process and 180; monetary theory and 76; monopoly capital and 381–387; non-productive labor and 129–130; Okishio theorem and 230; price theory and 82–87; primitive accumulation and 145; reductionism and 241n1; rent and 111–113, 115–116, 119–120; reproduction and 221; socialism and 284; SSA theory and 370, 373, 375; taxes and 39, 239; toxic consequences of 35; transformation procedure 11n6; trends in 210n25; wage rates and 67n11; wage squeeze and 241n6; wage’s ratio to 108. See also falling rate of profit theories
profit squeeze theory 202, 209n9
Profiting Without Producing (Lapavitsas) 386
progress 3, 329–331; alienation and 141; coupon stock market and 289n1; determinism and 325–326; development and 319; economic policy and 56; neoliberalism and 248; postmodernism and 340; transition theory and 274. See also historical materialism; technology
proletarianization 185, 301–303, 306, 374; analytical marxism and 358; feminism and 391; knowledge loss and 19
property 284–288, 326–327; abolition of 278; absolute/differential rent theory and 115; agriculture and 301–302; class and 30, 334n1; class-qua-surplus concept and 31–33, 40; communism and 279–280; enterprise theory and 178n5; expropriation of 146–147; family farms and 308n5; feminism and 390; financialization and 263; income and 39; intellectual form of 147, 149, 151; labor process and 181; land-grabs of 147; monetary theory and 76–77; neoliberalism and 246, 249; postmodernism and 339, 345; price theory and 82; primitive accumulation and 144–145, 150; rent and 112–114, 116–119
Property and Contract in Economics (Ellerman) 284
proprietary trading 258
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 5–6, 11n7
psychoanalysis 7–8, 20; accumulation and 210n21; postmodernism and 343
quality of life 282–283, 288, 400–401; ecology and 406; monopoly capital and 387. See also standard of living
quantitative theory of price determination 161, 163
quantitative theory of value 165
Quantity Theory of Money 74
queer theory 341
race 293–294, 296; critical race theory and 374; epistemology and 18; feminism and 394; intersectionality and 392, 396; reserve armies of the unemployed and 296n2
Ramey, E. A. 306
Ranciere, Jacques 206
Rand, Ayn 246
Ranganathan, Shilpa 374
rational choice theory 355–356; rational choice marxism and 357, 359n8
rationalism 204–205, 209n5, 278–279, 341
Reaganism 247
real, the 16, 22–23. See also concrete-real
realism 313
realization lag 98–99, 102, 104
Reason 14
recessions 237–238; revolution and 210n17. See also business cycles; Great Recession
redistribution 319–321, 387. See also distribution of surplus
regulating capital theory 159–160
regulation 144, 246, 248, 257; capital and 159–160; SSA theory and 372, 375
relational mechanisms 70–71, 75
relations of production (ROP) 324–327; property and 334n1
relativism 21
relocation of production 36, 54; cross-border production networks and 193; formal-informal divide and 316; labor process and 192; migration and 292; politics of 210n19; technology and 56n5. See also migration
remittance 295
rents 111–113, 115–116, 119–120; essentialism and 116–119; income and 39; monopoly and 256; monopoly capital and 385; non-productive labor and 126, 128; Physiocrats and 111–112; socialism and 287; surplus value and 11n6, 111–112
Re/Presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism (Gibson-Graham, Resnick and Wolff) 344
reproduction 215–216, 223–224; abstract labor and 64; capital and 10; Capital and 367n4; circuit of capital and 100–102; circuit of money and 220–222; demand structure and 217–220; democracy and 35; epistemology and 15; exploitation and 45, 48; falling rate of profit theory and 231; feminism and 390–394, 396; financialization and 256, 259; formal-informal divide and 316; gender and 147; Keynesianism and 365–366; labor movement and 293; labor process and 181; monopoly capital and 383, 386; neoliberalism and 245, 248–249, 251; overdetermination and 9; price theory and 81; primitive accumulation and 147; self-exploitation and 275; social reproduction and 59–60, 80, 395–396; SSA theory and 371
reproductionism 210n21
reserve armies of the unemployed 180–181, 183, 185–186; China and 195n10; development and 318; management and 194n3; migration and 292; othering and 296n2
resistance 183–185, 188–189, 194, 396; adaptation-habituation and 186n2; cooperatives and 296; development and 319; financialization and 263; labor movement and 292–294; lean production and 190; militancy and 182; postmodernism and 344; primitive accumulation and 151; surveillance and 194n4
Resnick, Stephen 3, 9–10, 47, 392; accumulation and 202–204, 208, 209n12; ancient modes of production and 272; class concept of 285; communism and 279–282; development and 311; enterprise theory and 171, 178n3; entry-point concept and 12n12; epistemology and 18; essentialism’s reconceptualization and 12n13; feminism and 395; financialization and 259, 261–262; Knowledge and Class 275n1, 275n5; non-productive labor and 130; Okishio theorem and 229; overdetermination and 275n2, 359n4; postmodernism and 340–341, 344; profit rate and 241n1; socialism and 284, 286; Soviets and 41, 308n2; transformation problem and 78n17; types of communism and 287
responsibilization 261
retail trade 131n1
retained earnings 105–106, 109
Rethinking Marxism (Resnick and Wolff) 9, 220
Reuten, Gert 11n11
revenue 124. See also consumption; income
revolution 30–31, 199, 201, 204–205; agriculture and 300–304; analytical marxism and 357; antagonism of interests and 206; class-qua-surplus concept and 31–32; conjunctures of 7–10; determinism and 326; development and 311; feminism and 393–394, 396; historical inevitability and 328; insufficiency of 33; lean production and 190; migration and 295; monopoly capital and 387; recession and 210n17
Revolution at Point Zero (Federici) 393
Rey, Pierre-Philippe 311
Ricardianism 61
Ricardo, David 113–114, 116–117, 119; absolute/differential rent theory and 115; bourgeois system and 112; concrete labor and 67n5; crisis theory and 367n4; exchange and 367n5; falling rate of profit theory and 225–226; Keynesianism and 363; price theory and 82
rights 144, 146, 189, 252; labor movement and 293; monopoly capital and 387
Roberts, Bruce 64–66; communism and 282; diachronic approaches and 165; price theory and 86; socialism and 285
Robinson, Joan 379–380; Kalecki and 367n15; Keynesianism and 362, 366, 367n1; Okishio theorem and 228; reproduction and 215
Roemer, John 352, 354, 356–358; communism and 283; coupon stock market and 289n1; Okishio theorem and 229; socialism and 284
romanticism 141
Röpke, Wilhelm 246
Rosa Luxemburg: Theory of Accumulation and Imperialism (Kowalik) 222
Rosdolsky, Roman: accumulation and 204; demand and 157–159; diachronic approaches and 164
Ruben, David-Hillel 22
Rubin, Gayle 391
Rubin, Isaak 63–64, 66; abstract labor and 67n4; commodity fetishism and 67n3; demand and 157–159; SNLT and 162–164
Rubin School 161
Ruccio, David 23, 203, 205, 279; analytical marxism and 353; development and 313
rural-to-urban migration 291, 317
Russia 33, 302–304; historical inevitability and 327–328. See also USSR
Russian Road Question 327
Saad-Filho, Alfredo 201–202, 205; crisis theory and 209n7; revolution and 210n17
Safri, Maliha 395
Sakolsky, Ron 194n4
sales 105–107; circuit of capital and 99–102, 104
Sanyal, Kalyan 150
Sardoni, Claudio 220, 367–368n
savings 105–106, 108–109; financialization and 260; Kalecki and 367n15; Keynesianism and 363; monopoly capital and 383, 386; primitive accumulation and 145
Savran, Sungar 131n6
Say, J. B. 136
Sayers, Sean 141n15, 141n17, 142n31, 354–355
Say’s Law 102–105, 362–364; classical economics and 367n3
scandal of the unexpected 11n11
Schelling, Friedrich 3–4, 8, 10n1
Schor, Juliet 185
Schweikart, David 40
Sciabarra, Chris 279
science 22–24; ideology versus 20; master-slave narrative and 10n1; proletarianization and 19; scientific method and 17, 20. See also progress
scientific method 15
scientism 342
Screpanti, Ernesto 283
Second Industrial Revolution 291
secret, dialectic of the 331–333
segmented labor market approach (SLM) 293, 295, 374–375
Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformations of Labor in the United States (Gordon, Edwards, Reich) 372, 374
self-employment 124; ancient mode of production and 269–273; capitalist transition and 273–275; socialism and 285–288
self-management 286, 288, 289n6
Semmler, Will 159
Senior, Nassau 145
September Group 350–351, 358n2
service economy 125, 127, 185; feminism and 392–394; financialization and 258; labor movement and 294
Shaikh, Anwar 118, 200; crisis theory and 242n7; demand and 159; non-productive labor and 124, 128, 130, 131n6; price theory and 84
shareholders 258–259; accumulation and 204, 208; enterprise theory and 173–176; income and 39; neoliberalism and 248; Okishio theorem and 229; socialism and 283–284
silver 146
Silver, Beverly 194
simple reproduction 100–102, 215–217, 220; circuit of capital and 104; consumption and 367n10
single system (SS) interpretation 86–87
Si Se Puede (worker’s cooperative) 295
skill requirements 63, 385; coefficients of 62, 67n7, 67n9. See also craft labor; deskilling process
slavery 33, 55; capitalism and 270; determinism and 325; migration and 291, 296n1; non-determinism and 329; non-productive labor and 127; passions and 20; primitive accumulation and 146; transition theory and 275. See also master-slave narrative
Smith, Adam 111–113; accumulation and 198; alienation and 136; concrete labor and 67n5; determinism and 327; enterprise theory and 171; falling rate of profit theory and 225–226; labor process and 180; monetary theory and 71; monopoly capital and 385; neoliberalism and 247; non-productive labor and 122, 124; primitive accumulation and 145
Smolinski, Leon 353
social democracy 245, 247, 250
social factory concept 393
social formation 273–274, 311; ancient modes of production and 271; constitution of 275n3
social labor 7; abstract labor and 63–66; dialectic and 6; historical inevitability and 328; price theory and 80–82, 85; reproduction and 217; SNLT and 161. See also abstract labor; surplus labor
social relations 29–30; agriculture and 307–308; alienation and 137, 139–141; capital and 92; capitalism’s emergence and 77; circuit of capital and 103; class-qua-surplus concept and 38–39, 41; commodification and 182; development and 310; ecology and 399–400; enterprise theory and 173; falling rate of profit theory and 225, 227; financialization and 255; goods and 283; justice and 278–279; labor power and 56; labor process and 182, 189; metabolic analysis and 403, 406; migration and 291; mobility and 296n4; monetary theory and 70–72; monopoly capital and 387; neoliberalism and 248, 252; non-productive labor and 123, 125, 128–129; organization of 77n2; price theory and 80–81, 87; primitive accumulation and 146; surplus and 112, 281–282, 319–321; totality and 323–324
social reproduction 59–60, 80, 395–396; feminism and 390–394; neoliberalism and 245, 248–249, 251. See also reproduction
social sciences 246–247, 375; analytical marxism and 352–353, 356
Social Structure of Accumulation theory (SSA) 370–372; crisis theory and 372–376
social theory 350–351, 353–354, 357
socialism 278–280, 285–289; accumulation and 206; agriculture and 300–302, 304–305; analytical marxism and 352, 357–358; class-qua-surplus and 40; coupon stock market and 289n1; crisis of 1857 and 5; crisis theory and 209n3; determinism and 326; development and 195n5, 310–311, 321; enterprise theory and 178; feminism and 391–392; monetary theory and 70; monopoly capital and 382; non-capitalist structures and 38; postmodernism and 339, 345; primitive accumulation and 147; productive class justice and 281–282; reproduction and 222–223; stockholding and 283–284; US and 34
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (Engels) 278
socially necessary exploitation time (SNET) 47
socially necessary labor time (SNLT) 47, 161–164; anti-essentialism and 120; exchange value and 166n1; financialization and 255; Marx’s definition of 63; monopoly capital and 385; primitive accumulation and 151; production conditions and 155–156, 160, 165–166; rent and 114; Rubin and 157–159
Sohn-Rethel, Alfred 15
Solow, Robert 130
South Africa 194; apartheid in 374; embargoes against 297n11
South Korea 373
Spain crisis 205
specialization 171
species being (Gattungswesen) 137
speculation 207, 257–258, 262–263
speculative realism 16
Spinoza, Baruch 24, 194n4, 202, 206; nascent materialism and 21
spirit 4, 10n1. See also Notion
Sraffan models 159
Stagflation. See Great Stagflation
stagist theory of history 323–328
stagnation 199, 380–383; financialization and 209n4, 259; monopoly capitalism and 384–387; SSA theory and 372
Stalin, Josef 135, 222, 323; National Economic Plans and 308n3
Stalinism 323
Standard Industry Codes (SIC) 128
standard of living 46, 226, 278; accumulation and 209n1; migration and 297n9. See also quality of life
state capitalism 37–38, 280; labor process and 184; non-determinism and 330; non-productive labor and 124; transition theory and 333
states 71–73, 318, 320–321; agriculture and 304; analytical marxism and 358; class relationship to 186; coin struck by 74; commons and 149; communism and 278; demand components and 234; ecology and 401–402; feminism and 393, 395–396; fiat money and 76; financialization and 256, 258, 263; migration and 292; neoliberalism and 245–249, 251; primitive accumulation and 144, 149; regulation by 257; socialism and 288; transition theory and 332; welfare systems and 150–151
Steedman, Ian 61–62, 67n9, 88n2, 220
Steindl, Josef 199, 381–382, 387
Steiner, Hillel 358n2
Steinmetz, George 274
stocks of value 99–103, 107; flow ratios to 109n4
Stone and Stone (Richard and Giovanna) 125, 131n7
Strike Debt (organization) 260, 262
structural determinism 324
structuralism 203, 327, 341, 350
structural transformation 317
Studenski, Paul 131n8
subjective idealism 3
subjectivity 279, 324–325, 343–345, 392; entry-point concept and 12n12
subsistence, means of 151, 216, 272
subsumed class processes 173–174, 176; development and 319; financialization and 259, 262
superstructure 324–327. See also social relations
supervision 55, 192; monopoly capital and 385; non-productive labor and 127–130, 132n11
supply 156–159, 164; agricultural excess of 113; circuit of capital and 94, 99; diachronic approaches and 165; global chains of 186; market price and 159; rent and 119; SNLT and 163. See also demand
supply-side economics 108, 247
surplus 6–9, 51–52; absorption of 383; accumulation and 200, 204, 207; ancient modes of production and 270, 273; antagonism of interests and 195n9; capital and 90–91, 93–95, 96n2; capitalism’s organization of 34; circuit of capital and 102; class-qua-surplus concept and 31–33; communism and 282; conditions of existence for 174; ecology and 401; enterprise theory and 173, 175–176; epistemology and 21; exploitation and 45; external markets and 106; falling rate of profit theory and 226, 231; feminism and 391; financialization and 256, 258–262; formal-informal divide and 316; globalization and 193; Keynesianism and 219, 366; labor power and 56; labor process and 181–183, 194; Mercantilists and 120n1; metaphysics of 228; migration and 297n9; monetary theory and 77; monopoly capital and 381, 383–387; non-productive labor and 123–125, 129–130, 132n16; origin of 131; postmodernism and 343; price theory and 82–86, 88; profit-rate trends and 210n25; relocation and 36; rent and 111–112, 114; reproduction and 216–217, 220; socialism and 285; transformation procedure 11n6; transition theory and 275. See also appropriation; distribution
surplus labor 80–83, 85, 88; ancient modes of production and 272; communism and 280–281; development and 315; feminism and 392, 396; labor process and 180; migration and 295; non-determinism and 329; primitive accumulation and 151; transition theory and 332
surveillance 194n4. See also control of workers; management; supervision
Sutcliffe, Bob 202
Sweezy, Paul 372, 379, 381–385, 387; accumulation and 199, 204; determinism and 327; development and 310–311; ecology and 400–401; empiricist methodology and 276n9; enterprise theory and 177; financialization and 209n4, 386; metabolic analysis and 404; non-productive labor and 129; Okishio theorem and 228; profit-rate trends and 210n25; rationality and 209n5; SSA theory and 371; teleology and 276n10; transition theory and 274; treadmill of production and 402
synchronic theory of history 330
systematic dialectics 61
Tabb, William K. 375
Take Back the Economy (Gibson-Graham) 205
Tartt, Donna 270
taxes 39, 239–240; agriculture and 304; communism and 281–283; coupon stock market and 289n1; ecology and 401; socialism and 287–288
Taylor, Frederick 19, 50, 53–54
techniques of production 156–160, 163–165
technology 198, 200–201, 206–207; agriculture and 115, 303; circuit of capital and 95–96; communism and 278; determinism and 56, 324; ecology and 401, 403, 406; falling rate of profit theory and 225–226; financialization and 258; labor intensity and 52–54; labor process and 182–184; management and 194n3; metabolic analysis and 405–406; monopoly capital and 384; neoliberalism and 248, 250; Okishio theorem and 228–230; price theory and 83, 87; relocation and 56n5; Texas Instruments and 257; wage squeeze and 242n6
teleology 311–313, 319; communism and 279–280; determinism and 327; formal-informal divide and 316; historical inevitability and 328–329; non-determinism and 330–331; self-employment and 269; Sweezy and 276n10; transition theory and 273–275. See also historicism
temporal single system interpretation (TSSI) 62–63, 87; capital and 96n7; circuit of capital and 95; falling rate of profit theory and 232; Okishio theorem and 229–231
Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall, Law of (LTRPF). See falling rate of profit theories
Texas Instruments 257
Thatcherism 247
Theories of Surplus Value (Marx) 96n3, 111, 367n4; non-productive labor and 122; rent and 112, 114
Theory of Capitalist Regulation, A (Aglietta) 372
theory of effective demand 366
Theory of Monopoly Capitalism, The (Foster) 384
Theory of Peasant Economy, The (Chayanov) 306
Third Way 247
third world 312–314, 317–318, 321, 333, 385
Thompson, E. P. 147
time 93, 96n7; demand and 105; expanded reproduction and 102–105; Hegel’s unfolding of 14; lags of 98–101, 104, 106–109; politics of 331; stock-flow ratios and 109n4
Titan firms. See monopoly capital
tolitarianism 387
Tonak, E. Ahmet 124, 128, 130, 131n6
Toporowski, Jan 221
Toscano, Alberto 258
totality 4, 8–10, 355; accumulation and 203; agriculture and 305, 307; analytical marxism and 355; postmodernism and 343; primitive accumulation and 147; social relations and 323–324
town and country divide 404–405
trade 126–127; agreements on 192; protectionism and 146
transcendentalism subjectivism 19
transformation 333; politics of 331. See also transition theory
transformation problem 95–96, 97n12; demand and 160; diachronic approaches and 165; labor-time and 96n4; monetary theory and 78n17
transformation procedure 11n6
transition theory 291, 339; determinism and 323–326; development and 318–321; dialectical materialism and 326–327; formal-informal divide and 316–317; historical development and 276n12; historical inevitability and 327–329; non-deterministic theory and 329–331; politics of 331–333; self-employment and 273–275; stages in 323–327. See also development
Treatise on Money, A (Keynes) 367n15
triangulation 247
Trinity Formula 92
Trotsky, Leon 304
Trotskyism 232
Tsoulfidis, Lefteris 128
Tsuru, Shigeto 367n7
turnover time 99, 101, 103–104
underconsumption theory 150; SSA theory and 371
underdetermination 11n11, 21, 274. See also overdetermination
underdevelopment 310–311, 382, 385
unequal exchange approach 310
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 33; agriculture and 303–304; class-qua-surplus in 41n1; communism and 279–280; currency reserves in 257; determinism and 326; development and 321; labor process and 184; 1844 Manuscripts reception in 135; Marxism in 7; national income accounting and 131n8; neoliberalism and 245–246; primitive accumulation and 147, 149; transition theory and 333. See also Russia
unionization 54, 178, 183–184, 192, 294; CIO and 34; lean production and 190; neoliberalism and 250; South Africa and 297n11
United States 200, 205–206, 208; Bretton Woods agreements and 192; business cycles and 234, 236–238; Civil War in 406; communism and 282; cooperatives and 39; cyclical trends in 55; falling rate of profit theory and 231; feminism and 392; financialization and 263; globalization and 193; healthcare system of 127; household labor and 275; Irish question and 293; irregular migrants and 297n8; labor movement in 294; labor process and 182, 186, 194; leftist politics in 34; Mexico border militarization and 297n7; mining in 146; monopoly capital and 382, 387; neoliberalism and 246, 250; non-productive labor and 128–130; peasantry and 308n4; profit-rate trends and 210n25; railroad strikes and 297n10; rationality and 209n5; savings and loan crisis in 251; socialism and 284, 287; SSA theory and 370, 372; state enterprises in 37; transition theory and 274
United States Department of Agriculture 305, 308n5
United States Food and Agriculture Organization 308n5
United States Input-Output Accounts 128
unity 3, 22, 72, 305, 307; determinism and 325; essence and 5; subjectivity and 20
UNITY housecleaners 295
Unlad Kabayan (NGO) 295
unpaid labor 81–82, 85–88; agriculture and 306; circuit of capital and 101; development and 314; feminism and 392–393, 395; formal-informal divide and 316; non-determinism and 329; SNLT and 163
use-value 7, 59–60, 63; alienation and 138–139, 141; aliquot part and 66; capitalism’s contradictions and 386; epistemology and 16; exchange value’s contradictory unity and 72; feminism and 390; monetary theory and 77; monopoly capital and 387
usury 131n1
utility 171
vagabondage 147
Valdes, Francisco 374
value 5; ability to measure 73; abstract labor and 61, 64, 66; accounting relations and 81–85; accumulation and 200; alienation and 137–139, 141; anti-essentialism and 120; capital and 91; circuit of capital and 95, 98–99, 101, 103–104, 106; class-qua-surplus concept and 33; composition of capital and 231; contradictory unity and 72; demand and 155, 158–160, 166; diachronic approaches and 165; enterprise theory and 172, 178n3; exchange and 289n2; exploitation rate and 68n13; falling rate of profit theory and 226–227; feminism and 391; feudal definition of 112; financialization and 255–256, 261, 263; flows of 99–103, 105–107; globalization and 193; independent form of 75; Keynesianism and 364; labor as source of 61; labor process and 181; labor theory of 91; law of 142n32, 151; metabolic analysis and 404; metaphysics of 228; migration and 297n9; monetary theory and 73, 76–77; neo-Ricardianism and 62; Okishio theorem and 228–229; postmodernism and 343, 359n5; price deviations and 64; price’s proportionality to 67n11; price theory and 80–82, 85–88; reproduction and 216; self-employment and 269; single-product industries and 88n1; SNLT and 161, 163–164; transferred form of 93; transformation problem and 78n17; TSSI and 62; valueless money and 74
value-form approach 61, 63, 161–163; Capital and 72; concrete labor and 67n5; metabolic analysis and 404; monetary theory and 73
Van der Veen, Robert 281, 283, 358n2
variable capital 91, 95; accumulation and 200; price theory and 86; rent and 115; Sraffa and 97n8; transformation problem and 97n12
Varoufakis, Yanis 385
Veblen, Thorstein 375, 402; non-productive labor and 122
Vernon, Raymond 56n5
vertically-integrated labor coefficients 83, 218
vibrant materialism 16
Vietnam War 250
violence 181, 333; development and 311, 319–321
Vlachou, Andriana 205
von Mises, Ludwig 246
W. S. Badger Company 270
wage-labor 92, 98, 107, 124, 146, 181
wages 45–46, 50–52, 56, 181, 186; abstract labor and 67n6; accumulation and 204; aggregate demand and 110n7; aggregation of 61, 102; agriculture and 302, 306; alienation and 139; business cycles and 236; circuit of capital and 101, 103; class knowledge and 19; class-qua-surplus concept and 38–39; consumption and 108; deskilling and 53; development and 314; discrimination and 297n9, 293; employment conflicts with 56n6; enterprise theory and 172, 177; equality and 33; falling rate of profit theory and 227; feminism and 391, 393–395; financialization and 259; Keynesianism and 365–366; labor intensity and 51; labor movement and 294; monetary theory and 77; monopoly capital and 385; neoliberalism and 249–250; new solution approach and 88n6; non-capitalist structures and 37; non-determinism and 329; non-productive labor and 124, 129; price theory and 85; primitive accumulation and 150; profit rates and 67n11; profit ratio to 108; relocation and 36; savings and 109; socialism and 285–286; wage-share and 97n8, 109n4, 110n7, 239–241
“Wages Against Housework” (Federici) 393
Wages for Housework movement (WfH) 391, 393–394, 396
WAGES (Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security) 295
Ware, Robert 351
warehousing 126
Washington Consensus 247
waste 129, 380, 383–384, 386–387; metabolic analysis and 404–405
wealth 180, 251, 256, 404; consumption and 176; distribution of 109n1; monopoly capital and 385; primitive accumulation and 146
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith) 180
Weisskopf, Walter 235–238; corporations and 242n10; SSA theory and 373
welfare system 144, 149–151; labor process and 186; monopoly capital and 379–380; neoliberalism and 249
West, Cornel 21
West Germany 294. See also Germany
Weston, Del 405
Whyte, Bill 270
Wolff, Richard 3, 9–10, 47, 392; accumulation and 202–204, 208, 209n12; ancient modes of production and 272; class concept of 285; communism and 279–282; development and 311; diachronic approaches and 165; enterprise theory and 171, 178n3; entry-point concept and 12n12; epistemology and 18; essentialism’s reconceptualization and 12n13; feminism and 395; financialization and 259, 261–262; Knowledge and Class 275n1, 275n5; non-productive labor and 128, 130; Okishio theorem and 229; overdetermination and 275n2, 359n4; postmodernism and 340–341, 344; price theory and 86–87; profit rate and 241n1; socialism and 284, 286; Soviets and 41, 308n2; transformation problem and 78n17, 96n4, 97n12; transition theory and 274; types of communism and 287
Wolfson, Martin H. 374
Wolpe, Howard 150
Wood, Allen 151n17
workers’ self-directed enterprises (WSDE) 40–41; socialism and 286–287
working class. See alienation; class; exploitation; labor
working day length 226, 228; communism and 283; enterprise theory and 172; exploitation and 45–47; labor process and 181–182; monopoly capital and 385
world of the third 312–314, 317–321, 332–333
world systems approach 310
World War I 304
Wright, Erik Olin 274, 352, 356, 358
Yaffe, David 200
Zapatista movement 396
Zemstvo statistics 303