The magic bump

They might have their opinions but most people mean well because, almost without exception, people love pregnant women. Apart from the odd knob-jockey on public transport, you’ll find that most people—friends, family, colleagues and random strangers on the street—will smile when they see you waddle past.

People can feel the magic radiating off pregnant women. They want to be near them, they want to talk about babies with them, they want to capture some of that goddess and rub it all over themselves. Pregnant women are fascinating creatures who literally have two heads—part circus sideshow, part natural wonder.

Pregnant women are special. It’s a truly extraordinary time in your life when you’re walking around with that bump, suddenly noticing all the other pregnant women on the street, sharing secret smiles with them because you’re all in this together.

You only get a few chances in your life to be pregnant. (Unless you’re one of those reality show families with 28 children.) Most women will be pregnant one, two or maybe three times in their life. People want to celebrate it with you.